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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 3 Mar 1971, p. 14

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4 TheCanadiai tatelàmnr, Bowmanville, Ma3, 1971,be held a fe nda, rAday,ýk ___________________________________________Marchi 5, and it !- hoped threi m thlis area. Anlyone dsr 'Th L a t un IV o ie ing tra;3nsportation, cott PresdentShirey Mrtel, o Secretary AmlLancaster, Neas ompetonScout Mater' Phil Haymoan' assures u s there will de-fîitely * be a paper drive next Satur- dy, Mlarch 6. So get those J Usf Need the Musicmaaiean pesore "The Lat Run", therniovie remains is ond trck on the ste on top of the snowbank s! imii nthii area last aultuma musical on trc ofheLs week being Scout and 11hou1d be c_ omplcted in aboýut film. .GieWeteana id ýnotbJ-er mntalime, acr-The maker of the movie, husd euldinghearnd Fede iiig tdirecorGeorge YFras in Lîghthouse Films of Oshawa, Contestuilaing eid a Bowman at telepho)ne interview con Fr1- has yet 10 find an ali-imporCvils Somel60inpecmeAns n Jay. -tant distributor for the film, ailleSre n0dispay , ICu The flim bu a young But Mr. Fras is not worried. Theodre oWeiltr o! thisPck, oanstrgl luacept the He would just as soon haveThoreWlrcits ak moalreposiiltyfor his the dsrbtr epaa was awarded third -prize, cer- luâ, hcco prùvc,,.alunîlthemuicisincorporated tanly worthy of' mention, ain, býlea tzheontroeril ntil the fimusc sespecially as he had done the i!otorcycie gang, th Stasinto t "he film.o tefimwientire job himself. These bird Choic,; ;in a Èsupporting -rl. "Thevale o! th im ewll ouses have been donated for Mr, Fra said te sdltegbas b increaedg50% ith th heencomletd and that whatnimscal soundrck," hie saîd.saeroedtogtoBw _______ ______ anville Hospital, and are on ranville Library. Ar%1-Fýq R u ncer H v--Id Last Sunday, Cubs, Scouts: and Verturers from the local goups attended a service at Club aceson S ndayCourtce High Srhool, durlnfl vhlch Cub Leader Jean M- 1Qujat a presenited with a5 Snwo il bufs in thc Hardware, Noones RFestaurant, year Service Pini. Long anîtRidge Runnrs RM. Hïoliingshead o! Canada ScuMatrPiUa a, Cluýb held Fraecsl on Feb. 2!1 atand Bowmanville LG.A. , atrPi Cie ciulb'sprpet two miles AI! winners also received also, was presented wilth a wct of ,Mospfocrt, trophica donated by the club. Ln erieMeandn 1Vwas till amili Th,-rsutsof the races are'ý spite of the iniclement wveather, affair lth mo, dad.nd all Race 1-Douglas Rowe, Linda toawa er od tuir- th ida participatîng In the Brooks, Jeff Bedford, Stephenlout. iEvent,-Mýost of approximate- Brooks; Race 2-Rancly Lake,' Rangers are bus-ýy workin g ly 70 m oer f t14 hat Bhy rok;-ae1-arnon handlcrafts for, their forth- er faîhes ini the club attend- Lyle; Race 4-Donnie Cowle,' comng bazaaàr, date o! which edth al-ayouin. Kim Joynt; Race 5-Greg will be anniounced. Anyone M ntyVictor Rowve, Jef!dslring the services o! a de- Thlere were rnine races fjor Brooks, Billy Lyle;, Race 6- pendable 'baby-sitter, pleaseý you~hage19 andl under, In-,Cinidy Cowle; Race 7Crs call Mrs, Jean McQuat, as! cIn l one for six-yerod in ldaWendy M/ount- ýRangers hope to earn money and lunder ( assîted by theirjy Donna Cowle, Carol Bed- for their uniforms. pansmder yf a o r). theefr; ae8Lid1ecfrVenturers have purchased a wa~a pwde puf rce or heDiane Co)wie; Race 9-Kenny set o! boxing gloves. Now al ladies and a ý,firnal exciting Moutjoy, Mi k e Bedford; the ee s abaer. A ny mens oen bsacl rae, Powder Puff-Iva Mounitjoy adept boxer looklng for exer- Gere Mutnand Bill Joye Rowe, Evelyn CoWle and cise? Cowl sucrvsedth3e races, Joan Bedford, Jewel Lylean whleir nd Mvrs,. Jîim Bcd- Mildred Lindsay: Me 's Open for tok hageo! the re -Lorte Thompson, Bill Lylel LONG SAT9 frcsýhmentsiý, Kenny Mountjoy, Mike Bedford! F~Ivebusiesse la owrnm- and Jim Bedford. ville d onatedq awards o Cthe Murray Joynt won two snow- l Mr, and Mrs. Alan Cole aénd ineso! the races.-They mobile suits la thne clubsbosBomnle;MsKah Muttn Sehl Mcregr dawOsborne, Courtice, also Mr.! w~eand Mrs, J, Rider, Port Peýrrv. reý ail recent supoper guesîs M their parents anid grni-d- Acciden Ro ndu parents, Mr. and:Mrs. John Mr- and Mrs. D. Oke and (Inenedfo lsIwek) indaags, Sunda supper guests o! Mr.: - uigthe pa)st week mrcm- There w,7ere six, accidentsand Mrs. Robt, Cameron ai-d beso!.the lwate eah~over ithe weekend, the most famnily. Raymnond Cameron, ment o! t'f he n0ýtaro rc povi- serions O! which was One la- was borne for the weekend îmc1lPlcaav netgae ovn two cars on Highway fromi Kemptville College. 17aciet inivoiving motor ,csio-h shw on Mr. and Mrs. James Park- vehCle3.Mo- ee f ino ihe, on) Sunday about I a.m. noCutcas r n naur ith reiatively 10o; The drivers were Aadrew M1rs. Robert Speer, Bowman- pro.pr ty amg dnox- Joseph Bowin o! Oshawa and ville, were recetvsposo potdprsonalinuis David Ernest Wilou-ghby o! Mr. and Mrs. Rye Gibson. Icy roapd con.ditosmyb Cagary, Alta, Damages were A speedy recovery is sin- ~auin agr ns r numbe !estîmated at $350 for both cerehy wished to al those ln fedebedesbt l s ee-cars, the community su!!erlng fromi in oritIeinieneo! On Monday at about 5:40 thé flu 'and bad colds thait serius ccidntsas drivers p.m. a tank truck drivea by seem to be golng the oud are fored 0rive, muýcb, Robert Charles Green o! Osh- latelY. -ioer la olice spokesman lawa wcnt mbt the ditch o(n sas, estrdy.the sixth Concession nearý Sone o ~ta acidntsareSolina, causing about $400 in S A K IL listedbelow.damages to the v rhicle A ca drvenby na obia Finahhy a two car collision Ms omnRedod d 1shmo ,R , Bow,ýmaný- ycstcrday at 10:08 am. cuse'd monton, Alberta: Mr. anid lrs. .ilecohied zih, dump a total o! $500 _la damages. Alan Cornishi, Daiyton, Ohio,: tî-ckopraedby Joýhn Leon Drivers were Edmund Kl1aus wýere home ast ee de o Cipor ! rn on Thurs- Stoldt and Ralph Donald For- the passing ! her(oter nata aou :40ý p.mr. The ter both o! Pontypool. Mrs. Vctor Farrowv. àcien )ccurired onl- the Mr. and Mrs. Sid Hallowjell Clarker ahngo towa Iilne pent a few days last week at ltiorth o! tIre fourt-h cneson EW ONVL E M . odon Hallowehls, Mount Thee ws n estimated $500 Forest. damae 1 th Oscîm ebile.Mr. and Mrs. Boyd Harris M. n Ms rinCawh Thee asnorortued dam)-age returned, a week a go, from 1and family visited friends in 10 hetruk.their holiday ia Floridia, Mr O 10Shawa, Saturday eveniag, Two cars, one ýdrîven by and Mrs. Ron Green and ý,Sunday had another touch KentFobeýrt Stînîson Of daughter keeping house ino!wlnter for uis, wlth a blust- Ptyolanid the other by their absence. Last Mondav n-ery (day. There- was no serv- Dmr TeodreBrinkman o! Mr. and Mrs, Harris attended sc t Shloh an-d service was Blcstccolîded on the the funeral o! bis grandfather as suspenýded the prevlous 1bih oare fitc Concession o! Mr. Arthur Harris, at Parham,: Sunday as Rev,, Sacîgrove hadl1 Cabwhgb asi o! County near Sharbot Lake. a funeral service. Roa 57 Daage wre $300 L ast week Jef!ery Caswehh b bot veh-iches. The accident Monday evening a. layette visited bis grandparents, Mlfr. cccrrd n riayat 5:20 shower for Mrs. Marlene Stacev and Mrs. Llcwv Hallowell. p mn was held at the home o!, Mrs. rlie mily fends and reha- Late, onFriait 8:30 Shirley Martehi. tives attcnded the service fo pm., cars dri ven by Jean Irene 1.C.W. met Wednesday ev- ogcme epc eem r Morro0w o! New,ýt onvîhie and ening, but as the secretaryI. a o ourr communiet, Ms. Vlc Mcady leander Lomas o!fwy h rpr îhhagvntrFarrow, at the Morris 1~wnviwcolidcd on the next week. Funeral Chapel, Bowmanvlllel sixt4 i Concessoiofo Clarke Our sincere thanks bo Mrsý.Wednesday aflernoon, h as t coulo! Hghwa 35.BothOive Henderson who kindly ek r.Frrwsknns veicessutane aou _200 took over the job, o! reporting9 and devotion bo her !amlly and the local, news, ast week,i frîends is greabtlyý missed. while we were sojourning in!' Last week six ladies f:rm Tour ofMemorial Hospital. Thmnkslhere attended the special dis- TorofHussalso, to Mrs, Jessie Best, fo triet imeeting o! h ebkb takîng vrte ga duties at their new hall at Port Hope, ighlighted ~the past two Sundays.hoe edsdycnlg Miss .Armurpresntedad Mrs. Ferai Brunt o! New- 1MVr. and Mrs. E. Sithl, Ajax ges tletIre two leaders --o castie, spent bbe weekend wlth ýwere wveckend guesî,s o! Mr. wer prset, rs.L.Malol ,-r. and rs. Sid Brown and land Mrs. E. FibzgeralId. 'Npsi-kton. mnd rs. M.Bry- dIaughtersý. Fl1owe Prs-,lan bbce Mr-S. S. Bell is a patient lai an t, «BramfpIton. W e thea church, Sunday morningwera Oshawa Hopital. We Sh hewarrpos frouieach grup la m emory o! Mvrs. Leonaý Far-lber a speedy recovcry. an isArmour d]iscussed bbcrow hopassed mway oaa isLs June Taylor and Miss usionfwichte ladlies ad wee,ýk mgo.Kah Wilson ttendedt a is - îonde and dciqplayed lai on BobH ndro returnedt to cellaneous shower for a girl prctIon wiJth theC course colege la Londnafter a wcck friand, Mrs.ikse 'Wren (nec1 TCe higIhigIrI o!fh Sui- ;4t home, and bis father, Mr. Miss Debormh Thompson) wvho( aryDaywa avisit to LhttIrenuan 'Henderson uces wsmarried li a Jary. Thre homes o!fssL. G. Harmr. fuly mmC the long Itrak home ýshowcr was field ilathec base-ý = .R1, Rowmanvîllc Ars.R. from Sudbury over tbbcweek- ment o! Yelvertoa UaJited J, bambar, R.R1, Bowmian-end Church. ville and bMn C. W., Lowers, Mn Stn Page entcedStIr"Frends la theconmLmity! R2,yO-ono hesath re Toroatio Ganeral lHosital, onunder tbbccare o! Our local wome kldlyopenad their Suniday, for trealments. doctor are Mr. Roy Asbton and homer te u;sud hre we saw MPvr. vnd M.S. J. Laýncasedr MFrèd TAbb We whhese excllent axamlPes o!goodare apendng p couple of days folks a spaedy recovary. Iame ad cilchsanaces-laTornth-ara bbcIplre- WVith Mr, mad rs. A. C. somîma hwh ephav'd ba-mnt Deahelrs'Convention la à Stepbenson on Sunday wnere bifuly whab wamonug la ine rce ~tir daughterad son-in-la, A coursei, World'z Day o!tPFrayer' williMr, and Mrs. UMu MGarry.; INN KEEPER OAK Attractive medium oak graining. Ideal for modern decor, 4' x 8' panel, ROYAL PECAN4 Ideal for' the Rec-lRoom 4 9 Golden -%wood grain. 4' x ' panal, PrPanaI SADDLE OAK - Colour of tan saddle wvith beauitiful oak graining,99 4',x 9' Panai ---- ------.--- . -- CANADIAN BIRCU - Natural bircbi grain, sel! and stain protected 77 41 x W' Panai........---- .- - ----------- ---- ----------7 7 VEL DEZ - Inexpensiva. Raady tb apply. 3.79 Protective finish,.4' x ' Panaiel. __ One-Dia] bathroom faucet, Single lever Chatemu Ikitchea wibpop-up drain. iaucat. Tep-erfect fauceït b The new look up-grade or 38.69 modernize 33.88 aly lhomýe. K V SHELVING SYSTEM Transform any bare wallabno a shelving unit. Ideal for the rec- reation room. Shaîf brackats are, adjustable for re-arranging. Standard and brmcets availabla la ither anochroma or black finish. Standards 36". --- ah15 48"P ------------- each 2.19 Brackats: 8" ee 6 10)' ---------- ----- - E 7 PREFINISHED MAHOGANY:sr Sy X 8 36>----------L .7 34" x, 8"x 48"1 ---- --- -------2.39 34" x10" x36"--- -------29 -4"x 10" x 48" - --------99--- 25%o' OFF PRE-FINISHED STOCK WALNUT SIIELVES FLOOR (OVERINGýýs FIRST STEP NICE 'N' EASY 12"1 x 12" needlepunched Tough, beautiful and dur- polypropylene olefin fibre able. Strong, colourful, carpet tile. needlepunched, non-absorb- Self-adhesive backing will euit fibre. Easy to dlean, res- adhere to aay wax free' ists spilîs, mildew and rot. surface,.-- - ------------- A wide selection of pattern Colours range f rom greens and colours to choose f rom. t od.9 tules per pkg, 4 4.95Sq. Y SeKI. TOC rTE SKI AND HITCH ASSEMB LY Make the tote box or passenger cutter that's right for you. Then just boit on SKI-TOTE skis and swivel bitch. Carry up to 500 lbs. Llnlimited uses for weekenders, sportsmen, farmers, trappers. Free Plans avaýilable, Plywood for box extra. JOE BEAVER SAYS. Why not make your, own dask or cutting- table. It's easy . . . ith a mahogany slab door and tapered legs - both availableata your friaadly Beaver Lumber dealier. THE BIG COVER-UP Tired o! Iooking at thosa chip- ped and cracked walls ... well, corne 10 Beaver and let us help you. We have a wide assort- ment o! wallpapers. Fhocks, Vinyls, Fouls, etc. We carry a wallpaper to sait your tastes and pockct book. Beaver Interior Latex Introducing the new Beavar interior latex paint. First qua- lily, excellent hiding qualities . . .thebest demIlantown.' White Only 4 9 a galIon CILTONE SATIN LATEX Now casier 10 apply ..,. dries in just twcnty Minutas with Do lap marks or strcaks. Com- plataly washable. A wide range o! colours tb choosa from CILTONE SEMI-GLOSS A versatile lowgloss enamuel for walls, woodwork, and trim. Ovar 1,000, colours 10 choosa from. 9.77 a gallori BEAVER J SPACE SA VER BIFOLDS E A SY TO IN STA LL -~ Stain Grade Mahoganwy -Complete with H Fard,,ware SLAB BIFOLDS 26"x 6e 'y 4 eg7 3'0" x 6'8" 2 Panael . 14,90 -NoWv 12.97 4'"x 6'8"I 4 Panei Reg 2!4.4Vý NOW 21.00 77' LOUVRED BIFOLDS 2'6" x o'" 77 Z Panai ?22,60 31"x 6'811 2 Panai Reg. 24.50- NOW 2..77 Là CVx 6'8" 4 Panai Reg. 42.75- NOW 35.97 INTERIOR MAHOGANY SLAB DOORS Replace thî,t worn, chipped door with a 10wv cost door front Beaver. Yo r 13/" satin grade mahoganty ready to paiietYo or stain Choice 2'6" x 616" Reg. 85 26Yx 6'8" Reg. 8.95 25V" X 6'---"-----Reg.8.4F DOORHARDWARE, PASSAGE SET Bronze and Satin Bright Chromne ---4---9.5 BEIDROO I LOCK SET Bronze and Satin Chrome ------------- 4.95 Security Hardware Door View 4.---------- 29 I Chain Door Guard 1.39 Burgiar Alarm--- 5.69 ' Slde Lock with Metal Frame 1.39 Slide Lock witls Wood Frame ----- 1.39e Patio Door Locki-, -1.85 Eatne SHOWERFOLD DO, Foldng D01rS AT SAVTNGS Tub enclosure with st Reinforced steel eovered *11 flexible vinyl plastic p durable vinyl, giving a fulli no glass to crack ors firm appearance found only in ter. Wipes clean easily, expensive doors. a damp eloth. Opexis Available in six colours and closes from either end three sizes. stali yourself in an evq Complete with Hardware.,L là.0%I 32" x807 38" x 80", 8"x 80" 11.77 17.95 21.95 Plain 4' ,e 8' x 1,~" IHardboard Pana-Is. Easy to shape wibh ordinary smw. Can ha efIntra rpaintcd, Aspenita big flake ehiphoar-d, liseaas panacîling; ' X 8' ix3/4" sheet Unaly 4' -x 4' -x sheats Uise for sheet flouring, ca-bin-et backing, etc.' READY TO INSTAL ALUMINUM DOOR SpEC!A L .Y SPECIAL 1.99 SPECIAL 1.49 Stippletone Texturcd finish covars scich as, cracks, etc. Low cost MULTISHELFOaa coat covars. Easy 10 apply MULTISHELFwith brush or rouler, Adjustiale wmatai shalvig unit ini your eboice of avocado or walnub woodgraîn18 finished shelves, wvith black standard. spacemaker garden shed, garage, etc, a8* galon All Ibis versatility for one low price, ýEJçemR 91 c3 1 ouffliimm & SEUT

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