Enniskillen 'Man, L eads ibeal l'me ciL VOLUME'117 14 Pages BOWMVANVILLE, ONTARIO, WEDNE,ýSDAY, MARCH 3, 1971 15ý Per Copy Conservation Budget Jaârs Council Her Nephew Took Good Care of Prime Minis'ter "You take good care of Prime Minister, Trudeau ]io," rs. Ml]Hu'Ltchinso"n of 17 King Street, W., Bowmaniinstr-ucted hier nephew, Major Jim Beath, a nvigtorwithf the Royal Canadian Air Force, on the eve Of Ihis departure witlh the Prime Minister's party, for the Comrmonwealth Conferenice in Singapore in 11 was spoken lJ o culaily, but there was no doubt Speaker__Teits__Meeting that, as a staunch Li«beral, she meant every word she A few wceks later she, received a letter confirming that hier bicdding had been carried out. It read: "From, the Office of the P-rý'ime Mînister To Mrs. Hutchinison, Your nechew took good care of me, With Best Wishies, P. E. Trudeau! auay1971". Fire Causes, Stiidenvts froiPrt iJore W211h:Seboliand C0urice Secondary 'ill be part of 2419 sudienit, and 1l te5aeh- ers whio wiN isî,il te Uni eriyof Waterloo titis Satur¶lay Wta paittipateiun aComputer Science Day, S'ThAL1,EMPFT Y M!JLK J U(CS Glen Rae Diry was bro- en into somnetime on Friday evening anid 48 empty three- ourt milk jugs -were taken. Twný juve ni les w'ere ques- tionced later oni the wveektnd by the Bowvmanville po)lie for-ce, andi foitnd 'respoisible for the îtheft. Durham Coll y PplryofheLbrPrvnilLbnIPaty .e pa- viiil te provinece is runi- by Robert NMxorawas iiile nhlg n eck and neck wvith thatl (TURN TC PAGE TWJOÎ (-, the Coniservatives, -accord-_ __ l îng ta Dr. Ian Wîio, EserDIAL,-A-THOUiGT iDirector of the Liberal Partyi OooUie hrhla ai Ontario. miUntdc nýha a newý service in Operationi i"An independentL pu b il c 24 bouts a day. It's called opiniion poli aknrently in "DiaI-A-Thought". Anyonie the province shows that 410%: can uise a phone to dial af the people support the 983-9151 and wbenl the Liberal party, 40% the Con- connection iýs eompleted a servatives, 14%7' the New De- voice will speak a brief mocratic Party and only 6%7ý inspirational message and a areuneie" Dr. Wvilson 10-second Prayer. Callers told rmembers of the Durham, may alsoý leave a message Pravincial Lîberal Associationý for itr the 'Re Basil at thieir annual meingin Long, Oronoi last Wedne-sday ev7ei-! The -service is, being fiai- in.aneüed by indljidUais arîd Dr. WiVlson said that theý orzanizations. ege Machine Talks to You It is bad enoughlsing but w,ýhen it is ta a machine and epcal when the maýchine talks back fa yot,, if is grim îndeed. The Statesmian rcporter's wif e, Paf- ridia, is proper-ly amnazeýd by the runyanesque stfeetste craff y machine made during f, he Open Houýse at Durham Colle.ge last week. Phil T- vý.Roony on [,he lefl t and NIîCc dJonlg, studicents in i he Electronics Techiques ,;progr-am, )ook 0o and cxplanhat the machine doesn't really mean "stupid" mwhen isays if.If ik jul sf ifowy of falking. They said fhere is a way of beating the m-achine , . buIt you have fa be a stunf understand h 0w if is done. The m-ac--hine is a tceLfype- 'haoked ta adgtlPDP 8") S computer, A n instructor iin.the casw ucteco- puter program for the-raqp gamne. bas reg-Istered dissatîsf actin WHO WLLL TAKE THEM? w th te levy hred it by Agap0 uisfo the' Central Lake On1-tarian- Lord Elgin Public School servaýtion- Authqirit.y, And they hiave a problemr. They,'ve been, have saîd tfhat they will not collectig eu al opb pay thisae n'1teygtlS i lite hope of raisirg! claifiatof all that is in- mone'y for the Juior Red ,volved in the Authority's new Cosadhv ut e budget, tabled' in Moniday Cosan hvebem.a ew night's regutlar council meet-, The only catch is, i-one of, hng he stores 1côntacted will give' Bomaviles hae of 1them cash for the batties, mn- Cr'LOCA's 1971 budget of $680,- stead they want ta gîve themi 132 is S29,992, of whîl-ich $ 15,385 credit for merchandise. is taý be remitted at counicil's If there is any kînd-heart- 'earl!iest cnnveience'. The ed merchant willing to give- ;charges represent the town's th-e kds cash so they can turra eshare of 1laniJd acquisitin it aver, please phone 623-7575 I'LURN TO PAGE T-01) and they'1l camne a runnin'. NwCounty SSste;m -A dds Complications To Welfare Problem With Welf aei now officially I Advertise for ntrse ncnatn h welfare ll Nokrpse T ech.- D r c r for this area, Raymond (Bun) The' NortuneladDr ham County'Board of Edu- cation is advertAisin.,ifOr a T'echnical Director for the new Bo0w manil jle IHigh School now unider construc- tion. The position is expect- cd ta be filled September lst, 1971, a full year before stu- dents will stream through the doors of thle new school., The Technical1 Director will- oversee the installation of the teclinical equipment ln the new building and will organize and plan the cur- riculi for the technical cour- ses which the school will off er. Salary details are un- available at pr(-eent. Welsn, are going ta have ta do it, în a roundabout fashion. They first must contact'the Department of Social Services office in Cobourg - the tele- phone number is 372-6846 - anid leave a message regarding their need. Mr. Welsh, wha reports in ta bis office every day. wil get the message and, tracîng you down, provide the assist- arice you require. Our oly qu.,estion is how is a chap who is destitute going ta be able ta afford the $1,20 c--ost of a persan-to-persan eaUl to obtain relief? or even the '40c station- to-station? 7,355 Damage ýTwo Car Accidents Ea'rly, Friday Fire broke out in the home o4 Ronald Johnson on Grave cas yat 65 ..A pparently 1On C nsecutive Days (aus-d h ýîfaul1ty ail Lfedl ispace heater, the fire waîýs Coni- The probability of havîng1 Spencer of West H1jil eollidedý tained tiah4 011- ram o, wo acciUents t-n day's laaat the spot, th hue. Thplr-itn-row at the Fifth CncssionofThen, the rtext lmo 1gin tý BSowmanvilleu- Fire Department arwriht one mle east cf 9:44 au. cars driven by Mar- called ta the scenle, extin B lackstock, us, most statistic- enties Martens of BroE i n guished the blaze, lans wold agree, quite low.lJohin 1Daviýd Woýod of Tyvronelc But Lt happened anyway. chanced ta collide thler-e Fir'e Ïnsurance est imators FInirstrs ccdntte ýw bave set damages at $7355. onrs there was aaidn atefrt acciden te w w,,ith $4,855 ta the building and o March 1sf at Il pi..when river-s and fOur mnemberso ý$2500 ta ontns cars driven by Robert George1 the Spencer famuily, Ma"ry, Robertson of R. R. 1, Bak James, Robertan Anrw iThe loss waw insured. stock and by John Kenneth were all taken to hospital l ville Amrbulance Service. Thet (TURN TCO PAGE TWO) BITS et, PIEC"ES 1COMING - The repo rt's have been fl1ood ing in îthîs weelk of green grass in, the bare spots, tulip builbs lshowing some signis of life, a woodchuck out lookingp for food, etc. We even have a beautiful bouquet of snawdraps in the office. Se, we could be nearing the endý of a long winter. But, don't get too downcaýst if Mather Nature takes a couple of mare swipes at us. She' cerf ainly was no lady on Sunday. t-t t -.tt t STILL WINNING -, Young Jennifer Beamish of R. R. 1, Hastings, who won the Northumber.. land-Durham Public Speaking Contest ini Port Hope recently, sent along a lovely letter of thanks for the pictures and papers miailed toQ her. On Saturday, she competed iii the next round in the Trustees & Ratepayers comipetition in Belleville and again won first prize. We do hope the Durham County Club of Toronto will be able to hear ber speech at their NMarch meet- ing an d officially present ber with their shield, She is tremendous! tt t t t WANTA BUY A? - Ken Kilmer of the PUC staff was reading the meter at W.'W. Bagnell's home on Scugog Street Tuesday morning when he looked up and saw a duck peci ing in through the cellar win- dow. Whien he went upstairs, he mentioned the odd incident ta Mrs. Bagneil and thcy opcned the door ta fake a look. Inwaddled a fuli grown white duck that made itself quite at home. If obviously had bcen somebody's pet. She called the animal cantral officer and alfhough it wasn' te in his line of wark, he came and took if away, and is keeping if in the hope that one of aur Statesmaàn readers has lost ýa pet'anid will caîl hlm. t - t t +tt PLAYOFFS - Hockey buffs will have their tummies full if they take in ail the games that are coming Up in the îxext few days, Thursday, the> Red Eagle Juniors play in Port H ope in the second game of their series and back here Sunday night. On Saturday, the LittieNHL playdowns take place here, staring at 8:00 a.m. and contin- uing until'5:00 p.m. Larry's Sabres Bantam B's begin their playoff s with Uxbridge at 9:00 p.m. Saturday, and on Sunday morning at 11:45, the Pee Wee A Trailsleds wilI play Gananoque. No doubt there are other playoff s in prog-ress at Newcastle, Orono and Oshawa, so read the sports pages for details. t ) t t t t DEATHS - Friends here w111 remnemtber the Rev. G. Cameron Quigley who preceded the'Rev. Harold Turner as minister of'St. Paul's Unîted Church. On Sunday, duringhis farewcll service in St. Catharines, he collapsed and dîcd. He is survîvcd by his wife and daughter Mavis wvho live af .97 Church St., St. Catharines, We are alIso sorry te repart, that J. Ce-cil Faund, wha sfartcd Oshawa Wood Products back in 1931, also passed away this wek wi1e holïdayingP1 in Florîda. He will be sorely mnissed -cin theEbnzr Couxticeara ing President Harry Wade An Einniskillen fariner was elected president, of the Dur-1 hamn Cotunty Provincial Liberal' ýParty Association al' the Asso- ciat ion's annual gencral m-eet- ing and elect ion hield iii the Oddý Fellow',s Hall in Oro-no last Wednesday evening. Ralph His, 39, owner/oper- Iaor of a modern mixed f arm ,on- Caunty Road 57 takes over from Harry Wade 'of New- catewho had been presidenit af the Association for the past five years. The terni of office isone year, Mr. His has Ïbeen) associat-, .d wîth the Liberal Party ofý 'Ontario since 1955, and a mnem- ber of theý local associationi sin ce 1958. He has served a 'a poil captain ln the Eniirskil-i ýlen area nand for three or four years was Bruce Tink's alter- nate as Municip3al Chairmran for, Darlington North, He and his wife Jdhv four clreNancy Joeý,y,l David and Cathly, M.Vr.HMis said iii 3anj-in ter- view yesterday that his", týlnajr task as Association prcoesien wil be tatry to find an goodý candidate ta represent the. party in the next prcviii"ai' election, ex-pectedl this autunin.ý He is also concerned about tien. cr-eating a vgoo04atmnosphiere and an raiato hr mmrsare fýre ta express themuselves. He said that lie ho0pes he car, try ta get people marncre inýterested in politics an4 prepared ta participate more in the pDolitÏcal decî- sions being m-ade. An imdaeconcern, hl-e addee), was ta drve"lop and foster a, suiccessfu-l ftuidc-raisin.g, camIpaîgn. .As president o (f telocal Asscitio, r.HUIS becomes automtîcaly a em-ber of thre larger Nar thum-rberland/Dur- hamIn Fedeoral Ridfing AssociJa- Consultant Not Neutra[ Nw-D (ounity Board of Educationi Wants No, Part of proposaI To Switch W, Area to0 shaw LaýSt faiïL theNorthu1-mb1cCr atter of how vhe- should vote lanid-Durhamn County Board 0f heih represents the board' Educatian said that if wauljd a t the niext ObAPADS meetig. noqt wanit any encroachmrent of 7Thfere wns,, no daulbtabou the Oshwa-ceuted reg ohw the týrusteeS felt. he uipan Its area of l jurisd iction. wvant educSation ta stay caurityl On Thursday n-ighit. the "If, woujld be a set-back tal B-,oard reiterated its stand whenledu1cation In the western part. the subject wa aised bylaf the county If if was 1 up- Truistee Sid Worcn anorthe (TURN TO PAGE TWO) iOn Waq o rn TUwo youing ;boys wýee l- urdwhca s!truci by a car on Friday everiing at about 8:0 p2.m. as they walked along Qucen Street on thleir wawy fa theBwanji Arenja, Larry Buges , , aRR. 6, B3owinanville, and Donald 1ue 1,i, af R R 3, Baw- maniville, were adlmifted to Memnorial THospitali, thefor- invr.iri, a in rnnf,,re ose, Conciliation blas started be- Furfher talks were hcld an lfrac-tLred fernuran)Drnullti- PROUD IPAPPY BOB tween Goodyear and1 the Mondlay and Tu-esday of this pie buies he latter with Everyone at Manday night's United Rubber Warkers Un- week ut the Lord Simrceo- mIultiple br-itses. The .Rupert Council meeting received a i!on Local 189 to renew fthc tel Inra -'rnt o. lad wavýs discha2rged oni Mon- cigar. If wasn'f hard ta fig- jBowmanville plant's labor According taý Jack Ta)ylor day afternioon. ure out why or, from w\homr.i contract - which expired on plant maniager, another mnee~~T hedie - h a a Reeve Bob Dykstra looked February l9th. ing is scheduled fr e T hiaeniserr , 23 ai a specîally proud, and happy. The fwo groups met wifbý Monday, buit ttie anid place"OBrawa.ciii ery 2,c Yup ifwasa oy,8 ls, 3½newiy eapoinfed conciliation bave flot been decided as yet, ozs. and named Claude Leon- -officer, Gardon Greenaway A strike vote wvs taken n Accordling Lta Bowmianville ar.Mother and Claude, wbo last Thursday at the Holiday uda n tersuf ho 1poie M.Trr-a-tyn was born Suaday, are doing Inn off Don Valley Parkway c d that 97%7»ao the workers ta avoi,(,,d hiing yuh very dll, hank ou. t is a Tornto.It was the first were in favour of striïking fwlin nterodiet the Dykstra's fifth child. time laýbor and managemnent 1the union proposais are not ihisrib an did int sec They now have three boys haý,d gotten together sinceimet by the company.1 young Burgess an -Rupert and two girls. January 20fh when barga[in-' The workcrs cannait legally on1, bis ieft untjL. ifjwas too "At last thc e mca have a iag broke down over an isesrk however unt il i1 day1s late. majority la the farnily,"ý the, af how seniority shou.ld -work a-ffer conlciliation officer ba si Consfaibie Les,, Ricard was Re e v e s a id . i n t h e p la n t ., - T U R N ,T O P A G E T W O ) ei n v s i a i g o f c r Recognized for Long Service to Sotn During the speial Scout-Guide Week service hed badge fromn Don Ins right,th newi Preside-nt of the ISunday affemnoon ini Courtice Secondary School, sev- Co-unicil At rightf, Mrs,. En,rima Bragg and Distrc e-ral presenfafions of pinis for years of service wverc Çommriýsioner Don Har receivedî pins for 1.5 yars of lawarded. At lef t, Hlarry Cooke of Bowmnanv7îlle, who service. Becausce of the strmveather', the parade has served Scautînig fo-,r 20 years and recently retired prioýr 1o the servilce was jCancelled. .îrau the District Council, ieceived a 'Thank Ycou', Surveys how Liberals Just as Popular as Toriesi With NDP Losing Ground, Making Some Progress Co'nciliation Underway Over Goodyear, Contract NUMBER 9 c L a 0 f fi k e c i Wear Same Location 1