Report froiM -Ottawa By Russeli C. Honey, M. As Its first item i business pension rates. daim must, be reso ,-lved in Irllowing the Christmas re- The first of these is the ex- favour of the veteran.' cess, Parliament dealt with, ceptional incapacity allow- Finally, there is t'he partie- the legislation to improve tfle ance. This recognizes that ular case of the H-onig Kong Pension Act - the mlain legls- certain 100% pensioners who veterans. The condiltons that latîinthrough whicb Canada' suffer extraordinary physical, marked their four years of recognizes its obligation to social and psychological im- capivity- beginnîng Christmas compensate her veterans d pairment bear an exceptiolial Day, 1941j was unprecedented thrir s'urviving depenclfntsburden and will provide spe- in the experienc of Canadian for dsability and death inso-1 cial annual aliowances, over veterans, Recognizing this, f ar as it is possible to trans- i and above their 100% pen- the legslation will provîde a 1ýe uman suffering andl sion, ranging from $800 to minimum,50% pension for al ucreavement Into money. I1$2400 annually- to itiake poes- Hong, Kong veterans who an- Theý Pension Act provirles1 sible special amenities to in- pIy and wbo have an assess- flo ony fr pnsins o ds-crease, as far as possible, the ible degree of disability. Their abled veterans and deperd- pensîone s enjoyment of lîIe. deaths, will be- presumned to ents, or widows and orphans; The second major innova- hvc sle d thi, intuerser. pension entitiement can also tion is the constitution of an viau ndmticîy in tutîe thir marke the recipient eigible independent pension review sutoving epenents to e n-ei for other benefits such as board as a final court of ap- sriigdpnet epn mdcltreatment, war vet- peal for ail pension dlaims ienls. Pran alowaéesspeialre.and or he nterrettio ofAn increase in pension rate, eran alowmn rigance dspcad- re- and fortheintep ato fthe fourtb in the past seven vmployent atrinasing aa-fh, egsatoyears will become- effect.ive vanhicdreTh eduaioa ssisae The third major change is April lst. A 10% increase Aor his childrn.thepresonton make more effective the was provîded in 1964, 15%/, i- Act ist the vee screrstonle long standing principle that creases in 1966 and 1968 and cof te vtras harter i ahe in all cases the pension appli- now a further 10% - 'aggre- commidetent thvetan frn ba cant is to have the beniefît of gate increases of 55% during m8faet bryvtrn. froe the doubt. It will not, be nec- a period, the consumer price haî a entry.essary to establish his case index rose 26%. The present legisiation wîll by a preponderance of cevi- The people of Canada and reffect many improvements in dence; it will be sufficient.their government continue to the veterans charter - far too that he produce credfible eVi- keep faith with those who of- -manly to deal wlth fu'l5. dence that is not contradicted. fered their live"s for us and There ae however, five sali- Where there is' credible evi- who had thalt offer taken up lunt improvements asîde fromdence that is nlot refuted, the in wihole or, in part. MAPLE GROV Symparthy o! this communi- Wm. Lewis, Bawmanvillio J. Brooks arc sory 10 leain îy iLs cxlended ta Mi. and They werc on their way home lie is a patiet u n Memorial Mis. Wm.-, Lymer la the pass- from Florîda wheîe they had Hospital, Bowmanville. We i o! bissister, Mis. Ernest spent two weeks. The, fol- ahl wish bimn a spcedy re- Hart (niec Gertie Lymer) a! lowing members gathered -at coveîy. Oshiawa; to Mis. Lymner in Lillian's for an eveniag, Mis. Mr. and Mis, Wayne Wri ght ther sudden passing o! ber bru- Gary Pettit, Jennifer and JO- and daughtci Pamn, St. &ath- thens, Mr. Cccii Found, at Ana, Mi. and Mis. Wayne arines, spent the weekend Day-,tona, Florida, but s resi- Pickard, Angela and Timothy, with hieu- parents, Mi. and denrt o! Ebenezer, also lier Mr. and Mis. Lloyd Snowdea, Ms .Cradbsprns brother, Dr. Norman Faund Mi. and Mis. Bert Snowden Mi. and Mis. Fred Wright, o! Peterborougb, nearly thiee aad famiiy; alsa Miss Sheila brothers and, sisters. Mr. weeks ago. Seymour, Mi. and MVr,. W"" BriaWright, Mu-. Ron Met- Rlemember the W. I. mcet- Dowa 'and family, Ebenezer, cal! and Mi. David Metcalf, inig on 'Monday eveniag, Mai. Mis. Teîry Baker and son Base Lîne, spent the weekend th At 8 p.m. ia the C. E. Hall: Chrîstopbci, O sbI a w a. Mi. with the fonmci's brother, mneeting la charge o! Mi'. Gary Pcttit, Mi. TcrîyBaker Mi. Leslie Wright, Guelph Gardon BRessie. Eveîyane is and Mi. Win. Lewis werc University, Guelph. fnvitcd. whetheî members or \Vaiking sa could not joia the M. ad Ms oga rnot, also fthe mca. Pictures of îest. Ms oga the "Expo" in Japan will be The U.C.W. met, la thé ead, Peterborough, Mus shown. churcb hall Thursday even- Carol' Leard, Ottawa, spent M.and Mis, Morley Bar- ing. Fcb. lBth, witb 24 inem- the weckend wîth the !oim- gýesz, Oshawa, wcrc récent' bers and twa visitais préseat. dis daug-hter, lattei's sister, and busband, Mr. and Mrs ,Sunday supper guests with Oui meeting opened with Merton- Veals, Master Scoî their cousins, 'Mi. and Mis. byma 399 sud ail repeatîag Vsssetafwdy at >ý S. S. Morton. Miss Nancy the Lord's Prayer. The Janu- Morton, Base Line, was this aiy, minutes were read adwe wthbsgandpen, weekend gucst o! bier grand- approved. A "tbank youi" Mi. and Mis. Douglas Leard, parents, Mi. and Mis. S. ~ card was read from MurielPeebouh MorIon. Goadmuîphy. and a letter Mi.E0.Fly oma Mi. and Mi. John Clark was rcad from TrinityChurch ville, 'was Tbursd-ayý evcning Rind fsoni Steven, Kitchener, U.C.W. asking oui U.C.W. lasI week 'supper gujest with rpentil the weekcnd witb beriladies ta join witb them for lier son and wife, Mi. and paretsMi.and Mis H.the WoilcI Day a!f rayer on Mis. Ted Foley, Base Line. C,-ooney, brotheî and sisters, IMarch tb at the aew Mars- Mi. and Mis. Waillae Muln-lnathla Dutch cburcb on 'Kjiug dayOsbwwce Sundar vSt.Easst, services at 2:30 p.mi. LONG SATTLT s'upper guests o! 'Mr, andjMi.19nd 8 p.m., la place af Ma- W. Hl. Brown. phd Grave church. We have1 aea Bkr saa MiRoy apîg Peterc- also been iavitcd ta join Ebe- anl Bke. Ohw loru.uhwasa viociy scil ,,r -CW., ladies on Mar(h spel the wcekenid with--heu-ý ît ganparaî, i.and Mis. G. > ftoon CaIer on 'bi, wi!ce's par- 1 boeau- Mis. Green tramn Baker'aad Mr. and Mis. Keitb ent!s. MVr, and Mi1Ts. Fred R.ý Jamaica. It was moved by Gable and boys, Blackstock, Stevens. ~~Merle Swsllow, seconded bywee audyafrno ca- Mir. and Miîs. Jirr Ewiag Joan Russell and carîied that (nec Dorothy, Snowdcn) o! we serve the teachers' dinnen dis. Seven Is;land, Quebcc, calhcd on March 4th. Karen White Mi. and Mis. H. De Mille, on- bier parents, Mi. and Mis, gave a repart from Live Love Bowmaaville; Mr. and Mis. W. Lloyd Snowdcn, hast wek.ý committet'. Joan Russel ce- Vaacyk and Mi. and Mis. G. A,' family gsthering waî held poted tram Presbyterial held Kayacs were amoag the many Pt ber sister's, Mi, and Mis,' at Pont Ferry. We agîeed ta guests attezding the 251h wed- baea U.C.W. Sunday on ding anuveisary party beld la Annune ew June 27th with Rev. Ted Col- Pantypoal HýJl Saturday vn .AînouceNew weii as aur speaker. The a!- ing un bonor of Mi. and Mu-s. SUI)Sanee. fering wss received. The George Vanda-. g worsbip was piesenteil by Mi. and Mu-s. Peter Ercego- ,.~ ~ Joyce' McColl, Betty Snow- vac and Annas v-isited Petcî's Sflilk-s riles dcn, Florence Crydeiman, and sister and !aily la i Toronto on Win Brown. Doreen, DoyleSaturday. ~ieusYeealngubtacepovntshinitroduced aur speaker, Mr. Club 50)ladire cc Tuesdlay henmorrhosds anid repair damiged tissue. Me]l M'cCoy, who spoke o vnn ac t ttehm A renone resesrch inaitute bas Latin America, ils cbuncb, ils o! Mis. Chas_,. pcjýaaîdca. 'ounti a unique hea:lin.g sulstanceý people. thehy intîoduciag Mn,. and Mis, Doan Lamnb ailxC with the ability ta !iL emr vsud oko teAei amily, Bailiebora, wcne Sun- rhoicis painiessl.y. Itrelueves itchinlj cans. BIna Laird thaakcdoui da ' Sid e nssao! Miras. tnd discomfort in minuîtes snd speaker fou- bis very interest- dy suppen ussofM.<n speeds Up healing ofte injureti, ing tahk. Meeting closed xith~Ms inyCnibadgrs intamned tissue. the M i zp ah, Bénédict ion. Mn. Robert Sim is still a In case a ftcr case, while gent LuAch was served. patient in Oshawa Général< eIeIng pain, actual reductian Alng with some friends, Hospital. (brinkag-e) Lookplace.To VanCamp a! Guelph Mn. and Mis. Ivan Rowley, University recenbly enjoycd Paîgrave; Mu-. John Johaon ,Moct important of!al resuIts a .21st birthday psîty held at Osbawa, were Sunday guest ,'ere sothorough that ths imp-ave- home and bosted by Mr. sal do! their parents, Mi. aidMis.-ý nent u'as maintained aveu- a peu-bd Mis. bie yeMisBi ao tan mnta.Suhsan VanCamp and Gerry Mn. Psal NMis. G. Kayacs ai This w-as accompliabed with a McDanaid. Mr. and Mrs. -girls wenc Suaiday d1innet few hiealingz substance, (Bio-D3') Sam VanCamp bail a famrihY guests o! Mis. Sopi'eKacs whch quickl-]y helps heal iinjured dinner on Suaday t1o cec- .'els and -sti1mniatec growth af new brate the occasion. Blcyn8e fcrinon- Mi. and Mis. Denis Pick-E IZ ET VL E Ncw Be yn so rdi Ît'aid, Bowmanivillc, were Sun-E IA TH L Ei' ment anti suppositou-y fou-m called day supper guests with their reparation K.Ask ferit at ail.drug son, Mi. and Mrs. Wayne Pic- Mi. Alan Osbourne was the utres. Satisfaction or your money kard,, Angela and Timotby. speaker on Sunday, Rev. J.a 'ft1fded. £ibe many friends o! Mu-. H. A.' Ramjiti will be with- usv -next Sundav. Wuvtch ,Sale Cointinued for One More Week SEE OUR WINDOW FOR "TIMELYY" SAVINGS 61{ooper's gewez/ers £tcd BOWMANVILLE On Suaday eveaing Mi. and Mu-s. Ross Beatty bad ai turkey dianer aid celebrated Mis. Beatty's, Diaaa's, Eve- lyn's, and Mn. A. Tîew'v- birbdlays, which have been witbin a few days o! each other.' Mr. ai-d iVs. Ken Trewj spent the weckea)d -itb Mi.1 and Mis. W.Byk at Kings- ton, moving bberm inta their1 acw home. Miss Helen Tnew.was amoag the public speaker's ta cam- pete at Trenton on Fridayt eveaîng. The aext speeches wihl be in Maîch, and as Helen will be la Rome she will be unable 10 go on. Mi. and Mrs. O. Mercer skî-dooed ta Mi. and Mis. J. Fajt's, -Pontypool, o n Thurs- day eveniag. Sunday school was beld as usual. The 4-H club girls beld their meeting at Mi. andl Mis. R. Bcatty's on Monday even- log. Mn. andl Mis. John Quan- trili, Michelle and Paul, St. Theresa. spent the wcekend betwen *Mu-. and Mis, H. Quantîill's and Mu-. and Mis. G. Scott's homes, also attend- cd Sandy's wedding on Sat- urday.. They w*ent home on Monday. Mu-. and Mis, R. West- heuser, Stau-kville, weîe wîtb Mu-. andMu-s. H. Tbickson on Saturda"y.' S Mu-. J, Wbeleî nul so-xme o! the- Frews wre unvolved la two dîffenent acidents aoveu- the wýckend. Mis Csiene Mecer il Central Àcademv of, Music Stud"Àents, Give Concert Saturday,-Feb). 971-11wasý a memorable day forý presented by the Central Academny of Music to fi, about 200 students ro OhaaBomavle Whitby, Oshawa studenits for ouîtstanding achievement. Fro Ajax, Ncwcastlcý, Hmtnand Or0ono aýs they particu- leIt to right thy re: Diane Jackett, TerriLn patcd in a concert sýpon,ýsorcd by the Ceta Academy shall, Peter Dobbîns, Inistructor R.,D'Eon, Dale JsckE of Music. A crowd of approximately 500 pc-ople attend.- and Bruce Jackett. Concert was held at T. R. McEvu ed to sec childr en w ith-1from six mwcckS:uip to four years', Public School ini Oshawa. musictraining pcrformn on stage.- Trophies were also -Photo by Orion Studio, Oshav Ail D ressed Upand Rarin' to Go The darling lutIle girl. in the above photo, who seems ail set for, a galapaty in her "best bib and tueker", is Christine Dianne ,,Ferguson ,whio celebrated hier first biuthday on January 151h. Christine Dianne is thie dauighteu- of Mi. anrd WMrs. Doug Ferguson. of Newcastle, and the granddau-ghiter of Mr. and Ms Bruce Tink ofHampton and Mr. Carl Ferguson, of Eniskîhleni. Photo by, Astor Stuioi( T e1 Orono New Mr, andi Mrs. B3ob Ktx ge t Edgewater, Elorida. ho0me fMs.I . For-res- Mark andi Julie aI ipa in, _ Congraitulations to Mis. o ter. Sask., ac i'tneMan ercer whln the Elimýina- TheWorld Day I i'Prayer Mrs. Chas. Knox and other tion Draw ,oo n0 t the Bo)ost- will be held on Frîl'day ,,at 7:30 relatives and fricnds. e Baot, Card , Party aidpm h ai alo rn 1Mrs.,Wu., H. Robunson, Mr. Danc-e on Saturdsiay evetýnn, U' nited Church. ÏiAl wcomj1e,ý and Mis. Elmer Hogg attend- sponsoîe-d 11y the Oroino Aa ahmaadwomen.i ed the 5th Wed ding Anniver- teur AthletIFic Aýssociation. sary- of theur cousins Mi. d and ndjj M\j3 jisJuin Depsepe Mrs. Syd Warr at Westwood, atteýnded th funieral of bis SOLINA not !Ricc Lake on Sunday uncle, the, late Adoîf Depaepe afternoon. at Langton on Saturday morn- The, Salinsa 4-H club meetý Mr. and Mns. Grant Moffat1 ing and spent *the wcekcnd for their first meeting on suid sons Frank, Bob and Don- with Mr. and Mis. Michael Feb 1, 1971, ln Solina Com- ald of Oakvillc spcnt Sunday Depaepc, Mr. and Mrs. Paul mnt al ýMm with Mr. Wm. Moffat. 'Gîocnevcld and fsmiiy, Mr.* bers present. Mrs. Langmaid Mis. 'J. D. Brown -spent aand Mrs. Lawrence 'De Poor- and Mis.' Watson aire our few days last week witb ber ter and familyv, ail of the Sim- leaders for this club "The daughter Miss Marion Brown,'ioe, Langton district. Jacket Dress". Tlhe election Oshawa. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Smnith o! afficers wercu President, M r. and Mrs. Carl Raincy o! and four chiidren o! North Sally Langmaid; Secretary. to Oshàawa visitcd Mi. and Mis. Bay weîe weekend -gtiests O! ýbe îoving; Treasuirer, Mari- WK. B. Hoar on Saturday. Mr. sudMrs. Ross Kntapp and lyn Knox, 'and Press Reporter, Mr, and Mrs. Les Reid are cbi]ldren, ýCobb Hill. Sylvia K)czuýlab.' The name enjaying ýa winteî1 holiday in MT, David Dent o! Waterloo o! Our club is ta be "The the Soutbcrn States. spent the wcekend with bis Salins Scw'n Sews", The Mr. Bob Luxton was home motber Mrs. Ernest Dent and Achievement Day is to beon for over thc wcckend. bus ssteis. April l17tb,, at Biýackstock. Miss Ellen Milîson of The Orono United Churcb Oui club will be doing a Queen's Ulniversity, Kingston Womcn held six meetings on Fashîon Show,, so reserve spent last weck with ber par' Tuesday. In the .aftcrnoon - April 17th, and sec some of ents, Mr. sud, Mis. Bd Milison Unit 2 - In the main bail; Unit the latest fashions, created and sister Catherine, 5 - At the' home of Mrs. Carl by yauag talented and eager Mis, J. A. Saunders is naw Billings snd Unit 7 - Atthe seamstresses. > stsying with ber niece Mrs. R. home of Mis. Wm. Iýwjin. The Salins Sew'n Sews op-J T. Gimblett and Mi. Gimblet In the evening -, Unît i - 'ened their sýecojnd meeting oni at apl GrveR. . 6 Bo- f the main bail; Unlit 3 - At Feb. 8th-, in the Solîna- Hall manvîlle. t e homne of Mi, C. S. Mc- with 17 mnembers present. Mi. and Mis. Alex Watson Lren nd Un1ît 4 _- At the The prsdn pndwitb. hail of' Buriington with Mi. and I Mrs. Archie Watson of Wateî- dawn, called on several Orono C qý;t H rw r 1!fiends and former neîgbbors rs arw r on Sunday afternoon, Feb. 2lst. J Mis P be Hrdyparents I 4INT jSALE1 Maniiiss t hrypo!eBo-'1 Mr. and Mis. Tom Hardy aad Ï 25%ý' OFF LIST PRICE 1Karen on Saturday. ,ý yCoeMfict .Mi, and Mis. Paul Tamiblyuu BauyCteMg1Ct o! Gueiph weîe recent visitais WieEnamiel ..,Â.. arine Enamiel with bis father Mi. C silos .Q T. $2.25 - $1 .69 QT. $3195 - $2.96 Tamblyn and other relaives9* isnd also visited bis mother ini-ot the Memorial Hospital, Bow-MgiC eMgiC e -manville.Quc Drying Varnihl Implementl and iMr. Marsh ail Keast Si. ridGloSýs or Fiat Machine Enamiel ttuîned home on Sunday atter Q.$.5-$,6 T 36 27 two weeks la the Memoiali TOY$3 CLE-A$196 CE - $325 - OFF 7 rHospital, Bowmanville. TYCE('A C 5 F iMis. Jtohn Cooper aI Cal- cgary, Aberta; Mis. K C. Ssii- HA DW R derson aI Woadstock with Mi- and ~ ~ ~ a Micon Bwn av IGST E. PHÎONE 623..54M FBOWMANVïLLE theý past nonth îhMrJh The Canadiïan Statesmani, Bowtmanville, M~a r. New Democrats plan Nomiïnatilon Meeting In Oshawa on March 7tih The Osbhawa New Dcir'cra- The Oshawa seat Èla belti by tic Party wuilhll a ramina- New Democrat CuI Plky lion meeting an Sunday, MPP. The gucst speaker twilQ Marcb 7th, 1971, ini the Pîca- be Stephien Lewis, MPP'Scaro- dilly Raam o!fbcthe Geosha barough West, ad Leader (il Hotel aI 2.00 p a'. the Ontario New Democratic The N.D.P. Candidate, for Pau-ty. Oshawa Rîdmng wiîJ. be nomu- New Democratuc Candidatesý aated for the next Provincial Daug Malt att (Dur-ham) and Election expccted la May or Bob Wîng (Ontario South) June o! Ibis year. will, be plat!oîm guests- I Planni1ng Submission 'Didn't Go vr'oyWl People who have followed Paterson, in the court buuld. the Oshawa Area Planing îng? That's right. It was te and Development Study may one that very nearly upset vewonder what happcncd to the proverbial applecart, callN 'iDarlington /I1B o w m anvîlle's ing, for a lakefront région ým submlssion lait fali, stretchîng between ,Pîckeriht- i -ar- Remember the one that -and Cobourg, and urgîng a ,ett their consultant ErcHrycopeewthdrawal from r ren so ably and eruditely présent- gional expansion nortliiward. staff examîned the plan tho-r. wa took in the "Grand 'Ole oughly but decided that it -Opry". a ntentirely feasîble. fie ige. Dinner guests on> Sundaylinferred some of bis reasonsý the at the home of Mr. and Mrs. last Frîday when he present- ing. Tom Wilson included Mr. and ed Part One of the Reg.iànl ng- Mrs. Laurie Buckley and Goverroment, report to the: a1d 1daugluters, Leskard, Mr. and Executive Committee o! OA- Wc' Mr. Doug Rahme and boys, PADS. Mr. Dennis Ferguson, Boe ý- But his reasonîng in per- ,asmanville. and Miss Paulînc spectîve of the total argu- uni. -Sharpe, Caciarea. ment for and aantMr, ina TI ardy's proposais w-il nit 1 eir, eally' be known until Partsý 2 and 3 of the final jeorýt are ',,n,:Future of made public, That should br- tneý ate in another month or two, esî- However, hie gave: a hînt of ilabDaIo what is to come by mrdicat- Un î ng two reasons why hre r de- f jected the Hardy regionia; ýrial The future.'of Batterwood,ý Pîrst, there waz nindica- ong summer residence of Vincentition to Mr. Paterýon onfan Irs. Massey. the first goverrior-1strong orenotatini betweeru 1to geneu-al of Canadla, stillIis un- Port Hope, Cobou-rgý and Osh- erai certain, awa. And second,. the Port cut Robert Marten, a property Hope/Cobourg ares a ag ts. and apsrtment developer wbo cnough to form a rginof it5 ews bought the 300-acre estate in own (some dy or togowt on September, 1969, said recent -a Ptroog-etrdre.- m- ly in an interîew two clients gion.ý em- are intercsted in buying the He iinmated ïa third re7A- ith property-one of them tram son - that a PFort oe/o [ug- New York. bourg area wou l iute the the He said he had placed tinfune !Oha n d bic ly i)w- estate in the hands 0 f a Tor- implication tenid to potarize tay onto réal estate Iagentfor te regon - butr did notdwl 11o- months ago wîth ana; n g upn it i und pruce of $580,000. One thing usdefinute. rhre ing It is MVr. Marr'run's second, umîsinlîe he P4ay fy de- attemfpt to sell the property ros ito ave its day andi the-n àke He, first put il on the ma.rkc-t de de- in April last year wîth a prie in tag of $600,000. ckd Alter buying the estate, Mr'- Marten announced a serues of î The, proposaiàs dcsigncd "to pre heserve Batterwood and it1b, ç, sic, drama a nd flkfetial the a well as a su mmer theatrel OW-Iand se ool for oys and grl., F EE e te Mr. Marten said the plansF E caîl 1usd not proved financially ()De plat br4k)f sce rrtn [ae feasibie. The property, be with the purebase of ervery een said, was costînýg hlm $30,000lagpi to a year and he had to shoaw lr iza. at some return for his money, !H1OU 1R S:- onTsWed, ýte, The estate was bulit b v Uï 0 P.mb.- Thurs *fil. ng- 'the late governor-general and 11:J-30 -P,m, Fri. andSa to among visitors- there were ti:3am gs. members of the Royal Fami-, ______________ sudý ily, includîng Queca Eliza- ves beth. _ _L I ' GET'CASH TODATH RM N PIZ THROUGH AMN IZ STATESMWAN 569 King E. at Wilson FA, the LA NFED 3SRW out, Phone 623-;303 380 repeating the 4-H piedý Janice Yellowlees read t minutes o! the last meetir Mis. Watson and Mis. Lan maîd explained Care a Labeling o! Textiles. were also sbown whst e! I Scotchgaîd bas on materý making thcm wateî repelli On Feb. 15th, The Soli Sew'n Sews opened th thîrd meetingi la the Coi munîty Hall witb 15 memhE present. We aIl rcpeatedt 4-H piedge 'with the pie ýdent la charge, iris-Koczul read the minutes o! theh Meeting. ,Mis. LangmaidÉ manstrated how ta !indt straigbt of grain of mate and how to measure ait the straight o! grain. TM Watson demonstrated how alter a pattera in seve. ways. We then began ta ýout oui ,dresses and, jacket The Solins Sew'n Se, opened their 4th meeftig Feb. 22nd, in the Soins Col muaity Hall, with 17 mue bersu present. Wu' openicd ,i the, 4-H pledge -and Rita Hu gins read the minutes oft last meeting Brenda Yello lees dlemonstratcd, "st stitching", and Marilyn Ku demonstrated &"seams"I different ways of finishi seams. Karen Yellowices monstrated how ta ma "d.artîs" and Carol Watsonè monstrated bow -b put "gathers". Wc then work on oui gaîments. The Sth rmeeting afT Soiina Sew'n Sews w ,a-, int Solina ConimunityHl Marrh ls, witb 1F8 memlnb present. Sahi1 Lagai ened the meeting ýwith 4-Hi plcdge. Brenda Yelhj lees read the minutes o! Iast mieeting. The railc wss well answered. The piR o! Achievement Day bias bc changed fram Blackstcock the M. -J. ýHobbs sc'hool Hlampton on the same da April l7th, 1971. Mis, Lan maid then showed us 'how do.armhole and neck facin: Mis. Watson explained a showed us how to do. sleev BROWN'S L, oi c a I groups celehial Scoiut-Guide Week, whent Founder o! the Boy Sec M1ovIement, Lord Baden-Po ell, is honored, at varn celebrations last week. At the Bowmanviile Lic Centre on Thursday ever there was for the second y( a Birdhouse or Birdfec contest, la whîch young Thi dor Welter piaced lbî ICongratulations, Theodore! At Courtice Seconda SrIiool on Sunrday, a ser' was berld-, and mrany o! local griups and their-fai lies attended. At this servic'e, Mis. JE MicQuiat was.presented w a 5-year Service Medal. JE bas been Cub Leader o! Biown's. Mi. Phil Hayman was pý sented with a Long Sexv Medal. Bath thiese lest >deserve a trimendous amoc oi Icredit for theý effort ti put forth on bebai! o! youth. The Paper Drive that1 unavoîdably been postpor several times, wili de! lai take place this Saturday. Misses Elizabeth and T: Kozub atcaded a presen tion at Massey Hall on Fri eveniag when thcy weîep vileged to hear Mi. An( Segovia,, famous guitar: who gave, a magnificentpi foîmance. Ms.Eveily ahwi Bowmýanvîilic Hospital andc do wisb lier a specdy ici2 Mu'.and sGariy 'Pt have mroved from Ibis S tion 10 their homre in OshaN Mr. and Mrs. Albert A: and'feamily visited on Sund with Mu-. and Mis, Art i îow and famîly. Miss Cindy Sinclair ce brated bier biilMday wÎth party /on Saturday. Belai Happy Bîrthday, Cindy! Mis. Mary Westovera diaugh.ter were dinner gue aRt the homne o! their dauý ter, Mi. and Mis, Gord ~IJry Ceaners C/u1.ack/e "Yfu tolM me that if 1 were so fciale ith the Polcemag istrate, 1 would get off," complaineed the montorist te hi frienti.- "1Well, were you?" "lies, 1 saiti 'Gooti mornîag, yonl- bonor, and how are yog today?' and he replied, 'Fine - $50.00'." CLOTHES CARE HINT- Home cleaning ie dangerovs. Cleaning fluid shoulti be bhaadle only by experts to avoid explosions andi fire. ED UCATION WEEK - 1971 The week of Mardi 7.-13 wil be observcd tirougbiont Ontario as Educatiorî Weelk BOWMANVILLE ~~'WEIT4 L E A NER S EOI84KING ST. W. 6352 CLEANE R "We Specialize In Shirt Launderiig », cary's announces FLAGà SHIRTS ther et with jeans $7F.99 THSAD WVORýTH $1,00 ON THE PURCHASE 0F ANY FLAG SHIRT WE ALSO HAVE THE MR. FREEDOM SHIRT - ..... $2,99 cary's 8 RchsondSt OSHAWA i76-4441 corner e cniondnSite i lin in i i !Dus aons uing ear der ico- ird, Rry~ vi ce th e mi- lan wlth can lst pre- vice leus unt they our bas ned itely 17ina rta- iday pri- dre ï!st, per- ?eerl sec- lwa, .Ibmn tday Fr-. ee. h a ated and tests gh- -don shes ,don ting ek., t heP tihei the( 'day 'eryi