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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 3 Mar 1971, p. 5

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M-el Down i Ice Oronio C of C Chairman Mel ow was elected fînianciai statemént for the! Chimnof the , Orono year recording an expendi-1 Chiamjber of Commerce at its ture of $1837,65 and receiptsi -nnuaI meetcring held on Feb- of $1526. At the end of 1970 îrv yii8t it he Conch andc the bank balance was $25,12., Jrry 0yop aîcec POT HOLES APLENTY vîc-chiranH.E, MiIn,I The long, rough winter ece ary iiand C Gunter, has taken lis toit of town treasrer.and township paved roads. Thce1elctedi directors arÉe: Large and simail potholes Mesr, . Lunn, E. Mid- are showing up ail over the ieon iug Simpson, Robert place, 'especially where the Tzeib , Jke Reid. Gerry roads have been patched Noorne andRay ; Dîckson. with cold mix. The patcesP Mr E. 1Mîddcto1n was chair- appeared (ço have lifted righit mandurng1970. out, leaving gaps that willI- M\r. Gunteir pnted the have to be flled. Saonction Subdivisiloon We-st0on Taunton oaRoad A plan of)f subdivisionin vol-%,stein Investments and IPenckal ing betIween six-seven acres on Enterprises, both of Oshaa RodThe lots are apparently for, land bordering Taunton sale, But bnuyers mustbul ýýi( etoficiaisctio - hi 1rnfrine he Reart Ptund eampoaIgn. ï The judges, Mr, and Mrst Dave Collins, selected Heather Dorreil as "Miss Heart", withÈ Linda MeLaughlin as, runer' up. AU the girls were pr- ,îented with cor,,sages and * prizes donated by Oshawavé ,Florist and various mrrelrhant of Port Perry, (Brutons - )Lawrences .- Peel Varietv Red & White - I.G.A. aç Ideal Dalry). The new "Miss Heart" was crowned b last year's winner, Janet Turner, and presýeJ with one doz- en red rss On Sundalpy afternoon ap- proxmatly ffty students cn'vassed the township and coôlected'over $500. When al t he donations have been handed in, the total will be in excess of $600. Upon their return from the canvass. the students were treated to but- ter tarts, donated by Flamin- go Pastries, Port Perry, The students wlsh to thank the residents 0f Cartwr >ight and Port Perry for thieir ýco- operation and interest in an- other-successful Heart Fund campaign. NOTICE THE ANNUAL MEETING of the Memorial Hospital Corporation wil be beld in the èOWMANVILLE PUBLIC LIBRARY Temperance Street on1 WEDNESDAY, MARCH IOth 1971 for (ho puitrpo"e of; HEARING REPORTS an"d the ELECTION 0F DIRECTORS Courtice West Wins S.,Darlinglon Trophy A teamn drawn from fhe grades f ive and six classes from Courtice West Public School won the South Da- lin gfon Public School Hockey Championiship held iin Bowmanville February 23rd, Shown with their trophy are ichool principal Eugene Murdoch sud the teama membens: (back row), Jerry, Welsh, Randyv Norman, David Zwicker, Tim Dyck, Larry Woodaýrd, Barry Thompson, Jeff Robinson and Kevin Gray;- (front row) John Brouwer' Rory Erwin, John Labatt, Tom Byman (captain), Lawrence. King, Eddie Edwards and Billy Traviss. JThe Cbanadian Statesiman, Bowmanville, Mar. 3, 1971 bors c omletely surprised Mr. E"U.T andl Mrs7. Percy Allun on Feb, E H N 6th oni the occasion of their 2501 Wedding Anniversdîy. Mi. and Mn ruLcerylý7ey Mr. and Mrs. Allun, -Ruîîe(-l are holidaying in H--awail. and Margo.were out -Jii-d(oo - Mrs, Laura Spiers, Toronrto,. ing, and upon returnin,,found la svisîting witb Mr- and Mis, their home filled with well- Walter Neal,. wishers. Mr. anci Mn.Gen mih M~ter having a few minutes Gaît,wee eeedget for a quick change of clothing with Mr,', Mervin Sib and an opportunity to! regain Mr. and M.FrankWht thelr composure, their, daugh- visited with fr1ends iii Treýn- ter Shiela pinned a pretty cor- ton during teweek. sage on, ber mother and a car- Mr, and N. Ceigto nation on ber dad. OeMs yd Carr an They wvere pesented wlth a Davî Ca, Pcospnh lovely coffee ta4ble, a table weekend ,ith Mr, and Mný-, lamp, a donzeni engraved coffee Roi, Cane. .poî cupsm and sauciers, The Chicken Sope spon,- plate, cýushions and arrange- sored by the trnti 1-ed Churchý menti 0f flowers. Women wîaey-sce u Il n tbe 1balance of the everi- î ng was spent socially. MastrKvin Rab me spent teweekeud witb bis grandpa r- ens, Mr. ànd Mrs T. R. Rahmne of Bowmnauville. PONTYPOOL blwig snow k!ep' ti Sundsyt rffco Ralmoît ahiThe few nice days prevlous to thîs, had brougbt joy to those w1ho had become fed up wvitb the cold and suow. Wardeu Harvey Malcolm. Deputy Reeve 'R. J. Payule, Councillor Alvin Mitchell and Road Supt. Maurice Bradley attended the Good Roads Con- v ention held at the Royal ~ «, ,. i-lYork Hotel, Toronto, lait week.i -We extend our congratulaý-g tions to Mr. and Mrs. Georgeý Se-ven scchools competed in theý, competition which Van Dam who celebrated t helr1 has been an ainnual affair since 1963). They were North 25th Weddiug Anivýersaryý Courtice, South CouIrtice, Courtice West, Maple Grove recently.- SWe were glad to be abl)e to West, Mitchell's Corners, Enniskillen- and Hamptonsay 'eHello" to Mn., Alvini Junior. Each team plaýyed two gameýs., MitcheI's Cornp lan ini Civic Hospital, recent- ers and, Courtice West won 'both of their games ai-d Iyv Mes. lan wjll bethe thus advanced into the finals which Courtice WeSt twoae in July and isce- 1 won 2-1. tii a ver-ycheflptnt The awar:d is donated by Murphy Oil Comàpany. T+ , 1 . event n Wcnidyw m-nany atteudig ftrmotîd YELVERTON Firsak hl -,e v h o bIl 'beenconfined to usn yeans and pssseCd ;awvay Ilhi'ý week, Mn.r> ketnfre formnenly on bis farm two m ïIiles1 ýeast of Yelverton,. Mns. Geondie Kcrri, beeri transferred to Memn-ial Ri - pita-l, Bowmanville. from a ýLiudlsay Nursing Home. Mn. and Mn., Jack Faý-yne f, Pontypool, Mr. and Mn. Ha- very Malcolm of Vletn Mr. Alvin Mitchell of Bly ýduff and Mr. Mairicr- Braýdle of Maniver Station represenjt- eý,d Maunver.s Tow-nshiip at the Ontanlo Good ERoade Conveni- tion beld iM the ROyal York], H oteJl, Týoonto, thlis Vwee , Gueit speýakers lclde er tiring 'Minuster 4)fHlhy Honi. Gýen. Gomme, sudPrmr desi.gnate Hon. VWrnDai each of whom Dnenii6 ,,,î ary outombmeut lu Cobourg io p î vneuîie 01.the .Lrama WOrksliop, durig Cemefeny Vsult. Informent reheansal. At top is Iris Hellam, at left below, Wynne1 will ho lu Newtouville Cerne- Wonniacott, with Elizabeth Prower in the centre, John' tory ____________ Amesbury at right and Doug Oke squatted in the centre. OBITURY You've heard about the dîr- business manager Margot Sain ectons sud about the casts for uel. The posters you see up, DIAVID D- NODEN "The Pnivate Ear" sud "Black town weee dosigned hy Linda Comedy" - the p1îsys 10 be Cole sud marde hy the mem- Followiug an iîonf pneseiited Thuiîsday, Frîdaty, bers of the B.D.W. -Perba pi the three mouthi, the deatb of Saturday, March 11, ý2, 13 lu busiest peison durng 1the st- David Douglas Nodon,. aged the l3owmauville Town Hall uial performances will ho Barry 53 yoars, occurreri at Memor- by the Bowmanville -Dramna Cowling who, bouides takiug' il Hospital, Bowmanville, ou Workshop. You'll hoe very the part of a German, art Fridsy, Fobruary 19, 1971. aware of these people wvhen dealer ou stage, is the L.M.S.M. Born lu Toronto be was the you see the plays, but thlere backstage. This unique tiflo sou of the late Ethel May are even more whomyo will (Lait Minute Stage Manager) Noden, sud received bis edu- not see ou stage but whose tal- means that for tho ovenings of cation iu Newcastle. On Juno ents sud energy have gone into Tbursday, Fnidiay, Satuirday, 20, 1968 he married the for- theso productions. Maechhi, 12, 13, hois BOSS. mer. Annaiýone Allen wbo Who, for instance, looks Andi if (Reaven foehid) you survives. affor ahi the details for turu- corne 1sf e on one of those The deceased had resided ing a reheansal into s pnoduc- nigbf s, John Rundle wîll 500 tR..3, Newcastle for five tion? Tbat'sîthe stage mauag- that you get s seat. Hoe h yesns, moving there from the or - Doreen Kitney forý "The bouse manager. And finally, Village of Newcastle. A. black- Pnivate Esc" sud Helen -\elles homharding you wif h sîl theàe smitb for about 40 years, hoe for "Black Comedy". For, each witeups, nowsletters, etc. 1se wss self employed. The de- play, there sre several pieces the pulicity manager sud ceasesi was a member of New- of funuiture sud a fbouîsand producer, Jean Sheridan. touvillo United Cburcb. and one imaîl peopi - every- Surviviug, besîdes bis wfe, tbiug fnom a statue of s Bui- ]LO T P O Anuavone, -are two sýous, dba to s copy of Botticelii's PO T O L Georgean Jack, sud two "Birth of Venus". Scrounging, daugbters,, Mes. Roy PaceY these items are Marjonie (Margaret Anu) sud Mes, Couch, Gail Cowling, Audrey (Inteuded for hast week) Lawrence Kelly (Rosemary Jobuston, Dnrothy Kelly sud Tho Lloyd Browna sud Chiff Ellen. Ede Colo. Someone bari f0 Curtises arrlved home Satur- The funieral service was design a setiwbich i bofh lu- day eveulng from s motor trip beld ou Suuday, Fehruary feresting sud practical. 'Bob to Flonida. They visited the 21st, fromn tbe Morris Funeral Kerr bas doue thati. Thon if Cavanos at Intercession City Chapel, BIowm.anvîlle, sud was Lloyd Johnston-'s job f0 sud also Alf Jobustous at waScodce by Rev. E. huhld if. EvenyonetiF pitchee. lu Tampa. Tbey.also visited lu Suelgeove., Temporary eu- to paint. The Jightý1iug for these Cleaewater.' tomhmnent w',as lu tbe Lang patinular pîsy.s i vy coin- Lait week I wssmlu e rror lu Vauflt, Orono, sud huniel wllplicaited. 'T'slu f ha bandi of reporting the pssigof the ho su Newtouviýill erCeet'eny. Su)e Brsosd Rick Monison father 0f Mes. !Keith Gllbank Amoug te7vl foa u ounidielleets are Donnis sud Mes. Esel Armîtage, If titetrs, evï-ie nce of he sr scs departmnenf, Tbe was their mother, not their feem lun whicbte eeaeÏmk - 1 n charge of Dow fatber who dies. Wcexend, iwas1 he-ld1, wene thos-e fomDenî , ssîted by Hermine our regrets f0 the bereaved Duplate Cnaa.Lod2e Nu1,1 enk~,M-gî iý Bel11sud Bon- The attendance wap no i1 lug ie Home, Ne-iig Furnîfurep, nie Morluni o, Kî'((ýng the fin- lange but s good tm s s açsd ~ ~ ~ eà GeealMtoa ac i aighit the job of by, ahi at. the progresîive o» -----ffca]sirton T Feb- cipal reqiremnerts under th, O JT AR irua ry5'th when Dar-lingf Ion by-Iaw. The most Crucial onel 1 1 Townjýjiip Councuil passed a is that the, bouses must.be no' JAMES EA1gL HOUCK notion ceýrtifying that the cov- less than 1500 square feef in erig b-law 2462 does con- size. The deatb of James Earl formn to thie Officiai Plan.for "Plans such as this are f0 Rouck, aged 65 yearsý, occurred thetonsîpPlanning Area. the 'advantage of everyone ini at Memorial Hospital, Bow- The sub)diviýsion ent 1ails a 14- the township," Walter Rundle, manville, o'n Saturday, Febru- lot plan whîich was registered Township clerk ssîd yesterday. sry 13, 1971. He had been iu and appn)toved lasi tfail. The,,"The bigger the bouse the failing health for severai years. cwners o f thie land ar e H. Gold- heavier the tax revenue." Son of the late Edgar F. and Jessie Houck, he was horn In BLACK TOCK icton, Ont., and received bis LA C K T 0 C Keducation in Espanola, Ont., and Calgary, Alberta, ichools. Correcrtin o li week's Mr. and Mn., Stuart Doerell. In 1937 ho married the former nepws le thaf t he World DayThose who a tt e n ded on Margaret Fraser who prede- of Fray-er Servýice will be beld Thuesday were Mr. and Mrs. ceased hlm., 11 in he nglca Chrchn-Walter Wright, Merrill Van Mr. Houck bdrsdda ther fthan the Freshyterian CmpMns. John Hamilton, La mbert Street for 16, years Church as was reported. and MIS. Henry Wotten. and befores moving there lived Thecogreaton f he Mr. and Mns. Grant Fergu- at 72 Elgin Street. 1icstc nî.ed Churcb ex-'son snd family, Toronto, He was employed at the tens unraultinsto Rev. were Saturday guesti of bis Goodyear Tire & Rubber Com- andMe. V Prins n habrother, Mr. and Mes. Bill pany plant for several yesns, birt o abayIaultr nFerguson and boys. retieing five yeans ago. A Satrdy i Prt ery Hs- Bian Hamilton, Ne1 Bai- merber of Trinity United pîta. ey, Ivan Thompion and' Roy Churcb, ho was also a mem- Fl-rdMnoispursig Corden participated in the ber of the Masonic Lodge. The ravourly in saw o Governor General's Bonspiel deceased was greatly inteneit- 1,4 reovrig ron asentiouis h Tam Heather Curling ed lu the Foster Parents' Plan ilîesi Evyon hoes MtClub at Agincouet ou Suuday of Canada audhad financially thî yongser s geaty ~ afternoou sud report a veey asiited with the cane 0f two prvd in healh soon. gond day, cildren for the paît five yeans. Mn.RoyTurer ud n. Mn. sud Mes, Gerald Kelly Surviving are a- siit.er, Mes. ýý1s,1',n N Tuli-, mr M sud famiiy were Suuday din- Willia Fregans (Florence), of Neil Bailey spent Saturdayluer guests of, Mn. sud MnS. Westl range, N.J.; a brother, iu Peterhorough aqtt(rdirng'Stuart Dorreli sud family. Donald Houck of Vancouver, the Swvimmning instiructonjs Mr. sud Mes. Percy Van B.C., sud three haîf-brothers, ReqalîicaionCuinic at the Camp, Miss Aileen VanCamp, Lorue sud John of, Calgary, 'Z.MC.A.Mes. W. W. VanCamp, Miss Alta., sud Arthur of Edmon- The Outýario AgýriulItunal Mabel VanCamp sud Mr. ton, Alta. Societies A issociatîion ld its,- Jack VanCamp were Suuday The funeral service was beld anuial convention lu ihne evenîug dînuer guests of Me. ou Monday, February 15tb ingEdar Hotel lu Tn- sud MeIs. Stephen Saywell sudfrom the Morris Funeral Chap- outoî dunring thep paît week.'iMiss Margaret Saywell of'el, Bowmsuvllle, sud was cou- Atteudfing ounW e d n e s dasyOshawa. ýducted by Rev. George K. fro th BlcksockAgicul-' On 'Thursday eveuing thelWard. Intermeut wssin Bow- tnaSoiety wene Mr. sud, O.N.O. club, lield s skating manvile Cemetery. iVIr'Mernii Van ampsd'party forits members, buz - Amoug the mauy beautiful bauds sud familles 'at the ýfloral tributes, evideuce 0f the local ink vt1 a ine tuenouti.,esteem liici tedcae The first paýrt of the eve n -was held, were those from the îng was speut skating, after MNasoin Lodge, frlendi sud, I whIch ~Norms au1Camp),co-rltvs H EA R.1 NG vener, copduicted some Inter- Falibearens were M1esses, estiug gan)es. Winuer of the Gordon Power, James Power, elimination skate was- Blair Gordon Moorcraft, Èlmer Cox, A D 11 raham. Mr, sud'Mn. Daitun Arnold Lobb. -Maurice Prout S Dorrel sud Louise VanCamp sud John Williams. W EAR SR ,on Spot skates. -Lunch con- sisting of bot dogs, coffee sud cold drinks brought the en- OBITUARY Btter service for joyable eveuing to a close. your hearing aid pmeans Mes. Reg. Boundoy, Port_ MRS. WALTER EDDY btter hearing for you Ferry, was a Saturday even-i îng gueit of Mr. sud Mn,. The dosthý of Me ýs. Walter Gerad Kely sd gils. Eddy, aged 86 years, occurred Se wrgh Hlh ehol suddçnly at Cabourg Rospi- 'Miss Heart", tal on Tbursday, February 11, to visit (-,)On Saturday, Februaey 20th, 1971. our nextC.H.S. beld ifs aunual "Mliss Daughter of the late Wes- Belton ~ , eset" dance as s prelimnin- ley sud Edîth Noden, the Sevce ~ary to the canvaîs ou Sun- former Ethel May Noden was day afternoon. This dance boru at Orono sudreocoived Gentr :aerangedby Mr. Dan Corby, ber education lu Newcsstle member of the Osbawa chap- ichools. In 1929 she married fer of the Canadian Reset Me. Walter, Eddy who, pre- HOOPER'S JEWELLERS fuud sud Ron Minsbaîl, Pre- deceased ber.' LTD. sident of the Studeuts' Coun- Mes. Eddy bad lived hu 21) King, St. E., cil, was well attouded. "The Newcastle for 18 years, leav- Bowmanville Cellophane Spognu" musical 1îng thore about 15 years ago TOURS,, MARCH llth group from Osbawa donafed to reside af the Golden 1 p.mf. to 4 P.h their services for this dance Plougb Lodge lu Cobourg. and provîded e-xCellent music She was s memnber of the for the dancing.1 United Cbuecb. One of the higblights of t'ne She hs survivod, by s son dance wass'tho selecting Of1 David (who bas since passed NEARNG EIL ICE this' year's "Miss Reset". As a way>, two grandsons, George D1IANNE MORGAN a result of the studonts' vo)te sud Jack, sud two grand- 410 George St. N., the six finslists wolro, Glena, dsugbhters', Mes. Roy Pacey Veterbor-Ough, Ontario Clement, Janîs Dorreli, Le-1 (Margaret) sud Mes. Law- Phone 7415-3244 aune Dorroîl, Sue McColl sud reuce Kelly (Rosemary). Linda McLaughlîu. Eàcb 0f The uerlse>rvice was the finallîts had f0 make aR ýheid in Cobourg ou Monday, speech on1 bebaif of the February 1Sfh, witb tempor-

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