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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 3 Mar 1971, p. 6

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Th eC atsdasSaei on Re-*~I, a. ,1~7 ci é tsC ,ertgae fTs. In the second contat h a 4 éThse Steelera' geai wes care by im Asnon sonJanerkk né Bian canw D e 0, % tuse Éfi rgae0f Thurs, Thse R"oaw is' àalUmee scrd Wne Potrnega ch Iee.ine ade asOnteah la ts second ganseth Laonais n te guif enM gCale Mie lat i nes fo tis Cweardlnal lThe tise Ameleans golner dwa Came Colla tptt nnetretis RoyaleutoutOti Coausea'Ga TkeAi Sar PAMAGE T Coson c eand opahSie7 9, Caielo a pe lina Seiie eil a kîg Objecle. cali dental, amulance, bas- piaIed uee aenseil r ~ 5234581 Residence < 628-5023 623-5493 Lniskce Vamets gals we -il Mmc o nd ly aiyne e sn ph Osisone wiie Pul fdgs C ende MuaSen isadanaàas sist Than tisa purti gahnse tise Fe gal5scn. iaFrgt ol In wltl ayFrn giae thoe Esody Rass na eset Tis Clip Daîsan assiszen ly enW iste lis tise ouisgane o!Mn,e tise angea l'ya 5- scoe cisau badibreaonassteàali go~~~~~ý ai>aesoa ' teve la tse scondgans ise walad ly Pul assnt il IBrea vgoagoumd anaeaset, Barr Tionspan nd one Tatia re gans a! Frs, Fo' Bruin %e' aasDoe nad ' Hundtnae ga n s ontSpe n owLer and cD ug Farwni d aaasit,,-, Caadens abuta t seBlde weoalswýLee cord ly lS v reon ass, Rau Juked ia aadj Wl isan ssiet tisa Hskislya - on TI e ravas' gol wanoscthe l'y tev Jams wt"eted the goalaad wo siî, zDony goLey wa soedl' onl osa' ý( dfeatd tseCPantsr' The coe ia es goals r me Tn WlÀaer twogol eacb, StenPaulobbs andoa ana goal, John-ý of Tr eDaag Bavra nd Dr edytb asise Tise pan s gals wYereeconed l'y Slavonefan- rae deited l'y Rantisdy Wi Cbe l'y5a-5-caal. TTisnealo Weeal's goals wred eçoren' Joey rawtstwoJhn heran John Drievisn goal, Fran Le',càs on, goal aadnaiseoaesgoal Eddy O nylori ers l ssista arýîty reto1nae wisî. Tue Cuaà gas es co ,yRid ly MltDilMon witb cfrea gal thesit RAndrw eClnloolshd- an goal eiid aise ssiThe Meltis, R 'ya52score. l'y Marrie eadow , ifh twa, while Larry BrunI had Iea8e assiste, Steve ave , Bob eescor üe 'l'y 1111e aise and F zEL LIK E A GOOD AUGH COME AND SEE 'THE PRIVATE EAR -AND AN EENIG'SENTERTAINMEiNT WrITTEN BY PTERSHAFYER 'AND RDCDB TUE OWMNVILE RAMA WRSO BOMAIINVý1ILLE TOWN HALL ADULTS $2,00 STUD,-ýENTS - $1.00 TICKETS AVAILABLE AT BOWMANVILLE RECREATION OFFICE 623~3114 SPECIAL GROUF RATES AVAILABLE F014 nETAILS PHONE MARGOT SAMIJEL. 22-2473 scls'ga wasscr yStv Ireis. l6s tis-e oette Beted ise Raaisl'y si 4-2 scoe. Tise- i~ré?golswe're gc'Sored l'y Davs idn an witis wanand ina aslÀt, cb Devly hwit two goas andeJohvn LAnder Wlul M ie W Mie ofittl,4ta PCardinaé 4etbe de Bosnb-d ers> l'y an2score. ý-êTise rd-Tb i.padLs' goalg wre scored by Paid Lzà'e avèrgne an Greg %tw assisteW JondGryte Brok aflei t-.ise nins fby heaM« screTie aýBlades we le'd Ris Ha In tise gsreon ugno!te lue j tie aSteleand xGuI! bAnsLeian l&tled ta a hscoe la twis netsf tiem e nic( ans Pâan B ig oe paye oa tiem z;% Se er,,ýÈh-t m s;Ï h P C urE e CToalni gous tsans oneayad onJohb goals ene sorad 'y Donl 1nht'de wthta ra ae aise golenrnaéri i Pu Passt aisgal, Rïj andy C ouiao- Tmse'Rigs' gols wer scor ] gaa asieGlnMatn w gasdaï r Sise ags it, John Risackenand SamelîsotIe Là tiseseodam o!te e nigist, tisecanadians sisviau tis Novicezslya6Osoe Tis Caadtas~goals w'-er sco "red l'y Rý-as Juke witi ana asisist Lss reenansais ane two ssisTa.Rae aye 1n grasehd ie bassiwete MWh a tha Pa We gnsa la facted tse 1anrs ly a J. sc. Ts Las'gal ereg seoredaly James Bcis Jîmny anaý at, jaîis pace o as'c- istsan oh enponu fine 4coe 0l'y Dave own Du1 t tsba wa thermosta ate bter Ili eak offon ise14Had Rev J. fA.v Ramit okean tise M. Alan Osonna, RCanspseIl ct. spoke F onlise28t1. Mn. îlrd il, aogs wene ah rons rplaMoo onea, a tr Ailaayhetc.k rý havn meetingan Maday erý andista, eebratin Mhr, Fre ,G.Sasimtis a STth ~rh masyapoe celleWndcards fromfradadreaiean Mn. and Ms.Carac rad- loy, Bwsnlla eeSua- day alronclea 10. and jMrs.Brune Baker- 30d mrs , DBaker.wm Mn and Mr!e. Aiîonwr atuayevenirng get Mnt, and Mrs. John aneyk ad of Mn) adMrJW.Vnek Mn. and Moii.W Vac ThyCame Back -and Bowmanv*lle"s GId Wisena eproduot lhvee np ta ,,r sujrpaisss xpactatians, il prasatscerainrewands, liSe endrs ormre, Almiost three yeers ago Bo-wmaýnvilie built acav, o bell for Tisa Iran is n-Cm pany o! Canada to use ne tisa moving o! ira n are concentrate. lu additionta strengeis, tisa aalt ised ta have eisiisrasistance ta isa ed50ws o ipud- ad espec---iyta wthta tepaaurs aaxes !n0 degea,Dabut10 dees biisr isn tisa boiinig po-int lo water, Bowmanvilla Plant rcnl casltdanotisar, stncb bell (Inenad orlest waak) mnîisc,alneouýs i2ov,,r wa s tandred a Mn. Mi en montla ianou o! an ecent benae MissNenc Mo ngwiscsls isnu e gues glaisrawihso!f sSewas assis;ted l'y Mis Lam ant ad Mi"'sa June Taylor l isa ape-- lng a! tise giftle Des'iet..isank- cd evenyone for er gifts and tisoso eepnibefrang- Ing tise oel Lunch was saervad l'y tise cammitîce: Mns. Balfour Moore, MJ7rs, OrensMoore, Mise NTancy Mý.oare-, and Mns, Orval QuiseS- Tise elvenrtan - JaaîvillaJ BUSine5àDrelr c c c iunù r. ncy Chart,eed .Accauntant 115 Llberty S.S, Bewmasdvillp WILLIAM C. HALL B.Caasas. Cbartened Accaunhenh 36½ Ring St. E., Osbawa Talepisona 725-6539 Chiropraciic G., EDWIN MA-NN, r D. 15 Elgin St., cor. of Holrsey . Phone 623-5509 JOHN H. TAYLO4ýR, D.C.1 Office- 14 Frank St., Bowmanvlile i Telephone 623-5140 office Hus By appointmnent DR.ý W, M. RDELL, D.D.S. 1)r. P. MON TGOMERY 75 K1ng Stý. E. Bawmanvîlle Office Hoars 9 a.m. ta 6 pas. dally Ciosed Saturday and Sunday Office Phsone - 623-5790 DR. STIANLEY GERTZ m S7 Kir g St., E., Bowm-anviie Office Hours: 9 an..ta 6 p.m- Moaj-day tisrough Tisw-sday 9 ..te 4 p.m. Friday Cised Satuday and Sunday Poe623-7662 DR.WILIAMKENT, DD,8ý. Bowmanývîl1. l ýe Professianal Bldg' 2292 ngSt, E. - Suite 106 CloedSatrdySunday and Monday Open Tuesday tisraughi Frlday 9 a.m, ta 6 p.m. daiiy Telephane 623-7349 Insurance, DONALD A aGEO Bowmav îl - Pono'23-5962 143Kip St E.Bowmanvlla Offla Hors: y appoïntrment Teeiae623-3252 Mon.- TesTisura - Fr1 9 a5 ps f[or tise sareacamppny, TIs e bell is c54 inciswd and neinfor-ýcdlysi-, piso rayon-nylon f abric. Il se mor tisaisa quarte-ile longend tise Iîgissanad ia t ' maintained tsrua t is manuf actura, Tise firetweeà. un Februany, tise oelt iwas -ipe n aise lengtistatiseýcusoe.Tise rail measured ve 1ifet i diameter andwegsdams 2tonscrtd several riseaiaogst 19o downtiemiesiat n lay vnn.Frsdn n Mis- Ceay aloî,Sara Devotlonv,, î"! bu ie À'ýs e- in canstad o naingMie ConvnarPleyboaie hvar socialevenin àan M risantd in YevrlnCiuci al1a planad - a ganes igist.r tise oovening, c ,Le tne ta .StlehenMal- ad Mai Mu'erna acon a girls, Mrs.Dnohcel.o Isadau e !elyl jie etsIi weeh o! Wlentsolyedr Mdars.ifack Talor'a muiktockwiso preseted away floe sInwa Hasptefoo- ing surg.Ae aM family o!nesiao ad n ends NliMlclma M'acstercQui Mns. nGeandieRambasbee ma Lrifilaltae ihsa Cpa rauselosere xWnd Cthe(eeVoaStpeen luaxoI u dagst a Mr end M lndsey, R.R., Ahi nuer rnabi.os mutý'- y ora presea aiere t vouls a! ie y .- ohlowlng r isanaysoon l Flan da isahbppy aopls wil reided ots raablc m feras an tian RierRad,.oli a Mheeaster in.tanRbna wning e cecÊIi on heWls wisiis h brae re ey en mikilng.s pale ! tis cInd c thuc e madton foetia ounnes installi n ïrcsýtniCc ok spece undrgrund iBahes ajells for TisIrais0O!e Coin- paay, tisa recent anaad tisa Tisa advantage ùo! Ibis, Rus-e 'atrchia! engineer o!it sai-g products expiaiaed, le tisaI il savOs spliciisg on tisa site. "Tise Iran Ore people wv--ýe vrery hsappy wiltiste fret bellt," sadFoster, "so tisaI proves w'eputtsng ont a gon-dprd uct, Tisene's eý lot o!fopai T....ingrocotCa Functions a!f tise lawer e upper lier gvenaen o!fis ed ltis trunhit sewansand at if -e narprea c cr ctyv thnt pïni2ýltj lÔ!rreètà uit 9/Sôtherban. %Wei tisI rral popuatin, fr" gene ces hava alur coUrv 'ýtisann apà Iment dwhlr hama beretdaanlaTmu tomarrow, Cczen'Mis. Fraq-ik VWestlE eaýy atSunet ade Nu higth Hame. Bwman.vile betsr caeliesh Tise former IaMyAv sisa was tise ouwngeadugh o! tishe eco eand Ji (Stacay) v, y.Sho e bi an, eoen!26is 176ë -',aydon . . se waý tise mtsmber o! a famiy o! 12 cloeise boaS o!l Ife. She rceived her educat ai Haydan Public Scisool 8awmanvlhia Higis Scisool. 191 sise aried Mr~. Fre Westlaike wbo predeceased Novmber Ii960. Mivs. Westake hai ani fort alas 6 ya S, excep tise" lie spant at S Lgra. Sa ws seb WEsad ad~Usd Cris herofaml er, auter hi mIel ThSunvl aç lhea I Thaas, ! owmnvlle, F andh Perc, j., Hac Whetlakoe waEecsd ha nvdagse, rN Ja11niuar'y 01, 191, tou2 dutintissefu erve àin Mfé'ý ay beuifu loa l.ses NM ds umenas a in rd mmoytted t a ben ld at" tis fneal ,bil, tem twllb anivrsryo!te fua Servicetiha asba Firoir aur spriceGbser- àe apa oalmncpl-Mrs. Lutbafla H YI, m waud le dtnmene itail Tise death is a! LubI . respec-ts. aa ersethlaDummond, Raged 76 yeare, O! sanàse, tise To )o!BaDwnýa- Newcela t cjeda u and T3nbpa!CnwiiV!eail opti Bwmn- whcsnow nov ý nn- il.Sis a be isfu preseantetioý,n a nte aa ghati a om ie lies' 42cman board (11 votesa s mmodwsbr a!f a 56 vote possible)wullatsUnadSleadws an 18iin oard; al 4 ir. lyhniusad votas a as. 1953. STis ecaedhd a I! lSe prent raglan o! sjýjidedlaNewaslformay Ontlwe-CanletaLn ce l'e ueedyear eand was ahusewifa, as a cnienie Mae ils icp e main intereescaenn lin ceo!serviceswelfe rqnund bar homte. roade, etc, ta rural unîh-Tise funeral1 service waîs îles have escefiated bead iafroy-cise M ,/orrisFuea anyiynseorreascon sIs ,C'lty C a oh ,Bwesnv uie:a Weaieadsge wIseg Fost a!tise Salvatian Army. gesio tiaIproine esold ap Fost, io psssmes a naaliefrechiasnfor qaseniicnlvoceuaeasang a ifiret ,tismea yean tarasi. lovely ishyma.Interaent *as Nslher cari wO agnea wlth laBownsanvi1le Ceasolteny. Steal Snowmobiee From Parked Trailer tis Mosý,jýzport nrismtm js eto Mospant., betwen Mnday nigh amu Mn.Clifford tld police tisI 'uesaFi.2 ie OPh i ad isad ire troba ih rpred tdbstiiraller anu d gon in 200à"%Attrend Annùai H' ery, On Satuvrd-, ebuay 3 ater the anni Msoi A Hm Fanec waýS 1hEld ac t th Lorsene at 20atddadwerewi AiCBrtheriohn Wlllime tian ando AiswfeBertha, Emote- andLuhrWshadlswe In Magae, ank Adlcosdne a ev her ed h teEnn îAiskiu-U CJ Ver. oBp Cet ilt ided introducedtos t h ha ina~ able ho wee War Brot, ABru. BarryCurling aund li and F'reemanani iswîeLoa Rt. Wor. BsuArodLobad Sans. bis wife JaWrpo rn rank Osman adhi wf Adry toPVer Wo. Br, KithBillett I 23andbis ifeJean7Br Lu th- isari au Barn n hi ife,.Audrey, Waor.Master Robert Guthrie heldand wife Gkil, Bro, John Fip- WiElm anlbs ifBrta We.m, Aura (Bro Duc e wrals con-mgco ooM M tepraise fer exellent perorm- de- anýces in "Wiest Side Sýýýtory". Lillia is a popular youn.g lady wsin this cammUnity, ~~>meý Weetsdsympathy ta ý"Mrs. One o thepleaant spects youngman s waStpped, ggig for ai bnoe Lo09 Toeuewas an lnteresting st I f 1the wife who gat stuck e,-"- a !,aîil,e fromn home andý iave whase husband declared it was wn-~~~ totrmtatake theirsnn- iza- obileto rscuehe.W did'thea te oncuson i ýBro. E M.ettRig ad is !, VeaBr. abrt Mutona, bis. wieRus wsa ý praposed . Bro, Fason SwOsmonden esan Tha rrn rd ier lsii pro ps fd tastacin alage an iiswscbrigl e BYAM PLUMBIING &HATN self-service cafeteria system aà NOO UFFET $1,50 in out, Prning fRoom Bawýjnnvulie Phonoe2-37 V E R T -1 'l- ..l

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