3The Canadien 9tatesman, Nnwmanville, Mer. 3, 1W?! J SPORTopics By Frank MoChun 623-7234ý pi-vR iiTS 962 Lars y Piperr came ur wîlh anther une of hia fine'efforts ept ibarty Bowil, last Mouday ighl, when hae racked up e Bowling in the Mixed Major League, Larry startegd off :ît aiigi 70 camae back wilh 306 anid ".qlîpped" ta a low of 206.Tha'salmost an average of 321 per gaine! Nul bad! UPSE-TS (N BASKeETBALL PLAYOFFS Lestý nightHua' Jewellery an'd Stephen Fuels proh- ebyquiýtflad for the Men's, Town Baskelbell League finals, la gel uderwa Tuesay ught et the High Sehool gymnasium Hoopa's wre'1rtuaIIy assured a herth in the chamnpion- ùhlp seieliwe Ieail-end Jewellers upsal pennant-wîn-t nîu.g- ensMe' Wear 55-28 lu take a 27 point bulge jutai lasiT nih rsscondgan in the total point series. Ken1's atlacký is bul around big Bill Scribe, and ha wa4sn't there for the playoff7 opener, Ste,ýpe Fel pulied off an upsat iu the other series,e douig uuarupCoro-naýtion Cafe 42-33. Although Corona-2 tion 'led thei leaguer for muosl uf the;reguler scheduleý, the Fuels b have lu rate as jfavorites, Lw Li lIhe camipaign, Stephan'a picked up two ut the l betshoar iiha league AI Murdoch and Kari Degran-3 des. lIh ie upenair, Mrocicored 20 and Dagraudes 16,tlu Peccounrt for ail1 but six uto the winners' total. t] t 1 7- LITTLE N.H.L. PLAYOFF The -Eastern Ontario Little N.H.L. zone playoff will ha held at the Memnorial Arena here on Salurday. Port Hope, Cobouirg and Bowm-anville are meeting in the round robin I series, with t1he winars advancing ta the Provincial playofi sE iii FPeuetaug Son March 24th, 251h and 26th. f Bowauvlletenis wiIl sea action lu the first Ibrea gaines r uof flieray. Port t Hope will provide the apposition in -the open- r- ing clash at 8:00 a-rn. - an N.H.L. (Banlam) ancrounter.7 Cnooug will meet Bowmanville lu the nant two gainas, Thea A '.L (Pec Weac) coutest, involving Bowmanville Trailsleds2 ett,a!.setnina 'lokwth Pr-eston the Muver playing lu the J Juniior «A" (Novice) tilt et 10. If neesey vertime will ha played ta decida a winner s, lin-èach g-aine. There will be pleuty ut excitiug hockey action s thraugh unt11il fiva!clrock, and we would recommend that youb Lake l in Ye ou t l. tÈ t t t t t. Du fl h act t'hat sh ports editor is Usually actively iiuvojlved lui sports bimeh doesn't gel la see as many local t: game as ewul lika. Howevar, during the past week we t nana effort, aud idn't dio tua badly. Wa(bdsdy il ns ïMarkhnm et Bowmanvilla Trailsleds a inaPea eep1laYoff! and then ovar lu Oshawa where the V KinmenBala4rinswere fhosting Kitchener. 0f'course we had, ta b0awî aulr gaines offerly for the Man's Major Leaguee Satu ýJrdayJilwad unior "A" witb Montreal et the Generals E 1 2- in for Ohaaand hack bere lu lime lu take in thea r ;-est period ut fligbits batween Bowmauvilla and Markham in JJven1ile.1 >1-IV Sudy, ,wihth Ie Genernis pleying ilu'Toronto l inte'a attemooni eanttalwe did. the early sports instead outb: tbhIe-,soforthe i,ýfirst imIp bis seasun - wa had bae'T oforuil u atb n theJunÀior "C", Bagles. £As we lhad ' to atten a sorts drinner ilu Wilby, tbougbî wve my s el leeinIe flirsperiod oft the Intermediata "B" gaine betweený Sufvlaand WityasweIN i. t t t t JUVENTILE W h hockey et a mhinimum and elbows, R sticks ýAnd fisîs the ordcer of the night, Bowmeanvilla St. Mam1y's1 CerantRadmen osIt Markham 6-1, Saturdiay nigbî. TbeE Victory gave Marknm ta hat of five se-ries 3-1, a B t' puobehly Just as well Ibat il is oves-, hefare someone wes IR sari ly inj ra. Dl MIGE -Bowmanville McGregar's LDA. poslad e 3-2D dacisr,ïion oveýr Gananoqua in the apening gaine of their hast D of f--vE astern finial, bere Satur.'dey unigbt. Tu the second an- IB couunter, pla-yed th( exna t inluGenanoque, the locals lost G 4-J. I E The third gafine also goas lu Gananoque titis Selurday aI E four o'clock wtilb the fouth lu Bowmanvîlla, the following 1: Satrda, Mmch131h. If a, ftth is nieadad, it will he playýed A Sudy, "Ma2rch 131h la Gananoqua. E BANTAM -Bomvil came back to lie the series aIEà lwttn gaines apleca, but lu the fifth and deciding gaine Friday M njght, -oamwn la aliminate the first local club train D the ply r!Iail. Il wns a greal seias - and the local cew, E gave.il quiita, a baIlle You cen't ask for mure than Ihat. E CI WE - Bowmnanville TrailSleds look the upenling E guArne in their hast out lhree Bastern Ontario final 4-1, iu Gyan-IE aniuSuudaY iglt Second gaine will ha played hareataID~ IL45 on Sundeqy momuinîg. G t . .t EiVGLES TAKE OPEý.NER 4.2 A sladypro esso f cars-, headed east from Bowman- ville~~~~~ Sudy.gl tasutn a huge contingent of Port ITqPe fans who h 1elped to put the largest codt ac Ju.ior «"C" gaine juta the Memorial Arena. Bowmnvile agle poteda 4-2 decisian aver the visit- ingý Pâuthers lu a real cruwvd-pleaser. Eagles bad laken thei-r e.-fiuýal caver Suttuon iu thr'ee straight games, whil, Por Hope had baitled from a3 2-0 dfictot wallap Whitby 5-0 iw t4~ fifth iiid deciding encounter, befare anther packed houise1 itn Port Hopre, Thursday nig ht.1 Tbchenet u seven series, wbich promises ta be a nîp and tul<affir continueýs Thursday' lu Port Hope, with the nextî garre here on ýSun)day iglt. Remaining gaines are slated!for1 ThLýrrdays jin PortL Hopieand Sundayas inBowman ville, al 1 i t t i. TOWNLAGEALL EVEN Thurýýsday nighit's twin-ýbîll in the Town Hockey League shis povide playýoff action et its best. Last week McNulty's eedLocke TIV 6-5, wuhile Cauuty Chrysler downed Kramp That evened both semi!-final serieset one game apiece. n hesuddleu-deathi third enicounters, Caunty Cbrysler plays -1rnmp's aIt seven ao'clock, x'iith MeNulty's meeting Locke etÏ V FEATURN ZENITH and ADMIRAI RENALSSALES&SERVICE 723-00û1 Falcon Tv 426 SIMCOE S Men's Major Lge. 1Il w a rk Bndn'ighl 'taI Ibe lley onWeduesday as saibe famýous traîner of anil- c is T cma 1up v7i t h [iehigir -nipla ut the shdl 968. E3ony By'sgaies ware 246- 146 and lIhe, high single 376.' Ies Ilwas ana 0ýf bis greale-st Ai "Goosýe" Oshorne foilow- ed Bonid wilh 842 (260-288- 294), Bah Smith bad a maallyV big nîiht with 839 ma8de Up 6u 277-239-323, B 0 b Lawtonr, lookinig more like the howler wa used ta know, had 808 (254- 339-215), Sixteen howlers clobbered tha 700 mark.- Bîton Brock 797 (320), Boss "Whis.tlem" Wright 797 (313), Brian Mtartyn 739 (295), Dougc Carl- er 739 (288), WalI Hataiyý 737 (295), Howard Bromeil 723 (280), Dick Perfect 749 (315), ]Itaurice Richards 728 1(267), 1 amry Piper 726 (300), Russ n{nIinan 721 (265 '), Don Oke i 18 (319), Bob Laird, 716 (259), Dale Terry 711 (264), George Piper 711 (317); Steve Oke 1031 (305), Heclor BehlanlIne 700 (2 88-) . Harold BennaItt hnd a nice 299 single gaine and Pat MAurphy bad 283.' Curvan, Pontiac Buick teain set the record for the second schedule when they bowlad a ig1471 single gaine for an average uf 294 1/5 pins par man. The Jury & Lovel leain won bigh triple 3722 and ;bay'also bad a 1425 singIe game. Landar Hardware sund Dyks- tra's Food are stilil ied for top spot, hoth ttaisbave 16 vins 10 ibieir credit againsl 8 Iosses. NaIs Osborne's Insur- .nce, IG(ýA. and Ken's Men's WVear have 13 points. AI Osborna bous lad bis av- 'rage up ana point lu 276 for 24 gaias. Jack Bond moved inîo scndc place et 252 while Ernia Perfect bas 250 for tird place. Seventeen bowlers frnm the Men.'s Major Leaguaà will. ha bowling 'aI Country Bowl lu Whithy lu the finals for the big trip for two lu Florida. Tha date will ha Suinday, fVarch14b 171 âth Weeak - ?,ad Sehaedule Averages ýase Gainesf AI Osborne 24 ack Bond ----- 24 Fme Perfect --- 24 Russ Oke ----------- 24 SWlt Hately . 24 Howard Bromneil ---- 24 Bill Wesîlake - ---- 24 Larry Piper -- -24 Ron BIcher --2- 4 Dick Perfect----2 4 Doug Carter 24 Don Bagneli - -24 Don Oke ---------24 Brian Martyn ------- 24 George Piper ------- 24 Mlaurice Richards . -24 Iltou Brock --- 24 Rob Lawton - --24 Dr. H. B. Rundle- 24 Ab Samran - ----- 24 [arold Michelson - 24 Bill Oke --- 24 im McKnighI------24 Maurice Annaert'.--24 Dave Reynolds 21 Ross Wright -----24 Bob Smith -------24 ,uke Annaert 24 Flwyn Dickey----2ý1 Poh Laird ---- --24 >aug Taylor - 24 tord Wiltox -- - -- 9- 4 Randy Beauprie --24 fack Lander --------21 Rob Williams -- --24 Ed Leslie ------- 24 ob Glanvîlle 24 l1arience Oke 24 oab Koniopaki 24 [ap Palmer 24 aes Sinale 24 ohui1 Carter -----24 Boh Kent -- 2 -- 4 rank Mohun -----21 Russz Halîman 24 'auil Lyle 24 i Trewin ~24 !arl Piper----- 2 4 onùî Carter ---- - 21 bur Bruton - --24, ruce ilue -- 24 ubn ngra --21 3ud Ilenng *.24 ed Bagnel ---.-----24 rI Ruwe ------- - 24 owell MacDougal -- 24 ohuýý -Van Dyk ------ 24 .ay 'Van Meer-24 [ike' Murphy 24 nwlie Cuombes . 24 7.eorgP Stephen 21 [arl Biekel .. -24 -auôrge Bebee 18 3tan McMurter 24 'ale Terry ,-------21 Stan>din)g of Týeams E JO 13 Fr ni FE sî Eý Rc Jh Bi JO Bu Te Ai Le J, GE Ki GE St Dn ýTeani w Landaer: Hardware- 6 Dyks tre's Food --- 16 IýG.A. 13 Insuanc --13 Ken's Men's iWear 13 Cawan Pantiac Buick ------ 12 W. Frank Real Estale Il H-eatinig --- il Fran' PLi y l& Game1 Stops for. Chicken Removal During the Port Hope-Bowmanvilie Junior "C"? game on Sunday niig,j somebody tossed a very'much alive whbitlic en onto the !ce. Executive memiber Howard Corden is shown taking it to thie dressing roomn while ,Bowmanville goalie Randy Dittmar looks on. Ave. 247 245 243 239 L' Pins Pt.s S28511 16 8 27547 16 27445 27653 26924 27157 27i426 26903 26885 27574 27044 26748 Jutafter Douýg Croug h scored the f ottrth goal for Bowimanville ýon Sna night, he, Johnr Goodwin, Randy Rogers'and Capf.Lar Devitt gathered direct- ly in front of the Port Hope beuch to cogauaetes Lve.inthebcgrnd are the dejected Port Hope Panther s whýo have just seen their hiope-s of wijnnîng dashed. Standing is former BornnileteGorge Cakrow livingl in the Kendal area and coaching the Panther s. Add Cliecker bt Une - up Eagles Priey on Pont bers ToÉ Win Openi'ng Final 4-2, 1»' Harvey Webster ý made their afferig cut ar The ortHopePanberplump White chicken at fan s were su overjoyeda I end ut thelsecond peiirid. betng l ied with the Red Bowmanville Hockey As Bugles lasI Sunday night in ciation President H o, w the tirsi gaine ut a besl ut Corden also acting,,as a iJ seven playotf series that lhcy attendant quickly caught SCORING STATISTICS REPORT For Central Junior "C" Group as of Feb. 5th, 1971 of the Top 11 Players and their total points accumulated to the above date, Name Team Goals Assists Poir 5I 31 31 3( 3ý 21 21 21 Pt 3C 2' 21 2 if nice bird lu save for the nextý the banquet. Chicken calchîng was not the purpose of the evening however, although S0the Bagles did waddle a bit a rd ln the first and second per- rink lods to gain a twu-lwu lie the with the visiting Panthers. TheIhird period was a dit- ferent slory. Randy Diltman's j superb iîoal-tending, al1on g with a keener effort by his forwards, changed the tempo ut the gaine lu nfast skatig u,,ts and sliarp passing cuntest. Port Hope's close checking 3 aind bard shooting was a. ina- 51 jor factor lu ,the draw aI the end ut n two periods. jDoug Bray, who was ,oi-ý 6 standicing for the Pnies i scre hej irtt goal ai 12:18 31 ut the (first period, nul lu har anwrdby Bowmanvîlle iun- 30 lil 8:45 ut o the second froin the stickouKim Rogers on a ý8 guud passing play wîth Rick 8 BUlis. Doug Taylor put the a8 Baglas abead aI 16:47 of the saine rame. SThae "offaring uf the chic- kený" caine afler Port Hope ts. liedc the score aI 19:16 with 0 Murray Cawker slapping a W hard shot pasl gualie Ditîma. 5 Mika__Donaghua drove tha 2 6 4M0 4,24 5 5M7 6.22 8ff0 PHIL VOWLES HIEATING SPECIALTST 17: Liberty St. N. Bowmanville' PHONE 623-7591 24 FTOUR SERVICE Oit, Gas & Electric Furnace &, Air Condition Installa- tionls - Central & Window uni cx - Clare Hlecla & Fïindley EquipMent Frree Estimates Budgect Terms Avail,1ble Cooper - Sutton ----- 26 27 Devitt- Bowmanville 30 21 Hiolden - Sutton - --- ----- 24 25 Ro(bîinson P- ort Hope 16 20 Moorc - Whitby -- -- 19 12 Fecrgus 'on - Sutton 14 17 Thickson- Port Hope 14 16 Goodwîn - Bowmanville - 14 15 Leger - Whitby------- 13 15 Trivett - Sutton ----. ---- 13 15 Ellis - Bowmhanville il 17 FINAL LEAGUE STANDINGS Team GP WL TOPF Bowmanville 2.'4 15 9 0 137 Port Hope- 24 12 9 3 120 Sutton--------------. 24 12 il 1 139 Whitby------ ------ ~ 24 10 12 2 115 Lindsay --- ----- 24 ý7 15 2 95 13 ~LEADINOG OALIES 1Naine Teami i Games 12McRoberts - 1owman-ville -- 10 W ilson - Sutton --- --- ------- 12 Ditîmar - Bowmanville------14 îîAllen- Port Hope 21 Batley - W hitby --------------- 18 iPope - Sutton ----il Missen -'llindsay 18 10Osborne - inclsay 5 S Bal - ----------b---- 3 9i Dickie.- Port Hope--------------. 3 tsuwmanvsnle I D.A, Midget started their Eastern semi- finals with Gananoque on ,Saturday night ai the localý arena, Bowmanville winning, the gaine by a score uf 3 lu 2 Scoring for the Micigels, were Paul Forsey, Max John- son and Glen Rice une, goal homeeach, with assisîs going bo !wmnýr bnieearly in týhe John Colwell, Don Smlh,j f7Ihrd perîiod on a pass fruin IBob Spîcher wîth uone each,l Doug Crough, and Croughie Don Sturrock played in nets' added the insurance ,iarker for the lucal,. ai 16:ý14Î_uofthe third lu make Ti a ary da il a 4-2 gane. 1gaie wasolya few p cen If tIbis tempo of hocke7y lie hedoui.afw en cnt inues, Ibis series cuuld e'had ot sup bste rivalry ut la-I S cor i ng for Gananuqlue year's Ne(wmnarket series. 5ev w 1.ere Davis with two goals, eral uof the Bowmanville c- -a"" assisîs guîng lu Johnson erutive wcre very concerned w ý,ith lwo, Parrish and Dailey that there would nul be une each. enough rouin for the local, On Sunday nighit in Gana fans wilh Port Hope pourîng nuque a differenl type of in by droves. ,Su, don'l miss gaine was played by Gana-1 a good seat nextSunday. Be there early. The Eagles tra- 4,4U vel lu Port Hope Ibis Thîirs'- O T day for a gaine ai 8:30. Your support would be appreciated. RAN_,'TAM GIRLS The Panîhers are your priîy, T. Gray 5, H. Gray o; Bd- Eagles, go gel themn boys. MOndson 3, Holroyd 2; Farrand 3, Gibson 2; Aide 3, Luxton 2. M AjOR LuxtonTeain -IS-tan ding ----3 L u t n - ---- -------- M IXED Ad -MAJOR--------------- 2 February ?2, 1971 Gîony---------------------22 The freezing rain on Mon- Edmfondson ------- -- 20 day certainly didn't secin lu T. Gray - 20--------- hinder our buwlers when F 1arrand ------20 Larry Piper- rolled a real H. Gray .....1 smoth High Triple ut 962. High Single__-5 ricludling a High Single ut T. Gray --- -- --185-155 370 for the evening and the K. Aide- 17,9 sechedule su far. Larry's other Migh Double gaies, 306-286. JusI think, T. Gray 340ý Larry, maybe soun 1000. ,. K. Aide .- .. 321 Peggy Haynes nul lu let IheR. Luxton ---- ---294 girls be ouldone 804 (330-1 BANTAM BOYS) 302). Let's sce you keep il up Kranier 5, Farrell 0; Woul- 1PIeggy. ly3 an2 Six ut our bowlers toîîow- ly3 an2 ed with over 700, triples:K Teani Standing Pele Dobbins 782, Russ Hale- Kramer ---- -----------_25 ly 724, Helen Dunn 723, Hec- Wuolley------- 24à tor Ballantine 720 (326), Bet- Bain --- ------16 tCharland 708, and last but Frel---- --- ----------15 nul eas Jui Brtun 02.High Single ' n t las Ji Br to .70 . D. Krainer -------------- 174 The other 300 gaine was K. Farrelli---------- ---- -160 rolled by Ron Haynes 303 whoL.als- ------15 was really trying lu keep theL.Ddo-10 nainefin the gaine. ,hDul Larry Piper bas laken uver D Kramer - -----------2 96 Hi.gl Average with 266 (21), Dà Bruce ---------------_294 tollowecd by Ernie Perfect 261. K. Farrel------------------- 283 Doris Joli has 247 for theELLoosina - -289--- ladie's. 267an --- ------ý Teain standings.are remain- H. ain- ------262 ID.Hodgsun..----- 26 ing extremely close w thL, Faîlis ----------------255 Haynes 18 points, and Brown D Mrpy25 17 points.w D.Mrh ---------->25 Over 300 Gaines, JUNIOR GIRLS Larry Piper 370-306, Peggy Cowle 7, D. Piper 0; K. Pip- Hayes 30-02,Hector Bal- er 5, Perfect 2; Carter 5, Fred- lantine 326, Ron Haynes 303. ricks 2. Over 250 Gamnes Teain Standing Russ Hately 290-258,, Larry Certer . -------- -- - - -- 3,9 Piper 286, Ollie Patfield 284, K. Piper 35, Pele Dobbin 281-265, John Cowle ------31--------- ----M Fowler 280, Linda Crusscy'D. Piper - -- V-------- ----28ý 278, Albert Sama,;n 274, Helen Perfect .23 Dunn 270-257. My ri awonFredricks ------ 12 269, Helien Rey.rnolds 258, Jun Hl _iah Single B1ruton1 258, EniePerfect '255, C. Cuwle ---------------287 Be tty Charland 254, Roman J. Carter-- 266-224 Opoka 253, S. Brooks _. ----- 239, ary Averages C. Mitchell -------_----- 217 Pipe - (1) 66 C. Perfect20 Dav Reynulds -- - -- (9) 264 D., Fredricks ---- -------20'l Ernie Perfect ------------26, L . Bromeli -,-----------------200 Doris Joll11---- 247 K., Piper -------- ----- 200 Hector Bailluntîne ----- 234 H igh Triple Ollie Paltfieldi ------------ 230 J- Carter -------632 Russ Halely---- 230 C. Cowle----- 618 Peggy l4aynes------229 JUNIOR BOYS Pete Dobbins--------(21) 2?6 BrooksP 5, Adains 2; Musher 7,1 John Luffinan _- 22,5 Wélsh 0: Roberts 5, Lamont 2. Jini Brulon -------------- 224 Teain Standing, Ross W right ------------- 220 R-----b-------<---s---- 40 MYaurice Annaert ---- --219 Mosher --. - ------_ 34 Albert Sanian - --------218 Broks--------- - -._3 Helen Dunn----- - ------ 217,Adâmins------------------ --25 Russ Haliman ----------2j5 La-m ---n--------- 20 Howard Brommeli----214 VWelsb I17 Leon Connors __ ----- 2 -- 14 High SiNngle Mike Murphy -----------213 D-W--co- 27 Bernice 1-Bud -----ay ---2131 ILla \Wrigh -t ----- 12101 Don WVrighàt -------(21) 2101 Betty Charland ---- (21) 210i Ron Haynes- - -------- 208 E e utv Don Bishop,---------- 207' Gord Simpson ------------- 207 Rob Vandenberg , -------206ý Helen Reynolds ----- (12) 2061PC Shirley Fowler---------- -205i SE1 Bill Jol -- ---- ------- 2041 Norm McKeen -------203 L S FT E5Y Phil Harlos ---- ----T-0F--THE-- 20 George -Charland- ----202 G A T R Virginia Fairey--- ------202 G A T R I Bon-Bur--s----------- 201 st. Joseph's Mix ed, Bowling League FehruarY 28, 1971 Teain Standings Pts. Pins 3. Hill, Bîllias ------ 38 24671 4. Nite-Train --- 36 25404 5. Crawlers-------- 36 25080 6. Wise Guys -. 31 24652 7, Woniderers--- 31 24620 8. Gaillets - ---- 28 25213 2. H-i-HaIs 26 24623F 1Unpradictahlas 26 '23982 Men's High Single Jaýck Brown --- ---- 2813 s tu Chisholm --- .283 mer's High Triple 'Dave Orme --- --------- 758 Ladies' Higli Single Sandra Draper --------- 211 Ladies' High Triple Knthy Skriba ----------678 Ovar 200 Gaines Jack Brown 283, Stu Chis- holm. 283, Saudra Draper 281, Fred Hoiroyd 268, Deve Orme 262-248-248, Allen Maclean 261-212, Katby 'Skribe 260- 235, Bill Orme 259, George Chn-alad 258-228-200, J i mn Faim 245-206, Gary Couway 244, Lsabel Laprade 241, Vi Ruddy 236-225, Molly Horst- in 234-211, Arnold Brink- low 225-223-209, Agues Mac- lean 224, Bob Smith 223, Car- roie Orme 220, Base Mamie Conway 220. Top Ten Averages Bill Orme --------------- 229 Dava Orm 1---2171 Jîi Faim 2--- --- 08 Gary Conwey------0 Mika Kennedy -.__ 24 Arnold Brlnklow19 George Cbarlaud19 Sandrn Draper ---- 15 Jack ------n 19 Kathy Skribe ~1.94 * * * 'nuque on home ice. It"wa, a hardhitting ganeý riýwith the referees rris-singa ilot of penalties th-at shouldý: 9 !have been called. Two oi three players were hit ani, Seut hy high-sticks wjth 1,cý penalties called. Gananoydke won the gaine by a score of 4 tu 1, i, Seoring for Ga;1naoc1e 1were Wing with tugoail sandi one assist, Davisad Goddard gettrng the other goals.- Assîsts went to Mano- gan, Parrish, Labiver and Davis one each. Scorrng for the locals were Bob Spicher with Rolly Simpson aisistinig Next gaine is ln Ganan,- que at 5 p.m. Saturday. Threý will he'a bus going. Anyonc- wishing to go tu gîve, these boys some support would be K. Joli ------ 225-21 M. Roberts --, 236-245' 1S. VanDriel . 2453- G.ý Coombes --- 251 W. Mosher, -------- . 23n D. Gray---------------- --2"21 B. Lamunt ------ M Gillespie --------------201 B. Branch ---------- ... 200 High Triple K. Juil 691' M. Roberts --------- 629 SE-NIOR MIXFD LEAGTE D ey5, Brunt 2; Terry 7. Mac(Donarld 0: Whitehead 7, H1-olro1 d 0; Bouwmneest(er 5, ,Bradley 2; Lyle 5, Cain 2. Teani Standing Bouwmeester ---------- 42 W hitehead ------------- 38 Terry --------------- 36 Bradley ------- ----- - 33 B runI ------------------ 26 C ain ------------- --- -- 25 Davey--- ..23 Hulroyd . 2 L y]e --- -- -----------. 0 / MacDonald- ------------ -14 High Single O. Te rry ------------- 298 S. Vanstunie ---- ----- 288 S. Davey -------280 L. Whitehead - ---- 277 R. Bouwmeester -- 255-269, High Triple, D. Terry ------- --- 771 R. Bouwmieester-..741 L. Whitehead 70î S. Di-,vey 694 T. Br ock67 INDOOR HEATED POOL Forget Winter... ENJOY A RrFRESHING SWIM FOR THAT CHANGE 0F PACE Mon. to Fi. 7 to 9 p.m. $.Oper person at the MOTou INN Liberty St. S. at 401 Phone 623-3373 1 NI M Driven EAR - 50,000 MILE WARRANTY Automatic Trans. Power Steering V-8 Engine Power Brekes Radio I1970 PONTIAC 2-DR. HA RDTOP Lic. 501-86A -----------------------------------$3295 1970 PONTIAC 4-DR. SEDAN $37 Lic. 501-83A --- -------- --- . -p3 7 1970 PONTIAC 2-DR. HARDTOP $37 Lic. 501-84A - --------- ------- ---; 3 7 1970 PONTIAC PARISIENNE 91, 2-DR. HARDTOP $ ;3686 Lic. 501-82A - -----_------- 1970 PONTIAC 2-DR. HARDTOP d Lic 501-85A - $38 BRIG CAR VALUE - SMALL CAR PRICE! 1970 LARGE VICTOR VAUXHALL' 4 cyl., 4 speed transmission, radio, ( w hitewalls, discs, etc. Lic. 503-24A --I29 Convenient GMAC Finianing Arranged MAY WE QUOTE YOU ON -LEASING A NEW CAR or I'RUCIC 16 KNGST. E. BOWIMANVILLE ildgets 'Win Here. Lose in Gancjnoq Wheel bîses *'Other Options