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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 17 Mar 1971, p. 9

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y , Fian ohun 623-7234 PEE WMEEIS S l' O NIGIUT¶ toupif Wed) at vinoclckla îe opuniiug garni et;î a lest3 e.t fivPe Ontanie Pe Wee simi-final ami. ,TIc niç g arni ouý çoS Fniayla ewanktwiih future dttebu anniouncid LADIES' M. - LEAGUI TIen were ibnif triple garnis turneË Monday righi. Mini leading Witt a 768 - 265 tollowea by On wifi a nice 701 trip 224-201. Nancy Eý Onîe9's tripli-ih a 7 286-257. Niehw Tor, 1z AVERA Onue Etcher------ Ollie Patieiri - - Dayle Woluik -- Doi Brooks - Audrey Osmond ----. Thelma Fernester H-elen Rogers -- Helen' Depew Ena Eidher Ena Whtîead Judy Bragg------- Mahel Lewis ------- Tearn Judy Bragg ------ lEna Eidcer ------ Eileen Mooré Audrey Osmond- Mabul Lewis ------ Onue Etchî-r -- Dot Brooks Theima Fo-rnester Joyce Tennaunt- Helen Rogers Ollie Paifield Shirley Davis --- t t -t tMlesDw~igt oei aaou FISS MVEAHEAD The Junior Town League fluaisq on Sunday saw Fisk' sw n Fuels ov into a one-game lead over Nichois Motors by Jta a b b Z âfïfiý lci9-5. This series promises f0 be a dandy., O hidy ac lh LAt t ' t large crowd was on liand Fte *v Their ruay ýoff Ho e watch Mulders Knîghts defeati EAG_ýALE D CUT TO ONE! Oshawa 8-2, Polrt Hope Panthers seem to1e bemaking a habit of staging This garni cimaxed the Bowrnanvîlle M cGr e g o r .Sunday atterneon a buîload <,iweill tngo aaîn three dit- pyofcomîebacks this year. After losing thefinit two garnis semi-inal betweeui these two Midgets forced a tif tIisud de- of" players and fans jureyd iret ean and)'zshw we te hty thei Panithers came noaring back te sweep threeteams. Mulders Knights wou cding game hîre on Satur- te Gananeque for a gme ati couldi do it The boy o two and tiîd eue. Mulders now day nigh-t wlth a 3 teo0 win 6:30, Thece they met a fait- like te thbank thecaca- straîgphf and the bîst cf five seies. g nt ettewnes toî aaoutlgthe skatýi ngc snd fard-chieckig agir, tramner for al theeffort AautowavleEagles, Panthers lest the fiÈst three the sîmi-flual hetween Dur- Se.. satiw garnis each. teamr pluls a cou'pe cf neterees they put forth dunjing ibis, gaul1,e, but Thurisday niight lu Port Hope, they won te tay har n ad Peterborough. lu Saturday's garni the local who didn't call a lot et pînal- series. alv.Suanight here, they won again, by a score of 3-1» Scornig for Mulders were MVidgets sýhowed real playoff îlesý that could have rmade a Standings for points up te sholdîl u îe sris bi TundayTo Bînma, wo, Johnihockey as they skated sund diffeýlin(ce n lutp score. March 15 for Midget TeArn: and if the Pathers Dykstraie er e, sDèiston DThksdaya checkîd the wholî garni te o wanlîîMdgýe1s couild Bownianv;illî Arena will uodoubtedly be jam-packed forer i ,Csy chno iwgive Don Siurrock tri goal a net boy ar ý goal iin thisz lasit NaMe G Aptsý iPM seveutlh and decdiug garni. ,mrie Slack oneao, Hnr well earned shuteut, a s hi garni as Ga3ýnneque en y on Si M53348 85 .If a seventh asud dceciding contesti h requined, it wîll bc iîs oo. Assîsti ýwerrt te De]r- steppîd cverything ihat was a decisive score ort 8 te 0, co-Glen Rice 24 i17i4i1i130 played Suuday nîght ai 8:30. ton Dykîtra thrcer \,maîty Stel shor, at hlmn. ing for ti inn e Paul Foniey 26 9 3 4 12 onJamie Slack o1r ne ud Scln for the winnens were Davis, Wing, Jî-roy, a pairý T i t tHenn oneDon Sniwi th ia paýir .nf each, with cish aî IerMax Johnson 10 15 2596 coinfoOsawseH, osis wîth Paul Forsey ,,cor- Mack each scening singîcis. As-lBob Spichîr 13 fil 24152 AN UNBAc'LANC ED SCHEDULE and a n SogfrOsaawsHing a single, Assi-,siwîot tQ sis went te Davis 2, Wvýing 1,iDave Tahb 8 16 24 50 UNBAANCE) VRFT denheU\îl one, with these Glen Rire with two and DavelLaniviere 1, Mach 2, Jehnoen Steve Davey 7r 13 209 Fiti of ail,lt' cry about the final eîght garnis oet hiýp1ayens aIse gcttiuýg the assists. Tabh one. Thi retenue calP-11, Maugan 2. 1 olly Simpson 3 15 18 122 H.. unor"A shîul iisseso. as Sptmhrwhn d a gond dean garn, e, the Midgets will now Mike Cornell 7 10 17 114 011_,_ TLiiiný "" -zheulethisseaon.Las Seter M'henThi tans in Bowrnanvillî ýjoin ï>,the othîr liamis, frem John Clwiell 6 ! 5 381 it becane a ýppaîrent that thene was going te hi ne east-wisti t*flIrmmd eut a litile bitter on Bowmanvilie1 who have il Steve Watson 7 6 13 2 fini for t)i Memoial Cup, the Junior "A" Councîl, in trs K ra ,W IlI Stra night, whichgaeedyhihatnu.Frd ya3 3 6 4 wîdolumpîd Montineal, Ottawa, Toronto, Pîtêrhorough h i boys a real lit, I e think our lVlidgets id ii Wayne, Seymour 5 52 aud Ouh-awa in eue grouipand Hamilton, Niagara Faîls, Lon-t Manchi 9thý doKth nersd St, Cathanines lu anothen group ad order- Stnig , Pir-înfs Oshi adPptrnjojhprtstdvigorously but te e Yrne.'8 14 avi. ow appeans fIat thîse proteÉts wene justified. This Hii-Cis 16321 unbalan)ced a-d unfair schbeduling will pnebably cout Oshawa Maple Grove ----- 1' 31) aplay,-o)fÏrspot ;and c ould easily open the way fer St. Catha-î fin g T e w in a R o0-W lues te finiish ix firsit place. High Singles AI Siephienq The second teopic fton the crying towel is the Midget Pnu- :53, Don Tay lor 51 îugMourea wh ncrut teirplaer trm îe etiegprov 813 Don Talrir 80,. phe VnIve Gmêh u sa'i h ority Selectýioni, bitter kuowu as the Midget Draft. Plngad Hg ril'3IStpe i lce of Québec', let's consider hnw the rîmaîning teaims in the,'"~ vrg~, avyWbie issoigc h hn I uxhgm tti4etOuEce .HA. Junior "A" senes obtain players. A tearn such as! ansAe day nighlt Igaiewas wîll'cf 7 uns nPort -Hope ou Marlon McKnight Veterbolrough or Oshawa ean buîld iheir tearn in the follew-ID. Taylor--7-244 Tmre Junior C playotf s" pia n hI[1tra1ms. Mil Thura ih.I hul iCeeBwr ing ways: iK, eCl :0 3 es 1 ------wîîî Port Hope, which -Rohinsn, ik hîî N la priai nei(Mlie TPatfield ---- (t)proucng ocl payrs beeauhi roec-d-y-C---d--i-130f 228 iad ein ail BowmÉinvlle s1', eren Mke DoiiyWnlg TilpS FatLewis----- Juniod.cr7"A" î a wocnbepoece ythi Day" RrynoldS -. 1,5 28 anas goals wene concerned1_r-aye ndK Bkr Th Iianhens aPre net goîng Eu Eli d cer ----- (2 unsioct 'A" plan n îe Md. rft .W o 0 22 htr at Tîursday nîg,J taîýiied for Port Hope, w t 11Pi dw sd ply dîad, innie1 aylo <3) D Maynai'd 27 21in Port Hope where îe ad oes mHleEgls fw attisre uyEvalns----- uuIvitîng to eriuîng camp, players who wete rmissîd R- VauMer ------30 2:l Faglru wcncgivrir a 6-41 r ad rw n Du a- rbd s gîg ehVi oMar, oa eatedrfR. Laîrd ------ 30 26 rng. The Pantthens, who have km1 it tii hc score sirtfor1 decide te ie 0% su l y eois î an (4--ai--frp-y-- 2F aso 7 21 _shown strong checkîný iug ad 11-Ic Fagles. 'al-out hockey for- 60 1minu Ltes . JoeceTeruant Ai IStphen 27 209 ile for the finit JI, r- Sunic-day nightsa- 11t ) I îe lait twogarni, s orneHeen ogr JItems 2 4 are qual for ail teanm .TIi eeq ofiy t le J, Coombre' 30 20----ods, cetjinurd h ll')i threugï ayst4em lePs wît ,ie ui- the protectîn oet ilocaý l playrs. M. Mjjarsýhail3 8Ih-----d aU ýs WcIL. anter l- 1scenîng wîth excellen g nl i rfthe FEag1cs ihavi -ei dqui - a ans J ~~~~~tnding hy Don Allenr nd i nilnîlclecaor'..d.Ha..rMo . tà rocctFi p1)1erý, n te iroJýClarke - 2--207 ten;der Don Alici len suplicid Randy Dfm r l- dd'!sen t liv Au eYO lin -- ars.J Slnrni. -----2-5--ir - oild goal.teuding ueîd td i y Din ar'h, Dîoii ns Aus-' s he did n't sem tahave Audýn,,eyOsoud B. Ceniemb ------3ý0 23te bld thi Bagles clowun Hlin op 1neoîfeheg or1te de i lR Wedknw i s Yil JoytE or ----- TIiMaîhns inrhockey sysitem attricj, ii etof îleiR. Aev - 2 23md nycuilsd pint Port Hope ai l'0ettI inît nt tr yu Red indo Ii. ou Dottooks tep ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ onn plyr uTrno taaaealwdbpoei5~a ac 4 23îa saves lu bel tIi po luhnswr teKm'bavegetoe want t i uJCkinatiN Ralphllaey Of30 'Y02 lat twc? garnis. Don was gv-Holmfes goal whl(,IlhwsaIodnt on u une ac c plaen nîidngwihi 5 0 il rdiu c Otaa. ureulyF. Wotîen -- 27------ 202 nfIlîan uuprby î îistering uiapushot fron utI U . ae ei île ~ ~ ~ ~ o 67sJno B lbcnit tai]lthele but Midgeî-agî-es ii ef I an up ythîs îe ide the Ibliiýlh'i r 41 et YOu avIansup ryu eIrnie-eTenry - l y n uîe Ota s aiT o hluirteîle ufaîntsheeîe!Mu n rs especial tiintal pnodiea re - hvp i cthe tem sud ablity Go Joa ne..om e . whee yuîrn te eîwîg i allus trail le paesntel i j1 Yr;, Cawker, Deug ton cndwa nvdt igt'm yuRdhni o'eEle en j nf Ij I.i. pI;.'Ncr8 I,ýw1 Brav ndPaul HiIsý, îe wne a 14 t l o ir c eal teirn ep'Hl epew, plyig uno "" howîeprtecid lcIy hen thEey II9F tIYI whn îthu Eages? scndiimln1b yuEge!Fo Draper-- wenemidet gi:ni1 No, bi ýis net fIePortiHpe The lRed ihini uou a b TOTAL1 - 7rtah c;Trno l;Ohw,3 hthna ~ bn lad îe brd fur(ii ' îdid ihe 'buzlr:, ad kalcsd l I fl w.1l1TIi-Fages4we T.d tfpledseend, butîle ne 2;Hrnitn ;Ptroog,2 edn 1: Niaga, t.bt1 Sf.Catanues 1.NI~T IA HS OWITN sktin tam la thîy v e gevý2ne fnt îIRobinuntisaiý dJi5p1ayed thus far inlu île -r- id île g niwaywith aPIre- lu othr wond, Monmeal, Otiwa -iid Toronto should d., i~ OI ici. Thein passes en ntmedos lt rnth ti- always hi ai l, e top e(Ifttheleaguie. Thi oniy way îth ne e t T Sa(dg1'c'3sp ard accorate as usoaal, sdr ai 18:34 net11lP Ihird.i n us ancepet u beu-diraft or eut-inAde Ihese ibreteams . Ogden"8,00 26 ad mny vofthté eîTI rs0W tnsa TIe abovi item was wr iýtien hy coach Roger Neilson eo C. ruce - 2,9 3:cuh tand(inig tilL. 3 jen2-frBowrn1anvIl1îe. with e t'le Pntînhroeugî iPet!e -,wîe is gînîraî.y ecogynîzeîd a li Mains - 2,08 F Bruce -Br26,631 21 K. JCamphe-l - 35 J. ainC69AsIheyBeaf Nicols 600 Trplese BcJYsDRnIVE INN 'J. main^9,C rc ~A2 ia ~ee 181 RKINC STi. 1 BWMAN VJiLL E G.nDFwnya- b32JDe Mot P, K., CampColvein- xt 6,16k J NE lhIWTK. Cmphei - l:1IJia Onunda nipi, li- ý,ý- thyfgt tclfozh 263, 24. G. Doney - 23 F IonTown Legue uion an r ~n Leagueccamp on MAR H E1thC. Brucl- 39,F iLaed - 244,1 Fuls rnved nu grnIýi U p rouoted un wha't y wll iSci- f 25.D.Mued hloqM tns lu tle damp codcedon île ici. U NDER NEW MANAGEMENT îR 1 lîîor- 22,j. Rewe -l pionslip round as th ilow- Fu' ul ikdu 253. cGEMET d thim 95 ý ormne uati.Mhl Bt clubs providîed exc iit- Nc ncie ie OPERATED BY - MARY TOPPLE - C. B3 trce1-M.01 i r ad bard l'ttiug hockey pealie.Bg gsfr lîkeSI Open froinu 10 auy. to 1 l D Odu . .--t 0 a ey movud from end te were Birunsvithi tourgol Sundaytr hrdyJ Mains ---- -----25 edTis suries is producing and one asulîït. R. De1noglueo yand Saturda 10a .~F. ruce 18 le ype cf hockey Ihat -fans witl oeegoal and tîirue as 'iridazyi- ýk.Cam iil - £97 oveand auyoneuwbo itunu- ssis, snd Weelnr i tl eue, t129! ing eut te, these garnis is net goal sud two asst, F' P HON 623 3602 Rewe_ heg dsappeointîd. îeNiclols it a __________________________________ A ykta 8-fer tier 30 seconds un eue goal and eue assîlît aloug;rai lu fýinîst, moving Fisks ahuad witl playîng a standou aralerti 1 0. This score heid up util garne)i defunce. Dont f o- we steering. e lite 1:230 mark wben Bornus gît nuxi Sunday nîght hi- WMEhile diingi on the highway, helç M ocneasmd thc score 2-0. Fonan tweu 6-8. M k ltte door closîd as i yauve got plenty- of road feel. But[âi d Ithe second, tIen was '~newo lrvll hnakn,tinevariable feature iZ ubteu ices nîl i" "ville-Sarvletdi scorng util tIi 7:30 mark getyndcstesernwelta U~~,.U. ~~wheu MclnlyriplidNclî BIi iLaaeîrrequired for tighi-space w Am - CHECK OUR FLYER FOR MORE BRAFI Stratton enguuue *5-Year Crankshaf t Warraniy *7" adjuisiableWel * Foldting handh U White cugine wifl red dee Law Mater7-7-7,. iant 40, l.hag overs 4,000 sq. fu p 40 lbs, CLEEAN-UP WINTER LEFTOVERýS Hea.-vy-dutfy 19" nialtie 4â hardwood handie 'GO' WITH A SAVING 1 100% npure P Penniisylvia iL 9C1 Ail Seasuon IMultigrade SAE103 te within ene goal. Fiki s- ieklith lime to e gît hu Thorsday, March llLiu goal back as Bons oved Doris Tompkius -- - -----206 Fiki abrad 3-1 at île 8ý15 Gail Million ----------- mark. Nieles finally ipulird Manlenu Slacey - 9 even >wîth Fiski as they DeretlySak -18 notclud two quick goals by Joyce Stac-y--- 18 M-Mliffo nat tle 10:00 mark Ronîe Woodls - --1-3 andi Homninuk aitIih 14:00 Marie Trim . 18ý0 mrSe aftm two peniedi Elainue Marchaýnt j 18 ot tait, îxcitîneg hockey, boil Grace Farrow --------- - --178 clubs wunýre deadlocked witl Bîruice Hnmsn . 174 the thàrd comung op. Fans Olive H-1denson 17 wondered If thc gar was Dîlones Walkeuy -- --- 16Ci7î poing te le anoîbmr île. Jean Poi lard - . 6 As île third, opeurdi, it Daim Foi r16 pnoveýd dusastrýous fer Nichol,. Marie Gohie . 16 Fisih -out-hostled sud wi-Pas Million -- 5 PcHrdîhem 6-2, Fisksi movd Cnm aclr 5 le qUicïrkly te taki comrnmand]C)'ûiPýoII as Wedelbit for oeeat Pmgy Million -- - 1 île1:9 arksu aainatCahyLamibîrt .Î541 th mi- ndeai tShirley MTantel 15 lIe :29 ?Qmark to make h t Pst5-dge 14 J-,Rfus answuned witl a geai. Suant Mackie - 17, TIc scorîng stepped util Mang Gullaud . 3 the 10:43 mark wlen Borns High Snl increascd it for -Fîiks 6-3- Donetly Stark - 25 Nichol',s oickyg t il ack HighIlTrïie --- aithIle 1:5 ak WhiiiDonotly Staî k62 Huphrli foreue.Bur's Rgh A veragé wil li fentbcfthe nipht Doris Tompkins . 206 mnve Fl i(-mad 7-4 at îhe 200 Garnis 140 ak Nichols m adea Dorothy Stark ---- .- 2751 garn attmpi aitIth 18Z08 Marie Trim ------- 2341 mak ehn Heminrck scorîd M anilune Stacey ------ - 233 te pt !lhirn te within t 'Pnsy Joluson -'2 goa. Oly te walcl lkuGi Million - 21,' take 'aly ail bepeýs iet pull- GaeFro 0 -w u o al ibi 2DorisTmkn 0 S. Se, hockey fan, tom oui, Nutmlc----------3 manmovernv. 5tandard on some Pontiacs, available on ail others. New eisincontrols. Pontiaic is doing ils part to heln chear the air by designing engines that nunt lae and more efficicntly. And there's an Evap- orative ElmissionsSstr o i Pontias c aA hsorb ýfulc 1va pors. Pvvwer diic brakes, Power front duc brakes heëlp assure faut, a-esiin tp under the toughest driviiigc condi- tions. Standard on al big Portlta cs; Ool -nl rîm=sýize ontiacs,ý Bias-belted tires. Help upoehandhing And trac-ý ltion. Bias-beolt desigi lsaelp unicrease tilif4cby nesýisting flex-. ing, thus ciigheat build UP. Standard on ah Pontuacs. Ther causq 1 ong4 dou acou soue E The fresh lnc n Pro' Thé Canadian Statesman, Bowrnianvîla Mar. 17, 1971 Whtbya nd Dfa Cobourg in Preston the Mojver ýNovice the nsui e galerly v i ihe SAil Stars bave eliîinated thîrd p"erl eakmionq Whitby two straight in OM4HA goal atcte r bcei giset U p by-To _quart 'er final play. Thie frtEy;,GeadMori on start" game was reported last wEekd the lay ORSecond game ef the series was Seco n-ame f 1the serîe 'R plaiyed in Bowmiauville O oe"fo)ugFrdy uh WXeduesday night with Moyô Netwekc teweke skçating off wt a 2-1 win. Tht ek o heMvr h asth Movers outplayed Whit'ntroîtiNLpaydi Pfinp 7010 by but were up against anothýeî'Mdadxhch h tne 6d i ý last in an endiess string of ho1upe înrHokyan h nie Taylor goalies facing theMvesga st u fo by ou --256-247- throughout this season.MvMvîs _______ rie Ettheesfrt go-al ca-me fo pl - 276- WaydePrso assists gint vns tîed Eddy Visser and )onFarrow. 70 1 - 158- îr i) wdft)(reycm pw with his îteam playiog a t short, Wihystrdinte AGYS final minute of pli-, 27 Movers advanced le1,th1 l"I 28Semi-final OMHA payfi wîh E 21.1 Cob-ourg at home Sundav an Rý - , 212were ful value 0fo ir 21 iiilehîs best cetfthî ice series oifrîysz oteo ,,Il Preston's first oa cmeonr 1-3 oa ih h urhs 09shawate receîiing a perfect - 2----- )Pass across the goal mouth te OFÇ o.,Te.,Wd b0th open side from Brird God-*î <pm -Tur.'i ------ frey.i Alîcu Brunt started the 1:0pm F.adSt pla, aining possession ini1:0a n CobourIýg's zone. 2&868 20s.Movers' second goal am 286 n0o the, power playDnFa 28763 17 row uoichiug the goal which, e 922831 17 provedte be the game ,\innî 26916 sIte tLanry Watsonnn HAMOY PZZ Brad Godfrey. Coboung e- 56-in-. oWiin d 28312 16 id late in the second penncf 290 13 15 '2 banging in a Imou ýpuck b tiiiOH1-P 28917 14 Bowmanville eaýIimouoh. 7310 27-i18 14j Gary Dusseldoirp o.ld_____________ 272M9loi A.MES 1 219 --22 ----- -- 235 2302 2495 -228-221 213 SIoe ~ ~cene !or 7 Gentie Benan his Friends larî y the adrHre in the aena na extrfAchr. -the Chieftones! internatonalMoto Sho Chain of Lite! Ouùdoors filmsret, vr ra, Weay:Noaôn taril 00 pm Satrdys 00 a iair 4n m Sundys::00p.ma90pm Leli L-KMans l-ardtop Coupe. Rgh.Parisienne Breugham - dopCui 1ew O'pen rocker rpanl 5 uce ,;I sali d waterbuîld up, pinglto eliminDate un sighfIy nust 1corrosion. A feature on fu- >Pontiacs that'll pay off a e- lime ýomier, quieter interiors, 7re's more roomi inside, b-e- se31 aýilli-size Pcintiacs ride on, ger vvhpelbases for 1971. New iible cnoo f ce, ustru ctiouis .uîtiically-designed ta absorb rid. )raft-ftre ventilation. ,Vent vinLdows are gone, ir veyou ac' satllwa ;h air, And dc if quîeçtly. A New suspension. newm front ;suspension an a11 1-size Poriiiacs impraves han, ds. The res-culi, a better r'ide m nore ,Precvîse road holding. me il yo.urself wîth a test.dri'.e. Snide=guar bcm, Inease cdideiincopaci rtcio Ain al ovr en ni inatri by Ail 1971 Pni i U inns ie hood e pes panl, Stlndo i bgot Avîlae o nm-îcmoe GýYourPontiac dealer isman up fir i k t Corne in and order, ybour 171T-ontac nowý- for fast dlvr Ie ý i 41 Ji OVER 220 GA ie- jp 0 il IL 1- - a c

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