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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 17 Mar 1971, p. 10

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Q The Canladian statesrnan, Bow-manvîlle, Mar, 17, 1971 urham Aric - News by Bob Watt Assistant Agricultural Representative YE5tAtê Planning Meeting aria Departrnent of Agrîcul- clubs and the day wîll con. What wvould happen to your ture - Food, wîll be speaking clude at 4:00 p.m. EveryonE .tate if you were to die? No on gfing, partnershîps, trans- who was a member in 4-H lasi one Likes to think of such a fers, etc. Also, Mn Ralph T. year, is encouraged to attenë thing happening, but we ail Smith of Manufacturera Lîf e, and bring youir parents anc have to be realistic. On Thurs- Toronto, will speak on the use friends who wob interest. daý-y, April1,1.at 8:00 p.m. in of insurance in Estate Plan- ed in joiring a 4-H4 club. the Orono Town Hall, tbere nlng. A general thenie of "F oo -'vill be a general meeting to Spring Planning Production in 1971" bas heei dJiscuss various aspects of Es- Do you know your fertîlizer, set up for the clubs. Thii tate Planning for both ru.ral chemical and seed require- theme will bie carried oy anid urbanl people. Mr. Lyall ments for 1971? In less than through the year tili Fair, tirna 'MacLachlpan, Farm Manage- two months this will be need- when Club Exhibits will depici ixetSpecialist, with the Ont- ed and to avoid any last min- this theme. ute scrambling, now would be Plan now to attend the Skat. a good time to get your orders îngPatan rnitoa placed. Not only is this to your Meeting on Tuesday, Marc] Repors Suicessadvantage, but wouid allow 23rd at Orono. Parents, yot tbe dealers to be better equîp- are encouraged to attend ané ru. ped to organize their dehivery meet the 4-H Club Leaderi Oe% f1970 ral Fir 11schedules. and nieet your neîghbors ai Wm,. Tamblyn, president of Mastitis Controi Program f he saine tîme. Remember, 4-F. the Durham Central Agrîcul- Mastitis costs the average is for growing people, sa let, tural Society reported to the Eastern Ontario farmer $2,()00 see you on Match 23rd all annual mieeting recently that annually. Thîs startlîng figu're become a part of this yout]. he' felt the 1970 f air, held in was revealed by Dr. George orogram, oromo, was the Most success- Fisher of the Regiotial Veterin- NOTE: fui to thiis date. He did, how- ary Laboratory, Kemptville. In' Information 1, ayoft evfer, say thatt the Youtb bis survey, hie f ound that 48 above, may be obtained fronT Music Nigbt had not corne up pet cent of the cows tested the Ontario Department of Agý to expectations. He emphasiz- showed Positive evidence of rîculture and Food, 14 Frani eýd the exýcellent horse show mastitis. Even though this re- Street, Bowmanville, Ontario and livestock, show. port was from. Eastern Ontario, Phone 623-3348. Ail departmnents reported in the saine type of resuits would dîviduially to the meeting and probably be found ia this area, noted improv,,ed exhibits over as well.i E T TO Sreiscussion centred on studied mileîngtel:ipNESTLETON impirovemnents for the coming important factor in mastitis Cngtu flats t Mr, a fair and included in thîs list control. Faulty or below-capa- MCsngratr uren(neerSus waPs the inclusion of a Uicora city equipmeat can produce an BLan) Ho re mrneus Hîlteh class for heavy borses, stress on the udder resulting ~Sran y, Mtc ho 6 e arie2p. aýnother ring to show live ln lai ury which speeds 11P in Holy Cross Churc, sh classes, More, accommodation mnastitîs infection. 0f the total wa.eh sa for the Rabbit show, more equipmeat tested, 53.8 pet cent oytorptth M room for' fruit and vegetables was found f0 he fulyorGorge tH easlspartet îMr and rearrangement of the below capacity. f PyOrGorg errHsp iatienl. Needlecraft exhibits, Althougb the incidence of Many Cartwright residents A. Jakeman ,vas agaîn ap- mastiis is high, Dr. Fisher calîed at -the McDermott-Paa çkihted to look after the gates says facilities are available to baker Funeral Parlours, Port anîd R. Dickson wvas appointed deal wîth the problem. The Perry on Wednesday in re- Auditor for 1971. G. Carson was Ontario mastitîs control ptog- spect of the late David Johns. rebired' as manager and Mrs, rami, sponisored hy the Ontario Sincere sympathy is extend- Joh'-In ickard as Secretarýy- Departineat, of Agriculture and ed 1'Gois wife, Mrs. Johns, Treasur _r Food, is a three-phase pro- daughter Hilda (r.Jh bmTing, n mo ion, ni amwhîch costs the farmrerMppa adth randchn lîoice their objection ta hold- $2.25 Per cow. It inicludes an r). ndtegancid irg fairs on Sunidays. ectuipmeat check for capacity rs.Artu H rdvsie 'The total cost of opDeraion and suîtability, udder quarter Tuesa, vnn wt n n for thie Durhami Central Agri- samples fromn the cow every Mrs, >Eling Taylo r, ndl iitral Socîety, for the yearlsix weeks for a period, of six Tylrlenskl 1970Q amaunted to $36,980>01. of months, and specific recoin- Mr.,- and Mrs, Clarke Williams thls amount $2,943.95 was paidnendations hased on the find- setWdedywt h qutt in prize money;$1.,0q.5Àings of the survey. Doug Fallins fay, Bwmanth forJdg' fees; $4,580.30 foir Results can he dramatic, vIlle. cYnpital expenditures for bu-iild- followîtrg analysis and treat - Mr. and Mrs, Axabrose Ly- itgs, bleachiers, grounds aad mndýent, saysq Dr. Fisher, In ore Wood, Lindsay, were Wednes- févwe; $6,903.72 for, operation ýinistance, the mastîtis frequen- day eve'ning visitors uwith Mr, aid miaintnnce; $,î89.24 for;cy waývs reduced to~6 e a r.Gog aes enfefaimen, bnds, aninouin- cent ,ta ni-ne pet cent iniasht Mr. and Mrs. Norman Sai rers; $3,160.97 for hiorserae time. However, vigilanrce uteus were guests ait the Hur- Along with $7,401.71 for bansbe aîntained toa eptern-Blnwdîga au end hnterest. probhlem in check aftr the rday an woly Cro sCburh wakba repoftd ha afrecotrl rora asenle sawa, and tbe reception ai h~n baanc aI$97,81exîted If vyou feel that you thave a St Mary's Ukranian -Recrea- at the end of the yvear. _probi, m-'oreinomtnonlnCer, Receipts duiring tb4e faitrn teprogram la avaîlabefri r.JckMrow rs a year were miadle up of gansth nta)rsoDpatnnta îwad all ae o il the mmt f 6-96.7; rcaturni& FoQd, Bon an rcepty1fo tily:ta;he! elônatons $1,634.35; fees $,-v nl, oryour local vetrin - w h foe luads. r fl0,10; races $2,574.26,; admiýs- arsan. Mrlw icnned ith Mc. mions '$7.414.98; concessionis ad Durhawm iiCounty ý1,qI0Master nesty, HatonMc rentals $5,640.00; sale of rmat -1Sprîng is aearly paf U an so Ui'sÏorki alatGn, er'iais $2,645.62; bank Iban ec giait Al is rtimre ta start ea rciinr rcie ,32 -9.Oufstandinýg vccepts!planning foi the.4H Poraimts. Malow is the daugbteî ýa the end af the year amnount- in DurhamnCont.The - of" r d1rs.GrntThmp As ta $7,85.00 nualSpring Lae'Meeting sonNstetnand Dr, Mar- As o Peembr 3tb,1970washel onMarh 9h and îow I îs the son af Mr. and Mns, there waâs ïain otstanding hapnk the Pirograrn i for hecotiiig WlaeMraBaktc 1oan af ls&500.00 and a land year wvas dîscussed., The Or- Mr ad rs Gat Tomp Nebt ai 2,00.0. gniztioal Meeting fr hes, on accamnpanled Mr. and Mrs, NewPrsidnt 4-H Agricultural Clubs wîll Frn'est Freer ta Toronto on Clarence Turner of Bow- be held on Tuesday, March Frîday and visited with Mrs, -man-ville wasý elected Presîdent 23rd starfîng at 1.30 p.ni. We Thornpso's mothe, Mrs. W. e!f the socety for a two year will try sometbiag a liffle dif- H1.Jobast.on and 74r. and Mrs, 1 Erm-. fereat this year, as we W'll Art Davis. Congraitulation#.s ta > Oter executîve members have family skating al the Mrs. Johnston wýho ohserved 'Ve Past President, Williami Orono Ai-ena froin 1:30 ta 2:30 be r 91th birthday on Tbursday, I~mln sf Vice Pres., Lloyd p.m. For anyane not wanting Match 4th. ~Atchison; 2nd Vice Pres., E. R. ta skate, you can go fa the M«r. and Mrs. Freer vlsited Loveki; Managrer, Geo, Car- 1.0.0YF. Hall in Orono. with their daughter Mrs, sýon.; Sec.-Treas., Ms.John~ At 2:30 pa..il the I.O.O.F. Joyce Neiman and grandcbild- Rickard. Hall a film in -snowmnobîling rea. Karen and Kurt Neimar 'firector: Len Pears, Waler will be sbown by Keitb Jen- returned borne wlth tbemi foi Piersrna. Wm. Reid, Jin Rîek- nings afi Ontrlo Hydro. Fol- the weekead. ard, HlId Ransberry., Alx lowing thîs.,,we wl have a Mrs. Malcolm Emerson, Mrs, )14offat, Gardon vvats7on,rKelthhibrief nundowni on the general Arîburý Hyland, Mrs. Ralpli Wnodi, and Gardon Barri e. c prograni and comments fror Sadier, Mn. and Mrs. Norman ~A list of fifty Associate ,i -1 the Club Leadrers an the vanî- Mains -atendeçi the Sangspin. Assistant ditectors were a] g2i ous clubs. We Pwîli1 then have nets "hatie"at the Aca- 4Ippoinfled ta the Board. rgsrainfor thIe varjou1s dey Te'te.Linsay a Saturday evening;. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Ellilot Iro and Cheryl, Mr. and Mts. Car] Ellîoît, David and Kim, Leask- dale, were Suaday evenag dia- 1owrt dai lneUo n d ran w itherW- e _ar l Nile DebihMrand Davld The Canference commeaced MONEY ON aIl and the banquet at Cub leaders atteadiag. The DX PREMIUM theme 0f the meeting was "Growing tri Beat the Sixties QUALITY In the Seventies". Afternoon speakers wenc. FUEL OIL Rev. D. G. Proctor who o pened the meeting and e-xteaded the welcame; Mr. Baprrie L. Shaw, BOWMIANVILLE CUSTOMERS Directar af Relatinsý, of Scout CALL COLLECT Headquarters, Tornto, Dr. Kevin A. James, Director of AskOpraorfor 668-3341 Orilla Pollution Probe. or -Dial 1-668-.3341 Follawýinig he banquet Mr, John A. Palmeir, bead aInt be * Histo ry Departmient of Onîlia? D X FELE I 'High Scbaool. delivered anex ceptional adý(dress, choasrIng, as CALL US TO-DAY bis tanîc, "The Boy and The Modemn World". FOR PROMPTS COURTEOUS S5ERVICE Ariiag back la CartwrigMt about 12 midnigbtsome of the igraup were "oe-u"and j0'near Blackstock. On bis death bsette nigbt wîth, friends * in 1955 she moved into Black- LR OA 01 pt f problem, theiL@-ýrl b PLI GROVEock Nestieton folk tboroughly en' Au-nt Ida, as she was known (Tntended for last week) sisten, Mrs Ru scII Gilbert, joyed a very autstanding aller- y the whole community, bad alGrvSudychi M.nd rsKeLwsar ýnoon ano r C andidateS ara ntrs n u' sAnaý,,sany wîîî be held an visiting witb their sonan _ýf or %illo d , C a d id akwitnessed by bier skill on the Suinday. June 6tb iastead af wfe, Mr. and Mrs, Maurice Nistiano W.hI.wisa mera of S a, ue20hLeiTrto The regular rmreeting. fAi rn ieasi u-1" sbudt èa wid uBl,uk, Sý,kUe niuedy, .iueOth Nes;tielon Womnen's Inslitule Apnn ieasl u- "fi oid ab îeBaktr atd Cuc Several ladies fram Maple Callers durng the part wAraa held ensaM, hr hudhv amlop open cantest," be saîd. "And and United, Church Women, ,Grv attended the Wonld Day week with Mr. and Mrs. Ray 3rd at the Whdmeofsda , Ma rcbhaiYsboîd bve tampl ecrop- Ibe mare wbo enter, the hetter Surviving are lher twa yauog-,. ryehldateMrn eClwr r. ndMs Mygr. Wlc Wls peienflifiexpressions ndeies 1 Neîtherfntie non Place bas Stanley, atha Cburcb, Bawmanville. Alan Brown, Mr. and Mrs. Ted Mrs Wlte Wlt, pesden, ul exresio i te nxtfe been set for the nomination Mn. Taylor rested at Me- Mn.and Mrs. Artbur Burg- lagie, Mr. and Mrs. Bob Hoy, 'cbained the 'meeting, extend- maaths. meeting. Mn, His experts ifý Dermott an ,d Panabaker Fun- ess, Ebenezer; Mr. and Mrs. Mn. and Mrs. Bob Burton, Mr. -e cd the thanka ta the hastcSs The local riding association will be before summner, how-1 cral Home, Part Perry. The.John Huband, Oshawa, were and Mrs. Art Hester,,Mn. and eand a cordial welcome toaail. is laoking for a persan ,. ..or vran de th ihsSuay vnng iioswt M.RsRb. tSccretary -Tes rMsprostovefrtenmla evenradndade; that t s 1f uneral serice was conrduct- Sn1 vnn iion ibM.Ra ay Ricard - reaure Ms. eransta ieforth noma-ben tadtioal a oldsuh cd by Rev. Virtor Pansonsla the ]atter's mather, MWrs. L. C. M. -and Mns. IH. G. Freemani, clRcadDavison, read the flan fa became tbc Lîberal meetings in Orono as it ils mreie rlpno niaFbu Snowdcn, brother, Mn. Bob M,. and Mr.WyePc'R minutes af the Fcbruary Mel- candidate for Durhamin j the or lesla the ,middle of tbe any 19, at 2 p.m., follawed by Sowe.werc the ones fnom Maple irigand avethe inanialre- ext rovncia eletîo, contyMn. and Mns. Fred Wrigbht, Grave along witb ather rela. -port, av h ianilt-netpoicileeton ony interment la. the Cartwigbt Base Line, visitcd ls faîhen, tives and frîends who attend. eder Lwene Mlcl "We hope'we car cet tbree. 'Mn. His said that it would Union Cemetcry, M.Nra rbatrM.e h edn ftefre' Mr.Lwec aclfour or even five goad candi- he difficuit for the ýlocal aso- lîbae Mee Ten r L. NrmafndWg, Osawa an randubsis enFit i repanled on the Summary Day datestarua for tbe nomina- ciatior if a provinicial electionl Malcom, Gardon M L.cJ.mBrduoday eveawaOTbey areli-of agMr. isJeao lit- in at Hampton when the cushions lo, albHitl h wr ale eoe ue ,Glenn Malcolm, Gary Bris- in- l 0rknghm anr.n Kngv yd niedy Crcb!i ce were displayed. Owing taoibtahe smn M.HIsi resi- ,^atwoun equm. ndnouî oàl w lydTenad o-Buckingham Street. Oshawa, Salurday evening. tinclement wcather, the attend - dent ai the Durhamn Couty ognzto . n oaeadTeî.Ms ay Aa Dye -ance was amaîl but the aine Provincial Libenal Association. likes that," he said. , Guelph Uaiveritsethe ON Nestîcton ladies wenc especi-7i i weken aIho enithber. alypese ibIe ora 0O IU R parents, Mn. and Mns. Stevei__________ bthe homes and Hampton's bas- f LI Doyle. braîhens Arthur, Jeif, ýI LDir.1am A rcuCra alendar l CECIL OSCAR BRADLEY Earl Doyle, grandriother Mrs. I SA letter rmriHome Econ- 1ICcilJe feU I Somist Mrs. Flîzsimmons, ne- i l nw in the Whitby- Mrs. J. A. Saunders, Onono, r EIlIT tparted tbc 4-H Achievement Frîday, Match 19 - Durham Convention la "Marketing -Pickering anca for avec 60 lis taying wîth bier niee -nd i____________ 'H Day will be aI Hampton or County Farin Safety Coul The Challenge ai the '70s" ycans, Cecil -Oscar Bradley repiwMr. ard Mrs, Russel:, S Satunda.", Apnil 17, 1:30, wher Annual Meeting ia be beid la Convention Headquarter a i died, suiddealyý at tue Dr. J, Gîmbîct. eerlIuac there wlll be a fashian show the Village Motel and Restaur- the Wcstbuny Hotel (og .Rdl General Hopial Ms.Ala Sawde, e has the girls model the "Jacket art, Hwy, 2, Welcome, begin- and Canleton St.). Whitby,, on Wednesdlay, March sisten and husbaad, Mn. and eFIRE and AUTO-MOBILE Dress". Thene will alsa be an ring at 12:30 p.m. witb lunch., Wedresday, Match 31- 7:00 10!h, in bis 77th ycan Mns. Reg Taylor, Osbawa, INSURANCE exhibit af fibres and fabnirs. Match 19, 20 and 21 - Jun- p.m. - Durham Milk Commit- Mn, Bn3adley, who resided wene Satunday visitons at la Mns. Austin Zocîler, F.W,l.O. ion Farmers, Association af tee Annual Banquet - Solina at 1.122 Bnork Street SutPart Hope Hospital where their! Cntact: n President, sent greetiags and Ontario Provincial Dînectona',Hall, Tickets are available Whitby, had beco l bi sita mothen, Mrs. E. H. Wilkins i' HARRY VOERMAN - anauacd te AC.W.. Cn- Metig and Provincial Con- froin the Executive an Dîner- anlY two days.aptin.2311a'6-35 Sfercace in Oslo, Norway, is ference ta be heîd at Ian-on- tor. Sna h aeEwrd Ms vlnEsrgr-and-, 33 KING ST. E. August 3rd. Transportation !S the-Park, Toronto. Thuî'sday, April l - ':00l and Elizabeth Bradley, Ceci] son Scott Milîs, Oshawa. wenc' BOWMANVILLE bciag providcd by BOAC aI a Tuesruay, Match 23 - Dur- p.m. - Estate Planning 'Meet- 0. Bradley was bornaet Aud- Tuesday visitons witbhic cost of $333 return fane but bain Cauinty 4-H Agnicultural ing ta be betd la the Orono bey, on Januany 23, 1895. teservations should be made Club Skating Panty and Org- Town Hall. Two spcmkrs wmlll Hîs finst wîfc, the former, promptly. anîzational Meeting in Onono be an haad ta discuss various Vera Jobaston, whom be Nestîctan ladies chose the starting witb Famnily Skating apects af estate planning. marnîed la Whîtby, passed IeShfor eKt fo c e ao atr (2)Oan Aea nd Turdy, Aprîl 1 -Bow- .îway in 1935. He marricd IdeFasho s for h ithno;T <2) meeting at 2:30 la the I.O.O.F. manville Hîgb Srhooi Cancers the former Lilly Cooper, *nIAA R Fahin uè fn a'an- Hall. te, be bceld at the BowmmronvJIle Toronto, ln 1937 and she pre- Sing Schooî (1) Kaack of Sew-ai13inOo Aeaad ThraG A R Ing with Knits on (2> The Tuesday, March 23 - Romd- High School. deceased hlm la 1955.îM Mai Dih ake te Mal side, Spray Meeting for ail Sat., Apnil 3 - Tentativel Cecil ]Bradley oper'qmeda GRý 1m wa Ç FaindForum -()Dlake' peopl vo indlaRoadsîde date - Durbami County Hol- general dry goods store imn Worth af Meat on (2) Calorie Sprayîag will be beîd ia the stida Club Car Tour ta Peter- Pirkering frari approximnilb W ~ L ILfl ~ L Couat Dawn. Corference Romr, Ontario horough Holstein Irecders. ly 1916 to 1941 ad then je St. Lawrence Strcb Cai- Govermient Building, Lindsay, Tucsday, Apnil 13 - Couniy movcd ta Whitby wbea be 8A D S R Y -pany reporta that tbey will be frmi 0:0arn. till 3:30 pnm. Evaluation Day for Ontanboi toak up employmeat wîth demanstnatiag la their "test", For more information contact Departmcaet of Agricult urel Genenal Matons, mn Oshawa, kitchen frari Match 22 - June the AgrîculturaI Office, Bow- adFodStffl Dnam in' tbc maintenance depant-In e iid s F gi de - epeme 2 Nve-manvîlle - Phone 623-3348. Caurty.i ment. He wonked aI ba fr, b30.dhurada ber20a-ch 25 - Dur-1 niay, Apt-il 16 -- 6-.30 p.m. 22 yeans, mmking m any good Is ciid s»Iun iïe David Malcolin, a Nesticton bamn Holstein Club Bus TipîMîbok WmnsIsrueffina m cultni Scouten. bas been chosea ta ta Simncoe County Holstein!70th Anaiversany Banquet to~ among bis fellaw employces.' Herbicides etc. attend the Scouters' Jamboree Breeders. ýbe bcld la the Millbnoo'k He retined la 1963. la 'Auust la Japan. The Tbursday, Match ? "Nu-!Unitcd Cburcb. He was an adbcrcnt of the DeaIerz Mrs. J. R. Wright &Sns Nestîctan WlI. anecocntnibuf- tnition in the Orchard" Mccl i Apnil 16 and 17 -- Mapie, United Churcb aof Canada sind1Hilerest Orehard ing a' generous donation la oiag ta, be held un the Anglican iPancake Day tai he held at aima a, life memben and Past Mi tSuh assist wlb the expenses. A Parish Hall, Newcastle a.t7,45 Russell, Kcnnedy's Bush, Mill- Noble Grand of Ontania Lodge PanM97-72lNwcStleSoth danalon was misa vated fan the pin. Speaker wil be Dr. Bob brook, Ontari. No. 324, 1ý..OF. Poe9742 Red Cross and lot the C.O.F., Cline, Research Scientiat, H.- Saturday, Apr'l 17 - 4-H He ils survîvcd by bis du Nesîleton. ta assist wilb the R.I.O., Vinelard, Ontario. Homemaking Club Arbieve-1 ghtec, Mrs. V. Moore (Dora- shall rentaI. Friday, Match 26 .- 10:30 m'ent Day for West Drl hmnfty) of Whitby; two step,- e Danated fabnîr was soid and a.m, -'Annual Meeting af E.B.- Clubs at M. J. Hobbs Seniorid a ughbtcr s, Mrs. A. Silký appreciatian las exlended ta I. Membens - Agricuitutal Public School, Hampton. 1 (Phyllis) af Ajax aad Mns. Miss Ruth Prautt wbo bas Engineering Audit., Kempt- Saturday, Apnil "24 - 4-H!Ireine Bradley af Weston andý donated ber lime and talent ville College af Agrcultunal Homhemakiag Club Arniev'- four sans, Howard,, of Bow-ý ln making the tale baga. Techniioogy. A bus will be go- ment Day for Eat Durham manville; Erie, oai Hamilton;: Conenes cre askd a îg dwaandfan i suoo M-Clubs at George Hamiltonf George, of Bannie. and Wil-, bave thpir reports ncady fan more information contact School, Welcanie. hiam, of Kickîand Lake, the Aprîl meeting. 'Mrs. Ber Harny Jase at 987-4497 New- -Aa uvvn r 2gad Dejlong, Mrs. George Bowera castle or A. O. Daîrymple ati cbildren ad 15 great-grand- - -, , - and Misl Fred Dayes are the 623-3348 Bowmanville. Dcad- u i in childrcn, as weli as two bro-i nominatiag committee. 'lire for ramnes ils Match 6tb.thiers, Charles Addison i- Mrs. Allan Beacork, conven-f Sat., Mat ch 27 - Junir ~ IAMYTYO Highland Creek and Gardn ci- of Historîcal Research andi Farinera Association of Ont- af' OnilIa. Curteat Eveats, presîded fan aria Provincial Culig ia- Mrs. Ida May Taylor of Besîdes bis two W-ives, ha 1the programme. The rail cali, spiel at the 1niv'ersity ai iBlackstork dieti on Wednes-iwas predecemsed by a 5151er, "Do1 You Inte dt oe-and Guelph, Guelpb, Ontano)ia an f dy. Februany 17, 1971,2iet Idella, and a brotherA- If Not, Why?" was answered Jupiiorfa rme nBwlinfgTc- Oabas1wa General Hospitail, fol- brase.' 100% la the affirmative. The- namnent, SportsmaDn iBowl, ewngsugcy.M Bradley 'ested aIth mata, "Thinga KeptInl Use Guelph. The former Ida my Ml-W.C. Town Funcral Chape, Neyer RuaI" was ably present- Sat., Match 27i Dnhlari colmi was thedugtn iWibyTefunasrvc cd by Mrs. Beacock. She ex- Caun'ty Junior jFairmers Tobog- David and Mary Arna Mailcro,,vith Rev. J. M. Smith offi- pressed the need for people la gan and Ski Party ta he hleld and was bora Janiiany '1-6, ciating, was held on Fniday, A* L. W EARN LTDe keep active la helping athens, at the Oshawa Ski Club stant- 1890 aI the Malco einoe- Match 12 at 2 p.m., foliowe Their mînnds will be alent. Love, ing ai 7:30 p.m. stcad at Nestîcton, When bier hy interment ia GrovesideEN IK LEOT faith and hope la. aur fellow March 29 and 30 - 1971 Ont father retired, b Lindsay la Cemetery, Brooklia. PHONE 263-2-291 -mea wlll create a contented tarin Institute ai Agrologiats 1919 she accampanlicti hm - wonl. Annal Covention fa he beld qo(i cesided there until lber T AT E'SMAN For Current Events Mra. at the Ontario Room, MaclDon- i manniagcc ta Herbent TaylorC Beacock sbowed' pîclures of aid Block, Panliameat Build-lon De-cember Il,, 1926. They C L A S S 1 F 1 E Dg a Wm. Davis, Ontario's acw irgs, Toronto. Theme af theltcook u.p residence on bis farti Phone 623-3303_____________________________ Premier, and Harvey Malcolmn, bbc W ardean af the United Counties af Northumberland and Durham and braugbt the group up ta date on Carl- wright's population. She ne- grelled data perlainiag tq, bintbs. manniages and deaths wene ot'aIrecorded la the municipal office. Mrs. Hanny McLaughlln read a poem, "I Alr't Dead Yct' wbosc authan was a lady ai 94 years. Mvrs. Davisan ccad. "Dangerous Words". "Bon Voyage" was extended, by Mrs. Ccci] Wilson ta Mna,. Welfs, wbo experts ta leaver onMonday ion a rmaath~s va- ration la Gcrmany, ber native bomeland. ýAl joiaed la sing- ing, "Fon She's a Jaiiy Good Fellow". Miss Ruth Pnoutl'a group aasisted the hoatess with lunch ardýj Mrs. Davisor exlended the apprecialion. The next meeýting will bc1 At'nil 7 la the United Cburcb - baseinent wltb Mts' George~ Johns th e bostess, TO DISCUSS FLOOD APN Bawaianvîile Town Councilý wiil meel witb the Townf Planning Board and the Cent- ral Lake Ontario Conserva- tion Autborily ta discuas the flood plain mnaaping wîtbin thc municipalily. and ils effecta on bath pnîvate and public propenty, A lime bas rot been set lbougb Il la sexpected the meeting, wbirh will be open ta1 the public, will take place 'Ia a negular rouncil session sorietime wilbin the rext tbree or four weeka. Cookie Day Isr Saf,, March 20 Open yaur doora on Salut-1 day, Match 201h ta fthe Brow-ý nies, Guides and Rangera sîl1- f irg, thein ahane of cookies fori thc Girl Guides af Canada.-, At 50c an attractive box,' trn than balfthe sales pnîce goca to support fun, camping, overseas fripa, leadership training and. mary ather ar- tîviîes for 118,000 mem-bera, across Ont aria. Anyone rai' joîn the Guide ,rganization, as long as she's a girl wbo lîkes fur, fnierd- sýip and training to be a lead- et af fon'omnow. To seil 1,100.000 boxes af nolokica is the goal thîs year, ta meet ail exprfes, so if yoU can't give yaur fume, give your support by' ordening Girl Guide Cookies. GOOD 'TIL MARCH 27 FeaurLI# Sciings GOOD 'TIL MARCHl - ,'.SPEC-IAL CLEARANCE CEILING TULE -----calrto 9.60 R----X-- carton 10,24 E :ARAVELLE carton 10,88 ca).- -%/e s WIRLTEX -J ------- carton 10,88 64 Square BUY NOW AND SAVE! feet ComqSoon0# . 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