Thé Canàdien Steltemna,oman i1, Mer. 17, ÎC?*& Youjng People Flock to World Prayver Service The Yauth Service, World Day\. nf Priayer, with the theme "Who1i Will Answer in This Age ,ýof Aquarius?" was held Marcý -h 2nd at 7 p.m.. In St. Jolhnr's Anglican Church. The church was packed to the doors with every youth gri-p in Bowmanville, Representatives fromi 10 rU'ilch-ýes participaterl In the srieunder the direction of Mirs C. R. Eliott, Thei Rev. W. H. Dawson led thep -ing-song before the serv- Jenony Woudstra, Marilî n Stel, MaIrgaret Van Dyk, Joanne ;,Un Dyk, John Van Dyk, Ag- ire Kýraay, Krina Vogel, Cor- ecen Vogel, Joanne Fayer and Carry 1,Zegers fram Maranatha adRehobthi Christian Re- forme)id Chuýtrches formed the crýi alanwg wfih their guitars', accmpaiedbv Mr. Evans, oraitof St. John's. Joe D]rymple represented k-t. ý Pau'; nîed in "We Mcdi- TrinjyiUnted ilui"The V ision". Susan Howar , havtyCon- way, ShelyLedd ,ay An Grotelars rersfcd Stý Jorep's atolc in "We St~ ~~~h AnrwsPe terian in inaMaie PArker repre- senedtheSavatonArmy in Cty ivr- rcpresentcd Bannie Rica rdny Jeans, tlWc Answer".l i fati Bak, Patri ýcia Grace, ~usau Seymo rrad Cindy Vivia fromSt. John's dis- trJiuted t he rag,ýrams at the The fferng :ws received by SJh' il Ann Gracie, Jona IgraamTrula Ingra- helm qnd ic, ecWestlake and edcedby theinister. The R'ev Toml.flGracie pro- ynon(cýied te Bnediction. The Newcast',aDtchment cf he utaloProvincial Pol- ire, frm fbruary làstot Februa ry 7t, 97, ivesti- l iin uwhich t 1wo persans recîve prsoal nr,iand .esa esut,6 persons were eharge with raffie affences. linivesý;tîgaïted du ring the same pe"id fim were 47 gen- eral occrn)ceýs of which thee wre Qthurereportsof brea, eterand theft, )seven rp rts f comn theft, twa repsngcomplaints, two re- ports,-)f wilful damage, ane &opehto assault and three copansof rratic or dang- erusdîving, One persan was chared itha criminel of- enethiree persans charged wihmîinor liquor offences and nci pesan) cherged with im- a rsidntfra rn Derlington Tanhpc nrth of Bowman- vtpaýr!ked her car at the endc ( o the riveway near the -th Con. 'iWheni she returned for lei c ar th1 e following msnojring sh noticed that the ca ws aliciously damaged, Perans) respansible h a d ripped off the sideview mir- yor> ,v windhjîeld wipers end ,A conistýruction site lacated eni )Maple Grove Raad south of Fw. 01srv,,ice road was brke ntoa(-n (the weekend of Ferar Pthi to the 22nd, 1971 A lrgequantity o Faluad a roan torch were n February 23,' 1971, an Osaaresident who was anowobiingon ie p9th Can- cessin narh afEnniskillen, eh ae is,,snowmnobile and tialrbcuse a f mechanical fa~lure Lat ri rturnied for anowmhilefram the traler. The sawo i isdescribed as 170 na Cruiser, 28 harseowert w i n cylinder. seral o. 20694,bearing a ýýnaw veh icle registration plate INa. CF460. On he arnngof February 4,17.aPontypool resident upanleaingfor work, was u'inable ta move his car, be- rn d maced pChe rear of the Sp intalmast here, and heceIr, the local str6arni an-d ipondsi is bcginnîug* tA caftan en ad breaýk up. Soon the ochaalhîlirnwill bee- ~o gtheir Easter holidey't, look for excritement along the Y-1re-a MIThey samnetimnes ride ~usoigice fiows, home- raerfsor wvalk along the eaftsceut he dge of the' _tream, ntraiig the the~ ~ ~~fl radfs aigwtrs. Parentis shujd _warn, their ehildrn abot the dangers af saf o rttn c,even though itmyapar ta he safe. Each year the live 0f any Child- renhavebeenisnffïed out be- cause they ere not aware of Driving TÎP Whe datime (driving visi- 17it i poarj, due ta Snaw fluries ra orfog, ml-ake sure othe drverscansee yau and yucnsee(.theim. Reduced dri'ing jsiilit inreases the Savng BOWMANVI LLE a a ~ a GI1RMLS' A.LL- WEATHER COATS Sie 4-6X Sires 7-14 each 16.99 each 8.99, Fortrel / cotton "Scatchguard " treated fabria that reçpels rain and stains. 2 kiddies' styles in blue, gold or green; older girls' styles include safari coat in teal blue or $quash-and 2 styles to match the 4 - 6X group. WASHABLE POLYESTER KNITr SHIRTS Ladies' lofiq '-v hrhnîlduî pointed, )Ilar ani Cor traisîthnl e navy,white, mleat eg,3.8 FIARED JEANS Fopular navy cottof im eas wth zpper pockels atfly front, 1018. BANDJIEAU BRAS Soy 2 andi Save $1ý; Reg. 2.50 ca., A c cupt, 2/ .99 Reg. 3.00 na. D cpa2r49 Ëmbroideretiwhteboto la -tic breathîng barîti and lined s iLteunder- cup. A32 38; 32 0;C34 4 0,L1,4-40. Reg. 3.50 es, 2 5.99 White cotton parlded bta 'wth sticheti undercop, elasticîized gusset' andi 1'." breathng band, A32-34; B32-36; C34-36 PANT COATS each j0(09 6 stylos made ofwte-epi lent nylon cire and cattoni nylon blend fabrics. Assorted new Spring shades ta compli- ment your Spring wardrobe. Sizes 8 to 16 ln the group. msl l-1 i WET-LOO'K HAN DBAGS Reg 500 each34 Assorted "Yoting Look"soir stylasses well as hend -7t ] lsi ait of fashion shades: blar', r twn, t navy anid reti,, Swiss HANDBAGS Spý1ecuT eaCh 1.99 4 Swîs matie hantibags: 3 flap styles andi 1 frame in leather-look vînyl with B ergali ne lnjnig. Alsa avaîlable: 3 popular suetie shoulder bags ?i the same low prîrel PRI NTED SASH ES each 8W Colourful ar.etate twill sashe,. 48" anti 60" iong mnany accentedti h antiquie buckles. Tender Tontsiese Regp. aianti $8 pair 4-89 Inelutiet in aur assorment are plain styles, suede leather and sorne with brinkle trim. Colours: toast brown, green, plîrple, topaz andi goîri. Sizes 5 ta 10. (N ot ail ies and colours in every style). - M - WASHABLE ACRYLIC PULLOVERS Special .Purch use Choose from short ribbed pulovers 'A plaquet front or bu -t sleeved, ith laced utton tim front. AIl are first quality and fashionable. Assorted calours ta choase from. Sizes S-M-L. CAREFREE, WASHABLE bFLARED PANTS Ji>rcluise Assortad washable talion fabrics end colours in the sélection. Sm,-artly sty led with zipper fly front, 2N bel fr.-ps and fIare legs» Sires 5 ta 15. r SHOWER POWNER!. ec 13.991 Juniiors will loveý the easy- care, leather-iook styling af thýese lmPûparedwet-laok crushed vinyli coats--over pants. suits or dresses. 2 styles ta choose from. Calours in- clude red, navy and, white: sires 7 ta 15. BOYSl,' s1AI!- Ss 4 - 6X anýd 8-12'ý Smaller boys' style is, made i- 1 weatherpraaf nylon and cotton blend fabric with fancy lining. Blue or beige, Style for 8 to, 12 is in Fortrel and, cattan with 2 slash pockets and 'contrast stitching. Navy or beige. I . I ~- WALKER'S SEMÎI-ANNUAL 20% OFF HOSIERY-*C SALE fleg. 89c to 1.50 i Sale 69e ( 1.29 Walker's own quality brand of panty hase and hosiery... specially made by a Ieading manufacturer of well-known brand lines, Guaranteed for quality and fit- priced ta save yau money over brand name prices! Panty, hase selectian includes ail-sheer style orýwith brief, popular bikini, one-size regular or, ali-sheer, as welI as aur dress sheer hosiery featuring Stretchlon tops. Colours in the group include cafe, taupe, beige and tanglow. Sizes to f it everyone-small to Xlre Stock up naw and save! ONE-SIZE PANYTY HOSE -)eCal Value, pair lui Take your pick fram micro-mesh or nan-ru-n dress sheer styles with gusset and nude heels. Beige, spice and taupe. 1 sire lits 95 ta 160 lbs. GIRLS' EASY-CARE PATS'NDRESS s et 6.9 9 Matie of assorteti easy-care labrics that require litile or no ironing 10 keep then fresh and neat, Assorteti colours andi prints. Sizes 71to14' GIRLS' SPRING -6x 7-14 ech ,9each 6.9 Matieý of carefree 100% Fortrel poly- ester fabn,,c that requires mnimumi Caje! Assorted short sleeve styles vvith conitrasting plaquels, Many striped patterns 10 choose fhon. INFANTS' WEAR PRAM Sfi UITS 2 pe. set inco-yfecef, î Hooded jacket fah piqu om înblue yellow M L XL each 2.99 Stretchnyo willi con trasting front zipper and body strîpe. Navy, red, blue/yellow, reti navy, 12- 18-24nonths. I I I ~ I Save On'Quality Lîinens.! PRINTED LINEN TABLE CLOTHS Approx. 52"1 x 52" Apprax. 52" x 7011 Approx. 60" x 80" Reg. 2.98 ea. 1.99 Reg. 3.49 ea. 2.49 Reg. 3.98 ea. 2.99 From a leading lnen imiporterl PoIy baggeti, printati oatmeal lnon table rloths in attractive -Mums' (chrysanthemoms) design. M ATC'HINGlITEA TOWELS Reg. 59r, each 2I79ý "ýDECORAMA",,LINEN TABLE, CLOTHS Spécil Plircliase Apprax. 521, x 70" 2.49 Approx. 60" x 84"f2.99 Assorteti soi shaties, Boxeti,. "SDO l"DAMIASK TABLE CLOTHS Rleg. 4.49 Lnen Union table clotibs approx. 55' x -78". Assorteti colours. Boxeti. MATCHING NAPKINS- Special Purchase 29ce ach. each 3.29 PURE LINEN, PRINTED TOWELS Approx 20" x 32" Reg. 69c each 2I79ý PRINTED "E.L." LINEN TEA TOWELS Apprax. 17"x29" Reg. 49c each 31991 PERMA NENT PRESS TAB-LE CLOTHS Approx. 54"1 x 72" Approx. 60"' x 86"1 Reg. 5.98 4.29 Reg. 6.98 5.29 Jacquard woven cotton-in "La ce Fantasyl design. Asst, calaurs. ELEGANT BANQUET SETS 7 Pcs. Reg. 9.99 set '1.99 Q- Pç-s. Reg. 17.99 set 15099 Features inncate crochet anti enbroitiery wûark. Aalbein ecru or white. COLOURFUL VINYL PLACE MATS Designs include:Wldie Fruit Fancies, Harvest anti Modern Skyîine.. 4.4$8 -/3.9'9 Be st Bu Ys in B eeddïig! "TEX-MADE" "CONCORD" NO-IRON SHEETS .Special I>urcJiqse. Twin Flat and Fitted each 5 1 Double FIat and itted each, 5.69 Matching Pîillow Cases, pair -2.49 Top quality sheets anti cases matie of "Truprest" Forirel anti coiton blenti that neyer needs ironing l colourful combînation of circles/ blonka 'and stîîpes in vfibrant shaties of Lime Twist, coral Whîp, BlueFrez and Golti. Top fIat.shelets are strîpes; botton fitteti sheets are circles within squares; casesare striped. COLOURFUL "CONCORD" ENSEMBLES S'pecial Purchase set 13.99 1 double ie flat sheet, 1 double siza fitteti sheet anti matchîng pillow cases. Description andi colaurs as aboya. NO-IRON PILLOW CASES Reg. 3.79 Embroidered cases- poly bagged! pair,2.49 HAND-EMBROIDERED P'ILLOW CASES, Special Purchase! Boxed Pair 15 MULTI-.PLAID FLANNELETTE BLANKETS SeilPurchatse! Approx.'80"1x 90". eacli 3.09 Sew & Save! POLO SHIRTS ,4-6X eacîij-.99 8-18 each 2. 19 Assorted grooIpof perma-press, short sleeve styles and rolours. NO-IRON PANTS 4-6X 7-12 8-18 pr.2., 19 pv.319 p3.99 Easy-tare, flare leg pants for boys of ail agas! A van ety of stripes anti plains. WINDBREAKERS 4-6X each -1,9 7-14 eac.h3,99 Kasha lîneti, poplin windibreakers hi assorteti colours anti styles STRETC HY SOCKS pair 6 AIl nylon or wool anti nylon hiend ocU in assor tet plain shaties. Fils 8 to 1h MENS PERMANENT PRESS DRESS SHIRTS Ordînarîly5.0 'i arh2 9 Long lq v ivsshrs tlalwth regular collais andi orveîîîble ols.The long- wearing permanent press polyester anti -cotton blend fabric raquires mninimum carel Assorted mediuom tories. Sizes l4hýto 1 61/ assorted sleeve lengths., SlPURING FABRICS - f e Special savings an easy-care and easy--wear fabrics that yau've picked as your fa vourites fan Spring and Summer '71. MACHINE WASHABLE, PLAIN LOOP KNIT Reg. 3.25 yard 2 49 75% acetate anti 25% nylon fabricthat rnmi- nevashes brautilully. Choose fron acoloorfui assortment of Sprîng anti Sommer shaties 52'54" witie. 10 0%/ POLYESTER CREPE DE C HINE Reg. 2.25 .yard .7 100% vashable polyester fabric in assorted colourful new prînts. In the selection are mbntosof ted, green, coral, bloc. etc. 45" wîie. "CORDOBA" SHADOW STRIPE PRINTS Reg. 1.79 yard 1 4 Popular shatiow stripe prints in 50% Avril Polyester anti 50% Avril Rayon Assorted perma- nent'presa geometric anti novelty designs in combinations af new somme '71 colaurs. 44' - 45" wide. En/o y It naw- Use your Handy Waiker's Option Charge! à ýp9 eacà>