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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 17 Mar 1971, p. 2

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2 The Canadiaii Statesmaît, Bowmxanville, Mar. 17,;1971 MercantMarks S.Pot SpeciPala wit "s Adavt. Printedin Emrerali Gee Toa sSaint Patrick's D_ý'. scholarlY druîds anid evaxige- d thaft 'ecept i thaf part ATday when bharney is kilzed the Irish masses wîîh an'o, h outywer oto and Clancy can do no wrong. early fervid prisîxue Chrîsîxan-Ibis work was' centred snd A day when leprachauns ity. wbeîe ha dîad - Iroubled Uic- abound from every bush and A fine 10 tbank bi. for lagc ackImolosdayw th teo patcb of green. A day f0 warm banishixig snakas from the Isle, Pogclmboissu Irs the cockles of sweet Molly forevar sitar, sud for the polenuLs. Malo'cbeat. hamock Ih civerha lec- lI IBowmýanvil, the day is Maloe'shear- samrck, he lovr li biss-observed ini greater or lasser From Anîrîm tb Cork and ed wbile atanding bis clerical measure by mosî people su-d flown to Kerry the people of rounds in Ibose mid-fiftb cen- businessas. Mother Nature ber- the Emarald Isle observe Ibis lury yeard. self is'obiiging as a pale green their Patron- Saint's feassI day Tbougb Saint Patrick the slowly omergas froni under - the day Saint Patrick ded legexid is sîraighl forward 10 the melting suows. 1510 years ago. most people,' Saintf Patrick the Oua store, McGregor Drugs, And do do the thousands of maxi is cloakod in controversy. bas goxi alsl ouf fo show ils descendants of those wild Il is nol that hisforians don't paîronism, aven la the point colonial boys who have ami- believe hae existed . . . on the of placing su sîl-greexi adver- grated fron their homeland 10 coxifrary. Tbey are concerned tisemexit in Ibis week's States- Wheraver th ere is green i the Ihare may have been two or maxi Tha's right, McGregor wvorld. A lima fa ramemiber aven Ibrea SI. Pats. How Irish is a*Scoftish name; sud ha is their herîtage. caxi you gel! Iakiug the Initiative on the A ime f0 ramember how A millenilum nas haîf bas Irisb's National day f00. the Bitish borni (yes, Sean, il passed but bis spirit romnainsj Begorra, what is the warld is rue) Saint vanquished the uxdiminisbed . . . undiminish-icomnixg t10 . .? Als"cj"NIKO, THE ORPHAN ELEPHANT" STARTS FRIDAY 2 shows, 7 & 9:10 Sat., Holidays cont. 2a.m. L.C.S. 8:30 Tha ovaralfax decreasa bias beau made possible by anuk increased Education Mill Rt Subsidy, and by allorIng11- credits for net ovarlevies sud for surplus fuxids froin for-1 mier scbool boards which ware dissolved in 1968 whani aducalion weub bo the Counfty' aufhority. Though estimiated expensesl are axpected f0 Increase by 102,incoma iîs expecfad 10 ris-e by 13.7% fo $14,004,601. The 1971 requlsition - the amounit the Board will have to raise througb local taxa- tion - lobais $5,852,374, an am-ount $588,300 lass Ihan asf yeac. 1 T he province providés 67.30% onf the revenuie re, quirad fo meet tha edOucafion costs. The Board's shara 'is 31.08%7. The ramaindeircomas from ofhar sources, The totial axpendilure for elamentary scbools is $10,- 629,089 sud for secondary scbools $9,885,540. Budgret Breakdowvn- B3usiness Admiîsîr afti o n will cost M458,744 iu 1971. .A-iahnount OfL $91,042 bae province is Iooking into the lvi seum Requresmatter as part'of its avowed M useu R eq iresresponisibility for the Toronto- Centred region as a whole. They suggested that it wouldi Specifi Aticlesmosil ostd h This year, 19V71, wîll be the to be returiied. Here are some awa-centred region in isolation: 1th for Bomnieuseum. of the items sought2 a trundie of thec other areas ini the largeri Aýs in everyone else's if , in bed (the kind thàit waspuldrgoa concept. 10 years many things have out from under the big bedi But the Committee inembers taken place at, the Museum. for the children to sleeP Ïin); ýwreý not satisfi ed. They were Steady progress has been a swift, on which a skçein of aprrehensive of' what. Con- miade since that first season, yarn was placed to be 'wounditrý)oer Mrs, Thomas of 'Osh- wrhich1 began ni Otober, 1961, off; a spinning wheel for spin- awa referred to as "stepping, IMaiy articles have been ac- nîng fiax; a large, or walkînginto the unknown". quired. display areas made, type spinning wheel. "We must1 know where we roome s furnisýhed in period If you have any of these stand and how to meet the 5tyles, andif new rooms opened. articles whjich you would give cosis of the future," Mrs. There are, however, sorne or lend to Bowmanville Mus- Thomas said, articulatmng the things the Museum, still does eum, please contact Mrs. M. feelings of the greater major- fot have.7-- and -omne articles Wseman, 623-3427, or Mrs- ity, of her colleagues, w-,hich i had on ban hve had Roy Lunney, 623-890. The pflan outlines a develop- a ~nt c, ioncept for the re gion Receaton lan ingfromn the present day toth Recqeri,üç)n Plci nili ., 'ear 2001. It suggests where development should take place Sp ed a 1 Pr 4_ý gg ci nd hôw it should be donte.it; S ec aI o r m for forecasts a poPulation rmi fromia16 iueo 8,0 Scho l Hoida Wee f0750,000fatCtheturn of the centuLry. Itindîclcate.s land use needs and tranisportation and The Bowmranvý.ille- Depart- program in the Bowraniville servîciîng requLirieme-nts. It sug- ment oif Recreation wll con- Hîgh School gyms during the gests some of thle financial im- duct a cldtrJen's an d Teens school holiday week, Monday, plicationis.- Tuesday and Wednesday, Mar. The report declarves that the ef aCi, 22d, 2rd nd 2th.major goals of He plan in- Septics DThis program wîll consist of Iclude "the, provision of local active games, volleyball, bas- employment qpportunities for W hty 2-I f eb-l ynsis and other most of th 1e resîdent ao h activities. This type of prog- force, as an alternative to rmws introduced to the large scale co mmutîng to Met- T~~ uedyN ilâdren and teens du-ring the roplîtan Toronto, and a go Tue-sdaýý "g Christmas week per iod and graphic balance of develop- lI the opening game of the proved quite popular with ment about Oshawa-Whitby as Pea Wee B league semi-finals those involved. ýthe central urban hub". «)n Tuesda3ynih at O0rono, Girls seven to 12 years in It notes that producing the BowmnvrrTllle Septi s defeated the Girls Gym from nine a.m. requisite numnber of jobs in Whitby 2-1, lxi a rough, to 12 noon and girls 131 to 18,the region (from a 1969 figure ucranblyga~n. yers ill uise the Girls Gym of 62,600 to, 283,000 in the year Whiby pend he scoriflg ýfrom one to four pirn. 2001> wî,vlbe.ifilcult to ach- in thie firt periodd it -,as Bo1ýys seven to 12 years lxi ieve'at the expected popula- flot uintil the second thiatlthe Boys Gym f romn ninie to 12 tionigot rate unless thete Frank -Leach notch,,ed the firstlnoon and boys 13 to 18 yecars are a numrber of strong incluce- counteCr h lo cals, assist- froin one to four p'In. Iments and incentîves for the e-d by Jerry ýLeddy. l area. But it does net speil out Early l he tid Rc hat these incentives should Scott scored the winnecr, a- A A be pan dsc)es fu sisted f'y 'ioey Burns. '- W A DS WThepln îsr fu Onfly three penalties weie (RMPG N major urbanized are - Bow- handied out, two to the visi- manville with a population in tors and one to Bowmaivîlle. The Committee members»theyear 2001 of 89,000; Osb- $econd game of the best-of- clearly have their reservations. awa/Witby with a population tbree series goes tonight at They were almost uniaimous of 372,000; Pickering/Ajax Brooklin arena and the third,' i feeling that the report with a population of 190,000; if necessary, will ha in Whitt raises more questions than it and a new city of Brookln by on Sunday at 1:1. supplies answers. And they with a population of 103,000. Scoring statîsties ifor the began to ask questions. It suggests that the major Markham series:ý Rick James Representatives of- the- five thrust ýof deve.opment should e6 points, Joey Burnis 4. John consultant groups who pre- enianate outwards froin Osh- Conboy 4, Johniny Davi,,s 4 and pared the report were li the awa/Whitby and shouild, ixot be Frank Leach Il audience with Murray V. a creeping conitiniuatïin of a ______________________Jones, President- of bis coi- Toronto domîinated force. For sulting company and Neil Ir- the plan to work there bas tc INDOOR'tHEATED wn fKae Pat arik ea strong and bin-diing orieîv ULR EU G answers and explanaions. area. This implies building up IV IBut despite the consultants' the central area unLiitil it has sw im m i ïï assurances, Committee mein- the required m--agnietism to off- bers decided not to approveset the strong attraction west. the lenigthy study. TIheir major The consultants admit the p 13 reas'on - there was no iica- plan is not compatible with tion anywhere in the report exiSting trends and suggest Forget Winter. how the, developinent plan that implementation of tbeir would be financed. proposais would have f0 be E NJOY A "Without being able to look cosely monitored with every SWMinto the financial implications allowance for cbange or rev- REFRESHING S I of the proposal," Mayor Mc- ision if their concepts prov FOR THAT CHANGE Neeley of Oshawa said at one, wrong or inadequate. point during the presentation, But they at lecast, are con- 0F PAC E "this study, would be an exer- vnced that what the7 offer i Mon, to Fnî. "We inust be able to quantify which would result if the ae the provincial involvement in was left t0 develop withoul 7 l' 9 ~m. order to undertake the pro- regfional planning. visions of the plan," Mayor Now f0 conivince the Execu- $1,00 per prsoii Newman of Whitby sid. tive Committee members. The consultants, hioweve-r, As one memnber said, il thle tbld the Committea that quan- looks lîke a whole new bal] at tiyingthe amoîupt of -money gaine. ~ requird to împlement the plan,- and to provide ahl the incen- Moos~ tives required to, stimulates MOTO IZM growth would be next to un- 0e Liberty SCSt, 5.ai 41 possible to achieve. rvn They said that the poi- Phole 623-37 ilgvr et had told then B d e that they were not to get n vove i scba dy as the FRM PAGE ONZ) RADIO, HEAVY of Value PAY ONLY ON BléALANCE'ý OFFER APPLIES TO MAVERICKS IN STOCK: -"BRAND NEW " 4 DOORS * * * ED WITH 200 - 6 CYLINDER ENGINE, AUTOMA TIC 3 SPEED TRANSMISSION, WHITE WALL TIRES, CUSTOM fDUTY SUSPENSION, WARRANTY. INCLUDES ALL TAXES EXCEPT ONTARIO SALES TAX AND LICENSE. SPEIALINTERESi RATES Through Ford Motor Credil' Corp, during this sale (Le. $68,40 înterest per annum on balance of $1,000.) iM Selling Price.. Down Payment ........ SBalance to Finance Charges ..- .. ....... .Life Insurance .... .... 42 Monthly Payments at. .. Simple Jnterest......... ac&,0,ALD 815 KING ST. WEST (at Thornton Roud)IIez i ýOSHAWA $2975. ' 531. 2444. 586, 38. 72.63 '12.33% I PHOJNE 576-1800 lami! been allocatedi for computer #air*ck yard," ha said ervices at Port Hope Hig The St. Joseph's Sehoola Schoo1 and Durham olgus a rt, niisAcrdg t' Th cs o nsrutoM aster r aan tee sab-,C n dan C u re c 13342,2 8t i s n ear, s e yn o collcon be- b e a k e r cmae ih$12,033,941 liD oueyn oncln h-S 970, Although nincrease DJ 12 riL tween themy in the enrolment for second-EI IE M N 1 N J ry sehools bas been budget- eno allowance for additional "Il has been chal ged t hatifn0 smple fundamnentaltuhspenatn was made by R. E E~k. taff has been. included. lI Masonry is conservative andreyg upon the stabillîty f W.ro. E. F. R. Osborne. ha elemetary staff, four uxiprogressive. But the fc t ln-etd Iel re netiietwspoie eaching positions will not be is that, without caterîng to the masonry HASgrn steadil-y oy the Country Four, y illed in 'September, chanfging moois of the times andý HAS attracted min0f out-,- FuIriher greetings wr x There is a 50% increasa te and without lndulging lieachstanding ability." îne yR .Bo ae PO AEOE 1106,296 for educational sar- new fad, or vibrating wjthil fwas no idle statement. A arn ....ai ,'ce schas guidance andeah ewtrlthtsep WenemdeilstSu- toast ta Durhamn Lodge given pansion of thie sewer system l counselling. The Board is piro- over the country, buit adheriing day night Most Worhiipfullby WýAor. Bro, Wayn-e Bailey ta rswudhv en posing t0 imiprove its audio Brother Bruc(ýe B. Foster, Grand II.P.MV., Orono Lodge No. 325' lncreased flow through the(ia hviuai program aby amploying Pase of the Grand Lodge of W Bo MrilI Brown. Mast- There was, some questio ~ree techuicians. ~ iiien iar ia in the Province of On- ogv h epnefrtewhetherhthe SeugogSre aui il achen s addresewcsgt h mm-îoge li1912-13 could handie this The budget for allendance ~~U bebr fteNwateDra ..Bo ,J acse and food bas more than doub- In Du ble Crash ld eonte nivrar f ae o S.to.vistorsthi ncreased flow, so an examcina led to ~~~h *~ their 125-th year of'existence. wa,,s responded te by R.Wton ascredutaryhi le e$9"7,140. The increas, roi I" t ýThle bodgç was ormied on Bro. L1. Farne.ss. year, comes mainly fromn using the rm a m h ac 1 86b ru f Awr fapelto a r atbssgetdfv gross cost for cafeteria op- I,14 yagopo A ,,olofapeptn aMW tlssuetciive eration in 1971 and the net slir h a is oe1 offered hy Wor. Bro. A. jr repairs1to he lina. T hey costlxi 970,A car, appaetysoe, the ares, then know as Bald-Hedy are: The reovl 0rotl'i The cost of plant operation rse noterero i' rek 0yaserir he Grand Junior aden filtration li the sewer'(10) is budgetod at $1,477,504, and vebicle' ownedbyMagare h meu afr a x ..Bo .L. uhr r-excav11ate and] repair the sewe Ihat for plant maintenance at Jane Livingstone parkad lisomý waI on-nectedI with shifts psdaJnior Warden'ls toast. under the C.P.R. tracks wher $444,281. front of ber homec at 139 inth population ai t hat time Rn_________________S:Ooo) Transportation costs, the Wellington Street somaetim 0 amyprsnnl ndUited investigata sewver downstra'.Ae dioQC Board noterd, continue to es- late rday moninghto er Newcastle Lodge w as i yc^o determine the cause of flood- od from the National Parole caae t$,5565i sonly The force~ of the impact tueJh rndddyo il ng in the area and carry out Board te take on an appoint- exceeded by teachars' sala r- sent the Livingstone vehicle Masonie Lodges, the GrL-adUtj necessary repairs ($1 ,500); re- ment witb the University of les and debt charges as th'e aednditthra oa Lodge of England, was 128 M pair sewer lateral protrudiog Ottawa's Ceotre of Crimino- Most costly item i the bud-.hed card.mTota dres earof olmb inote sewer 163 feet down- îogy. gel. The malter is <giving unavailabla îhough taey wiîî "'We are indebted to the (PO PGEOE streamr- from tle Church Street .d k soma concern to the trustees " past," M. Wor. Bro, Fosterithe Cresceint. manhole, and rebench eight Ha is a writer and szpacr wb sueitwl ath u-hkely excead $1000., eogyadciioly whavadsLloyd Harmare thof 90 said,. "il will point the way to The action is a resuit of inanholas whaere drop or bend Inpxl og n riinlg jeot of constantavtdeLoyd wnrer ofte raiw Wîiigo atw ay do in the future. a reply frorr the Separate axis l:s,teryimrvxgfoad sraddasnauh- -ýBy telling us what our fore-School Board in aebruhcniin $,0).îvl h ii n eaii nited Cholunte sde tsestolen ehicanie, e Polite fahers did, history inspires us to Council which said that 2Mýr. Watt sald that 10 replace istitulions. attendiig scbos udershe ol aen Sto Bay o ninl Poie in.wo directions-to respect they did not have an alterna- the sewer lina would cstantainfdicresropni boursilconofaotersho ate r audy onp. their achieveîxents and 10 tive plan for unloading thie etimatad $3, n Awar), fi1 Dit0ngisha bord wl cstanetiatd Constable Ian Smith is con- strive to equal thaîr resourcae- buses at St. Joseph',e School -anlxi av 160for s givens1ý $680,000, Thora are 655 st',- tinuing bis investigation loto fulness and courage. and, by inferance, suggesto.d Humanitarian Servi-ce b the dents in this category, 215 li the matter. "We should use the past 10 îa u odn on eW i ut~Howard cîey fOnt- schools in Victoria Couxty, calneadinpr sbethat theusoldrop off bc 300 i Peterborough Counly chllnrean isdmeisooiretedalill chrosoeakoffW talo and 140 in Ontario County BITS CAR ON LAWN look forward anid use thae site.M.Emsi TheBord idbugein' owmnvll Plie rain principles te shape the future," Thei School Board 'dd l A 2-year-o1ld N(-,eastlla he West Durham C; adxa The,00 0 sart isbudeing pa vstîangvit- Pliandr nci',Evits very nature," ha said, thiat thoug"b a suggestion nadwoa was injured when,.Club on PobemsofDalIm- ,worinèresrvete edue dnt hic ocurrd o MacWýMasonry insisîs on prograss. bcein mada Je load and uinload struck by a car as she was:quancy: Old and Nq-w" on 1orkln rsrvepialboradue ng.th ai heccurronôMrh "emi aMsonryt-,ni atyStreet, the pupils walking on Highway ý 2 near Wednesday,Mnb 24th at . davyevtl hti il iv ntso 1F l hl Il býopas te add te this in front of George Percy Morris' meanlng both ta the past 11d î vî-ild itac eqiarse onFie rJi taot72 i. sho al ___ jears ta coma, borne, 105 Libertyy Streatile istane days yeteini0 coma,"al ha travo The debt charges for 1971! North.iniladupnhe emrswaer lh are $1,854,418, slightly down Apparently, a car procaedii ng acbieving Ibis goal, b-P Couxicil imipliad that 1 from last yaar's $1,992,254, north on Liberty drove over ws-s going a bit far anclý The cosîs for bbe schools the aast curb of the road strik- suggestad teMaossuduanosl voted for a I for trainbl retarded chîld- ing Mr. Morris' car parked o nlag hi ice fac- tough civic stand, favoring DEjLOI1TT E rexi hava increased about 40% bis lawn. Damage was estimaI-'pataer ndofaxemplify d' heParkway Crescent res- te $142,074. The increase is ed at $p1tr0o0.obehod csa ents. due__ tetonea edicaioxiof ansili qahi- The problam arose when H AS KI NS & SELLS:4 dueoo t the panigo. orh-îe 0 mgntoept Father F. K. Malane of: schol I Btheda.i Yu and christian faitb n lu ah Ieir i os1h' CthlicChrc Th ýso l upilUUU tgaan!e a"ptt. Jf orba he s caholiebuses Chartered Accountants The cst 0feducaîng a I fluuikendeavours. The ultimata aim 'fo elementar~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ybsbeexu i nD r an 1uU1b5u s t civ pten fraetesho ue r Clarktysytrn hsb'nbrotherbood frcALL mexi". using the church's parking' OFIESEsMAO budgtedaI 507 7 ad tal The task facing the Masonslta ao n unbu. OSHAWA CENTRE - OSHAWA of a secoxidary school student, rrogramPl ha li contended, was bast de- Father Malane had apparent-I ..1 IA $l,0l2.75ý ~ly complained it was causingý PARTNERS.: GORDON W. RIEHIL, FCARIA $1012,75.EU * ~flI scribed in a poam - It lis - 1h b1 UT .WTRCA These figuras are babow Ihe 1. P <f O nTo build a better world God pot hoas in te lo. BR .WTRCA limits the Department of Ed- Fn.I M ây 2said'f Father Malana was adamant ucatioxi has set for the Board iBut I ataswarad, iHtwrviw- Co1.4ad$,1,3re oonosDra us- lxire, Ho? bis e ystad a n ntrvaPHONE 728-.7527 -$518,5 and $,013.03re- Toonto's urham The world is such a large,vaieysery.I___________________________ spectively. ty Club meeting will bac . plceWhy should they use ni held Fiday, March Z h S oplctdnw 8 pm.,aI he ductai And I se small and useless am Centre, 155 Collage St. at There's nothing I can doP tv\arina Puffer McCau Si. byposad M aria 'uferBut God i ail Hlm wisdom Oues Arist gram convener Mrs. 0- B- .-tbud a betr you c o l o iày W e This Sunday and iatroduciar Conucil swysSriLno n hiIdren,& Teenis Pro r m members and others coin- Belueville to take in the affair, The Bowmanville Depart- ing by bu, a host ed by Durham Lodge. No. The Bowmanville Departrnent of Recreation and Teens pr ai iii nt of Rraatlon will feature M.C ~vleJuswl 66, Axcient Freeansd Accepledl the Bowmanville High School on Monday, Tuesday and W'eYa, ac airina Puffer as the guast show sAides 0 f Dl"rhaD' Maisons, and the 1971 Lodga 2n, 3dan 4h 'itist on the onr udtlulY wi Ms'îeyMseW. Bro. Merrl rwi 'Western Jamboree ai the Bow- H arr is accompanied bv h ivction was gîven The Tirne Schedules are:- manvila Town Hall auditorium Ms.ueNihlwlla by Rev, Br. Thomas Smith.: Girls 7 l'o 12 years - 9:00 a.m. l'o 12 moon Girls Gym .at 8 o'clock on Sunday aven- soloist. It is, hoped that Annivar'sary Commilbea Chair- ing, March 2lst. Kathrya Knox, winner ofmx1 . .BoGra ick Girls 13 l'o 18 years - 1:00 p.m. l'o 4:00 p.m. - Girls, Gym Besides the Jamboree ragu- the Durham County Club ard gave an address snd words Bos7t12ya 90a. o12n nBysGi lacs, Ted Halîman, Joe Bath- shield, M. J. Hobbs School, of welcoma. W. Bro. J. J. Scot By ' 2yas - 90 ..lo1 on - By y well & Company, Gerald ElliaIt will, give ber winning introduced the head table. W. Boys 13 to 18 years - 1:00 p.m. l'o 4:00 p.m. - Boys Gym, suad tbe Hoedowners sud Jlm- speech "Enthusiasm". Bro, Wmn. R. Kean proposed a hspormwl oss fatiegms olyal aktal ;mie Hopsoni, the audience will Visitors and friends of toast te the Grand Master and Ti rga ilcnito ciegms oiyat aktaiK also ses sud hear Tom Mark, the Durham County Club Grand Lodge which wss ra- gyrnnastics and other leisure tirne activîties. There is no registration le, 'Lloyd Hopson, Ai Bragg and are always welcomne - this plied to by M. Wor. Bro. B. Just corne to the Bowmanville High School.X SDoug Luxton. is the winter's last meeing B. Poster, Grand Master. A 0F orTade FULLY EQUIPPI AV ER 1 C

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