Phone 623-.3303 Mr. Alan Densem is visiting 87th birthday on Friday, Marn his son and daughter-in-law ini lgth., at the home of bis Haileybury, Ont. daugbter, Mrs. J. "Wally" It has been noted that as Of Braden. this week we have had 94 con- Mr. Fred Vanstone, Van- tinuous days ocf snow-covered couver, B.C., spent the week- properties. end wif h his mother and sis- Mr. and Mrs, RHarry Donner ter, Mrs. Morley Vanstone and e-1 Leamington were weekendlMiss Barbara Vanstone, Beech ~usswith Mr. and Mrs. Avenue. Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Cýharles Symons. Murray, Guelph, were also Mr. and Mrs. Robert Car- with her mother and sister for ruthers returned last Sunday teweed from a two-week holiday in Miss Bannie Beecb, Toront o, Sarasota, Florida. spent a f ew days with her par- Mr. Bob Welsh, Brock Uni- ents, Mr. and Mrs. Gordon versity,, St. Catharines, with Beech, King St. East. Weekend bis parents, Mr. and Mrs. L visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Wels, Lbery St Noth. Beech were Mrs, Reta Rod- Welh, ibetySfNorb. man, Mrs, Maudie Traveli, Mr. and Mrs, Alan Beard, both of Oshawa, and Mr. and Taunton, have returned home Mrs. John Siemon of Enniskil- after an enjoyable holiday in len, Guadaloupe, West Indies. Spring must surely be al- Mrs, Ralph Parrish of Wes- most here, On Monday after- ton visited ber mother, Mrs. noon Mrs. D. Coty, R. R. 2, Ruth Wight, and sister, Mrs. Bowmanville, reported seeing Nelton Osborne, last week. a stout, brigbtly colored robin Mrs, Dick Metcalf is visit- at ber home. Later the same ing ber brother and sister-in- day and on Tnesday several law, Mr. and Mrs, Allan more reports were made by Knight of Dunedin, Florida, those who had seen this bar- Mrs. Alan Densem is visit- binger of Spring. ffng her sister and husband, Mr. Mr. and Mrs, John Martin' and Mrs. Ted Coppin, New of Englehart were in town last' Port Rickey, Florida, for a week and visited with Mr. and month, Mrs, D. Martin and Mr. and Dr. and Mrs. Hartley Lewis Mrs. G. Purdy. Tbey also vsit- of Ottawa were weekendi ed Mr. and Mrs. J. Martin and guests of bis mother, Mrs.lMr, and Mrs. C. Fice, Oshawa, Hartley Lewis Sr., Wellington ýMr'. and Mrs. H. Shortridge, Street- Blackstock, as well as other Mrs, D. H. Jamieson and Mr. relatives and friends.' and Mrs. G. F. Jamieson were Saturday evenîng at the Sunday dinner guests of Mr. arena during the Gananoque- and Mrs. H. L. Jamieson, Bowmanville hockey game, Oshawa. several loud-mouthed fans of Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Hooey both teams needled the play- and Master Brent Hooey spent ers and each other until a fight the weekend with Mr. and broke ont in one section of the Mrs. W. L. Hooey, Jîll and1 arena, It's one thîng f0en Pau, Trono, courage your team, but anoth- Mr. Jerome Billett, Univerý er to go to ftho extent of cans- sity of Gue1pti, Gnelph, spent' ing apossible serions accident the weekend wifb bis parents, b-tnes Dr. and Mrs, Keith Billett, Satnrday's Telegram had King St. East. quite a story about the nlag- Mr, and Mrs. C. R. Bickle, nificent former home of the Mrs. H. G. Bickle and Mrs. G' lafe actress Katharine Cornel F. Jamieson visited their si- in Cobourg that gave W. Frank1 fer, Mrs. C. L. Upper, in Peter-I Real Est ate some free advertis- borough last Frîday. ing in their efforts to sell if. Mr. and Mrs. John Martin The 140 year-old home is en ci Engleharf, Ont., accompn an acre of land, bas 13 rooms led by Mr, and Mrs. Dougla filled with Victorian furniture, Do including a baby grand piano, Martin, Elgin St., sette weekend wifh Mr, and Mrs, and is listed for only $100,000. Bill Martin of Gait, The present owner is a con- Pleae rmemer o 9ve sfractor who bas done a greaf à caîl if you bave been away Iignal ondsoe h m oition on holiday, visifing frîends andioiiacniin relatives, or nave enfertainedj Mr. and Mrs. James Firth ouf -of-town gnesf s in your: and daughter Terry, King St.j home, Jnst dm1l 623-3303., !East, returned last Friday Miss Bni Ormiston, Grea- [evenîng from a wonderfuni fer Niagara General Hospital tbree week holiday in Dayýtonai Scbol f Nrsig, iagraBeach, Fort Lauderdale and FaolîsofNuseng, ber arasClearwafer. In ClearWater vaation wifh her they vied ber brother and vacaionwithherparents, r se iste and Mrs. Ralph Ormiston, Jane ste-in-law, Mr. and_ Mrs Street. Kennef h G. Fletcher. Af Fort Landerdale they visifed, the Mr, Donald Murray, former- Spring training camp of the Iy of "Country Don's Discount New York Yankees basebal Barn", Ne wcast le, affended the club f0 watch tbem ia action, BowanvlleRotary Clnb's and also enjoyed seeing the 47th birfb ïtday party meeting af Philadelphia Phillies af their the F)lyin,,g Dutchman Motor' Spring camp in Clearwater. inn on March 4th. _________ Congratulations f0 Miss Mary Ann Doyle, daugter of Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Doyle, T YRONE R. R. 3, Bowmanvllle, who was winner of the Grand Champ- The Tyrone 4-H Club, wifh Ion Showmansbip award at eigbt girls present, had their the College Royal, Guelph fifth meeting on March 2nd. Universit y, Guelph, on Marcb Gloria Yarrow starfed the 13th. meeting with the pledge. Mrs. Besf ise and congratula-' fions go f0 Mi'. E. H. (Herml) Brown, 14 F1rederick Avenue, who will be _cclebrafîng bis United Church 1ev. B. A. Turner, B.A., B.D. Organist:, Mr. R. Meteaif, A.K.C.T., A.C.C.M. 9-45 a..-chnreh Sehool PUBLIC WORSHIP Infant areduring services Chirîiiari Reformied Church Seugog Street Minister: Phon 62-7407 Worshiip Services 10.-00 a. 7:00, p.m. Back to God Houi' Dia! 1310 Radio EeySunda-y 1:30ani 'Mi. Yeo idcimntai" on n zipper. Lter flic girls worked on thein germents Thcy cosed tflicmeeting, wîtl lunch. On Mardi tb flic girls hld thein sixfh meeting wifli ciglif girls present. They dîscussel flic fashion show flicy saw et Durhamn College. Mns. Lambert demenstrafeil n zipper and tacings. Tbey closel flic meeting witli lunch cf 9:00. Friday evcalng flicre were 17 fables at flicEncline Party. Cermying pnize wenft toMMs Arthiur Richards. 50-50 drmw was wen liy.Mn. C. W. Wood- ley. Other pnizes went f0 Mrs. Laurrena ]Bnight, Mrs. Ruby Birkett, Mrs. Arthur Rend, Mr. Francis Tliampsan, Mir. Leverne Cemens, Mrs. Dave Hall. Congratulations te Richard Smihi Who was mariel fa Miss Maynn Kelly, at Pont Hope Unitecd Churcli, Frîlay evening, Mardi 12th. Attend- ing were Mn, andl Mrs. Lloyd Sithf, Mn. and Mrs. Lamne Crago, Mns. Tom Hoar and Mrs. Donald Smih. Mn. ndl Mns, Walten Park, Mn. andl Mrs. Lloyd' Skinner and Mr. and Mrs. Raipli Bow- crs ttendel flic 35th Wed- ding Annîversery celebmaf ion cf Mn. andl Mrs. Arthur Ccv- eniy. Congratulations frein Tyrone fienda. Mn. and Mrs. Juin Park, Peterborough, Mn. andl Mns, Douglas Park, Oshawa, werc Sunday cahiers cf Mn.andl Mns. W. Park. Mi'. and Mrs. Lloyd Ahi- dnecd and Maxine aftended e tamiiy liinfhday paty ln lienor cf lien fatber's, Mn. OH- TRINITY UNITED CHURCH inister -Re George K, Ward, B&A, B.D. Organist Miss Gail Thoxûipson FOURTH SUNDAY'IN LENT MARCH 21sf, 1971 11:00 a.m. "CHRISTIAN COMMITMENTS" Rev. George K. Ward CHURCH SCHOOL HOURS Juniors, Infermedfiates >and Seniors wil! meef af 9:45 a.m. Kindergarteni,, Beginners, Primary Deparfments will meet during church service. 23:00 pmn. - Membership Class -for Voung People ver Bckett, 95thblbrthday, 0 e March l7fh, held at Solîna P ' Congratulations, Mr, Bec:kett, PO from your Tyrone friends. If was' once wrîtten thýat slould look like, and stated ers and lune Mn. and Mrs. T. C. Dodd flie four most difficuif fbings that if should be started very Mi's- Hon visifed Mr. and Mrs. W, ýto do was confer a favor, re-son i flc ops lat wdl u Smithi and Mr. and Mrs. W. cieafvr fe naoe iles and la Davis, Toronto. gy, and accepf an apoîogy, should be compleed this faîl. week with h Mn. 'and Mrs. Lorne Phare, the mosi, difficulf being flie He also spake on the gym Mxi. Joy KI viîted ber aunt, Mns. Herb.ý receiving of a favor. Most of area and the facilities if wilI family. Babcock, Bowmanville, Suns- us do nef do this well, but f0 contain. The now kindengar- Mrs. Donis day affernoon, who celebrat- mny friends in Hampton for fen area will contain aven 200 Hampt on re cd ber 93nd binthd.ay Mancb ýtheir kind wonds about sec- feef. Tbree guest speakers ing a nice v 14th. ing flic Hampton news cal- were 'presont for fthe ovening; beach, Flonii Mr. nd rs. ennthýiman esumed, and for fav- these speakers are remnedial Miss Lyne Mr.and Mrs Kenefl as and kind wonds rcceived teachers. Mrs, O'Har spoie cently made Lamb, Oakville, Mr. and Mrs.1by this family lately, I"my on bow to stimulafe InfIeresf ance at a f Lore am , nnsklln, gratitude". in the child up te eight years Peterborough wene Sunday supper guests The turn cf flic weatlier cf age. Mn, McQuaide spolie Junior Liona of Mr. and Mrs. George Alil- filled our churcli on the third on fthe dîfficulties of teaching ta funthen dread. Sunday of Lent. Reverend some childrcn, Mrs. Audrey their group. Mr. and Mrs, William Lougheed took the scripfunes Rosavere spolie on phonies Friday ai Jcwcll returncd home last frein Dent. 28 on the bless- and of pon neaders. A thank- wifh Mr.a week fnom an enjoyable bhl- ings for obedience and the yon was gîven to these speali-,Prescott wei day af Acapulco, Mexico, corses of disobedience. ýVerse Mr. Kennetb Rahm wbo 13 reads "And the Lord shal underwent surgeny last Thurs- make tbee thie head, and not day refunned to bis parents'ý the feul thon shahl be abovo home on Sunday for a few only, and nef beneath if yon days. keep flic commandments cfi Mr. George Suthierland un- tlie Lord te observe and do derwnt urgey i Bowan-this." Verse 15 reads, "But i ville Memorial Hospital on shaïh came fa pass if thon do Monday Ail hope for a nef hearlien unto thie voice speedy recovery. cf flie Lord cursed shail thon lic." Responsîve reading was Mr. and Mrs. Clemn Rahin Psalm 700,. "Unfofthe Lord h a bdren Ar.adMvIsIted do I lift up my seul, Oh my bis arets i'.andMxi W. God I trust ln fbee." For the Rabm and son Kennefli. cblîdren, R e v. Louglieed's Glad fo report Mrs, Flor- story was of a confest lic- ence Scott neturned home on fween the animals cf wbo Sunday affer a long stay in had flic loudest volce - flic the bospital. Her many fr1- elephant or the bird. Eveiy,-, ends will lie pleased to know one assumcd thaf the ele- she îs împroved in healfli. pliant would win, so the ani- mals sent runiners te fthe fan- fhcst parts cf fthe foresf and E NNISKILLEN thie elephant gave a greaf bel- how fliat shoali flic wlole Mr and Mrs. S. R. Pethieli forest. Then the tiny bird' wene entertained f0 a de- started te, sing and if wasn't licou dine bythir am 1very impressive, but wlicn ilous di fnliythran- lie runners returned they ily t fle FyingDufcm~n saîd the tîny bird bail won. Bowmanvîlle, cele b r at1 n g Wlien tliey asked thie bird their 59tb wcdding annîver- how fhls could lie, lie said sary. There were also scv- bcueIhdepes Yn eral other relatives present sec i sehan my sng ami oli from Peterborough, Oshiawa, mstoy san mya friend piclcd Rouge Hill, Toront o and Bar- if np andl passcd if along te rie, This dinnen was a coin- plete surprise faM. n anothen friend, andl so if Mrs. Pethick. "Congratula-,sra lrnhcttewil tions?'cf fthcforesf." 1ev. Lougbý- fions!eed's sermon thon rcvoived The sixfb meeting cf En- aronnd fli c seiptunca frorn niskillen "Whizzers" met af Dent. and this tale cf spnead- flic home cf Linda Sharp. ing the word cf God., Patsy Mller read fleic min- For those cf yen wha wcrc utes of the last meeting. The wondcring wlicn Easter fel girls dlscussed plans for iasf, year, if fell on flic 6fl cf Achievement Day and fliey Apnil. This ycar If falîs on worked on thein garments. fh l îfiof Apnil, whicli is A dainty lunch was serveil five days inter. by Linda andl ler mother. The Guide and Brownie Mr. and Mrs. Lerne Lambl Mother and Dauglifer- Ban- were Sunday supper gnests quet held lest weck liad a- of Mr. and Mrs. George Ail- aneliundred percent fumnt dread, Tyrone.liy flic parents and flic leadl- Mr. and Mrs. Bothi- ors. A delicions meel was well and Nancy, Mn. and senved by flic Bey Scouts, Mrs. Fred Hogarth and fain- and Miss Diane Hindmnan 11Y, Maple Grove, were Sun- spoke and sliowed sîlde films day supper gucsfs witli lier trip te P.E.I. Miss and Mrs. Clarence Stainton. indinan was introduceil byý Celebrated Mr, and Mns. Guide leader Mrs. June Bofhwell's birthdays. White. The higlihlif cffli Mr. and Mrs. F. W, Werry evcnîng was wlicn Mrs. Mary spent Sundny evening wîth bi lcpiieecf.I Mr nnd Mns. RusselSan prcsenfing lier daugliterCa Mi'.apon tan thy wifh ber ail round cord. ton, Hapon. rfi, lc.Tbe fwo floral arrangements stLamse Griff a, Back- donafoil by flic "Carnaf ionýl stocksndwteaune tt ci'-and Jaclimen Florist Shops"i noon an ID- wa" f gs t 0f iffn. wére 'won by' Miss Dýîi M. and Mrs. RaGiffin. indnxan andl Miss Teressa Mon. and fMs id Stain- Miler. Mrs. Vi Rnddy (Brow- to nlfmlCobiourg, nelaero eal fb were weekend visitons cf Mnr elae),o.ihitc ol and Mrs. L. Stainton. Mi'. and groupa, flianked flic Boy Mns. Tom Hcckin, Wlo-S cents for flic fine job fliat 'dale, were Sunday visitera.' thcy donc on acrving. Mrs. Mn. and Mns. F. Donlanil Marg Hill thanked fheleclad- were Snnday dinner gucats crs for ail thein efforts 'a at Mn. andl Mrs, M. Stainfon's. making twe sncb fine gnoups Miss3 Betty Wih spent o f girls, Miss Cathy Coulter 'te eeen wthirig t thankeil Diane for flie filins alic wecknd îtb lersaL.nt.and lier fallion PXLE,I Bafd gandhn Mr N.L, J. A full affendance wes pro- BWrihfOshawa.d MiN.E sent for a surprise perfy bell' Wnîgh, Oshwa. hil fre by flic Hampton Trmmettes she visited wifh Mn, and MrsTosgupn edaev. HerbWriht nd M. ad mg for their leader. Mrs. Mrs. P. A. Tresise and flicir Jean Kellef t, who lias achicv- grenddaughfcr, liffle Dianna o vnahi era o Mcttrad s.MaSn. (keep cff pounnis scnsily>. Me&n, Ran Mrs. Nnra a She was prcscnfed with a BrdordRa, s. Nrmat, itfrom ber fellow nica- Oshdawn, Mn.eN.uE. Wnlifs bers andl a low calorie lunch Os hewaE.were hSna. aleswas enjoyed by ail. Mr. flic E..WFiankfMs. The Hampton Homneand Mnl, TarnoMrs. FA.nk l-Mc Sdool arganization met on loughby, Oshiawa, Mn, and Tucsdey evening at 7 p.m. Mrs. Stuart Preston, Cour- and flic parents bail a hait tic, r. ndMrs Rss agboum fa look anound flic foie, Mnnnervs oss Pagerooms f0 sec flic varions wonk MSaun. a, e.evstn il their children wcre involved Mr.. Palan tI. At 7:30 a liief PTO xmeet- Mr. dtnd BoMrs. Herbenting was beld. Treasuren Mn. Leilitn, ownanvlie Mn Joc Jackson gave flic reprt.1 andl Mrs-'i. ne pYpneew lad rsCaoClmnceP- Mrs. Ivan Rnowhcy, Mr. and art clasa lias, evcry Cther day, Mrs. Sfuart Rowlcy adtam- been goîng ta Toronto ta vIsit ily, Paigrave; Miss Joan Row- tlic Museumn and Art Gallery, iey and fnical, Mrs, Fletcher wbich la pnesently dlsphaylng and Mr. John Johnson, Oshx- a collection cf work by Francis awa, wemc Sunday gucsts of Pacabia. Mn. and Mrs. Bert Johnson. On Welnesday, flic lOfl, a Mn. and Mrs. Albert Van- gnoup of flic girls la Home dyli, Bradford, wcne Frilay Economics attendel flic Fa- guests cf Mr. ald Mrs. W, ahlon Show beld et. Ryerson, Vaneyli. te vlcw flic new wonk for 1Mn. and Mrs. W. Vancyli Spring, and gef a loak at flic visifed Mr. and Mrs. Paul campus. Vanderbrnka son, Whifby, The Draina'Cînb's declalon, on Sunday. afttei succesa et "West Side Mn. and Mrs. Kocen,' Ton- Story" for next yeai"s musical onfo; Mn, and Mrs. G. Kovacs, la "Guys al Dolis". The sfany Judy and. Louis, wene Safur- la about flic ide cf Broadway day supper gucafsscf Mr. andl wbere gambling la big fume. Mrs. Peter Ercegovac and AUl prospective cat membera Anna, celebrating Anuna's sev- arc getting thein music, as f ry- enth bitlday. Mi'. and Mrs. ouf s ii ho next raoneaflnl S. Perakavic and Steve, Mrs. onder te give flic cast aI suin- Zonka, Toront, wr Suaday mer la whlch ta icara thein gUeîsth flce Ècegayae& . parte, Wilbert Smlth, Oshawa. Sun- The eanadl an Staenman, Bewm4avfe, Mar, 17, 19717 day caller$ at flie Prescott Ihomne were Mr. and ondtr;VcePsl IBaflie Baker, Brookia, and e N i eodtra iePeÎ i:b was served. Miss Helen Presceft, Oshawa. B T dent, Billy Smelt; Secret ary, visifing ber fam-. were Sunday supper gucsts berry, Orono; Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. Harry Ryley. spending lier first wlth Mr. and Mrs. Jack Reg. Palmer and fanîily, Peter- Park Trustees: Ronald Jack- her granddaughter Beit le, Orono. boroughi, were Snnday guesti son, Charles McGill, Rev. ,loin Nenheus and Sunday visitors witli Mr. witb Mrs. Ina Palmer. Keith Adamis, and Mrs. Lionel Hickoy wcrc Miss Marlene Smith is a Park Comxnittee: Gordosi [s lnoyd, former Mr'. and Mrs. Dave Newton, patient in Civie Hospital, Pet- Wood, John Palnmer, Robert esiderît, 15 enjoy- Karen, Bey. Sheila, Oshawa. cnborougb. Her many friends Ryley1 (chainnian), Levi Me-~ vacation in Miami Mr. anid Mrs. Fred Holroyd are wishiug her a speedy Gi, Harold White, Chanles da. and Lynu were Sunday sup- recovery. McGill, Morley McGill, Harny cftc Holroyd ne- per guests witli Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. ]Ross Hall, Whitby, Ryley. ea guest appear- John Monisette and famiiy. spent Sunday with Mrs. Tho- Plans were inade: for the. «Coffee Hanse" in Small klndnesses, sinall mas Jackson. annual Victoria Day celebra- ih ta assiat fthe courtosies, small conisidera- Plan Holiday Program fions wbicb will incînde a 11re- is lI fnnd raising fions practised ln oui' day te The Bethany Athlctic Asso- works display and a dance fli c mt vit les of 1dey lu e add great cliarin to ciation held their aninual meef- during fthe weekend with f h. *'Our characten, than fthe dis- ing ini the Town Hall on Sun- usual parade, baillgames;, rac- ftennoon visitors play of great talents or ac. day niglit witb fthe following os and concert on thç Morday and Mn. A. W.1 complishments. elected as offlens: Jini Kloep- holiday. Various comnxttee# ne Mr. and Mrs.1 Bye Nowl fer continues as President foriwene set up.