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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 24 Mar 1971, p. 9

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RECREATION HOCKEY STANDINGS League-uid Tea FINAL TYKESTNIG Hlornet Cadinal Bomnbers 'FINAL ATOM STANDINGS ýiiFargo's aret T ---g-er --- - Conumes' asTykes F INAL PLEE WEE STANDINGS Bruine ____ ___ Rings -_ _ _ __ Wings Blades____ __ Novice, Fs -__ G? P Pts. Gr GA 14 il 14 9 14 9 14 8 14 5 14 4 14 4 14 1 BANTAM AS 0F SAT., MARCH l3th Fles -14 12 2 0 24 90 33 Hukies ___ 14 8 4 2 18 41 33 Per Wee B' 14 8 5 1 17 53 5 Bae -___14 7 6 1 15 37 38 Cbs __ - _ _ 14 -2 il 1 5 37 70 Panthre ---- - --- 14 1. 10 3 4 20 54 MIDGET AS 0F SAT, MARCH l3th Cornets------ 14 14 0 O 28 89 32 Mt. Royale 14 8 4 2 18 77 40 Canucks 14 8 5 1 17 58 47 Generale ___ 14 4 6 4 12 59 62 P.R '. S ------- ---- 14 3 ' 9 2 8 26 79 Ba--nîa-rn B's 14 0 13 1 1 19 68 Atomn League Bill Brooks oe assist, whîle up oe assiat, as did Don le an lom geme pkyad 'Ted Witherspoon had twe as- es.Te evn'goal Feb. 131h, haýtween Ihe Rams sista, Mark Ellis, Jeif Edmond- wene scered hy Wayne John- aand Tigera, John Ayre was son oe assisî each. The Slyel- son and John Calla while cnadited with- twa, goals for ara' goals wara scarad hy Tirm Charlie James and Rick Kra- taRm.Tseganîs-L shauld Alrnond, Derreil Jones ana kenoerg pîcked up ana assiat baceddt i aylor. geai n e naassiste while each, TykeMugPlayffa Perny Rialmullar had ana In the second gaie the gelizdo ssist. Kînga defaated the Leats hya In gàa paya anTue., Pae Wae League 5-0 score. The Kinga' goals anh2nd, fihe Blades da'feet- In a Pea Wee gama played wena scoed hy Naîl Ryan ed the- Indians hy an 8-0 score, on Fiday, March the 51h, the wîth twe, John Groateleens, Hoy witheun ga ls whilKe Wings and Beavans hattled te Bihl Birkaît and Glenn Merlin Bra t f urîm oehal*brea e aa2-2 lie, The Wings' goals ana goal eech, Sam ElliotI and ,Ian an ssîst. Jon Janaýck also ware. sconed hy Mark Mahoney Ralph McQuaid hed Iwa as- pickad up ana goal and oea and Trent Masters whîle Joeasisîs, Chnîs Marchant and Tony asitwhile Brian Canfield Pet Whyte, Wayne Dennia pîcked lKarweod ana goal eecb, ted three assista. ln the Second conteste 'Yr l a u Steaens scorad with just 35 econds reîaining in the garna e ,5, M * lei past a close 1-0 victory aven th GlfAmrian adTha 1n Only aneabowler made Ibe Larry Piper 3à 4 saie e aa inapec. . 800 plateau Ibis waek while Walt Hataly 33 240 Keollyas sîad yTiiAmnd 18 howlars wenl over the 700 Bill Westlaka 24 239 andely Darraîl Janas. Anonmark. Deug CarIer 33 237 en DrýIIErnie Perfect bowled 243- Dick Perfect ___ 33 237 Pee ee eegue 29-2,74 for ataliof 806 te Bian Martyn 33 236 lea am payd n on, wnhg rpa This is the Hon EIcher --- 33 235 Mac lt taHek dfatdfni im m a wnhihHoadBromel - 33 235 the BrvuIn , oV ia,6-3 s cTha trip-le Ii eaa.Elton Brack ---- 33 234 Hews'golswee sand 3he 1 bowers o verIA 1(tD700 Dr. H. B. Rundle .33 233 DPon aie it h1,,eImr er:BinMaitrn795 Harold Michelson -.33 231 Carter, Alln pece nd(24-91,Rýuaýs ra 791 Don Oke-- 30 230 Pel asen, nagol ac 28 - 27Iý5, d Lee90 (09,George Piper 33 230 DanChld ad eu BrdDeug arer73M 29-64, iDon Bagnal . 33 228 eacbhahý,d 0>a asiatsGlan Oh1nna775 (7823) alt Maurice Richards 33 228 Jobso ad ra Jme aa atey 73(37-63 ILr.H.Bill Oke 3 227 assateab.Th Buin' oas . unie 62(24 71-, h Bah Lawton .-- 3 22' waa coa b Rr Ewrto Bok 75-20-8) id Maunice Annaeet 33 27 enagalRadyNonanan BlIOk 74F(08, ac Bnd Bob Smih---- 33 227 goal n n siaDu a-741(0) eog ie 723 Dave Reynolds . 30 22 now ena geaI,lug oIn, (234) Munice Ri;chards 7, '22 Gond Wilcox - 33 224 Jerry JohnsIton and taphan (3ý10), Ar;t Rwe71 (51), Rusa Hallhrn 33 224 Fcowlaer ea ssaeah Bob Laird 78 (28,Pal Clarence Oke - 30 223 leIaseodcotithe " Muph;76 27-65, u Bob Laird -- --33 223 Blde ndth ovc 3B3% enîg70,4 (28>, ob sm-ith Bd. Leslie ----- 33 223 piaad a a3-3lie The Bladaâs' 703 (2-I52)ý, RnBce 0 and Eîwyn Dickey - 30 223 gols n'àcrd y ote ig nige tthieight jirn McKnight -33 222 CoweNea Pînge indTenry 3 18 Rosa Wright 33 221 SargnsonwhietWane H1 O raro ent Clank;e bad Jack Lander -___30 221 rey an Mîa ole pîke-a i-q1singlegaie. We ara Ah Sarnan 30 21 un na ssit. he ovce B's' nt gin t ention what Luka Annaert 33 219 goals ware cre yDensGatbwldfr a triple lait Hep Palmner 33 219 Sobil with to Nick Gibbs waakl4 "ýexpt thet bis singla Deug Taylor .. 33 219 nae geailanden assiste Scott gane tiswak nearly heel Bob Glanvilla . 33 219 Stvai naasia. is le;st wajek's triple, Deve Randy Beaupnia 33 21 Tyke M»ug P layofs Raýynolds ha -"d 301, Lewawll Bob Kent --- - 33 216 1-aithe fntgi tTusMcDua 8,TdBgelBob Konopaki ..33 21 March 41,Iýha aaI dgd279t;',Ji Brulon -- 33 214 th omea ya2- coet TaPaa-Cl id adhe Frank Mohun - 27 214 advncamb hanax rondet single 32, -ur & Lovali had Bud Henning - 33 213 th Tke u Pay gf,-gait s3613 for hi-gh triple. Ray VanMear -33 21 Ih ldsTeRioJs' goals Ne change in the teai Si Tnewin 33 212 weascndby Chuck Weish standing as Dvkstra's Food Karl Piper 33 212 wit ýh -Iwe whila Mike Lîttieton silil lead Lander Hardware hy Bruce ,Mlne- - 33 212 anL-d WYayne Perler picked up îwa 'points. Paul Lyle ------- 33 211 oDne assîst eacb, Th-, Bomber' AI Osborne li ops in thae owl MacDougal- 33 211 goal waa scored by d LaIt averages wih 71 tan 33 lted Bagnîl 33 211 mssislad by SteveMgie gaies. Brie Perfect bas 255 Las; Sm alaý 33 211 1in the second cotit he and Jack Bond 249. Art Rawa 33 211 Gýuif Amenicana advanïýcad imb 111ih Week - 2nd Sehiedule Bob Wiliams 33 211 thei Mug Final by def.eaîing Avereg es Mîke Murphy 33 209 >he Steelens hy ap-2 score.nyk 30 20 Th Amerîcans arî le b Naine Games Ave. Jh aDk 3 0 hcyRewlîe Ceembas 33 208 Ranidy Crossay ith h ýireAI Osborne 33 271 John. Carter ---- 33 206 gasand en aýssiat-, Thug Elýne Perfect - 33 255 George Stephan 33 206 I{ogham aa o l arl Jack Bond- 33 255 Ron Carter . 30 205 Dnoyle ana goal and en asist Rusaý Oke 33 245 Steve ýOke -___ 33 201 FEATURING ZENITH and ADMIRAL R-E N TALS SALES&SERVICE 723 -0011 Falcon i14 V, DON OSBORNE'S (omryo H COUNTRY JAMBORE appeariing .-i41parson Cnaa' uenh of Coufftry Mu5ic - HONEY WEST Back by ppulr emand - 71/2 yr..old SHIRLEY JEAU WAYLAND NORM ABINAU ad the Cuutry Doves- ,Many cf your artýýer CoutryArtiats Featuring ,,ROGER anid the Playmates ONE MAI~TS SUNDAY N-GHT A JxA MAR. 28THR ONLYfrom 8=ï10 p.m. DencA R E N A Refresiiments% Adrns~in ~,25 Childran u tnder 12 FRE Hon Salleck ~ 2 Pet Murphy 12 Dale Tarry .~30 Jim Combes 9 d 22 d an lware --20 sOsborne rance- --- 18 ey â.1 :Ing ----- 6- i an Pantiac kA __ 15 eil --- 14 EsIta le14 iý Cala --13 12, Teau Dyks Land Hard Nels Ken Weai IL G. Selhý Heal: Cowý Buicl Jury Loe Real. Mluti Shahl Teains L 1 14 15 15 16%4 20 21 200o 232 222 216 202 22 20 161/ 16/2 15 14 l4 12 Biliard League 1sf Teain No. 3, E. Pgi 21pli.; 2nd teai Na, 2, A MVryers 20 pli.; 3rd leai No. 4, B. Mains 12 pIs.; 41h teai Noý , M. Johnson 3 ,pIs. Playoffs tart an Aprîl 7th, Teai No, 3 E. Paggie toek final place laad aven Teain Ne. 2 A. Myans. a vary tighî gaie, taking Iha byona Baskelt ail Final led As Hooperï3.eat,-SfIephen's Heapar's Jewellery came earlY 20-10 bulge et the from hehind, an early defieîi a the openiog quarter, ta defeat Stephen Fuels 70-65.Hoeacrn narg et the Hîgh Schohl gymnes-Hoescan argï ium l.ait Tuasday nîght. The In the second ta go ilef: Jewahheny win lies the hast af 35401 et hahf-Iime. The P tbrea Town Bakathail Lea- ars roved hack in front 1 gua finals et oe game apiece, single basket headlng satting the stage for Ihe the final quarter, whan Hý third and sudden-deaîh clash, er's eut-scored Stephan's this Tuesdey night, 7:'30, et 13 te take the decîsian. the B.H.S. gymý Guy Parka led the wîni Stephen's jurnpad Imb an with 21 points, closely_ frant Puel- by a ino loep- g20- h owed by I"Jea" Burga sa wltb 20 - hhst pefrformance af, the seasan. Bob Sheridan bit for 11, John Rundle tan, ail in the fînar hîf and Ken Kelly elght, 1 Rick Bihinski turned ie bis top effort with a fine 2G 'peiùnt total ta pace the Fuels;, r De Grandes callectad 17 Stork a dezen,, wîth Tom iPeerson natting six and Ted' -Dadsan four, In î QW:ý ýLeaueinals by AI Cole te, end the second perlod 2-1 game 5-4 for Fisk's Fuels. fer Nichols, This game kept the fansl la -the Junior Town Hockey The thîrd proved a repeat on their tees for all three League conulng te a close next of hast week as Fisk's shewed periods and the way they week or will it continue on? great power, while Nichels were yelling you weuld think: This is the big question and îooked a littie tîred. Flsk's that you were attending a Nichola Metors have te corne were quick in gaîning the N.HL. game. Se, hockey fans' up with the answer as Fîsk's lead as they flred two quick who have neyer attended oe have a two gamne lead in the goals early In the period, of the gamas plan te, be there hast ef five finals, They Leadbeater notching the tylng next Week, becausa it may be downed the unlucky Nichais goal'at 2:58 and Woolner f lr- the last tîme te sea hockey club on. Sunday 5-4. ing home the go ahead goal~ at ita greateat. Even better, Bath clubs skated te a fast at 3-42. Nichols were able' you fans who have been at .and scoreless fîrst perîod. The te finally flnd the evening the games tell a friend what perîod proved just what these goal at 10:02 on a beautiful they have been mlssîng and twe fine clubs can produce, three-man passîng phay w1th get them l nterested enough fast, exciting and thrilling Homaniuk fîring it home. At te, attend a game on Sunday end te end rushes, but also a the 14:43 mark Nichais tell nighta between 6-8. The play- mention has ta ha written into a miner penalty- which ers would love te see you about the goal tending as Fîsk's used te score the go there chaering themn on teaa bath goalles were up with ahead goal with only two vlctory. the right, moves at the right seconds gene In the penalty There were four miner time. as Weolner hit at 14:45ý penalties and ene l0-minute NichaIs were the first te1 Fisk'a hit agaîn for an insur- miscenduct called ag ai ns t hit the score sheet as they aRnce goal aI 17.02 on Burns7' Fisk's, while NichaIs racelvadi netched one at the 3:27 marký goal which later preved te ha onhy two mmnors, of the second perîod in a goal, the winner as Nichels came Big guns for Fisk's were scorad hy Hon'eniuk. Thisahîve at 19.28 on Hughesý' go-al. Woolner wîth two goals and was a short-lîved lead as' N!chols then really put on one assîst and M. Donoghue Fisk's plunked home the tying', the pressure using six attack with three assiats, For Nîch- goal at 5:15 on R. Donoghue s ers and did everything but ols it was - Homenluk and goal. It stayed tïed until the[put the puck In the net asl Hughes, each gettîng two 9:37 mark when Nîchol is.1tme ran eut, ending thel goals and one assIst, found an epening and Hughes tlred home the go ahead goal ILU f~ A E I U Whitby IFrom League Finals In Brookla Arena on Wed,,i March 17, Bowmanville Pee Wee B Septîcs blanked Whit- by 4-0 ta win the league play- effs, twe gamnes straight, Bowrnanvîlle now advancesi te the finals against Thorn- hîli. Rick James opened theï, scoring for Bowmanville in the f irst period after a per- fect assîst tram Jeey Burns, et the five minute mark. Tom Fauntain scored the second geal, assisted hy Eddie Gruy- ters and John Conboy. Thirdi, Bowrnanvîlle goal was hyi' Frank Leach tram Jerry" Leddy.1 In the second period, Jeeyj Burns scered geai numbar 4 unassisted, with a tremendous slapshot frorn a difficult angle. Bath teama were scoe- leas fer the thîrd peried, Fivre penalties were handed eut, three te Bowrnanville1 and two ta Whitby. Scoring statistîca, Whitby Serias - Jaay Burns 3 points, Frank Leach 2 and Jerry Leddy 2. H. Gray, 3, Gibson 2; RoI reyd 5, T1. Gray 0, R. Luxtonl 3, Farrand 2; Aida 3, Bd- mendion 2 -Taam Standing Luxton _____ --- 41 Aide 40 Gibson - _____29 Holroyd 29ý Bdmondson - .. 28 TGray 2 2 Farrand 19 H. Gray ---- - 12 High Single - T. Gray 171, C. Lavigna 160, P. Patter 155ý High Double - R. Luxtbon 289, H. Gray 271, V. Farrand 266, J. Luxton 260, T. Gray 260, A, Chow 255. Bantam Boys Kramar 5, Farrell.0; Woal- ley 5, Bain 0. Teai Stand.'ing Kremar 351 Woelley - '29! Bain -241 'Farrel-------------22 High Sînge - --R-. Chapple 190, K. Wooiley 170, J Oegeîa 176, D. Bruce 167- 163, H. Bain 155. High Double -, D. Bruce 330, R. Chapple 309, K. Weol- lay 279, L, Falîs 272, H. Bain 268, D. Hodgson 265, J. Oeg- ea 262, B. Dykstra 250. Junior Girls D. Piper 5, Perfect 2; Car- ter 5, Cowle 2; K. Piper 5, INDOOR CARPET nor udo with CARPET heavy rubber back-, Great Colors 3.* qy 99 sq yd, ALL OTHER FINE OIEPOUT wîl b rduedby $I.OO sq. Yd& FOR ADDITIONAL GREAT SAVINGS SWEEKEND SPECIALJ DOMCO I FRIEE VilFE S AVER KIT to the first 100 rsons-$1.00 value....J. WHERE CAN YOU USE OZITE? USE YOUR IMAGINATION WIEEDr OfOUGET THE BEST SERVICEAND 1ýVALUE? 95KNG ST. VW. B1O1iAN VILLE Fraedrecîka 2Z Teai Staniding-ý Carter -- ---52 k. Piper -___ 47 D. Piper 42 Cowle 40 Panfeal ____ . 31 Fredricki 19 High Single- D. Piper 291, K. Piper 257, J. Trimble 244, C. Mitchell 210, High Triple - D. Piper 605, K, Piper 584. junior Boys Roberts 5, Adams 2, La-' mont 5. Moshan 2; Welsh 5, Brooks 2. Teai Standing Robents -47 Meshar -______ 45 Brooks 44 Waish ~,34 Adams 32 Lamant ----------------------- 29 High Single - M. Gillespia 261, B. Lamant 263-203, D. Gray 235, M. Robants 225, & VanDnial 211, D. Witbeniy 207, K, Jahi 200, J« Whyte 211-219, J. Brooks 207-219, J. Welsh 217. High Tripla - J. Brooks 623, B. Lament 622, M. Robants 608, Senior Mlxed League 1Daey 5, Bouwrnppsta,- 2; Brunt 4, Cain 3; Tamry 5, Hol- royd 2; Bradley 7, Lyla 0; Whitehead 7, MacDonald 0. Teai Standing Whitehead . 52 Terry -- - ~ . 50 Bradley - _____ 49 Bouwraestr .,49 BrunI t - - 42 Calen - 36 Holroyd si3 Davay - - . 3 1/ Lyla -----27% MacDonald ~18 Hlgh Single - L. BrunI 323, D. Manyn 300, D. Tarny 280, D. Bradley 275, G. Thasen 274, S. Davey 269, S. Cale 261-269, D. Multon 252. High Tripla - S. Cale 740, L. Brunt 711, D. Bradley 709, S. Davay 688, D. Temry 673, D. Marlyn 677. Newvîlle- Starkvilie, Doris Tampkîns 207, Gaill Million 200, Joyce Slacey 187, Derethy Stark 186, Ranle Woods 184, Elaine Marchant 180, Grace Farrow 178, Barnica enderson 174, Olive Rend- aien 172, Deloras Wahkay 166, P ansy Johnsan 162. Dale Fan- an 162, Jean Pollerd1 159, Manie Gable 158, Pal M\ilison 158, Peggy Misan 154, S-hir- ley Martaîl 1449, Pal He1dgas 145, Marg Cuiland 141, Susan Mackie 136. Higb single-DaeaFonan 310; hîgh tripla, Dania Tarp- kîns 669; high average, Doris Tornpkins 207. 300 Ganes Dale Poran, 310. 200 Gaines Joyce Stacay 231-262, Rorie Woods 224, Doris Ternpkins 220-226-223, Elaina Marchanmt 216, Pal Radgas 215, Marg Glnd208, PanasyJhso 20,Dorathy Stark 205c, G ivllion 202. Gainas won Xllspica34 Recreutîon Rey;ews D. OgdeC -- J. Mains F. Land _ __ K. Campbael F. Bruce -____ J. Rowa.. --- A. Boni-, A. Burges B. Mileheli_____ A. Dykître F. Dykstra - B, SilIli L. Ceembas G. Downay T. Wright B, Wlihur L. Woodcack ____ D. Mulbon - P. Brooma ______ B. Piper - D. De Vos ____ E, Debea----- N. Van Abhema U Gelîaghar----- M Ovendan R. stal A.Glaspal DVenîayaan B3., Nirnigon L. urgasa Aý Perfect M. Kn'app D. Leaman LEAGUE Mac 51h Shirley Davis couldn't de 2anything wrong lest lVlnd.ay nîý,ght, roiling a great 862 tripla 278-314-270. Dayle Wol- nik aise had afine 818 triple, 288-282-248.' Terrifie bowling, girls, kcap those pins flyîng. Berniace, Terry was aIse in grealtari, noling a nica 702, ý181-244-277., Top 12 Averages Onla BIcher 234, Ollie Paf- field 226, Dayla Wolnik 224, AIde Osmond 213, Thelma Forestar 211, Dol Brooks 210, Shrly Davis 210, Ena BIch- er 2CC, Helen Dapew 209, Eva Whitehead 208, Helen Roeas 208, Judy Bragg 208. Teain Standing Pins PIs, Judy ,%Bragg -3 185 ý_21 Enaý Eîtchar -31688 20 OnetBcher - 31920 18 12 Audrey Osmond.. 31591 18 Dot Brooks 21 3948 17 Bileen Moore 30972 17 Thehma Farraster 30487 17 Mabel Lewis 31126 16 Joyce Tannant 29882 14 Helen Rogers 31110 1312 Ollie Patfield . 30826 13 Shirley Davis 30446 13 Ovan 220 Gaines Oia BIcher 224, Marlon McKnight 251, Cacha e iwers 237-225, Gîhie Patfield 243, Fae Lewis 222-231, Ena Etcb- an 232, Willia Neshitl 240, Eva Whitehead 235, Louise Heffar- nec 267-223, Judy Bragg 245, Emma Bregg 246, Mary Cow- an 231, Shirley Davis 278-314- 270, Toots Wiseman 244-252, Helen Rogers 220, Marilyn Cole 267, Jean Rarnasa 235, Joyce Lyla 276, Audrey Os- mond 268, Mary Handanson 223, Nancy Cax 298, Shirley Bickle 268, Pal LuxI 223, Berniace Tenry 244-277, Je- anlie Broîrnahl 221, Thaîma Farrestan 284, Dayla Wolnik 288-282-248, Eileen Moore, 225, Helen Depew 228, Joyce Major 295, Jackia Patfield 248-228. St. Joseph's Mixed Bowling League Marcb 21, 1971 Standings No. Points Pins 4. Nîght Train 55 34334 3. Hilh Blles 51 33121 5. Crawlera 45 33389 7. Wanderns --42 32612 1. IJepredictables 39 32359 8. Gainera _ 38 33241 6. Wiseguys _-36 32834 2. HI Rats . 30 32462 Meu's Iligh Triple Jim Fain -. ------ --- _ 221 Men's High SiaPle 1 Gary Lana -- -- ---_ 308ý Ladies' High Triple Gerny Dwyen 576ý Bileen Hîckay ý 576 Ladies' High Single Gerny Dwyan 239 Top Tan Avarages 1 Bill Orme 27 Dave Orme21 Jim Pain ------2-1- Gary Cenway 2051 Mika Kennedy --2001 Jack Brown -_____195 l George Charland 1951 Fred Rohreyd 194, Allen Maclean 1<)4 Kathy Skrlbe 193 Arnold Brinklow --193 Over 200 Gaines Gary Lana 308, Jim Pair 270, 249, 203, Allen Macleaný 26,Dava Orme 263, Lionel Hîlca 251, Gary Conway 244, 218, 207, Bi1h1 Orme 240, 226, 200, Ger; y Dwyen ý239, 205, F-red Hlad238, 238, Elee ickey 236, Jo,_an Gibbs 235, Doris ;Jaeffreys 232, Jiî Jaftrays 23A, 201, ýBetty Ohar- lard 224, Bob Caîtphbel 223,, Jack Brown 221, 203, Mike! Kennedy 218, 204, Raisa Mariae! Conway 219, Les Hunt 2115, Jim Ruddy 211, CarroIe Orme 209, Mary Brinklow 201,, Paul Laprade 201, Arnold Brnk- how 200, Night FHawks Bowli[ngé 5. SUPER-CYCLE COASTE-R Canadian-made. Girl's nMtli le o' in Metallie, Gold-tone, 20"- wheeLs,........$ý4O,95,24" ýý .. .....9 with 26", or 28" wheels ............. $48.95 ,We aise carry theseSue Cycle models *10 SPEED RACER 3 SPEEDRCE *THE 'WEDGE"* 'O AR eCONVERTIBLE MOST OTHER POPULAR TIRE'and TUBE SIZES AVAILABLE HERE ARE 2 AIR-TIONT VALUES Patchng Kt Tire Pu mp Be Wise, keep a kit Mounts on reost in your tool bag. Pre- frarnes.Hevy cut patches, tube but'- chronied. Flýexiblel fer and extension i1 cernent. included, 'THIS WEEK'S lCLEARAN,ýCE SPECIAIL Ail ~ ~ es HokeMSicm w75c BUY AT THE... -Rotarý' BookSale TflItIS WEKEND AT CAN,ýADïAN TIREÉ 1 1 1 - 1 1 1 .1qi T 1 The Canadian Statosman, Ëown-maville, Mar. 24, 1971 CRUSMENFACE ELIMINA-ýTION Led by Steve West's three goals, Oshawa Crushm enupe Peterborough Lions 44 rîght in the liftlock cîty last week ti take a 2-1 lead in the best of seven Eastern Junior ""~as But Friday in Oshawa, the Lions came back te wîn 4"2 and Peterborough won again on home ice Sunday 5-1t tek the lead for the second time Sixth game will be played in Oshawa tonight, (We,),-;I t. i t t II t SKIING NOTES This corner ventured out on the slopes seven oft1he past 11 days te enjoy the tremendous skiing conditions 3>",in a the Oshawa Ski Club. On Saturday, with a very sinali nu-m- ber of skiera out, we had put in the equal ef a f uli day's ato before noon, Thursday afternoon, a beautiful sunny dayv, lre- sulted 'iin re of the best outings we have enjoyed at irbyi'ý> since we took up the sport. There wiil be skiing at thue Oshawa Ski Club tmro (Thursday) from 10:30 untl 4-30 and on the weekend f-ro-m 9:30 te 4:.30. It had been orîginally planned te have day and nighit s îng ail this week at Sugar Plum in Bowmanville, but unlesi,ý it snowed today, by Tuesday it was expected that Sugar Plum's activities willbe ended for this season. .A great deal has been accomplished et the new hili this winter, first and feremost was the idea te build a siope. A lot of work was done te clear the site, the tow was installed, andý Sugar Plum boasts the best highting system. for night skiing, sthat we have seen. Next year, with much et the bard wors and growing pains accomplished- Sugar Plum should be a geing concern, Deug Woodcock, an Oshawa native, whe learned, his ski.,ý ing et Kirby, won the giant slalom, as seen in the Pontiac Cup races on television on Saturday. Deug, attempting te catch the leaders in the slalom event, was really flying wheh took a spill, Supercycle TjUlrl

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