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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 24 Mar 1971, p. 10

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10 ±he Cantatiaii Statesmàn, Eotvmanville, Mar. 24, 1971 by Bob Watt Assistant Agricultural Represer A 4-Rï/ CLUB LEADER He also thinks parents can' SPEAKS OUT push too hard on the youngl înterviewed by Rod Stork, person to win ail the time and1 Ass't. Agr, Rep., this can have a negative effect Durham County on the member. Ask Gary Jeffery what hie When asked what hie enjoy- illinks about youth today, and ed about being a Club Leader, hic will tell you they haven't ha saîd, "I like working with chaýnged that much over the young people and I hope I arn years, but they do want to helping themn in some way". r1ay a more active raie in the Gary adds, *'As they learn things they do. As a 4-H Club about agriculture, 1 learn also Leader, Gary warks wîth because you have to ha aware yntung people,"so lhe can speak of what is going on". Irom experience.1 "No matter whether the As iveil as operating. a suc- 4-H member stays on the; ce,-sful dairy farm, west orf f arm or goas ta work ln the Bowmnanville, Gary is leader city, hie can learn from 4-1F". of the 4-H Poultry Club andi Junior Farmer Activities resident of the Durham Coun-i The Executive of the Dur- ty 4-H Club 'Leaders' Associ- bain Junior Farmers have in- ation, formed us that they hav Gayfeels that young peo- plans for their March an-d pie- are capable of carryiog on April avents. On March 27,1 a su!ccessful 4-H and wou]d they are going to hold a mucih sooner do so than have "Tobogganing Party" at the pr'epared material pushed at Kirby Ski Hill, starting at 7-30;ý them- by the Club Leader. p.m. and in April a visit to a Gakýry tocok the approach of get- Sugar Bush. t.ing- the membars involved in Junior Farmers is an organi-ý the Poultry C]ub Program, zation made up of rural and and by the results. this was non-rural young people be- ver y successful. "Not only will twean the ages- of 15 to 28 ilmembers leara more about a w hich undertake proj ects, edu- specific area thay are working cational meetings and social on, bult they will pick up other events. Now is the tima when ideas in their search for in- plans are being made for newj formation", says Gary. membership in thair organiza- ,4-H Club Leaders are in favor tion and anyone wishing to of member participation. To join may contact Dick iRuther- th-is end, they are encouragingford at 983-5772; John Larmar the formation of a 4-H Mem- at 986-4424 or Sally Laagmaid ber ' ouincil ta, plan activities at 263-2765. for' the membar. "The Mem- Durham "Agri-Notes" ber Council will allow the Last weak a mîmeographed yuig people to arganize and copy of the March issue of carry on-ltthi own acivties Durham "Agri-Notes" was And f think thîsi is good"i says maled out to 1,253 f arm Gary.homes in the County. In that G-ary fadan that the parents issue, information is present- êrF, a ital part of theýý4r, ed in articles on subjects ofl rro gram. "If the mrembar Kterest ta the homemaker, the Irtnows bsparents arf here junmr r, embers of the family, to give advice, the menmber and thé farm operator. Till work harder.", says Gary. Our mailing list bas recent- BOWMANV LLECSTOMERS C.ALL COLLECT Ask Operator for 668-3341 or Diat 1-668-3341 DX 'FUEL OmhIL CALL US TO-DAY FOR PROMPT, COURTEOUS SERVICE You maay now C for the increE GuaranteedlIni Supplement t( fa Port Hop-- gnoup. Procceds wîll be uscd ta buy mateniais -for Irandicraft articles wbich will ha an sale at tIre comiilîrg bazaar, laler, Ibis sping. Thea 0% W ginie hope ta raise moncy for N ew s thaîr uniforms la Ibis man- Mn, and Mrs. F. Henderson attendcd thre "Wbiz" dance la Bowmanville, Saturday aven-j ntaiveing and wee guests of Mn. IMn. and Mrs. M. o, - n ly been ravisenT, tbrongh the Mn.sond Mrs. S., Lanc-aster cooparation of tbc Northum- wanc among those attan)ding berland and Durham Regional tbc 4th Anniversary ceichra-, Asacasment Office. If, by tion for Mn. and Mrs. H. chance, soyana did n001 raceive Couch, Ssturday nigbt, in t heir capy sort wisbcs Oana, Newcastle Town Hall. 1 'Ibey should contact tbe Onit- Mrnd r.Ge arw aria Depanîment of Agricul- Cobor Mis. GtenFarrow, bure & Foodi, aI 14 Frank St.Coburg, t hsapentsbc r.cand1 Bowanvll, Otaro PhneMns. C. R. Farrow and on 62338.Sunday ail visited Mn. adi Mns. Norman Leeata Cambnay.1 N EWTON VILLE bbfrd of hisaceigravfa inthp sermons on "Conscience at bbc Mrs, A. Milligan retumned Cross" talked about Pontius borna Wadnesday fram St. Pilate, tIra man wbo wantcd Josep's Hospital, Peterbor- ta do wbat was ighl, but ough. lacke he bcocanage af bis con- Mr. andi Mra. Pancy Rowa victions - a situation tili of Janelvîlle were in bbc vil- canîmon amang us today. lage cllîng on relatives, 1"Tban's a Great Day Cam- Tuasday aflarnoon. ing" was sung by bbc choir. IMn. Grant Wade sndortMs. 1.C.W; will mccl la bbc Malena Stacay cach drova a Sunday ScIrool Hall nexi car load af Young people to Wcdnaaday evening, Marcb 31 Oshawa, Thursday evening, 51 8. Ail ladies welcame. ta se bbc show "Thre Retliesa Mn. adMns. F. Handersani Onas", sponsoreri by tbc Unit- wiîb Mn. andi Mrs. C. Brown, ed Cbunrcb. af Newcastle, attended bbc Mn. Frank Gilmer witb Mn, Sportsmen's Show in Toronto andi Mrs. Jack Kimbali, on Sunrtay. Lakashone, and M.r Mr.. M and Mrs. J aro Aif Graham, Newcastle, et ar. n r.JmFro 'tendad bbc funcral of thain eefry Bwavle uncl th lae Emer . Pth erevisitors with Mns. va Iick, in Toronto, Tbursday aI- arwSudy tennoon. Mn..sort Mrs. Phil Gilmar Mn. Clintan Farrow wax ia and famîly were among tbose Mamaiai Hospital saveral attanding bhc Hank Snow days, isat week for observa- Show an Osbawa's Civic Audri- lion sort tests. torium, Sunday evcning. Suzanneandsort ary Warnaii WiIIr bbc sping recasa in ar~e amang bbc 44 P.H.H.S. stu- fui] swing, Ibis weck, no Cuh dents taking tIra to-day trip on Scout meetings ane planned, ta Romelitaly, lasI Thursdsy, we uindarstand, but Scout via jet. This waa organazad Master Phil Hayman andt Cuh by a private company work- Leader Gladys Hayman plan ing witb bbc Ontario' Teach- ta attend tIre Quinte District ara' Fedenatican la provide Ragional. Canlenence, ta ha students wibIr low cost visita heait aIBeleville, next Sat- la foraiga countries, sor thbb urday, Plans are aiso bcbng gnoup la chaperoned hy Ibree madte for tIre Esatan Panade, of bbc high achoal leachers, Thasa Young people warkcd ta nase the ncessaay fuads, sli- STÀRK VILLE ing tikt no affle, rua- ning the canleen aI thre achool M.sr n.Hri ita dancesansortdoing add jobs, CMp.handfori warold itnln tIre past lew montha. 1 apelod wr - inr Mn. Truamnan -Hendersan guasîs with Mn..sort Mrs. wss home from Sudbury aven Orme* Falls,, Monday, last lIre weakend, and bis son Bob, wcek. homne ,lrom Western Uni- Miss Beulah Hallowcli spant versity, London, aven tbc a few daya asat waak wîbh samne pciod. Mn.,sort Mrs. Liew Haliowell MrndortMs. Fred HanTer- ad Scott Hailowceli was a son were Friday avening visi- guast with thcm on Satnrday. tors with Mr. and Mms. Ail Wednesday aflarnoon asatý Panria,, Cowaniviile. wcak bbc ladies of ShiloI U.C., I Mrs. S. Lancaster sort Mrs. W. hart a pot-lu ck luncbcon ai M. Samis attendaci bbc Dur- Mns. Bria Caswell's homel ham County Farm- Safaty witb 17 ladies altending. With Council Anoual Dinnen, Fi- tabla dacorations for St. Pal- day, at bbc Village Motel, rici ndort aay Telicacias al ýWelcomp, wbere tIre speakerý enjoyc'd s vcry picasant aller-_ was Mn. Clyde Pope af bbc noon asorthebbcsunTant sun-ý Belia1vilia Finre Marshal's 01Of-. aime'aI Ireday lice. Mr. .Johnn Stank ail rî Fatean local' ladies sort ana Jim Starkn werc in Toronto 'brave gentleman were among dunring bbh,- knd tIre hua load, sponaored by a Mn. and Mns. Chanlie Hall, iU nit' of bbc U.C.W. who attend- Toronto, waere Sunday, visitons ad tbc matinea performance withb ler molIen, Mrs. F. aI bbc O'Kacfe Centre, Toron- Stone. ta, an Saturday. Mrs. Jim Starkn wasa laPart A mast succesalul dance, Penny Tuesday eva >ning lasI under bbc auspices of bhe week wben s dagrée was pub Hlangars, was Irelinl Com- an at bbc Hehekah Lodgc munily Hall, Salnrday aven- tIre. ing, muio c bg supplicri y Mn..sort Mrs. Bria Cas- welsort famiiy attcnded bbc Spanîsmens Show in Toronto, Leslie remaining for a holi- day in tIra city. - Wednasrtay evening last week Mns., A. Van Drunan af Newcastle enterlaîned at a bridai sbower for Miss i'rndy Maynand af Bowmaniville1 who 18 bride-elect for Apnil Attending tbe shower at Mrs, Van Drunen's home-from Ibis anas were Mrs. Harold Souch, Hypsîra, Mns. DeJ6ng, Mrs. Len Falls, Mrs. Jim, Souch, ~sed Misa Barbara Mornow, MVrs. îs e d Sandra Mornow, Mrs. Jim Souch sort Mrs. Bob Marnaw. Mrs. Jim -Starkn spent Mon- day la Casîleton. c o rn eSatnnday alternoon Mn..sort Mrs. RaToIr Poilard hart their son, Robant RalpIr baptized 'I Il U Vby Rav. T. J. Socîgrove at OId Age Secuiity Pension. Apply nowl If yoii received a supplement If you did flot receive a supplement lan1970 I n 1970 ... you may quaify for Increascd you may now qualify.fpy one as of payments after April 1lst, 1971. At Aprl lst, 1971, because the amount that lime, the maximum combined of iricome you are allowed has been Old Age Security pension and adjusted upwards. Nearly 300,000 Guaranteed Income Supplement wil more Canadians will benefit fromn this be raised to $1 35.00 a month for a change. The new maximum OId Ade, single person or a'married petson Security pension and Guaranteed whose husband or wife 15 flot a Income Supplement will be $135.00 pensione r, and to $255.00 a month a month for a single person and, for a married couple who are boîh $255.00 a month for a married couple pensioners ($1 27.50 each). who are both pensioners-($1 27.50 each). You have already received an infor- mation booklet and an application form for the supplement. If you think you are eligfible, and ,have not already completed and mailed the application form, you should do so now. The in- creased Guaranteed Incarne Supple- ment is not sent 10 you autômatically. You must apply for it each year. For furîher information or assistance i 1n determining wheffier you are eligible for an increased supplement, write the regional Old Age Security office at the address shown below: Vour regional Old Age Security office is ». 789 Don Milis Road, Don Milis, Toronto, Ontario Phone (416) 966-6000 13SUED BY THE DEPARTMENT 0F NATIONAL MEALTH AND WELFARE THE HO0NOURABLE JOHN MUNRO, MINISTER OBITUARY CHARLES W. APPLETON A resident of bbc Myrtie ares fan aven 30 years,, sItar moving, thare f nom the Aj ax- Pickering ares, Charles Wil- liam Appleton, dicri surtdenly, on Wednasday, Marcb 17, 1971, at bis place aI cmploymanb, Chalet Farmi Limibcd, Pari Penny, wbeme -he hart worked for the past 14 yeans. H1e was in bis 651h yean. Charles Appleton wassbhe son aI tIre ale IsasscsortSusan Appleton sand was haro on Marcb 3, 1907, ia Norfolkn, Engiand. H1e marniedthbb former Jean Brown McGinn on Octoher 22. 1931, at Dunhanton, Ont. Mns. Appleton passanT sway la Jan- uany af tins year. Ha wss a memben aI the Burns' Preshylerian Churcr, in Ashburn. He as surviveri by two, daugbbens, Mns, A. Sollows (Susanne),'Oshawa,ari Mns. K. Wslbham (Dorolhy), Wbil- hy, sort tbnce sons, Andraw af Port Pcrry, Edwand (Pst) o] Booklin sort William af Myr- tle, as weil as six grand.ciid- ren. Also suriviving are tbnee sisters,ý Mrs. F. W. Weeks (Elsie) of Weston, Misa Don. otby Appleton af Kinsale and Mrs. L. Swiagammer (Grace) of Newca,9tic, along witb sx broblens, Harry aI- Whîtbyl Edwsrd oI Winnipeg,, Man., Leslie af Bramaica, Jackn a: Cooksvilie, Wilfred af Kinsale and Abert of Maîton. Mn. Appleton rested at the W. C. Town Funenai Chapel, Wbithy, wbce H ev. W. Black conducter tIre funeral service on -tnmday, March 20, at bwo -p.mt. Intermant was in Grave- gide Cemeteryq RotarySpeaker Train fng with boy S>couts Nof OnIy for Fil and WeiI If's for Handicap ped Too TIre fit sort normai bave no yaar-old spsstîc boy wbo hart Ha spok-e about a lroap 0f monopaly on there ealm af anc all-abiding ambition la ha- huartd Scouts who wcrc able ta Scauting. The Irandicappari coma a Queen's Scout bafare parfonm -Scouting activibias toa bave a place la ibis many Ire dîcri. with amaziag confidence sort faccerid world. "To quaiify for bbîs Jimmy abiiity. Accarding ta Robant Taylor, har t taha a Firat Clasas Scout," "They cao doelb sort hecause Dinectar af Scout Training In sairi Mn. Taylor. "Anditta somaoie Iras taken ime ta Canada la an addn ess to Baw- achieve Ibis ha lad bo go Out show tbcmi how," Ire sai., ýmanville Hotanians ai bbc on an ovarnigbt camping trip, He considararie Scouting Im- Flying Dutcbman Mator Inn satîng up the camp ari cook-pratfrheanipeds an Februany 251h, tIrea laing bbc masîs." -pnatfrtr adcpeia bardly a place wbene boys are lb was impassible fo b it gîvas bbem bbc attitude aI ailrbbc he bcbg acceptad as s penfectly tIrai Scauting la nat also, boy ta perfarm l terequinr-nomlbyrgilbagoi TIreais a Scout Troop la cd amiviias 50 a special dis- fortm aloMngir. ITayorsg- tIra Sicin Cbildrcn'a Hospital. pansation was givan Iim. Ha esr , e aseM. lbratsua Thare laon alimosi avcry wassaskecrita ilay ont on a mano facho cus i rete connectionai instituba. There af Ontario tIra routeofaI feelig oI bcbng wanted . . sart ara Scout Troopa in homes fan jouroey ha wauld baka, and il gives bbc "normal" Scout a fho1lnt 'It4U LÂ kCt s1ý:fWt± p '."-.t.i. 4,.A,, 4. rrinnIed then and his faither v.pt f.eeling - f1 helping ouI, aI do- Winter Doldrum Credifor lions C With ilmfs 0onH Nue- i_ m W Il e s fe a s o rt hb b c to w n 1 once more braaedibseif fon an-1 other biasti of winten, bbc mcm- bers of bbc Bowmanvilie Lions Club wcab on a tour tbrougb bbc isianda aofHawaii lasI wcak. Vicaniousiy, Ihat la. Their tour leader, Fred Mon- ison. as ibain proxv. hart spent 17 risys la tbc isianda lasI manbb. Oatcnsibly lb was ta attend a square dlanca con- vention la Honolulu. But il includeri a bcaitby portion af bravai tbnougb bbc antan Islands as wall as plenty of rciaxing marnings la bbc suný sort surf of Waikiki. ' And h& bas tbc lida pictu ras bo prave lt-as any Lions wili coafirm. Islandi 0f valcanos, mwbe-' longues of lava ci'isserosi th country ari naw cupin occun sametimes ight ila tb" middle of bbc higbways.,- Then Kausi âsortii bnp un a river tb a femrarta w]'-1-i conjures ai] bche sort mys- tc.ry aI PolynasialsI .Finaiiy Oahu sort Honolul.;. city af 750,000, polyglobtti mecca of beach bufl ortsua scaker. Thene wcne al the aid1 familiar sigbbs --Dia-mond. Hcar, Pearl, Hanhour, Punich Bowl Crater,. Waikiki, sort ' short trip ta bbc athar sida af bbe islaad, bbc blow hala ard bbc tramennlous poundîng surf, unparaiialed the world aven for aize ad power. and the retarded. out and camped and Jimm-~--y ing a goocl turn. There are the ones on i - Yes, Mr. Morrison tlid hbie The only apparent criterion cookad the meals as hast hie He alluded bo a deeply per- Verdant. lush, hilly isl]and, fellow Lions, bhe Hawai;aan lis aga. Physia or mental could, Mr. Taylor reaiied. sonal satisfaction one gets fram raminiscent ln parts, ha, saîd.' of Islands have a lot'tao ffert capacitias are lana way limait- "That year" ha said, '350 participabininl Scauting. the Cabottrail la surmar, Mn as the membars drov-a ing factors for a boy who boys were presanted their "No man goes about a more Then tha series on Haw ii.hme in the crackling sno , wishas b bae a Scout . . . or a Queen's Scout badge. Jim irn .idly pur-pose," hie said, "than and frigîd blow, bhay mId' girl, a Guide, said Mr. Taylor was one of tbemn. He was ist hae who is mindful of the up- famîly and Mr. and Mrs, Lb- hrl have -bean prenta[rd who bas been employad with one of the boys." bringing. of his own chlldren bobson attendaýd Youag Pao-1 from thinking obherwîýse. the National Boy Scout organ- Cipe lads can do il .,and of those of athers . , l Ngta tePncosa- izatian for the past 19 years.I if bbey have the apportunity,'Iespacîally If the child la handi- Church in Bowmanville. The Take Jimmy. He was a 15-lhe declared I cappad,' guest speaker chose as bis JOHIN F. -subject "The Serpent's Haad' ___________ iîng parents who belpad so 'daaling wlth drug addiction, -u.M UN nîcely. prostitution and alcoholîs. Ma pieéGrove, Schoo %1,a ~d~1~DE Tm 1yMn., Mudrey taught the bas- Brown's School wban bthe ___________ G o s A 1 ierl riI, ls in judo. parents had bhe opportunity "E d ca la hie e " er father, taughthe art in intrest of the parents and FIRE and AUTOMOBILE 'Schoo)s Are For People" I The Lion'sDan. Hi,. fine man- Mr. Shana wha bad a beau- enca in thair teachers. whcb. was the theme for Edu - ner andtasteful appraacbh hld tîful display of carvings and Mr. and Mrs, R. C. Simp-Contc cation Weak '71 seemed ta be the childran's interest highly, "Old English Lettering". son antartained on Saturday~ HARRY VOERMAN a fitting one, Mr. E.,M. Mc- I wish we had more of Ibis. Ail lnaail, the week was a ý ening to a social avaningI 623-3ill or 623-3,950 Cay, the principal1 of i'iaple Thare was no danaminational tiring ane. but a rewarding and card gamne and ail whoil 3 KING ST.. E. Grave West School dlaims that overtone. ane. The boys and girls need were prasant had a very BOWMANVILLE lb was a rewardiag effort. Tuasday and Wadnesday the ba ha complimented for thair pleasa,ýnt evaning. Mr. McCoy and bis staff, ciassroams wera opencd ta par- co-oparation and beaubiful art -__ Mrs Babar pîacpa~'s upents, visitars and friands. We display, alsa the boys for their plMrs M. , rîcael' beacharwere pleasad wibb the goodly gymnastica wbicb bhcy par-,a ply;MrsM. ampbllteacernumbers which came out.TPair- formad se, wali of Grades 3 and 4; Miss T. Tim- -ns w-omltl hrle b prnssid L-' mans, teachar of Grade 2 and et aacmlt] bild Teprnssi:"e' oME...k Miss Borthwick. Grades 1 and, On Tuesday evaaling wc hart body's Business". N I A u M R A 2 ha a uilwee's ctiitis. ur officiai opaniag wban Mn. --__ Manday, Manch '8,. Rev. Har- H. R. Moarcroft was tbc guest ris vlsited bhe ciassrooma and speaker. Ha chose for bis B O NSA R C L U A H M C L thrillad the boys and. girls prasenation "How ta Halp and ýB O NSA R C L U A H M C L with The Parable of the Sow- Encourage bbc Cbild". Mr. Cwnîl uoWck er and the story af Daniel Ini Moorcroft' speech was varv Hok ile m Antowbîch somo __ imaly and well gcared towarnl Ookytai hc on àRCpH ARDmF SPRAYS tha Educabion Thema: Schools of Brawa s baya play, woa Farm rs nio Ar ForPeole.thbchcampionship on Sunda FamesUnonhe oren ang twa love- nigbl and clebrated atth I y séeactions: 1 A Sang of Jay home of Ihair coacb, Mn. and Insecticides - Fungicides 0&%laf Se ina -eehoen 2 The Crusaders Mrs. John Sinclair. Ail hart s a ala ini Thes biHerbicides etc. Mr. Moarcroft said that bbe. bavea't losI aeIbssa Fo K r rasence of parents and the son, Congratulations ta Play- Dealer, Mrs, J; R. Wright & Soili F rR rlY uh singing of the childran ila neallyer and nos and cahs The National'Farmera Union what aducabian is about. Mr. Suaday aftarnoon visitos Hilicrest Orchard ls sponsoring a saries 01 Moorcroft had a question1with Hanna and Art Farrowl MiII st., South, [Ragional Seminars for Can- pariod aftar bis address. This warc Muriel and Cadil Albin Phone 987-4729 Newcastle aqdian rural youitbi. Rogar May- was well receivent, by bbc audi- and famiiy and Hank anrt ê,rs, NFU Junior AÀdvIsory ecc. Bath McCarthy and family __ fiom~iIbaeMemar or.egln -Mr.Wm.Sih., !rug Ediu- from Bowmanvilla. 3. Ontanlo, said bbchem as aio eprasanlative, Couaty, Mrs. Olga Kazub maored- wl!11 deal wit ih eb coric- Board of Educabion, Oshawa,, ta Toronto last weakend ta tions in Canadian society aInd 1as bbc guast speaker on Wad- 'Vsit with hanr daughter, Tins, thair affects on farmecrs, wark- nesday evcning. Mr. Smith'ilata the University. iag people and yaunig peopla. a highly informad man la the Mns. Linda Heasman, who The purpasa of bbe seminars drug field. The film "Spaad underwant surgary aI Oshawaý la to hrng rural young people Scana" was aducalional and Hospital early lasI weak, la' bogetber bo diacusa thaîr situa- informative but absolutaly prograssîng favorably and we! tion and formulate a dafinite shocking and mast disburbiag. do wish for ber a complele' plan of action. Ragion 3, On- Mn. Smith in bis opaning ne- and spaady racovary. Wei tanao, la holding ils saminar on marks said 'i am piaasad ta misa Linda la the naigbbor- March 27-28 at Carousei Ina, be with you for your Educa- bood as sha was ona of the Ajax, Ontario. Young people tian Waak activitias, but l'mn busiast of ladies, with ber from every Local ara rxpected sorry that I hava aniy things bousebold dulies and, ber ta attend. ugiy but truc ta, bell youl'. hairdrassing besides. W'va learaed a lot from Ibis Mr. Phil Hayman aeponta man, through bis addrass and Ihat Brown's Final Scouts anid BLÂ KST CK t ha film. lb woî id hava baca Kendal Scouts recaivad rdiv-1 BILACKSTOCK good for mare parants andcinig and swimming inslruc-- - ----- TheGod CrdService young People ta hava scan it, lions ai the Pine Ridge OnWdesaMac 0 On Thursday, we hart a visit Scbool, by the school's in- On Weldnaday, emonarch by Mn. A. A. H. Stnika who is sîructon, lasI Manciay aven . . W E R L D a ld Cord ve Crtnywghtchairmian of bbc ScialBoar'd ing.L, W A NM hal fr evn atCatwigtof Education. On Satunday aflennoon, Mrs, N IKLEOT Girl Guides. Duning the sing- Friday, bbc scbaol was open- Joan Hasseanad Elizabeth - ENSIL ,OT ing oftha World Sang the cd particulanly fan an art dis- Kozub and Ibein Guidas wenl PIONE 263-2291 Scuts, panade mCb t bne play of al the classrooms. The by bus ta the St. Lawrence____ Scous paaded loto theafbarnoon bbc clasarooma wara Centra la sea "Papcorn Man"I li 11 church, than- the sevan Gll in bbc' baads of panants who and ail hart a wonderful lime. iL i Cor Gudas Jais orrllinsbructad bbc classas la a LasI Tuasday eveaingMn * e * * KatyGnta, ar La Ml-rotary *systcm. and Mrs. Ken'Tbompson,Mn Icdlm Michalle Robinson, Dab- Many thanka t bbc follow- and Mrs. Chaes Aibin andi(i ra Swaia, Susan Thompson M l and Leslie Wright took thairî places on the platfanm. Aflar the siagîng of O Canada, Rav. Pansons raceivad thc colours and welcomed everyone. TheW Rangera sang soma very me- iodions sangs, aflar which % Janet Pasons took bbc svn Guids down Memory Lan. î e( U Seven Brownias and seveni and challenges whîcb hart oc- eurre arth Ie girls' livas. rMarie Van Camp intnoduced -bth guast speaker, Miss Mabal 1-Van Camp, Q.C., wbo gavefuuew d.TaBonari p ech l very iîpna speech on bbc respvsibilities and pivilgs c re& af woman in the prescrnt and 1Brown Owl, Miss Betty Brad-' humur, than gave a Guida,'3 Prayal'. D istrict Commissionar Ms 1Bian Hamilton introducadlà 1each of the hanoured girls hc- t Corda. Gifla ware given by bbc teBrownies sRndGuides, Ith' Local Association, the Ladies LAuxii.iany -and the, parents. -The sevanisthanked Ibeir Su 0cÉd %dt r giane tbrough the yeara. Mns. Hamilton ramnarkad on bbce signîficanca of bbc Gold 8Cord Guides along witb, six Ilathars, Alice Cannaghan, Mar-1 1ilyn DufI, Wendy Lec, Marie

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