Seven Cart'right Guides Receive GoId Cords I Tbe Canadien SceMat omc ic 1c,24,1971. Ch mberAtte à Mr.anM.Gln abin and Mrs awre ce Harris-, daughters Gail -acd Ariene atý and f amily, Santa Ana, Caf.,D ou lai a d irls, Mr ndiWlowdae.a have be visitîng his roother M,1iBob ,i)Morton, Cordon an Revent vîsocf Mr. and Ivrs. M. J. TamblyiO w, aiyMr. ced ýMis.ERoc Mes. J. L. Johnsn, Hsl1eest~ e route to taking up residence Harris and Rihr.Lace, were r and Mes. Jim~ inOpen Fn ay Ni ts lu Moctreal.Mr. and Mrs. Wmi. B. 1orJhuoDebeand1 Donnie~ Miss Susan ýBal ol Toronto returned home on Sunday of Peterborough. îÎ is spendîng this week wth her ýfrom a 16 day conducted bus Jan and Nancy TamblyI pa ts, Me. and Mes. Ken Ball !tour to Florîda. spent last week with thiYcOatsErlDyewr gt diem saao of~.rb.Miss Merle Power, Miss cenprns e n r.R. tAcse nSea he rdyeeeshcaeth Sudydininer gu ss f Hazel Power and Mr. HaroldCU. Kent cf R .Newcastle - al wai peg hockda w.ey loca er t lssa yMEr cedly M eyHo locraix, yu cetk eua f Mvrs., George Morten were Mr.'Power of Oshawa speni sev-1whîle iheir mother, Mr, Wm. cm cs hsweek aitheOir aby a ain n h .. Hadgedoen and family, Platt- ferts the Bwcnîl1Cae home ai Cla ke Union. _Memorial Hospital, Bowmanvilpetusdywhbrbrolomechaead Me. and Ms. Beice c- ville.mother, Mrs. Allen Snowdee they will eaet aet ýDwl adsn crt f Mll- Miss Viola Noden of Toronto In the aftsînoon they visiiadè store bers emenoe n 3 brook, were recent -vîsitors of!has been ai ber bouse on Cen- ~MsSodnsmte v.allrhu FT e IesLo eDoellandmoheMrs. Wm.ýtrs Street Ibis week. KE. H.'Wlkins, wbo is sl le h hairnnlsg~ Rebinson. Mrs. . Clark, Mr.K.C Port Hope bospîtal, MenîeiglednthLbrr Nwaie ecatePe iîanPalHovfTr-Hutton and Mrs. HeImut Blas- Snowdee accompanied them. adtiuili hidy a Wee Recreation team lest Oui cdco spent several dcys with chke have been secent patients 4 , ~s~ Mr. Ted Topping, Peter- decided te rt h oa te Oonolu he best of threstheir grandpcrents, Mr. and lu th, Memorial Hospital, ~'~ oogi pnigsîelqe tr eep s hi fiasi ntdCoueties Le,-Ms Hrc Bs.tins ibis wek with bhis views cnd bpsia htr finals inrace Bted Bowmauville. b:geandperents, -Mr. cnd Mec.wolreasoeeaerd- auOon ieîgtei r. rdDae f lc-The Durham FariesCu Fred, R. Stevens. ing Fridayevigs second gamne with a 6-3 score, stock, Mr. and Mes, Chas. An yC-pmeigthaebu Sorn frNw1sl er rwJr., Coleen of CoBatshvebse meetingNwcsl'weedewM Ir edaiIO Hl n rdyMiss Sun VanCamp,1ais'Billi Ormeeaacrc 'Dais Mlison 1, Paul Quinney Albert, were Sueday dinner svening svas canelîsd due te Ln.wohsbe okn trsi 1, and Jeff Bugdee i. guesis of Mr. and Mes. Reg the heavy snow slorm whîcb eoechh elTlpoeclc had e ecsvdt Scrigfo Ooo c1,Sutooffices le Toroeto, bas he-i date but thih1vol o. Scorug er ronoW"" Suiononce again blocked a number John Coreish 2, Jeiîry Johe-! Miss C. W. Stewart cf Ken- of roads, rnfre'tth Oha, wday sten1,NVasgie 1,dladMsMainMe- Congratulations te M .cd braecb ced sicrted Ibis week en)ýte bead ofc o bi ci Chris Robnson 1, and Barry vey et Kîuby, visiied Me. and Mes. Albert Mitchell who 1: esra iiel ~ . Cebreicascyîe West 1. Mus. Don Keane at Scarbor- celebratjiug theis' 251h weding a day with bisisier, Mon . cedha reeive aiain F'riday,, Newcastle bouts S ough on Wedncsday of lastaneiveesary cead are en;Ioyieg ihhs itr r adhv e tournaiment siartîng ai 6 p en.iweek a wowekrhliaylu nik Saturday ibsy play in a tour- îMe. andi Mes. Ken Bal and twBeacHcw oiai aiî 'kiki ..~~ .~~~MstelifrdKe Febeewaoxlssnladsie1ewrî camntatOrnostrtngaidaugble Sîsan spei Suuday e, Haaedii.cBoAtox Ma specîliceremony on ivarcîs Athiinfl Jacx- Kathy .unter, .D.euie Awain andlu £sOiIe vrgh.Lidayss pcndim iFeg a fe nigh xtce hus 6:30 p.m ' with Mr. Gordon Walker cnd Mark cnd Julie, have îeturned stock U.nited Church, seven Girl Guides from Cart- Leaders in the second row are CapI. Turner, Capt. days wiih bis cousins e te ieirhom atNpawic, wright were honored and presented wiîh Gold CordsIRobinson, Lt. M arlow, Lt. Paisley, Lt. Horion. The Ter usei Mse ruuy GTCS OA Sask. They wcrc, fient row, lef t to right, Michelle Robins.on, Ranger company members are at rear, in the choir cd Tene Russel cnd Master TEUI lanis'Dorreil, Susan Thompson, MaryLou Malcom, lof .ts ccdd Rutselwe hember fST A HAYDOUN solo an overtime period ed piai, nursing a badly brokcn1 thme fiFiyassn Pconh LSSi F I E ~~~~~~~ ~put [hem le a situation thatankie. ies îrdaPoe6330 Me- and Mcc. Albert LeS j D re C neiher team bcd faced tbis M.Pu eihrMni Port Hope, weee Thursdn seson. Ai Ibis point teesice lick, is spendieg a few deys- lii rchetMr, aandurkharri *- nouned as both teams p 1 -thîs week with bis grand- li Ga3ms ed cautiously until the 4:371 ohr e L .Sede Services d./vatak' Me, cnd IVrs. Henry Sm'mh mark when Don Prout fed ccd uncie Mr. Bob Suewden. Gravenhurci, wsrs Sued y Scott Stevens a perfect pass M.cdMs S .Mro atMr Me Mr, S Seaguecî aivisitors oflr adMes. J.1Lý VIgLue ÈilI te the rigbt wieg and Ste-1 57/ f7f/ "'~ Poils ccd lamily ccd Mes, W yenls made no mistake as î, retureed 1oeli ekc' t" Ptopeis Jivelei,~Merlin. Jfsey Spcttin stcgtdriîed a bard shot pcst dys i Jae-ccwbe tis Wlen the weather is citiier h(to edw WAiCHr.spentbertweekeed ii Mrkbam w3out the5seres i:h The hîrd gamne cf Ibi 5 beidrenaehmgoalie, bemp eswas @round 3- eaiueasily prepare and wcvar the propr ohn.- EXPERT W THs Dn h eewl endalsMrhmwntesre 1iswsplcyed se Bowman1- gîviolg Bowmanville a 2- dgesmievrda.The dangereus lime cornes when tesenb home.. ýDelbeslcigbt llwîlieb distritville on Set., Match 201h, lead ccnd the eventual game 8dersmotvrya.r.-,; and Clock Teparîng îteOree.geville Hydro school Novice "B" Lakeshere Chain- and peoved tebcbeone efthbewinnsr. heiweeleig rn.adrastshangure foaday t a o vs FINE JEWELLER'( fer the ccxl two weeks. sshp riosy be bcdmost exiiig games ihat bh The players deserve a great bu 8Boce c uigtecus tady FINEllabsE irpiosi.PeÎul'h Guides took c bus lump to Ter- Sometimes it is impossible le- odacl Master Amnis Gllg ielîmîîsated Richmnond ilihtwo bec plcyed ai thecal rilek dccl c f credit for their bard et oc Tedyseo og, emle e eIw r rprd R.epaîrî-ng including Dianond ccd Miss Carolyn Gchlcgber, ii sao. emnviedc ok e svrgveu t eaerod enobesdys(,"o-rg uTh mosl mratradvisell hei l.1neet Settnt nd e-muatnd R" jaxmar spndifg lc Miison undy. satd n oertme itud astbe wei irnub nongels tehel 10k stie aseod. f i des nt cearnu niky o ENGRAV1NG ~~~~~~~fmily. Bt kt kosin ed the Osinond-Masîers wed- The ftînt period eaw lest 1plnyof'fs wtsutisngasens te sce "Disney on Par-: your physician, fe rHeîedy eauh oyPire, .A hopc ten-b coee m. hi cgu ceuose be, eteMpl e a- em ebegtigtrgesvlywre t eryantyeo ufceMes. L. Griflnames ding et Bowm ,auvîhle on Fri-,skating and very close cheik-:game. Congratulalions, beys.Aibccveyjjy medicine that will get you over it ikrd S to ealyan tpe f urac *se Me. aed Mrs. Alfred Garrardrîgb obIsm sIepr The tecen is new ookieg! 'd es. haaveynj- încudngBay Mug ad 'e Brr ce LriAn weeay. i, by oth eb. a thcdcr. t with less discoinfort. This cdvice prîiual Bee Mgsan Plstcs.~Sundayî suppet' guesis et Mr. l OlMsAîbr'r-ideddina0OdeicS and sîarîing March 241h f e.H.Peti,- oenr mor ant f or e eseron.Tohea uhr and Mrs. C.nd Glastidswin, William ced Paul Visit- Bowmanville gol off tLe Ltts .. "oun- rsideet of Maple Grove, bscldcnbemrsros andureedIreC. c eeth's vcitei LiORleOUR >OCTOII o.N PHON FAST EFFICIENT SERVICE M is s Sue Stuarti, Hmilton, cd MVrced Mes. Russell An- iquick' star le the, criy in- mnt t hamion" n wOR lotld whch heecjye IOU OT svisiting Me. ccd Mrs. D. droPr oe nSn utes as Dennîs Sobîl tuekesi, there will be tecens comîn ver muhch seejy US when yen need a delivery. W( iideie 15OU MTT oen t ctlosrangs, ik'ifrcen cll parts et Ontario.UC The NviceB 5050 sraw e. ce Mes Jole Clrk * promplly without extra charge, A ~etmn Me. G. R, Thompson ced Me. and Mrs Roy Paierson ýa pais Ircen Don Prouit.Mrn.- TeNvc 05 rw MadMs onC people rely on us for their heaithl es ~ s...... on Wayne, Carleton Place, and femiywere diener gucats hem et htin plywcwnbyN.7,DogacdsnSthe, ieber welcomie requsets for delivery serice ' t o rs e fesMr. D. K. Tbempson, Mr. and of Me. aend Mrs Arnold Gal- ing a man short. le Ibis p:,r- Faut: cof 34 Second St., Bow were Sueday viiors wuh MsE.R hmsn o-lagher, Ajax, ce Sunday. iîod bolh tecens missed ceveral manvilis. brprnsMcdM mavil, iitd r, .Mr. adMs osAho hne escore and eeCony Miss____________V, cKTbonipsou. sdfmiyrayoM. Roy lthwaried by goo'd g"al-tend-. returned home wiib lhem for 623-5747Mr. and Mes. A. Bounes Plewc, Baîieboro, wcrc Sun-1 iug lrom botb eds by Brian,~ffTEfff'y a week's visit. aud faniiy, 'Oshawa, were day dînner guesss of Mr, cediFracer ced Trever Dal Cilvi. Y.. IUL MssMr nsD eo Saturdlay evensngvisiiors ai Mes. H a rolid McLaughlinI h hr eid ak Guelph UniversibGul MVr. cnd Mes. Jack Jones'.,Bacekiioc'. bhem lied bbc ccoîon cagoW Me. nd Mes. Meý(,ri Veals,ispent ihe weekend ai home Mr. cnd M.Jh ocMs .Topo pe the secn effort goal by JefI sons Scotti'and Stephen, were; with ber parents, Mr, dan,ÇIG .FS¶BWANIL Whibywce Sudaycalies 1wcmkcnd witb D. K. Thomp-HroKeiîisnin goalý Sunday visiiors wi th ber me Mes, Steve Doyle, brothersa_ nt the Joncs home. son ced tbe F. Osmonds, Bow- for, Bewmaýnvile bc o hrMs.Duga Leard, Artiur, JeIt and Ear1sulIHOan6r-54 Mr adMr.W.Bccbnmnvle,,chn rce n ri e mkiug a,1 yo-od1Peterborough, aise ber lather,: grandenoîber Mirs.Cecil Jef- sund Dais calleulceMe cd ic sssccs cncjoyîn t ng ertonuir ii enpi.Mr, Dougls ernh s ei. i r~Wsbm P e-hri f ' 5 s'u~' iisek.T"Ilei'eeedtie e71-ptintln.teboouh -si ie.Stv tclc _____ Mu f M, - FRANCHISE» HOOVER SALES & SERVICE DEALER 34KING STREET WEST - PHONE 579-1161 (One Block East of Oshawa Shopping Centre on KiUng) YOUR CHOICE ÏMODEL 6203 KETILE SancsSteel - 1,500,watt element Steam, Guard - Autoniatie Reset STEÂM IRON -finest Steam Dry Iron -One boit tae down for ceaning -One Vear Warranty MIlS. MARLENE BE RRY our Hoover Hostess and ERYHA» WYN, Hoover's Factory Sales Repre- sentative, will be on hand to demonstrate.any one o the fine Hoover Appliances. Don'tMiss ThiW rndOei Gi1ftS-DorPie m