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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 14 Apr 1971, p. 9

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Locke's TV Electron1 Prepare for Seassonn In emer ru by MM nClarke The Locke TV Electrons îwill be, representing Bow- inrtville for the third year, as they compete in an elht- teéam, Eastern Ontario- Base- bail Association senior-inter- sneýdlate grouping. The following clubs will ýwakP up the Electrons' op- Los ition this season:- Oshawa 'egiýonaire Juni'rors, Kingston ,'uniors anriD Belevlle Jun- lors. Othertem are Osh- vwa Legionaires, defending chiamps, Kingston Seniors, Port Hope and Kendal. The teams, wîth the excep- t-i o f Oshawa and Kingston Juniriors, wifl play a double hiome and home schedule for -P total of 24 games. The two jun-ior lubswiil play a single yonArt Parry of Oshawa will be convenor for the In- termedite division. T h i s s Bowmanvlle's iens mjrLa Sýix boý)wlers mnade the 800 mýar-k tisis week with thse ymun. aduit star Ron Selleck sho-wing tise Men's Major bowl1ers how il sisould be dore, Sellefck had games of 318 338- 222 fr a big 878 triple, Larry- Piper had 843 with gamnes of 274-44-225. Elwyn Dickey hît 21(220-320-281), Elton Brock 38(270-291-257), WVild Bill Oke ha-ýd 819 âand tise high games w~re 44-208. Dale Tr,xone of the stars of tise 'Il..had 801 (328-212-261). Se--venteen bettered the 700 seto.Ted Bagneli 785 (314. 26), Bud Henning 765 (300), Douei- Carter 753 (254), Maur- ice ichrds772 (320), Clar- ence O ke 744 (311), Luke An- ýnaicrt, feeling betteýr after his onreration, 743 (281); Dick eret742 (8-28,Walt Hately 734 (,283), George ~lpr 22 25),Don Gise 720 (269, HoardBromell 717 (29,Pal MWurphy 720 (288), Gord Wlcox 79 (243), Ross Wrgt724 ;270), Rues Hall- ran705 (8) Bob Williams 70'(264), Ed. Leslie had a nîce 210 single, Dod)g Taylor 308, Frank Mohun 25V, Ruse Oke 281, Art Rwe273, Thse Mftzon sheil o utfit sad 1372 îfor hlgh sig7e.W Frank RealEstte eamwon high Tiseboysfrom Dykstra's PoodStoe slhave a 4- ýn oitla the t,,amstand- ngand wth onlytwoweke îeft shult in t xda sehdul. Andte adwe has 2wee5kpoint whefelO- Àverge ag6 wes En Bond eul 24325 or3 pt Reynods, Bh Wetak, o33 M Ft.cer-John--n-ra42,2Bo wish theni wroell,23 n.thWB. - nd eise I, Aoi Ob re -------- 42 ' 26ï rve eRetolds 91 256 Jsc Bod ~..."2 228 rary Pper----- 4 2248 0on BSgell U -30 246 1)lckPerfith 42 22 n.lse ier, 42 224, Dra aleT ryn 30 225 2laus rigRihards 42 2233 H-ý- IR CUTTING ESTABLISHMENT 390KigetOlaw Phone 723-1681l ORHIM and HER Ample Parkîing fourth season. since they muade piled a sparkhng, regular their return to the inter- play record, btrau intoa mediate scene back in 1968, determlned Port ope Doutf-t as the «Merchants". During who ga1ne revnge fr their their initial campaîgn, Bow- defeat of the yearprvus manville met some hlgh cali- Despite their robleme lui the ber opponents before bowing playoffs.ý, teEetoshav to the Mldland Indians in the collecteda good number o0 best-of-five All Ontario finals, supporters nlong the way anc They had previously ousted 1971 should present loc Georgetown in n two straight boosters wîth more excitIni sei-ialcasbaseball happenings. In their second season, the The league cue shouUl local bail outfit became the be available wîth'.n n couple Locke TV Electrons. Foilow- o! weeks and the 71edto ing a modestly successful of the Electrona re alre-ad~ regular sohedule, Bowman- wolikng out, Any hall play) ville hitý their stride in play- ers interested In tryinig ou off-action. They bested Port are reminded tChaýtprst Hope in an untorgettable 1- the club le hýolding ,iorkout ganie struggle. Creemore, a Tuesday evenlnýgs a 7 pm , h tough hitting squad, were the High Schcoolgmacu disposed of, but a slick per-, There le an euiemet formlng Thorold club ended iîng for thseElectrons ti Bowmanville's hopes of an Saturday at 2 p.m,, a t the, Ail Ontario crown. home o! President "BMucis' Last year's Electrons com- ICowle, head 283, Louise Heffernan 247-253, Judy Bragg 283, Min- nie Taylor 237-243, Nancy Evans 286, Emma Bragg 233- 260, Mary Cowan 226, Shirley Davî% 228, Marg King 246, Marg Perrîs 270, Jeani Harness 233-271. Audrey Osmond 304, Joyce Majior 257, Lily Edmond- son 282-228, Dot Brooks 295- 221-239, Nancy Cox Z37-242- 278, Pat Luxton 223, Mabel Lewis 313-230-236, Joanne Brommeil 273, Thelma For- rester 283-240-280, Dayle Wol- nik 292, Eileen Moore 241, Helen Depew 258, Hlda Sum- nick 237, Florence Draper 291-223. Youth Bowling, Aipfl lts BANTAi'ê(GIRLS Luxton 3, IL. Gray 2; Gib-~ son 5, Holroyd 0; T. Gray 3, Aide 2; Farrand 5, Edmond- son 0. Tearn Standings Luxton ~49~ Aide -----46 Gibson . ~____40 Holroyd _____39 Edmondson 32 Farrand 29 T. Gray --- ----- - 25 H . G ray ---------- ----- - 20 Hiçh inge T. Gray 204-175, S. Hodgeorî 173. Higis Doubles T. Gray 379, H. Gray 285, K. Aide 297, S. Hodgson 297. "ANTAIW BOYS Kramer- 3, Farrell 2; Bain Bain ~3 Woolley 3 Farrell --- --- ---- Iji&às ingese H. Bain 151 P, D, og 147, D. Bruce 1, , Muph Carter 7, Fredîrivls0n; D. Pipe 7, owl K- . Pper 5, Teain Standings, Carter -, -- 71 D. Ppr6 K. Pper ~, 57 Cowle ~ ._______44 Frecllcks21 Higis Singles B. Taylor 241. S. Brooks 240, D, Piper 2î-29, J. Cart- er 216, HigisTipe D. piper 639, J, Carter 580. JUNIOR BOYSe Mohr7, 7Wýel-,h; 7Brooký 5Acme2;Laon 0,R berts q. Aoberts - -- 61 Brooks ~5 Welsh 3 Lam ant ------------- 3 Iligis Singles W7, Moisher22-253-25, y! Joi 21,2, B, MçDorn-Ald 231-208ý 227, M.Ad-0 24 S. Vaîý iligisTriple EW',Mohe 79, B. eDo7 3ain 5, MacDona, l 2. er Whteea Brn64 hthed Bradley 62 Terry -.62 Bouwmeeete1r - --58 Can 6___ _ 55 BrunI ____48 Holroyd _______42 Lyle -. ~361 Davey ----351/ MacDonald ......-27 HigisSnge R. Bouwmieester 277,D Terry 273, G. Edmondson 270 J. Paterson 264, D., Bradli 261, S. Davey 252. Higis Triples D. Bradley 698, R. Bouw meester 697, D. Terry 695,S Blanchard 691, G. Edruondsoa New'vîile.-Starkville AveragesI Doris Toiiipkins 209, Gail Millson 198, arlene Stace: 192, Dorthy StarS 188, Joyci Stacey 186, Rorie Woods 182 Higis sin,rElaine March nul 320; hýig"li rplElain, Marchant 747; higis average DorisTom-pkins 209, 300 Ganses Mlaine Marchant 320. 1 200 Ganses Elaine Marchant 229, Cathis Lambert 221, Dale Foran 22( Dorothy Stark 212, Donî Tonipkins 205, Joyce Stace: 201. Ganses Wo Cînamon ______ _41 Ginger -_______4ý Allspice 41 w tf e ' Bob Lawton. 42 Ruse Halîman 42 Elwyn Dickey- 39 Bob Laird ___42 Hap Palmer ___-42 Ah Saman 39 Randy, Beauprie -42 Jaçis Lander 39 Luke Annert 42 Doug Taylor 42 Les Smale 42 Jim Bruton 42 Bob Glanville 42 Jim MeKuigisI 42 Bob Kent ---- -42 Franks Mohun --- 36 Art Rowe 42 Paul Lyle ---------42 Lowell MacDougal-- 42 Ted Bagnel - 42 Bud Henning ----42 Bob Konopaki 42 Bruce Milne ---- 42 Mise Murphy 42 Bob Wlliams- 42 George Stephen.3 Karl Piper 42 Ray Van Meer ,-- .42 Rowlîe Coembes- 42 John Van Dyk -- 39 Si Trewln- ...42 Ron Carter -~---39 John Carter 42 Karl Biciseli ,42 George Bebee -, 36 Hector B3allantine -- 12 Butl Orme ---- 9 Jim Coomnbes ....18 Teus w Lý Dystras Food .29 38 Insrane .23 19 Ree Blae.23 19 ýVariety -- 21 21 CoGwan Pontiac BuleS .,.21 21 Ken'(IsMe' Wear ,,.... 20 22 1I- G. A. . 195 22 Jfury & Liovell ... 6 20 Mu tt On shýeîI-1--26 pepsi cola.- 16 20 223 223 223 222 221 219 218 21à 218 217 217 217 217 217 216 216 215 215 215 215 214 211 212 211 211 211 210 210 209 209 209 204 204 202 200 233 233 207 Fts. 29 25 23 23 22½ 21 si 20 19% le le le LADIES" MAJOR April- ti Thelma Torrester wao ln great fýors hast Monday ulght nigist, rolling a terrific 803 triple, ganses of 283-240-280, followed hy Mabel Lewis ral-ý ing n 779 triple, 313-230-236, Onie rEther lose behind with a. V76 triple, 2625-7.Ce- ellie Bowers had, a great nigisî wiîth her 766 triple, 250-286- 230. Nancy Cox% 757, 237-242- 27,Dot Brooks 755, 295-221- 239, Ollie Faîfield rolllng 734 triple, 260-220-254, Lily Ed- mondson 715, 282-205-228, Louise Heffernan 701, 247-253- 21, ÎFlorentce Draper's 700 triple,1-231 and Audrey Osmond 700, 304-208-188. Teop 12 Averages Gie Etcher 237, 0111e Pat- field- 22, Daylo Wolnlk 223, Audrey Osmouid 219, Theeia Forrester 215, Dot Brooks 214, Nancy Cex 213, Eva White-. hsead 211, Ena EIcher 211, Helen Depew211, Judy Bragg ,210, Mabel Lewis 209. Teans Standing Pins Pis. Judy Bragg - 40947 28 Onîe BIcher - 40867 251/ Ena BIcher -~ 40630 25 Dot Brooks - 41136 23 Eileen Moore - 39869 23 Audrey Ospoud -40659 22 Mabel Lewis --- - 39428 19 Thelma Forrestei', 39002 19 Ollie Patfield - 39477, 18 Helen Rogers - 39548 171/ Joyce Teunant - 38179 17 Shirley Davis -- 38339 15 Ovor 230 Ganses< Onle Bicher 256-245-275, Marion MeKnight 230, Ceeuee Bowers 250-286-230, Fao Lewis 231, 0111e PaIfield .260-220- 254, Linda Colo 228-226, Willie Neshitî 281-235, Eva Whsite- ae, LucKr.Y OFF-TlRÀACK MESSENGER SERVICE 19 TEMPERANCE ST. - OMWMAN VILLE (Located inst behind Beeker'. Milk) DELIVERING TO GREENWOOD and MOHAWK DAILY - EXCEPT SUNDAY OPEN -Moaday te priday 9:30 'til 5:30 pà.a. Sturdays 9.30 Itii 2-.30 pxm. Ohe aainSaera, oa ,Ar4 BEAVER, FENCING Beaver TOM SAWYER '11T-H-rtSoli2d Protectilon with 1 x 6 boards 17Mon 2x 4 rais, posts overy V' 2iagg. 4n Iîdeal Drivacy fne GiarageS: The Next Best Thing, to Your Home Lia. Ft, 41 Higis. à, higis 1i99 lin. fIL 6' iigis - - 2.29 linft, VERTICAL IWEAVE EverytiLg ,a fonrce seuld be. Gvilng yen PrlvacY, Pro- tectien, peain ppoarauco, 1 -- ard on 2 x 4 top and bot*torp rails, posts *vory 7 /'îW'., 1 1- NEXT WINTER WILL BE TOO LATE VAlU tA LEDI 11 AA EWÈ ADAt.E MAI11 PATIO PARK I VU %AIX WILU A DLMWLUR o od oe bots sides. ALTERNATE Sîpily., f ipl e $Mgl a - n - Mufor An wiseretn' aveolooks bud .,.,Simple te main-Ca nmi. te ubance nu,ýY gardon. 1 r tala. 1 x 6 bourds on top and Doubles Î n 3 S tyl1es 6 boa7-ý rds on x 4 top and bottons. 2 r 4 rails with 1 boîj0tons rails, i r 4 centre x 4 eontro rail. Poste every JIellvered Complote, neterlale and easy te !ellcw detail- bo rd, oseee 71 2W'. 8 ed -plans. Ten eau bnild t yonrself or bave yonr garage fl uptional sidsug, reefug, and roc! styles te complement 'ru M 3<your home. 4 1hgb, - - - a nd a Hal! aipet ul a&29-.00 r iîni ~ ,49Un. ft, r' iigis . 265 fin. ft, 61 hïgh P, .6» lin, fi., 141 i201 Economy 569, Cadet 16' x 20' 5M9 Cadet 20' x 22' - 69 Residential 22' x 22'- 8396 RANCH RAIL UY DIRECT AND SAVE. .F REE DELIVERY BASKET WEAVE 11gb enougis snd olld en- Ongle te givo yen privacy. i r 6 rails on 4 rý 4 Pesto, 7'Il'/s" beiweep-i Ss., SfI, bigle .155 lin, ft. SI., bigle 1.79 lin. fi. HORIZONTAL LOU VER Prîivaely wl,"qtlhtis s et tisose coulisir brrees. i r G louvers, 6' e5W' betwoen Poste& 4,lngh. 5 t. higi 1.95 lin, fi. G6f i igh ~.2.25 lin, il, A le%") cost fonce tient wUil ho9% attractive addition te anY berne 1 r a rails on 4 x 4 peste, Posta avery 8. a YOMt Hgie NOTHING DOW Use Beaver'. buagot Plan andbuild ane , eni t ui yu bae use yuur C'hargex cardl 59 CROSS RAIL Tise ideul boussdary fonce. i 6 rails, on 4drx4poste, 7botween poste. 7 9Uni. Pt. 3' fHigis, I I iist.-- .Iolia. fI, Itu oasy! Justmesr your gardea ..Suid thse nuniber of inear foot you'l1 ueeé, then phono or corne dowa teo ur store and one c' f 'Dur competent staff '*11 givo yen the oexat cost. Esaci Beavor fonce lncludes3 planis and sImple building instructtIOns, We aise carry a complete Une of staIns, sakretfe producta, pest isole angora te m a building a fe easy on you and your pekot 'bok. BEA VER STAIN Stains and soals with a elugle coat. A quialty pig- rnented stain wths a linseed cil base. Redwoed, Cedar, Waluut. BEAVER EXTERIOR PAINT znlkyd base lbeuse paint. Very good CHE àiai;Výý ledIng PAINT qualities,' Wisite only, PREFINISHED ALUMINUM SOFFIT & FASCIA Itl se nover bý,eo ir te instal soffit and fascla ta rie Ow ltlsi e nwprefinlslsed alumlnum mrlal, wn'tO' plît ,ercs, ua orrotý, nd thse prefinishedwlt bakoed en üPw fnih ralcm an end of those paintl"ng vroblew, - Plain soffit panel 1611 wide 12611 long 7.49 Vented seffit paseelR 1"wide 121611 long 7.49 Chan".nel rusner 12'lng 1.79 Fascia 10' long 6 face . 3.49 Fascia ID' leng 8 ae 39 White seffît nals ý IL.bi 3.49 We ean also arrange to have suffît and fascia cornpleteL1y in8tlledIncludi ailaccssoiesfrom ___ .9li.ft AGaL A Gai, Orz..~.N 4,,,, ~ ~ycr,.-r--- ~ .=- ~-. ,,~-- - ie lirnre bine. U.S.A. 1approvod& each,3 ALMAR DECORATO FAUCET HANDLES Coneplerent tise decor cf auy bGzrcsor O l kitehen with coleur O co-oLrdiaate a Cr yllo fauceý et aies. Adap- tal aalmnost al stnadfancets, aId ~ or ew, No special M.. lods equied.Avail- able lu yi,,ew, ave- - cado, Ilnbristol btine, sir inke surî many nsacre excitin deccrator coîcurs. 31 : 95 au UMM -,.Nutmeg Sîmple tg Buîld Now Open 0

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