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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 14 Apr 1971, p. 10

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10 The Canadian Staitenn, Bowmanvilie, Apr. 14, 1971 DuramAgric - Ne-,ws by Bob Watt Assistant- Agriýculitural Repre-sentatîve rhani County 4-1-a1tn ndif youare in ever, raspberry roig a Agieultural Clubs East Durh1am dlo in USa1:31,poialei rwr a Byno al4 mmbr pm.Sturdlay, Aprit 24l'1971 'careful Attention to ail de- 11nlat ea1ad-He ewi nGerge alýýtn Scbýool,1 tai]ls. cofTp rodu jctio n. The lrrI-r zý4WelcomAndtheYou wil also ee 'details cnbe obtained fromn mpemb!ers wo ttnde p he.e f-ii-immbei's' recor'd ooks offices of the Ontario Deparýt- Ovrga nizatioalMetngwIllad exhibits. ment of Agriculture & Food. haqvC e rPvpd tHe frApril 4-T- Newsltte-r Ini it, we listed Ifo atnfr If you are initerested in ail thp ato f ail the meet-ý Raspberry Growers raspberry growing, do you ilngs for the varîous County Do you plan to grow rasp- kniow that deep sandy loami 4HClubs. We have receiv- berrnes for the first time? Do soils are best and good soil edreutafo schooîs, say- you plan to expand or replace drainage is very important? in.- thre are st udents inter- your present plantîng? If so, Do you know - that many ested ' jin4,H, an-d we appreci- Contact your local Ontario varieties are availabie and ate - thîs very murh, If you Departmnent of Agriculture & some are much supenior. to hae ot registered for 4-H Food officiais for free, up-to- others? 3syt o hould contact the date informaion on sucb Do you know that virus dis- AgrcutualOffice in Bov- tbings as; 1-Profits, 2--Lo- eases can serîously reduce manvHile as soon as possible, cation, 3-Recommrended va- production, and that if plants anrd we w till send you a reg- rieties, 4--Source and cost of you buy are infected with it io'nir to fuil out. certified plantîng stock, 5- viruses there is no way of Metings or the varinus club.3 Growing practices. curing thema and ail the plants w-ill be hel1d At the Agricut- People often contact the they prodpice will be infect- tua Ofc, 14 rank Street, Departmnent about reports ed? Therefore, it is import- Bowanvlle uless other- they have bcard and news- ant to buy certified plants wîsea sttd ae "ads" they have read fromn the Ontario Certifica- 5Sw,îrir CIlb,__April 15, 7::30 concerning the possibilities of tion Program. These plants - -J-0, -(' 'A - ,mne v rv goonnn retu rns 1, nwo ln gron n d on -. Faclory's Specïafty Is Makling Paper Bags 16L at7:0p..atWlc from'I raspberry production. ditions dasigned to control Formner Pliano, Organ plant as it appears today U iedCurchll.Bceo The deline in raspberny pro- viruses and they cost about4 Svv l Clb, Apiil 19, 7:30), ductionl in racant years does $100 par thousand When boy Tbay are devcloping markets p.,not suggest that profits ara îng, plants 'make certain that - '--to supply departmcent stores If youcanot ttnd the h igb or easily obtained. Grow- thea ariety and cartîfied plants-t' wh lag cry-u bgs metigbu yuwib o ou.ers shouid nol be mislad by are cleanly specified in any w -' wi~Thahre is the mail nder untl ay 1, 19il 1 could open a w holc new w o ld.1 "n re u arade r p rsm i h rfi o oktact yoMrn, ~ "b sn. T e ro p cs an Va~hons * *Mn. cCe, Mn. King andý by Ms.KairnF'ts1mosL f l A~t~ the sales staff of tbree, knowý Achiveme1pnt Dayýs for, tbe 'that imagination is the key toi Durha Couny 4-HHome-On Friday. Apnil 3d a card walked'to Stedmans for soma '- sccs nte uies.Te paýrty was held In the Com-1 sweets and than we went intii snak ng lub an oi ng up. m nity Hall. W inners for the brand n cw Bank of M o n- 'n t nl a e a a e o Thspoctofesasa iai chre, wre Coltte Taylor,, treal and then loto the build- li oe e oplant' einst tratfr feron iitn a ns usei nghDaviti ing formerly the Bank of gy Inthe packaging idsr eaç~ clb wIl h prseningBast and William Taylor. Tom! Montreal. We wcne accompan-no ancobinuny a asio ho t dsla taLangmaid w-on the carnying lad by our leaders and Mrq., is field . . . out running, yes, b~n akig snce anury.If pize. In losj-t Hein the bnI M. Hancock and Mnis, D. Tay-anev-loig you re i Wet Duham we lan wer Pae Lagmadi lr. ag makans, said Mn. McGee,. init outoatedth atr-Rn Sithsion, Susan BestlOn Easter Sundaiy, Dr. H., work on an extremely low unit nponprgrm egnnngatan Wat1 Vice., The next A. Mqeliow of Osbawa gave a 11,3 p.mn.n) 3atuwriayv, iApil ard Party willibe Apnîl l6th Venyi\iolspining message toe hsmnfctrr1pncso 17, 1971 in M. J. &t Shol I8. 15 p.m. lange numben of on congre-. bags canoot vary too mucb On March 26th, Eldad Ex- gation. There wene Eastr-ufeso oreamnf Il, ploV.er had an informative lhuas at the front of the tuner is prapared to, lcun ai JON olr of the Glen Rae Daîry, chunch and a traditional Prie- oss. The companies tbus have. Bowanviile, Mn. Ross Ste- Jude et music was gîven by tfiar.a 'o,1 offer ancîhlary, benefits to vanis explalnad the mai11? oaw'Mn D. Taylor and Miss 4 e on5 their customers to woo andi miachines which do tbe pack-1 Brenda *Yellowlees. Miss Ka- ....... ........... win tbem. In a laissez-faire[ U ~ N I U J ging of milk. All the mt- h Vice sang a fitting solo, 4-t/"" .conomny, thîs extra cotîcement beappneciated " huh-Bitter was the Nigbt," and is normally called 'service'. g1!1 lzfumiles of Mn. Stevens. We the chair nendcned a fine an-Mr McGee in no way un- then want to bbec Ganadian'themn "Ha Lives". derestimae h motneo GeneralIrourace Staesman hemates J the -importance . of Go erl ns ra c Jamesmanve us ea Mn. Jhnt- M . and Mrs. Lloyd Martin ithis ad is poud of buildingi Jamead stigavanus a vary tour-Of and Glen, Courtice, Mr. and up whab iecalis 'overnighti FIE adATOOBLE etig n mmoabetor fMns. Robent Martin, Miss tsrse'fo hsregular eus-! TIN1S1iEANcE Élhe Office and Newsprinting Cindy Thompson, Oshawa, soerie'fr i pCet"H eplind hacu-Mn. Murray lat wera Sun-1 It wonks Ibis way. A cus- Contact tg machina, the melting' day guests witb Mr. and Mns. tomergisanodrfrbs HAR'OEMN Iclown of lead to ha used ovan .Wm. Ashton,,Lois and Ken, \wbich may be sufficiant to sop-1 621 111or G3 "5O aainb mae te may sza4 Master John Cowling, Bow-yarThcopysndou N fKINGmST. F of pint usad In composing mnila potafw aswat tThe cuomen neeeds an POWMIAN 1ILLE oni: eekl3 newspaper, Thewith is radprntsa Mr. andkasth aacebsok ___ ___ ___ __ ___ ___ ___ C nadan tatsm n. r tan n. Tom Baker and fam ly. -'bp i g i b n vr tp es M iss H le n k e r, T o o n oIto mn er r q e sts n p len is bm n t., w a s w e k a n d g o a t. M . -" W e n e c s s a i y h a v a t o a n d M r s. i ci i T o t a e n a v a a l a g e r i v n to y ," M n .! E I V > ~ f a i w M i . nd y s u r . - - x o ~ çM G e s a i d ,' " b t w e a v Deko er I~u hte gusîswith n. aBond rs-i I~%but up oui' sals on ths at- Cust m Kllin MisCstingBarr Co lng, Bowmanil - ' '< ' "' titud a te wareousing." WeSeiliai reezer Orders , M aonElen Chnidstn-yhl o h 6,0 sen Hadon spnt fe das ~- -, ,. -square feet comprising Spac- Sideof eef65clb, Por 40 lb wit1Mi..E..nCrye.mn...n-ialty's plant is davoted 1e ship- Sie fBe 5 1. Po iu s b T nd Mns. Jackson Wray,l... .....-pn and storage. Oshawa, Miss- Jean Rundle, ii;r>. -".TeodDmnnPaoan H NE93584Bowmianvilla, wanc Sund ,e- Organ building may have ba guests wîth Mn. and Mrs. Ros -sutbefranpaos butn p, .Crydrman, Eln and Larry. it ca tes o maigproins in POntypool cond ide road Maavers Twp. Saturday guests wîîh Mn, Prasident Harold McGe (seatad) checks day's opierations with his manager o raiz sin e ok fowsblei ndMrs. R. B. Davis were Evarett King bag-making industry MiMc-' Mr. nd rs. altr ShrtGee suggasted. Il bas raquirad, I CouieMn. and Mrs. Ross, by Derek Sîdenlus the old building today, look the company's spacialty is the ,for example, bauling finisbedý Kossatz and family, Bay mid- The floors ara black walnuî, at it fondly. Soma of them hand-nïada bags. products up le the second andi g9es. Mn. and Mrs. Hiarold tbe nattais 40' planks of nough strain to hear the notas, of a It startad in 1947 whao Ron- third floors for stonage andý Yallowlees, Bowmanivilla, Mn. hewad white pîna. Even aller piano being tuned - but, theiaid Shaw formed the compaoy then bringing tbamn down tel and Mrs. Wesley Yellow,ýlees, oearly 100 years tha Ibree- sound us lost, lost in time. 'and set up shop in the old Hoi.. the first floor sbipping dock Murray and 'friand, Mn1. and storey, building on Temparance Youngar pensons and. sîewý- gate building which usad t hnnpdkSmoo h Mrs. Harvey Yellowlees aind Street and Wellington stands cornerÏs int in thie know, paiss1 stand opposite the hîgh se.hoùl. bag-makingg unes stant on n F IEL O L family. This occasion was lu insolid ...vary solîd indeed î.by wîth hardy a lhought. It Mr. Sbaw, a former sales man-foor and finish on another bonor of Mr. and Mns. short's EBut that was whal thea Dolr,-iî a big silant building. Il uould agar of W. J. Bell Paper Com- deaily be siaeybn 5th weddiog annivcrsarylý. iion Piano and Organ Com- hae an apartmant block foûr eld-îPany, bad the bright idea on bul aoni0e floon. r.a attfpe te4Oban vany ls n e wdonil eractedierly people. t cîould'bha a ich making bags for mattness Thus, ha is contemplatingc attndd te 0thanivesa- is ew.acoryin1874 . . . a, mans- forgotten manrin.Orly mnanufacturens., Ha had observ- ýbuilding a naw $600.000 plant. of Mn. and *Mrs. ,H. Grills a3', building te last. And il surety the name on the door, Special- ed the manufactorars' effortsiHa bas bougbt 6.7, acres of' _______________________________________ the Surf Rooni, Beaverton, bas done that, tbough the com-Ity Papen Products Ltd., gives at packaging and thought ta rnyi theBwmnvnl recenîly. pany itsalf bas nlot lastad hallf1tham sone inkling of the acti- wene cumbersome and awk- irdustnial park and st Goo Pnda sopa gusîsaswel. usiness lwddw vity inside, And thatl i nt ward. He baliavecl lha could do wiigfrtangtopn MONEY ONi wtb Mr. and rs Lloyd aflan the first world.war and muh h realtbick wlsaballer job. Thera were no buity te arrange financing and Broome an'd famllywana Mn, shrank until the 1930's whenltscray uh sae.S iachinas large anough te begin construction. DX PREMIUM and Ms Charile Johos, Bow- the company wcnt dafunut. imagination works 'eut the iiaka I& bags in thosa ay The plant would ha a singl b manville, Mn. and Mns. Wal- Some say At was the radio thatinest. 50altawr a oh adsoe uligwtaWce 2 QUALITY lace Munday, Osbawa Mr. did IL. Soe say the cinema. There is only one sure way to clone. Ha stantad bis factony. - and Mrs. Lacny Broome of Whataver, the Ladct f the mat- -find out whal gees on. Enter iAnd il pnoved a soccess. FUEL OIL Guelph, wene'weedgoss anws oeple wara no longer the building, ascand the wood' Ha was the first in Canada CUSTOMs Fet, olmbsbuying apianos. - stais tethe second floon offi-1toe:stablish such markets. To- o hf wsSna us thM.Old-timers when they pasi cas, seak ouIth cmanay24yasatr the coini- BO4)WMJANVILLE UTMRan r.Du lt pein, Harold McGee. orîpany still retains a sobstantial CALLCOLECTMis Kahy Swal, Otaw, GantDewn and family, Sun-,bis number one man, Evarett' part of the mattrass bag 'ousi- Mr nySwlOhwdarland. Mn. and Mrs. JohnIigan ask. esBuitîntbad on a Ask Oeao fr6834 wena trdY uprgetsKo eeSunra dinnier 1Tbey will tell you whal they handmade, operation any long- or Diai 1-668-3341 wbt r n r. .C usswth the Downs. Pelerimake, and need oniy two words an. Il is neaaly aIl automalad. Frase, andPaul Anderson of Oshawalt d.s papan bags .. "In the old days, the 'com- o l n Mr.- ad Ms. lmr Hý- pen afaw clays, wilh Iheir . . .*Paper bags in all shapes pany may bave pnoduced 0 gisefranda itdyan and uncle, Mn. and Mrs. an sizes from ralativaly 1tiny bags a day," Mn. McGeesaid r~~ EL U iL Koox. ~3" x 6" oes te the giarts inan ýnainevwafwwck toni Sqare on he ccaion~Mn.andMrs.Ilarynextha trada, topybags menas- ago. "Todayý we do that in one CALLUS T-DAYof bar 77th birlhday. in ey istd ih r.ring 160" --, 64". heur."î FOR PROMPT, COURTEOUS SERVICE Miss Nancy Knox spent aiHilton Tinit, Ebeiezer, for Po ins1 as lsa Mcînscl bend and sewý ___________________________________________few days ýwith Mn. and Ms brbirthday on Fn[iday. sragetanisition, buit a profi)t- the nols of papen mb oferai. Mn, anc l Mrs. Ch'ýas. Lang-able oniefu erengakr By a specially Patentad plis Thi nk aboutit. miaid and iamily were Sun - Ls.y1 - rdcd$ dvlpdb M.MGe Wheniyou play tenn day supper guss with Mn. mnilliont worth of businiess-, salf-sealing glue is applied C lare H ecla n Walu al gaand Mr. Lleydl Preston and A.1nd that repraesents a h eapl aleng the upper* margint of the wear tennis shoes.When G et a la e ec a n tu al ga fMr.:wandM viileSne lii Ionically, ia thesa days of The cmpay, despie having Youwear goodwalking IRE henW vsitd cybaîneties and automation- ]brancbed out ioto producin üeadSryvitdwiefsh s.Adhnyo truSunriywith Mr, ancl Mn aweta o bgsofhigh osAnweno horne neat&g s se otrSodn noli.Cndan b tehnraea. t ssi otero ofr c; in" s st MTom Pleasance andcl amily .. aufomantad processas, baýs neye r workyouwearproper Tyronie and Mn. and MrsC n dia Cub os its5- feal orils touch f r, îriMn. aý nd Mrs. Richard Ho' - bts eclusive, and theone fleat - aa etarR ~E iOfficAnraefrs 'une , hih aks tdistinctive a 1 poecîn citad Ar we fnclni î N in an intanseîy competitivei spat asarwaean wth Thae annual -genreral mneetinglfield. (There ate hctwenr 10-1 M.and Mrs. Everett Spire'oh te Wst Dunhami Canadian 15 bag makers In Ontario and EJEIAAI~~IP.~~ ' Mn. ancl Mn. Bruce Taylor Clubehook place on Mrh2 ewe 53 nCnd P u w K lu, lu lru K na fail wee un aycm Retiing Prasirlent William "Wa can make any bag yi, N DRUMATIC" HUMIDIFIER Model 90-S wi lll'rciotomrHmt n Iscssi oe d thwiarane want by hand," said Mrn Mc- adequately humidify up to 3>000 sq. feet, the Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Tayoicuraedby a mmesi afedcvnrfi oes .... average for a 7 t 8 room house. *-attendrd Itha C.i.A\.G. metn rv hîc ad drýawn 116 odid size drum 1m rs, rund in Oen eon neentybebis into the club. bags ... yeu name il!" Jhta ofr f y hv aua'Mr. and Mrs. Don Taylor 'The Trensurar, Russell os- Foi' a company foundad on oîîerd "mily haveoodFidybonerepontecl s cash balance thea'production of mattncss v v n a t a n i~~~~~a t u r a i 'c s a s iss wd f a m li y a n o d M r a y b oR, e d n n h e r l b a a e c a t t w heatinig inistalled by September, we will give oaî wl av ndn.R f $197.10, on recaipts ef.bags il is net surprising that - youa p ,er humidifier absolutely FREE. Pit, The new exacutive, mitro- ýproducing othan large paper Mns. J. Marks, Scarboreugh, du ed by the ctub's nominin bags. For instance, it used ho Don't miss this great opportunity to enlioy the comfort of spenl Easten weekand with commilt.eweeccimd1haignmnocurn dy r6OOOO 80.000 s-quare !eet of Wý J. Bell Paper Company, im facoryspae.Mr. McG'ee ex- looking for further growtb- in pects -to in)troduce a few moreis company. bag-making lines such as theJ "Since I took over the busN- square bottomn bag used.pre- nes., we have tripled our' dominatei1 in super markets, sajles»ý he said. And ne bas 'r) to bring the total to about 15 tbougbî, of slow,7n_(inmrco, ' Eoas. (The current number islof retiring. Next year be will 10). With the new equipment Uro 65. and additional space, the com- ]ït is plain the compaoy will pany would requîî-e between have to relocate sooner or- 10-20 more 'employees from later. the reset ~And wben it does, what new Whatever-,' Harold McGee, mysteriee wîll the old Dor>a wbo bought Specialty in 19583 inion Piano and Organ build- after working 21 years witb ýing bear? Beaver Builcis and Buîlds and Builds 1 a go w [46 ing t .BOMn VLEe 63-3 boneè lis, you you walk, Take a good look atypur shoes, Make sure they're flot getting run dOWn at the heel. Change fraying laces. And check the soles to se that they're în good condition. Sure footwork begins with efenc. twork-s. Your Workmen's Comipensamtion Board -anld Safety &scatonm On±azo. CutYour Building Costs Safely Wilth The Help of The, Specia Iists Be Safe, Tiiere is no substitute for experience and knowhow when you eut costs,, The in the field, specialized experience of the local Beaver Farni Representative is backed by the complete engineering staff of Beaver Lumber with the purchasi-ng power of Canada's largest lumber organization -- Beaver Lumber. This comibination and trainerd crews can help yu reduce building -costs safe-ly. SPECIALIST AT - YOUR SERVICE - <~ r FROM START S TO FINISH Whatever type of buildi- Sing you're planning, whether it be pole -, frame, steel fraine, rigld fram p or arch rafter, 4 wliether you are think- i r' ing about a complete ~ .~ new set-up or want to use existing buildings in Scombination with new structures, you'1l want to plan as carefully and M, economically as possible. Thbat's where Beaver 'Tartu Rep." can help you . .. from planning aind financing to comple- tion. l3eaver are at your, service ,m Ponte today. Phone Bert Arends 986-4811 246, King St. E. BOWMANVILLE ph,,e 6z3-33sg

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