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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 14 Apr 1971, p. 11

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JJLQ 9te1umail~e2ndep1zdMf Mrs. Bruce Tilison, Editor Phone 987-4213 ing that much o twsgo f 1 1 1 a n d c o u l d e u s e d a s s u c h , Le g hy C un i S s io here was now large chunksý of cernent being added aPndý thei(refore s!gns fto prohîýbît' Is dumping in that site would be- err-cted. Deals With Malny Sub jecisucl:hi akwt Council lr Gay îepi ort Newaste-Te ewcstl praced ounilto seek their avaiLable fori hw that qe B-a Enforcemrent 0f-1 Counicil held a engthy session permission to dfdito aisol le pt is ire - h t Merle Henry, and said1 until after midn îght Monday work to the small house. add castle. of a sing hs paydMr.henfry evening with Re-eve Douglas a bathroom, instaîl electric A letter from the Départ- would accept the Position once( Cunningham and Co(,unillorsheating and other facilities to ment of Municipal Affairs re again. He asked to' have this1 Marg Brereton, Alf Gray, make it more liveable, and to Provincial - Municipal Em- incînde the cuttîng of the Frank HoIar and Fred Coucli build a new home at the front. ployment Incentive Programt weeds, expilaininig that it was présent. Having attended Council with,- and Federal Provincial Special difficuit to knock' on doors Before the reading oA the out the plans, they left to get Dev. Loan. Newcastle couldldemandingý that weeds in thei minutes, Counceillors Brere- these and also to bring back receive help in their area with re b utwhnthseo ton aind Hoar made a motion E. Vierhoutt, -Newcastle Build- a plan for employing personis town pro,.perty were quitel to appoint Mrs G. Gray as ing Inspector. Several minutes in services throtighouit the noticeablyý highl. A motion 1 acting-clérk in thé absence of~ of discussion and in showing village. This iniformatin w,,as:was9 agreced tIohv r. Henry1 Mrs. J, McCullough who is of thé plans included the to lie filed out and mailed théepoitd'sByLw nore on holiday. The reanding of building inspector before per- following day to assure th~e pmeontOfer ,ByLW ee npor the minutes of the last regular mission- was granted, subject village of being accepted in and Trench Tinspector, to in- meeting were then read, f ol- to B.1. approval and that thé this program if tbe'y do have lude permission to have hlm lowed liv the minutes of two land not be separated or the'a service to offer their un11em- cut the weeds on town prop-c spécial meetings held March' new home réented or sold be- plo)ycd., erty where hé thoujgh-t iecés-( 16 -and Mai-ch 27 with ail fore the old bhouse is comn- The County Rate wast noticer- sar ly. Council members prese(nt. pletely liveable. ably up thîs yeaýr, icesn ___ These were ail approved as BillCarmen, member of the $3,3.5 in f9 71 oe 90 ed.Board of Education of North- In n ansé fromnthl(-,Liquor Al fl-s "Pcîa unberandand DJurham, at- Control Board as a result of N ewc a Sile ,1;1iliaMst-lýswasPooin. tnde ths metng t curt NecasleCouncîl asking for1- id the iê emoriail Hospital cl's request to try and en- a liquor and béer' outlet inI Board, Bowmaniladtégte hm o h esn the v illage, they wrote thatiL ppcsteRcrionCmit hirfco was so high, and was subjéct to discussion wîth Pes n i teeP w.ere givener permission to the inicrease in school taxes, the Planning Board and furth- Newcastce-A dinner rarty teéar dow su dipos of the,ý so much m-ore than othérs. er information will bce made followed the Confirmatin at nid réf[reshméýnt boothi on thé, Havîng given facts and figures available to Newcastle wýhen St, George's Anglican Churchl Npwcastle Comnmunity Bail as he had them, Mr. Carmen they have had their meeting. at the, home of Mr. and Mrs. Park groundé., suggestedl that council gel in A letter fromt Mrs. J. R. Chailie Aquilina, in honio of Atthe second meetccing, tfouch withi the Mnici.-ipal Wright asked for permission their son Alfred Adaîr, whloi Couýncil met with Mir. Rioger Board who make up thé fac- to separate- some land was was among thé new membersr P,. Truemner ot th(- Trenton tor, that it had notbînig what- received. This would lie tri received into the church. A-r Planrning ASsoc. Ltd. He was er tà do witb the, board. out four lots into two., one at sistîng to host thîs event were hiréd by the village toi pré- Several réasonÈ for this the corner of Baldwin and bis sisters, Craîl of Newcastle pare an officiai plan 'Cm re-aôunt weré gîven, with Clarke Street, the other facing and Deborab of Toronto. l"énsive ZôningB y-Laws"ý;. At moàt in agréement that farmn onto Baldwin Street. Permis- Guests were Godfathers, ýMr. thilý méétrng, BY-Lànw 71-16 area beîng àoId on a hîgh- sien. froni thé Newcastle Cotin- George Sualdîug 0 f Cobourg was givén thrèe rtéadingé and prîcéd scaleA with a small cil was-gîven subject to ap- and M.,, EldéInn Turner and bis paéd. dowu palym'ent and the village proval from Toronto. wîfe. of Oshawa, aunmt and Petitions and Députations hein-, asssed accordînglv, A card of thauks fromn the unclé, Mr. and Mrs. Sain Ëre.- wéýre deaît wth. The first ta thîi ss'trîglt that the vil- f affily ni the latê Glenholnîé rtt and their daughters, t>pèak, R. B. Richard, speak- lage should suffer over an Hughes, forinerly Clerk-Trea- Mr. snd Mers. Harold Hockin ing on behaîf of the Newcastle unfaîr pattern, Councillor surér wîtb Newcastle, was ré- of Port Pérr and Mr. and Lions Club, tosséd out a num- Brèrton pbinted out that 15 cèîvéd. 11Mrs> Ross Embley arAd Sanidra ber of suggestions of possible components wént down and A request fromn Mn. M, of Treniton, were EastAr even-f ,j orthy projects that thé Lions eight wént un. it can't lié and Williams. for a Cancer Cam- îng vîsîtor§ wîth Mr. and M1ýr5. Club,,wth councîl's approval, îsn't equalîzed". paîgu te lié eld in thé village Douglas Walthn andfmiy ceuki, undertak.ie. Councîl were Mr. Carmen alsô expflainéd was grâuted permission, wth Mr. C.E. Tilison of Hamîil- te talk over the suggestions that whén Coui'iil wereni't in -feelings throughout theé mém-ý ton, accoripanîed lb", bls àndwit tho, Lions Club by agreement te thé ém-ôunt, Or bers stîli beîng that they havé daughtêr aidh-id ber husbarîd. Wved1irsday nîght's meeting, didn't understand bow tbev tired of the door to dboo Mr, sud Mrs. Hu7hîe Mac- e)r as sonon as possible if thîs arrîved at thé figuré they did, canvassés and thé péepi e of Leod and théir ebîldýrén rrucé, waiuzt a littie too seoan. ,tbey could write thé Dept. 0f the village- complainîng to Marlp, and, Donna ai1se ôof Wit1h thé Réévé askiug if ai1 Municipal Affales and, have thtrm about it, One Councllor Hamilton, when théy výýîifitéd thé suggestions wêre to lié it straighténed out. Hé ,also bas looked furthér into thé witb Mr. and Mes1. Brurce Till- tâken (on, Me. Rîckard réplîéd toek' away with him a copy of mattér, not of Ètopping thé son and famîfly on Eastér that peabablv ouly one at tbis the councîl's top shéét te tey canvAs.ý, but eeof a Coin- Sunday. imédâe îe rsd aslcéd and gét an explanation of the munity Chest ta stop thé door Mr. sud Mes. William toctks that council decide on whîcb- figures théy bad. ta doôr monthly handout. bave refuruéd wîthi a bheauti- e-ve they miight feel thé most Coreespondence was then Thé accounts were théti ful tan after their vacation in irortan't at thîs turne as read, thé first being a letter dealt wîtb. Following thîs, Jamnaîca, smé aof thé -uggestions miglit of resignatiàn from Ed Dwyér, thé reports for thé month were Mrs. Jean McCulloughsd un véto I lng time proJee-ts, who resignéd froin thé Néw- given. Councllor Hoar, giv- Mrs' Isahel Wrieht lett thé but ail would certafiuly lié castle Récréation Committe.- ing thé tire report for both village on Suuiday for a bell- gvén thoughit and might évén This was réceived wîth regret. Fébruary aud March, report- day in Florida. ail lie tal<éu oin lu time. A ltter froin Jerry' Ver- éd no fines for thé twa rnuths, Théeatrsand scsuzéd Ed~. Brhr approached beék, Jane Street, asking fer a ouly practîices and mutual aid by thée oce Mothr for counicil lu reg-ard ta isý prop- stréet liglit. was recéi.ved. meetings were beingý attend- their ginés and bantded ovér érty on Tor-outo Stréét sand Counci(illor Cou.cli was38gîvén éd, No building permnits were to hé coeh hav now 'béén thél fat that Mr. Dé Moopy's Power of authority ta act ou ýiISued lin March.boh té asd n rtrudtth hoiuie ,was éx.tendedci 10 féet this réqlut. He !!alth report and Hosýpital ,Néwcaé,-tl ecrétionc oinrî béeyond his ownprpetýy sud Thé fOIllowinlg twO léittérs report wére lu theéfCerk' ilttée. Those> who stfiil i hvé 'uotéBarcýhard land,. Mr. lréceivéd permission tot 1lllot-, officer toéwsigt waer u ok r re Bâcad hadapproachéd tery tickets in thé village, read itta aé theiin and hav,,e themn z.nuncil earliir with thî, proli- Thé Ontario SwAéepstakes and E. R. Lavékin and Mr. R.iad n u squickly aas1-1 lem i-sud ceýuncil had b een itu thé Co-ordinatéd Arts Sérv- Truemnér weré prniesenitota ibfle to théRcraifiCm touch with Mn. DeéMoaéy but icés.- amenrd By Law 71-10 and 71- nmittený' will 1oah intri theé matter ,A 1léttér was récéivéd é ltèewr gvntrera- Thé CIarké Orienterring agab¶i in hope af cléariug tUp plaiuing týhat thé, Clar'ke Town- lugé ta méeýt thé proceduiral ré- Club bas cpr1tain1y been wrk th rbli.ship Muséumn would this year quiréménts of this planning ing with their sale ef tickets1, Thos. Grer , artuéer with S. !bc featuring "Farly lisys in by-law. As- you read this édlition and Osigaluth prcasngafTh nTwnslip of Claàrke". Counillor C hcl explain- rénali e thé daté a01i thé draw is aun aid home set back lu off Hlp wsnéeded sud iwould éd that P.U,ýC. Màanager JE.thiis Friday su ad vau tli do't Narth. Street bhînd thé-,Post hé apréeciated. Tt was flt bY Jénkins réported to lm that have a ticket, dou't go with- office, in hvugpecaédsmél thée uiec taon Mill Street South an 'thé out one. Theré's ouly one sure p5roperty on Nrth Stret, p- Newcastle alsa bad a muséum e-sét side of thé stréét, large way of having a chance te ights weré béing used whilé wîn, sud that's by liaviug a I fon thé opposite sidé, sud hid- ticket, sud thé money is cee- A tnuq (, ff oring in thé branchés of trees tainly goîug ta lie used wél iieipwere three or four 100 watt by these youngsters. If you A naial C l/ f r H e p ýype bullis that didn't give can't locaté a studeut with mucli ligli't. Permission was tickets to sell, contact elthér g,îvén to have Mck, Jénking car- thé Fred Lowery or Rauý Need M$ore Leaoders rert this matteix f eprtLowry fam-ily. Thé aie Justl a nrp) Fofare inthé ookand théy'ce Newasté -Evey yar t i nochace i br at thé counceil wouid 1kuow waiting for[ntthèse 'phone calls. Nevea;"le.-- Eeryyer a i nochaceof erreturi~fi Reis ,créatinmebés é e vcy sale made brings théir thstime, theré lé a eall for ta thée Cul) Pack iiéxt fa .wockîng in théitw,'sinýpteritnpItaSwe-den that mucli clos- help witb aur yauotth orgauiza- Thécefore, future leaders inust est, it was inlted that waérsu hat much sucer. tians, sud thbis veproýves step in now for, any assistance, imémbérs, Sain r létn-sud-1 our members of council on1rce again ta-,lié no 'exception, or liegîn cold lu September, or Wn Collier wilIlie at;teudlciulg séemed somewhat sleepy on Cubé are doîug flué at thé près- prese-nt thé age aid problemn a Recréaion Worikshalp in:Tuesday, you can bliam it on eut, but inlasmucilias thé reg, af thé éver rising question, Kiugstou. thé factthat wîth its citîzens' igiiatïou as Akela was présent- "WilI there lie Cubs lu New- Permission was g-iven to hest interest iu mîtd, they éd ovér a yéar ago, aud the castie next year?" At least ane Mesý Florence Tiison. acting fheld their meeting until well sanée persan bas carried ou for othér leader will not returu nbhl fteNwateps ldîhfnýiigmn ariother terni as Akla, there ta th-e Pack next terinwhen ocbeyaîfotfi , , t eatoefathe m oidnght, iaîiu anye hé enters bis first year of Uni- hold a 50-50 draw., Chairman of thé Aprîl Lions i» Nversity. Hockey practîces sud Permission wa gve Club Dance, Ed. Maj er, ré- Bow lne m ews games 1kept one junior leader shlow Mýr . James Murraýy toirinds us of thé uéxt dance ta, absent thé entiié hockey per- spraea pièe aibi ls land lié beld on thé 24th ai this îod witb anothér absent part f insletaMe. Visser. manth. Prornîsing au equaily MO-NDAY LADIES af thé turne wheu playing ln Aftér futhier lengthyv dis- good turne as enjoyed at al 175ý and Over out-of-tawn gainés. cusanwtbM. Loveki n sd othe dancés tbéy are hapeful E. Mercér 312-, I. Brown 287, Scouts have nly one 'leader, Me. Truernner with corrections of a big crowd. Plan your 74, Cauraux 28.5, D. Neal 266. sud with thosé boys at au aid- made to thé by-law sud sug- Party uow, sud attend. C. Kuelangén 263, R. Coucli er age sud expectiug big tbhinlgs gestions made for handling , Mr. and Mns. EscI Robinson THURSDjAÎjÀY 'Ï4IXi D bas 'mauy excitiug ideas 1twit thé Gainé Wardeu sud 1sun «ou thé ishe, sud présence 175 and Over ýkeép thé boys busy. Théy also, infiorinini fthé many coin-loi différent types of duché as A. Farrow 283, M. Ilbo.tonbowevér, présent problemé to plaints that council have ce-, they foliowéd thé service. '212. B. Morgan 216, Y. Lewis 'thé leaders. Thé answer as ta ceived. Thé girls wereé éated separ- ,15. B. Glanville '205, M. Lew - thé boys atteuding does lié in Reiérriug 'b thé su-ggestions atély among thé congrégation -is 190, J. Myle(s 184, M. Mac,-'thé ceépousé sud ca-operatioîî ai thé Lions Club peojécté, sud followed thé Eastér story Gregor 183'. J. Warr- 179, ]J. ai thé parents. Thé meetings8 Council talhed ovéeý thé_ idéas. with réadings, paémés, éongs Mitchell 1765, D. Parteidgé attended weékly, Plus msuny al af théin good, but décided sud prayer. Some af the 175. boues pi planning lu ord.gr ta that thé park ares lu thé West- many songé included "Let Us keep your boy interested ntîw view Heigbts sub-divisign Break Bread Together", "Weé Cominq Events réquirés your help. You have would lbe thé preferred pro- You There Wben Théy Cruci- _____________________thé opportunity ta advise sud Ject. Counilior Gray hsd ré- fiéd My Lord?" sud "Seek sud Nie-wcastli LI)n nxt Dance, suggést, as well as toa ssist. ceived complaints frain that Ye Shah Fînd", concludiug lu Community Hall on Satur- The leaders need you, aud thé aresaiofnéiglhours dumping with two which wereé eéa- day, April 241h, 9 pan. Bar boys nééd yau. Please attend lu thé park, turning it ove ly joyful. Latér 25 at I o)se ~eîviiléges. Mie by-, Royal Ibis meeting. If hein 'qQ' 1 Councillor Coudh who ié présent hsd breakfast toeth- Amrbassadorsý. Admission $4 needéd, wé would't ash ou1 uroperty, hé ché'-ked il oui er at Wlrome Chue-h. Girls > couole- 15-2 and If there wasa onyîing before thé meeting. Repiu±t-itaking part wére Ruth andi Elsine Kellog, Cathérine sud' Elizabeth Haruesé, Christine Hill, Carol Aune, Chaché sud Sylvia Hodgson. Regular service was heid at Welcome at 10 o'cloch during wh.-ich Jennifér Payne sud Mes. Dénnis Crot were conifirmed on confession ai faith. Théy weré welcoméd ta church rrembeérship by eiders Carrol Nichais sud Lloyd Kéllog. Iu- spiriug Enter mu sic was pro- vidied by thé choie lun t4ésing- ing or tw,ýo autins and a solo by Ms Denuis Croit, "Dawu lu thé Gade".Rev. 'J. Ramji.t'é sermon "Néw Tings fromIlithéToinl" told oai thé wouiderful changés for insu- kind withithé esur 0tàna Christ. Rev. Rarrjitwss as- Imistéd lu thé Sacramén(-it af Communion by Eiders NMrs. MU. Brimmacombe su d Messes. Carroil Nichals, 'loyd Klloge sud Arniold Toudk.One ai thé hymu)i3s sed di-,iug thé mariugsericesaid "Thé chuirch '7é ýbrightl with flowerýs gay" and iltruly -as. Al bright yeilow çchryssuthemin wss thé ofiering i thé (-eWé- came UnitUCW. a déép pinh hiycirau)gés hared by Ms.Ke-n Suymnmons, asud thé brig-1-t su'néhine ahane thraugh ponts aif dpffodýils, rmauve sud white c-ro-csplaced lu ýevéry wiudow by thf Goneéle Gloia ichiscame borné ùrom Taronto for téwé énd, rfeeling not wéhl, anýd Sat- uedaýy evéning was tahé7n tb Port Hope Ho(spital wbe(ré she lé beiuig madé coiortalile. Linda ,Thorudyhé - was borné iran Taropfntofo r eholiday Jolie Payné lé éstilat home from ,échl]as a cesult ai winiter n.Sornetime, early lun Madi-hsu ad athe choolý pupis' wr laying, about as magnificent structure ai suow sund icé they had consteuctéd, when, Julie slîpped sud. fell lireakîng ber lég aboyé the ankle. Shé lad thé fîrét cast rprnoved asat week sud ex- ,pects 10 wear thé presént one for six more wééhs. (Inteudéd for hast weh) Wednééday niglit. Thé meét-1 Miss Coa Crozie visifed iug, chairéd hy vîcé-chairman' with Mes. Dayes duriug Me.1 Lawrence Malcolmn, béacd Dayes' absence. many gratifying reports sud Iu hanor ai Me. Jin Dayes' uéw mémbers welcomé4 ta birthday a family dinuer thé Board are Deputy Reeve paety was éujoyéd recently, aI Vernon Asseistiné ai Cart- thé home ai Mi-. sud Mes. wright sud Mrs. Lucille Gray Fred Dayes. Guésté wére Mr. ai Réach, thé Ontario County aud Mes. Charles, Andrews répeesentative. sud Coléen, Port Péri-y, Me. Suuday aitenoon visitoré sud Mes. Jin Dayes sud falu- with Me. sud Mes. Lai-né Mc- ily, Broohilu, Mr-. sud Mes, Kée wéré Me, sud Mes, Cal- RZeg. Sutan, Orono. sud Me. vin McKee sud iamily, Cad- and Mis. Clarence Ginu, Nes- mué, Me. sud Mes. Gué Panké tléton. aio Oshawa. Evening dinnér. Mr. sud Mes. Sam Cawher guesté wére Me. and Mes, speut a day lu Toranto ré- Bet Shea sud boys, Fleet- céntly wîth ifrieudésud cela- wood, Me, sud Mes. 'Dave tir-S. Frew, Dwayné sud Virginia, Mes. Mabel Cawhér, Pro- Janétville. vîincial Board Diréctor, at- Mrs. Irené Brooks, Brook- te!uded anail dsy Ares Board lin, spént thé weékend with Direc-tors' meeting héld, in ber daughter, Mes. Daratby Brri-aipton, March 29th, to as- McCiurg. Me. sud-Mrs. Elmér siét iu planning fthé fali Cou- Broks sud Aihan ai Ashburu vénýctionoai thé Wonl- wéné Suuday afternoon visi- stitutés ta bç eldid uthé toi-s. Royal Yaek Hotélip, Toraoio,, Mes. Jas. Naylae sud, Me, thé first wéek lu November. Jack Curtis, Péfiérlaw, wéré Mr. sudIMes. Gi-sut Caw- Sunday aiternoon callécé with hkec sud famiiy, Osbapwa, wereéMe sud Mes, Grant Thomp- Sunday supper guéjsîs wiIh'san. Mn. sud Mes. Samr Cawker at Sunday Services thé fai-i. Iu thé Préshytérian Church Dr. sud Mes. Jack MIarilo1 Suuday moening Mr. Morlev 0fý Dundas were Saturdayý.- Mitchell coutinuud bléséries lunicheon guesté with ber par- ai sermons ou Thé Lord's enté, Me, sud Mes. Grant Prayer with "Fargîvé Us Que Thompson. Tréépasses" as thé thèmé for Mr, sud Mrs, Chai-les Tir-- bis méssange. Jésus Christ dîed i-éucé, Lindsay, wére' Wed- ou thé Ci-osé for théeésif ues-day nid-day dînuer gués,,tésîl manhînd. Holy Commun-' with Mes. ivan riott .ion w11' as cammemnoeatéd wîth sud Mes.DonaIldPrtit, Sar eRvérend MeKewén ai thé boro)Yugh, were Satueda3y viél- PFétérborougli Prébytêey pré- tors; sédiîng foc thé service. Miss Bannie M ai côorn.i Iu thé United Church Rev- Queéu's University, Kînrgstau, érend Victor Pacsons chose spént thé weéhéud aI ber "What WîII Wé Do Witb home. Jesus?" for thé thème ai bis Mes. Cara Schmid, G.arry message, We rémembér Jésus' sud Glenn. Newcastle, visit-1 triunpbal eutry on Palm Sun- éd Sunday with the, Lnwrence day sud bis crucifixioni in as Malcolm farnîly, s ew days, We are stil auéwe- Cartwright wss wéll ré- îng for that saènifice. Lue preséutéd aI thé Port Perry1 forcés a dlecision, Thé Chié- Hfospital annual m)-eeting on Idéls lui éveryday living Thé e~an muét practîsé Cbéist's waeld lé, a projection af vwhrati , Tht Canadian Statesnail, Bowmauviiie, Apr. 14, 1971 wé are sud aur loyalty helps lu building a bétter worhd. Mrs. Lawrence Malcolmn sang "Thé Holy City" with ber daughtér Miss Bannie Mal- colin accampanying on thé argan. ,Ladies' Auxiiiary Meeting On March 251h thé Ladies' Auxiliary oi thé Cubé, Scouts, Browniés sud Guidés met ut thé haine ai Rihka Wygérde wîth 10 members présent. Iu thé absence, ai thé' secrétary Ibère wére no minutes. Thé treasurer R1k k a Wygerdé gavé bée repart statingIbère waé a bauh balance ai $139,24 sud cash on baud $17.09, Létters oi thauks iran Gold Cord Guides wéré réad, aléa a léttér from thé Group Con- mittée ré Woî'ld Jamboree, Movéd by Rika Wygérdé, seconded by Ruby VapCamp Ihat we psy $25,00 to Graup Committéé far World Jam- boree, Carriéd. 1Thé fallawing requesté icoin Guides weré: To type stencils for Brownle saongs collection, ta assiét as baby-sitters or pay for baby-sitter for Guides Training - agreéd. We paid for Guîing Skating Party food sud aléa helpéd with Caesra Browniè sud B Pack "Thluking Party"., Moved by Sally Feaucis, séçonded by Gwen Malcolmn that wé douate lst Cartwright ilag te Guidés, Carred. Dou't fargelta savé your1 Canada Pacher labels, ladies. Decided ta buy larté for lunch for Scoutérs' Club lu Town Hahl. Final arrangements toc Father sud Sou banquet wére made. NexI meeting is aI Pal Sléep's on May, 6th. Closed meeting byreépéatiug thé Miz- pali foliowed liy alunch, GET CASII TOUPAT CLASSIFIED)I, Accident Repor Bawmnanvîlii town polý-,ice iuvéstigatéd four imotor veh-i- clé accidents during thé pastý week, Two resultéd ilu dam- ages in éxcess ai $200; two lu damages lésé than is i amount sud thus claisséd rj non-reportables for suac pueposes. A car driveru ly Steýpbéi- G. Billett ai 141 King Streat East struch s hydi-o paleon, Prospect Street néarthCP? Iraché ou Thursdsya vuîu at about 9.15. Damagé wps -3ý éstimated at $300. No mincrie wei-é î-portéd. Victor Wilson ai 36 Quscép,- Street campiaiued aifa hip. ; iash 10 is ueck foilowiug s collision with thé cair 1hé waé drlving sud one opeatéid by John Hsrry Davéy oai 2 Cein- Ire Street ou Friday ut abouit 10:55 lu thé evéuing Ivsi. gatiug Constable Lés Rîcard i éstimatéd damages at 20~o thé Dsvey.véhicie sud $500 ta - Wiléon's. Thé Newcastle é chél ai thé Ontario Poica Policé, havé had one i thé quietesl wéeks Ilu a 1oui whilé, accardiug ta au O.0P P, spokesinan. Excépt for a serlous sc,î dent ou Highway 2 oun a~r day whîch sent four, peoplé10 -tý hospital (story- ou page 7), sud anothér occuircîng i! Marives;on Mon day,+thé 1 .-i àccidéuté reported 10 thé deý-- tachinént durrng théwr - were rélatîvely minar anés. Thé Mauvérs accidetta nk placé on HIghwsy :35 norîli éi thé 121h Concession aI abCout 1:3ô, amn., Anri'5111,su n- volved a siîngle cardo'vsu 1)v Garry Rosé Par1kî .agé 21, rd Li-daay. An srntd$U damnagés wece dané 1o0 Pske1 veliidle. No Injuries wýýere r..- so s!....... -ne0, * M j ~.

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