12 The Canadiaii Statesnr, flowmanialle, A-or. 14ý, 1971 Johnson through- hall ofthtie league, -Mike, Jan Grey, flîck Jones and Gary Carter finish- ed fourtb, ns ooin L agueIn the semi-finals of the an n place played 4th in a N d% sudden deatb match, Sa t al ea s ta Fric Peggîe, Len Eldridge, John Langley and Dave Coty fl I jcontînued terwnigwy - but were close ta being upset P ck d Ap i Zhy a fine effort hy Walt De- 111 mien lnterested liii lay- ing: Frank Britton's Smoke ille our a n defete ilng sftball have your naines ShoD, T-arvey Webster 623- AI Myers, Jîm Braybrook, in ta 'thle executîve by the 2612, Buck Jannack 623-7334, Gary Woodcock and Ernic 2r5tâ oApril. Anyvone wîshîng ta play o Vern Grubîn, Jack Parker Man2a advance ta the final in a match which wasn't decided imýýpire sbould have theirý 623-3257, Jîm Murphy 623- untîl the 4th and final round, namre in ta any of the fallow- 7024. ___________ The final series for the 9r league tropby wîll take place Wednesday, Aprîl 14 at 7 p.m, S h a rc eams and sh uld ehtycnsed other once in their two V previous encounters and ether I- ako d Showing team could win the banors. Min ntCmpe ftian û 1 Legion Ladies Atietes foni M J.S Hobbs ried on th~e second portion to! Senior- Publie School and have the Optimists gain tc Courtice Hîg.Ph journeyed to within 10 ft. With thelri Torontr-o ne week ago last speedy runners running third Saturday ta' compete in th'e and fourth the competitorsý Royal Chnad1ian Legion's Pro- made their bid, Chuck Hazel-1 vine-wdeTrack and Field ton hung on in the third posi-. eeý -t, The conipetîtion was tien and John Vooys ran necl! held onn ani indoor rubber and neck witb thi- Optimists' traýck in ai CN.E. building, top runy'er aonly to outsprinl -Mailk Hanewich was amorig him at the finish to dlaim the thie first to secure a medal gold medal, wltbcJ his 5 juiiirp in the ban- Congratulations to the ath- tam boys'h-h jurno to aual- letes of these two sehools a'dý ify, for ai sîlver medal. June we wîsh them a successful Tîiesclaimed second and season, a sîljVvr medal ini the bantani grslong îump with a 14' 6" D-ea. tonand an e- B lird L a u cellent start enipbled John Turner to sprint lo a slver royal BuIsaïrdsý, Bowrnanville edlin the bantan boys' 50 Rcgular league polay ende irnetre, Susan Leger of Cou r- wîth the teani of Erîc Pegge tic 1gb showed good condi- Len Eldridge, John Langleyl t1inîng ad spunk in hangîng and Dave Coty finishîng in -n ini the final of the 400 first place. AI Myers, Jîi ln(tre to gýrab ta bronze medal. Braybrook, Gary' Woodcock Tl- hlghligbt of the mneet and Ernie Manzo finished a was, the photo finish in the strong second. banjtani boys' relay team. Thîrd place was taken by ohn ulrner 0f Hobbs started Walt DeMlle, BÎll Mairs, Dave out st.rong 40 grab a 20 ft. Darcb and Ernie Harmer. lead 40i bis leg of the 4x200 Hampered by the unavoid- ~ietre racc'- flck Theile car-lable absence of Captain Mike NoW'!.,stieimeto thNnk about sorne relief for next w~re.Eve ry excornace is designed to ensure the comiplete comrbustion of every [ast drop of oit. And oit mearis th e most hea-t for the least mnoney. Easy budget ternis aalbe A. k.WEARNLD. 0F APPLIEDP ARTS AND TECI CONTINUUNG EDUCATIC hArril 8, 1971 Averages F k k Fuels Beat Nichols to Win Junior Town Crown BBO N'Sand all enjoyed a visit t (lntnded r lst wek) The children from jr. an that members of bis Scout jouineyed ta the maple bil Troop are trying for their on Tuesdayî where they watcW swîmmîng badges on Monday 'cd the mapl e syrup be-irg col-, niglit at Pine Ridge Scbool. lected and processed and alsoi This coming Satturday thec enjoyed some p3anc-akes tpe Scous wil e prctîingTen by the completed product. Craft in preparatian for their - _______ comîng Camporee at Enniskil "I recaîl that once, dniving ,ý_ len, This comîng Saturday witb mx wife (before we wer xiii he the Enster Parade be- marrîed), we bad a vervï ginning froni the Public Scbooi 'minor. bump as a cesit 'If at Newtonvîlle at 1:30 p.m. which she jerked forward -c ý-,A Young Michael Collhnson cut ber eyc on the mîrror - who bas just had bis fifth' ihe bas the scar ta thîs dayr, birthday, bad a very nîce In fact, if 1 had ntbeen hirtbday narty last Wedncs- getting marrîcd ta bcr. I would day afternoun at wbich 1'e cectainly bave invited ber ta entertaîned many. of bis young sue my insurer for 1the loss of friends. matrimonial prospcts". Il rSutcîfe. 205' Annent -202 .Gould . . 19 Camipbel-- - _19 Partncr 197 Bruce -- 19 *Gray ---1 86e Sheeban Demeter -- -185- Sarnan -18,3.. .... 1 -1gb Single --Vanessa 269 High Triple-- Vanessa 658 Team Standings Pts, Sutclîffe 31 On Sunday evening, prior to theJno' ae îkWonr iJnî;scn oDv aue Annacit25 Nichais Motors and Fisk Fuels battled for the Junior Tim Brapybrook, Randy Donoghue o isn g. ~r~erMe'sTon eauechrnîoship, with Fisk Fuels third row, Lanny Burns, George Leadbeatec, Jimr Mc-i Westover--__ 17i cornîng through with a decisive 7-4 win. They are Donald, Bruce Adams, Coach; fourth row, Wray Ren-ý Bruce -------------------- 14ishown here, rîght after the garne, wîth their trophy. dell, Lockin McNair, absent, Mîke -Donoghue. Gaines over 220 1 Tearnm- emibers, froni left ta night, front row, Art Foran, Vanessa 269, Sutelîffe 23, Gr237 P arti 2, Gb narr3,rDBadley - 4--------B-R-- 42 20 saw lher grandions playing in~ 23,G rray2 am n aet2, 24,GisnM.A U E G EMrlyn Richards __ 89 205 R iETON i~twa hockey games in Osha-i wa. Dîllîng 230, Blake 225, Bru-j D. Zealand 42 204 Mr. and Mrs, Leslie Taylor Mr. and Mas. E. Brown andl ton 224 Apri1 9th G. Mîlîson 42 204 and June motored ta Cook3- family, Toronto, were week- Hey, Rose, u4 was nice ta TLadies 3 E Dickens--- 42 203 town on Good Frîday ta visît end gueits of Mn. Tom Tnîcki fînally sec you roll a garnie. Hwl-isingle, E.ore33; H. Donogbue- 21 203 ber sîster, Mrs. and Mn. 1B. and Mn., Grant Ca-rnochan. Nice going. And Grace, 241 hîgh triple, G. Dickens 708, A. Sleep - 33 203 Power. 'Mr, and Mri. C. Cooper,, is a lovely gamne. Murdoch, hîghi average, O. Etcher 243. G. Dickens - 39 202 1 inean, Meni E. Moore - --- 39 201 Mc. and Mca, Henry Trick, Orono, were Sunday supperý Hîgh single, H. Pal-mer 331; B. Luxton -- -- --- 42 200 Mr. and Mns. Lenard Trick, guests of Mrs. W. Bryan. q ihtrpe L esh85 bg 50Til Lindsay, vîsted Sund~av wîth Fcîends frori bere called oný avraeR.Setii 44 L. Welsb 855, G.Pie 831, Mr. Tom Trick and Ml-s, Grant Mr. A. J. Trick, Lindsay, ta R. Selleck------- 45420, 72 jMoe Richards 808, H. Palmer Carnochan, helping tac, c- celebrate bis 8thbibîtbday ani M. ichrds - 4392 69 81 Banel 76, E Brckbrate Mr. Tom Tcick's 88th Monday, April 5. April 6, 1971 biRcad 59 971,T anl 6,E r crthday. Congratulations and Mc, and Mn., A. Harnbly Teain Staindh'gs E. Brock --- - ---- 44690 68 746' G. Wîlcox 708, G. Dickens may1 pyrtri av hi osFe n PinsPts B. Luxton - 42983 58 708, H. Bock 705, D. BagneilissRsmr re nýaiyvstn m Nv Coombes - 25481 31 H. Bcock ----- _44232 53 690, B.Luxton 687, E. Moore fiss Osaway Ge de and fa andy îsîtî n from iNov Kirkton - 24312 27 B. Richards --- - -- 43170 46 678' R. Selleck 656,.D. Orme fciend, shaMs.W . wr dnnrSc oti ntonadadfm. Etcher ~.24405 26 D. Reynolds ------42720 45 652' M. Etcher 650., ges1 f1rs W Byaoer Toroo. dstic Roberts 25301 24 G. Wîlcox 41442 42 20an' e ams Tuesday.Svrlta hsdsrc Gisa -- 2324 09. Etcher ------- 42369 42 20adOe ans Mc. and Mas. D. Gatcheil, ýattended the dînner in Enniq- Bradley 239 M8T Bagnel - 42636 36 L Welsh 263-317-275, M. Osbtwa, spent Sunday wîth 'kililen Cucb fc Sno Mîlr23878 18LSnae -498 31 Etcher 259, H. Palmer 331, Mr. and Mns. A. C. Stephen- Cîtîzens and enjoyed organ McDonald - 22302 18 T. Mîlîson ------ 40501 26 B. Luîxton 255, G. Piper 303- son. nmusic spansored by Hammond Lawton -- 22552 16- Averages 296, H. Brock 289, M. A. Rich- Mr. and Mca.irs Orval Greer. Organs, ,Toronto. Bate ---- - - 23204, 13 R. Selleck 42 244 ards 258, E. Brock 3 13, E.. Osbawa, called on Mis W. Mr, and Mns. E. Fit7gerald 11g Snl -BSepe 0. Etcher- 42 243 Moore 303, T. Bagnell 264-264, Mns R. Davey sment Satur- spent Easten Sunday withMc., Hig Sigle- B Stphe 336E. Baock ----- _ 42 238 G. Dicken-s 287, Mae Richards day wîth Mr. and Mci. Sain and Mci E. Smith, A ar H Gh Dubes- . e 60 B. Richards ~3,9 237 269=316, D. Orme 275, D, Bag- Grant and famuly, Zioni, and 'Mc. K. Souair opent us Gainesnlds 33v26rnll00l.Bryan lon Good Fciday. day in Oshawa. B. Stephen 103, 233, W.. MeRiyhads 33 2363ill20 Coornhes 221, 213, C. RobentsMoRchrs-_4 23 300, . BFiriley 22,D. Ken M. Etchen 42 2ý0ý U1O i i 4'~tjrV , Wilson 230, K. Banchard '218, H. Reyn1olds ____ 24 229,li f ii~"fhiIL E. Etcher 2.18, M. Blunt 217, DOm .4, 28~ . !~~y B. Joncs 217, H. Nnbll 212, T, Bagnel - 42 25 A. Bate22,M. Kirkton 212, G.'Wîlcox - --- 42 225 M 'H M. Gibsonf 207, M. Kent 206, B. Konopaki 27 24,~i F. Steadman 206, 1. Burns ie ___ . 2, l î l 204, J. Martin 203, F. Luxtan H14 k_ 9 217- 4 'HI 202, C. Koss 201, M. Alldreadf 1îhrd 2 2r 1 201, ~ ~ V VProut 42 2:161~ ~1 ,, Averages ever 180 T Mili n ___ 4__ 2 215 i' F. Bradley 2ý14 p. Bradley - 6 212 ~ $ W. Coombes 2.12 j,. Wels - 492 Y211a~ E Et____ 205 L. Conmbes 42 212 B . Fa sey_____ 200 il V. Miller ___ 192 PEACE ON wATER TOWEj M. Kîrkton ______ Unknownartsîts cl-m-bed 'h P.Sheehan 187 Bowmailville water tower last B? Stephen - 186 ight and painted twa pea Hi F.' Luxton 181i'île' letters of the onî Dot Muttan18 name. j J, Chapple 10 The PU C. i. iMot arnused Hard pressed as iA is wîth staffk. lasses, it wîll have ta find tme ta dlean up the mess pran-M stersleft ehinI ELIZALETH VILLE On Wednesday the Wo-re-n'.s institute beld a Dot luck din-. ner and a qiiiltirig with theirý nionthly meeting. The ladiesi who don't quilt prevared an excellent dinner. Our meet- ing was at two o'clock, Mrs, Ross Beatty presîded. The ral cali was "a household hlnt."1 Mrs, Gea, Cawker read the minutes, Reports were given by the 'different convenors on the year's work. Mrs. C. Mer- cer read the financial report. Several bis were paîd and" plans were discussed to holdý something to celebrate, aur, 60 years of Instituite in Mqyl Mrs. H. Quantrili toak over' for the installatian of offi-j cers. Officers who had heenr nominated by the nominating- committee w e re installed: President, Mrs. Ross Beatty, lit Vice President, Mci. 1) Horner, 21nd Vice Presîdent,i Mrs, L. Muldrew; Secretary,ý Mns Gea Cawker; Treasurer, Mrs, C. Mercer District Dîr-ý actor, MrsJ. 'Rabinson,, AI- ternate D.D, Mrs M. McAl-. lister Piani5t, MrsHMul- drew ,TPublic Rela+însMrs. H, Thïckson; P.uditors, Mrs. H. Muldrew and MrW, Longyear; Twreedsmnuir His-' tory, Mrs. F. Fowler, Ml-s. H., White, Mir- GG Morri, Mrs., L, Muldrew, and Mrs. H. StandingComites.AgJ nicltue. anadian Indus- Itries, N. -W. Longyear; Citi-, zenshipad Education, Mr8,ý G. Morris; Historical Research and Current., Event, Mrs. 1 Quantrill; Home Economs and Health, Mrs, D. Horner. The ladies finîshed theý quilt wbich is ta be donatedl ta a local charity. Lunch was served at the close of the meeting. Mc. and Mrs. C. Mercer spent Sunday wî ývth Mr., and Mrs. Sam Mnî,Whitby. Mr. Robert Mercer, son of Mr. and Mrs. O. Mercer, celle- brated bis 2lst birthday on Sunday, Aprîl 4th, Mr. and, Mrs Ron Pravost. Lîndsa, and' M!, md 5rqs J.1 fatn Ichil r'-n, !Pontypool, w le re! flPIrULUtU ' >N TERM BUSINESS 5-sTECHNOLOGY Th oloin orsswilb Chemîcal - Electronic - Mechanical -~ ~ BuiesFgnzto Durhami College has conducted part Busines Mathmatics time courses for local industry în & Statisties the following subjects. -Advertising and Salestr-oncéýii *~~~~ý InrdcoyDtrocessing -Marketing Programming I * Sstes &Procedures NURSI!NG -ADMINISTRATION RusÎness Organization & Hosepital Plan oEffective Supervision& Hospital Plan COURSES ARE HMELD TWO INIGIITS A WEEK ON TUESDAY AND THURSDAY NIýGHTS FROM 7:00 TO. 10:00 P.M. (TOTAL 17 SESSIONS) -Metallurgy Power Systemns - Metroîogyv - Computer Science -Rubber Technology - Injection Mouîdinq .N/C Machins'e ools MLAY WE ASSIST 'YOI WITPI SPECIALIZED TRAINING THIS SPRING OR SUMMl0ER FOR INFOReMATlION CONTACT THE TECHNICAL DIVISIONý Fi ont the convcnie7nt registration f orm and mail without delay to: Duram olege-Box 385, Oshalwa, Ont For Further 'information Regard ing Ail Progammes. Cali 576-0210 NAME ADDRESS . PHO NEP---------- KINDLY REGISTER ME IN THE FOLLOWINGC COURSE: IENCLOSE $30.00 (* COMPUTER COURSES $40.00) ,MY SC CHOICE WOULD BE: (Cues Deendent Upon Minimum Enroinient Requirement) Mvrs. Pauline Fîrost and David Keith retlurned homel oh Saturday.i NIrs. Jean- Miehe who had snent afe daysý in Oshawa, Hfospital last week, is nowv, convalescing at ber bomne, and we do wisb ber a speedy and successful recovery. Miss Anita Miebe enjoyed a visit last week from Wed- nesday ta Saturday wîtb ber friends,, Betty and Frank Mc- Carthy, Bowmanville. Mrs. Kozub picked Tîna upý ad the tUniversity last week- end, thence to Lýong Brandi where she met ber two sisters I IIEAT1NG SPECIALIST 17 Liberty M. N. Bowmanville PHONE 623-7591 24 HOUR SERVICE O11, Gas & Electrie Furnace & Air Coniditini Insitalla- tions - Central & Window Units - Clare Hecla & Findley Eouipment Free Estimates Budget Terms Available AT THE JOHN HARM"'Elý RR 2 MILES, NORTH 0FBOMNLL ON THE OLD SCUGOG ROAD Merchandise Is Required by Consignmen4 or Doination ANIMAL - VEGETABLE - MINERAL WE SELL THEM ALL PLEASE CONTACT ANY KINSMEN MEMBER or HARVEY WEBSTER - -=-'6 2 3- 2 LORNE TINK -.-. -.26-217 JOHN HARMER ----6354 Auctione:ers GLEN FRY TOM LOWERY HARVEY WEBSTER P Em 1N SN Dý NE L Choose from thousands of panels at dr astically reduced prices REAL WOOD and" EMBOSSED PANELS 1I1N A CHOICE, 0F TOPAZ PECAN- ELDORADO WALNUT - SIERRA.OAK VILLENOVA TEAK - GOTHIC ELM -~ ORIENTALe ROSEWOOD PLUS MANY MORE IN THE GROUP Most Panels are available in, cîther 4' x 7' or 4' x 8' REGULAR , PRICES FROM $3.99 TO $11.95 EACH- FCIay -nd &Sacýturdoy CRý nlGuAmi i a Starting at 8:00 ai. to 6:00 p.m. Friday and 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 pim. Saturday- Courti'ce Only ILOOR ST. EAST+ i OSHAWA WOOD PRODUCTS MEANS BIG SAVINGS FOR YOU!le GROW1NG TO SERVE YOU BETTER Oshawa Wood Products Ltd, are building an additional retail outiet for luniber and building supplies a, the corner of McMilIan and Bond Sts .'in downtown Oshawa.. Watch for further details and opening date. - - - - - - - - - - - 1