unties Undersp end '70 Budget b)y Derek Sidenliius $61,810 icîs tian flic Ceunties worniing funidsa sud buildýings; I1f marks are -îven te gev- Counceil eiginally iencd tho $53,121 ton, debeuf une delif ernînent fer keopitfif burt- spenid wien they drew ip fie chianges anid $17,000 for, a lies ge i ntdCount-,ies COunu- budget, pifal i grant ci ondalieeabent e 94 A total of $140453, Was x Thauigi $10,000 wss se;st acide pe cet avnae.pendcd ft elicpurpose cf gc -tc negional i Indy asud pïlan- TUiýIiaf he flc aproximate enai goverument, $19.527 ic igfor fiMe yean, nof a penny oin f e ic$1,602,609 lind- fian fiat provisicned l icn s set ,clpnepanedl lait ycaný for 1970 budget. itrcoltng n.wl wjiicýi fie7 Counfiiies actually Public wcifare was aimei uteschlcig nwl $tpent. dcad on fie budget forecast cf lounfie receivcd $4131 dur- T o lelp inyonr imtiemafi- $296,884. A sum et $2j94,003. ing fie yeer. cal cempufations hie is the was speuf on chlud wclfaýre, Tic Counties gave $2,200 snwn--- 1,575,988 --- for a liospfalization, (nef), Home wontli et scliolanebipesud bun- nef nuiiden e-xpend(itune c, f $103,- fer tic Agcd, indigent inniais, saies in 1970. 1'1i. lieiti unit sud piumliug lu- And cf fthe $2,200 budgcted TCic m1ýajor ex-'peudifune was spection (wiicli ly some pcc- fer reforestation only $244 was lui puiluic wnkigiways sud ulian cincumîftauce is included in tact spent. bridiges. Alýmeet; 60 per cent, in flic Publie Welfare budget>. Sf111, as any sFud eut wil f cil or $9430M41, wece spent in fhls Other items includcea $120,- you, 94 per cent is nef a lied atgy.But cicen up, if was 000 outlay feor a resenve,,f or1 mark fa acliieve . j. àleif? NESTLETON Reent visitors with Mr. and iVirsý .ibrmen Hyiand were MrLj and. MIVrs. jim McMullen an arol, Ponlypool, Mr. an"dMs Maurice Sameils, Sharo, Wendy and Glenn Rogers, Mr. and Mrs. Howard Sutton, Tracy, bori and Deb- 1ie. ail of Peterborough. Mr. aniid Mns. Norman Sam- riis accompanied Mr. and Mrs. Mo ieyMitchell to the ser- vice on Friday morning at Graice Pnesbyterian Churcli ini Millbrook. The four chur- ches and their ministers join- cýd ini the service and MF. MVitchýell delivered the Easter Mý.aynieWood, Tloron- Io, sp)ent Sunday afitennioon withi his mother Mrs. Norman ,S.amelîs and Mr. Samnelîs, In the evening, Mr. Wood, Mr. adMrs. Samelis. Mrs. John Graïndel and Mr. Perry Gran- del weý,re dinner guests with )VIr. and Mns. James Emerton ndLori at Blackstock. MJr. and Mrs. Norman Mairs attendedi the Souch-Maynand edngon Saturday, Apnil lOith, at St. Paul's United Church, Eowmanville and the rpception at the Legion Hall. MNr. and Mns. Cordon Wright aýnd Jili, of Kitchener, visit- edi recently with Mr. and M\ýrs. 11arlcy Jackson and famniiy. Mns. R. W. Jackson, M,\iss MarlynJacsonand Mr. Alan Ja,-ckson wce Sunday evening Congýratlations to the Port Perry 1Midgets hockey team w-ho bcame Ontario Cham- poins when they cdefeateýd Dresden who had been On- ta'rio Champions for tfwo years. barry Jackson, Rick CamrnplelI and Neil Mcbaýugh- lin of Cartwright, piayîing on ihie team, aiso share fthc hon- INDOOR HEAT EO SWIMMING POOL Forget Winter.. ENJOY A REFRESHING SWIM FOR TH-AT CHANGE 0F FACE Mon, te Fri. 7 to 9 pm at the Liberty Si. S. at 4101 Phone 6337 ABERNETHY'S GOODE'S H 987-4422 1ours. Sunday. SMn. Allan Mains of Whithy Mn. and Mrs. George Reas- iand Mn. Robent Mains, et uip spent, Fridsy te Suunday Trent University, Peterbor- wlth lien sister and linsband, ough, speut tic Baster weck- Mn. and Mns. R. J. Fenuicîl at iend with their parents, Mr. Kemnptvilic. 1and Mns. Norman Mains and Mns. Nelson Marlow accem- Dianne. panied lien con and daugliten- Congratulations te Mn. and ni-Iaw Mn. sud Mrs, Cillent Mn., George Hcaslip wio Marlow for a drive au Baster wene msrricd lu West Hill Sunday sud enjoycd dinner Presbytenian Churncie Thurs- at tic Bon-Fine Restaurant, bday evening, Apnil 8ti. Lindsay,. i Mn. sud Mns. Herman Rod- Mn. and Mrs. Alvin Mar- man and family, Little Bni- 10w, Caesanca, accempanied tain, and Mn. and Mns. Nor- ly Mn, sud Mrs. AI Bnyans man byons and family, Ux- and Sienni et Oshawa, spent 7bridge, spent Snnday atten- tic Basf un weiend *,ith Mn., 0000 and were cvening dmn- Marlow's culter at Bay City, uer g-uesîs wifl ivMn. and Mns. Michigan. Ceccli Wilson. Friends will lie Mns. Maurice Nesbif ,, Sha- intenested te inow fi tat Mn. non and Kevin visitcd Friday and Mrs. Wilson liavc sold to Suuday wîth Mnis. Nesbitf's thein tarm te Mn. Tihos. Wood brother, Mn. Lloyd Heasiip et Toroufte.-Mn. and Mrs. and Mn. Vennen Michili a Gordon and ticir tince ciild- Ottawa. ren, a Scottisi famiîy, w:îî Mr. Eanl Bowers speultich be thec new residents. Tic wecieud et Norh Bey visit- Wilsons, active in tieccim- iog tic Ciapman family. munity,, are au establislicd Mn. and Mns. George Bew- Cartwrigt pioncer famiiy ens1 accompanicd by Mn. sud wifh ih fetarm heing in tic Mrs. Robent Rhodes, Lindsay, family for one hundrcd and attended, tic memonial ser- cigliteen ycars. Cartwright vice for thein aunt, Mns.,Wai- cxtends lest wishcs for mauyi lace Miller, lu Bowmanvillc veans et icalti and îappiucss ,lou Menday from flic Noti- in thir rtireent.cut ElliotI Funcral Parleurs. in tiir ntineentMn. Milton Joncs, Midland,i Mn. and Mns. Ralpi Sadier,~ visiîed Saturday affernoon Mn. Wilfned Williams, Mn. sud was au evcnlug dinnen and Mns. Richard MacKenzie gucst witl Mn. sud' Mrs. and Claire wcre Sunday dbn- Clarke Williams and spent the uer and suppen guests with ekn wihMad rsj Mr. nd rsý an cottandDonald Thompson. Charles, at Corhyvîlle. ,Mn. sud Mns. George Bo- Visitons,. at tic wcekcnd,L[ens aftendcd a dinner on Sun-. witi Mns. Ivan Prenît werc day eveniug at fie home of Mn. and Mns. John Prentt, Mn. sud Mns. Bert Bewers, Susan sud David, Oshiawa, Oshawa, in lionor et thein son Mn. and Mrs. Don Pronff, John', second bitnhday. Otien Scarbonougli, Mn. sud M rs. guests were Mn. sud Mns. John Bucîman, Carolyn and Weldon of Qucbec sud Miss Douglas, Lindsay. banna Newton,' Uxbridge. Congratulations ta Mn. and Mn., Wilbent Malcolm, Yel-1 Mn., Malcolm Emerson wvio venfon, was a receut dinuer are observing their sixtiti guesî wilh fie Lawrcnce Mal- wedding auniversany foday colm tamiiy.1' (Mouday,, Apnil 12).. Thii On Wcdncsday, Reeve sud family enfcntaincd flicm to Mns. Lawrence Malcolm, as dinner on Sunday. Oven thic delegates at flic A.C.R.O. cou- years, bot1i Mn. sud Mns. Bm-! venfion, hcld aI fle icnlg Bd-, enson ave ben aciveiiward Shera toni, T -.1,t.,at chirci sud community wntenId fie lre-ception enrcdie' scldem missiug a cinrch sen-1by fie bieutenauft-Covcrnor vice. Ms.Emenson lias iac- et Onfaie, fie Hnua cupicd varionis offices l ici RoisMacdl-onaid, l i vice- U.C.W. sud tfie Womren's lu-ý regal site aIt Queen's Park. ciifufe aI fie local, district,l Ou1Racler Suniday ,lic aw ares .and provincial levels., rence Malcolm-r famlily attend- Mn. Emnensan ih a lboardl menr-i-cd a famiiy gatliening abthfe ber sud an elder lu flice Unit- home of Mn. suid Mnfs. Grant cd Cinroli. Tic community Brooks, Port Hope. Cail Mal- j oins lu wishing tiem mauy colm nemaîued for a bncie years et confinuucd lialfi and holiday. iappiocss amog famiiy sud Mn. sud Mrs. arEBlleot, friends. David sud Kim, beasidale, Mn. sud Mrs. James Haris, cnjoyed Sunday evening dlin- Lindsay, sud Mn. John Mc- nen wifi lier parents, Mn. and Carry, Toronto, calied on sev- Mrs. Richard Davison. cral Nesîleten fniendi un Mn, sud Ms. iBruceHalp Tucsdlay. Ail wene- pleased were Tnîesday ev f"cning inZ wit Mn. R- arri' remankabie gucsfs with M'nt, su-d DMn. Ru-, neccovery toiiowing snrgeny pent Byers,BwnavlcM. sud fwn mentis Iu tic Rosis ad Mns. Alvin Bruce, Miýss Mem-lonial Hepitai. Marjenie Bue Pont Penny,1 Mnr. isud Mns. Grant Tiomp- visited Suudray fenonwf son joîncd a family parfy tie Heaclipisud reminc,,îd witi lier moflier Mrs. W. H. for evenin g dbnner. Jolinston and sister Mns. sunýay Srie Jamnes Naylor ;et Peftenljaw enlu Inte Presbytenian Churcih Sunday monninig, Mn. Morney Mitchell chose "C(hist tic bond Is Riseni Todiay" asqti Pf11iteme for is Baster msae Mns. H. Visser sudicini. G Scott sang "Comre Y Fath In tic Uubted (Cl4inci Rev- erend .VicIer Panrerns spok on "Tib ite fiat Lasits" forç is Basten sermon. Miss -,Gail Malcolm sang "Open tic Gales efthfe Temple", Court Lady Saowbird Court Lady Snowbind icid ticir meeting Wednesdlay ev- coing, Apnil 7fi, in fie COF.' bal witi Sisten An Lee1lu flic chair. Sister Mang bec,' the secre- Iary, ncad tic minutes et tic Mardi meeting wlicn notes of ~EGAL ALL ATIN tianis wenc nccived sud ap- tEGA WALL AinN pncciated by tic gnoup. Scv- > Easy a osecral "CGet Weil" cards werc k Dryin miutessigned. Finances wcrc report- DYY tl MIfUt4S d by Sister Dorothy bec. A Choose from 1,500 colors gencrous donation was voted Sop and water ci up te tic Cancer Fund, wicli Sister Carol Doyle, tic dele- Ixti. h;h hiiggate, wiîî taie te fieEBastern Ontario ProvIincial Assembîy at Bellevîllpnîl73 and 24. Plans wcrc e for one "laie" sale a monti 'at Sisten Marilyn Coo^ g' fCe sanda. Next menti will be a social t+ 2 A Seveolng. Bvcryonc le welcome te corne sud enjey tic games ?PAINTS and WALLPAPERS PHONE 623-5431 IARDWARE NEWCASTLE 1OBITUARY GEORGE LESLIE McGEE Tic deafi et Mn. George Leslie McGee, aged 76 years, occurred at Bowmanvilie on Tiunsday, Apnîl IsI, 1971, af- fer an, extended illness. Sou cf tic late George sud Bmiiy McCcc, lie was lioru lu Tonouf o on July 10, 1894. In 1923 lic marricd flic fermer Manjonie Paffenson et Kendal. Tic deceased iad nesided lu Bowmsnville for two sud a lai ycars, sud liefone comiug lien aise livecd iin Ononosuad rA civil enginewr for 50 years, Mn, MeGee sei-retir- cd 20 yeans ago apnd fully ne- tinfciedetfy e a rs ago. H co1MMenlced hic studics atti school or science, Uxest cf Toronto, in Septemrber 11.Tien wcnt ovenrseas wtifie ,Univensi4ty c f Ton.- enta in Septemn-ber, 1916, witli flic Royal Heorse andRoa Field Artillery. HT-e sawv ser- 7vice luIn ndia,Msooai and Paletine, and scrved un- der Allenby in fie 1918 cam- paign inuzdeliverance et Jeru- salerm. Mn. McGee returned hiome iu 1919 and nesumced studies at tic Univensity, gautn in 19?1 and was captain of fite first Universlty RowÀig îClub formed In 'iatI yean. Afler graduation lie joine2d fite George A. Fuller Cempany 1 u Chicago working ou a 'mil- lion dollar power station; and was flien Iransferred by fie eompauy firsîte New Yenk and tien te Rochiester, N.Y. Tic dcceased tien joîncd fie Foundation Ce. of Canada and was project manager on fhe building ot tie Cliateau Laurier Hotel extension and in Halifay was lu charge ef flthe buildinig cftic eNova Sco- flan Hoflel and Station. In 1932 hie was one cf fie superntendlents lu change cf fite building of Maple Lcaf rGandeus and oflien Tenante rbuildings, Iu 1933 lic iccame a supenintendent witi tic Deparîment of National De- tence and in 1936 was ap- point cd chief airways engin- Senrfo tonfe Dcpartmcnt ef tTransport. Tic dccased ne-1 tired fa Oreno In 1947 and subscquently tbei charge of tic building cf tic first sec- tion et Memenial Hospital, Bowmanvillc, fie Miilbrook 5Retormatery, and tic Poil 1Office Customs Building in tOshawa, as well as govoru- ment buildings at Lindsay. Mn. Mecee is survived by i wife, Manjonie, and two sons, Douglas et San Diego, Calif., and Donald ofý Rich- moud Hill. Four grandchild- nen aise survive. Tic pnivaf c family service and committai service was hcld on Satunday, Apnil 3rd, fnomflic Morris Funenal Cia- pcb, Bowmanviilc, and was conductcd by Rcv. Basil B. Long of Onono. Temponary entombment wasinlutic bangj Memonial Vanit, Onono, and hurl wiillibe lu Onono Cem- etcny. MÂPLE GROVE Scouts and Culs wlll iold a papen and boffle, drive on Safunday, April l7tli. Anyoue liaving papens picase have them ont. Tlicy can aise call D. Wood 623-3405 on J. Ronge- boom 623-7195. Somnebedy wlll caill, Tic U.C.W. meeting today, Tinrsday, at 8 ,m. lu tic C. B. Hall; ýEaster fieme writi pictures. On Sunday,' Apnil 131h, tic, Fred Victor AMission, tour Viel building and attend i el chuncli service. Tiey wili mccl at tic mranse. Tiunsday, Apnil 22nd, fhe Teenage gnonp uwill spenceýsr a colorcd clide faebgeon Califoruisat 1' 7:30. Tic Good Friday monning service was conducted by our pasf on. He was assisted by Ilince members ofthti congre- gation, Colin Sont fer, Paul Mclntync and Bnian Raici. Mns. Joan Russell and Mns. Dorotiy McIntyre sang as a duel "bead Mecta Calvany." Tic organ -music by Mn. Bd- na Laird. A fluil churcli greef- cd our pastor, on Snndsy Imerning, ,wo gave u a;,,fine Easfer senvice. Tic c (hoir rendcred two Basf er piEces wlti Mn. Tenny lRussellti Veheicle Ownerstto Decid Bowi ýVtcîcW Ownes I Decde having a wdding celebration M i /onclay, had as special din- ne --gu-ests on Snday, Mrs. If cho l use O erae L.Tuný, Ncwornville-,Miss IT Sch oî ý .. us s 0 £-jera e 1\Marilyn- T7rimMr. David .Ruthi- Mfiss MaryJn oe Toron- ,During YfInclement Weather I Atending fli ou n1ard wedcling at St. Pu' 4h)ou rofdeciding w iini onutainsaout 'wnen aon the roads. were Mn. and Mrs. Jim Souci, lier schooi buises shoid oper-- bus,-eqshoslud icave schoois il Drift;iig of snow ftils year Mr, and Mrs. R. Morrow, Mr, ate n icleentmoringsweaherconitins trn nde inticBunketon area lias toen- Harvey Falls, Mn. and Mrs. ,wiil f al to the scliool bus own- ;ment during the day. ded t i e worse tha-n in other Orme Falls, Mn. and Mns. ens, th'e id Coun"ties Bord1'l There had heen some mis- Parts of the Counties, Rypsfna and Mn. and Mrs. ben ,ýo Ecucaiondecaic initsundersfanding cariien tis year School board officiais said atFals Marii 25fli, regu-lar bimonfthly over wliose rcsponsihiity if the meeting thaf thcy wouid A numben frnm f is com- meeig n ou rg. was fo tedecide wicflier orneflt fake steps fe decentralize flic munify atfended flic dance Ti on's npor ttion teschool buses wouid ua,. aufhonity f0 dispatcn achool for flic Souch-Maynard parfy mafersad fat ieownns Thc maffen came to ariliead buses. in Bowmanviiic infthe even- shouid chcck w ii thc ,oadlînthe Bunkefon area eanly in The' Transportation Commit- jing, supenýintenjdentsF, Ont anjo Prov- Mardi and a meeting aps hid tee aise neported tiat plans Mr. and Mns. Maurice Hal- incalPoiceorofierknw-betwecn parents of f lie ch']Jd- were being made fe meet witîî lOwell and Scott, Monnîsh, ledigcablc pensons on flic con- ren aftending the puhin i-sciooi fic aschool bus openaton3 in flic were Sunday guesfs with lien iftion of f lie od and f haf fihere and scliool hoard o[ffi-'lasf week of Apnil onrfthe firsf parents, Mn. and Mrs. Jim the operatons f ake e li ecs- iais.wcko May f0 discuss next Sftark. sany steps to notify parenits Some of the Bunketon moth- y,er's routes. Easten weekend giiests at and schools concerned, ers expressed concern over It rcminded fliaf ail operat- Mn. blew Hialioweli's wereý Tic Commitfee agetdbuscs confinuing tf0,operafe oscnncrfrfu emcx isBuaiHioel oron- tha te riciplsUý, ncude dsptéheay ritigcf snow Jpire June 3tli. to; Micliele Hallowell an fiatfli pnncialsbe ncldcddesîtelicvy nifingBeverley Casweli, Miss Normal I I Haiiowell, Newcastle, was a I - .~ Sundy dinnienguest, j ff"'~Mn. and Mrs. Harold Best I k,5and sons, Wesleyvilie, wenc bidcThrue ro ne N ews guests wifli Mn. and Mrs. Brian Caswell for evening din- Mnan Ms {aol Cb- Iey on Baýster Sunday. Easter with Mn. and Mrs. John uer, Sunday. befcMn. and Mr%0is. Wi1llsr Miss Susan Bal of Oshawa Nesbift of Nestieton. Yeilow and whifte fiowens Barraliali, Greg and bcsiey wti ber parents Mn. and Mrs. Mn. and Mrs. Harold Bar- were flic setting for flic love-1 wcrc Baster Sundayv gucs+r of Ken Bail of Kinliy oven -tic nowlougi of Wesleyville cali- ly Easter service which was Mn. and Yiris. H. Geldard, long Basten weckend. cd on lier sister Mrs. Geo. weil attended at Shuloli. Sun- Toronto. , Mn. and Mrs. Roliert Rutli- Menton on Easter Sunday. ,day afternoon. Rev.1 Snel- Mn. and Mrs. Alfned M.L Johin- enfond wcre among fthc out of Mn. and Mrs. Bonden Kramp grove's message was "ýThe Vie- ston have rctur ned home from town guests af flic Souch-May- of Kitchener werc house gucsts tonlous Christ" with flic scrip- spcnding flic pasf flinee nitis nard wcdding Satunday, Apnîl of Mn. and Mrs. Carlos Tam- turc lesson from Sf. buke's in Tampa, Fionida. lti in St. Paul's United blyn oven Basten. Other vjif-Gospel, cliaofcr 24, wienein lis Jili and Paufl Hoocy of Ton- Churcli, Bowmanvilie. ors werc Mn. and Mrs. Gordon rccorded fle icvsit te flic onto wifh fieir grandpancnts Mr. and Mns. James Pow~er, Powcr, Mr. and Mns. David sepuicine. Mn. and Mns. Horace Best over Craig, Mark and Trevor of Stapies. Mrs. bawrncc Farrow was flic long Basten weckcnd. Hampton, spent Easter Sunday The six Units, of fli C rnoorganisf and gucsf soloisf was Mn. and Mrs. F. O. Cooper wifh Mn. and Mrs. Gondon Unifcd Churci Women field Neil Pipe from St. Paul's were bouse gucsf s of Mn. and, Powcr. ail t hein April meetings af flic Anglican Churcli, Pernyfown. Mns. Q. M. J. Fagan of Mark-' Mr. and Mrs. Douglas H-ird chunci on Tuesdlay affennoon His sôlos, "This Joyful Easf er liham over flic Good Friday- Of Whitby spent Easfcn Mon- and evenîng of lasf weck. Time" and "lInflic Garden" ,Basfe enwekend -and fogefien day witli Mr. and Mrs. Law-, Mn. and Mrs. Grant Moffat, wcnc greafly appn eciaf cd. It visifcd Mn. and Mrs. Bob rerce Harris and sens. Frank, Robent and Donald Of was indecd a lovcly service., Cooper and chldnen af Agin- Mn. David Moffaf and is Oniville, spc-,it the long Easfcr Affcnding fthc service at court. . mothler Mrs. Neil Cameron, weckcnd witli Mn. Wmn. Moffaf. Newtonvîiie on Good Friday SMrs.. Robinson spcnf Mary, Nancy, Janet and Ray- Mn. and Mrs. Onville Chat- wcnc Mrs. Jim Sfark, Mrs. -ic Basf en weckend witi Mn. mond of Indian River, wcre f erton, Carol and David, spent F.warf Robinson, Mrs. Gordon and Mns. Kennefli Syen and Ealsf en Sunday dinner guests of Easfen Sunday and IMonday at Trim and Mnsý A. Dobson. aihfe Sycn family af Cavan. Mn. Wm. MoftI1 t hein summer home at Canai î Ms.Stnsn . àrinof' zasten Keven Young spenf-Lake. ____ Colil Hill Nonrli is a patient in YELVERTON tic Oshawa Gencral Hospital lun lien home lasf wcek. o cf Inquirvr o'uit a del as~~~ fiaeci fv asyfairiiflf9 u om;itna de Mn. and Mns. Bill Scars ofde asnoftep ScLarborougli spent fie Baster ;.dnpsig ffi at min-l weiekend wifl n.adMn rn listcn on fis change, Mn. Han-1 Mr.andMrsfran D--eruiiiieîiits old Stobliant. Mn. tbat Lawrcnce Harris and sons. ws eilsrpPl M.and Mns. Bob Cooper of A Safety Inquiny got unden- 40-50 feed above several busy. was a ugen o, puar botl gncutsent Baster Mon- way in Ottawa Mardi 22nd te streets and immcdiafcly adja- mic speakerwlio puit evry- da wti rMn, Carl Teunant and investigate fie causes of rail- cent te ieavîly populated resi- thing liceliad intobis addc1rs. Mn. and Mns. F. O. Cooper and way accidents and lu particu- denfial arens., Mn. and Mns. Floyd Stinson ofier relatives aud fricnds. Ian discuss what can ho donc i nuiyi oniun and, Mn, and Mns. Norman Mn. Ron Besf of Toronto te prevent undetccîcd " o Teinuiy sf Oiuig Wilson attendcd tefuea with isparents Mr. and Mn. boxes", limjrtaueofonGodFfda u neMado thonacorcauscsf nover Fiticinlongc Hoat Btoer theklndg train dcrailmcnfs in flic Port TA v TTt We cxtend lieanty if belat- Mn.te aendMn. Eme oHpe ana. >J.ARKfVILJEJ cd congratulations tea fine vîsif cd Mn. and Mns. Marshal Port Hope aslcou paud s l e onan o ople, and for mecr goodi fail f p- ua numlicr ofsuri acidts loconkspient outai, o-neiglibons, Mn. and Mn . Mai-1 McCauicy and by ya p-r fsc ciensbcnsen usa atColm Emerson of Nýestieton, fi te past montis - 50 manywcl ihle auf Mn.wowllequtyosnvn se fiat Notiumberland.-Dur- we ihle ut r.wowl cqi Rogers and family. imMRselHny rt Orme Falls,. hi 0hWdï. lM. ýAllan Snowdeii andiamhepRssi ei Hofen, wnt Mr. and Mmc. Herb R eidter61.WdlgAnvr lie'r rsier, M,.aýnd Mrs Rc.g tcpeidnMfli aa ianM. Allan Reid and 7Missi- 'raior, esiawai, .Trýansport ,Commission, J- W. jacc1ýie l ' _ ý lp daiitn itî them mo- Pickingili, te declare fiat mS Cohray iniercf Osiawaweie S,-'pring Specia 1fir fs ZH Oý 'ere was "consîdcrabiy more Sna innget ihM flirMn. . . Wlkns Pntcoincidence lu fie unîappy and Mrs. Clîfford Reid andï Hope. Her- ~~serbes of train accidents in tichae y Bwavlc Mn ad n.Nai F ort Hope anca." Satunday affennoon visitons LAW N M OVY ceci an son Dcsmnond,M... witi Mr. and Mnc. Jbm Stark andr Mns. Art RestrM. and Mn. Pîckersgii,1in reply, wene Mn. and Mrs. Borden 19" Rotary mower, 3 H1 SMrs. Bob Buwrton, Osiaw,ýa stated fiat undetected "I'of Knmp, Kitchener; Mrs. Gon- noofne i dut Swcrcý Sa3tunday visitons wifl boxes", wiici almost invaniali- don Power, Mn. and Mis.'fnertPadlt f tie laftcn's parents Mr, and ly resuit in journal failures, Caries Tamblyn, Orono. control , centre sidr, disci Mrs. Cccil Burton. represent ore of flic main Mn. and Mns. Harold Souci' Easy pull start. 1Reg. $73 iMn. and Mnc. Lawrence causes of accidents and fiat attcnded fie wedding of thin SPRING SPECIAL White ncturncd. home carîy tic membes -cf flic Railway son Alvin and Miss T. May- lasf week aftcr spcuding scv- Transport Cemmittec ciared nard aI St, Paul's Unitecd 7-7.7 LAWN FERTILIZ] eral mentis ln Flonida. basf ils grave cencern in tic num- Churci, Bowmauville, Satur- 40l.bg-OL Sunday fîcy wcrc suppen ber of micliaps. day affennoon.40l.bg-O Y guests witli their daughfcr,I A joraincdentally ifiat Aft en service at Sui 16"W FERTILIZER SPREI Mn. -and Mns. Arthur ,Burgess Portion cf flic notating siaft, supper guccîs with Mn. and and family, Elienezen. axie or spindlc, wbici turns ini Mrs. Lawrence Farrow werc Reg 895-OL Mr. and Mns. Lloyd Snow- a licaring. 1Mn . Lennox, Mn. and Mrs den, Mr, and Mns. Wayne Mn..Honey tfltich Port liopc iJohn Pope and son Neilt Pickiard and family motored pnoblcms siouid neceive spe- ,Mn. and Mns. James Lowciu f0 Toronto on Sunday and cial attenti.on hy tic commis- and famîly, Kirliy, wencr-eh toeWeeY paid î, tËei respects te themr sien, espccialiy as bofi major cning guests at fie, Farrowý u-cle, Mn. Lcopoid Allen, 'at lunes betwceen Toronto and hom. 36 Kinig St. E, flice Washington F u n e r ai1 Xlentrcal cross tic tewn seme 1Mn. and Mns. Cordon Trim, fl M , m jag5 tiie sain Uen'; part in, m";Home. beopold Wa's a former tinsî >piece. ncsldenit ort liiicommunity. Mn. ary ointonKem Sympatiy oftfis commuuity bic, wmss a supper gucît ITues- i extended te aIl tic rela-" day, etf1a s t week wi tihMnî. sn d tives cf Mn. Leopold Allen. Mn C.P. Swrslbow.'L'Rev. sud Mrs. Sfanlýy: M nadM. B4b. GRîb n owden sud family,9hliaw- Mis Dnna M. Bh1 ndMn. ville Que., vîsited nritti ilsi David GprentsaMr. werersGLloy Fricjay sýSnowdc n ou Tueîday, sud form,-en's prnstn.hd te rltvsfe finst cf Mns. R. G. Freeman. ti w Mrs. Annabeihç-le Rickand, ci Siaw's, wss Good Friday et- fennoon visiter wýitb Mns. Lb. C. Snowden. Sunday after- u ir o s noon, Miss Helen Baker, Ton- m ir od ente, Mns. Chiarles Joinsten, Io Mape Gov; M. ad rsiuort hday Tea visitons wi i Mns.Lb.C. Snow- Tic annuMal Hospif ai Aux-' den sud Mn. Bob Snowden. 1layBria e was icld Mn. ud ns.S. S MetonaItich Lions Centre on Friday, wcne Sundey supper guesîs Apnil 2 fncm 3 te 5. witli ler sister, Mn. sud Mns. Crccting tic guesîs aI fie Clae Allun, Bowmanviiie. deor werc Mns. S. James, Mn. suad Mn., Mici Dewson, President et Hospital Aux- Paul sud Nancy, Windsor, iliany: Mrs. Tom Cowan sud speut lie wcckcnd witi henrns.Wmn. Mornisan. parents, Mn. and Mrs. R.' Tic tes îreem wac decerafcd Cooney. in mauves sud yellows te give Mn. sud Mns. Muke Johnson s muccl necded Spring effeef sud daugihtens spent flic leautifully arnangcd by Mrs. weckend witli ber sisten sud Bill Rudel, On enferng fie bnsband, Mn sud Mrs, John tes noom flie guests went finsf Clark sud 'son Steven, Kit- te sîgu fie guet bock witi Mhn. Cac imfli c lid orcfMns. Scott, Mm-e. Mrs Carls r en hInMcbanLgiiîn, Mrs. Bdgcn sud spent Monday with lier dau1- Mnc Gnecnfîld, tien on te gîter sud husband, Mn.asorthticmembersiip fa,,ble looked Mn.rs Bob Wardell, Whlfb. atter by Mns. RHooey, Mns. Mn. sud Mns. Robent Brown Courfncy, Mns,. Dykstra sud sud son Jason, Peterborough, Mns. Cnamp. Mrs. Comric was wene Sunday supper guecsslu change ot tic donations with is parents, Mn. sud talle. Ticef ca talle looed Mrs. W. H. Brownuaso rir- lovelv witi s cenftre-picce ot lier David. yellow daffadils sort mauve Ou Tiursday lest weck, Mns. 'mums donafed ly Mrs. Me- W. R. Brown enfentained baughlin. Tee was poured by Mns. Roeet Jarvie, Mns, Wm. Mesdames Young, O'Neill, Lymer, Maple Grave, and lienr oar and Smithi. Tic guesf s moîher Mnc, A. Gibson, Base visitcd sud enjoyed a deliglif- loc, iu bonon of Mns. Gîb-. fui tesanarangcd by Mrs. seu's binfhday. Congratula- Dippi e. Tic Auxiliany hart fions, sold tickets on dolia donafed Mn, sund Mrs. Orval Hind- te fhem sud Mns. S . James man and famiiy, Hampton, prcsidedoven tic dnawing cf! wene Sunday guesîs oet is fie tickets. Tic winnenc wcne: mother, Mns. B. Hindmnan. Mns. Inwin Coiwel, Mn, . E Mn. sud Mns. Fred R. Ste- V. Hoan, Mrs. Margaret Cau- yens wcne Good Friday vis!- de, Mns. Edua Baker, Miss tors witli fixir daugiten, Mn. Deborali Rasioff c won f wo and Mns. Roy Topping aud dolis, Mns. R. Halloweil. sons, Peterboroughi. Mn. Ted Otier icîpens af flic teaý Topping nturnud home witli wene MesdaImes Fenguson, them ferrflic weckend. Gniffin, hmpoSylvester, Mn. sud Mrs. Art Wilson MernIs,,son, Jose, Smithi, spent tic weeiend with lierý on, Callani, Roan, Park,, Wil- brother, Mn, and Mrs, Hon son, MeGil, Wr, Wech. imauville, Atur. 14, 1171 1 c ary n )Mtonday,Apil2b Mns. Emenson was li fome smunity. Tic Sr.Cor ssse i a duel liy Ms PaeaSfio- son and iss enie' c Giii, provide secaimui for flcbase 'Sunodayvic 9at Yelvc'rton on unay A numben rofi-)n0is c(in- munity atfendcd t flic benefî dance hld on, Saturdvay ev-- cing for Mnr. Gary aisb JancîvilleComnfHaln Safunday evcnîng. Gary ar flie misfontunc e [ iijre ils sieulden lynrokycv eral weeks ago,ncssatg missing severai cksfo worm. Areuind $200waden cd for Mn, Paris dovenc penses. Mn. and Mrs. Alie Nas,ý and family wpe wee i guests af fie Harvey Mal" Uý1 colms, and Mn. and Ms LRalpi Malcolm witLi fieRa Malcolms in Janefvhlc, 623-3303 Sale Nice and Easy INDOOR - OUTDOOR Rubber Back-ed Carpet Reg. $5.95 $3,73 s.yd. Beavy Plastic VINYL RUNNER with grippersn 1 , 6 5 99C ft. pad whethe r ,yçým buy eorgt, T hese anti scodr.5es4foie bargains for the mntorf April on our anniversary. County Broadioom Ltd. 1742 >Brock St., Whitby. 1Souith of 401 66889 àble heciglit -hargee UDER 1,77 7,49 iHRWR our Dla 3y oe liii 'I 80 KING ST. E. OSHAWA FREE PARKING TO THE SIDE OF THE BUILDING 'B Il e