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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 14 Apr 1971, p. 2

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2'he Caniadian Statesmani, Bowmanvillle, Ap~r. 14, 1171 This Saturday ant 8 p.m. Kiwanians Plan Euchr To R-aise Furniture Funds For -Library Auditorium This Saturday, Apffl l7th,1 tire Bowmranviile Kiwanis1 Club w'11 be holding a enoirre party at :8 p.m. iu tireAudi- torium of tire Bowmanvile Public Library ou Temperance ,St. Tire au-ditorium Is tire -large rom lu intire basement of tire ibrary." Kiw7ais' purpose of tire eucirre is ta raise money ta i rtpport one of its main pro- JeCtS for BoWManvTile, tire rjrnsun f tris auditoriumi 4l1r tire ue a- f tire townsa-1 people, According ta a spoke'smn for tireKias Club, thre aim, is ta ma ke tire roam into qa speaker ý FROM PAGE ONE) cease," Mr. Imsley told tire' ~Rotarans. 1 "Many of tire breaktirroughis -have occurred in Canada," ire added. I-He saxd that certain kinds' of cancer - sucir as lung and, iuterus - coid1 be beaten pro-1 -vided tire praper precautionsi ,.are taken. "Early detectian of cancer, ijs the best and most effective1 ~cu, ire said. He explainec tirat funds --from tire Soclety go towards ~edcatonresearcir andi ta 7aervlice progra'ms for cancer liatients., Mr. Imrsley remarked tirat esomen 50.000 volunteers from tý1i jobs and disciplines wilI cvassfo funds across tire , land iidring 'tire mantir af S"Tirey are dedicated fta tire 7ideal of prolanging and sav- lng humanlieir deciared. "ýWirn people die of can- orer, too frequeutiy tireir lves have been wasted," ire id. "Thougir cancer can be: beaten t is stilliwith us," Mr. Imnsiey sali, and tiren looking aboutt'Éire roami added, "yau Are our- support .. you are cur Sciety" Tire miessage ire professedi icadionly one main point-. !nvalvement .. .everyane'sý 5nvlvemrent.11 Mr.n Imsley w-ýas introduced. by oa Strike ;and tirauked by Rex: Water-, Club presidient St-,iewM- >!vsrpresided, ~May Replace Town Grader Tiretan raeirsaîd ta miake the girde wtirBow- rran-ille town councillors. They voted iru council meet- inig on Aprïl tir ta forego r- pairs on tire machine and ex- plore tire prospý-ects3 of acquir- iug a replacement modeL. A strongly worded recam- redation fron ton cngiý*neer, Charles Watts, irad suggested tins course o'f action, According ta tw-o estimnates1 tire tawu obtarned, tire cost af re-pairïing tire preseuit machine wauld amnout ita $3,000 or more. Mîr. Watts pointed out tirat since January 1965, tire town iras spent $'3,258 lu mainten- anrce and repaira on tire mach- iue. lIncludcd in tinsamount were $3,300 for a motor ln 1967, $1,270 for crauksiraft re- pairs lu- 1968, and $1,270 for a transmnission ilu 1970. Mr, Watts saici tint tire casi of a good recondlitioned grader about 10 years aid, wauld be between $8,000-$12,000 witir W trade-in allowance of abouti $l,500 for tire aid model. A fu1ly equipped new gradi- er Would cost about $30,000. place of recreation for as< The euchre on Saturday i.....s many different types of bound to be a lot of fun, and " grusas possible. They hope it has been well supported by groupathe merchants of the town; ta provide furniture and re-aos every merchant a - creational facilities for the donated some type of prizeA use of thre people who meet for the event, making up a . there. Hopefully, it will be- tremendous list of priz'!S corne a meeting place where which can be won, people can talk,- read, pay The wIves of Kiwanians are cards, view films, perhaps cooking the refreshments too!f even play siruffleboard or bl- Sirould be a real good tîrne ,. .v liards, or simply just relax for ail whbo corne and support ~~ . wlth otirers. Sounds like a this wortbwblle cause. Hope N very wrthwhile project. to see you there! V Huard Winiter Ruises Saft B $10, 70 _ne of tire ways a person Wlfhen Bowmanr e tow can tell how bad the winter council reviewed the towns' iwas, îs by finding out ho.w statement of accounts for the mnuch, the municîpliy spent last half of March and saw the- > ýn sait. If it n high, itwafiue some of the councllors probably a bad one. If it is mnuffled gasps and looked low, it was probably a rnld aghast. Tere 1no outauthey thougirt it a bit exces- which category Bowmanville's onosiv n iroled fr srner. winter w7ould f ail under-nocntlsetyar for that matter for any com- Which is ail well and goodV munity in southeru Ontario. It But thre real issue is, can they was not only bad - it was convince Fatirer Winter to playi terrible. The cost of sait does it cool and not present such not lie. At $10,740.96 it was a blast next year as ire spent, the hihest on record, in f ury, this one. LU Un. Leaman, Mrs. M. Hackey FI awers and plants, Mrs. RÀ' eý Dickinson, White Elepirant, -_________ ClbbrMrs. E. ClarkeMils. M. Jef- miondson; Quilt draw, Mrs. M. n -R u d U (FROM PAGE ONE) McDonald; Tea Money, Mrs. A c de i K u a u second and Cirarlie Green with E. Mitchell, assisted by Mr. iis second and third. For Harold King; Kitchen, Mrs. A. A pedestrian ioni Highway Tire driver, Fred Val Carey, Kramp's Furniture Andy Mur- Dilling, convenor, witir asist- 401 east of Bennett Road was age 68, of Toronto, received piry, Ted Fairey andý Archie ants Mrs. F.-Alloway, Mrs. H. struck by a car early Good bruises ta his cirest and a pas- rounded out the scoring. Cook, Mrs. S. Cowan, Miss S. Friday at about 3:40 arn. senger Lillian Bowers of Scar- With tire exception of Slip Dilling; Door prize conveflor, George Robert Austin, age borougir, sustained bruises to Rowe in goal every member Mrs. A. Clapp. Money dora- 19, of Woodbrîdge was taken her spine, ribs and knee, An- of McNulty's was ln on the tiens were given by Mrs. A.to' Memorial Hospital lu Bow- otirer passenger Violet Carlyle scoring. Tom Wilson had tirree Passant, Mrs. S. Cowîe, Ms manviîîe, treated for an injur- of Toronto received bruises to assists, Joe Balsan irad three E. Cale and Mrs. R. Dickinson. eci rigirt elbow and lef t fore- ber rigirt shoulder and back. assists -to go witir iis pair of Tire door prizes were bas- arm, and released. AIl tirree were admitted to goals, Gary - Wlson, John kets of fruit dongted by Missl Tire driver of tire car was Bowmanville's Memorial Hos- Hughes, Alex Alexander each L. Kilgannan andi Mrs. M.blipFî7 g pital wirere tirey underwent irad a pair of assists. McDjonald, tire wi.nrs being of rontoilpFrtag 0 treatment for tireir injuries. 1on May lst thre town leagüe Mrs. Wm. Courtniey of Osh-ofTrn. Damage to tire car was esti- seaoAn will officially conclude awa and Mrs. A. Diliîng, Tire According to tire Newcastle mateci at $1100. when its anual banquet and winner of tire beautîful ul Ontario Provincial Police $5 A 17-year-old Wiitby youtir dance will take place. The waa Mrs. , M. enning. qut damage was done ta the car. Kim Allan Hogarthr, escapedl price is $6,00 a couple and A 24-year-old man Randy lijury when tire car ire wasl guests are welcome ta bath Wayne, Cox of Borden, Ontario, driving crashed on tire 4019 tire banquet and dance. Ross iI sustained f acial lacerations near Courtîce Road on Tues-1 Jackman of %Bowmanville wriill ÀI resent wiren tire car ire was driving day at about 2:20 p.n. No otirerr eneý tirhe dane wi yîth collided i wth a irydre, pale veiicle was involved ui tire, en -stic at iJ ' aotaqure il e west of mishap. Damage wAs stirnateci record musi a its best. Tick- 'd UO 'I rt aboutnanviileoa iha n yOPa 70 ets may be purchased ia Awf c r *i B avleo ihay2o yOP 70 Butch Cale, Warren Townsley, Aprul il at 9:11 p.m. Approxi- A single car misirap oný Dan Girardi, Bob Fairey or kA c l mtely $1300 in damages was Eighway 35 soutir of Ernter- Ken Veitch. To ivr.S. taples"dret iecr r Cox was prise Hill ou Good Friday at _________________admitted ta Bowmanville iros- 9:50 a.m. resulted in undeter- An interesting pragram is pital wirere ire uuderwent mined personal injuries ta tire planne for e ntral meet- treatment. His condition is re- driver Gertrud Lemke, age 28 plnueof frh eannual A -Potdas gooci. ofWaterloo and to an uniden-N cultural Society next Wednes- iree persans were injured tified passenger, Bath were ap-r day nigirt at tire Coach aiwheetire car luwiicirtirey parently taken ta irospital lu an eeriding roiled -over on Oshrawa for treatment. Dam-% For1 esaratf Higirway 401 near Cobbledick age ta tire car was estimatedi 115, AG OE Rond on April 8tir at about by investigating OPP toaireE -----PAG -- E Guest speaker will be John,11:47 p... about $1000. in tire archwaY leadmng ta athe tea room, and ecd table was centred i wth a daffodul In a icrystal vase wirich rested on a yellow doily. A beautiful -arrangement of i daffoduls andi pussy wilows iu a silver basket centred tire attractive se rv i ng table. flaukeci by taîl tapers lu sil- *ver holders. Mrs. Mllray, Mrs, B. Kitirey Mrs. E. Cole and Ivrs, A. Darcir paured tea. Mrs. B. Courtney was tea tconvenor. Tiose serving in-1 i cludeci Mrs. V. Bate, Miss -Debbie Bate, Miss Patsy Bate, a Miss- Vickie Murphy, Mra. L. Luxton, Mrs. M. Terry andi tMrs. V. Tbampsau. r Mrs. B. Courtney andi Mrs. eM. Heuning were respousible afor tire lovely decorations. l tcharge of tire variaus bootirs were: Hamebaking, MýIrs. E Edmandônu, Mrs. M., Staintan, Mrs. E. Dedson; Candy, Mrs. LI-AS!r NEW CARS FOR 1LES "%H A R D T0 P S"y $99,00 PER MONTHA 1971 GALAXIES, EMPALAS, TORINOS EQTIPPED WTITH 1V8, RADIO, AUTOMATIC, POWER STEERING, POWER BRAKES, WIIIlTEWALLS. '71 MAVERUCK Per $90 2DR. AUTOMATIC -$79,,00 '71 PINTO Fer $90 2 DR 4 SPEED -------MOnth 6 o0 36 Mo1,nth 60,000 mile net lease PHONE 576-1800 Cl85 KING ST.WEST OSHAWVA Roy-al Winter Fair. There wl also be a special presentation of an Award of Menît to Mrs. M. H. Staples, in recognition,ý of lier many years of dedicat -ýI ed effort on behaif of the" socîety, Tickets areaalae from the Directo rs. (FROM PAGE ONE) would wish to become enroi - ed i the new Bowmanville High Srhool's technile duca- tion programs., It would leave "on]ya stump" of an area, conssting of between 16,000-17,000 stu- dents, Yet, Mr. 'Strike ýsai, the. Department of Education ha recommended that. the number 0of students under a Boardsý jurisdiction should be no less- than 20,000, Weknow that r egional governrmen-t wl corne to the area sooner or later butw' feel that in the interests oifý education, it would bDe prema- ture at present,"Mr-, Str-ikeý said. He suggecsted ta pi may be tenable but only after Port Hope and Cobourg have Ïbecomne more populous centers. Ini the meantime, hie makes, no bones; abouit his3 desirean theî Bo>,ard's,-token dua tion iith the Counies., The Mnîstr o, 7obhernt elch lstened to te d e ga - t h ton and naid he wouild t-'akeý their position under consider-I ation and discuss the mnatter l with the Minister of Municipal Affairs, who is ultimately re- sponsible -for the regional gov- erument studies undertaken in the province. Mr. Strike has good caiuse to expect not only a sympathnetic but understanding ear as weil fromn the Minister. Mr. Welch; is from the Lincoln district which was incorporated into, the. Regional Gover7nment of Niagara Januaýr-y, 1970. Though ,many government fun--ctîis i changed to the regional au- thority, education- was not one of therm. It is administered by thre same boaýrds as before. The delegation also consist- ed of Frank Thom, Director of Educat;in; M. A. M4acLeod, Business Manager of the Board; Jef f Rolfe, a form er Board chairman; Sid Worden,' trustee for Darlington; Art Rowan, trustee for Cartwright- Manvers, and John Nesbitt chaîrman of the Teachersj Board Relation Committee. I I FO DM Newton 1ville's Easler Parade Most SuccessFul on Salurdlay IN UNCHANGE inuf air andi uncirauged candi. IN UCHAGED tion" today lu tire Sick Chilci Search for Crash Pads CNIINrn optli oot Edward Charles Latt, seven- Tire boy was struck by aý year-oid son of Mir. andi Mrs. car au Marcir 29tir near ui' For and rin Yo thsEdward Lott of Varcoe's Roaci, home, No charges w~e laid For and rin YothsDarlingtou Towurship,_remains in tire accident. Tire 200,0ý00 bed-uigirt tar- get which tire government is Lroping ta acirieve for sum- mnerls wanderiug youtir criss- crossig tire countiry, may not prove enougir. terested people to write ta tire Summer Crash Pad office at 102 Bank Street, TiirdiI Floor, Ottawa, Ontario, forý further information. Sa a group iras lbeen set up Tirere wouid be no pay for to try ta secure suppiemen- tire citizens' services. Tire, bary hostel -accommodation If graup, irowever, is requesting aud when requireci. tire Secretary of State ta ex-] Its aim is to compile a tend thirr0eO per bed -night 'Su-mmer Crash Pad Listing' payment toalal partlcipating, wiricir would coutain tire, citizens. names aud addresses of citi- Eacir citizen iras tire rigirt zens ln the Dominion wiro of refusai at tire time of 1 would be willîug ta accom- original request or at anyj mýodate travelling youth on time durîng tire youtir's stay[ an occasional basis. Coordin- if tire youtir's continued pres- ator of tire service. John Var-I ence becomes undesirable. TIK UacD ALD KING ST. WEST (ca T4hornton Rond) OSKFAW A DELOITTE, HASKINS & ,SELLS C..hartered Accountants- OFFICES IN MAJOR CINUTIES OSHAWA CENTRE -- OSHA'WA FARTNERS: GORDON W. REIFCAR1A BURT R. WAT!ERS, ýýC.A. PH ONE 728-7527 Fully equipped long wheel base 131 inch style side * 8 foot box * customn cab ' 240 cubic inch engine * 3 speed Ford syn. transmission ' front twin 1 beam suspension * chrome grill* and ail, standard equipment *ini- cludes ail taxes except Ontario sales tax and icense. MacDonald Gives Start . '. . and Keeps You There You a Head Service That PHONE 576-1800 DOWIN PAYMENT 0F or Trade, of Comparable value PAY ONkiLY WEEKLY ON BALANCE OFFER APPLIES TO PICKUPS IN STOCK EXAMPLE SPECIAL UNTEREST Selling Price ,,, $2732.00 Down Payment ........... 279.00 RATES Balance to Finance .......... 2444.00 Charges ......... 502.35 Through Ford Motor Credit Corp. during this sale Life Premium ...... ......... 32.05 3l Monthly Payments at ............ 82.90 <iL.. $67.70 interest per annum on balance of $1,000.) Simple Interest ...... 12.39%,

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