We Un( Counties Approve Pro'ect recordi saudwiç eenly ii local1 Reve y1.1?kstra A G-iflsT Martin O eunien Plan t en 593,00. dray cv and Mr On old e n P"lough Lodge 1AL-,a Bowmnvile' Rev oba- Hoe for the Acd la$4,349.7,5, beda. v ykSti il, bas spoka ut Ceboucg's shuee la $7,276M5,. Thea proj aeti1 l bi d-Ese ageisi bc Uited The mpvmet t bbc dition cof aboti 21,000 squar"""The Couche propoaI bo n Lodge wecc c ouisier eseni- feet pmore speýca wbicb h i bc a $5q3,000 cvtiýon p rni iai final b Hceusbcfire mr-coat ep-xmbey 2 a r te~~~~~ ~ bb odnPng Ldehallhadlied dececd a part cf suarefootieconstrulct, Teforces bbc Countlicasenorctebcold wing unsefe anid second ac e cf bbcestmtdtota1l "ItTuo home, in Cobourg. ibecause il wýas failt ther-ewa coat of $5193,000 viii ha for,!Mc. Reporting to Bowmi-anvillela need for fecilities sucb as afrusîgsTadaerg.dia-Pa Town Couneil onpil tchapel, an auditoriumn, aud way;s and ncltcbfes I$3, e th Rev sidtht heprg-adjuvant and craît rnmail 000). and Mre ram, which invoi 'lvsth tear- addition te more beda. Reeve Dykstna's aruen n u ing down ofr a]nrold wing cfý The old wiug contaîna, ac- a9aint i[ heplan iwcre fer Mca.« the building as weu,1a con- commodetion for 18 pnosnugl'lTie proposai waa ap- bcd d Ètructing a'new euec, , will ces- The ncw adition il.-v l bv no yCountes Counicil iu and Mr ll in bbc additioîî cf onliýy 14 ferilibies f orý about 40 monre ils session leist 1ontlh. 1Witbl beds - from the presant 1----- Bernai' ttepisnned 166, " N W' NI L tReeve Dyktra fait thet thel N E W MNV In E B~c money would have heen het-I bbc vii11 ter invesiecieuuiîgsenior Messrs. Joseph IVartelli and inmc'PlunbbheSuinday Schorol tnîces. citizen homes in tù2e- paltsa Jek Elliotboth retucncd1hall and Grant Wade vws Mc. of the Unted Counties, pre- home fren- hospit.al, lest week. elePCcd Presideticf bbc Se.- Joncsi fccably on thecaeu or wesi-I Mca. Mary Wade altended cit vilbh 1arlie Tri- of ton, W( cru flauka. the neception foc bbc District Bewmianv;illc, Seccetary-Trcýa- Mc. ai He pointed eu t that there la Depuly Grand Matron of Diat- sucer- Monda; enlyoneperonbren- Bew- rcrt il, lu Teronto, lest Sat- The chucrb waa dccorated bon net lodgie, egisteicad lu the ucday. wîtb lovcly flowecs and East- evening 29ge from ea ttheca ar e 28 or Mr. Grant Wade altended an an Plants for the annuel GoodFocd 2 rmCobouc, O.B.A. meeting beld in bbhe iy alrno eriespn on-d Under- th e;qnp oi1ument of Holiday Inn et Heapeler, lest sord yh uriJC W.,e vihmeeting bbc Couuty rate forý 1971, Bow- Sundey. fied rn eudr!al, Shilohi, hall, M manvillc's ahaýe cf bbc $45,- On Weduesday eveuing, thejNexvrastle ei-d O-onio were lu con-me. 490 budgel le niai an the'Lakashoce UVn-pires' Associa- jattendance. Scriptural' ncad,-luca jig sud prayer by Rev-. T. J. Preside Sucigrove oeed the service, ha a g, whilePrsdn Shirley Mer- itl vÀ,clcon-ed -ili present, sud iutroduccdfbbc gucat speaker, 'I casl't figure ou ui," a housewife told ber husband wa, aun-i ly. Mouay nig"ton lîkad turkay, Tiaesday nigbt you'Telatrbrought us R IîedtrkyWdusdyeibbyu ikdtuke nd eow, ciSl'c'în ac oun thebb great The hkedýnrc,ý jlghtyoulike tukeya uoi ýwerkbing dou, far sud wîde, Marie ff a suddcný , o husa night, youi DON'T like turkey." te assist thic sick and ncedy. William Two nun-bans xvere given bY cd et f CLOTHES CARE HINT: the choir, "eeaFeu Fron- istera Stains from eergs vi damnage germa-nnts quickly, Takze Ris ys and "Bcbold bbc and iý them immcdiately teyourdryvclecuer for expert professionalHqJd5Rend f Jesus". Afier bbc Simpsol attnton srvice, ail wcne inivitod down- ville, a' sttanicnfor lgtrefncshmenls, ucday heca social ltime xvaa an- 1971. rý,ETURl!N OUR. PINK ENVELOPE OydRev. T. H. Smith Of streame 'Ncrasleou hahaîf of- the sctîng n1a rpedChUld toey p10e ppeain te basd Mr Chequ~eut e rippld -n-a-bers f bbc llU.C.W, Bowmai and ebendd an ivitation 10 is, tbe LLE ncet ith bc Nwraslc wiliamn B geu [lbcevciuof April îe I W IAUnY I 21.f th r, M c a d c a B ,R e n d e r e e t - l e son sud Elainel, Bwaviicrin-pi ERS ,ý-wcre Fnîdeyeve,ýnîng visitera lceves Wl OIT 84S1KING ST. W. 623 '520 whMn. sud Ma F. Hender- whitea1; CLOTHE lineanc LENr "We Specializiî In Shirt Laundaring" Ol wthM.adMra. e-lau JJimAdmaouFnidey werc: held by Mr. sud Mca. Gerald Adams mcd xvi _____________________________________________asd fan-ily-, Mcl. sud Mcrqccce George Fulifit 0f ronoMrcarinka S~and Mca. Don Ad o f Bran-- Ms aies, Mc.F. Januco f Dent- R R.4, mouth, Nove S(otia; Mn sd Mns.De Rlie sudfaniIy f Ibcid's Saturday, M.dM ca. .111ýlj pim lontdi Adamis visited fr,,iand et Rai,'- rre Wood and n iSuudeJy theyanlegb tertaîned Mc. sud Mca RObeofPin MaMurh mad fan-ly 01f Mn. r Bren-aiea.ba cioo waa hor n-agin ovar the c u Sweekend, xMr.cand S Mca, . ETi- w&?auover-1hrt ~unÎght us.itHi Mc. sud Mcc. rcivad Oýnr:1,(SIawa, on srebî -F RANSWERS TO rt . eudey.saga oi Goo xvalbr avoced the groomris 'YQ UR13.1 IS UlA NCÇE JH cILN sr atrPrdSteged necive bac Saura flrnoon, corn- lac gth PROBLEMS tnnuirgPt tbbc acýhool et 1:c0 saga cf end vccencagrecd, it was c M bizggrarnsd hbler then avecrc rsidiiig ieecl 0f the local ideca Ian Oshawa. tewyon borsaback, with Th i bbc ohel Bud dunvîngPublie e -tarn-artcarhig eat, le Senior whchbb vnous groupa' of Cut Guies Cba Scouts and The grc ledrs 1etucera, etc., in creat Pu ro01n r 11fuliabîe kapt stap. There Senior wcr svealattrative floats dala C lu bbc ,lineup azs wclî as a hevy Vna PfrougcgirlIs sud boys 'ou Oshaxva- Schoield- Ak r thir gîlydccoraled bicyclesi (ailobe i bbctraffîrc ules, Busd Limtedwe obîed> Letbut by ne ara lesa n-cnsleaicea e efln'c thcrwisi 39 ingSt Wat ren- Newca7stlc sud hika pcb, ng st WfA Oc-o, anld Leland Payne with responsil - Bwmnvilegrandaen Bill Bickle besîdo an-medial h1m, ein bis imoreasive stean- as 601 angline.r Those nesponsîble for Safcty 1 p h- ceplanning sud arcanging this mobile i Phone ifai ircertaînly to cnie. 3 cesof their efforts, sengersE Gond veatber aise fav1oced xvays te Ra.Phone 623-7752 'bbc sale aRi n. George Sapa-safa cpe lon's nSetunjdey, et -xvich, street cal [ The iowest piebest tastingr A11raia cream sherry in Ontario is at yvour local liquor store. Try thîs remrarkable wine imnported fromý sunny Australia. Treat yourself and your friends today. Other fine Emu wines 999 Red Port Wiýne Mediurn Dry Sherry 444 Dessert Wine Imported and bottled by the LCBO ndenstard, thene was a1 1ablendauce. Cofe eandj ichas wene provîded in the aflannoon, bythbbc R IJ.C.W. Pcactceliy aill us of bbc Stapleton and nay S wa utfamilles came down f5 Noh Roy Paterson. îciiirfebn Misa' Sheryl Ashton with Misa G. Fenguson, Misa Lîndp, Gray and Miss Linde Falah, , ~l.were on e bus tcip te New I U Oeton Yock on the weckend, Mr. and Mca. Cherlie Gar- ýrrd eccompenied Mc. andý Mca. Alfred Garrard and v7iaited Mr. Bruce Garcard and femlîy and Mr_ and Mca. Robert Townsend, Keswick. Mc. and Mca. John Joncs, and femîily vîsited Mrn 2 KIN ST EE M W.Pater son and an]ý sas well and Mrs. Raymond Gil- Reading ohd! ae svert this.unpbaatable th1[eory, )fIslington were Satur- a fasciniatingi past-ti-me(. 0Onc A black lump of somecthing isý 'ening visitors with Mr. a person strt i nt hr psc from hand to hiand and Irs, F. Gîlmer. to becom adîced jst ask ro journal to journal. There and Mrs, Clareoce Far- AlexanderEdso of Otta-'is a cr7y of "Flureka"; but it and Karen of Montreal wa. MrF. Edmisoni, who as des ot last long. No mines weekend visitors withinomnvlercty to ad-'aie sunik, or nothing comes of fva Farrow. dress thle We(st Dujrham C(,ari- themi, and the public f ails T. J. Sneigrove's topic, adiani Club, is ani avid collect- back upon the conviction that, Sutina mornîng was or ofr old journalls. Riscol- after ail, there is something Vonderfuil Resurrection"' lection dates back to- the sev- in Science. How the Bow- tundmartyrdm no eenth ï0icentury and, the days manville ex-primentis to end, bîus v-ictory over the of Chlarles the Second - The we are unable 10 discerni. of cvii. The- choir sang London Gazette, anýrybody? Resolutions passed at public ok His Hceartbreak". Whehwa in town, Mr. meetings won't settle the anId Mvrs. Ted Lane, Edmison mertined that hc doubt; nor will smart sneers and Mlichaýel of Orono hbad corne across an o, ld New, at learned exponents of 'inrer guests withMc. York newýspapec hc had theories. However, the double [ïs C. H. Lane and Barry, referrc-d to Bo3(wmanvýile as test, practical and professional, mday. aq possile, coal mîmnng cele is, we believe, in course of Maly ade and Granjt -at t the- pro)spec-ts had aplplication to the new local- inner,. Sunday, withMr, appearcd mostalluîiigthen, îýty; it will give us the most Trs. S. J. Lancaster. He said hit- would send a copyslncere pleasure to record here- hMrs., A, Milligan and of the paper, and sure en coug11 lfi, fr that Bowmnanvîlle is cewreM.and Mrs. lA arrived in our mil la4)st seceki-ng permission from thej yorofLsa, week, ILegislature 10 change its GerePelhick was in The extract i fi.rm hena ti 0 Newcastle or lage, Su-nday, callîng on New York "Alilôn" dated Slield-is!" June l9th, 1858; ,hie1ds il might have been andc Mrs. acGregor "A physical questioni, thal but neyer Newcastle. The and Debî f Burlîng- lias been raised lateiy among1 Village of 'Newcastle was in- vere dlinner gtýuesîfs wîth our friends over the northecn corporated two years earlier, nd Mârs. C. M. Jones, border, bas interested L]S* on January Ist, J1856, 1. more,, we must own, than Tpn the saine edition were a and Ms Frank Stapie- many of the political enigmas number, of curlous items - ;urned homo, Sunday on whose solution their Parli"a- news 0 f the day. Such as the g, after a holiday in ment and their Press bestow ý,>texi f a speech Disraeli de- a. ~so much lime and ability.l-,ivecred to farmers in Buck- eo's fistitute annual Coal or no coal? That's a iý,inghamshire wherein he de- ig ini the Sunday School simple question - a pretty ol1 scrï bcd the dastardly intrigues Vednesday, April 21, one 100, at Ibis-datc, scn fthe opposition party, where ncing -with a pot-luck that nearly a month h ls -"scbieming polilicians were iii at 1 p.mn. District cd since tedseyo the focmîng . . . a-cabal bo upset ent Mrs. R. Davis wiil genluine.article wstnhuc eb Governmeîit '0f the guest. cd at Bowmanqville,, about 40fue) .. Te heewsj -- miles cast Mf Torni)lio. Wc 'ýthe report of French intecests need scarccly tel]i a sinigle gathcring in Central Americal WE DIGreader at ail conversant with to examine the prospect ofi WEDDINGIhe affairs of the Province, building a canal "marrying1 'RAERHAL Iat the geologisîs, with Sir the waters of Atiantcie anld. FRASER- HALL W. Logan at their hcad, have Pacifi."~ News fresh friomn marriage of Miss Joan deduced from scientific data India told of numerous skirm-ý Hall and Mr. Douglas the lamentable fact that Cana- ishes and. ambuscade, on-e m, Fraser, was solemniz- da is and must be devoîd Of ending with the unhappy note the home of the bride's coal deposit. Once in, a whîle, that "Genecai. Adrian Hope Ls and brother-in-law, Mr. an experiment is made which among the dead", another Virs. Allan Thiessen, for a moment scems 10 contro- wilh the menacing statement Dn Avenue, Bowman- that "the rebeis were collect- at four o'clock on Sat- u~n K ing rapidly at Calpee, whece afternoon, March 61h,J ±±.1.±JJ they wcre making another White beils andi pink stand against the Bcitish". In ers forrned an effective club "i hcld their April the United States the Amer*- for the ccremony. Tbe meeting on Wcdnesday nîght, can Bank Note Company hadà ai the daughtec of Mr.1 April 7tb. Owing 10, sick- juLst becn formed and, the ý .r Horace Hall, R.R. 1,1 ness, the group, only bad onieMormons were quitting Sailt nville, and the groom' number on the progcam, a Lake City for a retreat 40 son, of Mr. and Mrs, piano solo by Mrs, Jean Sic- miles to the soulh. An article- SFraser, Oshawa. 1 mon. Several items of busi- relalcd the unbelievab le bard- in in marriage by ber ness were deai1t with. There ships of persons sentenced fo bbc bride wore a was a wckday planned for the galîcys durîng the reigril lngth drcss, of blue April 271b aftecrnoon, Bcing of Louis the Fourlccnlh, A'n ne styled with long your mops, and pails. Ail announcement was made that ;and adocned w:tli Welcome., Plans were finaliz- a ncw screw steamer, bbc- ace trim aI tbc ncck- cd for Bowling on Satucday Nova Scotia, had just made a id heml!ie, Hec sheul- evening. 38 gathercd. Bazear first and very rapid passage ithwht veil was wîll bhe held May Sili. Watch across the Atlantic (lime was ya wbite crewn t1dm- Coniing Events foc details. net given), and at the very 1h daisy lace, and she Mc. ind MVrs. J. Potts had bottom of a lîst of riew books Sa bridai bouquet of auccîepary forlier mo- was the newsman,'s favorite d white 'mnums. Iher, Mrsý,,Wueri , who reference, Barlletb's 'A C"ni- 'Monica Vecbrugghe Of ecelebcatcd lier 801h bîrhda,,ylertion of Familiar Quota- Bowmanvillc. mwaý3s bhc on Tuesda, Arî 1hAmn'ton onrly attendanit adthe guesîs wýce Mra. Mactnsi hiti, aIseu in street,- Mc and iH . JackStuari She perried a bouquet1and Sue, Hiamîllton, Mr. o On ,Saturday evering, Mc, &, white and Yellow Mns E. Topple and farnîly, ai-d Mcs, John Sinclair and Bowmanville, Mr,. arnd Mca other relatives journeycd te jerr Ce cf shaa To Smth.Missîssauga, were Toronto te celebree with Mr: It 11a Easter visitera aia Mr. and and Mca. Jack Hartwîck their reception wea held ai Mn. D. Cameronsa. 251h Weddîng Anniversary dMrsa Thiesseena home Mc, and Mrs. Jirn Grahiamf, lVrs Hactwick was the formr the bridc's mether ce- Gordon and G;regory, Valley- Doris Curson and ber parents, weering a pink lace, field, Que., Garfield Graham, Mc, and Mrs. Jin Cursen, hec ength dresa wilh cor- Queen' College, Kîngston, brother Mn. Jim Curson Jr.,j ýf blue 'mums, The were Setuirdav is,î itera ef Mc. and bar lhree sisters, Mrs. May 5mother asitedt and Mrs. Leslie Greham. Sinclair, Mrs. Irene Hicks and and chose. a ajtreet- MVrs, Henry Ashtoo, Port.Mrs. Joan C'ouch ail ceaide' silve ress with cen- Hope, Mr. and Mrs Jîim Ash- in BrownIs Section. The com- torange 'muisi, ton and frien, .Fort En, tmunîly extends their veryl" and Mrs. Fraser are ware Thursday isloataIMn. best wishes! et 529 Lorraine St., and Mca. Leslie Graham's. Kethy and Gordon Browný Mr. Ruy Plaxws, B5aîliebocoD have rnoved thîs week to their bride attended Tyroee pent Ester Monýdey with new home in Peterborough. School, M. J. Hbbs the Rosa Ashton famîly. Blanche and Paul Collîson Public School and Mc. and Mrs. Tom Smith, and chîldcen spent the Easter eSecondary Scheol. Mississauga, ware Sundey weckend with hec parents ai rn atlended Wood- supper guesta cf Mc. and Mca, Tevistock, Ontario, 'blir Scheol, Ridgaway J. Poîts and family. Visiting wîlh McaS. Olge Public S hool, East- Mc, Daîbeci Potts, Ren- Kozub and girls on the week-' ulegiale and General fcew, spent the Eastar heul- end 'as Mrs. Koî'ub's sisber, Secondary School in day et bis home. 11Mca. Walchuk. Tîna was als3o Mc. and Mrs, Bcrt Ashton, homne foc the long weekcnd - Toronto, weca Saturdey sup. from Toronto University. rlvcna, bcb g. human, Per guesta cf Mr. and Mca., J. The Eastec Pa rade in New- 9safe if irritated or PoIla and famîly. e distîucbed. But un- Mc, Tcnry Thompacu, Tor-1 "W e m ake a pE 'ivae mooîttheir' unte, spenl the wuelend wîlhi iblity v inicludes the hla grendmethec, Mrý A.1 ate safety cif as many Tbempsen. Sunday visiteral people. 'IlleOntario wîtb Mc . Thompacri wce League asks ailte-Mc. and Mca. F. A. O.mond, i drivecs te showv extra Mc M. sud Mca. E. R. Thompaon j iltion towecds 1public aind Cynthia,' Bowmranvillc, rtalion vehiclea. Pas-. Mc. and Mca. R. M. Taomp-' aise can belp in rnany son and Penny, Leakard, Mr,' oenauce the acneotb, and Mca. ID. X Thompacu and eration cf buses and Donoy, Han-iltxon, Mr. R.1 Péghl now's your chance ta gel a .And, if youre wornied aLbout 1-iw io lksh, green grass lawn and save a cspply our haif-price offer, here's bundie of lush, green cash besides. another offer. Buy the new $32.95'a Here's how the. deal warks. When QRTHO LciwX Spreaider for'only you buy one bag of ORTHO-GRO $22.95*. A saving of $ 10.00. Or the Iawn Food at the regul1ar price ofl ORTHO Whirlybird Spreader regu $5.95*' you gel the second bag for larly $5,95* for only $4,5;*, hialf price. Two bags for $&.93* OTHER LAWN CARE SPECiIAL$ (enougl Iobc6ver 12,000 square feet). OiRTno-Go Weed azîd , eeL Save You save $2.98. 7$3.47. Buy first bag CIl$95 ORTHO-GFo Lawn Food cornes in 1 get second bag at $.3.48*. concenlraled high-polency pellets, OItTHo0-GRO Crob cross Col; It's fast-acting, long-lasting, easy ta v rol. Save $4.48. Buy firsi baq cipply.. Gives you a richer, greener,& cil :$&95* gel second bag at ]a.wn in a m alter af days, not wek, $4.47*. Our con-cern for gardens is grawing. *manufacîurertslsugýgetd wa t cîie. BUY DIRECT F"R0M -,1ýiR&ý.: We grow alil oaur own eergrlceens at our nursery L FOUNDATION EVERGREENS 2 Mountbatten 2 Hctzi 1 Mugho Pine COPLTEGROU$ '99 Pline62a577ny~No.2 Between Oshawa -Rowmanville; mnny, do more for you 198AVRIL I5 - 24 more for a, penny. Plus special values on Q7e & LOVELL EAST REXALL RUGS BO VILLE DUyV Ibis bag first, torille q;was a huge succes, 1 The t!anadian Statesman, flowmanville, Apr. 14, 1971 wîth ail the local groups tak- ing part and more floats agaîn than there were last year, son,ý Mr, and Mrs. Robert Mrs Wellington FarwIi, The local majorettes beaded Stiles this past week. ýNewcastle at theli home oni up the parade, quite gaîly and Mr. and Mrs. Glen Mulligan, Saturday evenîng. Cards andf attractively attired in their Oshawa, visited on Suna a social evenîng wereeno- brand new turquoise blue out- with the Miches. d fits. Taki.ng part in the par- Vîsitors over the long week- On Tbursday evenrngmn ade also was the Newtonville end with the Simpsons includ- of the ladies from the neigh!- Drum and Bugle Band. ed guests from Newmarket, borliood attended a mse Mr. and Mrs. Charles Ai-bin liownsview, Toronto, Clark- laneouls shower at the home o were guests on Thursday ev- son and Kendal. Mrs. Hilda Cail, Newcastle-, i ening at the Andress-Mac- Mrs. E. Caîl spent a few bonor of Miss Georgie Siimp'- Duff wedding in the United days in Toronto last week. son, whose wedding is inak Church, Newcastle, and at the Mr. and Mrs. Geo, Stephen- place on May 7th. Georgieý reception, following at the soli, Miss Jean Perrin, Mr. Bill reccived many usefulgit Community Hall, Newcastle. Morley, Mr. and Mrs. Alec and thanked the ladies vr Mr. and Mis. Gerald Stilcs Martin, Mr. and Mrs. T. Wil- gracîously. A few ccnteste_ý f rom Amherst,. Nova Scotia, son attended the 55th Wed- were enjoyed and Ifilda, serv,ý have been visiting wîth their ding Anniversary of Mr- and cd a deliîous lunch. and g-, it;t th'ES bag àtý2,prlce--o Itýy