4 The Canadian S atemn owinarville, Arr. 14, 1971 EDITORIAL COMMENT :AnolFier Provincial Tille Cornes Here On)Y Suriday nigîl, when word came throuýigh t14f tlhe Pee Wee A Trailsleds bad defealed Essex~ to win the Ontario ,iapionshiip, the(re was, of course, g.reat elalion over tle achievement, as there sliould be. Tliey played well and acquilted th-emiselves admiirably in their iq)pea9rances; here anid away from home. LnfIortuinately,, their bus broke down and they were extremely laIe in arriv- iiig hompe, so tle customary celebration i nd viCtory march down the main ýtr-eets, didn't 'come off às planned, but thie tirill of winnn eained. We now hocpe that tîle Junior C lied Eagles will be able to emurflate their young counler- parts jin finishinig uip their next series with the prvniltitle and the trophy. Thiniking back, one lias to givecon- iderable credit to Bud Fanning and lis l<ercreaition Department program sup- porled by- town councils, for making A Fond Farewellt I n 1le ný rear future, oneI ofBo wman- yille's hardeipF working, public-spîrited ,etizenis will be leaving hlere to assume .n.iiew post in Kingston. We refer, of _'èurse, to R. G. 'Bob' Lawton, manager bf thie local brandi of the Toronto- Domîion Bank. ~ hseditorial is a small effort on ir par-t bL express appreciation to him ýIr îl te work, above and beyond tle Ilof duty, that hie had donc whule a ,.esident of this community. Other men ~eoehimr in the banking field have aedagreat part in town affairs, it ees o be tleir nature, and, if you Marshall McLuhi by Derek Sidenîus Miarshall ]\,cLuhan has been called 1,an lhngs in Ilis controversial life. utperhap)s the most irïteresting pos-. ~îfiy we hav hard for somne time is al-at le is obsolete. To morst people that woýuld mean eis kaufinîisled, ouitmoded -and .robably should be dîscarded., To Professor MoILuhan, however, 4be notjin of obsol.escence is an appeal- gore. Writing a Letter to the Editor Ilfhe1IC Globe and Mail, lie ici il known IUhat ithe word means to Ihim niot the end -ýj anythJjng but thie beginninig. Interpreting thc word literally from ifs best Webster definition, Mc- Luhain is spot on correct. (Who would bave the--_ unmitigated gaîl to say him rog)Indeed, nowherc in its defini- tion will you find that obsolescence inassomething lias endcd - only appoaeingan end tbrougli tlie thing's disie, oLuanbeing a master pro- iucl o, bievironmnen t, 1mlust be think- ilig lIai concomitant with a thing's dis- this championship possible. You musmt also congratulate those who have devot- ed so much of their time, the executive, coaches and trainers of these young players -as they have corne Up through the recreation setup over several years. Iinless you are closely connected witli the organization as a worker, an ob- server or a parent, it wouldI be impos- sible to realize the great effort extenci- ed by many men and women on behaif of these youngsters,., . ail, without any thought of recompense. In fact, most of, those involved must be conisideïrably out of pocket at the, end of a hiockey season. Apparently, they find real satis- faction in working with these young players and bringing tliem along. Our congratulations to the Trail- sleds for bringing home the Conn Smytli trophy. You are real champions! to a G ood Citizen like, an integral part of their vocation, Quite £requently, they became treasur- ers of manyv organizations and did their jobswell. We wouldn't take anything away from them, but Bob.has shown himself to be a leader, willing to d.evote much time and effort, to making this community a better place in which to live. As a result, his work here with the Chamnber of Commerce and other groups will live. after he has gone. We wish him and lis f amily well in lis niew, larger community and ex- press thanks for the privilege of know- ing them while they were liere, We shail miss them. an I's Obsolete? use there must be a replacement sub- stitute to balance off its impending loss. All well and good, and I can't real- ly think at the moment of an instance that might refute such a notion. But in the noble art of communi- cations, people for the strangest and most completely illogical reasons give words thfeir own sweet meanings. It is not that they hale semanticisîs or want to giv'e philologists massive headaches that they do so. Il is simply that mean- ings grow out of the common exehange of people in the market-place or should it -be supermarket-place. And who car- ries a dictionary to be sure he is giving the rîghl meaning to words he is using? McLuhan may stili be the best com- municator Canada, las produced, tii century, but if le isn't careful, le ifl. soon end up only able tocommnunicate with himself. Aind hoWv do yoti fiînd a substitute forth? Wýiatever meainig yoôu ascribe ta tle word, obsolescence is inevitable. on tle rer f an Ontario Miner !{okeyAssciaionplayers, card is a pn.Inted pledge, that should le read by c-very ,,bey adstudicd by evcery parent, 11t is ýentitld 'layers Promise' and gesas follows,: I promise te be a godd sportsan; l play fairly unider ail con- diin;te give e.ýpponents a fair chance iinic nioVte take unfair advantage of any oppor#nnt lewin modestly a7 nd receive ,eea&ith asîl;to rememrber that 'I' nya gae; nd te gîve credit te tilIc lathain is. I promiise rnetot ueio odspte crefcre's d cecisi ions Pand Jla abîIde by thc rules and rul- in-gs- of thc league. 1 promise le place In 0île bille a;gainst'the impaired d-river 1Ilere ,cari le ,pne deublthal, wlat- rverilsfui, aaa breathalizer leýýgu1isi is cf ignificarit value as a deterrnt. T arean other penalties, hoeewhilch ca pl jusl as costly te île ~ ~ ~ ~ i moorIIcnvcedcf.paired driv- ing, Vfmayiversdo jnet reaIïze il, but lîiity plcisha-ve acaueprolibit- inig usof tle veicehile the driver is îitnarced by drugs, or alcohol. Even though li e carnies full insurance a car o1wner may become personially hiable for damages awiarded as a resuit cf an ac- cident while îlec driver,,, was inlexicated f orepople tleulgît' about this faci seneusywe recertain there would le fewer diesentering tîcir cars afier '4p few drinkýs." One of tlic basic diffictdties in grap- my school work ahead of hockeyý and refrain from playing if hockey inter- feres with my progrcss at sclooL, 'l promise nei le snoke, and te keep proper heurs, se that I may be at my best fer tle team and se that I may grow up te be. a geod player and a healthy citizen. 1 promnise te obey my coadch and team officiais at alI urnes; le obey my parents, my sdhool teachers and my teachers at clàurceh or Sunday Scol. In this way I know that I will le wcll coached in nîal phases cf my life and shal l e well prepared for a useful lf e wlcn I grow up, It's a mette worth renernbening for beys of all ages. ping with tle preblem cf traffic offend- ers, we suspect, is tle myti lIat dî'ivinf permits are a right. A licence le drive is ne sudh thing; it is a priviiege graint cd te ihose who arc, or shouldlers ponsîble eneugl te assume cntrlof vehicle on thc rcads and hgwasanr ie have duc respect fer îhe lives 8nc safcty of others. There are many motarisis abreAt teday whese driving records are app;al ling. We believe, that if more of îlese chrenie offenders were to be denied thl privilege of ever legally driving agaii there would be fewer repealers in tht courts, fewer accidenits on île roads. I woufld le a powcrful deltrret. Btt1ev hesitant the courts seentI revok-e lia privihege, or when iley do, how pront te impose the minimumn licence suspeni sien. Dulrm Cowjify'3 Greact Famiiy journalç rsallfeii year - agoI iUA Also 'Incezporcttiag The Bowmanvi1le News The Newcastle Independent The Orono News Phone 623-3303 Seýcond clasa mail regýitrction number 1561 Produced every Wednesday by THE JAMES PUBLISHING COMPANY LIMITED 62 -66 King St. W., Bowmanville, Ontarie Phone 623-3303 1- 9 Ëe t ff 07A ÉA O-I '7W Lette, Dear Sir: In your issue, March 31, 1971 - $600,000 acddition te the "Golden Plough Lodge". When 1 look at bbc pro- posed 40-bcd addition at a cost of $600,000.00 it works out simply te $15,000 per bed. Many equippeci hos- pitals are built for less; but then this is only taxpayers' money being spent. When private enterprise can buîld some of the best Nursing Homes in ithe coun- try, completely equipped, of- fering ail services for' less than $10,000 per bed includ- ing land purchase. t makes one wonder wlat tbey are using 10 build the addition te the "Golden Plougli', Marble from taly or Gold Bricks as the name would The fact that ibis county home,- operates at a deficit (I1 jl6 9 - 1LS1,221.71) and it cossts every tap,:ýayer in bbc ,ounties 1/ 0f a miii, cee- ialy does not indicate any improvement for the future. Perbaps the same taxpay- crs would be intercstcd in knowing why tbc deficit and why ibey are beiag taxed extra te keep Ibis home in operation - simply because tbc administration for the counties sec fit to openate at a rifficulously low figure of $6.60 per patient per day which does not even cover ibeir operating costs. Even bbc Provincial Goverament pays $10.50 per day. But, then it's only bax money - SQ WHO CAlES? F. Beaucage, R. R. 4 Bowmanvilic, Ont. A\peIl 7, 1971 lvlc. Alex Caruhers> M.P.P., Queea's Park, Toronto, OntarlÏo. Dear Mr. Carruihers: i am afraid my letter migh«It souad a bit saecasiic. T have a great deal of ifficulty la tnying te sup- PIeess the uirge te ieally fly off ithe handie. Perhaps a niIrote e eplanation is in ore.For the last couple nf xveeks aetw, we have had bb eiina expeeleace of havag10puIc1haýse a com - miodity from bhc Town of BowmavillePublic Utili- ?rs to thée isdltor tics Commission wbich, ac- cording te their billings te us, is described as water. Aoy relationship between the liquid which comes forth from our taps and waler is purely cincidentai. Granted, it is a liquid, it doca get my baads wet,. but 1 have a great deal cf difficulty trying te swallow il when the enlv way 1 can bide its gbastiy'colour is te peur il into a beown opaque glass. On cbecking witb the Public Ulîlities Commission, I am adviscd that they do net have a filtration 'Plant la Bowmanville. I imagine that 50 years ago a filtration plant was net necessary. But knowing bbc jink 11that-i being poured loto Lake On- tarie these days, 1I douti if any m nunicipality ena fford le coasider a filtratio)n plant asaathn less than an itemi of utmost emi-ergIeacy peiority. Il is my uaderstanding from the Bowmaaville Pub- lic Utilities Commission that tbey have been request- iag fuads feom the Towii Couacil for the pue:poses o! building such a plant. Shock- ingly, 1 was futher ied to bplîeve that sucb fuaiids arc Counci! Ap not even mentioncd in the budget for Ibis coming yeae. To mie, il certainly doesn'i say, much for eueL! local elect- cd polîticians. Siaice il appears tuin the local politicians haveP lest touch w ith bbc needs o! ibiis community whcneby thiey beg foi' industries to locate bere, and yet at the same time, do net provide peopen facilities, noir do Ibey seem te be- concerned about pro- viding such facilities, I am wondering if you could take a few minutes frem your busy schedule te consider aiding us in eue pligbt. I am sure there -are liter- ally huadreds o! men, wo- men, and childeen in Ibis town who would be most grateful, as I am, for anY- thing that yen migbýlt do te remcdy Ibis ridiculous situ- ationi. Voues very ,teuly, -K ioox M. 1lenry General Manager, iBrookdale-Kingsway Limitcd. ce. Mr, R, Dykstra, Town Reeve, Mr. livan Hobbs, Mayor, MVr, G. Van Bridger, Manager' /P"UC., > Mr. J. James, Editor, Canadian Stateanian. prve s i Lottery Ticket Sale Lotteytiks wili beq per- $100,000. Tickets, which ceaI nîitted te be soid in Bewmaa- $2.50 wîll be sold largciy ville, towa couacil dccided ia through service clubs whe wiîll their regular bimoathly mect- receive as commission the pr- ing hcld on Apeil tb. ceeds from twe tickets eut e!r The permission covees both every 12 ticket book they seli. the Ontario Sweepstakes and Thie lottery for Performiing the Lottery for Performiag Art Organizatiens'helpas sup- Arts Organizations. port aine groupa iaclnding, the The Ontario Sweepstakes, Canadian Opera Company, the bas bbe prof egscd aim o! keep- Festival Singera of Canada, the iog some of! the $30 million National Ballet Guild o! Can- Canadiana spend each year on ada, the Shaw Festival, the the Irish, la Canada. Precteds Stratford Shakespearean Fes- xviii go bowairds sncb organiza- tival Foundation o! Canada, tions as the INorth Middlesex the Toronto Mendelssohn. Arcna, Cripplcd Children, Choir, the Toronte) Symphony, Canadian Cne Society, Heart the Torante Arts Foundat(ion Fund, Milscular Dysl rophy, and bbch Young Peopie's The- Ontario Olympie Committieatreý and time Stralbnoy-Mîddlesexi The prite of a loti ry tic-ket Hosptal Building Fund. ia $2,00 witb thec sale Lting The total pnîze money lai place betweeo May laI and October l6th, 1971 (inclusive). $ 180,000 in grand prizes will he awarded iacludîeg a $100,- 000 first. prize. Five moathly prizes will also be given for a total bonanza of $67,000. Awards to ticket sellers will total $3000. Reeve Bob Dykstra wonder- cd if the lottery would hurt local efforts and queried "why lose monies from here te bene- fit organizations in other areas." Councillor Ken Hooper said that he would support baving lottery sales here and added that no one la compelled te buy a ticket if he does net wish. Couneil concurred. THERETICENCE 0F THE GOSPELS One of îLe most striking traits of e îl eadhing of Jesus is its reticence conicerninig rany blings whîcl one wudlike te kaow. Tîrougli all Chis- Mr flan history people -have gene te île Ge,ýspels for answers te quesions whicl seemned le 11cm of bhc liglest import- anc, and)f concerning wlicl denomina-ý tiens lave qunrrelled, only te le met witl silenice. Il was île same witl the f irst dis- ciples. The night, before thc Crucifixion lley brougît Jesus questions about lis fate an d le answered, "Let net your learts le lroublcd; believe in God, believe alilnm. They asked hima wlere le was ýgeing and wly, and le repiied, "In my,, Fatber's lieuse are many roorns; if il wcre nol se, would I have told yau that I go ta, prepare a place for you?" Tley asked Jesus the mest elemen- tary question blat niglt, "Lord, -slow us the Father, and we shal l e satis- fied." Carne île response, "Have I been witl you se long, and yct yeu do net know me? He wbo las seen me las seen tle Father." Finahly, le explained blis reserve of teaching by adding, "I have many tlings te say te yeiu, but you cannot bear blem new." How profeunid a lesson Ihere is la this retîcence cf .ksus.- Many a teacler lias. falled because le has lnied ta im- part tee much to his pupils. Many %a religions movement las faiied bIecause lb demanded certainly about uncertain things, and lef t ne roemi for cauition, and growtb. Many a fnicndship is too insat- iable in expression, forgîetting that its tics nccd net be foriified bu a profuision of werds. A peet las wnîitin, "I counrt that friendshîpl)1 Ile w[r t Whcl las net ny tlingcsuned Sweet longings tbat ne ord a hold, And passion secrets wailting br It is the saine wilh Cîristiani dis- cipleship. l is a habit of mind which is nei inquisibive and insistent, but pat- ient and expectant in worship and daily 11f c. I can afford te le ignorant of many things. Ils leart is net troubled. Tinie is a great revealer. "One step en- ougl for. mec," lestified Johni Henry, Cardinal Newmian, eut af a wealbl of expenue 'nce. Therefore, a Cbristian is content wilh bbe companionship of is Master. He is net censurned by excessive cuni- osity, Across thc silences of life tle Divine Teacher says, "Thc Ceunselor, tle Holy Spinît, whom the Father will send in my name, le will beach you alI things. Peace I leave wtlYout;Il-I peace I give te .-,"u; )netas îliewol gives de I give te you. Let net -yeuLr hennIs le troubled, neithier !et tlcher e afraîd." OH1 TO BE ITALIAN! Tlie Ital;ins Are île most mîsunderstood People cf île world. Cribicizcd for ilcir Love of if c, They symbohize hIfe In its fuilest aspects. As hife -was te le Erce cof restra.int And miner technicalîties. 2,5 YFARS AGO (April 18, 1946> Lýadies Auxiliary to Cao- adian iLegion were present- c-d with their charter, Mon- day nýight by Mr. Goid- thireaýd, Zone Representa- tive of this district. Nirs. Mary Morley, Toronto, Past President of Ontario Aux- iliary, was present, also Mrs. Ruth Waller, Zone Re- presentative from Cobourg. Miss Ruth Hutchinson gave an inieresting talk on her exqperiences overseas. Miss- eýs Miaria and Coleen Clark gave a clever imitation of married life. There were ,5 members presenit includ- ingl six men of ihe Legion. Veteran Tom Cartwright having collected an unpre- ccdented tonnage of waste paper to help out the six- year war effort, stili con- tinues on tbc job to help out the government with regu- lar collections. He lias collected more than 10 tons already this year and as usuai ail cash proceeds are turned over te St. John's Church. Reeve Sid Little, Deputy Reeve A. W. Norlhcutt, Bow- manville; Reeve R. R. Stev- ens and Deputy Reeve Kyie Squair, Darlington, weee guests at a banquet at Campbelliord, Tuesday e- ening, in honor of Warden Harry Fouids. The guest speaker was Hon. Russel Kclley, M\1inister of Health for Ontario. Mr. and Nirs. L. J. Good- man, Mr. and Mes. Clarence Goodman aod Judy spent Sunday in Toronto and at- tended the christenîng of Peter Wayne, son of Mr. and Mes. Ban Goodman. Me. John Virgin wbo is attending Hamilton Tech- nical School is at home for the Eastee holidays with bis parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. R. Virgin, Concession Street. W.O. Il Don Cameron, Eg]inton Station, R.C.A.F., Toronto, was at home for thie weekend with bis father and brother Jack. v Sugai THE HONEST TI1IEJF S'IILL MUST PAY Towards tle end of a long, dreary wintcr like this year's, even tle most jubilant of spirits begin bo flag. The worl takes on a gray monotony, aiioui 'tle colon, and taste oft Englisl gravy.- We -secm o bcbe suspended in a.vague ighmarcini whicl we are swimming laý poridg1e, wtlne land in sîglit. We have forgotten tle glory of île indîvid- uial spirit aýnd- our fellow-beinigs secmn te meure mo îhe murk. IRight there i,;;îte point at wbich we nceed a good spring tonic. In tle oid days eue mothers gave us a physical one, in île shape of a good purge, and it seem-ncdlaolclp. But la these days cf instant laxa- tives, we ne-ed something for the spirit, not tici body. I gelt my tonic tlîs year, just bin lime. IR was in tle formn of two stonies, beltruc. (,My failh in, île color and vitaity of tILh uman spirit was rsocaniui feel ,jlike living aan 'fI fisi necontainc(ýd eniough. îreny ad hua I tesa)tisfy ic Most' dcmndigof wrjiterts. Jiconccrned a banik hold-up. TlIc manager wasï oud te lunch when île desperado slruck. lie slipped a note to one of thc tellers informing 1er that it was a stick-up, bIen slipped a sawed- off slotgun from -under lis ceai, and went to the front ceunter.' Clatting happily on the phone te his ginl-friend, tle accountant lad lis back te the villain. ThIe latter waited polilely for hlm te finish lis eaul and gel tle message. A lady teller, trying te get île ac- countants attention, kepi hissing at liimr, "Dave! Dave!" He went blitlely onl, wU-le tIc robber began te drum bis finrgers on fliecocunter wilth just a louch of impatience. -Finally, she roarcd in a stentorian voice, "DAVE!". Dave looked over lis shoulder andc dropped thc phone as thougl il were redf-hot, as le lookcd loto Ilat shot-gun barrel, about the size of a Cyclops' cye. Thc intruder sloved a bag at Dave and bold bim te f iii it. It was donc and the visiter lef t witb wlat lurned ouita be $3,00. He get away dlean, though 49 YEARS AGO (April 20, 1922) MW. Wm. Ranton, Brant- ford, spet Gond Fridai.- with hîs sister», Mrs. Ch1esteré Power, Maple Geove. Miss Irene 'Trew, Osha- wa, is visiting Miss Marioni Piekard.' Easter visitons: Miss Catherine E. Warni- cBrighton, and Mr. D. Coleman Warnica, Peter- borough Normal Sclhool, at Rev. W. C. Washington's, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. J, Rowe, Toronto, with bis mother, Mes. J. C. Rowe and other relatives here. Me. Wiil Flint and Mr. E. J. Keat, Toronto, at the lat- ters uncle's, Me, H. W., Hamm. Miss Frances P a y n e, teacher at Shaw's. is holi- daying with her parntps ini Toroato. Miss Doris Kelly, Toron- to, with bier geandmother, Mrs. W. Johns, Queen St. Mr. Jack Gilbert and Miss Maude Clemence, Toronto, at Nir. T. C. Bragg's. Misses Greta and Louise Morris and Mr. Gordon Morris, Toronto, at home. Mi-. and Mes. H. H. Todg- bain, Walkervilic, w i t h frieads, and relatives. Mriss Evelyn Jon -ess, Lon- don, with ber parents, Mn. and Nirs. F. H. Joness. Miss E. S. Tîghe, B.A., is spending ther holidays at ber home ini Weston. Mr. and Mes. Ado] ph Tueker, Toronto, at Mr-. Arthur Mneus MViss Lia Cole, Toronto, with ber muother, Mes. W. R. Cole. n and -Meis, R. S, Virtue, Oshawa, aL Me. C. A. Johns- ton's. Me. Herbert Fowier, of Toronto, with bis mother. Miss Agnes Maynard with relatives in Toronto. Me. and Mrs. John Me- Intyre wýith relatives in Toronto. Mr, and Mise. Lewis Rowe, Toronto, spenl Eastcr with friends here. M andj SPice~ ofre I he staff ýlad rung aharm belle whicl w,'erc direct]lv ennected ta îhe policesto, A cutimier saw tle gel- away car and got tlhe iensýe number. TI clapvas piced p about a wevek nerA A sordid v9l sorNet aIl ahi.'ls wn3s vne erdiniary leed. This -was Iaia]efchracen Hle didin'l g car igef namc chase wîlth Ipolice 5fflJets and tires. seaning. He drove a -few blocks tb il hLIetlwenkt in and had a few drtînks, Senisible p Wltdid île lcîld-up man de wîth île myoniey?"HP e wci fo lis own bank and paiid off a $500 înan. Tîca le went bo a finance compajny and paid tlcma $1000 le ewed ilcip. Wlat ai pily le was caught! An Ion- est maýn who paid lis debts, puslcd by thcm into an nrmcd-robbcry charge, A man of claracter. The second sutry is alse truc. I jusi missed secingIý il, buli an eye-witness, filled ei n, rIt's a i;cowboy stery. Thý Ic lr ives n a mlhtowni.lHe own1ad1ids aut il l 0rs. On recet Saurda, lerode uteweel- ing nepin. ewtdli eret enjoy life(, Itee ý, h c teek im le ao lte and lried te take hijm nto fthe beer par,-. 1er. Unaccounbably,. le wsrefusedi. Undaunitecd, le toek lis steed across- thc street te aP tavsrcn and lnied te buy him a deuble. Foiled again, he was try,- iag te iead lis p1l0mb tIctebeverage rýoOm of île 0oller liobe] in tnwn, wlen îlhe laDrrivcd. > itwas un coni-st. The cowboy told the cop exactly wlul le iloughi of hlm, for about twcnty minutes. Hec bIen mountcd Ohd Paint and galloped up tIc sidewalk of tIc miin sîrcet, scaitering ohd ladies loto snevbanks and children labo storýe doorwa),a., Allegedly, whcn île constable was asked wly le-didai put tle sîrong arm on tle cowboy, h' replied, ".1 didn'î know wlat te -do vitI the damn' lnrse." And a perfectly sc3isible answer. Dont ever let iayene tell you tînt Canadians are a duli, mousy, celerless, lot. Jesse James was a violent clod and Dodgc City a ime fer old ladies, corn- pared te bhis bank ruoîber and ihis cew- boy. 'fleir versatility 15 Commonly known,' Frem a fountain of icars To unendless laugîter, A most sensitive love To unlearabie hale. The Italians, Most passienatebeings,,. And from île siowers, Emerge thc world's Grenbest singers! -Susan Shetier, Oshawa hthe Di'm and Distant Past From the Statesman Files Player's Promise Drivers' and' Delerrents Religion for T da by Rev. Gordon Smyth JOHN M. !AMEIs PA TRICK GOULD GEo. P. MORRIS ErnTH-PBLINERADVTG. MANAGER BUSINESS MGR. "Coprigt aa/rpraperty rights subsît int the iMage etppeatinq on this prot. Permission te rep 9du inj wlIe ci in pait and in any form whatsever. paricularty by photographia or ottret precsé e apubcatae.mut b abtajeed from thé publsher and the prnter. Any ueeruthorîzed r eprod.uCtion vIl b. subject ta, recourse in Iow' $6GO a yea-c -- 6 months $3.50 $8.00 a Year in the Unted States strictly in advance ArIllti ghevery pecautun will hé taketa avoid errer The CoacdiceStatesman accepte ecivertis- irq 1, its celumo nr thCieuaderstanding that il wtt! rot b. hiable tor aey errer in aey edverttsement pubishd breuderuiAs a p rreet ef such adverttsment té requested in writinqg Ly thée dvertiser aa euedta h CndenS besa usiness office duly 3igned by thé advertiser and wth such ereror02 re n4 lceie-ly etédtwriting teranad te thfft case if ary errer ee niottd té net cerectd y Té m.aianSttesanits liaibtity séhil oct eéxcrerd sn;cba portion et the énticé ceét et ncbadvrtiiriiee asthé spore eccupted by thé noted errr ears ta the wholêe zce occupied J? Cornerfor ÇJoets By