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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 14 Apr 1971, p. 6

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Tise Canadien gtafeeni.a's, ~owmsnvilIé, Aur, 14 1971 It's Spai f rBeauty and Bargaoi, by Darlene Lang Canaduýian oe t ravel, :R. -'. chanicali tays; snylhing wl sud)( tlitis y;eaIr i'sestîmaied fl ., dae ual requise a booti.1 that, aven 1,50,000 will holiday rri. aneni stops sdge te e ýi_-Spajin, of lhti countries an . sd wiile came o! thc gc wYlilrea dU stili goe far. rnay be a bit tourisiy, you jUtfil -bi en o!May, a may ind a neal buy. At w rrioti t te tise l4 rate, brng your camera ai( CPAir is offoniiug -a epecial 17 an X sd yau'ne surs ta gsi e( ho ýl3 day excursion fane for î,,,.' ncredible ebote. $445. Tiens are five flîgits 'MBSx 'lî ec u eiis week, aud after a sutotu .nSi 'cak s u nigit in Madr id mens 1 o3,erruightl ride-, tic 'plans sets bi.te bull figits are about diswii ai Barabhas Airpori oui- es" begin in a ring tiat hi ,icie Madnrid, jusi as the 500 15 22,000 spectators. Most bcgIneing ta is.~e sîders view bbc spectacleç t-tlad hri srd SOuucitabout î'Q fascination sud mixed s hh "ais nSpain fallîng t'e ions, sud have la renr îstainly ou tIic pla'ins lihai ithieele tal uiig c~acre s asurriseta eas il~ - is lie national art of t] se Lbiesecond Imosi mountinous n. epewarsetcu Iontsy lu tEe roe veland gallautsy. fis pai tise as seera ~'Food sud wine iu Spaii cilises a! ofbls, wtirates uei udaan syi vn]lcotrýoIs(d by bbc gov-.....spbadgan eyi eýjinmcnI, lufavor o! i te tour- r1 i~.lm.pensive, Plump srawbsî qit. ~ They ramli froin Grand e ~. in lhick creaut, crisp w I- l itien d î v,,,star asparagus, sinimp sud chic i~e~i ~O, f vUsarowt paella, sud a marvelaus e il~eis bae eaye cuMa e-called "Gaspacho" are.ep clt'a pponbtly med ,- V 9 ally outstandiug. Rostsits P~~c Bbs peaedut tc u ue ling pig ils anoiber Spa: es~t . t'e illd wîh ad Ct,,, ~ ,,. ,.,favorite, sud te place ta worl iareis etrall]y la i. insct bu lie cily, ser e-atedï, asud bas fabulous faod. ~ ~ -" in bygone Spanîsi t amospl This five stanpihoîci charges -.o' heady lb peu stratesy $10 ssociý, dofle, but th- . s oul, is famous Babins Resi mo -u dsyorbreakfast sud I'<"--~ aI dir-mes.Or sgufcetroam ~f s"e- Shopping lu Madrid ils hel~ a oldles kin sîs bd, i-~ .~e e-" . ~"o!fis greateet attractions, hFbs tevy lî incu sicets as.1Jase Anionia, is tc(t býeauti!ulTy îrauïed as VOUS Yonge Street o! Madrid. favauritetaecob Jes buy is tic isatiter, Friemcde sbaing esnby ies no waiau sbouid leave n tin stas hiate, est as poshi 1city vithout ai icast ans le. it vr ics, paýIid t $6 er itemf. Suede coasean eshwth bwo mreals., Rates1 ternî!ic bargain, and 50 go:,as low a s 575viti faad cents, yau'Ill al t sebaga, boots, sud brbci Mladnid,losd almat dead te world's fîneet, collection o! Merlc jackets sud pants ~~te în SpalIs iUfe capitl, Suansi paintinge, wiici -iu- lso fachionsile sund not ým î+e3 oplaise a sur- cludes bis works o! El Greco, pensive. pirl-8iesg lihrse asal! mil- Valasquez, Rbera sud Gaya iïn ,ýîýI eopie You' find thal Tic Royal Palace, deîgnsdý If tiffiS pérnsstà, include t41-s storns fîes close in 1737 is anottés "mhuet cée" maesy sidè tripe asi you car evy ay frorn aproirna.rtely wîth viciions sud veli worti placée like Tôldea, one o! 13 ~until 430 su tien neopen itic lwo itourÉ lie guidemd tous m rost aucient cilles ces Eus u~i u t. [wil take Thère are i snOo sktrubîe re The ôone place iidoeý rot wîiChlnl 11éé I caie- sa sébum la tic Mic c~lodurïng siest s iePr- dhaut aý ehsd Ie you'li Ag sThi trieincic-h d~Muaum raned mcjj-i_- niybe takees ia - ailrn 1O!Segaovea itas a 2.000-ye *rýe liree ri ftt c wrld 50 ibis p-ýosiecfathernl, yau'ill tcLIbe old Romnan AquÊduci, sud garni pliace ta eis orable esep-r-oome lbPtenallyvýmilessô'rtilwesb stands 'El ýe lilseelgcsam rned wîtiU obje c tes o! corsai Mouasery. sô nmacs Forsuntrauceesco!t1islesiart o! sssesuuueuital gcràndeur, lil dé!iA~s îaisatiesn. ~~has !îor five. aadian lVy favorite i3 a vly 'eati-J li salon 1with lt15surndceil- !ng made enitîreiy o! coored p-orcelain. Tic Palace-,banqýuet .~ al israierIonbreathtakîug,. boa.wlth oe _og couiuuouàs table, large eu-gi la seat 72 -140 guesebeab one, lime. icewlk cales are ever- itere, jet ase biey are lu l ace la watch lie in- biguîug pasiug parade, while sspp'ng s gases Co! exfellant, modestiy priced Spansi vinue. If you'd like ta cee a mavis lu Spain, you'Tl find tiat mat- snes do't, begin until 6'30 eaheveuîng, wtb bis last »AM0AGE TO performance sround 11. just OWNED VEHICLES alter ltse dînuer itour, Tit'c rîgit! Tic Spaniards are ae-, cutomed ta eatîug thein big1 'AUl Pei s- cmbinatian of meal o! bie day around 10, but Colison udConueheusîve after alise hour work break e Colision auad Upset during tic day. tis, seerne 'Compie-hesîve - comnbina puits appropisate' sud enjoy- lion o!)fSpecifled Perilesud1able. I Breaka3ge o! Glass Ester lu tic eveuiug, lthe ~ Spcifed Pnil Fin, Teftsounde o!f isels clickiug, itande. e sd iseleos Coeraghes clappiug sud lie strurn o! alschse iedsorm sud fs-guitare will rusesitat you are ý;vci ý, Wndsormandfalusnas ta ans o! se'ieral gond îug Obecte.clubs where you cao sec the _«~DICAL PAYMENTS:- colorful Flamenco. ï, Iierne-sugcl ci On your way back you , migbb - lsdnal mulance hos ask yaour cai driver ta pass 'peta sudfeuepr~îbytle famous fountain o! ý)nl unra eýpns Ci_'beles, wiici you'Il fiud lu ninjurelid passetigers. fota i sgtyilmn adommunicahl llOuPaace 14.on -wIc FuriesI,-nfration Cal Bath iL1are worti eeeing, as 51 nigiýt ihe building nesembles ~I~ es nsran e ~i oteredbirtiday nidîlaxs~ylw Ag.ency Limsiited-1foeide uid go il oves .~ 24 ing sî E., Bx 10 nal Ltnp le six taseven pesetas - about 10 Canadien Hopefullly you'li he lu Ma- drid oves s weekeud, so liat ~ ~ you cen make yous way ou 1~..~~ ece Sudayta te colonful Fies ~Market caled El Rastro, Bers 77ru eau loin tihe wiling mas r orns Résdenceof Spaniarde, rnakiug yous way ta cr 1()bo'otis Éo!ail izes sud ~3-56i a~szids cs-iptiouistHiat clutter lt Street iawkerssaeeey WESLEY VILLE (Inbérnded for last wsck This bac been s week âctîvîlty, soi that saute peo attended twa fuectonn in eveuîug sud othene iad'te absent fraut came comru meute. Ou Manday nigit1 uten o! tic township chit 1A.O.T.S. iteid assuccesefulip; ýcake suppes at Welc< Chri.Thnce uresent If bers iucluded Msi. sud IV Ge.Tuffard, Mrudil1 Harold Austin sdVali Mn. sud Mss. T., Wilsan,1 sud Mss. H. Dankce end IV ,Clans Danke, Mn. end IV ýClanè,nce Nichais. Ou Satunday eveuing1 sud Mszs. Arnuoid Austini lMr. sud Mss, 'Hiraoid Aus atterided lte Pale-stine i ceptory Ladies Nigit bekd Gneenwood Towers sud la in the evsuiug vwerc baclk Wesleyvillie ta attend bie ga esug at, the borne (o! Mnr.e Mrs. A. Thosudykýe.Thisi lu banas 'oMn sud 1V Allais Clatrke sd amilym mvdta a, new home in' nit o! the bp towusbîp. event bad issu plannedý came time biut winter weatl er conditions discouraged set date. Tfiese was s g( icrowd a! ofneigitiors presen spts o! tirpes obber ceventsý volving local peoppe.TIse drees [ta Mn. sud Ms.Cla Gleu, Cheryl sudRon nead byV Mirs. Archie Fardî ~nesutator a! a chais hiassock was ruade by IMn. Mnsi. A. Thoinudyke acn bel o! ail tiche nsu tai was expressed by bis seci ente. Rohortnndi eecpnbly with lite stuci wito visited] Euroïpe,a Chery l scawas hcère hbut C la warkiug inii .Evr eujoyed games o! cardes the goad lime o!rv ic iug refreshuteuts. Mn. sud Mss. Hfarolýd sud Mr.n. su Mss. Bei Danke abended a;3 unt OPTICIANS-OVER 3,000,000 SATISFIED CIJSTOMERS- 23 BOý(ND ST., È. HOURS: 2nd FloorTues, Thurs., Fr. WRed. 9 .m. to 9 p.sn. OSHWASat, 9 a.rn. ta 12 Noon P ' e )N E 21 2 61f Cosed Monday . Bran"ýces IluManP,ýriniciP,1lCities ao! Canada and U.S. -Fudd19041 Opn Mouday aud Debbie wene Mrn.sd W W Oh e5UIlI OpnTuesday tiraugi Friday Mss. Hugh Murp hy, Bowman- JUI IN C RA 9 arn. ta 6 p.m. daily ville, Mrs. Edti M\,urphy, Ty- O M UîxIoesPABJe iét1T;IW! Telepione 623-7349 roue, Mss, BlaMurphy, Ton- A T IfhID C IGacSE -. ________________ ato. Mn. sud Mss, David M IML U gw<,CV Kyte, Karen sud Jason. A U O P (û Cl IRs u r ailC e Sunday dinuen guests o! MDNAILSFRCNDM Mr. sud Mss, Gerald Kelly an ie IAIOC DONAD A MaGREGR & LO GRON 99 4 ICA91,; e a Life, Auto. Home grlu.sud eMss. Coralpbc DONALD A.to maGe Grasudgirls nd Ms. Counnev U r, INum0 sAIHAFANYSRAI1MS RE Iusurauce Larmes, David sud Paul. Af- VVàII'Ta; 67 King E., Suite 2A ternoon sud supper guest wae Bowmauville - Phone 6235962 Mss. Reg Boundey o! Port KATCAKRMRE Penny. H KRF RCERSRF ROZEN FOOD .SPECIALS O p t ome t r y' The Apnil meeting o! thte CHEODAR CES ojo ~cMeeêATN o., it4 rim _______________ O. was held at tihe home 2e KE1TH A. BILLETT, O.D. o! Tins VauRyswyk witi 20 PURE CORN OIL RNC .ESm Optometnist membens sud one visitor pre- 7fI 2 L s.m 5i014 F00 PRICES EFFECTIVE 143 King St. E. - Bowmauville sent. The minutes o! bish lasb - MFANY EASWE.,TIRU SAT.. APRIL 14-i7fh Office Bouse: By appolutmeut meeting were read sud ap- JC ES3 Telephone 623-3252 psoved sud thc treasurer's ne- WEsyîurHOUS;E FROSTEO D , IO4 Mon. - Tues. - Thurs. - Fnl pont given. The O.N.O. has Il IDr- e 9 sut ta 5 p.M issuasked ta hslp again withb UGHT BU LEI SOLE FILJL $14ij T IMTOANe Wud sud Sat. - 9q - 12 bis lunch at the Higle Sciiooi(2, 40,, 6 0,100 WATT llhurvuday uvsniiîgg "At Home" on ,ApIlI 23rd asîdwgq- Iaows Hall to celebrate the 80th j flackstock Curling Club. was~ When a 1 permit !S Issued lit birhda 0fMrs Etel aynIheid on Saturday evenin A pri1 Brin fl1isth h1er rpnsbly o f Port Hope and alsothat ci R e e - ;qp E ib es the Recreation Centre wîth to contrai the blaze. If her, younger brother Cecil nof approximately one hundred Grs rtrugh careiessness the fi.E> Orono. There were about 50 ~ 5l * curlers and their ladies at- Gr s rires spreads uncontroilably and present tel bring good wishes 5 <5 f tendmng. Rev. V. Parsons said the fire department is called and enjoy an, evening of gam.es ý io-H-JD îc it ra s Grace befare the deliciaus f i tetingutsh it, the persan with, good frienids. Speak.er o! the eveninig frIwhrthbeen held uulyratbeef dinner as IiJ \.Pe r mhit cudb sese at, at the homeoo! Mr. and L.bKoenderman, aur loca done H arkee but ot MruiteandLoris rmàthe Crnloation-meeting was Mr. EdgÏar James, president, presided thraugn- April is the month when area were. Mrs, . akbu o ut lrs rm1ý-Crnin a bee-keeper on the 'Taunilt0r out the evenîng due tar the there Is the greatest dangeril:Sa ta save timie and môney- finished, lwrSo.H pk nRa. r ae, ncmi-rcn illness af thé Presi- fromn grass and bush fireus cae nd"tin hs hlch Mr1 Dn c1l returýned t!he rongOf Y01,ng1-Plants.'iigng is talents in amaiýteuri dent Jim Jamieson. Jim was accarding ta Fire Chie! Jimspng .hpfitof h Per- iast week fromn Montréea where Mr. Koendermani described fthe-phaotography with his greatb in- able ta be present ande-Hya'f h alnto tra fgasin uhfrs irbe1, he lias been working for the correct soïu mixture to use, the tereest in all th1ingýs of nature, pressed the appreciation of Bawmanville Fire Depart- department first. sl matfwronths. He was re- planting, and ihe p' roper cr bscamle up wlthti a fine cal- thé graup tai the Women's In-] ment. A time ta be speciaily st tl mîe~ade director of fin- a! the young seedlings untîl lection of rare ando beatîfulIstitute for the dinner. Mrs. careful when burning thei, îe anv ancial management for, the they are ready for tasln-iIle .Heshwd severai di!-, Percy VanCainp repiied. wntrCefs7ad,7earn ang, Province of Ontarlo and began eng in the garden, He]ealrOferentipicture's a! pla-nts, fungÏi, Gerald Kelly introduced for spring and summer. ýome his new duties ini Toronto on compared the methods uISed by tees insects, birds anid anim,- Norman Watson and, Earl Last year there were 41 l April lst. the amateur gardeners with ais in thieir, naturial h)abitat., Smith from Port Perry who grass and bush fires in Bow- iday There was a good attend_ hs sdb h amriiMs ftesle aebe eihe hi audience with manvilie and- Dariington: in 0O, I4~O(4t. that ance at Weicome United grawer. taken n l te Bwaîi several' vocal salas, which 1969 there were 49, and in t Church on Palm Sunday when OnStrayMrh tae. Mr. ams cd as lwere very weil received. The 1968, 89. About 75% of these tT~ ~ NTl 4/ iolds theledrhpnmui a about 50 memnbers enjoyed a projectionistileMr James qBonspiel Traphy was prescrnt- occur in April. t!C411 // FR/v?77/A prouet- tejuio horus tn:p to the Spring Flower gave týhe conetr.The ed by its danor, Merlin Sug-ý Each year the incidence r. T/ieM T lvth led by Mris. Carroll Nichais Show sponsored by the To- mio nthly menet g ise'd th .gltt, ta the winners, Jîm By- gets less and the Chie! wauld 1~O;an rgnitMco e nroté Garden Club. This yeara soc al ihal i ho!-urwiie Mrs.; ens, Jimin Jamieson, Gerritt Jike ta see the trend continue. 'nu r!inhi nteda the "show was held at the B.Cydrn and the social Brinkman and Pat Parrili esi i nitevnva ting "The Old Ruggecl Cross" and Ryal Ontario Museum rather o te sre ers-, Secretary Roy McLaughlin~ Monday that the 100 per. cent hese the duet, "In the Gardefn" than the O'Keefe Centre,, ments. read the minutes and pre- rdcini h aitoOO~- age was sung by Aileen Wilson sne tenw lt o f years had been achieved and Margaret Harnnes. Sîmu-B A C K S T O K cers which were accepted by lhrough the ca-operatian o!f n slated palm leaves formed a 9 h members. The slate l:- the peaple"in the area. nex ba1rudfr h lwr Past President, Jim Jamie- O!cuseaddar ries prepared, for the service and Rev. and Mrs. R. Pierce, plans were ftlnalized f'or thîs son; President, Richard VanintnCnc's asig1 bite the Rev. J. Rai-tts sermon Colleeni, Harold and Cathepr- eet Roll cal wasý "Ti-e Camp; Vice President, Jim 9o yla rsrbn ken told 1the story o! the triumph- îe, Omemsrie, were Goaid Fni- Other Man lu My Elfe." A Gray; Committee9eofershurning witotaprerii tU atery it euaem alr o r n r. bby shower was given Ln .Jim ye Gerritt Brnman has had an effect on the mat- H R E eci- Miss Clara -Danke returned'Charles Smith. Mr. and Mrs. Joan Graves who expressedî andf Glenn Larmer; Schedule terP&taa. ck ahe oeinPr.niana A, W. Abibott were Good Fnb- er thanks ta the girls for the Manliiager, Harvey Graham, Bath Bo wmanville and Dar- ýnish the beginning o!iaset we day supper gueseo! M\r. and, lovely gifts. Tîna canductedi Appreclation wss voiced by lngouhveby;asre0ur wîte rs. Charles Smth. afew gmsalter m ciiaRichard tai the executive, taýýntnhv yIw e,7ý atrspending th-wneri Rev. and Mrs. 'Merrili Fer- lunch of sandwiches and the curlers who had a fine, ng anyane who wants to do ORN'23506 vsde Part meHper nd thas a veryusn, Toronto, Rev, and Mrs. cherry cheeckeserved by attendance thii year inspiteny oen-air burnig at1an yoere wecaehepe t h Culî- arence Frusn DnMls tegopce.caued la- fy toyngt, ote1tin during the year ta oh- E£5500OE HAT ERVfCEý tau- Mr, Truman Austin was in were Good Friday callers a! sot evening, new curlers, tar the new sec- a apemtfonhelr ToonoauSudy a epres- tirsse Mr.Og i MnadMr.BueMot- retary-treasurer, and ta the ane ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ wh eu ttecnseiga is alstinot very wsll. gomery, Hampton, wnre cali- caretaker, Bruce Mountjay. su gadsn al usi J, Everyoue is haping that Mrs. e-rs on Tiunsday o! Mns. J. A. The first place winnnr ai)Hill soon mrvs Joh nston. wers prssented their .pnize% The ~~Sympathy o! the commun- O pi t. i l Jby G. Bnkman.Winn( r! and Tfh.(J~TT' ity is extendsd ta Mn. and stock WmnsInstitute pre- wr .Gaam .Fruo the .s.a~ ...is n.DvdMLs and fam-[ ee their annuBl meetingM.Vnap adFAru at - M. sudMrs, ly on thé passing o! Mr s.~ ihaptlc inri h Second pnize winnsrs were J, ,e a owmiauviîîe, F OEsmth, Mca's hoseMs eaiTwshpHl.A!e um-GaHarold Swain, R. Vari are Sudsüwns EstnNsniwopsecwy attasmal. the 'Institute OdeCmou . ari.Jn 7hmesuna attérnoon viàitons with weekend iu Cîvic Haspîtali, s dCollect were eeae Besprented thsse pnizes. * a the Smîthe, De Peterborôugi. The funenal inue !th5st1Îu~Jm Gry pseus hr Mn. sudad M se rviàlcs wene Lnds a.ckey meigsd orsod n i prîzesta J.Bynrs, J.,Jamie- Bowanvllè M, ad M~.Funéns Chpé, Ln1a. ere read Th eirail caî (so3 . rBnînkman and P. Par Paul Vanieyk, Mn. and Mrs. M.àuvn ésA - Tnheed r o!lfes nu as John Vaueyk, Tyrans; Mn. aud stîne and Gaylê,, Waterloo, frtecmn er Ts Thraýugýhout the eveubug ta Mrs. Chas, Penw-ardén wené spérnt the E'etnfsokrdti-euens rpat sdepr t!das ee ae op-e the Ester Sunday dineben Èueàtà wîth hie parents, Mn. and Mns. !th tadngcmmt fe !c.h cens with the foliow-. ope. a! their parents, Mn. and Mrs. Vernon AsèeIàtiree and fam-]wr ea.rgrcsvn hcin.Hr s9 îs W. Vaueyk. weérad n èciy. cikn: Hr de M.ldMs m ôhsn Clnsitne lf o nonchanges were eîogaidCrawford, ErniesSwain, CitY sud Lînda, Janiétvifle, MtÈ. tckiihai, s ruadeMrs. Shortnidýge reald encCçrGnnL- ~u~ifge&,',~èbcon Goo mer, Victor, Parsans, Veoo ,ar- Fletcher sud Mn. John Jon- Frleay té 1)sr1ticipate il, the D1 nd maved thec adoption a!Mý 30 sou, Oshawa, werceaÉàtér Su- péèè B ~Hockey Tourna-, rbu btse on ics- ra.h AsestneWler rA byth NmîatngCa- lKenLesc, David -Hudson, John- Es- day gueste o! thein paréfite, mt mtts Tswa ecnèd Csa'nagltan. Thegrand prize- sive Mn. snd Mrsi Bert Johnson Mn, And MÈs. Verhein Asel! Mnsý M. McKsc uacceprta tunkey wac won by Ray GlÉd té report Mn. 1obet sdine sd-dnsawee scb te emer. iigit Sîmr rturned bhoie Saturday ter Sundaiy aftérnaon gutes t he meDîstibtAnaewî rTh vdngdsé wt h from Mémorial Hospital, 18ôw- of' Mn, sud Mrs, Perey An hcdo a Oba oîs nginega aaa mianvîlle, mucb imprôved 1in chor5 and Heathenccebg- onfviato ws0eeiedCanda. health. ing Héather'$ birthday, IKISE Mn, and Mrs. G. Kôvacg, Mn. and Mnc. Stanford Van ta Ecet Dunhamn's 60th11 arne- E WNPAY N Judy sud Louise were Eàstêt Cam1p vlstéd hèr sister Mrs. lver t ary t lbro n pi Plans have liot béesflntal- Of Suuda,1y gTOth. fItswsophiev d dsec- PIl Kayacs get !Ms oheDoôi ud uSuy onded that we give gifts té Sdbtflr ésgo brook Hospital in T1 o î -1 iho cbîvmn osbility that severai 5- Mr,5 Mn.sd Mns. John Baker Tuésd.ay #ftérnaoei, Dysîatbtth ar ar-K n Clslay tone bc sud boyÉ were Basten Sunday Mrm.'Ruth Wilson aud Mrs. b icniur fê îse lubsIte Irés nÎtt- supper guests o! Mrnd Mrs. Qàè,aôgwith Mrn.disb dsotned a wniill hold a walk unMy anueMcluHdll, laug an. Ma y 12th. % 'àavas ufd orCs tha .HlHmtn Mrs. -Alu Wilson, Nèstieton, Officers for the coming ttorlefn erCS irge Mn. sud Mns. Sidney Car- MnsLockyer, Brookîsu, werc er reiet rs ýVn tic, ill lkfrnt ise pari- nisi, Mary sud Weudy viËited Easter Sunday gueste !M er rsiet r.PVn tcbroswiswl ro-h Pl"e with Mn. Iac ad 8o Cr amip; let Vice, Mrs. ,A L. W A N L D ro tuey sa ard nsd and Mm~ Lloyd Wilson n Thomo Lnntry s. .~ the CF Centre a lrA .W A 'rlmI -ns.y, Liudsay, Baster Sun- Scanbonough). po;SceâyMs'X'SkC r. yafternonsud evni. Mn. snd Mrs. [Harvey Gr(7 Samill; Treasurer, Mrs. r onto.lde' loptlluEnsileOt Mr.Mn, sud Mss. GBaker amal-nMn. M ountjay; DistrictDretn e, FIiiiierteýten, M ,uth1 C -rJ S. VAnCam1p: AiJ enniat1e, -PONE263229 Mn.rn.1setth eken ihGadn ilo !Gade ss C. Smith; PDianist, Ms ITIUE AFDL PO E2329 sus11ranad Mr. nPescokHlatAde. GensyA- R. Taylor; Public Relations, Dive Stoliker of tise Hr. aer ar sdff. ocitinmeeting ilu Taronto Ms .Strong; Fruit sd C nadiîaisCanicer reeys T fU L Mr.nnMs. BakercCaBaker on Wèdnesday. Flowers, Mrs. M. Grahýmansd CmainCoi itehere Mn. ud ns BuceBak r Mnsd Mrs. Ni aieMrss H.Shortridge hr'i as, been dèlivering Daffaodil GE . TEuPrnulýi Mn. sudc Pamela, Oshawa, speut HowaÎrd Asud TanaLynu, Mrss.W sund the weekeud witb An sund Velva Baýiley u is Lesaders, Mns. F. HoskiMr.pins aloesg King Street 0178 hr Ra, orasi1 stin~~~~~~~~~~ Gar.Bkrwhy terpa-prnwieate d 1isay VBailey, Mrs. G. Skeldîug wek, in the hope that fire 3,War oa, omavi f-re- entn wene sway. u- ét ! n~Mns G. Thompeon-, Curator: ,'.ilî cone, tisough vîth Pin 2~4 à at Roy Carderi. sud Mrs. McArthutr. eieribitiaiis ta the lworth1y ýaer (tnteuded for at week) Mrn sd iMns. Hectos , ; iannualiiaquet o! t.he cauise, kin: Mn. and Mrs, W. Vsneyk r sud :nl ill. ,W Mn ath- ,were Sunday dînner guests of ndgesud Mns. sud Mn. su ad Mrs. P. Vsneyk sud DAvid f-Iil lesi Vla ur VIns . Mnud Mss. H. Powell, ig is oru, nSn ,vho Bowmauville; Mrs. Sophie an JlieBrsu the Kayacs, were Sunday supper ;lweekend gueBry!thi -'hs guests o! Mr. suL E.G sd~ene M.sdMs fTr Koa asdgirls. andau Ormi.tor,,BroBklu, Mn. I hP- Club 50 ladies meet Tuesday sutd Mss. George Bryait weý"rs ayevening, Apnil 13 at the homre S~ua ueo n u o! ns.W. auek.Mne. Dean OnMistorî Mnru, Fl in Buins Dretry Ms. AlAn Carnoc a) sud _______ ___ FnHOULDER Suudcay guteSItsOf nirsudi ý wa~ Accoun~ancyMns. 1GeorgeByu andnsy HeuyWo bsýnn sd famn nd Wl'ê' J. H. COGGINS ly were Mn1. and MNIs cFloydý ando sd Chartered Accountant Arge.o Por*Pen M andB9t'Po ýhalI! 11k 5 Liberty St. S.. Bowmauvillle Mrs yeMleosdfr cii Pions 623-3612 ily o! Bowmnanville. D t h P b 9 me WILLIAM C. HALL usdy feno N ns suts R Comm Mns, ~~~~~~~~~~~Henry Wottn sdan-_______________________ ad Chartered Accountant yM su Ms. ilr :ien ,6 King St. E.', Oshawa TomeM.su r.S tt RSH CAN. N(k. 1 GRADE an r.-î an 2563 Dorrell sud fauy wn -1--________________ mng heloal sieutsw. ObsO

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