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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 21 Apr 1971, p. 9

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'Trîm 204, SI" Olive Hender Mnenl S cînnamona s Lge Ginger 0 opscAlîspice 5tMajo L *eNulmeg BEv Frank Mohun 623-7234§1 hjs n we ~ N h MVP TO DE GRANDIS :in the second schedule Dyks i h !tasFood has won the Cham- Carl De, Grandis captured the most valuable player pionship. Dykslra's will now C. Bruce- trophy, wile Guy Parks was selected as the best guard and PlaY the IGA. boys, winners D. Ogden Bill Sci'îbe took the scoring titie award, as the Town Basket- of the first schedule for the F. Bruce - John M. James team cham- J. Mains. .. bail League beld their season-eriding banquet, Saturday nighl. pionship Trophy. The series K. Campbell 1Stephen Fuels received trophies, as the new champions'between Dykslra's Food and F. Land for the 1970-71 season. With a scarcity of players during Ihel-G.A. will be known as th -Rit] pist ye'ar, president Tom Pearson and executive members Battie 0of the Discount Stores. A. Dyketra_ This week Dick Perfeul Big] Jimr Beam, and Dr. John Rundie worked bard to keep the pulled off the bat trick, Win- F. Land leagute in operation, ning high triple with 825 and 600 Let's hope that the new executive of president Jîm Beam, h igh single 405, Perfect's F. Land 69 vice-president ick Blinski and treasurer Ken Kelly wiîlotb "r games were 192-228. HiSI F. Bruce 67.: have n caier ime f ît 405game started off wîth a P. Broome6 srin the second faecK. Campbell t t t t t left a corner pin an-d picked 612. il up and then went all the Over EAGLES COME BACK way with 10 more sîrikes for A Dykstir, 420 but Dick bad commtted 28'J. Mairs One thing aboutý the Bowmanville Red Eagles- you just a fou] and his score was e27,DMut cen neyer count them out. In ast weeks cohumnn, we men- duced by 15 pins to 405, just bell 263, B. tioed he ac tht te Bgle bc loI te fnaltwoaganal5 pins short of Ruas Oke's 410. B3ruce 254, A toeth anc ha te bakb le four st ergt. H gan on Selleck, one of our Dykstra 252, Huntsville Pdcm akt aefu tagt future greats, bad 814 (225- A it eperstat the locals stili haven't learned how 10 do 388-201). Dr. H. B. Rundie C. Bruce- thînga thice easy way, In the first game of the best of seven had games of 245-306-261 for D: Ogden Ontario Junjtior "C" finals, Dresden edged the Red Eagles 5- 812. F. Bruce- ris ofsoudin lie ahomr, bis Eleven bowlers jumped the, J.Mains on homenc ice, (At the iko onngleahmrts 700 barrier. Spiorts Editor K . Campbell corner sý convinced that the vîsitors' fourth goal which lied Frank Mohun bcd 771 with a F.' Land --- the -ot( 4-4, still hasn't gonle in), Bowmanviile out-shol the nice 324 single. KarI Piper jý Rowe - visiting Kînga 18-7 in the third period, and could have won. 767 (308), George Piper 7671E itcel (298), Bob Kent 755 (295),- AlIthough it was only the first game, los ing didn't helP Doug Carter 748 (312), Ah the Red Eagles' cause - because the next two were in Dres- Saman 738 (286), AI Osborne den, and the Kings won the toss for the fifth game as well. 7,37 (307-266), Brian Martyn Dreaden won Salurday right 8-6, and as in the Huntsville 736 (288), Rusa Oke 736 (331), g . Ray Van Meer 734 (266), series, lhîngs looked bad. But Bowmanvilie came roarîng Larry Piper 726 (267). back to win 4-0 in Dreeden, Sunlday aflernoon to move'ightl Hap Palmer had a 308 single, back mbto contention in the seies. game, Randy Beaupnie 293, Tonight Bay Preslon's boys will bc out to tic the seriesý Les Smale 283, Ellon Brock 276, Bob Laird 272. on homore ice, and if tbey play the kind of hockey they are I W.« Frank Real Estate had cpaîble of -- and we think they will - Ihen the eeries will high single 1310. Nels os be ied at wo games apîce. I borne Insu rance team bai- The fifth encouner goes in Dresden on Fidy night, 3550 for igh triple. AI Osborne leads the aver- tingaI 7:30» If a seventh and deciding game is necessery, il is second at 256 wile Larry' wîl be Pyd fin Dresden on Tuesday nigbl. Piper bas' taken over thîrd Glen e a Pý iry and the Bowmanville Kinsmen Club wiîî Place witb 248. Another reminder that the co-sponsor the play-by-play broadeast of Friday's geme from banouet will be, held at 1h" Dreden nîht from the openîng face-off. Keri Edmands will Memorial Park lub House on ceili Ihp action, with Har-vey Webster doing the color corn- Saturday, May laI3. imentary. lth Week - 2nqd Sehedule Har;vey did the end of peiod reports ard game wrap-upAveaes Ave.' Seturday, and also the game report on Surday from DreadenAI sone4 26 botb sponsored hy ý CKLB. A tip of the bal also bo D & R Brnie Perfect . 39 2561 Sprswhopnaniored reports from Huntsville in the semi- Larry Piper 45 24 fina senes.Jack Bond----45 247 If he ger es e seven games, it la hoped that Ibis gamne DHon Seleck 35 246 ilcaoeboacs.Rusa Oke-- - ---.-- 45 242 __________________ ~Brian Martyn-- - -- 42 240 CjF BO i Bill Westlake - 24 239 Bo l ng Walt Hately 45 238, Evrton Brock -------- 45 236 Doug Carter ------ 45 235 Aprîl 16, 1971 Dr. Hl. B. Rundîs 45 234 Jack Bond look the men's Harold Michelson 45 2311 b gh single with his 288 gamne. Hon BIcher ------- 45 23 :He also had b gh triple-----h-Don--ke-- 39 2,1 704 (288, 251, 165), How-ard Bromell 45 230 Dave Reynolds- 36 229 - Carol Roberts was 1hitling George Piper 45 228, the pins again Ibis week. Bill Oke ----- - 42 227 Carol had ladies' high triple Bob Smith - 5 26 - $witlb 757 (2,53, 264, 240). Mary Ed Leslie , - -45 26 Heatb- came up wittî a 304 Goyd Wilcox - 45 226 game for high single. Carence Oke - 42 ý22 e. '-iTeans Standings Maurice Annaert - 45 22 J. Bond - 44837 74 Don Bagneli 45 22 JB . Smith ___ 45017 61 Pat Murphy 27 2 G. Prout 43545 6o0Bob Lawton 45 224 R. Brock 44111 58 Rusa Halîman - . 5 2 G. Mai-shall - 43753 56 Rosa Wright 45 222 -. D. Nolen --- 43104 56 Pob Laird ____-45 -222 a É%C, Boberls - 44423 52 Ab Saman 42 221 S HO ER D'. McReelii 42735 45 Hep Palmer 45 221 é -T R; A. Van Goor 43378 44 Elwyn Dickey - 42 221t: 0O F AK C. Morgan ----- ---- '307 42 Frank Mobun - 39 220 J. Luffman _.-- 42935 42 Bob Kent - _--- 45 218 erB. Marshal --- 43499 40 RandY Beauprie 45 218R Por 20 aiesDoug Taylor ---- 45 217( Por er 00 ame M Les Smale - 45 « 17 WA O EP. Brock 248, 228,B, Mc-L - n i;aert - 45 '2171 Reis223, M. MeKeen 210, Jim Bruton 4 1 Bt1. Wiliams 206, C. Roberts Jerk Lander -4 1 DoII y 253, 264, 240, G. Heath 226, Bob Glanville. 45 2151 pAR OND, Dennis 218, E. Archer 243, Jim McKnight . 45 2l15 264, N. Morgan 207, J. Bond Art Rowe --- 45 2 14 288, 251, G. Potier 217, G. Parl Lyle . - 45 213 WihDennis 250, B. Chipman 201, Lowell MacDougail 45 211 SFEI< IIDES And A. McKeen 2-66, '212, J. Luff- Bey Van Meer .4 21 THE WAOMSER m--an 268, 216, W. Deony 28iJ1Bob Konopaki 45 2. ~Y 2 G. Bitter 202, W. Pieremna 244, Kani Piper ---4---21. G. Smith 234, 224, A. Bonsma Ted Bagneli ----- 45 21 S UN 231, 233, M. Heath 304 rP. Bud H-enning. 45 212 F0 M.Buma 209, P, PotIer 208, 252, Bob Williams 45 21l" 8:.00an .00 C. Morgan 204, R. Van Den Si Trewin - 45 211 $350aerg.0 208, 202, G. Fedderna Bruce Miln e ----- 45 2'11 Chilren 1,00 219, 222, C. Ritter 224, E. De- Mike Murphy- 45 21 1OSH112NWA hoo 235, G. Marshall 218 A. John Van Dyk - 42 210 Auditorium V-o Office Brork 206, 219, C., ee owie Coombes __ 45 209g Bisops porin God 24, . llrea 21,B M tbe orentpen1 3 0 Sumnmer is the ime when you and the kids go tlfiough a lt more clothes. Sa you have more aundry. And you take more 7howers, too. A Texaco oil fired water heater w e at ate faster than gas, and considerably fastîhP-an eetict.For oqiy penniesa 1day. A& L WEARN LTD. En!niEakillen 26-221 run STEPHEN FUELS 2C- Bowmanville 623-5410 M C l l-M Hardware 25 20 25 W. Frank Real Fsate 25 20 25 Seiby Grant Heating 231/2 211/ 23½/ Cowan Pontier Buick - ---- 23 22 23 Frank's Vanielv------ 22 23 221 1, G. A. ---211/2 -2 3 /2 21 j/2i Ken's Men's -------- 20 25 20 19 "6 19 i I t<on 17 28 17 Pepsi Cola 17 28 1l New'vîlle- Starkville April 15th Averages : <Doris Tompkins 10,- Ga Mîlîson 197, Donotby Starkl 189, Joyce Stacey16,Far Marchant 182, Roiie Wod 18 1, Marie Trim 179", G-r Farrow 178, Bernîre Hener-i ý son 177, Olive Hendetrson Jfl Dale Foi-an 164, Delores Waîk1- ey 164, Pal Millîson 160, J ean Pollard 159, Pansy Jobosoni- 159, Cathy Lambert 155, Peggy Milîson 153, Shirley Martell 151. Pal Hedges, 147, Mcrg Guiilland 137, Susan Markîe j3 H1igh singlr orsTompkin 278, high triple, Doris Tomp- kiÀng 710, bigb average_ Doris' Tompkins 20. 2 aine,% Doriis tomrpkins "7-23<- 201, Dorothy- Stark 261, Dale! Forer 242. Joy7ceStcy2- 'J0,Fat MLi1son 20%,Mai irley M-arteli 202,-DobiSua 739 32).Pt The Canhadian Statesmnan, ;O'Wmnanvil1s, Apr. 21, 1971 es Won ~' l L .r R un Our best wiihes for 8Boss Wright 22Hln yods ()20 49 ~UWU~W ~speedy recovery are extended Pete Dobbm s 42 225 Jlm Murphy 207r 46 j Iu o l to Ernie Perfect who is still 0111e patfield 2241Dn Bishop 2r6,' 42 maintaining Higli Averng'! Jim Bruton 2-- 4-------- R1!on Haynes 0 -----37 ýApr t 121h Whitehead4, Marg Clem- wlth. 263 (39). AIso best wisýh- Maurice Anna'ert ( 24G-ordSmsn (~ 0 î~at wek' hgh ripe wntenger 22 LuseHfernne o eerloforbowlers Howard Brommeill . 21Getty Cha .rland ~9 0 10 Onir Etcher wvith 728 U240- 242, Judy Bragg ý2 75, Minnie who are i11 or in the 31sp'31- John Luffman ------ 20--Bih!l Joli _----------203 H vis 90198 fllwe by Bleen Taylo 255, Nancy Evans 235, Doris Joli for the ladies with Albert Saman ---- 218 Linda. Çros-sey 23~ I-wk Moore 713 (220-2_54-239) and Dvs2i24,Hlna46veg. Russ Haiman 214 Vi Coole --------- 20 2 41 050 ' l 211). Nan Cïo hd he Roer2-2,2ethr6-oe With one week kIt in the LeonConnors .~ . 214 Shirley Fowler - 201 ' 41,0t 631 hgli ,çr1322 ethrMoebowling schedule bel ore t he Mike ,Murphy - ---- --- _214 Phil Harlos 21* singe gme f te nght 29, 23, oeAmn26,ud playofî s the teram stndng Don Wright --- ---- (39) 213 Rob Vandenberg20 39,706 331/n- a69,ril. e Omnd 243-227, Mar1y tînd Hayneps on top with 32½ Lolca Wright 211 Jean McLean 2f 40,2,54 31 ½ 2ilenderson 228, Joyce Mjo points followed hy\ we ee un29NomMKe ~(4 0) -41,168 25 Tp1 vrgs 25 iyEdmondson 253, DotanDnnwt29pns ----39,860 18 Onie Etcher 238, 0111e Pat- Boos240, 'Jackie, Patfield 1adDii ih2 h Singlefield 228, Audrey Osmiond 220,Iq7, Nnc Cox 29.3, P'atLu- Oe25Gae DON OSBORNE'S (formerly of CHOO0) 26Davie Wolnik 220, Thelma For- tn 23 Joane rome Ross Wright 299, RandyÏ RTriplei 210, Judy Bragg 210, Ex ai1More '20 254 239 Helen D-Peie Dobbins 286, Bon Bim '5 F yktr W9 hitehead 20,. Helen Depew ý-pew 245 g es-, 284, John Lufîman 282,ý 1, D. Ogden 647,-20q, Mabel Lewis 207.- Howard Brommeil 279, HildaI Special Guests . . . 64' T.Mais 69,i Tea StndirSîmanick 276, Maurice Anna- Recording Star, the beautfful Bev Marie J. Mairs1.3. TeamgStanins e . ml 274, Vi Coole 269, Rnr 633 B.Nimgon1'II.5 Fis ~ VIA UK Havnes 257, Mike Murphyi The Country Sweethearts . Joe Hall Trits Judy Bragg 49331 M "AYD M JA- ,r 250 Games Onie Etcher - 43954 2 , 91256, Shrlev Fýowler 2.52, Peg-I Audrey White - baicked up by the Hovse Ba"d' ý286, P. Br(ome Dot Brooks----_ 44157 26 Apri1l"1,4 gy Haynes,250, Vîrginia Fair-l' Roly and the Country Swingers including t-wo ef 279, F. Land 23 Ena Etcher 436----41r, 2'6 Ruiss Hately frfri-n ~Y 250 the originals of the TV Show, ton 266, K. Camp- Audrey Osmond l,",7 5025 Ontario BwigChampion-1 Oe 300 GaniesThMan trtJabee .Nimigon 257, F.,ileen iVMoore- 42660) 25 ships in Londonrealyso - Rues Hately 36,5-306, Ber- TeMî-tr Jiber 1Glaspell 259, F.lThelma Forrester- 41788 22 ed is how whein lhe rll 888 nice Bujday 320, Larry Piper' Many more of1 yonr Ooupiry Fvuie E. Mitchell 250. Mabel Lewis ---42080 19 for High Til nldn 0.iT relrages H-elen Rogers 42381 18 ' Higli Single of 3651. 0'.Averae ONE -IS SUNDAY- 207 Ollie Patfield --- 42145 18 "Way bo go Ru"s." Randy 1Ernie Perfect (9 6 NIGHT AP-Riil 2ST-H 201 Joyen Tennant 40683 17 Beauiprie giving Russ somre Larry Piper ?4 59 ONLY! frm -1 pm i98'Shirley Davis 41200 15 ighty fine competition with ,Doris Joli ----m---- 9V- - AR A"p1! --- - 197 Over ?,?A Games 839. Six of our bowlers Peggy Haynes-------22N Rfehet 1971 Orie EIcher 240-290, Marlon 1reached the 700 ark:Lay Russ Hately 230 JF",ý ancing fnrehme - - - - - - - - - -- 1 9 6 IM c K n i ,g h t 5 1 , B i l l -*: s e m n i p e r 7 7 2 ( 3 0 3 ) , l f w a d R a n d y B e a u i p r i e - ( 2 1 ) 2 2 9 1 ------- - 1931232-266, Ceeule Bowers 22, Býromm ,ell750, Roýs W righ Benice Buday 22-Ami-io-$15-hile uner12 RE ------m -a--i--d -2--278, Evi 745,Joan Sute(liffe 744, -Ber- IHector Ballantine - -26 The ideal way to store garden furniture, lawnmower, bikes and al of those other bulky items that take Up 30 much roorni your base- ment and garage. Triple ribbed galvanized steel wall panels, design- ed to withstandstress and rust. Rugged one piece sliding doors that open and 'close easily on heavy duty nylon rollers. Each Beaver Spacemaker is finished with a baked on light green and white heavy duty "Stelcolour" finish. Steel floorîng an optional extra ,. ONLY BECAUSE 0F A SPECIAL FURCHASE ARE WE ABLE TO MAKE THIS OUTSTANDING OFFER!1 VINYL COVERED ~~ ~ The eoom lway 'Io proteet and improve 1' youi property. 12 G-auge, 2"' Mesh, 42" High 4A complete fine of accessories available. 50, Ft.IRol IN 11SPECIAL PURCHASE PRICE 2~4~~ 8'x Y5'Model ON DISPLAY EAVESTROUGH '~ Ileavy'.giuge galvanized sheet metal fer 1111 long lasting shape. 1' Regular, 10 Ft. Length 13 SPECIAL PURCHASE PRICE Acomplet. lin. of accessories availahle& THU-SDA ýFIPA' an SAU2DY OLY OPEN MONDAY- TH-URSDAir -53 0MF DRIDAY 'TIL 9,- SATIURDAY 'TIL 4t Phone 23-338 B AVE AELL

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