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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 21 Apr 1971, p. 17

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NEWCASTLE LIONS 222, A. Langstaff 217, B, Lake NEXT ANCE 217, D. Merer 212, M. Goocl NEXT DANC 207 B* Stapleton 200, M. Kent IN COM1I'UNITY HALL ONI200' T Langstaff 197, P. Saturday, April 24 Breen 197, C. Knelnngen 192, ,4 P-M., BAR pRIVILEGES G. HallowelI 190, C. Picker- MAusie by Royal Ambassadors ing 189, L. Farrow 179, Mv. Adissi .on - $4.00 couple Garrod 175. LAST DANCE OF" SEASON MIEN - 200 and Over J. Knelangen 271, J. Bruton Notice 263, B. Farrow 263, B. Burley 256, J. Robinson 248, T. Wal- Reistration Newcastle Re- ton 244, B. Lewis 232, P. creatlin Basebali. Boys agc Adams 230, M. Henry 228, G. 8to 14 years, 'Community Cowling 227, W. Flintoff 227, I-aSaturday, April 24th, E. Taylor 226, L. Taylor 221, 10t:00 )arn. to noon. 16-1 G. Kupery 202. NEWTONVILLE LADIES He4p W anted 175 and Over APPLCATINS fr sumer A. Vo gels 262, M. Turk 244, playground leaders will be J. Welter 216. L. Willems 212, acecepted by the Newcastle W. Simpson 190, H. Willemns Recr'eation Commttee Box 8à 187, V. Gray 185, H. Cali 179, Newc-astle, up to April 30t .Hlln18 197 1. Applicants should be at THURSDAY MIXED ]east 15 years of age. Please 175 and Over state age and experience, if B. Glanville 316, M. Ibbot- anPlayground operates fivc son 247, V. Mercer 238, M.ý dlays a week, mornings only, MacGregor 229, S. Black 226 for a-pproximately six weeks. M. Lewis 2,10, J. Myles 204, M.f 16-1 Couch 20, -A. -Farrow 203, T. PROCLAMAION The Village of Newcastle proclamatfion DAYLIGHT'SAVING, TIME starts Sunday, April 25th, 1971 at 12:01 a. Al elocks should be advanced one hour at this time. D. J. CUNNINGHAM, RLeeve oay, the occasion of Claytons The grouU11U 15 ettiIIg quite birthday. dry. Mr. Frank Sweeney, OsIs- - awa, was Sunday dinnen guest of Mr, and Mrs. Roy Pater- ENNJSKILLEN son. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Tre- Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Irw in win, William and Paul werewere Wedniesday dia n er Saturday evening callers ýat guests of Mr. and Mrs. Angusi Mr. and Mrs. J. Poits'. King, Little Britain. Mr .and Mrs. Ross Ashton, 1V{-s. Clark Dorland, Mr., Beth, Barbara, Allan and and Mrs. John Dorland, La- Grant called on MIr. and Mrs. peer, Michigan, Dr. andMrýs. Ted McLaughlin, F e n e 1 o n Clark Werry and family, Eto- Falls. bicoke, were Saturday gue.sis Mr. and Mra. Harold Wright of Mn. and Mrs.,E. A. Werry. of Oshawa were Sunday ev- Miss Audrey Goyne, Cour- RosgcagaAs ton r.sand Mrs. tice, was a weekend guest of Ross Aston's.Mr. and Mr, Wayne Beckett! Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Sie- and Penny. mon, Susan and Fred were Mr, anîd Mrs. Francis Hum- Sunday dinner guests of Mr. mel, Millbrook, were Sunday and Mrs. E. R. Taylor, Ennis- visitors of Mr. and Mrs. R kîllen. Lamb and Lesley. Mrs. A. Thompson visited Mr, and Mrs. Glen Wonna-' Mr. and Mns. A. Wiseman, n'aker, Port Perry, were Sun-1 Bowmanville, on Tuesday. day dinner guests of Mr. andl Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Ashton1 Mrs. A. Sharp. visited Mrs, Etta Page and Mr. and Mrs, Rosa Mann,l Mrs. Mabel McLaughlin who Oshawa, were Saturday even-j are patients in Memorial Hos- ing callens at Mr. and Mrs.' pital, Bowmanvilie. Carence Stainton's.i Mr, and Mrs. L. Ashton Mer. and iVrs, Gordon Van- called on Mrs. F. Caldwell1, num, Oshawa,,were Saturday Port Hope, on Sunday. afternoon caîlers-at Mr. andý Mrs. M. Bertrim_ la doing Mns. E. Wright's. Mrs. Clarence Stainton, Gordon 202, F. Lewis 201, E. Beverley, Brenda >and Bianý Stephens 194, P. Griffin 192, were Sunday tea guests with J. Worr 183. Mr. and Mrs. M. Staînton. FRIDAY MIXED Mr. N. E. Wright, Oshawa, 200 and Over was a recent supper ,guest at B. Hoogkamp 326, R. Good Mr. and Mra, E. Wright's. 286, A. Peer 280, J. McCrack- Mr. Lawrence Wright, Tor- en 249, S. Powell 246, D. onto, was home with his fam- Halsey 236, J. Tennant 233, J, ily for the weekend. Sikma 230, R.']Burley 224, A. Suaday nigbt dianer guesta Pearre 220, P. Kidd 211, B. at Mr. and Mrs. Harold Ass-1 iWilks 210, M. Maqill 208. BP fn's wer 1VMr. S C .P.- ri f el 24, . Jnkns W, RRrptonRe suad Mmi. Ted[ H-ennry 200. anis 0,L Hamton, onnic,,Pa.ul and kL 'iM. M Mms Bruce Tilison, Ecftor Phono 987-4213 C Some lHeIp Offered to lTlmas! OveercomeShortugoaSca na kroa (lh und5Scouat e de r S Newcastle--Guide and Scout can ChuncIs, These yourigters Bi orgaizatonsare gatting into have raised ovan $400 on their: ar Nwste.On Monday ev- Thea cleaning of thse grounds the swing cf the dlean-up with last project and remind you ening, in place of the regulan at Maple Grove serrer field thse Cuba and Scouts prepar- to keep watrh for the actual Cub metieting, parents of hoth one te two nighta pnion te tIse îg for another bottle drive time, place and date of their t Cuba3 and Scouts were, invit- Cub Athletir Day is being May is5tI. To help yen make next projert which will be a ed te attend a meeting of the lookad after by Pat Blaker. noom in your basement or gar- dance, to be held in New- paets ponsoring group and The Camnporc,' planned for age they wîll aise take away castle. Agaîin the proreeda te Mohn'Auxiliany, who with thse 18-19-20 of June yaceived old newspapens or magaztines. will go to help the four zi thef Cuh and Scout Leaders amucli attention amiong both Wîth thse Guides and Bnowniea youngsters from Clarke High weire adrviaad of the many ar- mothena and fathers ef Cuba. working on a fill-up, offering School fulfili tii ir dream cfhI tivities pla.nnad for the, boys It was felt necesaary te have you their Girl Guide cookias travelling te Swedea and re- E these roming montha, and the at îeast three rooks, with Mrs. tkey will ha in your anea on prsntn . . coo nd t (,r-gcecy of obtaining belp. Joyce Myera, Mra. Cennie De Saturday, Apnîl 24th or May Ontario in thse Onîenteanîng Scout Leader Jim Stephen- Jong and Mrs. B. Wilson lst. Please help these worth- over there. Let's get héhind di soCub Leaders Mrs, Don offering tîieir heîp if at all while yonth organizations. these yeungsters aad help in g linnis, Norman Tilîson and possible. A, camper will be Thse Newrastle Lions Dance, every way possible. b George-Gray were in attend- loaned by Sroutmaster Steph- thse last oaa of thse season, we With the airer days aheadU anewith Cub Leader Mrs. enson te house thse female haececod ilh ede uvstn ilh aln Býruce Tilîson, who welrmed rooks. Fathers Ben Wind and on Saturday evening. Tickets on yen and you in turn will s the, parenits and made thse in- Ton.y Ton have volunteered te are selling and this does ap- hae taking trips. Please ne- 1 tr oductions inrluding Mrs. go aloag and assist wîth thse pear te be anothar great member te mal inl yonr newa, Agines Malkawitcz, Presîdent male leaders. A telephone night la the offing. Don't 987-4213. d of tIse Mothars' Auxiliary aad committee, made up of three wait until tIsa last minute, To tIse Cub and Scout nioth.- q' Mn11. Pat Blaker, memben Of r,embers, Mrs, Milkewitcz, thene may not ha room for ara and fathers attending Mon- Io tïIse Newcastle Liens Club, thse Mrs. Wilson and Mrs. Ton will you and yen won't want te ha day evenîng, siacene thanka 1spensornag group. assist tIse leaders in making disappointed. on behaîf of thse leaders is t Anà outline of tIse activities, ralDa for cana and drivers on TIse wianer of thse tape re- Iseraby expnasaed to yen, we. beginning with theSi-ottefurnîhan, corder, a draw apoasoned by trust with your help we eau n plaaaied for Ssturday, May Loeking still further ahead thse Clarke Orienteering Croup fulfill another season. " Jatat ouric HiIs cIsolwaste he ubScout bus trip te was won by William Carman sincerely hope that those net 1,a, ke d over. Ini the absence Ottawa, it was neportcd that Of Orno. Ticket number 1 attending had a worthwhîle th if, thJiree leaders who wili haeone highly sucresaful bottle was dnawn by Rav. Rob4Ont reason, and that youn heip will A' unable te attend, Cub FatIs- drive had been held, nising Hayne of St,_George',; Angli- ha given when and if called on. k crs Ban Wind and Tony Toc over $70 and another will beW voiLunteed te go on thea bus held Saturday, May 15tIs T with tIse Cuiba and Scouts and Boxes of carda tee, are being du ingt how.PniCe of boxes available te Scouts whong Ppl A p y adi s'ion arbe la U!. Ilwish te have them Some r I CusadS-outs,' attanding were sold at this meeting i-eu erai an te(oha in full uniform and Mna. Malkewitcz was thenF uc-d -% a us mneath Ie Commiunity Hall. called on te speak and se Bswill leave at 6:45 p.m. asked for support from tIse d-4 g tIse date, May 8tIs, thse Satur- ~n r N w P og a sharp. ma othens in hnga s sale, LE da eoe Moher ay. Ail A ACanlada Manpewer apekes- volviag dean-up prno je ctsa foi the boys takiag the trip te man la Oshawa reported on aronnd creaka aný parka. Oaa 1. LEOttawa. Mrs. Dereca Lake Monday that about 40 applica- la a group from Onono, pro- Hockey News voiuuteened te make a special tiens for the federal gevera- posed hy Fraser Wallace of Mothers Day Cake and have mcat's Opportunity for Youth tIsa village. TIse othlý sala it rafflcd off as a way of Program have heen handed group fmcm Orono, proposed Ton e~n anue-aneraisiag more money. Ail ont te groupa and individuala, by Fraser Wallace of tIse vil- Nrwasie-nigin t apresent sccmed te agnee on ln this aras sinra thse prograni lage. TIse othar la a group losa a flilyear 0fd Town tisis ides of raisiug money an>d was made public. fnom Durham Collage -and League Hocke yrniembers of cnat ets oec h u Ieai ewy~ weuld involve tIse ean-up cf the four teamns, Partnens. sentarts xviiih e m fadeby kntnwi ise no m any of ths Ie Oshawa Crack and Con- peoedby Partner's Plomb- sn aenubl b aemYkoig o ay o i t- structing nature trails ln the nd H c sting, Orono JhntIse 'phoea rmmitte Cub applications have bean , rak rset. Ie roosi îu on-Leader George Gray~ wiil be ted te tIse Sacrctany of Stata 's cceptara, wucd ge oan- son sso 'rdb oa ' in chýarge of tickets. office la Ottawa for approval. pcmn oaot4 tdna Dru StreNewaste, ud Refcriing tethea Camponea, i AUril IstIs was tIsa deadiina TIse pnegnam, for which E i-hra, EmspeHdbyte nt as fIt by tIse leaders1te apply fer tIsa pregram, and $14.7 mnillion in fonds have SNet1le Elmhu,,:rÉt Hotga nthat ut eaat oaa more tant omplete datails on each suh- heen allocatad, la slanted te- Sa t h epr70s7d Chngat- should be. punchased sud ne-lmission have te reach thse wards youth and encourages p)ion1sthcIs man oeftIse Cowsn- pairs made te thse onas they'Secrtarys office by ne latar new ideas frcm thcm to 'pro- villa team, 1. porsoli'd by Cow- have. Needing pega, Scout- tIsa Apnil 30tIs, dure empicyment fer tIsa sum- aniville At nres master Stephenson auggastad Togop aemd u- e ots tî evc that ail availabla broen hec- Togop aemd u e ota tl evc ~atam ludtein wives key sticks be hrought into tIse lic thair intention te apply for prianted. Projact w hic h lI fnienda ma-lit at tIse New- Cuba or Scouts meetings sud tIse progrsm - hoth lndepenid- smack of monay-making Isopas - i Unitad Chiunch Sunday Scouts rould wonk on these. anitiysÈnved a n bl-d o nt qualîfy. _____ fcsoi fer a delirlous dinuer, Mn. Blaker spoke hiefly te he,,dbytIse U.C.W, They tIse parents. WIile faw iun held an elerýtion of ofîîcrîs, number. with 30 Cubsansd 12- H A Y 1)U O N rc-lariagPaul Coilison as 15 Scouts, tIsera was at leasat Pre, sdetz:nd D aei icer- an lutereat shown hy tIse ut- Miss Alicg Jouas, Kinga3ton-., aîraly after lhan operation Ia VugasSereary-Teasurer tending parents, and haeIsopad la spendiug a coupla Qiofwaaka tIse Osbawa Hospital, Mis, Th Ms Vlu ePlayer it would brng more iutareat. at hanrIhome. Bertrim will be gatting eut A'ded Ille,BetGai Addiug toe Ia li fer help Mn. and Mrs. John Jouas, of hospîtalinlatIse middla of Award te o rg Van Dam Of active full time leaders by Whitby, Miss M. Boumae, Oshs- this week and wili ha stayiag in$n Tep Sco;erAwa te hand1Mr. awa, wene Sunday visitosa ih lier daughtar, Mrs. Ken- o!i tIse( final i es going S hd ndon ,ilheadroisd sa d h M n. . Mackonsent neth U win, Oshawa, for a Dam o Cow- looked wharever hae thought few days with Mn. and Mns. Mn. and Mns. Lloy-d Ashton, Fel ingth dinuar sud Ise might fiud tIsa answar and A. Trewin> sud aise visitad Mn. Russell Ormiston, Mn. praenttiosa dance waa aVtili couidu't corne up withMnadiVr.Wle Lva1sd n.RoaAtnsu hid ut at Ise Cemmunity Haill replacements, l-avieg stated Midgeasd M ansly, Tyroe-ath attendodstIs htoan 1o tsetamasdtanne aithlIe lat Father sud Son rdeadfmlTrn. Bt teddteSol.r da. banue that tIser would h Miss Norma Hover, Whîtby, banquet at Blarkstock on TIs hal wa filled te ra- Cubqanad Scouts in Newcastle visitad Mn. and Mrs. W. Wednesday eva:niug. ýaityad they could have, Blackburn and famiiy on gr. and IVis. Chanhie Gar- anccciad il ight, and tIsa as long as haeIsad auythiag to rard, Mn. and Mrs. Don Cam- Prchsisra, kuown as tIsa Bobby do with it, hae was now ha- Sunday. ,M.adMs ly D"(e, QuartLEti would have play- gînnîng to wonder. Mrs. Walter MVurray, Mrs. enonM.sd na Lly cd lf nighlt. TIis mouid weîî At tIse close of tIse meeting, Harold Hear, Toronto, callad Ashton,,Mas. W. Martin, Mn. ha\ u ha st dance Iseld lVln. Veida Convier offarad te on the Lloyd Ashton family Astud Mns. Crsan sttn ye n1 Naýwrastia, with this attend tIsa nexi few meetings on Satundlay. n rCosmnatne grop payng usi a it ban sd sea if se rould Iseip with Mr. and Mra. Gordon WerrytIse dianer lu Enniakillen to al hi ghiy appreriativa audi- Cuba, with Ban Wiad offening Trne ae Fla a hrhfrSno iies anca. ýIaviting Newràstle'a bis assistance te Scouts ay- guesta with Mn. and Mns. Mn. and Mrs-. Leslie Graham oviliGeogeChrd r. tc sngtime lha wss availabia or that Lloyd Ashton, Ronald andi warc sorry thay could net at- withl them, hea dded anothar Mn. Stephenson railed upon Raytn th ier Ms.Ga flanc whirh IigIly daiighted i. Tha' meeting than ad- Mn. sud Mrs. Wayne Bpîc- ham bas not heen very weil Isim T l ndhd hm p june.katt sud Penny, Enniakillen, for soe tinia. Hope haný tIs pepieandhadthe ~p~etriid.____________ Mn. Roy Plcws, Baiieboro, bealth improves seon. palngfor more. Miss Sheryl Ashton wane Fn- Mn. sud Mrs. Lloyd Ashton diosNote-Anc thare te fig, N W aynigcleso ha m ocf these with thIs adyaeigm liens IaL.' attandad Mn. sud Mrs, W. sanie orchiestra? This was a.~ I~ w Ashton family. -A shton's Golden Wcdding dAn- t qusinrasdb mn ihMn. sud Mrs. Archie Whit- nîvarsary which was hei1l savaral telaphona ralis baing MODA LDI'emc, Newcastle, were Sunday tIse Enniakillen S, S. Room. IMNDY ADES viîtir .TvsitatMn iad VMrs.il Mn. sud Mrs. Lloyd Ashton .1 ,~ ~ g -g g ~ ,'g gg~ t g ROUND STEAK ROASI B ON EL ESS,3QTO 2 2 ý RUMP ROAST- SIRLOIN POINT ROASI I RED BRAND STEER BIEF ROUND STEAK- LBE 98/ ROUND STEAK ROUND STEAK CUBE -STEAK BEEF LIVER SLI OP rIOASTr TOP' $JCE LI9 *3 FULL SLiC OUT PROM EVE 0F SIRLOIN POINT SUPER-R IGHT QUALITY -ICED, SKINLES CL81, 22 L4B Cookd,Peayto Serve SHANK PORTION1 BUTT PORTION RAMS5 36 3 CE NTRE CUTS or HAM STEAKS lb 9 9c JAFFA UObRANGES Product of Israel DOIEN <SIZE 112's SALE rO;4de.fo Pa4tck, cenetia ckoie. (REAM CORN7 1iýnz in,, 8 8 3Ï RICE-TAPIOCA 4 99C mixedi L!BBY'S VEGETABLES 414-o,tins 88<- LIBBY'S BEETS 419-lnoz tics 88< ALPHA.GETTI 3 î-floztîns î;8< Dcl Monte - Canadffa Fac FRUIT COCKTAIL 10 ostin3 9 c JANE PARKER, DAILY DATED FULL 8 INCH 24-OZ SIZE v FloridrawnCanada No. 1 Grade EER YSALKS LARGE SIZE 24's eaochL Tulip LUNCH EON MEAT 3 î2oz tins 1,00 Facia 1Tissues KLEENEX BOUTIQUE 2O02Oýp-y 1 .00 10 Varîcties, Cake Mixes BETTY (ROCKER 19-oz pkg 42c Beef PEP DOG FOOD5 26-0z tins 1.00 Ail pricea ;shown in ffhîs cd gaat effective through Saturdiy, April 21, 1971, JANE PARKr7R, DAILY DATED CHERRY PIE ul8mc24esi 5J Carrs - Stand!!ardl PEACHES ValiattSpaghetti SAUCE Walkor's Criekers SALTINES Large Sweet Peauý or Green Giant yegE 28o, 39C 4 Lý-oz tfa Lo 3 1-1b pkg?,soc ream" Style CMrn eaailes 4l14-fi-oz tins 88c Sandra, Hamilton, Mr. and The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanville, Apr. "Il, 197?1 Mrs. K. Pooler and xgirls, Missl lidyMcunOsado"r.M Reid, Gerrard Collins and Ro- and Mrs. Len Player andbo, 1.I ii bert Jarvis, was establishédý Bowmanville, Miss BlancheI I TI e1 1 $ 1 , 5 to aid'in pollution cotrlin P'net, Trenton, MViýsGth IE I Jj cnou Niesen Enîsklle,. he c-'Northumberland and Durh-am. Tenext executive méet- asion was to celebrate M.Tetw iBwavleaIv $10,708,30. Newcastle,'si thankful for. if it were not ing is to take place at the k~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~c ere'bitay Cn-ley to the United Counties ýranks fifth from the bottom, at for the provincial grants and home af Diane Thompson, Co- rauatos.i 1971 is $168,243.13, uIp'$26,664.07, subsidies each municipality bourg. The meeting was ad- Mr. and Mrs. ,E. Wright $1 1,252 from, the previaus Cartwright's apportionrnent. would have to pay a great journed aiter a brie£ lunch. visited with Mr. and Mrs. G. year. las $41,529.41 and Clarke's deal more than, it does ai- --_______ /lcGlynn, Kingston, and Mr. The levy, approved by Town $98,336.55. ready.- If Bowmanville, for FINANCES IN POOR fIIAPE and Mrs. Glen Spry who were Council in their regular bî- The municipalities have un- example, had to pay for its Orono's financia] position visiting the MeGlynns fromn monthly meeting on April Sth, tii December 5th, 1971, te pay entire share it would be lac- remains la "poor shape" ac- Penfield, N.Y. Mrs. F. Spry represents 9.5620 per cent of their accounts. Accounts in ed with another bill, this one cordîng to the. Village's Audi- returned home with her son the $1,759,497.25 a moàu n t arrears after December 2Oth totaling $228,427 - and this, tor Walter Pope. oe Rochester, N.Y., after hhte Counties must col- 'will be, charged 6 per cent per in addition to what it is being During 1970 the village drbt Wrninghts, ie ihthe et from the 24 member annum. interest. assessed at present! increased a further $3419 qtro aE rs . Wrden, municipalities. The municipalities, howev-,er, al have something to be a total of $43,'13, Mr.adMs .Wrer, .- _ Lstfal .stwa dîcoe Bowmanvi1le R.R. 2, and Mr. Of the town's levy the GradCunPr oe httevlaehd ea and Mrs. 0. C. Ashton attend- Counties wiîî a p, p o r t iu on N. C ecreryarrolis otMandea tlyhe vav d e of a ed the Home Show in Toronto. $99,662.34 to roads, $22,176.67 N. .Y Un C Seay Mrin adrstvl hv r) M oae Mr. and Mrs, DJavid Stain- to 'welfare, $4,349.75 to theg Kendal; Treasurer, Mandy $12,000 because of Ai. oveLyj, on ndfamly Cooug, r.Home for the Aged, $14,598.40 E P fc r Martin, Gore's Landing, and ambitîous r oa drs prog),ram and Mrs. Torm Hockln, WiI- to the Health Unit and $27,-' c r Robert Jarvis of Port Hope which wac tiaec Jl 969, 455.97 to general purposea. waa appoînted te Constitution The auditor urg2ed. thbc police lowdaic, were weekend visi- Bwavll' eylateD evision and, Meeting PLn- trustees tolit sennti ors with Mr, and Mrs. L. Owai-iges in th oun- an'r rog ra rf ning Mrs, Iris Lamabier was an effort ta liquidat1 e eot Stainton. fourth hgeti h onl pone sitn etesadn -i ihr et SMrs. Herb Stainton visited tics, behînd Darlington, Port Seapp ryedAsitatoouhrsanin ebt itbn he èx he auherMs.CarneHe and C o b o u r g with, On Monday,, April 5th, theScrty._______ $170,398.51, $197,301.22 and Northumberland- ura Mr. Art Code, Bowmanvillr, English at the Scarboro Cen--D ra President of the Durhami P.C. ennial Hospital on Sunday. $281,447.42 respectively. Young Progressive Conserva- Association, attended the meet- i Our Senior Citizens annual Millbrook has the smallest tive Association held an elec- ing, dinner was attended by 40 tion for their first executive. On Wednesday of the am guests from Enniskillen end enjoyable entertaloment. An- 1Charles 'Reid, acting as tem- week the YPC's held an ex- borderïng communities. The other pleasant event where -porary president, introduced ctv 9ting at the home J.C.W. d 1 nn e r commîttee, ail seemed to have a good the guest speaker for the even- of David Gray, Garden Hill, WETAKEÉGPE7141 1 onvened by Mrs. E. Wright, time. ing, Mr. Darwin Keeley, youth Diane Thompson (Social) and E £VlT/.f cle erved an unusual and delir- Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Kîns- organizer for the Ontario Pro- Richard Foster) (Membership) 17 e lus menu. The table-, were man and family, Mrs, S. Kins- gressive Conservative Associa- decided to set up a YPC dis- 17SC /E! decorated with bright bou- man, Courtice, were SuridaY tion; Mr. Russell Rowe, M.P.P. play and s4eil memabership, at quets of golden daffodils, a supper guests at Mr. and Mrs. Northumberland and Mr. Alex the forthcoming dinn.er spon- gift from the Mothër's Fel- J, Kinsman's. Carruthers, M.P.P., Durham, sored by the Senior Executive lowship groop. Alocal poet, Mr. and Mrs, Bill Hender- Mr. Keeley said that this w.iS 0f the Durham PC. Association ~ Mr. Elgin Taylor expressed son and family have returned the 13th YPC Association to on May Sth at Greenwood the appreciation of the guests home from a good bolidaylbe formed la Ontario since the Towers Motel, Port Hope, with in verse,- Partial plans were down south. P.C. Leadership Convention. in Mr. Stanley Randail as their made to compile a historical Mr. and SIrs, E. R. Taylor February. guest speaker. ooket ro piner dys o ereSaurdy eenng is- At thmneeting the fhw Thse executive decided te the present time of our area. tors with Mr, and Mrs. Ev- ing pepl were elected: Presi- participate la thse May "Milesl A group of eight members ereti Cryderman. 'dent David Gray, Port Hope;1for Millions Walk" and plans known as the "Golden Keys" Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Larmer, lat Vice-President, Charles were made for a field tn;p to who are sponsored by the Blackstock, were Sunday ev- Reid, Orono; 2nd Vice-Pr-esi- Ontario Place on Saturdayv, Thomas House of Music from ening visitors at Mn, and Mrs, dent (Publicity), Bert Reid, June 19th, Activities for tIe ARVEY Vhitby provided a delightful E. R. Taylor's. Orono; 3rd Vice-President summer, such as Bar-B-Q, i V two heurs of instrumental Visitors with Mr. and Mrs.(Mm rhi) Jan Pollard, Dance and Public Debate were.,£ so AR NE - music on their own electric John Siemnon were Bob Leph, Cobour-g and, Richard Foster, briefly discussed. - RN 9350 nrgan and drums. Mrs. H. Niagara Falls, D'Arcy Cropp, Campbellcnoft; 4th and sth A Pollution A w a% r eneqas MeGilI extended a vote of Oshawa, Robert Slemnon, York Vice .- Presidents (Social), Comïnîttee, consîsting of Jan jE'SIO flI EA EVC balnks tethis group for the University. 1Diane Thompson, Coboung nd o ard (himn, Bn

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