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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 21 Apr 1971, p. 19

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LOCATION Con. , Lot 21, Hope Twp., Durhiam Couuty 401 at Interchange 77 wt HIGj'HWAY 115 NORTH TO KIRBY - 10 MILES EAST in- ON COUNTY ROAD 9. tîfi ta 12 PM. SHARP dom Saturdcy, April 24 due LUNCH SERVEDm go, GERALD ROGERS, A K . 1 GRAFTON .uctioneer sc PHONE 416.349-222l; aN 1521 a AuctioriSae IVESTOCK SALES Durham County Salas Arana, .oo- Evary Thurs., 7:30 pm. 4ling Ilorsas, Cattia, Swine, [vas, Slieep, etc., Charlia d, Auctionear and Pro- Jeton. 23-tf orHiglsast Pricas: FARM - HOUSEHOLD REAL ESTATE, ETC. aes Managers & Auctionears WILLIAM A. COLLINS BRUCE PORTER Blackstock 986-4673 ILSON AVE., NESTLETON 11-13, ell1ing Tbursday, April 29 Durham County Sales rna, Orono, the complete )k o! sheep a! Cedar Deaý m, Orona, consisting of ap- ximately 240 head. This îsignment includes Sussex, rset and Leicester sheep. any ewes have lambs and any are due soon. /This is a )d line o! breeding stock. ailes Raid, Auctionear. 14-4 -AuctÎin Sales Auction Sale Auctin sala, property o! Auctian sale,' Pethick',s Auc- Mr1 .G 'ale,34Sm tion Shed, Saturday evening, L coe St. N. Oshawa, Saturday, April 24, large quantity of a Apnfiil 24t1 p.m.: Moffat elec- furniture. Sale time 7:30. NoaitrD Uic stova,, kitchen suite, ple reserve an any article. Cli!- OSel amP'.ilco refrigerator, chest fard Pethick, Auctionear. Ca]l a! drxawers, wardrobe,-bads, 1 C ali Frigidaire electrîc stave, Norge pi atamatic d r y e r, rocking FINE RIDGEpr chiairs, cbesterfield suite, West- AUCTION COMPANY For 0ingbause refrigeratar, rollawav Salas Managers & Auctionaai's bed, baseboard hèsater, dress- Wa offar a Complate Service F enis, floar lamp, rugs, 'end GLENN FRY 4ables, washing machine, Na- 6U-53187 BOWMANVILLE Sa tional electric stave, electricai TOM LOWERY appliances, water softener, 728-7639 OSHAWA whaeelbarnaw, GE refrigerator, 16-tf niany more too numeraus ta _____ mention., Terrns cash. Place Auction sale o! housahold solId. Myles King, Auctioneer, furniture aud contents will ha 72.5-5751. 1- held at the property o! the late Sauina Therteil, first bouse at Saturday, May lst - Auctian on main street of Kendal Vil- Ane sale o! Livastock and Impie- lage just off County Road. fiaiý niants. 60 head of Hereford for the estata, on Saturday, farn cattla, 15 Hereford caws wîtb May lst at 1 a'clock, including pro, 15 calvea by sida, i cow due bedroom and kitchen furni- con- time af sale, il Hereford steers ture dishes aud beddîng, sucb Dor 1 1 yersold 7 erfor hef-as f idge, stova, china cabin- Mar ers 1 '/ yaars aid, 8 Here- ets, tables, chairs and niany a for b ifers d ters on antiques. Terms cash. L. goce year old, 3 hies nin" er, 162*Cha 2 years aid, open; Casa 530 Clysdale, Autner 162 tractor, live power, f ulW eînStudy a y equipped;, Case -200 haler. at il' arn., the cattie, horsesS PTO Case 3-fra luh househald furniture and a atd 3 P t. I n t . s id a r a k e , I n t. 1 0 ' o p et n f e t u a n cultivatar, New Ides power copplee lfno!restarantMa maowar, 1963 lut. No. 10 corn- spleo! nwa F n bination 16 disc seed drill, 32' one miala asst o! 115-35 Junc- on hayeleato, -to waon it tion at Enterprise. llousebold m'le hay racksio, M-F dwaouble iscApDliancas and Funýnitune - ser 16'a rckain barroublemanureGenaral Electric range (like dre. spr'serh fll laro f fanr a-new): Gibson refrigerator, dsut sphiner, furgaUne olu mpa-(neyer bave ta defrast), kitch- at and lina for 20 cows, 2 Surge antte set (six chairs),' new; t uiniti, DaLaval cream sepanat- Fleetwoad TV (6 mas. aIdl; gri cetrild suite (Frencbý fial or, the proparty of Ivan G. Pchvistal) cfetalladl Dawna.y, Lot 6,East bl ovnial) nw ofoftblkel Con. 10, Ops Township, titrea 2 new end tablas, set of new ir nilswto!OaaonN lamps, easy chair (radliner), io , ighswaytafOth Ceonesson cedar'chest (lika naw), 2 naw o 7n '/i mile otb.CoesionEnglisb, ganuine ail paintings, MYE and 4 mle outh Tems.round tintad mirror (pink). trac cash. No neserve as owner is 81 1'rg1nd)ptara;ne' in îll bealth. Carl Hicbson, 8 2 u rd atre;brec Auctioneer, Reaboro, Ont, rn nwAgubryatr 705-324-9959. 16_2 Bell & Howall camera, new GE. vacuum cleaner, Vic- ma toian table (antique), 2 van- hon KAWARTHA, ity stoola (1 red, 1 blua), hair ta LIV ST CK dryer (new) Ronson, Super- HAu LIVESTÔCK sonic radio, cassette 'tape ne- u EXCHANGE corder and microphone, Gar-- man Ziesa camera, cbarrywood LINDSAY badroom suite (brand new>, - pure e chair and cushion,sa (1 mile Weat of!35 and 7) 8 x 16 wool carpat (pinký),fi Keith 'Hobnden set a! TV tablas, portable radia Gtl and record player (Panasonic), PROPRETORnew tant and sleeping bag, hall rack, set of, ceiling ta 70532-389 flooî' drapes (only used six T 705-324-938 months), kitchen drapes (cus- tam made), set o lined drapes, Xew barn, rmodem faclitias awnings, 8 x 12 rug (yellow) Pet REGUTLAR WVEEKLY SALE patterned, cheat a! drawers tai EVEY ONDYi .M; (bnown), AM-FM radio XL- mai Concrta-XL, 1 four place nad tiel Two Ring-,s bathroom set and ana tbnae sIOr 'Vea, Spýîrr, Stockeéra, place green set. Restaurant Of Fat Cattie Equipment: Sunbeani stainleas Filg 1st"lMixasarrnik shake St RICG mi er (hrand naw Hamilton- ST C Ef ALE Beach), 3-humner bat-plate AT 1 P.M.li (naw for coffea), Durornatic M Master elactnic solution con-- Thurs., April 29 trol for a dishwasher. Neyer beau, usad. 3 dozen 12 oz. Dairy, Cattie Sale mlksake glasses, 1 oedi !Isually hald last Thursday Of suadae glasses, punch bowl 2 "iach month - This Month and stand (brand naw), 21 ONLY wil ha hed Duraline steak plates, apple Ar Aprîl 22, 7 p.m. biossom design, 12 soup bowls AuctiOneera match, 20 noun4 dinner plates 10 r1lîl Walker aad Reg. Johnson ta match, 13 cups and sauc- cou 13-4 ars (green edge), casa o! la' -mustard, 7 new dinnar plates, St., Satqurdsy. May Sth, Farm 8 side plates ta match, cupa SolId, Auction Sale o! Live- land saucera ta match (green), stoc, Implements aud House- 67 separate places o! a coni- 1-ld Furniture. 50 bead af pla-te set o!, Pyrocerani Corn- Hereford cattie, 18 Hereford ing wana, including cereal cOVwS 8 with calýýves by ide, bowls, sida dishes, round din- ciatie de for- May, 5 ner plates (curved edge) and HNeýrfard 2-yean-old opean bei!-,aval dinnar plates, 2 jugs, RE a-.2 Hereford steers 2 yeana sugar bowl, quantîty a! juice- aid, Il Hereford steers 1 yaar Iglasses, hakîng trays, servîng aid, 6 Hereford heifers 1 trays, quantity a! new asb year aid, lut. 414 gas tractar, trays, quantity a! ice cresrn 580 bouns,' like new; Allia- dishes, 1 doz. porcelain cups, Chalmera WD 45 tractor, with white; sait and pepper shak- Umibît nianune loader, Allia ars, buffet trays (plastic, 1 Chalmers B tractar, M-F 3,5 ean), 1 full case a! white you combine, 8', PTO; 1968 M-F sarviettes, 16 pkts. a! 125 gold ant No. 9 haler, PTO; M-F 15- plain centre serviettes; stain.- Neu dlisc combination seed drill, leas steel inisants (1 set), stain- ta Knîgbt nia n urne preaden, lass steel coffee pot, stainlesa PTO; New Ideal side-raka, steel watan jug, 2 cases o! Ca lut. i-funrow plougit, A-C 7 ft. Heluz ketchup - 34 hatties; power mawer, lut. 10' culti- 1 casa o! Haînz tomata juice - vator, lut. 6' cultivator, field 12 cana; quantîty o! vinegan, sprayar, double disc, Int. quaatity o! Ajax cleanar. manune apreadar, A-C i 8-run Restaurant Linen and Supplias saed drill, Little Jumibo 'an- -10 white caats, 14 white tique gas angine, chaîn saw, iaprons (coak'), 9 white dresa bay elevaton, grain auger, full shirts, waistcoats and bow tias, lina o! modemn maecbinary. coffea fltar, 12 checkarad Il Funnitura - Mthusbek Square table lotits 68" x 46" (naw) I ,eal Estate for Sale1 Country Home 1 NE W $3,500 Down Pick your lot. We will build )ur home, Trade your pres- it bouse. 1,200l sq. homes. ewcastle cftitskirts. Only 3 Spick frarn. aIl KATHLEEN HOSKIN 623-7276 or 576-8345 M. Lang Real Estate ON f15-tf 576-8090 623-2503 Newcastle - Cosy 2 bedmaarn )me, veny dean sud beauti- .ly dacorated. Well land-. cped lot. Ideal starter or manieent home. Only $15,500. Onano - Beatifiul secludad tting overlooîciug park sud donestatiou ares. Attractive ugalow wîth broadloom, replace, patio sud garage. ts o! shrubs, sud tracs. The A,000 81/% montgage car- as for $171,00 montbiy. Country bomne: Solîd brick, ýx 13' mec. roani wîth ban. mga sun nooni, garage sud id size lot. Full price 8,500. Try $3,000 down. Arnhem Drive, Oshawa -year aid 2 storey( 4 hed- unm home. Large diniung im, wall ta wall broadloomo id attacbed garage. Asking 0,900 witb easy terma. Bownianville -.- Immediate )ssession, 2 storey older home itb fînaplace, sepanate din- nooni sud sun parcb. Beau- Fl lot with big trees, Close achool. $2 1,500 witb $4.000 )wn. Rleal Estate Re5l, Estate for Saje' Real Estatte for Sale Ufl r IMMEDIATE possession, 7 'NEWCASTLE, choice building 6364 r-ooin 2-storey bouse on Main lo, 80D x -250, prie $4,50U.17Kn t . omnil St. in Caasarea; full prîce Cali 26.3-2042. 16-137 ing EB -wanvlD i (, 1 el.51 nvnPhnnp ,.- -- - a *RPt](.t..t W,,UÏ. - 986-5517. '16-1 *~B W~~.~'I LISTINGS Wanted: Homnes, fanms, vacant land. Martgage 33 King St. East, Bewmaaville mroney available. For free ap- praisal cail Bowmanvilla and Phone 623-3950 or 623-3111 area rapresentativa J. Leslie OSHAWA.- 3 bedrooni, 2 'P.aa'b ea storey home. Oul heated, 4- OsawaLt. 303 Hilîside Ave., pce. bath. Low taxes. Askî'ng Oshawa.____ 14-t! $17,900. Ternis. BOWMANVILLE: 4 bedromi bungalow. Ou bheatad, 3-pce.1 bath. Asking $17,900. Terms-.- OSHAWA: New 3 bedrooni C brick bungalow. Living andLITE dining roorn . Asking, $24,900. REALTORS Ternis. ORONO: Neat 5 bedroom brick bungalow. Qil heatad, Bowmanvilia 623-4403 4-pce. bath. Garage, Asking Waverlcy Gardans $23,600. Terms. In a neighbourhood o! good 10 ACRE PARCELS witb homes. Imnaculate side-split building permunts avaîlable. witb 3 good sized bedroonis. Priced frorn $6,000 and up. Electrically beated, o nliy minutes fromn Hwy. 401 for 12 ACRES, 4 roomed- borne, commuter's canvenienca. oul beated. Barn. Askîng Nawtonville $25,000. Terrms. Ready ta maya into and only BOWMANVILLE: 3 bedrooni minutes fromn Hwy. 2 and brick bungalow. Living and public transportation. Titis 3- dining rooni. Ou 'haated. 4- bedroorn bungalow is situated pce, bath. Garage. Deep lot, on an interestîng ravine lot. Very -central. Asking $22,900. Approxîmataly one-third a! Ternis, an acre. Asking $25,900.00. BOWMANVILLE: 4 bed- Garden Hill room brick home. Completely 10 acres. Secluded yet witb- renovated. Heated for about in walking distance o! achool. $100.00 yearly. Double and An ideal location ta buîld your haated garage, Only $3,0()o dreani bouse surrounded, by down. beautiful pines and cedars. Asking $10,000,00. OSHAWA: 5 noomed brick Building Lot and stone bungalow. Qil beat- Excellent location. Only 1.2 ed. 4 pce. bath. Garage. Nice miles nortb o! Hwy. 2 on tha quiet street. Aski'tg $23,000. Oshawa Town Lina. 70 ft. Terra. frantaga x 215 !t. depth. Ask- ORONO. 5 roomed, brick ing $6,000.00., bungalow. Neat and dlean. Wfima Entwisle - 786-2911 Oul heated. 4-pce. batb. At- Mika Belmonte - 576-1908 tached garage. Nice quiet Mlîl aa-.6353 street. Asking $23,900. Terma. W.-7512 BOWMANVILLE: 4 bedroani . viree ""zâjit brick 11i/2 storey home, ail _______1- heated, 4-place bath, good lo- cation. Asking $20.900. Terma. After Haurs PleaseCali: Gary Hancock - 983-5155-ss Harry Voamman . 623-7597 Sid Osinga - 621-2401 REAL ESTATE Jesse Van Nast 623-3230 pl Bud Virtua - 623-2969 147 King St, E., Bawmanvllle Hary Coutta 725-2649 6376 r6329 Rosa Davldson - 705-277-2321 6376 r6329 Bill Raa -, - 705-786-2185 Bawniauaville,, 3 bed.,roorn 16, on 1 acre lot, excellent view, _____ - -tawuwater. Aaking $23,50 Salling Satunday, Apnil 24 1 p.m., the bousabold gooda id furniture of Mr. Cecil alley, 2 miles West o! 115, S4th Con. Clarkeansd U' ie sauth, selling without ra- rve a diuing roorn suite, essera, washstand, chest ,wers, beds, 3 waab, sets, dique rocker, 'picture frames, idia coucb, pina cupboard,1 imophane, lampa, -chester- [d, faîl les! table, butter dleansd printer, capper :tle, woodan bake board, )n pots, reasonably naw set barnasa, thraa-furnow plaw, yara 200-gal, aprayar, Case« actor, gardan aquipmant, ýw surnp pump, 2 standard ýd mares, ana 3-yaar ma~re rRiddell Gald, ana 9-year are by WHO, Bath thase uses ana brokan and rady go on with. Lawrence arnis, Clark; Charles Raid, ctoneer. 15-2 Notices -fast, efficient cai' Wasb rvice FREE with gasoline 1-up Flyîn-g Dutchman il! Service Centre. 6-t! .NOTICE .1 ownship of Clarke NJo parson shah hbum or ,rt ta ba burned any ma- 'jal in an open fire that Lay contribute to air poIlu- on exccpt with the permis- on and under the direction ,the Township of Clarke ire Chie!, Rosa Mercar. H. DeWI'M', Clemk 16-1 ortgages Wanted 24 HOUR APPRO VALS nd and 3rd Mtges. krranged la the Coaveniance of Vour Home (W cast. You can eall ta Sp.m. today for helpful isrteous service. Prompt ivestmant Camp. Ltd., 330 BaY .,Taronto. CALL COLLECT 366-9586 Evgs. 231-8146 After 9 pm. caîl: Roy Foster -Omano1 Andy Sutch- Orono Audrey Plain- Norm Wetherup Frank Simpson Art Greig - Pat Vea 983-9119 623-3563 72-4809 725-9638 623-5191 623-3077 Elackstock - 149 acre pro- Jan Oegenia - . 623-2318 etive !arm. Large barn lu Piiylîis McRobbie -623-7159 id condition. 4 hedroom ,wl- deconated home. Very Jan Oudshooma 623-2984 ernic. Asking $52,POO, Dana Found - - 623-3965 Near Orono - Beautiful 10 Kay Bro'wn - 623-3150 re buildinig site in l-u W.Turansk.; Orono 983-5420 Bowmianville, cottage corn- pietely furnisbad an lot 140 feat, deep Aaking only $4,500, low dowu payment. Fi!tean minutas from 'Bow- manville, 25 acre !arm with 1 year aid 3 hedroom bunga- low, bnoadloom thnaughout.« Askiug $27,500 witb ternis. Lare 2 stanay 4 bedrooni bornl village, double gar- age, 3 acre lot. Asking $18,50Ô with terma. 20 miles frani Oshawa, newt 4 hedroorn alunMinum sided1 bungalow on 1/2 acre lot, large brick barn. Asking $18,500 with $3,000 down.t 5 rooni bungalow in Orona Village, on lot with 149.82 feet frontaga. Full price anly $14,900.E Newcastle, centrally locat-1 ed duplex, presant incarne $200,00 rnontbly could ha lu- cmasad. Asking $20,000. 49 acre fan 'witb 2 bedroamt bungalow, L-shapad barn, and1 sping and pond. Asking1 price $40,000. 16- Peter Kowal, Jr. REALTOR and GENERAL INSUIRANCE 52 King St. W. - Bowmanvilia 623-2453 3 Bedrooni brick home witb garage on lange lot. Real value at,$2 1,500, Ternis. Cottage at Head Lake, cani- pietaly furniabed. 2 pce, wasb- nooni. AU fan $12,000. Ternis, 4 Bedroom bungalow with 2 fuIlhatha. Campant. Rat water ,heating. Selling below replacemnt coat. Asking ouly $27,800. Ternis. 150 Acre farma 7 miles notb-eaat o! Oshawa. Good buildings. Excellent value at $600 pan acre. 3 Badraoon bungalow witb campant. 4-place bath aud 2- iîece wasbnooM, Fineplace. Excellent location. 2 Badroam brick bungalow at $15,400. Ouly $2,000 dowu (aenil-detacbed). New 3 badrooni brick bun- galow at Part Hope. Located on Bramley St. Real value at $23,000. Tennis. Two stores and 3 apantrnents centrally located. AUl ranted, Cail for detaîls. Only $42,000. 4 bedrooni brick home~ with garage and paved drive, Real good borne at $23,500. Easy ternis aranged. 3 Bedrooni brick semi-de- tacbed home nean A & P for only $16,500. Has receut furu- ace. Best buy in town! Humnyl I Ternis!! Harmany Road S., Oshawa - 2 bedrooni bungalow with nec, nooni. Lot 6' x 200'. Real place foritte gandener!! Cal for detais Alter 8 P.M. - Gardon Beach P. Kawal- - 623-5265 - 623-5868 16-1 DYKSTRAKS Frigid Locker PHONE 623-.5578 73 King St. W. Bowmanville manville, 2 ½, àstorey aider brick home, was used as du- plex, 2 kitchens, solid brick garage, large lot, good central location, close ta sebools, churches and shopping, nice fireplace, needs renovating ta utake it a stately home or gaod incarne proparty. Will build home af youri choice on beautiful country lot 100 x 150, close ta Baw- manville., Special financing for-.1,200 square foot borne. Wby pay rent? 16-1 SALES OPPORTUNITY MALE OR FEMALE We have a need for Salas Agents ta operate frara aur Bowmanville office. The staff ,we will bire must ha licensed and preferably bave a prov- en record of salling and list- ing experience. We would like ta interview applicants who naw liva and would prefer ta work the Rural Area. Applicants from Orono, Hampton, Newcastle, Newtonville, Enniskil1çen and ]Bowmanville. Unlimited advertising in Metra and Local papers, direct Toronto lune. For personal and canfi- dential interview cali Mike Belmonte, Manager. (Aftar bours cail 576-1908), SC[IOFIELD-AKER LIMITED REALTOR 30 King st. W., Bowmanville 623-4403 , 4t George Blyleveni REALTOR Phona 623-5300 Orona: New 6 roorn brick bungalow, attached garage, fireplace, 4 and 2-pce. bath- roonis, many other extras; iu secluded area close ta park. Asking $28,500. We are open for offers. Orona Area: 6 roorn 4 year aid frame bungalow with 24 x 40 ft. garage on large lot. Ownar anxiaus ta salI. Ask- ing $22,500. Maka us an offer. Bowmanville- 1 q storey, re- cently renovatad frame bouse. Priced at $19,500 witb law rate irst mortgage. Tihis bouie must ha sean ta be ap- precîated. 2 miles nortb a! Bowrnan- ville, 12'acres clear land with pond site. Pricad at $10,900. Clarke Twp.: Building lot 100 x 150 fit. Pri.ced at $4,900. 16-1 Counties Road Committet Meet Here Soon The United CountiesW nawly appointed Road Committea wîi meet in Bowntanvilla. in mid-April, Reave Bob Dyks- tra told Council on April 5tb. The Committee wîll discuss wbat raad work sbould ha undertaken on Liberty Street, the only county contralled road iu the town. Reeve Dykstra said that an appeal would ha made ta try ta get the County Autbority ta take over Scugog Street until tbe new Caunty Road 57 is completad. Scugag Street was maintain- ed by the Counties as a "Con- nctar link road" frorn the early 5's until JulY 1968 wben Counties Council'passed a bY- law ta delete the road from their autbority. Since tbat tume it bas been maintaîned by the tawn. In thîs year's budget, there la an allocatian o! soma $9,000 for improve- niants ta Scugag fram King ta the C.P.R. tracks. GET CASIH TODAT TIIROUGH STATESMAN CLASsIFIEDS S SVEII Hin lb83 Frotslb.o6 Aboe pics 9lDe that time. JT ~ Ii~ y i castle, and :James Alexander: McDanald, Orano, were'charg,- possession o! a portable TV. SPIC ' IYIN MR I-t'EI' Constable Mahonay, OC Boxan chacked a residence in Oro o 89 Boaxt79c ol and spoke ta McDonald, who Save- 16- Sve21er admittcd ha and Gibson bad stolen it a weak earlier fram, B-EEHIVE Sav e c a bunk bouse on Frew's ta-i bacco farm. They-had bldden CORN SYRUP ---43 %1 it under ai od mattress in T cottage at Newcastle Beach. Mr. Frew, who bad boughit tee set for thee use of bis tobacco vworkers and vaueit Y K TRï at $40, did not !naw t wa gonr uintil the police retuirn- OtIM F oQUAlITY cd it. Sentencewaýs suspend. adfor- twa yeýrs durîng FOOD MARKET w.~w~.NîL wxî1ich time they are t o! i gooc1. behaviar and stay sep- I, The CRnrl4ian 5tateaman, Bowrnanv3fllp, Apr. 21, 1171 1 Provinciîal Court HeId in BowmanvilleI (Continuedi fromo page two) ! arate and apart.. police. In tIhe car, which e- eaîstbound vehicle he saw tail Robert Russell, c h a r g e dl longed ta Hll'ûmoher, was lights d i s a p p e a r i n g and April l6th with car theft, was a five-gallon gas- cati aný 4 thought the other car had let t remanded on bail tao May l4th, length of hase, the scene as well. The fender Edward Norman Dutin, 252 "These youths drave aroùndr of his car was bent in rub- 1King Street, East, w*as charg- nights and when t hey -,1ersé bing against the wheel so he ed wlth obtaîning a snowmo- low in gas helped themiseIves left it on the sideroad, got'bile by false pretences by fromn any parkecl caàr let uni his mother's car and returnedý means of a worthless cheque. attended," o b s eý r v e- dth to the sçene where he found Evidence was that Mr. Dunn Crown, "This practice lbas7'td nothing. and a friend entered Ontario be stopped, Very 1oo0rI an Judgment was reserved un- Sports Centre on Highway 35 goîng to start asking for jai-à tii June l4h. where ha bought a used terras.", Tuesday, April 20, 1971 Snow-Jet for $603, giving in Judge Baxte-r remaènded B. axtr rasd-payment $100 in cash and a them to, May 4tVh for pré.- Judge R.B.Bxe rs' cheque for the balance which sentence reports, imnpasing, a ed with Assistant Crown At- bce saîd ha told the proprietor 7 p.m. curfew. torney K. Stubington, George not ta cash until the follow- "6You are from a t*10-c.Ea Pollitt as Legal Aid duty ing Tuesday. Later he ten- faily, your mother and 4fa- counsel. Another class frOoi dered a cheque for $603 from ther bath- employed," saîd M. J. Hobbs School attandad. the firm for whîch he worked Judge Baxter. "Yet you prey Meredith Weldon Brown, and got back his $100. This on Innocent niotarists. And age 16, 114 Elgin Street, was cheque was flot honoured by those who ride around wt charged March 15th with the bank an,,d the charge was you are frea-loaders just,as driving on Church Street laid. guilty as you are." without a licensa. He advîsedý Mr. Dunn gave the same Bert Buclai, RR ;;, wai the court that it was his in- explanation in court that ha fined $50 and -cost, or five tention ta return shortly ta had in his statement to police days, for startirlg a tire an b1 is New Brunswick. Ha was ad- and said the snowmobile had property without tirst a. vised to do so and the charge been in a repair shop since taining a permit, il, contra- dismissed. the end of January. The vention a1 a Darlingtoii Town.- .Ernest J. Tweedle, O'Dell charge was dismlissed but Mr. ship by-Iaw. Street, piaaded guiltY Of lm- Dunn was strongly advîsecl paîred driving April 2nd. At to contact Mr. Beaupre,th 3:15 arn. Constable Ricard re- proprietor, at once and ther ES- COUNTI ceived a report of erratic range a financial settlement. driving on Wavetly Road. Steve, Babich, 60 Hunt Trhe driver was obviously in- Street, Bowmanville, was fin.- paired. Breathalizer readings ed $150 andi costs, or 15 days, of .17 and .15 were recorded. foIlowing conviction for fin- The fine was $150 and cOsts, paired driving, January 23rd. or 15 days.1 Constable Burke, OPP, was Raymond Pullen and Daviel investigating officer. ýRichard MULTIPLE LISTING SERVICE Lindo, Oshawa, ch ar g ed Morrison, driving west on March 27th with break, entrY Highway 2, observed a car Osh1awa & Dis.trirt. and theft of a portable TV approaching hlm with high and other items aver theebeams on. It crossed the cen- Reail Estate Borir& value of $50 appeared March tra uine and collided with bis______________ 3th, elected trial by local car, leaving it a wrîte-ofL _______________ court and pleaded guiltY. Richard Howells, eastbound They were remnanded until behind Mr. Babich, observed FINE QUALITI this weak for pre-sentence re- the erratic progress and saw MONUMENTS AND port. Pullen was placed on the accident. Ha stopped and MARKERS probation for two years dur- directed traffic, Constable ing which tima he will wholly Martin conducted twa breatb- abstain from the cOnsump- alizer tests where readings of Olk *" . tion of alcohol and report .18% wera taken. AF RI onc ech onh a m po- Four local youth, Dale Car.- BROS. LTD. bation offîcer. Lindo's sen- penter, age 16, R.R. 6, Gr-e- tance was also suspended for gory Gorman, age 17, R.R. 3, two years. During this time, John Hall, aga 16, R.R. 6, and. ftV2 ha must report once eac.h William Stacey, age 17, R.R, eéi month, remain witein the 3, were charged wlth thafts jurisdictlon of the court and of gasoline during flth otthsrdBohr nat leave without priso.o March and February.Ai Stfodzgloï He is ta, seak and try ta keap pleaded gullty. Two said tlieyN employmnent. attended higb schO.al and twooRu eî Wray Rendeil, 28 Orchard- listed tbemselves as «unem- I.E view, charged April l8th playad laborers", IIE with breacb of recognizance Constable Chalmars, -OPPBox 133,, împosad Fabruary 23 in this laid the charges after HalI 3139flundas St. E..- Whïtby court, pleaded not gulty and and Gorman wera stopped in Phone Whitby 668-3552 was remanded one week in Oshawa by Oshawa City? custody with bail denied. Raymond Brent Sissons, chargad in 1969 wth robbery, wite violence whanhe liftedl a wallet from Kanneth.Nick<-,I( A IL erson, was remanded in cus- ,~- tody for ana week with bail' set at $1000 , of ona suretyý. He had left tee country butAu O raturned and' turned bimself In at the police station. Archie Martin, R.R.* 2, Naw- W E K R castie, was finad $75 and 9743 possession aIliquor. Consta-ilC ble Maboney, OPP, checking1 We buy Iron, Rads, Batteries, Met aCas bis car, found a quart of rye in the glove compartment and adTuk o rcig laid the charge. It was notediladTuk o rciq that thera had been a pre- W. seil parts for most makes of cars, angle, viaus conviction last Decem- . ber on a sirnilar counit. 1 iron and pipe. Andrew Dumnouchel, age 21, Main Street, Orano, plead-' TWENTY-FOUR HOUR TOWING ed guilty ta theft af gasalinea from John Diurke. Constablaý CUSTOM WELDING Maboney, OPP, on March 3rdý saw twa vehicles stopped oný County Road 1. No one ws In the station wagon frorn! whicb Dumouchel was carry-, Ing a 5-gallon can and a U langtb af hase, Ha poured theý contents of the can into thee gas tank of bis car. J'udge Baxter offered hlm tee alter- native of a fine or surrender FRS MAT of mhe license plates fromn his, car for three mantes. 'Ele PO K SAE RS --lb 65 accused stated he naeded bis ___________________RE ________-__-_-__1_b.__6_5 car for bis work and chose the fine wbicb was $100 plus! LEAN - FRESH FRESn costs, or fiva dlays.I Robert J, Banson, R.R. 3, SD PORK G~REN BEANS wsfnd$50 and costs, orc five days, following convic- I A ib49 >21l. 69 tion for eepaiNnng usledrs qfor 21 King St. W., BowmanvÎlle Bowmanvillè 5 Bedrooni home, for thea gmawing !amily, vary dlean sud neat, ou amaîl lot with low taxes. $15,750. 1>Bowmanvilla 6 Rooni home an veny large lot in centra a! tawn. Asking $18,500 with $2,000 down. Highway No. 2, Bowmanvillc Complately i'euovated borna ou edge o! town witb large lot. Tny yaur offen witb $2,500 down. 1Bowmanvla Brick 2 torey borna with sunroom sud ganden near business section, yet very quiet ares. Askiug $24,500. Bowmanville Taka a look at this besauty on Scugog Street juat notb o! Churcb, 9 roonis uicely dacoratad, plus garage. Ask- ing $24,900. Tennia. Bowmanville Locatad uin o!ofthe fin- est residential districts lu town. 7 yeaanaid brick ranch bungalow with attached gar- age, Double closeta in l bedrooma. Fînisbad basemeut witb neceation norn, extra bedmooni sud extra 3-place bath. Asking $31,000. Estata Sala Brick 9 rooni borne witb corner location sud garage, in excellant condition. Home is vacant sud rmuat ha soid. Ask- ing $24,900. Tny your offer today. Laaving Town Ownan tanaferred sud must sell his 4 bedroom split levai borne witb garage. Very well located wÎth schools suad chunchas. $26,900 .Newcastle Downtowu location, 9 rot home suitable fan lange famuly on 2-family home. Try $2,500 down at $18.900-00. Newcastle, Highway No. 2 Six year old 4 hedmooni aluminuni covered bomne with 2 acres o! land. Ouly $20,500. Terms. ljnp Rarnoski 723-57871

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