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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 21 Apr 1971, p. 5

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Familles Hon or EnniskilIlen Co'uple _Dn 25th Anniversary The narniage of Mn, and, Ashton and lier bridesmiald sud Mrs. Harold E. Ashton! Mrs. MeCune, also bouton- (nlec -Gladys Kersey) took nieres on Mn. H. Ashton, his place Iât Hampton Manse on' brother Mi. 0.C. Ashston snd Apnl 6tis, 1946, wîtli Rev. ! sons Messrs. Clare sud Doug- ,Rackham officiafîng. Now 251 las Ashiton sud Mn. S. Kersey. yeanrs lafen if was decîdcd by' As the 170 guests arrîved 1lic families of thîs happy'tliey were received by Mrs. G. couple to celebrate their sil-1, Beecli and sigued flic guest ver wcdding anniversary, book whicis was in change of The firsf event was a sur- Mrs, J, Kinsman sud ber liffle pýrise parfy at the, home oni daughter Robyn in flic after- MJ. nd ud rs. H. Ashston wlien nloon sud Miss Janet Bragg in 45 membens of tise Kersey flic evening. Then the guests coulrnection arîved en masse expnessed their congratula-1 aib deliclous buffet sup- fions fo tlic happy couple mi peýr, gîfts and good wîshes. flic reception liue. A pleasant evening of rein- Card tables wcnýE dalntilyl îszcing followed flie bounfeousý set up f0 serve flic lunch. Thel lunch. beaufîfully srranged tes fable The second panty was a ne-1 was centned wifli a lovely an- ception arrangcd by the Asti1 nivensary floral arrangement fox lan x Eniakîlen nît flanked by silver candles, sil- ,ed Churci Sý S. Ronm oni ver tes services and silver WeIdnesday, Apîil 7tlu, fhum iPlates of wcddîig cake. Pre- "-i sud 7-9 o'ciock Mns. S. sîdinig at flic tes table lunflic Rodcmànan sd Mrs. I, Traval, affennoon wecr e Mesdames, isitg of flic groom of 2ï Lloyd A:ilitox udRoPMial yenpînned icorsages au Mna sund Madne van Shaýrp sud Grant Wery lunflic eveni- i ng. Servixg flic guest's were members of Mn, H. Asiton's i // i ' imeditefamily assîsfed by Mesdamne.zKeifli McGill sud Ralph Virfue, tV&YBOY IV7'$'TO The gift table had nuner- ~tf 4t4Y~ /M1Ç(/7,.. ous giff s fron relatives, fnl- //OEODY TO oe ecxdsiand customers, încludiug asislver set of fable flatware from sons Clare snd Douglas, s china tes service fron flic Kenscys snd a money tree, fron flic Asitons whicli was a conversation picce as nsany 4 ! requests werc msde for secd from flic tree. Scores of love- ly congnatulafory cards were reccived dunîng flic wcck. * * ~ , S pecial mention was miade on C.F.R.B, aud Ajax radio sta- tuons of thîs milestone in the DVA [îîves of Mn. sud Mrs, H. Ail- pI§ 5VU PLUMBý!ING & HEATING PHIONE 263-2650 's'Tyrone, Ontario GET CASH TODAT THROTJGH STATESIWAN CLASSIFIEDS Phone 623-3303 Change of 'Ownership N ORTHWAY RESTAURANT on Highway 35-115 South of Orono is changing ownership and being compleely renovated througliout with nerw eipmnert and a new look. I We want a -NEW NAME- $20,00 CASH PRIZE wilbe given te fIe person who subnilts the naisse chosien. Send your ideas with your nain-e and address te Advcrtiser 196 c/o The Canadian Statesman P,O. Box 190, Bownsanville EXPECTING TO OPEN THE FIRST WEEK 0F MAY WATCH FOR FURTIIER DETAILS WARM Up WITH INDOOR /Ou, CARPETUNG BY1 huas really greaf ariywhenc! But especîally whene you wanf fo add ýomcp warmfh and coloun! Soeasy te lu-îstaî 1Jyroursclf foo! 100% Polypnropy- lene fibre, needlebond construction, ifrs colour-fasf, staîn nesistant, attrac- tiveý calotin mixes, Olive, copper, Green and Golden, 12' wîde, Venýy special, 80 KING ST. E OSHAWA Parking' at Side of the1 Movers Lose Final to Orillia I I I I I Or'Ilia's Captain Barry WÎlde receî ved Mrsi Jean Ifawes trophy while Preston the Movers' Captaîn Gerard M orrison oks on. Preston the Mover Novice Movers tic the game one-al ed as cleariy îndicated in the Ali Stars finîshed a fun-filled, i the thîrd to force overtime. total goals scorcd, Bowman-1 hrill-packed season on Sunday Movers scored wîth 1-01 left ville 10, Orîllia îiine. noon comidng very close to up- in the overtime forcing the This cnded a very eventful settng Orllia ini the OMEA showdown in Bowmanville last season for ail boys, the par Zone C final playoff series. Sunday. rs:Cahan aagi i Orian ho enue ndefeat- Orillia got on the scoreboard ning their share of games and ~d i thir eage ad pay-first but the Movers got the trophies, brînging the honors arere inthe Neothe or oebequalizer in the second iper- to their town. lie prouddthîed Moers iod. Wth les% than four ir-iA apecîal tliank you to the th rilha wonte firat 'rsutes to go, Moyens banged ix sponsors, Maurice and Donna played in Oîllia by a close 3_ a disallowed goal and at this Pretn also the many fans count. Moyers came roanîng pofint it looked like another who came out to support the ackathoe u hesecondoetîessio u.wt c team and thle fine co-opcratîoii wîtha 3 shuout, Thae two minutes rein ining from the Arenla Manager aud game iha30shtu.TeOrllia knocked in a loose puck staff, Thank you very much. bird and key game played in Bowmranville was a 3-1 orth wiuc. arh Gerny Morrîson for Orillia,'The fourth game The two teams unvolved liand r,1yed in Or-illt.iabad teti eiswr lsl ac- Manager Don Wilcox. A fflu en,-,ic e Remaio vn elzt F'rank Tboma, drecton oif Higli Sci oolls Educatior Wcck "Du, nosnenrty las& result- education in the United eol- Careen Expo, Mn. Thomn de- cd o our present level of fisof Northumnberlan-,d -d scrîbed th'e successes of the education,11lie ssid. Du-rham bhas caionýd Cap_ Soviet systeni and flic Cao IfHe called the schiool curricu.. ~~~~~~~adiangast vretnitadss and suggestcd fliat the Illu"filie "corne, stone or the An tleî on ciiveens xSoviets attained educationai dcto ytn nlsî thc, f[0,d ofeuction. excellence because they, m-ore tiist tii," trend n as to broadeiî Speak'n to Rt aians in than westerners, realhMcdif the selection of courses and Bomavll rcntyon the wss the shiortest w-- fi oDtions, occasion of threF Bowm7ïianville world excellence. 11i "Changïing tiries deisn In an interview foi!'owîngiclianges ix' outlook snd se- lus address Mr. Thlon-i said tion," lie remanrked. fliat the Soviiet studrntsiesc In our schools we trust be more work oricnted than t h aefu to mantaîn- hîgli Caaincounteroaits a1d bytadrs lcttd,1v inference, more prone to suc-i rsedawlae tt o cned, fthc body !et us not create onc "xhersociefy uhey stress for the niind, lirewr,,lessd'x U I eive that cvery per- it sreuis the miore affueht 'Vresn i n j itl1d to eaualîty of beconie th'e less wc egard theu value0f brd wol0".onpotunrity but I do nlot be- H-owever it 75 nl oe11cv t1a alpensons -are ponttoad Tigt o e n equal exýcen)t ix thein right to aiorut to, dd s t cdu ais thus pportunîty snd to our argmen tha teduation especýt for their persona] which he considers THE vitalwots force ix socîety, sbould be M.Toiu ebro gîven wîder and mone serionis the Rotary Club in Cobourg. recognition an .~d under standng. r The speaker' was uitrodudd suchdisng. iiîrace by AI Wîtlierspoon, Principal Suh s 1-Wae o f Clarke H-igh Sebool, and vocaîtional ndu to.cfci thanked by l'orbes Heyland, "It is tuet'xosfformer trus tee froin fluaares. ingle instrunment we bave to combat and solve >an unenim____ ployment situation' Thnough L JTK)O O R pared f0 enter fthe labour --O market and an adilt can be 0U retraincd in a e7 skill for w,,hich there is a demand." N OZ17On flie need fo: stî'ongen direc tion froni fhd ho me. M "Parental responsýbility cani not be fobbcd off on flic Mr.Alfred Greeiand of schools - teacheu's ire not in- amilton, Mr. and Mrs. Clif- tended to be fostýr panents, ford Grenland of Clarkson amateur psychiatrisis snd juv- speut Sunday wîtb Mn, and exile court judges' Mrs. Lance Plain. And the need to c veyoujfli Mn. and Mrs. Tom Hardy, encouiragemnent and motivation su ad Mus. Tcrny Hardy, fo continue in theî fnaînung, nr and Mis, Nelson Zasdlike, "UnPtil recently 'pur young Danyl and Wayne were Easter ' ~ ripeople witb a good educatu or weekend g' est. of Mrs, Daniel have enjoyed a relafively hîgl Hatwig and son Gale ai Kil- level of cmploymieri. Recruit- laloe. Yu rs frotn industry hàve biegged Congratulations to Mn. snd th-eni to accept flic ecuï'ty of Mrs. Brian Richard Haick, flie a job offering multpie frîngc former Miss Cathernxe Veina benefits and other guarantees. Sory, on thelr marniage, Sat- Most of us have ýapplauded urday affernoon, Apnîl i7tli every effort to taise the in- ix the Maple Grove United corne level of the :ss fortun- Churdli. ate sud flic continu addiions Mn. and Mns, Roy Fulford, of :governinent luarantees Revin and Anita of White- iaainst. insecurity. Praîse hiorse, Yuîkon, annîved via worfliy as our infertions bave niotor car last wcek and are been, by our very actions we visitîng Mr. snd Mis. Law- have continually reduced flic rence Harris and fanily, aiso incentives thaf promote coni- other relatives at Mcafoid, octîtîve effort - wc have con, Ontaiîo. fîbufed to flic declunîng moti- Miss Cafluerîni e Power and vafioxal patternus of ou r nVMn. John Conforzi of Toronto, youtli,1i were Sunday dinuer guests -How? By increasing flicir of lier parents, Mn. anid Mns, 72 8ý1 641 dependencies upon flic systeni, Gordon Power. h-- said. Mns. Brayton Stinsox of Mn. Thon point cd ouft hat Callanden reccntly visif cd Mn. ilflic past 20 ycars fliere lias sud Mrs, Robent Glanvîlle and been a 43 per celi t nerease other relatives in Orono and Builingin thi mber ofyôuth of Bwanîledyne Orongo Youith Theatre' PrepresforAci Thse Onono Youth Theatre betwcen July 3rd sud August will be beld again thîs summer 31sf witli fwo major shows lie- ing planned for the last two Prescott and family af Hamp- weeks of August. One is flie ton. popular musical "Peter Pan"'. Mn, Gordon Power lias ne- Tihe other lias yet to be de- furned tfa bis home from flic cidcd, Menorial Hospital, Bowman- The program wîll include a ville, wlicre be wss taken by number of wonksliops sud in- ambulance following a car- structional sessions, tracton accident on flic Taun - Auditions snd interviews ton Road on Thursélsy affer- are open. to hîgli achool sud noon of last weck.: univensity students over 16 Mr. sud Mrs. Barry Rohmer ycars of age snd from Orono, sud Tammy of Lindsay visit- Bowmauvillc, Newcastle and cd Mn. and Mns. Tom. Hardy flic surrounding ares, on Good Fridsy, Tliey wîll lie leld in flic Mn. sud Mns. Cliarles Arn- Onono Town Hall on Satunday, strong and famîly of Peter- Apnîl 24fh and Sunday, Apnîl barougli were guests of hi-s 25tli. mother Mns. Wmn. E. Arm- Candidates anc ling ne- strong on EasserSunday. quested to corne pnepared wifli Mn. sud Mrs, Donald Tex- s monologue of about fline nant were among flic out-of- minutes in length, plus cither town gucsts af flic Haick-SprY a confrasfing monologue, a weddîng on Saturday in Maple song, a skif, s story, a dance Grove United Churcli, or suy other demonstration of Mn. Harvey Ginu lis been a pcrfonmîng sbîlîfy. patient in the MemonîsI HOS- Dîrectors for flic sommer pîtal, Bownanville. theatre ,wîll h, e D a v i d Mns. Frank Giasbengcn, Di- Scliafgky, s Toronto flicafre- vision Street, lcff on Easter arts fesclier and director, sud Sunday evenîng from tflicIn- Jack Messînger, a Canadian- feniafional Airport, Toront o, born graduaf e of flic Yale teo vîsitfiecr mothler in Hol- Scliool of Drama, land._________ Mn. snd Mrs. Milton Wan- nan, Kirby; Miss Sheila Sev- ~~,~~ enson of Ottawa, Mr. Ross Memoria'Il Hosp~~ital Wanuan, Mr. and Mrs. Win. Wannan were anong fthc out- Weky R p r of-towu gucîts af flic Soucis- Maynsrd wcddîug on Safur- Week of Aprîl 12-18 inclusive day, Aprîl lOfli ix Sf. Paul's Admissions------------ - 102 Unitecd Cisurdli, Bownanville, Brths -4 maie, 3 female '7 Mn. sud Mrs, Chas, Taylor Discisarges -------- _ 97 were Sunday dînuer gucsts Major openafions ----- >17 of Mr, sud Mrs. Chas, Reesor Minon operafions - - 51 at Maîkhan. Energency frcatmnts __ 176> The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanville, Apr. 21, 1971 TO CLOSE BROWN'S f to' Newcastle Public Sehool, AND3 SOLINA 1 The 36 students who would The United Counties Board attend Solina will be trans- of Education intends to close ferred to Hampton, Enniski'- Brown's School in Clarke and len and Burketon Public Solina Public School in Danl- Schools. ington this June.- It is the policy of the Board The September (1971) en- to eliminate ail one and two- rolment at Brown's - 42 pupils roomi schools under its jrs -wili be transferred mainly diction. TOWN 0F BOWMANVILLE AND for the year ending December 3lst '1970 To- Thc Memîbers eh Councîl, inliabîtants sud Ratepayers of flic Corporation of flic Towni of Bowsnanviile We have exsussned flic 1970 financial statements of flic Corporation of heicTowns of Bowmanville and ifs local boards, whîci are' listed on flic atfaclied index. Our ex-amienafiîon ixcluded a general rcvicw ohfflic ac- countîng, procedunes3 and sucli tests of accouxtîng records and otier supporting evîdence as we consîdered neces- sary ixtflicïcrcuinstances. ,n Our, opiynin hiese finarcial statemnent s present faînly flic fluancial position of heicCorporation of flic STATEMENT 0F REVENUE AND EXPENDITURE for thec year ended December 31, 1970 REVENUE Taxation ----- -------- Contributîins froni other govermuents- Other - _______ __ Total revcnue __ EXPENDITURE Gefîcral gov,-emumeuf- ___ Protection tn pensons sud propcrty Public works __ ____ Sanifafiox and wastc remaoval- Conservation oh healf h __---__ Social sud famssly services -- Recreafion and Ccommunity srie Commumity paiigsddvlp' x Financîalepess__ - County - faa n oh expenditureý Total expendîture Exccss of revenue over expe)"nditure for flic year- ___ Surplus (deficif) ae flic heginnix-g of h eflic y ar - - ---------- Surplus ý(deficit) at fliceud of flic year- $132,636 575,171 122,143 $2,029,950 87,446 224,703 233ý,610 i31,4 21,i9 233, 729 165,089 49,186 27 631 679,717 $2 Town of Bowmranvîllc sud ifs local boards as at Decein- ber 31st, 1970, sud fthe nesuif s of fliî operations for the year flien endcd, ix accondaxce, witis accounfting prîncî-ples gcucrally accepted for Oxtarno municipalities applîcd on a basîs consistent witli flat ohfflic preceding year. THORNE, GUNN, HELLIWE--LL & CHRISTENSON Cliartcred Accounfants Tornto, Canada Mardi 11, 1971 Licence Number 3866 STATEMENT 0F CAPITAL FUND OPERATIONS for thec year exded December 31, 1970 lfnfinanced capital outlay (Uuexpendcd capital financing) at flic beginning ohftise ycar $259,f)07 CAPITAL OUTLAY Capital Expenditure Genenal goverxme'st --2,007, Protection fa pensons sud property - 1717 Public works - - - -191,437 Saurtation and waste removal 15,126 Recreatiox and coîîsmunity services - 11,916 Community planning sud developmrext 1,376 Oflien - ___ 15,181 228,760 Transfers to others 13,110 Total capital outlay $5,7 CAPITAL FINANCING 158,970, Long terni liabilities incurred -------.-- $195,288 ,3,335 Contributions froni of ler govemument s 94,596 -- Contributions froni fli revenue £und for capital expenditure 49,238 1615 Total capital financing - (339,122) (23,144) (6,529) Unfinsnccd capital outlay (Uuexpendcd___ capital ffinsncing) af flic end ohfisc ycan--$171,75à CONSOLIDATED BALANCE SHEET as at December 31, 1970 Cash___ Taxes eeiale-___- Total current assets; Capital outlay to be- recoý,veed in future yeare------- Total assets $ 105,806 16,7,393 91,629 $-47,221 173187 LIABILITIES Tem porarly lans -------------------- Accounts payable and accrued liabilitie-s..., Otiser curreut liabîlities Total curnent liabîlifies ___ Net long terni liabilïiies____ Reevsaniireserve fuuds ----- UTnappro pria'teci balances - deficît. Total liabilities___ $ 418,400 60,526 1,399 480,325 1, 5 6018 1215.180 -26,529)- $2,159,094 NOTES TO FINANC IAL STATEMENTS for flic yea! ended December 31, 1970 1,BASIS 0P CONSOLID ATION Tise consolîdated balanice sicet reflccfs flic assets sudi liablifies of flic reveniue hund, tise capfital fund sud al neserve funds of flic municipality. Trust huudc assefs admînîsfered by fisc munîcîpality amnoutîtng f0 $36,550, have not becu consolidateci, non bave flic assef s sund liabilities of tise hollowing local 1boards. Bowmnanvillc Public Utilif les Commissioni BowanvlleCemcetery Board Bowmsnmville Publi.c Library Board Bowmsanville MusýeuinMainagement Board ~CONTINGENTLABLTE (a) TiheCorporationi lias beeni named as oneof sev- eraldefndats n Ont arlo Supremne Court actions arl.sing froini a gas explosion in flic Town oh Bow- manville in Mardi 1970. Except for a nomial deductible amount, flic Corporation carnes in- surauce f0 caver liabilities fiat miglif arise hrom sucliactions., (b) Under tise sick leave benefit plan for public works and sanifation dcparfment eniployees, un- used sick Ileave arccumulates sud cmployees msy become cnfifled f0 .a cash paymcnf on termina- tion oh sertîce, Th i ]ibîîfy for fliese accurmulated days, ta tic ext eut thsaï, tey could lic faken in cashs by an empljoyec on termîination ocnsployment amount- cd fo approxiatcly $9,500 atf Decemnber 31, 1970. If. is tise Corporatîon's policy to psy tic accum-u- latcdsîck le-ave beniefits fro-ni revenue hunds in ftle year fie liability becames payable. ADD NOE:the Towni Treasurer's office, for thie perusal of Pany x A copy of01the P inlancial Sfïfcjeent Is available ii teres-ted party, 1 lui it 0 Z, ti c p C( b g ti B

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