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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 21 Apr 1971, p. 6

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3The- Canaien Statesmnl, Bo*imaivi1le, Apr. 21, 1971 Hasnl't Cost Town a Cent Museum Cl'u--ebrates ils Tenf h b irthday This Year Thé Bawmnanvî1io Museumo Iýý céec tis tenthbirth- day this yéer. lb wes h ack lu 1961 that Mrs. (Dr.>Wilîm donatéd $50,000 te thé towii for ifta purchase thé aid Jury home et thé cann- er of Wellington and Silvér Stréets ;,nd estehlîah a musé- Since thon îlb bas hecomne c very néputable placé. "If bas been highily preised by thé Outenio Dïicectar of Muséumýs and by visîtors fnom meany countnies," Audréw M. Thompsou, chaîrman oI thé IIuséurn Board, wrote lu bis annuel report ta councîl. "Visi^toma who bave ceeu nnany muséumns fiud ours lu- fereating and énjoyahie, yet thé support shown by thé commiunity bas been semé- wheqt disappointing," hé stat- é-d. Sf111., atténdance stetistîca give same Cause for éncour- egemneut. A total of 2368 pen- sons touréd thé mruséum 'lest yean, 600 more thapn lu 1969. 0f thia, 1337 wer)e paid and 1031 Irée. Thé bulk 0f thé free admissions ,7,,rc made uip aI thé, pupîls fram 34 clasS- ooma visiting thé muséumn as part aI their scboob work. "Today,," TMm.Thou-ipsn noted, "Thème îlana ever-lu- réasinýg usé of muséums as1 out-oi-scbool clascooma sby_ tudents in elencrtery and oécoudary achools." As2;a,,resuit thére la émérg- 122$ e néécd for numbers of guiides ta conduct studeut tours. Buý,t thé rub is, whée ta fiîd -thé epeople wth thé necessairv knnuTléee of the maindén af thé $50,000 grant Mca. (Dr.) Wlliams oriînalyý gave), wbich bas heen lu vestedlu bonds, thé muséuým écrus $1,150 a yeam lu inter- est. If mceives on thé average $1,060 fram thé rent of an epertment, $800 fcom thé province (grant ta museumai, ,and about $300 lu admission chargea, In 1970 if spént $3,402 ou réceipta af $3,580. Future prospecta of opérat- ing ou this budget do uatlooak bright. "Although ta daté thé musé- um bas praved ta hé self- supporfiug, this cannot hé ex- pectcd ta continue for long," Mm. Tbompson wrote. "Ré- cent additions ta éxpenditures sucb as thé paymént aI taxes, auditors' fes and curetar' s salery make this poiicy na longer possible." Mn. Tbompson addéd ta a amall réservé fuud wibl hé gréatiy réduced hy this yeer's opération. Projéctéd éxpeudi- turés lu 1971 will depléte thé réservé fram $1,842 ta $560. Hé suggestéd that future1 éxpénditures shouid lucludé: rémunération for curatac as- sistants, peyments ta tour« guidés, bélp fcom théef owu building maintenance staff witb out-door maintenance et thé muséum, provision for a ncw oof an thé main build- ing, funda for tbe rénovation1 of tbc cerclage bouse and elioweucé for thé purchese afI antiques Ion éxhihit. i Up ta thé 'présent, thème2 have heén no funds cycilablet for thèse expenditunés, which Mn. Thompsou féels, are naw hé thé only cuturel î~îu tion--threonl i pbbicly awnedi attraIction Jluito wnr Thouip)soijuoted. "If is e show pla ce hc has brought about muich fav- orable publicity for Bowmarnr- ville," hé declared. Now, if only people lu thé commuuity could appcéciaté thîs fect and give if théir fuilest support, if would hé moat gratifyiug. ZION (Inteudéd for lstwoék) Mr. and Mrs. Allen Fîther récently ettendéd thé Sth Wédding Aunivècsery af Mn, and Mca. Nelson Ashton et Asbburn Chucch. Mrs. Elsié O'Neil and Mr. Fred Lanéy, Trenton, wécé visitors et Wés Cemeérou's on, Monday. Récent visitors et We-s Cam- énau' w ene Mrg. Evélyn Flnt- off, Mrs. Williami Preston. Mr. and Mrs. Myles Harningtu, Oshawa; Mn. and Mca. Laméý_ Evans, Courticé; Mr. and Mca. Stanley Coverly, Ebénézér. Mn. and Mca. Roy Thomas and> daughters, Scarborough, visited et Russell Steintan's ou Good Fridey. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas and Mca. Russel Stainton vîsitéd Russell Stein- ton et Mémorial Hospital, Bowmcnvllié. Mr. and Mrs. LéonardShewv, Mr. and Mca. David Shaw anPd, sons, Osawa, were Sunday supper guestsaet Jim Stain- tan's. Mn. and Mca. Allen Fisher attéudéd thé Sth Wédding Claims FHo5 One ffCaad'sforen Dr. Norman Dlrutoic in BOW-maniville lIast Wec thiat hospiltsshoulmid "set a nd not, seil cigarettes in Speakinig at a meetii Unlited ,iChutrch orrganizcd manville and DistrictUnil dýin Cancer Society, Dr. that it \was completely in cigarettes should be soldi "It is incredible that resonsblefor the health shjould pu)Lrvey a product as health is Ccncerned is1 gerous knoýwni to man," he to a question. He feit there should mng areas set up in hospil was inteoerable that patie allowed fe smoke in theli cially if they shared a root smokér. "Why should the rîgi be so zealously guarded?" Lette Dear Mr.'ams I wish to ex,,tend aà sincère appreciation ito you and the memnberjs of your staff for the cooperation and assist- ance extenided to the Career-- Expo Committee in the pre- paration and coverage of tbe the very successful Career- Expo 71. Much of this suiccess must be credîted to the Canadien Statesman for its front page coverege and editoriai re- lease on Career-Expo 71. As well, thé Canadian States- man must be complimented on its excellent pictorial presentation and write-up of this Exposition. Without the valuable con- exhibits and ability to con- necessar3r. Anniversary of Mr. anadivrs, .~ duct tours. If these student In the past decade the nui- Hugo Bradley at Brooklin on Statesman, Career-Expo 71 activitiîes increase Mr. Thomp- ber of items on '-xhîbit has Saturday. ol have had limîted suc- "sen i sid, new policies will have grown slowly. Today, there Mr. and Mrs. Ron Jackson, cess. Sir, we are indebted to be adlopted to provide ad- are 2,401 articles in the mu- Paris, vîited at Jim Staîn- ta You. ditionel income, seum, 585 of them on loan, for ton's on Friday. Sincerely, The museum which is open a total value of about,$8,565. Mr. Fred Cameron visited Chuck Kennedy, from May to October six days Four hundred and fourteen at Aubrey Hircock's, Oshawa, Career-Expo Committee weekly including ail holideys persons have donated or lent Mr. and Mras, Murray Prent-_ ;2rd Sundays, operates on a the Museum items. ice and Richardc, Uxbridge, Newtonvillp, eatber ci ant budgzet. Fromi a During this time, thé mu- visited et Herry Fisher's April 14, 1971 $20,0 edwmn (h r-sum has made ré-ltively féw Mr. and Mrs. Henry Dart Dee1000 nowint(h crMr James, ___________________purchasés because of âa leck of and Ken viîted et ,Lame 1 hca*r some goodA news funds. Annual incômes and Keeler's, Woodville. todày and want te pess it thérefore expenditures have Mr. and Mrs. N. Patter, ofaln vaIS riéd lîttie year to year, Toronto; Mrs. William Dart, Mrs. Helen Schmid of Or- Improvements to the buiid- Little Britain, vîsîted et Henry onwatelgmeheis ings perforce. have had to be Dart's. tory of Orono village is to graduai. But thé decisions the Mr. and Mrs. 'Hans Geiss- be enlarged to take ln bbc îr oard bias -made have beén berger Sr. visibed àt Alfred remaining unicovered por- wise onles. Mohl's, Gorniiey. tionrs of- Clerkée Township. To the main building, thé Mr. A. T. Stainton bas I expect there will be a verandah wes restored, the turnéd home after spendingtgehrfaiaes odgreenhouse removed and thé winber in Florida. storge hedrepired Wih M. ad Mr. Fed artandof Clarke, but for more de- ;torge hedrepired Wih M. ad Mr. Fed artand taiied information on a par- e ,ýrtain othier minor repairs the family, Woodvilie, visited et tîculer area the small local buldngisto -, ini excellent Henry Darb's. onitncoding f0 rcet ____________ iÉtory bocks will stili be cousefulnendcuntilgail aoldcebe inspection report by the town's efuand RI sole. building inspector. avaïTt'TTN * L1BI 1TY Inaren(ée to Proportionately héavy ex- ENFILDj I am very happy about covr yourléa liability for pénditures were used in récent this as whén I finished my Bodily jr my or Damage. to yeers in restorîng thé carniage Mr. and Mrs. Roy Hartmean, book On Eastern Section of Poerycf Others ari8sng bouse ta an upright position Enterprisé, wére weékend Clarke it was with regret fioul- and puttîng on e néw roof visitons et Mn. Allen Taylor's. lthet the task weastUR un- frellber;and e new floor in the build- Mr. and Mrs. Eddie Leven- finishéd. Miss Catherine ~relsi ng. But, Mr. Thomlo wrote, der, Mr. and- Mns. Pet Layoni- Stewart on writing ber book 0p->ramies'a r wy f0 héonidr more will have der, Toronto, Mr. Nelson La- on Kendal and district voic- Prouct (dims . sén béoneit a sitalevenden and Miss Joan Leven- cd thé sae regret. aslgutf or thé dispiey 0f exhîbits. At dec, Mr. and Mca. Cbarley For seven years Mrs. of products sold or hendled peetté ceraehueNemeth, Oshewa, Miss ili Schmid bias been seecching t'y 'fou) vreluc athe,00,conain ' ouVenderweker and Miss Wendy in greet depth, the begin- Cenpltedopraten <wrk$500 worth of contents. (Com- McGbee, Courtcie, wére visi- nings of Clarke And espec- dae by you aIter cern- trs et the Laender home. ially, af the village of Orono, pletion and ebandonnment) pared with thé Muséum prop- Mo EIevators (if any) er's $25,0U0 value and $8,000 nrs. Wallace Pascoe spent Many timésshae lbas béén worth of insured contents) the Eestec wéékend with bieir discoureged and wondencd Opérations of contractors Topépewohvwr- sîsten, Miss Evelyn Cunning- when the mateniel she hed Coiwp lod b iyOU ébl d harder then perbapa any- hemÈ, Brantford. so feithfully getbéred would it orctiB1 iilty (liyand -One in meking the museum a Visitors with Mra. Telmage rech the Publisher, lt fr adlyInur cdrelity and building it up, Taylor weré: Mr. and Mrs, I haveto admit I have Propcrty Demage whlch YOU have beén Mrs. R. Lunney, a Bob Smith and Karen, Mr.1 bed two concenns. Ficst hiem hnae nassmé nde ny membér of thé Museum Board, and cs arySmthericncern was mine as I knew con reexigrienL). and Mrs. M. Wiseman, curator. Nicole, Scarborough, Mr. endi *EMPLOYER'S Liabiitiy They were there in the f ail of Mrs. Les, Johnson, Pemrele andi Business DirecIory Insurcece ~~1961 coUecting and sétting up Brian, West Hiil, Mr. end Mrs._______________ *MEDICAL Pamnt the -dispîays. And they have EgnTyoEnsiln no)urished the Muséum ever Mra. Wilfrid Bomenand!AC c co0u nt a n c Y, l'Cr Fiitber 'T iiice w th thir enthusiasm Mrs, God-fre-y Boýwnaccon-~ ForFuthé IfomatonCaiand déevotion. During thé peniced by Mrs, John ,siemonl WM, J. M. COGGIýNS 'peat yéar they completéd an of Enniakillen and Mrs. R. B. ChentéredAcottn James Insrn eiinvrentory ai ail thé, articles Green of Hestinga, ap(,nt a 115 Liberty St. 'S., Rwityýlp li! mf'ruseum e-i-dciévalueted cdeywith thé Rev. end 1Mrs. Phone 4623-36,12 Age cy d much work anld cextended Mr, HowýacdColigwbo WILLIAM C. HALL, OlvrManlymonths. lias beén ihkospital, is con- B.Commri. Other membens of thé board valescing et Mn.- Fimer Lée'q, Cbanrjed Accountant 24 in ffi E, ox10 are Mrs. W. Cobban, Mra. 1. Mr. and Mca. Ivan Coch-~ 361/ Kimg St. EOhw Bowmanîlle - Ontario Munday end Messrs. D. Allun, raflé, Nesleton, visited Mr,. ééhne7563 F. Dlling (Treasurér), W, and Mrs. L. Cochrane. Z= Tééplé, and Chairman A. M, Mr, and Mca. L. Smallwoad,Ch rop r a c tic ý1 eThompson. Bevérton, visitéd st Mr. _____________ Il.oodITI Mrs. Wseman, ini addition John Catton's.G.EWN ANDC ta ber dutiés as curetor, serves We exténd sympatjhy to 'thé ChiroprN Actor .C as receptionîst and as secre- Hubbard femily in thé cdeetb Office : Ilürce tary of thé board. Shé was of Mr, George Hubber of 15 Elgin St., oc osy5 Ofie éiet honoréd this yéac in being Port Pecry. Thé Hubbards Phone 623-5509 g1-58163.5023 éiéctéd sécreteny af thé Mu- were régarded witb affection Office N.ours: Bry appointménýrt 62-43séums Section of thé Ontarioa by théir -néighbrs hère, Historîcal Sciety.whcre MVr, Hubband was born JOHN H1. TAYLOR, D.C. "The muséuim contfinués to n pd iived most of hbis life. Chiroprector Office: I 14 Frank St., Bwavle y 9 Teléphoné 623-5140 orne h e at ing sytemfOW> Dr W MRDLDDs andgetaFRlEE POWER HUMIDIFIER "DRUMATIc" HUMIDIFIER Model 90-S wili adequately humidify up to 3,000 sq. feet, thé - average for a 7 ta 8 room house, What an offer. If you have Natural Gas .......... heating installed by September, we wll gie you a power humidifier absolutely FREE, P-on'tmis hi,,;great opportunîty to enjoy the comnfort of Natural Gas and get a top quality Power Humnidifier FREE!1 * NODOW PAYENT* NO PAYMENT 'TIL SEPT. '71 *BUDGET T ERMWS AVAILABLE ON YOUR MONTHLY GAS BILL CALL VUS TODAY VOWLES Heating & Air Cniinn 17 LIBERTY ST, 'N. BW NViLLE623-1 iMma. Clint Burley, ail of New and MrC. Brown, Newcastle. al héén iniîtéd ta attend a Cpt i S ol. S&- " zampk Mrs. Lottie McCullough wes'and M.$. and Mrs.' F. Gilmér. Campery et Camp Sarnac ln >pials~ îîUmu S e xoîI;ý cie ta retunn home lest week U.C.W, will meet in thé Oshawa. This effort will lu- mosi ý;ugeos, 1Ip vrntcri o ýv th-ILfrom Mémorial Mlospitai wbené Sunday Schooi hall on Wéd- valve ail the Rangers, Roveca, c os a s udgences H é wéntaoe m o ayi thatlmokers shé as spent severai months. nesday evening, Apnl 28 at Ventures and Cadets cros or po Thre, e7e1,5 able i,7:30 for the business per'iod, al Ontario, and Nortbérn ýdea1, auience shou ld havé oe rgrdfr e ple Tth e were 15 t ntab e fas théné will be a spécial United States. d~esdy niht wa do't sokeplayet té red paty i théspeaker, Mn, PaulTpct a exml" "Non-smokems cxposed to a smok- Cmmulnity HallFciday évén- Mcr Tapscott, whose home is 'i-g-,-wînnérs as foilows: Higl in BltmorTT ateihe i hercofé-ing environmenrt su fe hatnm et ay èe Mecen; ow lady, i Bltmoelae éahe e precablerate" hý. sid. nithé Dr. Poweers Schooi and his precabl rae," é s,. im ars1hghma, eiwtpic wil hé "Indien and PETER' KUCHER ànla Tcnity 'In answeir toa anolher qeto fmo lngo F 7w0lw man, Eskimo Life", with e dispiay PtrKcé îdsde- ythe EoW- thé audience about popeinté _evdThowmoadwinn Inative at hn ilb y Pier , 1971, inEe st Gen- bya h 0~odaWellington ea small arc hg.eryonè eel Mpritl 17, Toin s e-i îof thé Cana-fèssion setting an exai»plé by not smok- 'Far-row. wécme. cag.Eeyn rlHsiaTrn e Dau adigDr. Delamue said thiat almost 75 per Local adie attending thée iVr. Grant Wadèe ttendéd R esde a 838 Gejrmer, St. E0,. ntolerable that cent of thé doctors lnu Canada have given 7tb Aninivécsary Of East luncheon et thé King Edwerd Trno in hospitals. up cigarettes, DIuham iWom)ren-'s In-stitute et Motel in Toronto lest'Wèduès- The dèceesed weas thé smon an institution " hmlVillbook on FridlaY évènirig day, célébratiug thé itl oth he lae OSamuel Kuicherand l They have given irnup in order inchudedlMesdamnes A. Lu niésry0 h cn mic rs nne Och1,97 o shf toth ubi protect théir own hénlth," hé said. "ln caster1. Florence' Fénguson, Mutuel Insurance Company. wBohresided92 in Osw fo Lwhich as fear thé pmocess of exhibifing concèmu for Mary Jnes, Acéy Farrow, A. Mca. MVary Wadé spent thé a ersdd nOhw o the most dan- théir ownheaîth, they havé set an ex-Milliaby Farrow and Miss wéèkénd with Mca. Edith Bur- 20 years and thé pat 26 yeans B. said iiliganB.Spécial speaker rows at Don Nis. in Toronto. Me was employ- e sidinrelyample." wasFeemte President Mca. Mr. Truéman Henderson éd at Dunlop Rubben Com.- hé noni-sm-ok- He seid that teachers and other Zo!licfrnm New Hamhung. was home from Sudbury aven pany, Toronto, for- 23 yéears, talsandfel itproessona pepledeaing dirct ?,Mca. V. Bourgénrie wes down thé weekend and son Bob ré- Mr. Kucher la survived by .als ~ ~ it ethétl roesoe e plae ealiig dicly fr, sh-awe)ile day lestiburns to Western University bis xvife thé former Helen ents shouild hb ihté ulc rebcmn eaiy we, rprn ocr e thréé! on Tuèsdey of this week toiSpanner, bis mothér, bis r rooma s epê cornmibted tel their responsibilities of weèk'a idaytnp ta Floridï.ýwrite i final exams. daughter Mrs. Barnes Norton with scett ig aeame and babin sou] and Carol werýe vstn n agr édterwe-sisters Mrs. John Strumbiaki,. escewciarete aso.wih n. frsMc. R. Ail- îy meeting et thé MeQuat (Mary) of Oshawa, Miss Thé-ýt lis cf amokérs Ahl of which will nof hé joyous dn ,Lýakéshore, Saturdey home, ou Sunday. ésa Kuchér of Toronto, endr hé àskèd. news ta fobacco growers in this amea. ngh.Thé Rangera hed just ré- two grandchiidren. Mie vwaq' M.and Mca. Don VinkieP tumned from a wèekend camp- predeceased by fhrée bnoth- acucomnpenied by Linda Peck, ing trip with a Company oflérs and sister. 1 1'e'out f n Claréencé Gil- Whitby Rangera. Tbey ieft Thé funérai wes from tbe mrs sci- e nnsy uSet- Friday évening, and thb t night,Arson Fuea Hmé urdy.thé achool bouse in whichiApni1 14 et 4 p.m. and was,, ?rS th(? Attènding thé -annuel Vimiy tayed waa beseiged by taken jiby Rév, E. M céin Ridge Pinner et, thé Port Hope e bOaud of local boys piaying formèniyý, of Oshawe, Inter;. the- aunit oftirme ;and cf- ,thens,Wan and thé lete Légion Mall, Seturdlay éven- practicel jokes but fartunaté- ment Yvas ln thé Union Ceme,- fort shé, had put into thé Bruce F. Elliott, bath of iug weme e lsas.s Anthony ly, no barm was doué aud !téry, Oshawa. wcork. Secondly, I wvas con- Newtonýlillîe. Ton aud Fr-auk Gilmér thtey finaiiy withdréw. Nèxti cecnéd (Jthat if thé bistony Thé buildings disappear-- ltto é n ofl f thé 10morning thé Rangers bad a. cf On'ono village and sur- éd and thé lot became Wrldaan1 Veteraus près-:15-mile hike and a taffy-puli, 46DG IiIONE rou-nding district wes writ- beautful céder b1-.ush.. so bbèy enjoyeld their outing During thé ,r.eontb oet ten up alone it would mean, In thé m-,iddièc of thé 60('s Latèr theat semé éevercngu.î and havé made sevèrel new Match, 46 dogs wéré in- sf111 anothen book fa ,bé Mr. Wmr. Mela.renk!o bought M ýrs. Bée Joiies éntertainéd et fnienda, whom théy 1iope to poundéd, 35 of them des- wcitten ta finish thé test of thlo dégae Wyn a sm-lali bridge pactyý, cèlet-vstae o troyed. One dog wais héhi, township. Eiiiott to) pré p are thf igté itdy of Mr. and Thé Venturer ranks continueevrfroevain Tw lb is boa bcd that oneé gnound for théildngofM11 F Cmi rPi7es weut io grow with thé- admission of cats wére brought inl, and wrifèc did not cxrthée i ehme éekdtoDrtyfl eror bîgb Gerald Véleke and Wye u ukwsrtme ai8 whaè 0 Ccrk luon tht a epecail fne édrd'r ndtfJm Gim r I Gorden, as, full mé : .,bers. Neil OwSiéS book. Howeér, thécé la an fre hé spaýréd. higb man wh l caitiOn Vendénsboop and Bill MacDou- Recéîpts farn the Montha advantage in doing it thià Latén when théy begain wént ta Phil Giimén. ThéeaId have epplied for mémber-~ totelléd $92. Animal Contrai way, section by section that (inla.iaytuan's language) ta usna oorwn ibdsbip edthé new members Offleer George Perras' trav- cenbalnceenydisdyc- itc fô w.tèrthépu lwib Iency .7heaead picturcslw.ill hé invéstéd et thé Fath- élléd 1,214 miles in dis- tage. Pèxhepa thé sections wes always towand thj5téewrethè 1h etrégouer and Son Banquet tabo écbagn i uîs will b oesmpteia- sa iwas es by ca . Carmran Coruish. as1heid nèxt Saturday uighb. 1ceused tainbe issued 10 ly decît with becuse the bavé ta 'hé sacnificed. Whieil sa __________etieei ___.eýan aner hv writer waa pérsonelly emo- thé tre came down ifýv ;board, onjoyîug dciutv é -____________________________ fioneiiy involvèd with thet fouud ta havé béén grow'îng1 iuscmnidithday cakedFail particuler créa end its peo- out of a roady made staned once, thé maie gueal-t oaI ha1no- pie. Wé, hope thia proves Iu weli. tru é anyw y. O h c i g wt Mc w s speechis, so, for, ' Schmid bas béén searching thé cémavai aIof thé tre ciao expess hé prc foc soméone ta bélp ber ccecked thé atone work. Hé es.0f bat Frrwan placé together the matériel clèanéd out thé weil, suuk Sidney Lancaster and Mr. FO R L E she bas gathénéd. I cm glad a tîle in thé centre and the and MrA. Freýd Héndèrson et- shé bas et lest founid a vény well is still In usé. Mn. téudéd tb, Mesonic service in able manen luthé persan of Wayne Eliiott bcd thé Newcastle United Chunch TP S S. , B. ithécford, end théne unique -expérience af hélp- Suudey arning. nêv. T. J.ý book làa hegînning ta takê iug ta disýcover thé weil hiis Suelgcove's themê, Sund-ay, shape,1 wife's greet ý grndfetber mongwas "Follow Me," thé I cm sénding i liC lu- dug wel ven a bundred 'edylcé fc'om Jésus ta ali thasé formation and thé foilowing yeeasbrforé. I\vho are uncértain af what stocy on anigin of "Morgeu's Rural Grandmother, course ta take lu evérydey hIfe. Corners" ta create an inter- est in aur past, and ta wbét Agniea Buclèy. Thé choir sang "Miâ Way ý,la $ 9 9 9 R aur eppétîte foc thé book Béat naymrnn whén it camés on thé mac- bNréofthSeyastrnitgrmcm- ket. Also ta volée aplée ta NEWÎTONVILLE ',bérs aIthctn éoru stanv Ldce.MO NT H cli thosé wlth au intereat-j Supper guésts. Sunday, with iug stary on information on Mn. and Mca. C. R. Farrow 1Mr. and Mca. Don Stepletan an creon family to séud lb wére visitons a wéèk ego et land famuly wéré Mr. and Mca. 1971 GALAXIES, IMPALAS, TORINOS to Mca, Emil Schmid, Orono. the homeof Mn. and Mrs. Bill Bent Staplèton, Bowmcnvihlé,1 EQUIPPED, WITH V8, RADIO, AUTOMATIC, This way thé book wil hé Nèsbitt, lrooklu, wherèe aud Miss Iern Selvig Of Pn t P OWER STEERING, POWER BRAKES, af ceai velue ta cli of us, "Get-toge,ýher" of thé Osha- H1ope. ,Mca. Lottie Todd la Origin ef MINorari'n Corners wa Graduating Nurses' Cimes also steying wýith thé Staplé- WHITEWALLS. Eenly lu, thé bistocy aI of '38 was held. Seveiral of, ton's since'léaving Mmra Clarke Township, JamerL)1s thé menîlbers hadn't met for Hospital., ~g A A I~I U t ~ II Morgan, c arpenter and 32 years and one came al Mr. and Mca. Bob Kelly cud1 71 MIY "IéYERICft. c weaver, wîth bis wifé Sarah thé way frnmPrince Edwerd ions, of Peterborough. nt R.ATO AI McMahon, camé fcom Ire- Island for thé occasion. Whilé Sunday visitons with Mn. cd R UTM Cmunth$7 0I 0 land and settièd on Lot 17, thé ladies enjoyed taiking aven Mra., A. Ton. Cou. 2 and sterted ln u hua-aid timés, Mn. Nésbibt took On Satu,,rdey eý,veniug Mr. 7 PIT1e O neass. It wes hère tbéy ais- théir husbands out f0 dinner. and Mrs. S. J. Lanicaster wé1 great - gcenddaughtecs ,hé- menvilé wes a supper guet Mns. Alf Perrin and on Sn3 ot 006mt e es camé the wives of two bro- récéutly with Mr. and Mra. day, wéré suppén guésta withu3 ot 000 ientlis C. R. Farrow. Mr. and Mca. .Jeck Chard and TT Darene Godon ofOrono daughtéra, Newce(-sthe.1 O BJTUARY waan over-uight guest lest Mn. and Mcas. Muray Ponter P O E 5 6 1 0 Fnidey with Mn, and Mca 0of Détroit weicé cellens, Sun-1Pý PH NE 576-80 JOHANAS (JOHN) VOS Walace Bougbén. day, with Mn. and Mca. M. Iu paýon beelth foc thé as Sevèel fram thé village Stapleton. ? 815 KING ST. WEST OSHAWA attnded thé cerd party et Mr. and Mca. P. J. Rowe af five yecrs, Johena (John) IMionish. Wédnesdev evening. .antville wene 'eelling onu Vos diéd Apnîl 16, 1971, et bbth herswiinca A uétdlehévillage, $un- Oshawa Général Hospital. Hé Burhey, Eastér Sundey, lu- day afternoon r. resiet a155 Highland Ave., cluded Mn. Keith Burley andi Sundaydciin#> ue sts M a ONALDÏEASIN Born Déc. 13, 1898 lu Mol- Mca. ion Burhéy and Mn. and famiIy, Port Hope, wené Mc., land, bbe son of the latéeMjjé... and Niéwbof Vos, hé was mccniéd Nov. 28, 1924, lu Fol-...... land. A résident af Oshawa cndU ý, Caaa ra 22 yéars comg from Hollcnd, hé was employ- i1 l éd with thé Oshawe Engineer- MN VL lng, and retlcéd in 1969. Hé was a mémber of ZMan Chris- tien Rofonmed Church. The déceae slasurvived, hy bis wifé, thé former Ida Van Den Ploeg; tb ee sans, Péter, STARK VILLE Mn. and Mia. Ewart Robin- son visited Mr. C. Yule lu Osawa, Sunday, Mr. and Mca Sîir Hcllowel 75 Kug S. E Boweuvile itb Mr. and Mrs. Deihént Office Fur.Cermen, Mador. Sam.ta pm. dally Mca. Haeél Farrow, Onano, Cs3Stucdcy and Sunday waa a Sundey guest wîth Office Phacné - 623-5790 Mra. Porc, Farrow, DRt. WILLIAM 'KENT, 1.1.8. Mr. and Mrs. Gaordon Fair- Bowntenville Profeasionel Bldg. beuka. Toronto, weré évéuing 222 King St. E. - Suite 106 guesta lest week with Mr. and Office Heurs: Mca. Liéw Hallowell,. Closd Saurdy. Sndcyand Mr. and Mra. Chaché Hait, Closd Saurdy, SndayandToronto, visitéd ber mothér, Opn Monday Mca. Stone, Suuday. OprTueadeay thneuigh Fiilday Mca. Jim Stark was hostesa 9m.ta 6 p.m. da'ýily for thé Shiloh U.C.W. meet- Téléhone623-349 ng et ber home, Wednésay affernoon lest wéek. Thé I ns Ilr nC e acipturé réadiug and en ---------- - --flouaI message waa lu charge DONAL A. MeGRE ofnIMca. Orme Falls. Life, Autfo, Homre 'Mn$. Stark gave a report ou Insurencé a récent Pnéshytéî-iel meeting 87 King E., Suite 2A1% he bcd atteuded and sevéel Bowmenvilll - Phone 623-5962 itemrs were éxplied. Lunch was sérved by Mca. Optom try tark cIter thé pleasent méet- Serviceat Sbiloh waswelb KEITH A. BILLETT, 0.11. attended Sunday elternoon. Optometriat Rev. Suelgrove's message wcs 143 King St. E. - Bowmenville "Follow Thou Me" and Mîrs. Office Hqurs: By eppointuient Llew Hallowéll wes ilu changé Téléphone 623-3252 of thé music. Ur,"I - Tués. - Thursý. - Fli Mn. and Mna. R. Westh-euser P eamta 5 n:)P. M vîsibéd ber parents Mn. endi EWdadSet, - 9 - 12_ Mra. H. Thîckson, Elizýabeth- bude Vceaîng ilville. L A <,N7cOa58 APPLES w SALAD MIME CMk o off 2 GADNFRE5U RUNCH GREEN ONIONS! BROCCOU a.39 ROSE B USHES 150 9 Tabe RteCANDAGRAE A" VI'T RTE YORK FSNCY WHOLE XERNEL ÇRsFidi 9t 4-3LIL kyo lIN2-0h ckens LSII FACELLE MOALE FRES H CHICKEN Tilse 4NV <LEGS or BREASTS LB. 4g lIA PFOI AR OR BOSTON STYE FOOD PffflES EFFECTIVE WVED., THRU SAT, APPI!. 21, 22, 23, 24 Wi RESERVL 11* RIGIT1TO UMI U ANÀiTlL MO,'NARCH ReGILAP, OR BAP --O CHICcKEN Qo y, CRIS? ROBINHODCLBAO CAKE ATîS3 7 - ý Arcic Power IMFS.25f O IF lfi-9 1

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