I- By Frank Mohun62-34 GlOLFTN iG WEATIIER? ,The sports edîtor after getting av~ early start last week- innd, had plaftned on playîng plenty of golf on Saturday and ýSunday. However, we dîdn't. The weather just wasn't too eondusive to gettîng us too, interested about taking to the fair- - 'i, ir, iirlrqnid ...4 41,- eýlrn.z e hdnunPrl IThe Canadian Statesmam, Rwav1~Apr. 2&, 1971 w ways - ut we unuv±rsta.Âit in r eea agxiiu o! golf ers who ddn't let it bother'theni. 7,owmanville Country Club, Erinli and Newcastle courses Fo' are ail open for play.Y uh o ln o rsd n G ai o s E ge B3an1"tGirls SOFTBALL TEAMS PICKED Holnoy , H. Gray 2; Gî The Mens Town Softball League gt dowa te the serions son 5, T. Gtay 0; Aide 5, Fan- business of'selectîng their teams for the coming season on rand 0; Edmondson 3, Lux- ton 2. Sunday morning. Il appears te bave been a good mnove inTem tndg changing thein original Plans froni pnotecting six players to Luxto-n 9 6 maintaining only thnee on each team'is list. Ad --.____ 51 Originally, the nuls wonld have le! t the weaken teains Holnoyd 47-- ,*. wîrth lttîs chance te mimprove, and at the saine lime the sînong-Gîsn .--- Fannand . . 34 , .0,-,, .- U en entnies didi I stand le lose too mnch. T. Gnay .~____29 ~ ,, , H-joweven, anotlîen motion saw the rule changed se that H. Gray --------------->*Pe.... Y onl conpîtcher could be pnotecled ameng the three playens High Single r K Aide 198, 3,a-r Thsreporter îsn't tee sune that this was a goed meve, becausew Lvgn 5.' -hee are players in the loop, net classifi spthes bt~High, Double- K. Aide 33~1, q-,v Let hoe thl te Twn Lagn prducs pils usua- buat Ain Bnla Boy293.i in reality some are pretty fair hurlers, Ch*ow 293 oys Lets opetht te ownLegueprducs ts sul ban Ban,5, Knamen 0; Wo,,. oII exciting softbal Double-headers will be played every 5, Farrell'O v0. Tuesday, Wednesday and Thunsday nghts at the Memoia TeaiSndg Bain - -46 i~/ P rKnamen - --- ------ ------ 45 '21 Woolley ---_---- Farrelli -------------- 24 High Single - L. Fals 195,i4..,4vv. t. ~IJJ. OU ogung 162, L. Lotsm'a Tea Stndigs oitmýtan 207; CareolçOrme 1 No. Name Pts. Pins 204; îke Healey 203; Lionel' , Dul .Fli 4,ii I lnndîtbles 1 4'4Hickey 200, Jnir «rI 2.i 1-1; ta --- 43 43 502 Ps !ect 5, Fnedricks 2; Car- 2. -1Li Blies ___ 65 43921 ter 7, D. Piper 0; Cowle 4, ,~ki 4. ite Train - -- 76 45801 . ie,3 Crw s 62 447 1,, iNigfltI1 awvks KPie 3 anig i. eýýguys - -- - - 3 43275 ensaAr-2 Carter -- --83 Waý'ndenen s - 44 42837 Ta Stnig D. Piper --- 68 8Gainens - 4--06--Ogen--4477 -40K. Piper 62ý MnaIhSIge C. Bruce 43,727- 39 Cewle --A -_ Ji Fir - 283 J. Mairs 42,991 -34 PretM--- Mfen's High Pr.l FBruce - 4,57-î3/ Fredricks -T-- CÏC"e 2 BilI Orme 7'~ K. Campbell 43,747 - 26 Hg îge W 27 Ladies' High Single 'Ld -3254-2 Carter 225-222-204, K. Pi- Jane--- ---------- 251l ihTpe per 214-206-218, D. Piper 218 Ladies' Hgh Triple D ge 6 L. Taylor 204, SadaDraper ---------- 771 -H------Sing-ie High Triple -J. Carter 651,N Bill] Orme---------------- 227 D. Ogden 25K. Piper 638. Day'? Orme ..216 O0er600 Triples, Junion Boys Ji r ---------------------- 212 D Ogden 760, F. Buce 724, Brooks 7, Roberts 0, La- ayCern av-- ------- 2'"F' Land 658, M . Oveeden 643, ment 5, Welsh 2, Moshen 5 Mike Knnedy 205 . Broome 638, J, Maîrs 607' dma2 Over 200 Gaines ,Woodcock 601. Teain Standing I JunFair 283, 238, 225, _Da3- i Oves' 230 Gamnes Brooks _--- 8; eid Orme_ 277, 229; Bill Om ý Ogden 260, 225, 275, F Roberts __ 66 This fantastie save by Dresden's gpalle Rick Ilaynes had the Reý,d Eagles so l7,20 11, Jini Buddy 6, rc 270, 254, S. Dillieg 253, Mosher___ 62fusrtdoSnayngthtacupefthmltthrcolndbe up 'n'3, JaeSmith 251: Fred ,P Bom 4, .Ln 4, Adams -53 rsraeonSna ih htaculofhr ottercolndbwup ~~1olroyd 248, Joan40 F.iLbs 245, 20DVresn22 aet~Fer twe periods, Haynes stopped what appeared to be many sure goals, but in 24;Sandra Draper 239, 2319: Averages Welsb ---- - -- ------------ 42 the thîrd, the Bowmanvllle sharpshooters managed te gel the nubber past hiM 207 Bleen Hickey 238, Gary rc __ 0 High Single - M. Roberts b win the gamne. Note the puck sttng just at the tep of his gloved hand. Coewaýy 236, 223, 200; Annold;D. Ogden 204 256-258, R. Short 251, D. Bnlnkow 230, 205, 203; Bettys'Brc ______20 Withenly 247-21M.Ctic C2harîiand 227; Bob DraperJMan- _____ 19 238, K. Joli 235, D.,Gnay 235,r 21' Aln ka 23,Pa1 , ampel -___ 198 2,J ros27 .Wlo u i sv r oe-O La 22,201; i Jeffreys 216, "an .-_____ 19 G. Corebes 223-220, B. Chow Laprade 211, Lii Smith 210;j. Bwe18 212, M. Adamns 203. Geoge ibb 20; NncyE.Mitchell____- 185 High Triple - D. Wltbenly" !Mahoncrey 208, 202; Mlly os___ 8 633, M Roberts 618,G F. Dyksîna 184 Coombes 601. Bow anvll A. Dykstra> 183 senior Mlxed Leagile Teni Cub G. Downey 180 MacDonald 5, Davey 2; Terry * G Smth _______180 5, Lyle 2; Brun+ 5, HoIre d 2 P. Broome _____ 180 Cain 7, Bouwmee-ýster 0. ED.____ r----- 180 Terrm Standing L. r___-L19 rdey-----76 b Hreyiebtr nle 1knliitad uk t The brd eîdbne L. Coombes ___ 177 Terny -------- 74 t--~Th e age ilteie1 the Red Ea gl ea c imd by B. Wlbur______ 173 Whitehead., 8 Dede laFfh ae acpe thein Leagne Cai John Goodwin ai thA1 sec, I.Wright--_ ___ 173 1,wiestr _m__ 63 Afler a long bus trip 1 ponh Tropby fnomBow~-mak SnyBow ledi M vnden 172 Cain -62 Dresden last Friday nîghl the manville's own Brent Hughes mrSnyBoý À_di EDeboô -- 170BrI- 56 Red Eagles bit for the finat and prepared te lie up the up 25 seconds later and the 2:00'ni, B. Piper - 168--o--oy 47 goai aI the 1'(04 mark of the seies, Hewever, the Dresden Eaglss never let np. 'Fast, Ný Van Abea17 Lyle' 42 Î2 final perîod fron mte stick O!fKings had' other plans, lhev skating, passing ançi back- Rersmnswilil be ,D. DeVos16 Dve 7 1/2 Deug Croughi. Bniýan Johnson hustled, skaled, checked and checking was the 'Bedà Birds' sevdR. sIel ----- -- 16--6elMacDonald - -- 34- M evened the score lalsi' in the teck advanitage cf eveny op. lnademarlk,as lhey 1pnoveýd they A Glspel - 65j H "hinge . Buw ees rsiod. Sandy Brown socked pnuiy etkt 20la an handle the Kinga._ The New Mýýembers Welcome B. Nîigon . - 161e27,S Cale 253, L. Brurt one home early ie the second by the n !tefnlpnc defence again turned l a SOCId Fiee Aduit Lessons L. Gallagher ... 162 253, J. Patenson. 255, D. Sinale and held the Kings Off unetl Bian Johnson and Bandy effort but thinga wéreý lax np D. Venîsysen 162 255, W. Mountjoy 254, S. Da- wîth oniy 45 seconds left in Ashton counled for the Kînga, front untii% the Ihird pernd Thurs, Nights L. Burgess 151 ves' 253, D. Bradley 251, D. th-ý second, Deug Deline huis- Mike Hewston made il 3-0 aI when everyene lcok te their Phn:S. Dîllîng-____ 150 Martyn 250. ered a shot that hit the mark., the midway mark of the sec- wings. Final score 5-3. Plin-W. McNeil ____ 149 High Triple -D. Siale 703, This seemed te be a crucial ond and only sleady defensîve, Pies. Lou RtsndIe A.Pret______ 144 B. Bonwmeester 699, D. Brad- goal.as the Ihîrd perîod lune- play along wlth fîine gal 623-2116à. Knapp 11Se 9, S Cain 677, W, ed eut te be a checking con- tending frein Bandy Dilîtmar ______________ _____D. Leaman 115IMounljoy 674 lest until wîth nine minutes kepl the score that low, lefI Bi k Chînnîck scored the 11i winner frein a sharp angle on The Red tagles just coldn't theleI ide De g eli e ndseern te gel on tack s her This vweek Jack Bond tceDk, R4 ý Mý_«andy Ashton added singles rushes lacked finishf andIh the meshg rpewt te oun of te sonng I 52.close cbecking o! the Kiegs 826 (293, 253, 277). Bon flrock The thr e tar as pî ked hididn'l help. Dan Cowle fi- had bg b single with 312. e Cydrmn ve CLBall-- heal Hr-aynes on a pass Carol Roberts. went sî1 Ibe yns ayChie- freinKînIï Rogers t finish tibe way for the ladie, Carol's w ens' Bîck HayreGr erc I31high i sngle was 0 hl e 'V nick and Dave Tabh. Bick Haynes' tremendeus U goal tendîng waa the mnajor fac1er ie the Deenwin, Gary Chinnîck the Dresden Capain 1a a masay in their - atlack. The Ihîrd choies Dave Tabb swa a esul of his olid *ce w n on fence and hs ag- gces've rushs uk ol resents at the :as ano then of the Eagles top TW ALADTRU perfomrmers along w th L annyA U 17 RI * evitt in that fifh gane FRID A APILL 3Ot VEGA 2-dr. Haý'tce1Itàk Coupe L»et elsTEU PUT O~N01 U IER Team Standngs M Pins I -S. K28879 4 Kî ktn - 27677 3- e m a At i o &% SkAM w1 t- Ront q28642 29 flt u 8~ Childien 50e -Studenla $100 -Adulta $,50 GET THE DETAILS ON THEI Coegnatulatîens to winnerslSTNLE CUP SPECIAL MONEY MILES SWEEPSTAKES f 2nd sechedule- Capt. W bou C uld Be a W în er ýj- T o-W aysCo nb s J Chapple, C. Lu -F E I ST 1 0 K D teeN. Ferguso r. J. >-artiro wsl receive a Miiinnesoýta Norlth Stars "ôe a Mr. and Mit ac ak zones~ and fmlyVfiit6Ad Mi. and SuPdàay rdinner -guest of thé ide Chureh st. wmnsil triple was 819 (263, JOC, 250). Team Standings J. Býonçi 47814 76 S. Prout ____48428 67 B. Smith __ 48107 65 IR. Brock 47159 63ý C. Roberts _-__ 47541 571 G. Marshall 4650Q 5& D. Nolan -- 46064 56' A. Van Goor, 46470 49 C. Morgan 46209 4g, D. MeReelïs 45714 47; J. Luffman 46030 451 B. Marshall 46523 421 Next week la the bowling; playoff between the four top, teains. Ron Brock's team of! the first schedule wMl play Jack Bond's team, Doug Nolan's team wIll play Glenn Prout's team, The other ýelght eani- will play for hidden scores. MIXED MAJOR The Mixed M1ajor League completed their regular bowl, ingý schedule In fine styleý with eight of our bowlers reaching the 700 plateau. Jlmfl Bruton leading the group! wlth 797 for High Triple aisei 306.; Doris Joîl 777, which In- cluded High Single of 363; Helen Dunn 756; Ron Burgss 745; Boss Wright 738; Pêe Dobbins ;725; Mike Murphy 704; Helen Vandenberg 702. The other 300 game rolled by Bon Burgess.. PS - Don't forget, our Bowling Banquet May 22nd in the Centennial Hall. Re- freshments 6:30. Over 300 Games Doris JoIl 363, Jini Bruton 306, Ron Burgess 300. Oves' 250 Games Bill Joli 298, Peggy Haynes 293, Pete Uobbins 287-260, Helen Vandenberg 278, 0111e Patfield 271, George Char- land 268, Mike Murphy- 268, Helen Dunn 267-259, Larry Piper 266, Albert Sanian 265, Norm MeKeen 2ýI64, Bon Haynes 256, Ron Suteliffe 256, Jack MeNÙ1ty 258, Mau- rie Annaert 251. Average% Ernie Perfect -(~39) 263 Larry Piper -(45) 257 Doris J011 _____ 249 Peggy Haynes 232 Jini Bruton ._____ 227 Bernice Buday 227 Russ Hately 227 Ross Wright 226 Pets Dobbins ----45) 226 Hector Ballantine 22 95 Maurie Annaert -(45) 25 9 0111e Patfîeld--_--------- - 2 ý2 Randy Beaupnie .24 22 Howvard Brommeli - 221 Albert Sa ,man21 Mike Murphy -216 Rusa Hallinan .117745) -214 Leon Connors' 213 Don Wright ,.......39) 213 Helen Dunn ....212 Léola Wright â - 45) 211 Helen Beynolds..,2)208 Bon Hlaynea ..207 Gord Sim pson -.(4,S) 206 Juin Murphy 205 milI joli '""4 )20 Don Bishop 204 Betty Charland ..,.4)204 Linda Crossey .202 VI Coode------- - (42) 202 Shirley Fôwlýr .. -.....201 Nomn McXKeen ,__(47) 201 Bob Vandenbeýrg 4, _45) 201 Bon 'Burgeýs .200 oilgh SngIe cDoris Joli--- - ---- $33 1Righ Traple cJlmn Bruton -. _ .------797 -Team Stândings Haynes - 34k 51,988 ýDunn -____ 32 51,280 Powler - 30 51,689 Brown _____28 50,515 Jo11 ---____ 24 54~680 Buday - - 24 .50,516 Suteliffe 24 49,310 Patfield 23 50,274 Cole --- 22 49,387 Bçittonshaw -18% 47»S3 Opoka --- 15 48,203 Reynolds 13 47,943 HÂYDON Mr. 'Bob Jories, Thunder E, laIs pendlng a souple c f eksat his homne. Mývr. and Mis. Waynie Ea hum, Orono, Weres aturday supper guesîs of Mn. and Ir., FW, Blackbun-and farrllY. :,Mr. and Mrs. Lyali -Hare,