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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 28 Apr 1971, p. 12

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The Canadian Young Ied the troul eî,n Wallae Cochu of tnsciWeile hîdd osewb ecm tri ha, ýIre transbition tri 9 a, chorir sang tire beautî )n ira April Evcnîng' Lougheedsirîptume ersfroni Malt 6: ve 24 ndIrs sermon Th~ns Fiit"askcd :t lionwbyso mariy s ,m 0~Iways ire smîdwriririgfor toiE tbinz mn l îke Ih terial wmnmot tirci hee- rding tire time anîd tirm,ir mtumlj. sioldie remîndcd mucirb wýe owc tri God. poss riting but i bae iI cciNrcd tri Re 14 A. Mellow Sn ay afemmoon al UntdChomcb wtira parenslwroarc plan Nextyear isr n Te,-xaco fomea comnpete Comi bu Enniskilltn2 i tatesrnan, Bowniarville, Apr. 28, 1971 'T OP.. oerganlzation is plan-1 1W Fishermen aut In Beaties h a 7:v3r thin.iniRever jC.ËWing. Vîsîtors are we- P1 cae noe TeCr dian Cancer, Society wîll be ut Fie za Im r s e crasugthe Hampton areai ihsweek, Please give genr- erously when the volunteer >2 canvasser cails at yriur door Mrs. Lloyd Rarnes and Do hear o o y M nd d E io Kay travelled to Port Hope! b i dtr i ae hc elandthe car was the way thitga on Monday to supervise -belW eesrr otk i vhere the homn was, not on gauge didn't ms oadt~ final estng place of morbac mohe, helae rs Vctr , i the rOnly way to de- anly part of the steering wheel emritv side as thriugh it as Farwsrh u'rcn xeinea phave corne to cxpect, tho second hand on a watch. Lai atmdy veîn sp-with a 2-door Firenza (Vaux- it wason the end of the tumo Wc drove for days and ther Lhall) that teyPublicnR a-signal lever and most conveni- was vemy little indication Ïhati p-er guests with Mr. and Mrs, tions peoiple from General ent once you became accus. we had used any fuel at al T. M. Chant- were Mr. and'Motors sent down for the tomed tri it. Just a tap with Fînally, 'e visited a servce Mns Larry Chant and Mr& , jodnrti r u o awe.rfe finger of the left band station because we couId 't A, Chant. Overnigbit supper It is made in F.ngland wherewhestlonte heln eeetegugadi trk guests were Mr, and Mrs,.tbey stili drive rin the loft drivlng Position and the horn ahl of sx gallons ta i- irip Paul Chant, Betty and Tedrof side rif the road sa a few con-hokd utodan a iseaofalesdubett Collîngwood, Mm. and Mrs.1fusiog items had tri be straîght- They are smart, those Eng- amount that we would have T. M. Chant spent Sunday, at ened riut hefrire- you could lish designers and engineer used in our own, stafioniwagon. themr cottage at Oakhîll Lake. really appreciate the fine rid- The big key tri the ignitioni As we became more and They v sited wîth relatives ing qualîties and the riverall could be înserted cither wayI more cnamored wîth the litIle 2' Mr. and Mmi. Les Little whose excellence of the smail car. 'wbîlc ours can rinly he used vehicle, we checked the raîher yriung 14 year-old Son WaS They have shifted the steer-wîtenocsttebt- spacîous trunk and wiondered killed in, an automobile acci- îng xwheel river to the lcft side. tom. The saie condition how mariy bundies of'ppr 7 ~dent. Mrs. Chant rcturncd to but have left the boue for the applies ta the door key that is it and the initerir ruld hold, the lake again on Mionday ta key oni the left instead of the separate. and fin ally decided that it be with Mm. and Mmi. Little, normal rîght as in cars made The snappv hîtie Fîrenza ~woudb ra a o hr Mr. and Mmi. Steve Atymi,lhere. And they neglected tri had, came wîth a four-on-Ihe-trp an ruing rod Mr. and Mmi, Rom White and leave a projection sticking dut floor stick shift, fully syn- town, but there was no way Mm.an M SanNorîs abit, so the driver bas tri chronized, and heautiful tria ol sei.frcryîng, ee atteilded the beef supper o nke a looik tri fîiri 11sf wbpre opemate. I took a few drijves almost a ton of papers on1 Satuday venig at st.the key entrance is, însîead of before we learned how trpulcio da me Pul' Unîed bumc, Bw- ust însertîng il between two shift down and up, and oe- Tatsaotah ii thing manvîlle, flange ripenings. There are corne oui' habits from drix'ing'that, kept us from semîouslv rthrîr bits of confusion., In- an automatie, but from then considerîng a Firenza fi u Sunda uppe gues wîtbstead of turning the key tri- on. il was a ball.netcr W eoediad Mm na Mrs teve rtymward the dashboard tri start Frankly wc were amazed' aI xrs hikitiG o and fmîly ere M. andibe motor, il tumns toward the hriw easy il was tri park, even ms neetn xeine Mms. Jack Beetili and Rom of driver, Until you gel ontri without power steering, and -- monoil, the change wîli esult in a how responsive the brakes Saturday cvening visitons bit of grinding as you tumoi were . . . il would almosî BTU R wîth Mm. and Mms. Tho-as the key tri cul the motor only stop on a dime, with a mini- O IU R à Rogers wemc Mm. Gary Eog- rtri find you are dring the mun it foot pressure. The MRS. N. S. FOSTER Ils, Toro-t, Mis. Debbieo-pposite and tryîng tri start a steering was excellent and the Walsh, Kitchener, Mr, John motor that is alneady purriog. ridîng qualities oft the bucket Following ail ilînesa rif three Rogers and Miss Sharon Rog I That's isn't ail that's dîffer- seats weme great. It bad1 weeks, the death rif Mmi. N. I. crs, Bowmanville, Sunday ent. Wc had quite a seaîcn plcnty rif power and we wemeiFoster, aged 76 years. occur- visitors were Mr. and Mrs. for the foot button on the dumfounded tri find how it mcd on Friday, Maich 26, 1971, Alex Rogers, Chrisîle and floorntri swîtch lîghîs from low clung tri the noad, conered at Memorial Hospital, Bow- Soony of Belleville. beam tri bîgh. Finally, we dis- and generallv went along with- r _nile Vîsitors l'at week w-th covered there was no button, ouI much effort or noise at1 Daugbter rif the laIe Mm. and Mmi. Lera Metcaîf wcmc Mr, al Ihat was required was a speeds of 70 miles an boum ýMms. William Blair, the rm- John and Miss Susanne Copp vertical flîp up or down, of on more if you wanted it. cm Mary Lîndsy Blair was born of Toronto, Mmi. Douglas the turn signal lever. It was One rif the best features rif at Motherwell, Scotland, anld Wight of Providence,, Mri. ____________________________________________ Wood, Mmls. Fred Wight and Mrs. Ken Wight of Base Lime. Visiting with Mm . Metcalf r on Monday for a few days was Mrs, Roy VanCamp, Base LUne. 5 ~On Sunday Mr, and Mmi.1 Les (Hunt and family visited thc Oshawa Home Show. Mr. and Mri. Hoskcn Smithi u. attcnded the Maaonic services held aI St, Paul's UnitediN Z W C hum ch, Bowmanville, oný Sunday. Mm. and MM 1Ben Klein! m,"< Niabîisand famîly visited on 1 Sunday witb Mm. and Mrs. r Henry Klein Nîchuis and Mr. 43 l~ Oshawa, witb Mm.i Callers on Sunday wt r HENAEIHS 3~ no u 10 and Mmi A. W, Preot we e, EN EIHS 3$i% ~Mr. and Mmi. Donald Prescotti Red toSer.ve and Diane of Brooklmn Weekend gucîst b -Mr. RIIS U S 1 8fztn 10 and Mmi. Fred Holmoyd and1, e MLynette were Mm.. Deboma Pai HOî,,o wtMsroý,Hîi Strychaliki a-rd T a b a lbt A BEU A CS 3nh bl 10 Lynn rit Oshawa, Saturday A EQ S U S 31s.0 afenon i sitors with Mi'el adMmi. Fred HoImoyd w.erel Harmy Long of Oshawa.Ered SRED16-fo(w s49c e: Mi <ed Med n MreorMtawchk id Stellar ohr îao 5e~Mxe o'noS r- f5ihrerme, bnth 13-years rlr, had a gon nenlng weekedtirpr ta mSel HEINZ PICKLES 15-0-oz a39CHE Z Top ictre how Gary erfctsonof m, nd mi.BudBalson la a patient n Memor- Prepared Top ilicli-P arryPerfct, on o M-r andMrs.Budal IHospital. I will -miss myçpe wih i x on aînbow he caughl at the Goodyear dam chats on Mondays with Ibis HEINZ Mý1USTA RD 16-f-oz ier 247cLw- ï 1 L ï1 jg i B ,oom photo shows Tomimy Couch, son of Mr. and Mns. grand old lady oft 88 yearsHenn- od1e /2ezpgf22u Ne Ysl ho landed lis f ive pound, seven ounice rainbow Warmn regards are extcnded Hni fn7 Ço~ oita4/-ipgo 3)1-lrztn auayaflemnoon. Both fîsb liad beer frozeri so their charaç- fo e ayfins ~M D k f2ev 9 rrn fr-orn thre camera a litho., Chris Dwyer, Newcastle, helped Mr. and Mmi Burll Miller and Heinz ,libow ald lie aiso caughl an 18" trout. family werc Mm, Patrick Me- KD E E N î--2 Neil and son Earl rit Osawa I D E DE1J_ 4flcfis$ 0 7'Guest5 lait Wcdncsday with~__________________________________ eMn nd Mmi. Ralpb Ballard Nrand Faml s, reM. :mdans Naan FallseeMmadami, This. Week E,,oy Top OuuliityaBuked PFoçdir During lai i ha.-ving their chidren baptïz- 'The . ri'ip perio~d aridHarmy Appelton, Wbitby, and Jame Parker Large S'ze Caks Alît"e fvourtfr ifacrir *ervccd on Mother's Day, May 9th, prograni weme planned by Colnd Mus, rnABlad, As a-Pl9ntY - ,. JVOy anîd at their indîviîdual cburchci Mmi PK.ease Unlted flflg kIPA rded by Caery 1'olowngNote - The Unitade y< Iess n ...tr i tne vemadin Hanriptonl, Zion and Eldad Ibhe openilng. quiet musmc, CubuWpakig laîre4 ive made Rev. Mellow aspoke tri the hymm and prayer, Mmi. Mary hr Wmnaepcig. Jane Parker., Dnily Dqted Ibe guese bale and would lîke ta have! Jane Parker, Sliccd 2 24-ex oave ful "Ai parents on the meanng orithtie Cole ntoduced tegetan ri the cumih btaA PPLE Rel Sacrament rit Baptîsm and speaker, Capt. Frost of the ayiesyuws agv lesi epane h pegsthey Salvation Army, Bowm-an-ltMy~u . ric 9will be takîng and also the ville. In is vemy fine barn-k fic ur a d Y FiIpledges tri be taken by amy- tone voire, hie sang sevemal Ifym Jane Parkerg f3P E rimqes oe being Godparenls. sls efcnebrewthmec kinow at 263-2985. Anda he qu%-~~~~~~ fevw explanatory emarks, -intc optaleelt peoiple }Iam-itomi U.C.W. trelated tri the sîgnifican-ce ofri emembei- Ithough we Inav-ena o ols 9 r-îg The Aprîl meetng Of thý the, ;0pg Camil Frost îhen 'c r idba- e.trivial Hamptn United Churcb Wr-iamoke about, the message &t y, we -i-iust carry il with usi Janle Parker, plain, sugared or cinnanion Pkg of 12 ticîr ma- -cm was beld ini the C.EEmýJv 'Uaîn h~ su'or we fimd il mot, Bye Now! i 0f OWMebei erereinedthl avterubs baulîful beloved d [omr n edslW-ie.Supl-_ine--P -i Edag-e1a -an o ,emng-ri1. 9NeuA Hmplton Elementary Scbool. 1945. would like tri amy "T-bank Sumvivîng, iresides iris wite, rý Yru" tri ail who helped make1mre a daugirter, Mmi. Bob their Games Nigirt a succasa lArchîbald (Sheila) mnd, a be- This was attcndcd 'oy wel lovc gan iRcky Leigr. RB H L river 100 parents, visitor nsmd[Tire decéased was a brother- cirildmem, Pnizes were won mnas; rt m.aLOMINRd follows: top lady,, Mms. Vj Crix (Joan),Oon.I CatijorniciOI Rîmddy; low lady, Mmi. Alice Tire funeral service waS Large Loin White; top ma, Mm, Bob Gil, bcld from tire Morris Fumerai Grown 9 banir low ari, m, DneChay pel rialle, han d-Bnh CEN RE (U BurnisSpot prizes, went tri ndesdy Rill4Harod wAs. (PEkoN aTRaE ut(2nt1 MrM Blanchard and Mmrc"d. c b ev aol .ecc 't going tribe any better unless you get Zela Klpatrick, Tire drirr Turner. Interment wms in, ~irurace 1h esigned 10 ensure the prize wemt to riM. and MmiBw niieCmeey jlion of every last drop of oil. And oil Dom MacKay. JAogtemm e uiu' heat for the leastmny aybd~Thre Fathers Group rim- floral tnibutes, evîdlence rit the South A1frîca-n Packham, CaýnaIda No. 1 Grade, Sueý 135%s miteWowr omeresteem ..n wbich tire deccascd CeaaGaeAE o. milIe wb wec vrunter vs held, were tirose trom tire drivers on Saturday wtb Teamsîcns Union; Social and L T D, ----f>ein young Cuirs and Scouts' Weîtmre Services, Charltonr t-29 TEAO r elp in tire newapapcr kmFTasprt11rc Bs'.ne 5 f0r4 9 <B lLG botîle drive would like tri sand Prestoin Transport. AB iQrsahwni t ILd u..nePlefc'v .jELS Tamnk and report tiat mn-I Palîbearers were, Messra. through Satui-cay, May 1, 1971 othe drie i being plaimed:Thomas Cawfoud, Don Dae 'à,5410 I~~C M O T for July.J lteg~. Randley, Charles i-RmoY:SI Tire Hampton "Tietbcs"iLen Pipher andChre ha. received her education , in thy), Newcastle; Mrs. ~ Scotiand., In November, 1918, Young (Evelyane), Port Hope shý- rarried Mr. Noah Thomas and Earl of Newcastle. Also Foster who predeceased ber. survwving are 12 grandchildreni The decased had resided and four great-grandchildiren,1 in Newcastle for about 45 The funeralI service wa'sý, years and also had lived at held onMoay March 291,h Port Hope, A nurse, her car- fromn the Morris Funeral Char,- eer was mostly that of priv- ei and was conducted by Rv ate duty. and during thc Fîrst T. Smith. Temporary entonib- World War sbe nursed return- ment was in the Lang Vault, cd soliers in, Glasgow, Scot- Orono. and, burial will be in land. She retired 11 years MeCrae's Cemetery. ago, The deceased was a mcm- Arnong the beautiful flor ber of the United Church and tributes, evidence of the es>- was also a member of the teem in whîch the deceased Eastern Star in Scotland. was held, wcre those from the Mrs. Foster is survived by Royal Canadian Legion, Gem- five children, Mrs, A. Naylor eral Motors, Newcastlp Fire (Myrtie), Newcastle; R oy, Department and. the Town IOshawa; Mrs C. Cuffe (Doro- Hockey League, un 5year term Guâranteed Investmont Certitfcates. Akk about our -CASHABLE AT ANY TIMEÈ" Guaranteed Savings Certificates, For further information contact your financial adviser or write STANDARD'TRUST 214 Say Street, Toronto 1 A FEOERALLY CHARTEREO COMPANY MEMBER CANADA DEPOSIT INSURANCE CORPORATION Local Represenrtative Telephone '623-5746 MR. JAMES BELL, 6 Concession St. W., BowmanvillE AeTm+o&ua KETCHUP e mi riz tins i-lrz btl3 ne Puker 'Bukery Jufmh;,,ee Jane parFker, Plain oýrSedd1-n f Jewshye ea3U Jane Parkpr, Lenion1 Qatmeal or Malaises Twin Pack toO,"Kieses Janeý Prer (Pkof B a~ ew Janec Pairkc!r, daidted Fuil 8-rn 24-an ;ine Fiestapie à59< RI Tenderloion PortoQn DSI3 to 31/2 LB ROAST lb 89< ,62 ILELoin '-72f (17iast Fri-lb 9 PORK HOPS '9 90il Chopa bm a Pkg ;1 No )centre abices renoved l 5 LBS'&UP143 R- 5ý Cý x, .1

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