Choose Oueen AtCa'rtwrigbt High School l3th Annual Prom 'The educationai presentation iing a cireus animai, an acro-- Ithe leadership nolie associated to the Northumberland and ýbat, the band leader. with creative drain asvr VP irham County Board ofý In illustrating the technique, ýobvious. Eduicaticn et its regular April Mr. Cumberland had eachi Mr. Cumberlan a ýnd bi Kh mieeting was on the topic student pretend he was part students, Laurie Adai, Bey-1 Cr eative Arts. of a machine and mnake'thelerlev WhIit'e, Diana Pick1ering,1 MnA. John Cumbenland, Pin sound and motion of that part. 1,Leslie ~abe Paul Xicha'tid-: cipal of Grandview Elementarv The students then took eacb son, Bob Chapmnan, Grant ,School, addressed the Boardl partand put tbemn into a total'Curtis. ,,ane Pre(-,ton, wr un thie subject and then bad machine.Idîn listhee thaiiked hI-Boardclmember Mi- eigt udnt ilusrae bedecision meking process and Bill Carma rgre.lstat t T, bs comments, Mn. Cum- belad obed that bbc wbole chkild is important and wbiloi sohools bave tended to stress! TH IN Arts stress "1wbat a cbild is .Mn. and MÈs, Roy FulfordBwan l Funthe,,r, facti can berome oh-Kv n Annita of Whibe-1Mniend MnJohn Tire solet,7 quickly but tbe atti- bhonse, Yukon;Mn. and Mns and chj1di- of O Mrawa. Mn budes eniid1 self - discipline Bill Seers c[Sano -uh. and MnsOscar aens weîe . taughit in tbe Arts do not. ýMnaand Mns Lawnence Ha çn Sne ucîsi0f Mn. 0fhbb many facets o bbc ris and son Charles were din-and M s. Si mon Kîostre cf ô. Creetive Ar ts, G-nndviEw ner guesti of Mrs. Geo. Mor Peterbco ugh ,Îl School bas forun!sed on Cre b ýon on Saturday evening, MrS, Wm oe rtîcd' ., ,~ ative Drame as their ai-ca for April1l7tb hiome receitly from the Osha- .W., e i conce-(ntration. Crecative Dra- Mr. end Mrs. Boss Broome we General Hosp bel. ma hrcaly prgra wbc:of Toronto were weekendý Mn. and MnrceFg involJves bhc development of guests of Mr. and Mns.Qi-ville !an of Kingston were dliiinen aines imagination'and onîgîn- ýChatterton, Carol and Devid. ýguests cf his grianid panpnt, ality. Ib is a pnogram that isM pnianiy cnrenedwit Mr. Harny Bowe i now Mnr. and Mns. F. A, Cooper on ci rathet thacnedwith prbc stayicg witb bis daughten Friday evening.- perfctîg o speifi skllsBetty and son-ic-law Mr. and! Mns. Maneret Em r A hecig f eateficrealxc' Mn., John Coryell and family, Butherford, ege 81, w fo rAmebisetrailf rbiln't London. !Mn. Chai-les Butlierford, pas- cen he involved and althougbh Mns Stinson O. Matie of ed away etthebc Mem)onial Hos-1 tbey paricipate in gi-oups it ýMain Street, North, Cohb Hill, pîtal, Bowmenville on Satur- is nelly an individuel activity wbo, was e patient in bbc day, April 24bh. Funenal wai arwrght H-igh Sehooi's l3th Annual Pr om Lauý-ghlin, R. R. 1, Biackstock, is ion hler thiroente cebnd run idiiue c-Oshawa Generai Hospital, hes from bbc Barlow Funeral o e i th pcnicnces. This may take bbec b.--ei moved te the MemonielHome on Tucsday eltennoon, .Pr'oved lucky foi, Linida MLuhi who on Friday centre cf 1this group with her escort, Blair Martyni. At forni of pantomime and noie Hospital, Bowmianvilie. Initerment le Onono Ccmetery. night et the Comnmuniby Centre fil Biackstock lef t is th(. Second Princeis , Sue MeCoil, escorbed by pleyîng. lb is important te Mn. and Mns. Wayne Hooey, Mrs. Lucy Ysbent of Stnatb- chosen ta rule as Queený over the yýean's actUvities. She Gord Malcolm, and et right the First Pnincess, Glenna note that Creetive Drame is Jill and Paul of Toi-ento werc noy'and Wendy Gnocneveld of was crowned by the, 1970 Quceen Laornie Turner. M0iss Ciement, with Jim McLeod. very different than* drame as weekend guesti of Mn. and Simcoe visited Mn. and Mns. eàglnda hiro U.adMs H od Vc wve genenally know it. Ie Mn. Horace Best. Julien Depape lait week. Mcagldugte of r.ndMsHrod c- drama thpeeis a script, stage Mrs. Char-les S. Wood -is Mms. Chas. Stapleton 'is awfeoMnNomn ade n.nd n.Q-ilCh- U- ând no audience. lb is e staying et S unset Lodgc, Bow- patient in thbc Memonial Hos- E eo r or-a ag radMs rvfe('al spontencous expenience ne- menvilie. pital, Bowmanviîîe, af Aurore, passed eway et bb-irce anid daugbbers of Moire EN I ISI iL L :utnt fi-m suggestions giv-1 Mrs. Cecii obinson return- M n., Sheppard of W ter- York County Hospital, Nc - Sre South, will son bec M. F w rya1se n nd M . M re a- en hy bbc tearber. For cx- cd to lier homne on Sabundey town, New York, is staying market on April lt 1971, Imovîng into Pontypool, Tliey for Ontario Cnop Insurance shia1 andAdevstn amiple, tbc students roîghb ne-lafber heing a patient in both wibh lber uncle, Mn. Stinson mother cf Eleanen ecdl Gor-lwill reside in tbc apartment Commsso,.e i.arne ib1n edMn lanence spond to mue - play bbc bbc Oshawa Generel Hospital A. Maitic, don. Intermentwas in bbc, bcicg varated by bbc Dennis lest We tedn h er aisn aieoo drum, hlowing bbc bugle,_be- 1and bbc Memoriai Hospital, Mns. Helene Hunten Madge, ýfamîly plot, Orono Cemetery. Cattens. _____ ____î eina.- .enrs. Adtheam Shene.c> R '-ULR ORHARD-TOI4OLD, SUPER, WJSENTD PLUS FREE 5-OZ TIN AT«TACHEO> V05 AIR SPRAY, IS-OZ AEROSOL TIN REGULAR HOLO, SUPER HOLO, UNSCENTED MvISSRECK HI 16-OZ AEROSOL TIN PRICE REGULAR OR SPEARMINT SUPER SIZ-E 210 GRAMS NET TUBE VASELINE ÈRAND 14-FL-OZ PLASTIC BTL PLASTIC BTL CHECK THIS LOW PRICE! DEODORANT, DISINFECTANT LYS OL SPRAY 7-OZ AEROSOL TIN MFRS. SUGG. RETAIL $1.09 A&P BRAND A.S.A TALET BTL 0F 100 5-GRAIN TABLETS S"TRIPE Toothfpaste FAMILY SIZE 5%-OZ TUBE FOR DRY, REGLARFORPO0L',HAR 15'/2-FL-OZ PLASTIC BTL REGULAR, MEiNTHOL EONLM, UF PA (PLUS 2 "FREE" BLADES ATTACHED) il-OZ AEROSOL TIN REAL VALUE? FOR RELIEF 0F HEADACHES BUÙFFER,îIN TABLeTSýÎ1"11 BTL OF 100 Ail prices shown in this cd guaranteed effective trough Saturday, May lst, 1971. JOHNSON & JOHNSON B'AND-AID Plastic Strips BOX 0F 100 FOR DRY, REGULAR OR OiLY HAIR F EE wPROT1?E 1N BORN FL-OZ PLASTIC BTL GILLETTE, REdULAR, UNSCENTED, NON STING ANTI-PERSPIRANTSR AY 7-OZ AEROSOL TIN ORAL ANTISEýPTIC 24-FL-OZ BTL 75 M FRS, SUGG. R ETA-1IL $1,89 OMUîJ 7" ANTl1-PERSPIRANT SPRAY REGULAR OR UJNSCE,:NTEO ý(19cý OFF DEAL) ARRI1D EXTR ýl"A D RY 19-OZ AEROSOL TIN Mn. and _Mrs. George Irwin Mr. and M\1rs, Rossi Sharp, were Thunsday vis7itns .if Mn. Kethy endGardon w"ee1Sun. Ernest Inwhn, Mns. Mabel day visitors et Mrnç.lndMn Bowen and Mn. Mjiltan Js- J., Osbonne's, Thonejil. tus, Babeaygeon. 1Pleaed to repont 1Mnr. E, Mn. and Mn. Clark Wil,.-Page h borne from hospital liems, Neiblebon, Mn. and and hJ now et present with Mns. Allen Weryý, Sýindra her dughtben, Mr. and Mns and Sharon were Seturdey Rais Rowlands, Scan-borouigb. evenîng dinner gueits af Mn. M. and Mrs. David Stein- and Mns. E. A. Werry. ton" and -feminly, Cobourg, Miss Jackie Veele, reture- spent Sunidaye t _Mn. and Mns ed borne from visiting ber L. Stainton's-. parents et B.C., spent bbe Mns. Herbent Staintcon speni weekcnd witb Mn. and Mrs. an evening lest week -ith Ted Werry and reburned back her grandson ett bbcborne of ta lier studies et, Women's Mr. and Mnr. Jim MÏcKnigli., College Hospital, Toronto.. Bowmeanv.ille. Aà misceleaneous showen Mn, and Mns.,E. R. Taylor was beld et the home of Mns. were Tuesdeay suppen guests Ted Werny for a bride-to-be with Mns. Countney Graham, Miss June Clark, on Fridey ;Port Penny. evenîng. Mr. and Mns. Douglas Tay-1 ,Mn. and Mns. Lloyd Ashton, lon, Bowmianvîie, wene Sat-I Ronald and Bey, Mr. and Mns. undey, te.a gUeuýts af Mn. andi Boss Ashton and femily-,,Hey- Mrs. E. R. Taylor. don-, Mi-. Boy Plews, Baille- Mn. and Mm, F, W. Wcrry, bora, Mn. Bussell Ormniston sPen, t esteekenç1d w1ilth r,l wene Sunday gueits et Mn.,end Mn. Norton VanCamp, and Mn. Iven Shanp's. Listowvýel.1 Mr. and Mrns. Don Lamb Mn. and Mns. pency, Van and famnily, Bailiehono.M Camp, Miss Aileen Vnap and Mn, A. Hierring, Oshewe Blaekstock, weregusia wer v l-os c Mr ce M Vi n.antM-.P, W e1y lane Lamib, Mn. and MnTr. Gary Hanâte-! wvieb, Oshawel, wneS1nday1 YR N guests af Mr. and Mn. E, A) YR N Werry. Reit J cen Edna Philp and Mn.] Mr. and iIn.Bruce R enAhi-ami visited bbc Ex- Bawmanville, Mn. aedMn. plonenrs and totld bhcm the(> Ivan Sharp enid girls, Mn, and. E aster stony. The girls finish-: Mns Bos Siaip, Mr. end crd painting their jewcenýyi MVrs. -Ralph Vu-bue wcne Set- boxes. urday cvening dinnen 'guestu Dwyne 1Glespel visited-[ of Mn. and Mns. Ted Wenry. wibb Jamie Woodley on Set-' The Occasion was e surprise ni-day. party fon Mm., Bruce Reid. Mn. and Mns John Rundle Congratulations-. 1end Geil atendcd bbe cris-ý Mms. Doris Holnoyd, Bow-ý tening of thein finit grand- manvilie, is spendicg e few son, Methýw, son of Mn. and days wàitb Mn.- and Mns. S. Mn., Glenn Rundle, Sunday, Lamb. I morning, Île St, John's Anghi-ý Mr, and Mn., Keith-Ormis- cen Cburch, Bowmenvilie, ton, Ehenezen, Mn. and Mn. cend were dînnen guests cf Mn.' E. A. Werry wcne cellens et and Mns. Glenn Bundle, Bow- Mn. and Mns. Boy McGill's. menville.<1 1 Mn. Lawrence Wrigbt, Ton- Mn. and Mns. Karl' Colbeny, acte, spent bbc weckend wibb Oshawa, spent e weck wibh1 bis parents, thé E. WÉigbts,j Mn. and Mns. Horace Hall. also vhstcd fiendi.. Mn, and Mn . . ogg and. Mr. and Mrs. Art Pollard, femily, Bowmnanviile,, visîbed Brougham,,wenc Sunday visi- Mr. and Mns. Bil B oy and toi-s et Mr, and Mns. M. Pal- Dehhhc, Seturday nigbt. Rid lad's. 1ta know D bie Roy ih fel- Mn. and Mns, Harold Asb- lng betten .after e bout witb ton, Jeff and Tracy wcre the rneasles. Sucýday supper gueits cf Mr.1 Mn. Albert Pouiben, Osh- and Mns. Bill Begley, Han- awa, Miss Dolly Thompson, niony. Toronto, wene Sunday sup- ,Mn. and Mns. Floyd Petb- per gucits of Mns, Eve Mc- ick,ý Scerhanrough, werc Sun- Coy. day visitons witb their par- Congratulations ta.oMn.' and ents,' Mn. and Mns. S. B.' Mrs. RohbRoy wbo quictly Pebbick. cclcbreted their 40tb Wcd- Mr. and' Mn. Joe Bekken ding Annhversai-y on Sunday and Scott, i3owrnenville, Mn. Thein deughben Mary andà and Mn., Clarence Avery, bushend Bill Henderson acd BUY NOW- 14 DAY PAINT SALE LAST TREkY .1 ~CretiveArts Pro grami Presented al Grandvilew *OFTREI VINYL FOAM FLOORING Amiazing new comifort ot Warm, Ç So beaufifuà and so easy toca 're f'P T'iNFOAM SQ INEXPENSIVE at- itfs cushioned with vinyl foami ý,A wonderfu[ new kind of comfort! Warm. Soft, Quliet, Luuleasy to cdean, vÎinyl flooring cushioncd wiffi vinyl foam. Softred is richly embossed to help'hide heel- mïarks. . nask uneven.iloors. Just roll it out No mess. No cementîng needed. Ideal for suspended floors. So Iovely . .so, comfortable ... 0 inexpensive. Stop Fin today and seeali the lovelySoftred patterns and colors! AS LOW Prof essional' Applica- AS 403?? torsavailable on, MscGregorqest 95 KING ST. W. BOWMANVILLE PHIONE 623-2542 55 KING ST. W GET MOORE FOR YOUR MONEY .*.e.NOW . e . AT PAINTS and HYSWALLPAPERS J ouuuts HAý,RDVWA RE V.PHONE 623-5431. 987-4422NWCSL [The Canadian Statesmean, towmanville, Apr. 28, 1971 14 son Bill hed supper with Tennesee, visîted lier parents heir parents. land faily, Mr. and Mrs. T. Best wîsýhes te Debbie eIoy Phillîipsý on be ir birthday, April 26th, Mr, Tom Pllipre, who was. ceming alongvery well ieftrc a egsnatn their -recent operations in h uea fhsuce Bo wmýraiville Memorial Hos-1l - Maiouhlin Islnd les Frday, p it a l. a n d S o r r y t a e p o r r W l Mr. a d M ns. Ralph Shawý Park in re s bck ls and Charles,, Courtice, were week. Friday dinner Êuests of Mr, M.adM.McSot nd M ns, E. A. Virtue. LIebo o gh pe In L t iht M.and Mrs. E. A. Virtueweee ihtj agt~ isedMr. and Mrs. Earl adhsad r n m M a S t e r S, Bowmanville, on Jim Row0an aciDanny, Sunda y-. M i. r. n r s A. J. Hfo)a r Mr. and Mvrs. A. Thiessen, and faiy attendied the 25i Paul and Wayne, Mns. Ei Wedrii ng Anniversary ee1eýý 'Walker, Bowmanville, M-. brIn er sueran lns and Mn, Harry Spragg amibadMr adMm eorgt g1randdauglrter Lori Ano, of hom',Bw.nile thcur H-amiilton were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mns. H. Hall, and Stuart, PORT HOPIE ADDITION,,, A srrs party was beld OFENING Saudynight honoring Mrs. The officiai[ opernc ilth Maxý" Ferguýon aond'Mn., Kpn- new addition of the Port Hope nreth Ra)hm birthdays at the Hi'gh School will take pflace n homne o n . Ferguson, when Fnîday, May 28th at 8.00 ,r. sev'eral fr>iends attended, LHie Board of Edctinrepcrt- Mr,. and Mrs,. Regiinald Gas- ed laitThsay The inY kil an aiyWest H11,11,ceremroffes ;,*l,'be held in trie wer Stud'a gesaof "Mr. gyronatorium ollwed by and rs.Geoge through th116 new aedi- At this time o? f the Year tion. ouir ehuchiscalleclýi pn L mobolize funds for relier andC develcopmient assistance.,KÎnd ly handr in your envelopes1 ind shar-e boxes this' Sunda«, îI>~ May 2nd. M.adMrs. A. J, Hoar i attencdednthe funeral of the-ir , ~ unc le, the late Mr. L. Gross-UP4v. kurth, Guelph.TitIV Ck/I4ETOI Prizes for Fridlay evenàng'sý card party ,went, to TMn. Aileen VanCamp, Mrs. ()j 4 Gimhlett, Mn. HaroldMDar mid,, Mrs.Laurrena Er ghtC Mns. Doris Manns and mi. Aenes Prescott. '50-,50 da wvent ta Mr. VWilbur Mak.Y.0 Lt. pi nd Mn. TMich1ael Gibb e rie, M%,anitonba, are vstn i and boysc, for tw weeksý.I Othen guesti t th Gbb home r were ]Mn, and MnI. Erieý B Mi r.nch and fai, PNe fct, Bw.avlan Mn ci PLM IG&*ATN t, Bm awvR.ill an Mr an MandR Gibs. -ere ' Gui PIITyonE 263-2659 Mr, hdenM-,GeeRbrsTyn5Otal