The Canadînn Statýesmn, Bôwmanville, Apr. 28, 1971 Joins Hydro's 25 Year Club HELP VOUR Area serviceman, John Hayes, proudly receives his '25-y ear crîi caýte from George Stewart, (right), Quarter Century club representtie MN'ana,.ger Rex Walters of Ontario Hydro's Bowmanville Area looks on, (Ontario iHydro poo Ontarn Hydro's Bowman- Scarborough Collegiate. 1965. ville Ar'ea has s ncw Quarter During World War 11, lie! He is a me)(mber of thIe Pr Ceiintury Club member. He is served in the Canadian Aryerrn y Crii ( Ib îd'l JohnT Hayes, an, Arcs cus- Signal Corps from 1942 t0PryCrig lb!n h tomer- serviceman. 1946. !Port PryLawvn Bowling- John ayes was, born ln After war service, John Hay-iClub. lic ailso nbaakcin RocheterNw York. Hc ns joincd 1-ydro ln 1946 sud terest in mode] riraig mnovedI to Canada as a boy. He worked as a groundman and Hie ant i, IlIýs i f- Ies Ideci > 9 atten.dcd public and sccondary lineman until he was appoint-IMeadowý-vwBv. Bowman- coosin lJxbridge as well asied to bhis current, position in ville. Formenr School1 Srls Helps Eas '71:TxBre Surplus lunds which existed'; in the former school board treasuries before the Coun- tics took over Educationin r 1968 are being returneri 10 the various municipalities thisj ya.It is heiping mauy1 -ommtunities case the tax burden for their ratepayers.1 on the other side of the coin deficit funds which ex-1 Isteri in scbooî boards in 1968,1 are beiug paid off by the De-j partment of Education f or O-i tarlo in Ibree equaltinstal- Inot sread ovr Ithe rnext thrp yarS. 1 rntxiinot psy isIthe ini- trnist on the mny- ti j'i bcing chargent toehmuc- pa1ity with the deficit. But aIa a rate of 71,'l per cent (that's the iterest chiarge) it is a bargain. The dcbt h cclareri off, the couuty board made that much richer. urd the ratepayers' load is "ordingly lesseucri. ~some people have sairi wh'T1 eionsn't the Board psyý inte- est to tbc municipalities vwith, surplu ses? To this he ,Boardý replies that the uiîpltc dio receivti paym-erdt îbedi i-ý directly byNreduccd net 1evies. iWbuthte Cut or ld in the countrchýasury. total deficits($81)fo the total surpluses ($456,778) bhy a1ulaibed a net surplus Sf1278,667. "Bccaus 'e hari Ibis mouey on had wedid not have to býorrow as much mouey," AI Mcco, Boar'l Business Ad- ni straýtor sund TreasurCIr, sairiystra. TcsuluS-1 Ci hdv1e hle tettial ~ tem nd heycome baCin t th municpalitni asa credîtlu- owrtaxeCs for, ;971". Topy uercit 1ou the .1suri- pluies woUdovosycî P-ony.,Club a great, deal of money. And cent intercît charge cach guess who would psy? Thcý year. very -municîpalities w hi ch Othcr municipalities with would receive the interest deficits were Alnwick with charges! Like taking moneyl$2568 over-expenditure iu its from the right hand and elementary board and $230 in putting it, lu the left. its secondary sehool; Cart- The intcrest rate set agaiust wright with a deficit of $5,300 the detic its wa s set rather eleruentary sud $4,792 second- arbitrarily according to Mr. ary; Hsldimand with over- McLeod but was intended to cxpllnditures of $6200, cie- represe-nt the average bor'row- men'tary, sud $594 secondary; in,- rate whviich prcva-ilcd dur- Newcastle with a single deficit iug 1969 sudi 1970. of $10,391 in its elementary Tlei nimicîpalities ini the school board; Percy with debti United Counies, had, deficits of $, h3fom iis eiemeutary in ith-er the;r-ementary orlboard and $6762 from its sec- high sechool boards lui 1968. ondary-, sud Cam-ipbelýlford, Co- The Town oi f Bowmanvîillc is ibourg-, liamilton sri Seymour inludini t this nmehv wýih ov-ex,penditures lu ils jing overspent $5184 in ils eecodayschiool hoards of, mentary school sy stem. The respectIvely, $12.637, $3,179, province however, will psy $1,311 and $10560. the total amount of this debt The ouly question which re- 10 the County Board over the mains unauîwered is, where next three years with the is the province getting so much town picking up the 71z pcr money from? ____ Leg*con'fsApril D-an ce- A Real%71OdetoSp-jring A piclor-ial "Odc to Sp)riuig" days ad anivrsaieswere was rul obviots lait Satu?.- be-;iug celebrated throughoui day ev;euing at the Royal the ecig Duriug the dance the fol- Canadian Legion r eg uliar îowiug prizes were won: Doom mothly dance. The gucits prizes, Mrs. W. Lambert, wcre greeted wîth an atmo- bathroom scaies; Mrs. F. sphere of unluhibiteri Spring Nicholson, chrome cake sav- freshncss accetuated by gen- er; Mns E. Joncs, garhag'î tly floatiug kites over whitecan. pickct fences, new grass, and Spot Diarnce winners werc: the evýer refrcsýhinig spring Mn. Mary Brinkiow, tea pot; flowecrs of violets, lily of the Ernie Roberts, glaises; Mrs valcy aso forget-me-noti. Nickenson, tes pot; John Os- As per uisual. mauny birth- borne, gass Museum Pe ares For Opening May ,27 INee,É%ds a Home ýOn IOth Anniversary The Bowmnauville Pony Club! V lookîuiig for s new site to! Plaý'sns ae gong forward forimodels inu Toronto sud in Erg- hliits- ridinig ractîcci. a al celebratioýn ou the even- ýlanti. Mr. Allun iii be present Th akwhich 01y- ee u of May 27, 10msrk thei10 explain sud answer ques-1 usin, lcat~ acoîs be Imd Othsunieriry)f the open-1lions. -A feature display inside trom theil ehoohChist-ianii gc9Bo wmuileMuseum ithc Muscum xvilaiso be sev- Refrmei Curc, bs benwhich took flace mu191. eral loy rans60 W 70 years soîiï l isu la b e sbdvdc uoe aigCenteunialjolti fom r. Al1iis large mbrsietilloso year ori.oth,er oid çlimecotm cletin AnuVanyk, oganze ôfisinvýiteti,, cone sud xeal There wi 'aDo e old cars, tibc l)cal club, h xorking on - a il thaît eveing. Those xearnugî5 birthday% cake, people lu f ew ma Iisud popcs.,,costumes wiLl be admttet 'costume ioivarious rooms cf buti niotiug definile seltledý asfre 10 the Museum. the Museum, some doing haut yet.! There xiii bespeciai attrac- work. Furîher particulars xiii hý thele auyoue wbo likes lions oubside sud inside. on begiven sou,,. Meatiine imark horses sud who bas a nice open thc laxvu, two squares of bbe dowu the date, May 27 at 7:30,A field for the use of the 21 rid- Basbful Bows, s Bowmanviile sud plan to be there. Ibiîs bop- er-, lu lte club? sud district miodern square cd that many altendiug xiii _________________ dance group, xii tance wîth wear those oldfasbioned cos- Glen Dowson cailing off. Wbeu tumes they have suid belp ad'd s number from Ibis club dane- color sud intercît Io this happy Recails How~ ed at the Museum lu 1967 asgatheriug. part of the Muscum's celebra-- ScolBegan a huge crowd gathered to e- Plan to Launci, H ere i 1920's the'enthusiasts iu the)crowd C m ag ji hmas thcy dance. INDPC m ag 12. lexaderIncidentaliy, those inteinst-1 waainiIow recnty 1 takci in Iis modern type of! itan Club , e aeome 1_ moît welcome to joîn the 60 t ay n Ii. , he nb DurhPnm aae sur anigRiiib si~~nlO ow he Fne Rdgemember club which bas a sec- Doug Malfats ,D,P r- came mbebing. fion foi beginner-s snd an in- vincial cccion caýmpaigu cýf- 11?W5 aI a sca termediale group wbicb bas fîcially egets- untienway o'i se cs coven1tin a te ar ed o years or more, Sunday, May 2ndr, ilu Orono.o Kmg Edwan.t oeinl To- Tbey dance every xeek in Au eleclionwokn'cho cubain 922' Mn EdîsoOidarn oStreet School. 'wiîî be heldi,,bfmiinzesl "sud ati ade a ap-Anobhenr outstaudiug altrac- vlunteer vnnswhbc peai In a bos' far sud ion on May 27, xii] be liarry ruuuing of ILhe etcapiu trniuig ichol. A4tr theC. Allin's Imodel locomotive GueitteIaches xiiibe ohu rrfhelng, a ames ury romwilh tender sud rilxay car, Brewin. Poica raue Bnxvninvsll cameunp 1'-"Il'whicb xiii heeon display ou a of tePaysuCndatlu .~,dsaî. 'Yu bve asxvnedflout on the lawn. Built by Mr. Scarboýirough atJoSic, problm. I ave afanm Allin lu bis own workshop, coui CandJdiae u atrinorb '....~~~~~'idl a vu a~vei esm scale ofri "ta one foot, thie JohnWlsPoicaSiee gooi prpoe sd nw Inugine ndf tenlder are neary Prof essor ,iat Uivensity cf kio hae' ight leçd lng,,,ian oit v0od1- Waterloo, Mn. dmipu ulnoluct ', burng type or the kind uset .1AUlapc, Itexokc J.~li.H ]ur taJuge oinluCanada about 1875-80. couduetinb an lecion v1i ol th Toniuii onto Jveniie M]\r. Allun, former xvel kuoxv he deaitD <bb Cgr nifomta etngBwsvleresident wbo bas The 9 hol be f i0 spuu leidssu îegifi returnedt te live bere folloxv- janti will cnt aI1 5:00. ýe t' reAte a farm s chool îug bis netiremnulfrom tb' ou afativîe I frf young olteu-.ders bherein CBC, bas exhibitetimm a wowoldlîe ahep0u1u Bawmtiuvllidhie xitely acclamet workîng capacîty ttnd VERTICAL WEAVE Everything a fence shoulti be. Giving you prlvacy, pro- tection, pleasing appearance. 1 x 6 boards on 2 x 4 top and bottomn rails. Posts every 7' 21/11. 6 bigh -----$M.9 lin. ft. 6 BASKET WEAVE- High enough sud solid cen- ough to give you privacy. 1 x 6 rails on 4 x 4 poMsa PATIO Looks good on both sîdes. An intcresting weave look to enhance any garden. 1 x 6 boards on 2 x 4 top and bottom rails. 1 x 4 centre board. Posts every 7' 21s". PARK ALTERNATE Simplicity itself! Smpeto build . . . Simple to main- tain. 1 x 6 boards on top ind bottom. 2 x 4 rails with 1, x 4 centre rail. Posts every 8' . Lin, F4., 4' high. -$2.65 lin. I4L 6' HORIZONTAL COSRI LOUVER COSRI Privacy without the loss of The ideai boundary fence, those cooling bre-feze,ý. i x 6'i x ý;, rziixsoâ 4ç x ;tposts. louvers. 6 .5" etween ~ ~ psa posti. bWe os 5 ft. high -----. $1.,55 lin. fi. 5 f4. bigh -- $1.95 lin. fi. 6 fi. higli $1.79 lin. fi. 6 f4. high ---- $2.25 lin. f4, Lin. Fi, 3' Hieh. 7 4 f4, high-- .79 lin. ft. ALUMINUM SHUTTERS 'Cyour home a new appear-ance for spring with pjrflnishled lumnuhuteak- BloZ»ack or White enamel fuiih thlat neyer needs painting. Ant easy do-it&yourself poetfor any aprixngweekeud. 14" wide x 291,J1 long 14" wide x 321ý" long *~'- 14" wîde x 351,2" long S14" wide x 391/21 long- -14" wide x 43%1" long -14" wide x 4714-' long -14" wide x 51'/,," long .~14" wide x59, long .-14" wîde x 791/2" longý .,-14" wide x '831/"l long WHITE VINYL EAVESTROUGH Permanent beauty to accent and emphasize the good locks of any'home. Tought white vinyl won't peel, blister or crack., neyer nleeds ~ou painting. Ail easy to instali eavestrouigh that needs no soldevîng. We carry a com-plete lune 4 2 of -accessorie, union ctlips, brackets, 9;z12Ft. angles,. runnling utietsoes, eavespgt, egt etc. ALUMINUM SIDING -~---r---~.. P ut ain enid to painting wiîth utrDuga lxl iîg liai.?nteed for 20 years aantpeelisjqg, rusting and crack snig.The siding that insulates while it 1beau titi es. Availble in Alpine white, Sheil white, Sun yellowv, Woodland green, Oyster, Buckskjn, l'Neadowgold, Garnet red. S" Horizontal Plain Sidîng V" Horizonlk,(Woodgrain Siding $49,50 per 100 t(, f4, Fiher backing for aluminum sidlingriz.75 ler ,00 q, f4. We. can nýIlso arrange to hiqveFeaumsinintlefr youi complete froim $89.00 per 108O sq. ît., AN.TRUE TEMPER GARDEN TOOLS TROWEL ..-sparlt-.'ç wipes dlean etasily te resist .*49Fesl'farged I10" steej sbaped ash hanidie. ened ash handle,' O Y -. -----ONLY ------- BADGER. ROUND POINT SHOVEL ... Low price - big value. Solid shank blatte. ln tumble polished finish, Fire-hardened ash handie. ONLY ------------- S5-29 COMET ROUND POINT SHOVEL ,. .. extra long, 48", flre-hardenmed ais h !adi. Heat treated tulmble poluah- ed bMade. :O N L Y --- --------- ~.88 3-29 LOTUS PATTERN B3LOCKS The ideal way te bifld plrivacy sereenis, fences, room divders beokshelves. î -x ~"x ls, 8ea Brown Only. Mae PATIO BLOCKS x5 a maefrom integrally waterproofed con- cret teeliminate efflorescence -and l l "o 8x2 prevent frost damnage, A wlde rangýe of f colours tocfhoose frem.7 Cea SND General ail purpose sand. Excel- ÎÏ! lent fer cli ldren's sand boxes, garden use, etc. '01h. Bag $1,25 15 lb. Bag - ----- --------- .89 îE SAND MIX .2Portland cernent and washed sand. Ideal for tree surgery, re- *pair cûement walk.s, etc. mJ/ 801h. Bag ----- .----------- - $1.79 ~'45lb. Bag - . $1.29 Cedar Picnic Table la aproimatly15 minutes by imwe men Idafr home or cottnge, - Co m ple 'te t . e by step instru - to , 3 4"h ih; 34" x 7111 top. 2 y STAJN IDO UOO BU V~ coa, Aqua 1it v PA IOV LIIESI PIM!TEOS#~II it b an lsreed oll1 - base. Rdod The ultimate in paio 1ED OO CdarïWl0t, fixtures. Inelude ij .88 nu)WOOPlights. Mîx and matchi colours, Bulbs and ,Eich V,' cord includedi, fPATIO QUEEIN Lur luminnm càd finvi. bd nwih ahgay tnined redwowld seat'ui -id table topCompact igteiot pens and closes in seconds for easy st orage. ý RETÉ PRODUCTS CONCRETE MIX Portland Cement, washed sand, siîzed, graded and washied gravel. For footings, walks, porsaetc. 90 lb. Bag -------i-,- .. $1,79 i 45 lb. Bag ------------------ 8 1.29 TOP N' f1OND' Self-bonding cernent mix. Malces 1thin -section topping easy. Eight times stronger than regular cernent. 42 lb. Bag -------- -- $5.98 15 lb. Bag -- ---$2.98 SPACEMAKER GARDEN SHEDS $1", x 63" x 75" size 98fRDEL4.0 55 fo DL The ideal wPay tn store garden furnîbure, laiwvnrowers, bikess ail o11 f those ether larg:e bulky itemsi that takje np so much reom ln yeur basernent snd garage. Spacemnak rs- are made o(f tripfle ribbed galvanized steel wall panels, dcsigned te withstand srs aud rust. Rugged ose priece ;lidiiig doors that open and close easily on hcavy dufynyo r'olera.Eah eaver SPaemaker is finîahed with a baked on light green and wbite heaý.tv7 duity enam-el ffinish. Steel fiooring an eptional extra. Add 4.00 te the advertised prica, for home deflivery. ModeCllGý- 85 Out(aide Dimenýsion 103" x 63" Inside 99 sq. fi. - -150 Model GI -81 uad Dimension 103" x 86" Inside 36 sq, ft.---------- . 80 Model G-89 Outaide Dimen-sion 103" x 108" Inside 51 sq. ft,- -----.0 Model G-]W9 Ongtsie Dmnso 125" x 108" Inside 67 sq. ft. --- - - 190 Model G-10li Outide Dimeî-nsion 125" x 130 " Inside 82 sq. ft,. -------- 175,00 DO WMAN VILLE - Phone623m3388 FENCING ORDERING YOUR FENCING It's easy! Just incasure your lot . . . find the number of lînear f cet you'Ill eed, then phone or comne down to our store and one of our competent staff will give you the exact cost. Each Beaver fence includes plans and simple building instructions.- We aise carry a complete line of stains, Sakrete produets, post hele atigers te make building a fence easy on you and your peeket book. 9,69 10.29 11.39 12.59 13.98 14.88 16.88 21,98 22.95