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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 28 Apr 1971, p. 16

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The Canadian Statesman, IROwmnanvil1e, Apr. 28? 1§àT1 Biril14InMemorict arsofTans _ o Én vents ELLOT-Mrra ad iare OTWEL-I lvîn m Iwis t1eprss My Kinsmen Kar Wasb, Mutton <nc Lsage). are hanpy- i,, to. mory tif a dear mnother, Eliza- sincere thanks to ail friends Sheli Station. 219 King E., amnounce the s;afe arrýiai oF beth, who died on' May 2nd, and, neighbors for cards and Saturday, May 1. $1,00 per the i o JmsStewart, on 11964. visits during my stay in hos- car, 17-1! April 2th,1971 17-1 O, hapv hours we once pital, also Doctors Ewert and Roun d and suae dncng enî oyed, jSproule, nurses and staff On Newtonville Hall, Saturtiay,l HA-iland- Cheryl-Ann How sweet their memory 3rd Floor for excellent care. May 1. Everyone welcomne, (nec- Luxton) are pleaseti to still, - Stewart Chisholm. 174* fefreshments served, 17-11 arnnounce the-arrivai tof theit- But. death has left a loneliness son Kenneth Chri 1stopber, on _The world can neyer f11l.1. I oulti likje f0 express MY Special - Every Saturday Friday, April lO6th, 1971 Spe_ Ever remembereti by David thanks to ý;I1 my'friends for night-AIl the Fish and Chips cial thanks to Drs. H. B. anti Bernice, girls and familles. the lovely cards and gifts dur- you can eat for 99e at The Runtile, J. Rundie, K. S1cm- - ing my recent stay at Me-, AcresPRestaurant. Open week- rn anti raternity staff. 17-1 COWLING-In loving mcmory Imoria]. Hospital, Bowmanville. end- nîy. 10-tf ______of our dear parents, Joseph A special thanks to Dr. Cun- Eucbre Party, Newtonville O'NEILL--Clare ani Bath Cowhng who passeti away ninghiam, nurses anti staff on Hall, Fiiay,' April 30, 8:15 (nee Hansen) are pleasçdi to December 1950 )anti Mable the firat floor. p.m. Ladies bring lunch. aniîounce the arrivai of a son Cowling, May 1970. Rick Copping. '17-i1 veyoe welcome. 50-50 ERyan Clare, 9 ibs.,. April 21,1 We often think of tisys gone - tickets at the door. 17-1 1971. Brother for Vickie. 1 by We would like to thank -ur Be sure- anti corne- to - the 17iWhen we were ail together, frientis anti relatives who sent Kendal W.I. Penny Sale on ______'A shadolw o'er our lives b Ias caîtis, flowers ant i gfts for May th at 8 p.m. in Kendal aSTELND -Te nti urcast baby Vance antimyseIf. Central School. Admission SUTHR LAà n - V Kn'ar1Ou loveti ones arc gone Special thanks to Ann anti 25c. Lun-h served. 17-2 Lid nc Whto) a0 forp ee, Garnet Smith anti my aunt, - pleaset to annnrLce the arn -.Loigyremembereti by the Ms ag bosn oove oiulyCnr AI (df a son, Kenneth Vance - Mrg-bbtsL.ovinglyomufiy enr 7 b q 0 z oza April 1 t' familYý 17-1 Linda, Ken anti Vance ~ T~mt1 TT'j ï97 1. First randechildi for Mr.,------ -Sutherlandi. 17-1 IV NSTEJ1R BINGO.zr.. DEADLINE FOR (LASSIFIED Tuesda ,030 pm 623-3303 Coming Events 1 Aricles for Sale Articles for Sale Wanted to lient Tenders Wanted Chartered Bus to Niagara IBICYCLE, $25. Telephone'WObys' bicycleýs, 24 and-T URE or 10 «head 0frN, AD O Falls, Blossom Sunday, May 623-7167. 17-1* 26", girl's bicycle, 20". 99catie hne Ebr M Iilison, CIETY 0FNORTHUMBEER_ 16. hon 88-252. Rwe'DukeStreet. 1 '1163-2137 ,îý N U'HAI/ 16.Phne88-227 RWBLACK Western satdile, $50. bewni,3 :0LADADDUHMwl Tours. 17-316231-7789. 17-1 EQUALIZER Reese axieJ hitch, î 7ý*rcev eaeitedr or its - insurance requirementz7 (Pro- SqduTe, anced, RonanyiWOODS four can cream cool- Mghy idet T _ehoe uRB nedroom\Ilho e wnt-pertyand Casualtyl Up t Squre Sturay My stler. Phone 623-2213. 17-l* 623-2437, eenng. 17i- dlyJn 5 i oVen-50 . May lothr, 1971, Tyrone Hall. 'Music by flieene Bwmianville araSpcfatos ayb erd Country Swingers. 17-1 CHESTERFIELD and chirRCRD pa"27MF 6320 --good condition. Inquire at stereo withn radio, $60; ilk e-- -- - 12 at the ,Office,. 3 Wlo Oe bolnmonth of Mulder's Store, 623-5515.- new,,. 983-5355 Oro)no, 17,-1 tit PortHoe May, at Liberty Bowl. For 1FoHOERAprace RVst ent -- reservations Phone 623-5663.OVR - -n( V Iý AI Osborne, Manager. 17-31ISAL orchard sprayer, gooti our sbowroom anti inspect the OOM for rent, furnishe. ncssai-yac-etet.- -1 _Logal lb 0Pn--1condition; four 15" good used conmplete ulne of lHoover Pr-623-7841. --- 1 ear oen f CPubalie o Lon Sul Cub50Penyltires on wheels. 932-5444. ductr. secthe n cîvtingz Ho0ov- ONE bedroom apartment, im- fCaa anti Bake Sale, Wednesday1 17-1 er WVasher-Spin-Drye na-mdit ossio.6374. Torono istri afternoon, May 13, at 2 p.m. frtoý0IarýHo-,crr_ 17-1 Afternoon tea and tiraw on. DUNTEBuggy, equipped fotinOshwa ooer'ente.SEALE D TENDERS, AD- quilt. 17-1 ýthe( road. Pla-tes available W ar a complepte line 0', iBASEMENT apartment, cent- DRFcESSED TO The /Dstic Coutic UntedChuch un-Many extras. Phone 623-2947: elcrnn-at for'ail1rall located, iu Bowmýanville.DirecIt, De-partment 0fr Pu'i= Cutc nféhuhSun- 17-1* Hoover ,Prodcii(ts, 344 Kin)g s. "623ý-2694. - 17-1liWokofCnd,21ar' day School Annîversary,.m.unTWO ---ft ote aaeW Oshawa, Ph-one 5916-tlN',RQ patet sSre, om65 oot day, 2nd May. 11:00) .m. TWO 8-ft wooden garage161.î_T iIÏ66ý prmn-I" 'on i-5 pot Speaker, Mrs. L. W. Herbert; doors, one large cupola, one Phone Dykstra's Food MarTket, 1200,.naladedr~ 7:30 pm. Speaker, the -Rev. L. 33" caprtpielpoe~~623-3541. 17-1 l"TENDER Fr WýINDOWý, 'I, Herbert. Special music 623-5068 17-1 (R'. SAE .r -- - -CLEANING CON11T-Ri A (,T, at both services. South Court- LARGE, sizecmigtalr A 3ebla o 300also small store at 17'TeImIper- MN1 LCOOR n ice Public School Choir will excellent condition, sp are STRAW 30e bale, approx. i,00ance Street. 623-2451.' 17-1'PORT HOE, COOURand sing at the evening service. whee]., mattress and stepl Good Quality and Condition POARS0 atreln.wl R Ecevdni 0N ,O, 17-1 623-5427. 17-1 150 ACRESmm onv f pasn,'lnd. illbfrn c 'r * unti 3.00 nr,1 -1-19.0 UUItU LIr Iina v.in v, J.iP -t o h d a d itr - . ), NJ. 12, .Q71t anti Mrs. Wof acake Ban- KILGANON-I lovin e-NxtM naTETW Y DHIbus5fr$,as (Oat, and Batley inî BuIk) Newtonville area. 98ý7-4531 lnseifctoa.n - rot titigrnisnfor Mn. or0faerfthr vejOur gratitude anti thanka toi amali qquantity nursery stock. 400Pol71fr f edrtnb cu antid Mr. K.WteOooWho passeti away Aprîl 27, frienda, neighbors anti rela- I7:45 P.M. TO1 G..0 taremnk R.R. 2.Ne Specai tankato Da. Cn- 169.ts for their acta of kinti- DtT I0Ttocastle, 987-4430. 17-31 20 -50 lb. bags GOOD pasture, gooti water o a eotieifo h iiingham,. Ewcrt anti Anfossi What wc would give if we ness, floral tributes, exprea- REDLjL BARNJ..L CATL 1,DIIO supoîy. G. Kovacs, R.R. 5, officsoÎteCreaes(ei nurses anti staff tif maternitv. oulti say, sitins f sympathy anidona- _ O S HA WA CALGARY STAMPE'DE CHESTERFIELDS, $190 up; Hraem .0bg Bwavle ot fTrn eralildns owave (Scbool) es, $39.95 up. Murphy Co,,21Ba un'Gre N1. - 62~ tario ______way also A.C.W., Dr. Mvatyn, Brig- itv Centre (Sho)on Mavs and' Pbonc 62-71N4oigW.A ITR i ToIIISE br (enidrd ah ed T7HERTE-ýL-Bruce anti Joan To hear your oite, to sec naîl Ambulance. Sp cci a 1 St, 7:30. Home baking, dry YELLOWSTONE PARK 17-* -40%/ Alfalfa FURNISHE o rom unfurnihti er mutb1aintepit (ne Aams ae poui t a-- your amie, thanks to Fred Harris, Rev, gootis anti candy. Lunch will MRTE PTAESNo1aaî- 57-1b. bag, 60c, ii4unid upntair onede eomsearseio frasppnt h e noqunce thie safle arinval of To at with you anti1 chat Rose McDermott-Panabaker. be serveti. Come anti bring ment. ameddt possession partentý Snt n accordant thinso TtiiChnis ams awhilc. The Hubbard Family. 17-1 a frieni., 17-1 GASPE haoat obes uial, Tri ahSiove anti friig, ail service. with h odton e ot 6 lbz,. À4/ oza., borri on April So you who have a father, - -ap-e -rv Gude anti- MARITIMES AND for table anti seeti, $225 for PICKUP DAILY UNTIL 5P.M.I applieti. 623-7264. 1- 22, ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ r 1971e atov Meniorea aondta tae7a5eeprs u ier-NWONL lb. bag. Joe Bouma, tee theren ProtigratiaretsareMrCherish hin-u with he Mat appresonat oure Browniea Euchre Party anti EFONLN phone 623-2847. 172XANESFA M IitED numllber tiwfo renotTelws raytne 2, qéat1c-oilI- For you'll neyer know th si ppeitonadOI MOOSONEE IA LS 'F nt valbenwfo es no cesnlyacpei lo ianda, en Aare an. heartache thanka f0 our many fnuentis Crokinole, Maple Grove C. E. QUBf CIDTtetY x1;1$hp on. Rooma include TV, bath., W.GD.TBNMage Mand Ms. Hrot Thdrams 'ndTii you sec hia vacant chair, anti neighbora for a laatBuilding, Saturday, Max 1sf BeEttC waITY Phone 983-5525 Sial ýr tHa olf Dr. ylt.--a misseti anti even re- visit, 1lovely gifts ant clara. pm $1,00 per person.7:Lunchý CALWFORNIA Betywtrpmphoeioaower, telephone. -Flyingý AdiitaieSrie Se ni M ternity Staff ît 17 * embney chlie one pca hn an ourds.il bem sreti r 71 o te no to chain saw, folding cot, 2 Pair, 2 Miles East on Dutchman Motor Inn, 623-3373, 17- ______17-______ VaeiRbecca anthi Dvît. rneg, i hs ieone Ougsn il Dane, strtiay, May1s, o fut contatio green drapes, 72 x 63; 10-1b. SOMMERVILLE RD. FROMI 38-tf reg Iiwf Ione ag-Dne audy a s, otc boat anchor, swivel boat seat.1 115 AT ORONO iVT td Forthcomin~ . ter Linda, anti John, and al Pontypool Chamber of Comn- JURY &LVL RVLCî 2-21 7l BOWMANVILLE, titie rn' VO~ 'rhcr i KILGANNON-In loving me- & helpeti toVE give 62-21 171 metIlMsc ~ 1 în t . omnîî 17-i apartment, 4 roo ma anti bath, Marrîicies mory tif-a dean huabanti, Dave, memorable occasion. Adams anti the Country Rita. Phone 623-3182 aeso N W a se Pars frah i -imdaepsesohaetTESf u rti.C .1 ýwbo passeti away Apnil 27,1 Robent anti Peggy Honnîgoîti [Admission $300 per couple.' ietc Fo Sal 3l ns, anti Lakig Ap Slimîreeetmt. 2-18 Mnni7i M",rs. Stewart Cha-1969. 16- c'aeo ahroDre vestocK p'rb l al TVs, 3 paKing . Ap- Sholn wuacf aninouince t1 ilo îe ev edt 7-1* Bar privilegea. 17-1 L S- E E Ranges. Newchoesis.pyTmsik,3Kngt.E,1- forfhcomîng' milnlage tife theun neeOU, WHbu- Eu Leen Pu Si AUNSD PAK E L- Paddy's Appliance Parts, 344 SEVEýN Heneford sfockers. Bowmanville. 15-3 C USTMte emviat ATTV-ND King St. W., Oshawa. PoeHarolti Stiuchi, Phone 9R3-5193.i-- trimnigneoaberts Sdeug-hten Bonnie, f0 Les Monr- A million finies we'vc cicti, ahbntfthrnigad-M579-1332. 17-tf 17--1 NEtfCtwihsbetfree etmta eehn _ an snti Mant MS. !If love, coulti have saveti you, ifather, Elmer Wlbur. We wush NNTRDN ORDCOSOEOî aa 0 ce oeones,-72. i5-4* i1r _r f-V LNER adsre or rm izQUANTITYofowmnr;nLt16Cn.4 1fr ~, rak or-p o Toront o. You neyer would have dîcti. f0o fhank neighbora, fnienda hrdm i-h ni cendofaeSz aIso, one pony. Cail 725-6043. [o Lt 1,con. 4.d gan. ipl for & hewdin ta, talke place Things we feel moat tieeply anti relatives for acta orf k1ind- .1rsa Nigh 34" x 82", left hanti hinge, 17-1 groîn F o'nigan ApyCSO orpogig May 2 a 3 'c2o-kSt.Are helardathungt. Aesefiohri arangmens, :45hicopleetwohnhrdwre.Regloral__ f:F4an NebitnkOwer,74 eetingbalngpoathol tigg. ~Josceph's Rom-ian C atfh oll c Say, t BLOOD DONOR $24,98,e MA hardware Regh Spadina Rd., Toronto 4, Ont. ing. Ci .Tniigr Chnc, owiavile 1~i Daraton, e ovti ympathy, also donations toDB-.N 1TTI1 $34,98, now $49.Crest SMLL biin orse wih16-2 Tauntn7561.i-' invll.171 eas Oey apeca way. orcut Furî Hrware, 36 King St. E., Isatdile anti bnitile. Telephone -_____ ina_____eia wy jNobcut Ean t u;nRev Meiow 1 0 H A W A PhoneL'~ 6-548171623.2437 evenins 17-1* FOUR roonict furnniheti ELECTI ecrSrie an Ms.Jon ierenia, If we couiti have one lifetime Hoe - -- Àed. Ma Sth Toe234817 gapartnient, fuily seif-contain-L Facton evc eo o eriR, , t iu Bow ivll, are nicas- newiah, thtcuiitmsHizzie, Gordon anti Faniî.A yeDnig niaMyOT tniinS ,OErgsert w-erodcaaial nneiaey Su-hc ecrWle adt 1nnîoun1ce w45ýiedding Oedreamnta ol on pi 3th, CodSprings Hl. 13 m te 4:30ý p.m, Garry anti Rotney. Baley- haîf Arab marc, one register- Aduits only. Aiso 5 rôoon i WrighBaktc 8-88 cf theindaghe Aguesý Jane, truc, I ol ief hn i Jm Fisher, ca1Ier. Jack, 6:30 p.m. te 9:00 P.m, Herta, Fergus anti, Brtitk. cd one year titi hall Anab furnisheti basenient apar-. toMn enfot (utb W'i ra 0 ot it Iy dean fientsor theiral Minifie's Orchestra. Join oid' Aifalfa-9i9 Bîcuti, Vernal, mare, 263-2060. 17-1 ment, seif-containeti, sepanate156j " Obeas, s;on tif Mn. and Mr.G. our heants, carda gifa vsia entis antisak youn abtie. Lions Centre Sartinat, Elnar. Brome- Sara- COUTIC Gdli Ilrace tifabeMa st N obes- cfr Huron, Street, Osh- or vestertiay and~ yoîî. cas, at pant ii Mmil 17-1 BWANIL toga, Magna. Enan anti Can, POLE -eeoru ýPhone 622-5078 or 623-3156. wol ieay yeofc 'va fîUl 1u" 10s at 230en in theria ZionW- ___ 17- No. 1, Timotby-Climax anti fied on test. Durhami Ferma, 17-1 vor],pr nio ultm wa.~~ Ceeoywlfk plat e -Sadiy -misseti anti ever ne- Hospital Bowmanville. A Bowmanville- Hi.g-h-School' 17-1 ___ _________ for anmr hnhni yig rc fJhulyin efo ri Chucb Zoff Iniembebnet by wifc Irene. spceihnaf r utn at ni9-ot hi r Champ. Redi Clovers, Lidino. Concession 8, Clarke, West of . sp-a hnk oD.AstnBn n 90Vc phorsn Onchard Grass anti other seeti 115, Phone 983-5191. 11710 Ohawa, 17- MORDEN-Inp Coving memor Secondi Floor Nursing Staff Wootistock Colegiate prsnýROW'E TO~URSi i any eei omrd' Help Vanted 6217- 1- ODNI oïgmnoyanti my wondcrfui neighbors, a concert in the Town, Hall, H OLLAND TULIP FESTIVAL SUppvale. EXn 96431 yCEihllNT dffe Must s- WTERL busi boreers, 3" file, Mn.ani Ms.SauelL anof a dean mothen anti grand- Mn, anti Mrs. N. Tkatek. Mv Fritiay, May 7 at 7:30 pi.. Holland, Miehigan Swi Seeti Cleaners and in.Vcry heaithy animais 623-3811, Buriey Bus -Lines. OshawPoe5660 e SCamp, R.R,2, ownan, mother, Rosella Mortien, who new resitience is now Strath&- !Admission $1.00, students 50c. Weekend May 14 -16 Deauesnlaktc RR No. 2. 1- Caiý fFýpasseti away April 29th, 1970. aven, -Nursing Home. I17-21 ,it Deagers andleckstock-p happy ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ BS OFanuc Hln .~ ni.-~ 71 eeSrn.- t ENI*LAND, 13- ers. Phone 723-9391. __17-2 THREE plant pullens, experi- Nwate hn 8-51 pirefhcomung nnage of ther eln tradRn.1-*Vr tog 17- Ceee Bus fo Ottawa' IRELAND and SCOTLANI) iJfAR EQUIPMENT CO. encetiprfre.Cl on daughter Susan aer 0M.SEAT-nirn cir Tulip Festivavi, Sunday, MayýjjTNE18 -, JIL 2-2 a IF you are buylng or selîingireert.ClOoo Genlti Wjayne floamSiltfada ubniat feOrgaiueat hna3t Chai tereti Bu)s f0 'Roc-~ UNTE ' I teTme..vestock of eny -kintid al9350.JeFttea 62PTRLus&SnCn nf Mr anti Mrs. Mliiforti Mc- Alberf Stewart who tasS Iiines structionrm antiay Home Builtianci,;A Ar, O( TVD1%ý liJhsn os ie-PE,,op.Mstb 5Bi Donalagt tcrae place tun-wa -Remeiet nti 19a6.ymis lettens anti fl oralï fibutea dur- jphone 885-2-527. Roýwc Tours. CpinlAAA FREES foL TVe DKAWaer stoc Deaer aniode '- on over. Apply lu penson to FirepasPhn63-7, ouiaibraein o UY3AAK RIE o h ucaesc ens, R.R. 1, Bailleboro. Phone Curvply W o od Protiucts, 18 Barea;. Bwavle da-y. June, Sth, 1,971 et -4 o'clock ed by Alite anti famiy. .17-1 - -ati 17-4 - U.1 -2 aSNew Farm Tractera - Baiera 705-939-6855. 1 1030 16-21i1.t - -~ a loiug huabai, fathe an CUd NEWFOUNDLAND and Forage Harvesters --- ___ inl the affenuion at Maple ioigmmr gfrantifather. Speciai tbank 1 . U.P.E. Lotal 1206 Union EAST COAST TOUR mower Conditioners HEREFORD and Hiolstein REGISTERED Nurae's Aasist- FAN fGrave Unuteti- Church. 17=1 TABB-In lin.morofto Monsigneur P. M. Dwyer, 1Dance, $2,00 couple, University SE5PT. 4 - 5 -2 asant indrwer yeer-olti andti wo-yeer-old an euiefulo partDRN Deta adear husbanti anti fathen, Father F. K. Malane, Father Aven,,-ue, I.,00F. Menioiai 2DylWnîwr stocker steers anti heifers. ati Surth, foenNrsn Dets erewopasseti awaY N. J.GintFahr .le, Cobourg, Ont., Safur-IEASTERN UNITED STATES Number tif chances baseti on fienir atra er e. uth Hewaste N987-g4r4n41. ~ CAPMN, heiesSuttie- pril 27, 1963. ant. ian, J. HeffA. Love 'day, May 15, 1971, 8 p.m- andi ATLANTIC CITY amount tif purchase Sl vr aute.Gog oe ecsl,9744 C.ly et bis l ares,utien RInl the book tf'if le are many Gregorien Club, Lions Club, 12 p.m. Purchase tickets froni JULY 12 - 20 - 9 Days Offer expires June 30, 1971 A. McGowan, 778-2213 Have- - î t'EPI TN Ty a, Behany,È7 Mcdne un.emories Knights tif Columbus, Cath- Mr. W. E. Malley, 147 Scugog For information on above 134 King St. E.. Bowmanvillej~ W ilvr 57 RELIABLE person -with tirîr- INTR.TO 1, oefin,, niMonday, Aprl 0f the happy days we knew, St.,ensLageatiD Bowmanvii]e. Union mcm- Tours Phone Phone 623-5689 er's lictence f0 drive cen antid R ,BWAVIL 71,Chalie Chapunan uintincreil oeaeteE .Hbed bers niey bing another couple. 16-2 Pessonie work occesionally for NOSNA CAL baud oft ub Bon ad dean 0 alsng otefldailk s. Joseph Cooper Port Hp 85-27SEVEN kîtt -ens, seven weeks 'owver. Write Ativerfiser 199, 6370 his S4t andn beoeti hua baîng Modru Jhd Cik 16-2 Caaa nopee n GRAI fathen if e-î,Me at ,at auy 17-1 I--ROWE TOURS, PORT HOPE SEED oi frec togoBhm.P ox a90 Canadin tatemn P7O. of 17-4ý i.ti Clrnqint o fl AK UGS flye)t onyooHar-et Se-ymseiat iaar COLMER TOURS 33' BLOOMSGROVE AVE. TPUATY623-7156. 17-1- o 9, onevil.1- (Mrs. Doni LeFrge)a Ruth membereti, Mns, Ircue Tabb sines VarietTlof DOG Meat, beef, freah frozen, SAES poiin Must BURER - FeNC (Mna, GannîHokînsý) boýth Of anti family. 17-i I"4Vicoroia vveeksenu. eut- 1 Beb. Voreen, ofe finie posiation. Mat baes neatxEAE milibrook, Bibi, Joan- anti Bobi ____pportunity p .V fr ~ I~Itt 8 b oeb etei nc atrie, redtai naec-tiIINlREAR ail ethome.Survieti bvTHOMPON-Inlovuu me- VNDINGMçtv 1 - 2 AL-rices fo ale Oat and Barley boartiing. Havebberg Trainingpeicepfentbuno PHNHA TN al t cnhultite DeanMrycf den so, ini mh- 1 GODBINESS May B21'- biyce Teebtn IY Ais -ihyedn UKSSho Ooo 983-5016, essent iel. Write Advrtiser 200 BIi o PrtPeny «st awa a 2o, 1970.wh IS ar Time NewNSS Ciy 23-217,1 17-1 corner TauntonRoatiand Higb- c/o The Canadien Sf atesmen, 2325 brotchber cif EîMPotPri asdaaMa2,17. Excellent Sîr Tm ncome e York CiySeed Corn wey 115, -2-tf P.O. Box 190, Bowmanviile. Mail]tdea Hazel (Mrs. Percy Preston) tif One yean lias passeti, Our Company la expantiing -FOUR borner Frigidaire store. - - -- -17-1 P.O. Bx4 omni idaLaveýru oif Poutypool, 1 miss your sniling face, art requirea full or pairt Fer Information Phone Phone 623-5625. 17-3" CERESMORE as o Sl Als Mrwo pne-teteased. Neyer shail is memnory fade, fume dîstnibutora f0 service 62-25 rýHARDTOP tent riilen, -Tle- RETAIL FURNITURE SALES 30 P estet et fic Mackey Funeral Thoughts tif love wiii always New Type high quality vend- ptne6347afr6. 7-"FARMS 1962 CHEVY il, gondi shape. Long est ablisheti atone, 201 Rfierto r om, c~ SLutiay fr go whr sling machines un your area. WAE o aeaddlrrt.LTD. Plionec 623-577'. fl1 ice enoento tieamaure, srieoWietyApril To the place bhee sli.Routes wiîî be establisheti No WAE o aeaddlvrd tING mlfonot o, amremsjat i 28 at 3 p.m. ntenment ISadl misÈe bymth seîîiug. Qualifications requin- 1 alCt ehc,6321. Gre .Rikr n os17 OD 7 tailn ambitlous, courfeous persoi Apliac evc d-tuff y7l 1ust e d: Honestyý, siuicerity, a gooti THURSDAY - 7:45 p.m USEDf Deabom pul typevie 7't Phon 62-75i$5,0 Plet 98-49 affuer ent e tiaili f0 asue e-- Ceeer.17i THOMPSON-In loving me- car, refereuèes, able 10 spenti Sponsored by ISE Dr8-npul tfype R 4' Bhoem6n371e Ont b115iene henet 87n26clter with manail fittaue ei- Cmeca niDms HOBBS, Neti-n ir Rrd monv of a dean brother, James, six f0 10 houirs weekly, cash Oshawa Miner Softbaîl dise, $40. Phone 263-2060. s01ix. -17-1,sponsibility. Early ativence- Refrieain]Ml elr ye an, et Mfem-orii Hospital, who passeti away May 2, 1970. iuresfmeut of $1,000 - $3,000. JUBILE 174LIO f09AMH Endurot lumaaemnt Pon R SE Bowma ail oncuua,. A-'ýpriI C.im anti peaceful lie la Iuresfment secuneti. Repby EE PAVLlO funiur depa9YAAH Eduoexeltmu 25, 971,Netie Kllîntonbe- leepnggîing your 'plione nuniber, __ osHAWA 30-tf ONE-ycar-oid CCM bo-speeti CORiN GRO'WERS lent condition, bas ouly been 0f falic fRangue ep1 mn0 -ay $163-77 itiveti mot-her of Wande (MrS. Sweetest rest thaf foliows refenences anti qualifications! WESTERN CANADA AND biycc ,Ilu o $5(ot"Blîght Disease" Losses eau pevn70mls.TlpoeSlr Rane: $11 - 13 gts-62-37 ivn ai),wiowofth lte pan;to B V Dstibtos imte, LAKACODUT-.TU $115). Phboue 623-3531. 16-2 1 utui 91 i623-3595 anytiie-._ 17-1* PerBnu woe tes aleL Arthur Hlobbs Reste t e" We Who loret i u adly mniss Dept. "A", 2480 Tecumseh - 'TORSTUDEBAKER Service, ____hve____ednerl D' - NFig enft,5 a ek Fuemairr,- Home, 1111 Dan- Deatn ootJ rhm, Road East, Windsor 19, Ont. flprigTrn ,Jn ranti useti parts. Grahem'smaturing "1Southeru Le al Opportuuity for flic iglit per- CSO forth Avec-, Toronto. Funemel ,But trust iu Cati to mieet 17-1" retnrning June 24th Garage. 1-416-263-2233. 19-tf Blight"ý Resistant S P E C 1 A L S son f0 panficipete lu 'owner- srIcel ahliTedye- aan Featnnîng visita -te ranches inATîAfCprabetp SE Oi (no plates) slip of flic business affer flirce caretyW r aluge 8 o'clock. Creme- -Sadiy misseti by si ster Notices Alberta, sghtseeing ln Banff~ lyoading tishwasher, gooti con- 1vîal 67 Chev. (188-14A) -~$495 1yeara. Repiy statiug pat CUPBORS-AJIIN flou Finl r~tingplac Munel, rothm-lnlewGor- a-____lndi Jasper in the Roekica andi dition, 623-2830 after 6 pin. "Stewarts" - "Jacquefs" '66 Ford (494-84A) --- $350 1years tfeponetat fi BucisCemertery. 17-1,don, nephews Gordion Jr., Fat, efficient tan wash on Vancouver Island and ln- 17-1 "elRir"-- er pertinent information f0: NWHMEEC lKevîn, nieces Paula, Roaemary service FREE with gasoline ciudîing 8-day Cruise to Alaka 16 ota-416A-27Eai rs t. 9QenS- ,7-L1ýC-tPr eryadTmm.1-*fi-up Fbylng Dutchmen Ion ace. inside sheltereti TOWER acnial, 30' hîgb, $35, "Bll River 'o9 a 64 Penti (N21-2A) -8257g-2rs.21.29 uenS.j FR U BS osutl oujaturtiay, Avril GlSevcCet. 6-f1psa. almoat new, Phouc Newton- matnrity levels $1,. otn Poe4611- o S4 971i eog Skeitiung T-HOMPSON-In ioving me- Dr. K. Slemon's office wil jFer printeti itinerairy with fu ville 786-25 monn:ol.Frmr rtcinfo 63 Pontia (70-2A) ----- $2'958 ____12DnDok n o &aksoc< agtm0vas erorv off e dean brother, James le closeti froni May lt foldetails, îwrite or telephane: 17-1 ANC -ics Case s as Bu me CRC 06 Chr (4 A) N $298 tgaes WantedGNCNT -PH E e~ ~ ~ o tizbtl!-Xlim who passeday May 3th inclusive. Plees MRPLRDALNo IVE witiths tif linctigreenNS ACE-osaseC W N__ _ 6320 or2-17 noos Cr tb. wiLFtEs ofhee of- s R r ce T al 6o20ta BiktAT~T1 28 ýAnti, dean father 1fWilliam, -May 2, 1970. telephone Tucsday affernoo 17-2 cghton . Pearce Travel drapes, cover 20 f., $40; alsC $1,00 per acreia -uc ai . HO.Un ý Geor ge anti Jack. Service was Te______eatesok1'r uuea03itens 72 evc, hrhlOtro he itso serof .Buc alr 16 ig t . omnil li eltlir bu li Morris Funemel seveme, 1 il or b a ppnseu fo rvie Th9n-5643 ntr whitr drapes, tovr 12 ft., $10. ENNISKILLEN YR 16 Kifg t.E.OBwmnvll SCh-apel, Bowmaaurvllc, on Mon- W AI thougli flic endi wes Phn 62-6j w7-1 flot ane meposud foMtg54eth-toe2624 day, et 2 o'clock. Interient an littie cotace inMy_1_1_____inchTV___-__63-274 OrnoCcctry 1-1Aninear naney ibancouraetiro itis iy FOUT_ /4- el, 2-6.. 7I______________ 171Adonly those wlio have loat laài by anon frnWla4 OTi1. T anted toBuy 2dan 3rMge. malE ie trn eneey an fell date torwamti, April 27. I FESTIVAL structure wlth all chaunel _____ -Arrangeti in the Convenlence Stirlrig Serdficer. 7-3*antenne lIrstalleti for $48,95 --à%W !;__ !LAD 8 cda ossmut eof__ oue STýRN,-. Lawmne-SUtitin- Tic pain of pamting wîthout OtmigSedîe.1-3 F THE ARTS ýSeiI-nclu yt;- i %0eai ipecla on 4oou oytm ~VIr more. John Rayeso orHm _______ ____ hiLOAmeoDnfaeel OTC Fý , O Cs.Yuca al iy atils ome n Weincsiey, fanecil.NOTIE 0FBOWMT.ANVILLE Plane Roy Andirews 623-2006, !FEBS NBrooklin, 655-4940. 110~ PM to for- cen eau t ndW dn Apnl 2tli, 19171'; Lomne Strong More eci day we miss You, ANNUAL MEETING HIGH SCHOOL 6-tf LW~ 0" ..2 oitpoi i F SHAREHOLDERS _1 BLACK AND WHITE- S fpca Promp Freaeou Pic-rvanice.ie I rthr MAY 19 - B.SH.OSHO ANDYAN ,, 9th1 year Beoeilusbanti F'ieuts may think flic TUE PORT DARLINGTONý MAY 19 - FASý'OBND UW1YPWRTES andira catHNYAN pcîi- w orcussrie ofthfli lafe Elsue Kuapp, dean wouu is lalaeti, HARBOUR COMPANY ART anti INDUSTRIAL ARTS cash egstets, ticîka, chairs, Colon IO andi UH on îre ae.on Phoe Bw-3647.Stmernt- op îi,30ByOt anoeeBuhec faflen aIf Mrs. G. Britf on But little tliey know fli TAXE NOTICE fIef theIc PASBTHNG files, ncw, useti, rentas, service. , EETO evll r.Pin 623-7 CAL Toront e Workasî aLk u (Multreti), Mý/rs. R. Hayforti sorrow Annuel Meeting of Shandliolt- DIPASBT IUSDiscount pricca. Open Tu-_, Ail Tewers P_____ DenciMu a.î Taf ieswifiu urheata rs f Tc ortDamingon Deors Open 7:ý30 p.m. day. Wednestie., Tbursdayý,. Blii (Phlis), Dtanly ra y, Eanl. oieaiti u erseso h ortpan 'ngte Silver Collection are 114 Heavy Dnty Wanted 366-9586 1462 bryS.S Cliffonti, Rý2IyadcneId arbourn opr -l Propeeds, gift for new scheol Hamibtan Baoun6547 RetîgetflcNrficutf Eihott -Satily misseti anti erer e- ihetid et 25 Wharf Roýati, Port à-6 t Evgrkanhi 231a81nteBti runeral Hàome unel aenv- niembc cd by Rau, Nancy anti Deliîngton, Ontarîo, ou Mon- -- 17-3E POO -.I ' DEtock ati Curt Fan Evgs 231- 16 Bu.6-20 Re.2-50 ic 'lc-Friday alterutiau. chltrcu 17-1 day flic 7th day of June, 1971, LiNT A PAADiSE POOL7l LicencStckeh ar 328FuCFn71.1,l62 tt 2o'lckTRNT'AYctiii guarentec, 3-day 26-711iec 2C1 Initernrent Ballyduft Cemrn t the hour tif 800, o'clotk unisalto. o ein__________ Mortgrages WatM 17-i v flic cvening, local finie, for fhe TOURS intlaif o o îno TV ANTENN S 6- f CEMETERY t1bwn upsa:VCOI OIA mat ion please write Atr- i RR. follwin puposs: ICTRIAHOLDAT tiser 194, c/o The Canadien. Rear R 6 iiwaiill NTS~~~1 1.To receuve anti cousider PCASSaeaP..Bx90Bo- MLEGVE ____ ReceptionMO U ET ,PCLSSaemnP..BxMPEG %;, thc Report anti 1F'an'-îal mnvirule or Phone ttihlccf 623-5251 or 725-168,J5 eganti Isobel Baie cmi i'ii MAK S -tteent af tic Adîtos May 2lst to 241h 8-85-6586. 154-tWatch liepairing qalbea urn ae o bee ot friends anti 2. To elcci thc Drectora olilbl tecur reatvs uSatunday, May IN EVERLASTN GRANITE fie Cmayobdofice ~ J1 riçe o aeCertifieti Watchmiaker ef $t 91 rui24nadOur representative wîli eall et u.u fiepanyexa Auul Meet- OK IY riiefo 8ti1- rom2- Pm 1--- _ .,--Iunilthenex Anua Met-amy worthwhilecue

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