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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 28 Apr 1971, p. 17

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The Canadlin aemr.Ewav ,Apr. 18. 1971 '1 Rea, sttefo S leRel sttefo SleRel stteAuction Sales Auction Sales Auction Sales 1 town on April 24th at about, April 2t t1 5a~ w rioi c ment~ Autonsle6:iae4sat 5 ar.,i ec 1ýBOWMANVILLE AREA Auction sale of household EKYAcinslpiaeste M.Egrmw ak f Pu- 2.4 ACRE BUILDING LOTS Country Homne e etBok fiuencotnswl efo hty ob eda mra Hptl.in o- ad Y-rom,395.00 Down NEW ernntBlok frnte an onetnfts heill beSTOCK SALES Stirtevant's Auction Hall, 27,Mmra optli o- n mro anmkro 30M 1inlutes. from B:wman- PckPrceldes 25x 60 lat eiaTheroefrt ous t DurhamCounty Sales Arena, Hall Street, Oshawa, Satur- Imanville and transferred tol Oshawai olddo h ig $3,500 Building 25 onmain street of Kendal Vil- Orono - Every Tburs., 7-30 p.m. DayleMay 1, 12 nraon sapto1 he Oahawa eronra wee wy esofCrtc.N Discover the real value in S ai ahrad rePc your lot, We will build . .and EquipmÏent lage just off County Rnoad, Selling Horses, Cattie, SieDuleorrfigeaoraoe amangerolieg reatment. hurlaes wr eore.Dm these scerie parcels for 1homie-your home. Trade your prles- f, o ie25x 4 twl ufor the estate, on Saturday, Calves, tep ec h rie at washe nddryepreec- Dmae Vyo.Per v ehil a ae wr etmabcb ,P ent bouse. 1,200 sq. homes.~ property. Presently used for May lat at 1 o'clock, includinglReid, Auctioneer and Pr-,ti tvPic epreeetmtdb ...t et e$50t h ry ei site or inestarn. and kitchen furni-on2watfind mahin$500bott Wann.inak- investment. ewcastle outkirts. cnryrust-p~roofing. Possibiiity ebedroom 1prietor. 3telvsowsigmahn bu 30 Sale Sit Offce Oen bed chesterfield, chrome suites' 1 Two accidents on Highway, er's. to pck $>m. f other uses. .$1,00 ow ture, d ishes, and bedding, auchbero sutadondh:01 heatwekrste SalesSieOfek Oeenpikfo. d ~~ i adi alas fridge, stOve, china cabin- Auction Sale this Saturday fietr ieldSuites, cesradioeltielh.vyprpet AlWendCali KATHLEEN HOSKIN payment wLS hanL aets, tables, chairs and many evening,1Ma1 1,nPtteck's Auc- fi, wuthId F'or fr rinformation Phone LES HydaeAAutiner. 16 eveknsiung ,Ptre ol Ande iht and prosector, exercice tinichment of the Oav roperoe- FROOAPLAt 983~47 r 1-t 634276 or 576-8345 v6351 antiques. Terms cash., .to hd nikle i drawers, miovie camierp wa dmage, - the NewcaStle d- GTCS O& Saturday, May lst - Auctin trie stoves, new bedroom peawiebrojg a, Oeocre1nArî lt S Peter -Kowal, Jr. Real Ett REALTOR 1-fSl fLvsokadIpl-sie te ag n ml 12 bicycles, pow,ýer lawn mow at about 9:50 p.m., when aCASFR S - msae'aentsf 60 eoad H ereor sueaties.Slie :0 rlarge andantity 0f tools, 1971 stake truck driven, byPhn8233 ELTRSALES OPPORTUNITV flirt ion S ls cattle, 15 Hereford cows with Cliff Pethick, Auctioneer. rpce, isabe, goctswpen' Jea nt.lauefTe ierofWes- emnd GENERAL INSURANCE MALE OR FEMALE Sls 15 calves by aide, 1 cow due 17-1 rocer, isheslarposapans.ton, ar Ont efan t ut eighwa 5? King St. W. - Bowmanville We have a need for Sales Samuel Annis The undersigned auctioneer time of sale, 1l Hereford, steers 1____ hsi alresae lntanrCotcendeu'tdn An ies y will seil by public auction a 11/i years old, 7 Hereford heif- FrHgetPie at i ye ig uto-$50dnae.Tetuk 623-2453 Agents to operate from our Rowlý-and Spencer Real Estateir,,hst îeser. 725-5751. -17-1 wasondb D d* Bomavileofic.Th saf Bakr aplasd o nnunelarge ouantitv of furniture for ers 1 % years old, 8 Here- - s ne y Dayar Inu1ts-I otagd ero Head Lake atwe wîî hîre must be îicensed the appointment of Samel Sisn el .S adnya l, efr ii, REAL ESTATE, ETC. Thursday, May 6, auction The other -happened .on Noran. bdrom, nsdeand preferably have a prov- Annis as sales representat'vekSînson, slling stHaydon year aid 3 heifes rithe plumnbing, furnishied. $12, 000. en record of selling and list- havînig successfully comrpleted nChurch, on il ast 0ftEn- rars ld, peno Cer5, 0 alesWLLIMangrsA.CLINeersaert0f Robacert y, Loe,- ice anUEasy Terrns. RadSsaw ing experience. al examinations. Sam would noon. May 8th, al her bouse- equipped; Case 200 baler, BRUCE PORTER 3, Con. 9, Reach Township, 2 MONUMENTS AND Rbe akdCre Wewud ietoitrie eplae t epol renabi effects. Sale time 1 PTO; Case 3-furrow plough, Blaekstock 986-4673 miles east of Uxbridge or $3.73 sE. yRu Coy2bero bungalow applicants wha now live and and new in their Real Estate o'clock. Clifford Petbick, 3 pt.; Tnt. ide rake, Int. 10' WILSON AVE., NESTLETON miles north of Manchester, 3,MRESRg 59 - ihrec. roam on lot 61'l x would prefer to work the needs. lirop in and speak toAutoer 17-2 cultivator, New Idea power, 11-13 miles west. Allis-Chalmers 200' - $25,900. Terma. Rural Area. Applicants from Sam at our new office 137___- mower, 1963 Tnt. No. 10 comn- 190XT diesel tractor, 975 hrs., 0 ,jf hi ýf eayPasi 3 Bedroom brick home with Orono, Hampton, Newcastle, King Street East, or eaul PINE RIDGE ýbination 16 dise seed drill, 32'l Selling. Tuesday, May 11 at dual wbeels, excellent con-a garage on 14 acre lot, cent- Newtoniville, Enniakillen and 623-76i94,1 residence, 623 7664. AUTO OPN hyeeao,5to ao ih2pm tDra ounty Sales dition; A.C. gleaner combine ~SAFR raly ocaed Imedat ~0B nlmitd avriig 1 __ 17-1 Sales managers & Auttioneers hay racks, M-F double dise, Arena. l4th Annual Spring E-330, beader, 3-row; cab and BO.LD ihgipr sess-on $21,500. Ternis, Metro and Local papers, direct R a saefrSl We offer a Complete ServiceJ16' chain harrows, manure stockers. Sale of approxim- heater (1967): A.C.' K. diac, JRg 16 9 t 150 Acre farm, 7 miles Toronto line. _ea___tefo S l GLENN FRYI spreader, fulll Une of farmn ma-i ately> 300-400 head of cattie. 131/2 ft. (24 x 14 in. discs);FRE Ataiv ror-th east of Oshawa. Good For personal and confi- THREE bedroom duplex', norî 623-5.387 BOWMANVILLEI chinery, Surge SP 11 pump Be sure to attend thîs import- A.C. 4-row corn planter,ý A.C. - keeln rh TOM LOWERY I and ]ine for 20 cows, 2 Surge ajît sale where buyer and sell- high throw biower, 80 ft. of ~Dae a hte o u rnt per cre sid Calisl Av. Oi li >é2-769 OSAWA uhis, Debaval cream separat- er meet each year. Anybodv pipes (2 yra.), Calso-sprayer. a per acre. ~~Belmonte, Manager. (After bot air furnace, garage. Tele- hvn osgmn eehn 0 a.tn,3 t om 2 Bhedrnow. brc semi-dle- Chors cL 7-1908). phanwie 623-586 -o9x p7, Bor __[Downey, Lot 6, East haîf of 983-5914 Orono. Charlie Reid, bigh pressure pump (good), .r tacedbugaow Coy itieSCOFELKRLITE wrtP.OBo 17, o- Fifty beef cattie, sows, two Con, 10, Opa Township, tbree Auctioneer. 17-1 ,quantity of small goods. Own- arinfothnothf home for $15,400. Low downREL R manville No agents, please. tractors, combine, forage barv- miles west of Omemee on No er la givingý up corn prodluc- £'OnfnlURsArionarnivrr pavroent. 30 K ing St. W., Bowmanville 172 ester, full line of implements, 7 Highway to ltb Concession Seln TurayArl2tin Trm csh Sle t LIMITED co tyB adoi Several smaîî acreages start- 6340 4t feed, etc. See bis for coin- and -14 mile south. Terms 'at Durham County' Sales 11:30. Reg. and Larry Johnson, Bx12ILd in t 380.Tem.plete iist. The property o cash. Noreservesowner sArena, Orono, the complete Auctioneers. Phone Sunder- Harvey J. MeGili, Lot 17, in iii health., Carl Hickson, flock of sheep of Cedar Dee land 705-357-3270. 17- 318 Duadlas St. E. Whitby 14 rc tWi.b Commercial. 2 stores and Con.8, Darîington, î, mile Auctiotîcer, Reaboro, Ont., farm, Orono, consisting of ap- Ï hoo hy 668-3552 Suhof41 6889 3 aprtmnts ull rened.RealÇ~L .~.~JAL4 est and 11/2 mile north of En- 705-324-9959.16-2 proximately 240 head. This tNcticet .reits g ri-et fI ene.-el1 oCedtr $4200. erm, sniskillen, on New Cut Road - consignmnent includes Sussex, goo invetment. As kÎin N 7TedyINTCE CEIOSR B N O TerniS. 'No. 57, Tuesd May il. Saturday.. May 8th, Farm Dorset and Leicester sheep. OIETCEIO Port Hope- Brand new 3 AL. ESTATE EATR Farm sold. Terms cash, Sale Sold, Auction Sale of Live- Many ewes have lambs and ID THE RSTT F'I,ýR BN bedroom brick bungalow in LINITEU at 1 p.m. sharp. Ted Spence- stock, Implements and House- many are due soon. This is a MNATY TATR EC0F IDA . niice resîdential area for ley, Grant Werry, Auctioneers. hold Furniture. 50 head of good line of breeding stock.MA TAL ,DCAS . O S300 rdortrrs 14KigS.EBwavle Bowmanville 623-4403 17-2 Hereford cattle, 18 Hereford Chare Reid, Auctioneer. NOIEehrbygvnta - -.go T Iiseows, 8 with- calves by side. 14-4 the Executors of the Estate of1 4 Bedroom bungalow with orda MownThip o, Catwrîgfhti carport. Two full bathis, sep- 623-7461 o 623-2492 Bowenanville Slig audy a'ltrmidrdefrMy onhpo Crwih nROIN broaioom Hamtonlarg 2 sorey Oider two storey, 3 bedroom at .1 a.m., the cattie, borses, Hereford 2-year-old open beif- AUCTION SALE teCut fDraWd arate dining room, hral ,Hmto,'lre2s om re on Church St. in Bow- bousehold furniture and, a ers, 2 Hereford steere 2 years SAURDAY, 9:30 A.M. th ow, deeasDuho mdied norDRIVIEWAYS Only $27,800. Terme. famiiy home in village On lot manvilie. Close to schools, complete line of restaurant old,, il Hereford steers 1 year STodcaewode no After 83 p.m.- 66' x 139', home has been coin- shopping and everytbîng else. supplies of Snowbank Farm, old, 6 Hereford heifers 1 MAY lst, 1971 about the l7th day of Februi-* RECREI NROM pletely remodeiled. Asking Has detached garage, fireplace One mile east of 115-35 Junc- year oid, Tnt. 414 gas tractor, 42 BOND STREET WEST ary- 1971, will after the 25th Gordon Beech - 623-5265 $20,900 with terme. in living room. le oul heated tien at Enterprise. 1-ousehoid 580 hours, like new; Allis- OSHAWA day of May, 1971, distrilbute'FE SI~AE P. Kowal I 6zilsf3-Ohaa5nwan86h8oe.Lstd a Appliances and Furniture- Chalmers WD 45 tractor witb Formerly the assets of the said estate RE STM 20mls6omOhwne n uhmoe-58d tGnrlElcrcrng lk mol auelodr li among the persone beneficially, 4bedroom, aluminum sided $24,900.00. GnrlEeti ag lk motmnr odr li Bishop's Radiator Sliop entitled theréto having rgr 623.4150- Calil6860 w ~~bungalow an 1/2 acre lot, large Very Few Availablene) Gbsn rfirtrCamsBtatrMF3 Groceries, store equipmnent, oniy ta the dlaims Of pensonsi i IN brickz barn, Askîng $18.500' 70' x 215' building lot. Darl- (neyer have to defrost), kitch- combine, 8', PTO; 1968 M-F sheiving, shopping carte, two who shall have an or bfr I K E wth $3000 down. ington Townsbip,-. on Oshawa's enette set (six chairs),, new; No. 9 baler, PTO: M-F 15- office desk a, threefinga- the 25th day of May, 1971,ý E E 111 jFifeenmintesfro Bo Ton Lne .2 il S rhFleetwood TV (6 -mos. o4î; dise combination seed drill,, mets, waste papen ba.ikets, Igiven wrttn noie 1n mavll,25arefrmwth0 N-2Hihay ise a roicilnew coffee ýtable, PTO; New Ideal side-rake, dresser, lawn chairs, gardien the undcnsigncd solicitors. (fIA AL UI I 1 ca l3 ero ug-$,0.Clfodéal. 2nwen tables, set of new Int. 3-furrow piough, A-C 7 ft. tools lbede, lampe, mattreeses, DATED at Port Hope, On-: aa low, bodor througbout. Country Rouies - Newtonville lampa, easy chair (neciner). power mower, Tnt. 10' culti- household contenta.N r-tanlo, this 2th day of April Asking $27,500 witb termes. Two excellent bungalows, cedarchest (lîke new), 2 new vator, Int. 6' cuitivator,' field serveTr~cs.Du 91 ,1 King St.. W., Bowmnanvllle Bowmranville, 3 bedroom o- er l.Lctdo Egih eup i anige paedul ie n.Gower, Auctioncer, 72-105. HONEY, BROOKS& ravine lots, juet east of New- round tinted 'mirror (pink), manure spreader, A-C 18-run 1- ARSN 623-3393 bungalow in good condition tonville. Bath modern in 8, x 12' ru rd atre;e rlLttieAJumboOan Necatl own1 aetexcellnt v$e3,50 every way. Listed at $25,900.00 brand new Argus, projectar, tique gas engine, chain sw Port Hope, Ontario. 17 -3~ New A;brick 3 bedroom .bun- wu 350 lw.country road, just a ston&eS cl.E. varu-,um clàeni, Vie- lUne of nîode1L na DhYnKry.- WRECKERS galow iwîrth waik-out basement Large 2 storey 4 bedroom throw south of No. 2 Hgwy torian table (antique), 2 van- Furnitunre - \Mathuslick Squar e F iiL c Personal 9743 just being completed. Only home ini village, double gar- Bth have 3 bedroomes and anc ity stools (l ned, 1 blue), hair Grand Piano, New Williame HYIENICSupples-(ubbe $23,900. age, 3 acre lot. Aekîng $18,500 a fireplace and mnany mnore' dryer (new) Ronson, Super- Upright -Piano, oak dining HGE maupic pspald n We Bwavlewth terms. featunes. sonie radio, cassette tape ne- table and 6 chairs, oak round plain o )semaed eneope w Itb W-Duy I ron, Rads, BattrenceaCr Syear old' brick spit level Orono, 5 noom bungalow on $26,500.00 - owmanville corder and microphone, Ger,. table and 8 chairs 2 brase rc it ig hom ouParcwa Crscet. otwlth 149.82 f.fotg 3 Bednoom eplit hevel. Bet- man Ziese camera, chennywood beda, antique disi\es,ý 2 eheetsi Phone 623-5578 pnc it ix $amples 25c, and Trucks for wreckng rom ptoeoee. sîg 9arefr, ih2 c-Eleetricalîy heated, in new pure cane chair and cuehion, set, crocke, lampe, tables, epool YOUR Box 91, Hamilton, Ont. 1-52 Weran a rtsfopipe.ma r29,90patitn ord.mortgg 49room rbunalow L-2sbed subdivision. Caýn be purchas- 8 x 16 wool carpet (pink), bied, 3 cane-bottomed chaîne, HAQATU financ0 ig bmrt a orn abupng a ndw spnd. ed with $5,000.00 down or per- $et of TV tables, portable radio many other householdand an- HEDU vESio n ie Kinani Hui. -barerm&P nd ek ing ace$4ond0 . hape a ittie les. Shown by and record phayer (Panasonic), tique Items. The propenty of for BROWNS TWENTY-FOIJR HOURTWN K-ndal Hils - Strem_&_Pond____________$40,000 appointment only. new tent and sleeping bag, Austin F. Peel, Lot 18-19, Con. -1mis beautiful 10 acre parcel _______________ Melville Dale- 623-5638 hall rack, set of celing ta Il' Opa Township, 4 miles eastFee eAmotucefuPaetCS MWEDN rf Secluin lsig nlWlma Eujtwls;le 736-2911 floor drapes (only used six of Lindsay on Downeyville Ad o banuets eldPr-CUTO W close to Oa-)hawa Ski Club. F .k enot 576-1908 months), kitchen drapes (eus- Hwy., and 1/_. mile South onri Newtonvihie onr Satunday e.- Pniedatony 1250. ers.JOHN F. Blo tom made), set of lined drapes, 8½/ miles north of Omemee on e nn.Trecks eoae Estaite Sale iI IT I W- Mpetr a75 -726 awnings, 8 x 12 rug (yellow) County Rd. No. 7 axîid 2 miles J P I ih tetaiinifaa ~evn oo brckhoe. ______ ___17-1 patterned. cheat of dnawens West on Countv Roadi No. 5 lookevr fitingon thegs rombic -----(brown), AM-FM radio XL- and 1/ mile South. Terme cash. Gvenenonseteed, table, a nd aeu 'e s vcan an denConcerta-XL, 1 four piece mcd No esenve. Sale at 1:00 pm j "'uen oei hswe.bathnoom set and one thmee Carl Hiekson, Auctioneen, Ra- Ao., tre innwssme y Lan8ýe corner lot with ga-rage. 33 King St. East, omiiil apee re st etauriiantbora, Ont., 705-324-9959. 16-3 or theWoes Auxiliayha- Asking $2,900. Tny your Phn'2-90o 2-11Equipmient: Sunbeama stainlese ___1__________ d by Mns. Shirley Manteli. 1 -offer now. steel Mxatr mîlk shie- After dinnen, tie kide put on ..- 6ývv'anilt EXCUTVEýYPE 4 ed-mixer (bnand new HamitoýI- R SU TSCOUNT! CUSTýoM CU"TTIING skifs and a terrifie mavie, LAN- ENERMINTEý room aide aplît brick. Oi Beach), b-une ot-plate 8whiich wveire enjoyedl by ail, _________rikome__________pce bth Grae.(new for coffee), Duromatie ..~.c a lb. Hanna and lArt Farrow and SE K- - - - - 12 b grg onClih.On 70' x 150' lot. Excellent [V Cut, Wrppedsouton on an d the iRaua ho fuiy decamated. Only $24,500.loain578 0 trol for a dishwasher. Neyer 7ae tend1bRsaiytShv Gerierai Store loNEcaton. edoo been used. 3 dozen 12 az. An~d Frozen lun Torofflo on Monday nighit, EO ELOC Loae ja ae fB N-soEW CATEnbd min2milkshake glassec, h dozen di- l Mr. and Mm.RiilFarrow .,nitdjs asOfBw trybikadauiunsud- 623-2503 vîded reli5h dishes, 1 oe andi famrily vislted withMm Breakfast Bacon T M T E mvie.Large volume store ing. ý Electric heated, 4-pce. sudegass uc o TPELSIG S ERV ICE SMOKING11dc r4G and CURINGomýinit wvith mail ntat 7 ro9M bath,' Garage. 60' x'20' lot. Whitby - .137 Elizabeth Cnes. sand and band pncw2l sa a&Dsrc LOCRER WENTAL Lindsay on Sunday. 9 b 39 ks iiviing quarter.a. Pull pnîce Asking $25,900. adGsaad tand ereportsh wa that Mn9C1b This home is well woth a few Dumaline steak plates, apple ldt reotha $ý44,90C1. Terme$. BWAVLE i.an momnents of your time, take a bosom design, 12 soup bows Dea73tt ar Kwin 'Siet.y fW. herIlnes Orono 3 beu-cci brick bungalow. lc!ok, .ît'a beautiful and the ta, match, 20 ide piateeto Rea saeBor o Viileinl rm i lns o ne. Lrebick2bdombnlubatd -c.bt.R-vîew is excifing. Only $32,500. match, 20 round dînner plates ______________ urn to wark. APE - - - a alwin centre of village., eeation room with fieplace. $109 monthly P..T. to match, 13 pups and sauce- Mna. J. Weniahora and diu -________________________ Copetely finished recreatian Asking $26,500. Terms. 7 Room, exeeutive'home -ens (green edge), case of ghiter Mary Jane from Ham- roo'm with fieplace. Only OSA ,3 ero 2 side split brick and aluminum mulstard, 7 new dinher plates, i îfan were aftemrnoan cahiers OA MSERONT4I o AL ý22,900 with good terme. sOSHAWA: 3tribedroom, 2 n 8 ide plates ta match, cups Alnfrwth theKou. stoney home, Oil heated,Ï aîig4Ee-ne etktce 8Ls ekMs.Kzu' Oroo ee bth Lw axs.Asin ba bauifth.poade bil adtsucraf0mach(gee),IiJI I IIIbas cusnMm. un Mckaow, ugr Cnnmo o Pai h'17900 sT un range and aven. Lovely 67 separate pieces of a com- cuiMs neMcaos, ua inmno lî 3 edoo bik unaa ~~bright dinîing room. 4 piece plete set of Pyrocea oo pn fw dy iiig10 i.49- - wt fnshdreretonmom BWMANVILLE: 4 bedroom bath up and 2 pce. off family ing ware, incudig cncl wth er. c on, large corner lot -choseta bungalow. Ou heated, 3-Pce. oomSiig ls ooaf ows ie iha ound din- l.Mr Whiney BC 5 5on . ý1-_ A. .ATD dfailDspent Sunday' with Mr. andà Save lle25be Norm Wetherup 723-4809 After Hours Please Cali: lot. Askinig $55 Cattle--9 bned Hereford heif- -____en________adds-_00________lcOi Franh SnOl- 72-5-9638 Bud Virtue - 623-2969 5 0don-2eromens, due to caîf in ,une;7ba dI Ar Çreg 68-19 Gr~Hacok 8315 bicehmawît aaeadb-dPa otedtî mRefreshuients wM lbe aerved Evelin SAndra Bout ef 7 Ka e 23-30171flarry Vncrmafl -623-7597 paved rie.Close .ta achooanl.ated hi ii oeBrok 2-77Sdelg--62-41Ima iibeaaabewenI sale, becau. e ail of Egîni Street, Bwavleu S R ' the3-73atenialinr beîngtil lilPoranut DN'T FORGET THE -Lur ffeEgnmofRR jqn62i3-2318 esse Van Nest - SM3230 yOU caî Ol 5150, excellent cniinLawiernc 3.Boman111 ffet'edniul- % AMIEgez , phyli tRbiC-6319Ha ota -725-2645 Bwnvîile 11,- Kîng t ,Hene iek hrl'R FRE COL 0R P TV DRAW tpelcrfon n o. HOMEQOF QUAUTY Nounrfratur ta er îght'S' Ja Odhor - 63-94 oe aido -7 -1.22.go 1cm er1 1 ( 1 j1 poprty Auctio neer. Owner or 11auc--htl. wtan 20 ý0ift. on No., 2 tioneer wilh not be nespo)nsibie OIOTNWEQIMN UCASES lep uwhen the ca rsvews FOOD MARIKETw.oMAVLE- Dans Found -623-396-5 Bill Ras -705-796-2185 ighway. Askîng $3,ooo. forONnyOaccident on bat pnop-. driing crashed on Hîghway gay BrowIi « 623-3150 Wesley Anderson - 349-26691 __11 erty on day of cale, 16-21 2 about haîf a Mile West a DEADL1NE FOR CLASSIFIED Tuesday, 4:930 p.m. 1623-3303

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