Rý,otari'ans Check Their Lungs Expect Record Number AUl systems are sel, e "Go for the Mile scfr Millions Walk thî-s coming. Saturday, ,May lst. Every indication, points te a record number of walkers who wMl take part, in this year's walk-a-thon in aid of the needy et homeI-ur an ave01,r- seas. The waîk ~ilget und-'r way eat 8 e.m. from thIle Ciîe Auditorium whnit la ex- pected that ofuana a welkeris frorn ai-irat cve-ry, age group wilî step çout ta cave-r as rniany miles, as pos- sible. 1The Walk Comniittee. miakesý' the. following important re,. mînders toalal walkers and parents. -Be sLue to radthe lai structions on the back> of ynur reýgi.,tration forrnabout preparati.ons for the walk. -Fat a3 gond breakfast and carry some energy fond such as raiin r bard candy ta chew along the way. -Caver your head and arms. Even a cloudy day can VOLUME 117 18 Pages BOWMANVILLE, ONTARiO, WEDNESDAV, APRIL 28, 1971 150 Per Copy. NUMBER 17, Dn r. o Hwe right, a veterinarian fram the Cobourg erea and chairman. oit the Nort1Ubumberland Durham TB and Respiratory Diseases Association, dem- lntatste use of[- the Pulmonary Function Indicator ta Bowvmanville Ratarians at the serjvice club mee-,ýting an April 22nd. Rtarian Tom Cowan tests aut the' machfine. The abjectlis ta exhale ail the air in your lungs in one breath in to the moutpiece. Tlhe mapchine then records the vital capacity of your lungs and compar shstase of norms. V tes Jo Conclîude Sudy p l i ii .Buwck Jo Province by DrkSuiei s i: There ies good cause forilisbed lest ye'var sgettere LastWedesdy, iheexec~i orr. Te sudyproposaIslshould be e shift iingrowth tivE.su-comitee t te ave been drawn up on the'-(UNT AETO OshwaAra lanin ad ssmpinthat'the grawtb GOLDEî1N NNrVE tARY- ~eeoretSuyvtdt aeIn the OAPADS region, onaiflivasïCe x ing the stiîdy 1ta an end. 1wt uDbe twice whlat it vwili!luiogrtltinered _-î 'dihl place its r1mned--,e, gîven the presenït tural Soit haJrce, î tio beoreTheexeui e ,1wSawhee desthe xta nobServed its 5thannivcr- mitte wenit mets nxtiongrv1h cne from? Wifor asary, when a largeirthda May i2t1conething the Toronto-centredi aek was served fn f1:-t7 OstCenably, the eaonb OAPAD study 1isnteMEal unles tiestudy nimberç nient incentîves -wdbe of- COMP'LE'TE LONG WALK dents,,o DrhmChrist- Ian High Se Opus sec- ereI paren7ts and t earhers, ometdthe 3,0-m-ile walk in a blustery, cool day on,- tweeýn $,00and$50 ta wilbe uedfor schtolpr- poser. Photos of the event were crowi-ded iout, 1but wl Bowmanville's Red Eagles Douig Crough and Dnug Par- bowed out of the Junior 'C' ker, were the scarers. Ontario finals lest night in Many local supporters who Dresden when they 'were de- were unable ta make the trip, feated 5-2, before a crowd of listened to the radin broad- over 2,000 fans. This was the cast over CKLB, spnnsored seventh garne of the playoffs. this Urne by County Chrysier It was a frustrating night and Harry Locke TV. -The for the Eagles as they were Friday, nigbt broadcast hati robbed timeý and again by been sponsored by Glen Rae Dresdea goalie' Rick Hayoca , <TURN TO PAGE TWO) who was in the right place et the right Urne 'on ail but two shots. Dresden, Kings YUTH THEATRE outshot the Eagles 36-31, but AUDITIONS many of their shots on goal Auditions for the Orono were weak ones, wbile Bow- Youth Theatre wilI continue manville was foiled on many this Sunday at Orono Unit- occasions that appeared ta be ed Church from 1 p.m. to sure goals. 6 p.m. Maie members of BihBedli as hebiggu the cast and musiciens are for the Kings, with two goals, needed. with singles going ta Rick Last weekend 26 aspiring Chinnick, Cecil Jacobs and young actors and actresses Greg Roberts. For the Eagles, were audiioned. (ho ose SunduayMornl To Roh Two Hourses While two families, anc from Newtonville and the other from Newcastle, were et church on Sundey morning their homes were brokeni in- ta and ransacked. A sum of $31 wes taken fromn the New-j tonvîlle residence and $20 fram tbe one in Newcastle. The Newcastle detachment of the Ontario Provincial Police are continuing their investigation into the crimes. They are unable toaescertein at present if there is any connection between the two break-ins. ApproVe Loan!l1 For Houi-Çnq In Port Hop-e rep-gïinallplan whicb was pub-1 att'rn.dintg the, 'eliÇrajtii. - Northumberlandi - Durham __ M..,Russeil C. Honey todayj n [I)tlannouniced the approvel by e là ICentral wMortgage and Housing Io, o nC) î c 1;Fî . C Corporation of a lban in the r ltsn Corporation ta assiat in thbe construction of aPubi ,t!Her-n.on W edl,iayTe 2unt p blect o .oui1 project in Port Hope. A volueteer Blnond Do)nor bctween the ages o (f 18 and 65 famnilles of iow incarne wili Clinic will be held Wcdnesdey, are urged ta attend.l YounýgIconsiat Of twa two-bedroorn May 5th et the Lions Centre, men who have passed thleu ir ad10 three-bedroorn two- Bowmianvîlle. Clinie hours are i7th birthday may donate pro- storey row-housing unita, The froin :30 p.m. ta 4:30 p.m. ini viding tbey bave their poarents' project will be locted on the the aftereaan and 6:30 pin. to consent in writJing. Transpor-wetid fSrvnBu- 9:0 prn.inth cvnig. tationeta and from t he cliniciyard adjacent ta Toronto Local Rucd Cross Branch offi- can «be obteinýed by ýceiling ýRoad near PercivelStreet. jcers are hiopeful thiat Inany 623-9010 on thle day of the The loan la for a terni of new,ýdonnrs wil min the ranks c5ni.ct years ýwith intereat et of theregulars ta ensure con To date there is no substi- 71à/4% and will caver 90% plies f'or our local hospitai andful whletber there ever will Province of Ontario, through the main depot le Tor:ontoi. be a cornpiete substitute. Con- OHC will pravide the rernain- AIUl persans ie goad healthl (TURN TO PAGE TWO) ing 10 per cent. ns Conclude Successful1 Skating Carnival Lawge and etuati udienrces attended the many, from lef t ta ight, front raw, Debbie Reshoitte, Bowanile igreSkating Club's twno performances Carol Pocock-, Diane Jobinston, gueat akater Angelai on Fidayevenng ad Saturday a1fternoon, At the Watson, Kin' icke ao Hooper, Kimi Taylor and concluin ofHle trdymatinee, Here werepre- Terr N-co]is;back ro w, [Kar1 PBenzing, Cheryl Stu. coentaiostthgutpefrasan expreso fMry Jne O -ke, Evelyn Kennett, Ginnie Greico and aZyprecîiatiomnr-mth oclclub. lcuddini this cere- John lIa 'Agricultural Society 1 . . .. .. .. Hono rs Memberi for Long Service Buy aBitof 01 1 I-Iappiness At the Coach and Four Restaurant, north of Orono, Presiident Clarence Turner and Mrs, Tuirner, alet oFriday evenîing, Mrs. M. H. Stapies was honored by rigbt Mrs. Ed. Milîson who outlined Ms Staples' Want'ta buy a bit of hep- Durham Central Agricultural Society for ber many lengtby career of service and Mrs. Don Hamnm wboc piness? years of service ta the arganîzation and tbe commun- presented tbe bouquet of fiowers. Mrs, Staples bas You cen, yau know, accord- ity. Sbe is sbown bere in the centre witb berflowers been cannected witb Orono Fair sin-ce 19,24, iln many ing ta the therne af thîs year's and the framed Award of Menit. At lef t is the Society's capacities. Campaign for the Red Shield _________________________ ____ Appeel, the Selvetion Army carnpaign ta raîse dollars for MANY FESTIVAL WINNERS the needy. The Kiwenîs Music Festival Bowranville area will beginhedePerbrghtept ne Ma-y 3rd. Its objective- 10 days i.lje le rny wîn- ners fr-om th's >area. We hope It'.a a lot 0f mon ey. ta pi rnt;n t W !thecnes of th -en .elCdtp-be tÊ~va ~an lenet ne. hestpa y yor e: C ecking Peo e n , §Enurneraers frol-in thie Reg- hem Countiiy on Thursdayý, Mywllh1et thusbnd § îonel Assessameýnt Office inl6tli, 1971. we h nmrtri n ~ BITS ~ PI ECES §Cobourg wîll commence- eall- The purpose anuelabi t cotac te ocpns B T o I C îgon ail householIds inDur- visît is ta obtain al eecessery AlEueaoswl ar produe he an offciaiphoto identificaýtionM LAST WEEK - This is just a rcminder that two tbings bave te bappen ta you and me by Friday nigbt, or, we're in trouble,' First, income tax returns must be, mailed along te tbe Dept. of National Revenue and second, if you are stili dniving your car wîtb tbose studded winter tires on, tbey'll have ta came off or tbe law will step'in, Tbere's'always sometbing, îsn't there? t t t t t CAMPAIGNS - The Easter Seal campaign for CrpldChildren lies concluded, the Cancer Society's drive is on et the present tinie, and it won't be long before the Red Shield Salvation Army canvassers are calling at the door. In the meantime, youngsters by the dozen aie Iookîig for sponsors who will pledge s0 mucli a mile for the Miles for Millions maçch this Saturday. The Statesman was informed ibis week that- the Cancer Campaigu lies received a total of $3,184.74 in donations from the townspeople. t t t t- t MERCHANTS - Ail town merchants are invi ted ta attend a meeting 4t Bowmanville Country Club on Monday, May 3rd et 7:30 p.m. ta discuss several im- portant matters for tbe summer season. t t ~t NIXON - Bob Nixon, the Liberel leader of the Ontario Legislature's 'Loyal' Opposition will be, the guest speaker et a dinner meeting, Saturday, May 8th, et the Lions Centre. We don't receil the lest time Mr. Nixon- visited the erea, but the political climate pointing toward an election this year, a large crowd is expected. Possibly, lie will deal with sanie aspects of D'Arcy McKeough's first budget, wliich sliould be most interesting. tt t t t RE-OPENS- Larry'a Sparts and Marine, sponsors ofthe Bantam B hockey team bere this year, bave moved from their formrn Q shawa locationta wbat ie known as 'Tbe House That Jack,'Built' juat this aide of ilte Town Lîne, Tbey are in the process of re-opening and would welcome a viît f rom their friends down thia way. Check the, advei'tisement on page eîgbt for details. t _i t t t WASHERS - Members of Bowmenville Kins- mien Cl1ub will be tryîng to, make a buck on Satuirday for their many coxnmuuity ectivities, wvith a car wasl i e Rom Mutton's ShelI Station, King St. East. Sounds like a good'opportunity ta have them flush off some of thet winter and spring mnud, and lielp the ceuse. TGNORED - Many Bowmanville and area resîdents migbt Wel1 feel juat a bit put out this year because tbey won't be, able ta see the Miles for Millions walkers qtumbling along through unless tlîey go ta the outakirtas of Oshawa. The route bas be'en altercd se tbey go -north on Harmony Road and then west again. i t t t DINNER The Town's Industriel Commission will hast local indu strialistsaie a dinner tbis Friday et the Flying Dutehman, to let thein know how m-ti-h the community appreciates their presence herr, and the em-iployment they provide area residente4. LOSES SILVER DOLLAR 11971 Assessment Rails, nau ( aIU - h'I- eer T'required which taxes will be levîed _in ta take an othnot'ta, reveal One, of the, Vincent Mas- 1972, The Municipal Votera' information acquiref inle tl sey Grade 7 students ta k List and the Population Cen- performance, of their duties, ~tr The information ta be col-CIALECA ANDE lected will include the carnes Pi maY frien M tho"g- and addresses of ail residentsOtt DUrham County were ,the together with their year of shCe nMi3dyt er ken. birth, imarital statua, sexneI f h sdnd )t f thet cupation and school,,su.,pportl,, Charie Cha'ýpman, formTer 'nly AddIitîýonal information a obe ev fMnvr onhp it collected wihl înclude a canine lie ma," lU !his 54th PyeeIr. heir counit and certain rentai and Funeralý service waus held the ýplanning data. this afternion, with buriel -A postage-free questionnaire]J in Ballyduff e tey Theb audien!Ice looed he skainumber Pre2Sented by ftiht'l ney' duîng the skaiting carnîval-.1 'inclu-ded in the group are: Danla Camron, Robbie McCullough, Sarah Lynin Lus,- DonJc)ý'na Meraw, K1,1 Watson, Jili culuh David McCullough, Lee Anne Mutt.on, SuzanneStnon Wendy WasnBian. McCullough, IBillI MeArhur, .JulilEnglisb, Kiim Desojusa. crefts et CntalSeh thisweek, ta makRe a plas cat of it, It was. lef t there for cat ta dry and wes tak if any parents notice f. a silver daller hes sudde put lu an eppearance, would be epprecieted if th child returned iLtato school. produca eýi.a paiful 1buta vCary-1a 1a;Mli ainunt o rnoney foýr food and teleý- phonoý -Youing eblidren sbould ho accornpanîed by adults or older youths. (TuRN Ta PAG3E WO~