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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 28 Apr 1971, p. 3

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NE STLETO0N, (lntended for last week) Emerson, Mrs. On Friday evenîng Mrs, Mns. Arthur Sain Cswker. Mrs. Mslcolm Grant Tliompso Richard Davisoi Eas' Durhamn' For The tute banquîet a celebration of since thein înce Sprin and Mns. Austin ZoE Summeër Bride 1speaker Mu- w and John, Bis A new exhub- Sunday supper erance of femi- Mr., and Mrs H. lin. In the ev( înînity andI Mrs. McLsughli romnantic Ma. aud Mrs. H fashion awaits Orono. Mrs. Arnold ~' our Bnîdal George Bowers Sadien, Mrs. L room, skili- coini sud Mns. fully cnested cal led on Mon ~ byMn, and Mns, l-ýà tomorrow's so nhn ? designers for the United Cl -oday's brideS. the ladies pr MyWCl vase. During suggest an aud eveuing ma appointinutneîghbona visitE Please alu thîs unique occ caîl uswere the necîiÎ 7254912 ber of potted pl er arrangemente fions! B L AA K S MFrîends are LADIES' WEAR LTD. toyreturn oinPo 72 SIMCOE ST. N. pifai. Oshawa Mn. and Mns, Open cils wene Thu. Open dînnen guesta on-a.9-6 - Fnl, 9-9 Mrs. Gordon M( Ail Day Wed, manvihie, Mr. and Mrs. BRO K' 0A DLOO M i INDOOR - OUTDO( CARPETS 516 DISCO0UA FOR EXAMPLE: Carvedi lush 100% Nylon t was $12-00 sq. yd.- ----- Sale Price Easy Usyments Availahie RONALD ALLAIN Inte FURNITURE and UPHOLSTER' (Town Lice Plaza) 1335 KingSt, E. Phone 576-4582 Jos. Wygerde, of -Bowmanville visited for Hylaud, Mrs' Wednesday evenîug dînner n and Mns. witb Mr. and Mrs. George on attended the Bowens, Jonen's Insti- Mr. and Mrs. Richard1 Mac- à- Mlhrook 'In Kenzie aftended the Anne~ the 70 years Murray Show on Saturday etion in 1901. evenîng at Massey Hall, To- eller, Presîdent nonto. ras the guest Mn. and Mrs. Raiph Sadier s. John Wolf e and Mr. 1Wîlfred Williarms ickstock, were were Saturday evering dinnen guests 'wth guests wîthM-rs. Robent Sad- ary Mc8awh- er and Miss Vîvian Sadler at, 'enî_g MndBowmauvîlle. n vîsîfed wîtb Sorny to report thst Mns [arvey Gînu et Walter Wclf s wàsis njurcd in a car accident during lier va- Williams, Mrs. cation in Germany. She bas s, Mrs. Raipli returned home and is con-, [awrence Mal- valescing from, a dislocated Victon Malcolm shoulder and multiple biruises, Lday to bonor Fricnds ext end best wîsbes for Malcolm Emer- a speedy recovery. 6th. Weddîng Mr.,aud Mrs. Richard Davi- On behali of sou were Sunday affernoon hurch Women, and evening dînnen guests eseuted themi with Mr. and Mrs. Cari Elliottf wheel" crystal David sud Kiru, at Leaskdale' the atternoon Word bas been rcceived that ny frîends snd Mr. aud Mrs. Dalton Fisher ;ed tbemn on aud son Scotit are now hohi- !asion and theY dayîng in Manseihles, 'Frnce. ,euts-of a num- Mr. aud Mrs. Barry Fîsher.' ýLats and flow- Leanne sud Susan, Blackstock, ;s. Congratula- were Sunday evening dînner guesfs with bis parefîts, Mr. pleased that snd Mrs. Mlton Fisher, Caes- land was able area. e today (Mon- Mns, Jessie Powers, Lindsay, rt Perry Hos- was a luncheon guesf with bier sister, Mrs. Ivan Proutt on Norman Sam- Frîday. rsday mid-dsy Mr, and Mrs. Bert Bowers wîtb Mr. and and John, Oshawa, were Sun-. [cLean at Bow- day evening callens witb Mr., and Mrs, Arnold Williams sud Jîmn Aberuethy fa-ily. Mr. and Mrs, Doug Falls aud boys, Bowmsnvîlle, were Sunday afflernoon and evening dinner guests wîth ber par-. *--- ents, Mn. and Mrs, Clarke Williams, On Monday Mr. and Mrs - '~-~- illiamis were afteruoou and 1k eveuing dînner guests witb Mr. and Mrs. Doug Fraser at Port Hope, Mrs. Prouft pent the week- and end in Lindsay wîth ber1 daugbten snd busbsud, Mn, and Jvrs. John Buclian, Caro- lyn and Douglas. Mi. aud Mrs. Marwood Mc- Kee. Blackstock; Mr. EdI Lawson and Mr,. BruceLaw-1 son, Janetille, were Fiday eveniug dinnen guests with f TS Mr. and Mrs. Bruce, Heaslip, Congratulations to Mn, and Mns. McKee, Iwho were oh- serving their wedding anni- versary. Sunday Services Iu the Presbyterian Churcli, Sunday mornîng, Mr. Morley Mitchell cotiuued bis senlea ft of sermons on The Lord's Us Not Into Tenptation". The chorar, he emetbeGr"Lade He Lay". UJnited riorsIn thieUnited Cburc, Rev. ty denly at Suppen" for the theme for bis message, The * Sacrainent of Holy Com- imunion was commemnorated. Oshawa Mn.r Lawrence Malcolm aud Mýr. Barry Malcolm favored wîth a dluet, "Because.q". THE NEED MiS GREAT!s BeSure to Attend Red Cr-oss Blood Donor CIinlic Wednesday, May 5th 1:30 pa.. b 4:30 p.m. - 6:30 p.mi. tk9:00 p.m. Lions Centret Bowmanville FOR TRANSPORTATION:. CAIL 623-9010 DAY 0F CLINIC HELP'SAVE LIVESI Setting Was Trinity L Mn. and Mrs. Tracy George Osmond are sho cut the wedding cake at the neception followingt ing, March 19, 1971, at 7:30 o'clock in Trîuîty Un bride is the former Miss Gail Chnistens Masters J. Masters, and the bridegnoom is the sou of Mn. Bowmanville. OSMOND - MASTERS mal length, A-uine gomî white cnepe in empDire Bouquets of pink sud wbite The puffed sheeves-wcrE 'mnums, wîth flie soft g1ow Of ted at the ahouidens candlelight from White tapers gathened fo veny deep in floor candehabra, formed 5f fthe wrists, and the anl attractive setting in Tri- had a rolled collar. Ai nîfy United Churcb, Bow- tached, long, train ofi mauvîlle, wben Miss Gail cnepe hîgblighfed theg Chnîstena Masters and Mn. sud rows of whit e lace Tracy Geonge Osmond Cx- peanîs accented the bc cbauged marniage vows on empire waist sud cuffa. Fîday evening, March l9th, three-tiered veil wifb scý 1971 af 7:30 o'clock. The bride cd edgiug was cauglit la flie daugliter of Mn, sud white crepe chapel capv Mrs. Rani J. Masters sud the was also fnimmed wifb groom is the son of Mr. sud aud peanîs. She carîeda Mrs. Frank Osmond, ail ofý difloual cascade bouque Bowmnnville, red, Amenican Bcaufy1 'Rev. G. K. Wand was thel white carnations aud si offîciatiug clergyman, snd' notis, The bnîde's gown Miss Gall Thonipson played made hy ber mother. the wcddîug music. Miss Daniene Masters Given iu marniage by lier maid of bonor for lien father, the bride wone ao- snd another aisten of Drl ingtoin Tax Ratg Rp nnçuIn ahî --ée R~ W ~ Thle 1971 rates of taxation in t1he Township of Darlîugton "renisin esaentîally unchanged from last year, according fo township clerk Water Rundie. The rates, approved by the 4itoi, Presbytenîsu Ladies' Aid waâ held Wednesday, Apnîli 7tb at 1:30 p.m. at flie home ,of Mrs, Ceci! Wilson. The Presîdent Mms. H. Lee welcomed tbe membens sud fbanked the hosteas for open- ing ber home for anothen <.jmeeting. Fol] owing the opening bymu, fthe Scrîpture lesson, devo- tionail from "These Days" sud paewene taken by Mrs. Gordon Gihison - "The Easten Mý/essage", The minutes of asat meet- ing were adopf cd as read by Ithei Secrefary-Tneasurer Miss Ruth Pnoutt, who- also read the cornespondence. Severai paid their subscrîp- fions to 'These Days" sud if wss noted the Anglican Cburcb suppen was to be April 24th, Several carda wrere sîgned for sick a-rd shut-f ina. Programs for flie year1 wenc distributed sud flie uew1 Bbeverse roll cali was used.i Thýe following program was given: Solo, "Moment by Mo- ment", Mrs. Henry Visser; reading, "Pilate", Mns. R. Davîson: poem, "Thy Neîgh- bour"ý, Miss Ruth Prouf t; .Tliought for Today, Mra. Gor-t don Gilîson. Appreciation for aIl taking part was expressed to the lunch commiftee by Mns. Gon- rIdon Gilison sud special thanks to Mn. sud Mrs. Wilson bys Mrs. G. Thompson for theiri coutînuous boapifality f orn many yearsansd best wiahesa for bappines luthein impend-i ing retirement. LONG SAULT, Mn suad Mrs. Albert Van-.s dyk, Bradford, wene weekeud guests of Mn. sud Mrs Wý >Vsueyk, and ail were afterc churcli callers of Mn. suad Mrs. C. Penwarden. Mn. sud Mra. John Vaueyk Iand fasnily, Tyrone, wene Sun-day affernoon cahiers ofc thein parents. Mns. W. Van eyk acco-nin-i >ipd Mrs. S. Goble, Mra W.,V * T1aylor, Mns Hendrensu Ms L. Loweny to Lîndssy, Frîday sud alahstfended *Granid Lodge, Mn. sud Mrg. c Baker, ,Anu, Ruth sud Ganry wenel Suuday supper gucaf s of Mnf sud Mns. E. Mann, Raglan. c j Club 50 ladies wil meet ýýTuesday eveuiug, May 4th,, at~ the home of Mrs. G. Bakerl Please nlote change lu date' Mn. sud Mns. J. C. Cook wene Sunday eveulng visitons of the Smiths. Mrs. Sophie Kovacs was aý Suulday sup-pea guest with su ad Mm. G. Kovacsansd flowr grl orea floor- ýThe Canadian Statesman, Bowmanville, Apr. 28, 1971 n i ied C U rclength frockof ein fier satin with round neck- i itrMs acm Ia line, and skirt softly gathered 'CW VVLE Cts Trarr , Mrs. aBoe Payne ~ tothe mpir wait. AbowMrs. John Zoehnan moved back interest to hier dress wh'ch was, fashioned with iles ya' executive, thanking long sîceve ga~theredattete for a job well doneý longslevesgatere atthe The new executive for '71- This was seconded by Mrs. J. wists The gowns of te '72 w as elected by the Catho- Scott and approved. Presî- ~ mîd f hnorandbri~~ lic Women's League at their dent Charland, in- thanking n'aid, were niade byth monthly meeting held Tues- ail who had worked with her ~Q.~ bride's niother, Pink fabric day, April 2thi .L drn th pa yr m e - sweetbeart roses were sprink- nCWL uig h atyamd ~' id i thir oifeur ~droom at St. Joseph's. A spe- speciai mention of the con- i teircasadig buquts ereciai welcome' was extended scientilous work of Mrs. A. of ink an whuqteantis w by the president, Mrs. George Brinkiow, retiring secretary and mum Th floer irlCharland to the League mem- of four years, who had not ~ ~ carieda wit baketfiledbers and their guests. Rev. stood for re-election, wit wite'mmspik cr-F K. Malane, spiritual dîrec- Mrs. Stewart Chishoimr re- nation and ~tor, led ini the opening Lea- galed our membership with Mi Jm iin o Bwmngue prayer. anauing -and improbable y ville was best nman and th'e The reports of secretary diet guaranteed to meit those usher was Mr. JTîm Williams Mrs. A. Brînklow and treas- troublesome pounds away. ofToonourer Mrs B. Payne were read In a more serious vein, The reception was held in and approved, Mrs. J. Brown, Mrs. A. Molioy read anlin the Church Hall where the chairman of the Social, Eco- spirationai message on for-' brîe' molir rcevedwer-nomîc and Civic Life coin- giveness from Rev. J. F. ing an A-ohe, reet-lengtb inimttee, reported that the Houlihan, diocesan spiritual dres of auvne, plyeste League had served lunch fol- director of the C.W.L. satin ýwith matching shos owing the funerai of- Joseph It was decided the League white accessories and corsage Coper, would provide gifts for Fi-rs4t of pink and yeilow sweet- All offices were then de- Communion and Confirmia- lheart'roses with' wbîte car- ciared vacant and Past Pre- tilon as it had in thepast. nations, Mauve fabric sweet- sident Mrs, Michael Heenan Convenors for dinners next >hearfi roses nestled, lu ber conducted the election, The months are Mrs. R. Guisiain, coiffeur, She was assisted in new executîve are as follows: Mrs. M.,Kidd and Mrs. W. receîvîng by the groomr's President, Mrs. GeorgeChar- Wilks. moher who wore a jacket- land; lst Vice Pres., Mrs. A. Following the, meeting, a dress of sculpured green for- Moiloy; 2nd Vice Pres., Mrs. delicious lunch was served by trel with silver accessories R. J. Guisiain; 3d VcPr s.,Ms .WlhidladMrs, J. and corsage of coral sweet- Mrs. John Zoeiman; Secre-'Scott. hearfi roses and white carna- tions, Before leavîng on their wedding trip f0 Knoxville, a deep Kelly green skirt with full-length matching v e st, "She told me," aweman complained te a friend, "4that white crepe blouse witb col- you told lier the'secret 1 teld yeunont te tell her."I orful embroidered floral trim, "el"rpidle redi uttn,11tl e o and bnown accessories, A cor- We,"rpidlefiediahuttnIto hrnt sage of yellow sweetbeart te tell yeu I told hier." roses and white carnations "oh, dear,"' sighed the flrst woman. "Well, den't tel lier complemented ber travelling I told you that she teld me." ensemble. Mr. and Mrs. Os- nwn in the above phioto as they mond are resîding at 22 King CLOTHES CARE HINT: tlieir ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ S arag on Frdyee- AW., Bowmanville, theî mariae -n Frdayeve- Ateacher at Courtice North Curtains and drapes wîi disîntegrate frem afimospherie and nited Church, Bowmanville, The Public Scbool, the bride at- acld eposits unless they are cleaned at least once every Six s, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Earl tended Central Public and months. 7and Mrs. Frank Osmond, ail of Bowmanviile High Schoois. McRobîe hotoThe groom atteuded Vincent MeobePooMassey Public and Bowmaii- CANCER CAN BE BEATEN vur of bride, Miss Cindy Masters, Ville High Schools. He is as-SpotyulcaCner am ig stye, as nidsp-aid Mis Crolsistant manager at the Sher- Spotyu oa acrCmag se.t Wis en, ice ofsthe romwîn Willia ms Co., Oshawa. re ft- iseannîee o th gromSeveral miscellaneous show- and was flower girl, Crs bonored the bride prierB OMN IL E cuffs The maîd of honor and to her marniage. HostessesCL A N ER ýn at-biemi eeatrdifo th pate eeMs white full-length; A-bune gowriis of Heather Moore of Courtice; L È:R gown, Burgundy peau de soie in Mrs, Alex Wiseman, Misses eadempire stylîng with .puffed Darlene and Cindy Masters, aI"MT 84 KING ST. W 623-5520' odice, sleeves gathered to very wIde with the shower held at the ELIHs Her cuffs and fitted at the shoul- former's home in Bowman- M D"W Specialize In Shirt Laundering» ders. Matching cord trim ac- ville; Mrs. Joyce Virtue of CFL iflhUR f0 a cented the gowns, and they Enniskillen; and Mrs. Jim wbîcl' wore cameo chokers. The- Dilling of Bowmanville. 1laceý a tra- [et of roses, tepha- s was swas sister, fthe 1 ifownship councîl in ifs regular ,meeting of Aril l6tb, set resi- 1deutîilsud farm taxes sf 122.1 Dmîlîs sud commercial sud in- dustral taxes at 139.4 mills, Rates for sepanate scbool sup- porters axe aligbthy lower - 1117.9 mois sud 133.8 nis res-, 1pectively. , The nesîdentiai sud farmý rate is ideufîcal to the 19701 >ievy. '11 The laxes are mande up of the amount requined for rondsi (18 milîs), fine (3.2 milhs), county (17.7 iss), township generai expendîtunes (8,7 mîlhs for Resîdeufiai sud Fan sund 17- milîs for Commercial sud ludustrial), sud education (the remainder), The townshiip's plsued ex- vndîtures for 1971 total $1,_ 511,922.90. The miii rate (thaf whîcb must he paîd on eacb fhousaud dollars wortb of assessment) îs based on the 1970 equalîzation factor for the township wbîch amounfed fo $11.4 million. Residentîsl and farin ratepay- ers have the bulk of the asseas- meut -' $8,173,042; wifh com-1 mercial sud luduîi mkn up the remaînden -$1,422,91. C.S.S. News Now that 'balmy' (for this tîme of year) weatben us witli us, footballs can, be secs- spiral- ling psst classroom, windows as studeuts get caught lu the I spring sports Lfever. Track sud field practice bas stanted, sud for some of us, wlio bave been ouf of shape over fthe wiufer, we can feel aches and stîffuesa (ciglit min- ute relaya' - agony). The rugge- team, coacbed by Mn. McGratb, is condîtîouîng foo, kîckîng the bail around, sud nunnrng laps anound flic foot- ball fild. Last week fthe aunuai pliy- airai education dîsphay was heid, parents sud friends got a genersl pîctune of ou- gym classes. The senior-s were ou Thursday niglif, and the j uniors ýon Fniday. That samie Frsday, the CSS chioir competed iu the 'Petcer- bonuli Festival, tbey sang "Thiee fa sBaIin u iea" under thbe direction of Rs Me ansd accompanîed by! 'Douig Deweill Aud.the Student a' Concerna' Commiffee lias been meeting after school sud evenlînga, asý they are wrifing the students' ,ouncil constitution, fo operat e oin conjunction wsfb the forth- coming syndicate systeni., --Lînds Ryman CET CASH TODAY FOR OLD APPLIANCES THEOUGHI STATE SMAN, CLASSMYEDS Phone 623-8303 ,ig 13.5 cu. ft. Refrigerator byWeSinghl ouse for ajust 1218 and your old one!l Yes! 13-, cu,.W f fo whof you might expect te pay for a t'en footer! You get more for ybur m@ney et Cherney's!. Look ?-a these features:- * ig 74-lb. frozen food storogo *Fuil-width shelves odjust to 10 positions *Deep dairy door- storage e Full-width porcelain crisper *AiI-porcelain interior You Con Be Sure If lt's O tfgO S 80 King St E.,Oshawa 718-1641, -mou! .PRIC;E

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