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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 2 Jun 1971, p. 9

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Adminoistrator Reports Number D rawi"ng e#-r 0oW Only 7Voý of Population One 0f Lowest i*n Province ______________ME ANNOUNCES THEUR GRAND OPENUNG WITH FANTASTIC. 825/14 FULL 4 PLY WHITEWALL ..... 8. 50...ea., 825/14 PREMIUM MASTER WHITEWALL .......ea. 825/14 POLYESTER GLASS>BELTED 29,75 ea. WIDE STYLE WHITEWALL .... SIMILAR SAVINGS ON ALL OTHER SIMES Free Installation wheel Balance Special 99' wîth Tires Purchased During Our Opening Sale FARM TIRE SPECIALS COME IN AND MEET BOB ROWLAND YOUR FRIENDLY TIRE EXPERT' USE YOUR CHARGEX CARD DISC OUNT GAS Phone 623-3100- Hours: 8aà.m., - 6 p.m Located 11/ Miles West of Bowmanville on Hwy. No. 2 Hockey 'Players Presentred With Trophies ai Banquet Less than one per cent of three months about 100 wei- keep the cierks, lnfovmed, as hepeople la Northumber- tare recipients have been putt h sreevn etre. land and Durham are cur- ta work on the Department Replying ta a question rentiy receivIng w e i f-a r e, of Highways dead elm va- tram Hamilton Reeve Charles County Welfare Administra- moval project. This praject Burrison, Mr. Martin disclos- tor Arthur Martin told Coun- ended April 30th and soma ed thera were 12 hlgh sehoolî ties Council lest Wednesdey. cases have hed ta be re-opan- 8tudents currentiy recaiving The stetistic, Mr. Martin ed. welfare assistance. The assis- added, wes anaet the lawast Heaedded that approxi- tance le meipnained just as in the province. mataly 50 recipients are cur- long as the ztudent continues The present weltave case rently wovking on Incentiye ta meke progrese et 5chool' laed is 679 and includes eup- programs which have b n The braekdown of welfere plementarY assistance, gener- set up by some of the miuai- figures show that almost 50 ai welfare end nursing aara palities. per cent of the vecipients liva cases. The figure is down 121 Luther Olain, Reeve cf Ca- in the towns. Cobourg has from March lst when the van, enquIred if nemes ef the highest, numbev-88, fol- Counties toak aver welt are peopla on welf are could be lowed by Bowmaville with administration. mada aveilable sa thet If jobs 67, Port- Hope wîth 64 and 0f the total, 586 are gen- came Up they couid be con- Campblltord wIth 27. eral welfare cases end la- tectea, The highest concentration clude 31l6 unemployed emn- Mr. Martin repliid that in a rural erea le Darlington, ployeble persons and 270 un- such Information je availeble with 33 cases, followed by emaployables. and said that case workers Hamilton Township with 21 Mr, Mrtin told the coun- ttempt ta stop ia at town- and Murray Township with cIllor that during the pastiship offices once a week te 20. HAMPT lN Sundey supper guests with 1 Ridges. H Ilî d e y waekand and femily were Sunday vi;,i- >Mr. and Mrs. Harold Patter 1guiests of Miss Kelly Hickay.itors. with Mv.. and Mvs. Deve and f emily were Mr. and: were Miss Hethar BeIllrd, Hall at the Hall's cottage etl Mrs. Rager Roberts, Courtice' Miss Cathy Jefferys, Miss. Caeserea.t Mr. and Mrs. Fred Ellitt andý Beverly Ruddy and Miss Mr. and, Mrs. Hosken Smtht Laurie, Enniskilien, Mr. and[Robin Koenig. 1eîtended the Sunday School Mrs. Lerry Patter and, Mel- Holiday weakand guest with eannivarsary services et En- lissa, Oshawa, Mv. and Mrs. Mn and Mrs . Percy Dewell neilnUie hvhle awndM.ch ofat, sgewnad and family wes Miss Ruby Sunday and wera supper hin, Mv. dfrMiaeordonenMr.Deweii, Oshawa. Mv. end guasts cf Mr. RusselOrmis- hldgefriand tram Traente.rMv. Mrs. Percy Dewell and Mr. ton of Enniekillen and Mrs. Pidgein p and hei rerp- David Dewell and Mvs. Elmer1 Veae Fovsyth of Tarante. Mr. pied lora hpria tenteir dep Wilbur visited with Mr. endi and Mrs. Hoeken Smith were urefore hliay a Eglad.Mve. 0. Cruikshank et Pater- this Sundey supper gueste of Mv. and Mrs. Ben Klein bovough. On Sunday Mr. and Mr, and Mvs. Will Ashton, Niahuis and family and Mr. Mrs. Percy Dewall and tam- Ceesarea. and Mrs. Henry Kiain Niehuis ily ettended the Sunday Sundey cliers et the A. W. of Oshawa spent Sundey visit- School anniversary services Prascatt's were Mv. end Mrs. Ing et Toronto Island. Mr. at- Elded and ware supper Earl Prascatt,'1'yvane, and and Mrs. Ben KlinaNiehuis guest sot Mr, and Mrs, Bruce Mr. and Mrs.' John Carrigan and femily were Seturday Tink. n oga tOhw evening visitors with Mr. ad andneyvsioswi Mv D ougay ceerawa M.dMrs. kKLesHnt fandlyand Mvs. J. R. Metcaif ad Ahlidaycle t the Hol- Mv ndMr. es an Rose weve Mv. and Mr% royd home wee Mr. Levîy family anjoyedad e Hnt onFrank Teot n r n.Stoutenbuvg et Barrie. Mr. Sunday et Omemea. Mr. ed Tenuhan v nd and Mvs. Fred Halroyd and Mrs.LesHun an failyMrs. W. H. Mtcelt, Toronto, Merses H unda vt end fiiy and Mr. and Mrs, Noble Mt- Lynatte wera holiday gueste wev hoida viitas wth altet shee. r ed M~of Mv. and Mre. John Mar- Mrs. Sheila Gveanly and tam- J R. oMetcew.lf r.end MRss risette and temily, Oshawe, Ily t Oshawa 'and attanded JRSutal ndeyaMnr. an M.enRMsoJsshio ;ii freors isla a et Metclf were Sna vnn n adeeuet shaw e who- peireoksa depy thesupper guaste wîth Mv. end da.o saawowr OniSn ofa rn e Pa. Mrs. Claude Tucker et Star- camping et Omamee. An Ottnd h Sund s. red eyn ling ovarnight guest on Wednas- attededthaSundy Shoo g.dey with Mv. and Mre. Fred anniversevy services et Eldon Spending lest week visiting Hoiroyd and Miss Lynetta tlnited Chuvch whaeea for- with Mv. and Mrs. T, M- Holroyd wes Mr. Larry Stout- mer Hampton minister Rev. Chant was Mvs. Graca Ber- anburg et Barrie. Sunidey Fread Read of Sundarland wes tindala, St. Thomas. Racent visitors wave Mv. and Mrs. the guest speaker. Mrs. Payne ovevnght gueste with Mr. Jaseph' Strychaleki and Te- and Rav. and Mrs. Raed wereaend Mrs. Chent ware Mv. and bathe, Oshawa. tee gueste atter the services Mvs. Leslie Littie, Oakhili with Mr. and Mrs. Ran Bry- Lake. Othar recEmt visitors Racent visitors with Mv. ant and family. Mvs. Payne were Mr. and Mrs. Havold and MJ\rs. Jamnes Smala werc said Rev. and Mvs. Raed aek- Hamblin, Peterborough. Mir. Mv. aend Mvs. W. Dunbar ef ed for- thair m,,any fiands and Mrs.. Chant and their Taraticýe. have il arHapton and have greni-ddaughteres Chrietine and A st-ag paty was ha.ýld, on promisaýd ta visit soan. Janica Carter et Thorahill Satuvday evening et the Seturdey visitare wlth Mr. and Mvs, Graca Bertindaea home et Werner Wallroft for and Mrs. Lional Hickey and spent the weakend et their Donald Rogers who îs beingi 1femily ware Mr. and Mre. cottage et OekhîIl Lae. merriad on Fviday evening aiý Carl Balcon and Dabbia, By M. and Mrs. Steve Artymn Newcstle, Unitd Church ta Special Devitt aWavds -went ta Junior "C" players manship, team epirit 'and desîre. They were Dave for the ast three yeave who bet exemplifiéd sports- "'Lefty" Wright, Danny Cowle and Danny Nowlan. ýMiss Peggy Derroch ot New.t Wednesday, eveaing le Guide fly-up day for these young Miss Lori Brooks, Miss Sheida Jackson, Miss Debbie, White- ly, and Miss Pattie Guest. This évent will take place at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Joe Jackson and a wiener roast is also planned. Mr. and Mrs. Douglas White and family were amang the 18 to 20 leaders attendIng the West Durham District Scout Camporee held aver the weekend at the Central Lake Ontario Conservation Area at Enniskiilen. There were over 100 boys involved la this outing. The Pine Ridge Boys Venturer Group did a great deal tc, make it an en- joyable weekend, and they proved to be excellent cooks. Keep up the good work, boys, as a good time was had by ail. This comning weekend, the Hampton Guides will have s weekend of camping. More details after this event le ovel'. Sunday supper gueste with Mr, and Mrs. James Ruddy and family were Mr, and Mrs, Kenneth Nicholson, Arnprior, and Mr. and Mrs Dale Mar- tin and family, Mr. and Mrs. Ron Emard-and family, ail of Oshawa. A Sunday visitor with Mr. and Mrs. Liorel Hickey and famïly was Mrs. Doris Rol- royd, Bowmanviiie. Recently on a Sunday in a strange church we were shown ta a pew where sat a dear old lady whose face was beaming with welcome as she 1mrade room for us. She was evidently most anxiaus that we should feel at home, and since we were eariy, she ha- gan to tell us somethîng about the habituai worshîppers In the neighborlng pews. There waS no trace oft gossip or scandalI n tins old lady for tears ran dowa her cheeks at the mention of a certain per- son and bis vacant sorrow. My new acqueintance dwsit iovingly on the people cf her church. Then, she subsided into silence as the choir be- gan to sing. So, untîl next weak, remember the sage who said "GoWest" neyer had ta figure out how to do it on our crowded highweys. Se you next week. Bye Now! IMemorial Hospital IWeekIly Report For the week of May 2 4- 30 Inclusive. Admissions -- ---77 Births, 2 maie, 1 female 3 Diecharges .- ----- go Major opeatians 14 Miner opevatians .~ 24 Emergency treatmants 231 Visiting 1heurs 34 m. afl BRING YOUR CAR WHERE THE 'PRqOS' ARE!~ When itý cornes ta top-fiight service, the nemaet the game is Canadien Tira. But, saiausly, it's fer tram a gama. We mean business. Our Managers andTechniciens are pros la evary sanse of the word. And ini avavy fecet of car-service. Thay are proud of.thair record, confident thay enu setisfy you. Sure, tac, they cen pratact your important New Car Wevventy with Approved Parts arnd Ser- vice, Trust Canadien Tire and you cen trust your 'carl [The Canadian Statesman, Bewmanville. lune 2. 1I71 30 Percent Increase For Cobourg, Police Cobourg police have been active to January 1971.,i1jl awarded a new contract which raise wages 174'per cent;, the will boost wages over the second effective next January~ next two years by almost 30 a- further. 10.6 per cent. per cent. Changes in fringe beette Coabourg Town Coun cil rati- included an increase in ti44 fied the agreement last Wed- number ofpaid holidays front, nesday night, 10 days annually to il; an Î-n. Coun. Frank Powers, chair- crease in the town's share o," man of the police committee, the cost of medical and fzy- said that though the gain surance 'preniiums f r o n looked large, Cobourg police 2/3rds to 4/5ths, and a 50 per rates have lagged behind cent raise in group if e insur- many other Ontario munici- ance coverage to $15,000. palities. The police wîl now ge~ The increases will corne in three weeks holiday afte? two stages.1The first, retro- seven years service (insta6t of eight and four weeks aftee lands Fore ts First year constables whe were receiving $6,282 last De-~ cember wiIl now receive $7,371S Report and by next January 81- The sergeant's rate wiU AFIERY HOLIDAY lump fromn $8,541 to, $10,02b and $11,095 by, January 1972., Forest Protection Branch, Lindsay >During the holiday weekend there were nîne forest flires repotediiitheLindsay Dist-, rict which burned 4.8 acres.1 This brings the total to 21 firesl burning 14.8 acres sînce the tire season began on April lst. The count for the same period last year was il fires burning 10.6 acres. Though most of the fires this year have been smal and speediiy controlled, the In- crease in outbreaks is alarm- ing and the public are once again asked to make every effort to avoid causing sucb fires. No SUMMER SOHOOLS IN AREA Students in the Un1tedý Counties who are candidate.s! for summer schooi wil have to avail themselves cf thel schools offered by either the Ontario or Peterborough County Boards of Education again this surmmer. The United Counties Board decided during its regular, meeting on May 27 te farego establîshing summer schools Ia Northumberland or Dur- ham this year BROCK'SBv SALIES &- SERVICE lWe ServicelWhat We S.?" Phone 623448?7 ,20 King SL E., omn1 I GUF SEVICE i IGHWAY 401 AND LIBER'tY ST, ['Phone 623-2651 PHONE '623-2518 FOR APPOINTMENT iâl e The Odd Feliows Centenniai Hell on Queen Street the Junior C. league and Don Smith won the McGvegor was the scene of the Bowtnanville Hockey Association Drug trophy for being the leadfnig scorer ini the Midget closing 'banquet on Saturday evening, when several division. Bruce Simpson and Laurie Gay tied for top speciai awards wcve presented to outstandîng, players. scoring in the Juveniies and the St. Mavy's Cament In the top photo,, lef t to right, Max Johnston is holding tvophy, and Bob Willoughby won the MVP awavd in the Paul Mavtin, Memorial M.V.P. trophy he won in the Juvenile and the Septo-Clean trophy. Unfortunate- the Midget division,- Lavry Devitt, won the Hoilinge- iy, they were not present to receive them. head and Puk trophy as the high scover and MVP in e e r gi

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