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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 2 Jun 1971, p. 6

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She Canadiap SStteirman, Bowmnan-ville, lune .2, 197 Townes New Officia i Pla n ,ould iBe Ready Th D i ea r Bowý,nimviJli's new Officiai Plan, uder stdy and reviewi i!orthe ast wo-and-a-half ier,,-, going forward reason-i Cbl H'fl accordîntg to plan- ilî-g-nard eecretary Rôni "it l ew re"aoIbe to expeCt that final legisiation on the* 4fiaWl l take place Somnetime ir la th3 balance of the year," hb ,adila niinterview yeser- ay But do.rnt1, nld your breath iltncid takýe longer. Mr. lletermtoais thie first to adit ht l ,nefiher he nor any- oe else caýn peîwhen the Tliaa wiil be ready for enact- Uiiil thea the ptown willb guided bte present Offfiiciai Plan, enI'acted in 1956. Th-e cmlxfe fwiîg tilp a new fica plan, let alonle an amended vesion of One(, i truiy herclea ask. There *iut b herînesucli as the nne ld in the town hal - t flCcemrbr, there maust be a fair reiwof ail briefs andc sui-') misins onthe pooais -qldelaad tea thle resultîngi yecmmedaioahve to "'el-, Itheir way ithrowughtowa coun-II filmunýicipal afairs, thie Ont- à* i o Municiphal Boaird a n d lakto council for fo rmai endJorsement. Evea after this tortuous riote the matter couid be pro- lpagýed further hy applications fnor amendmrent. Mr. Hether- Pntasi ht any person bas theC rîghtf to appiy for an amndmbyent at any time, Thc poceSs couid 3tairt ane. Eou-gh to gve pianners ihndei ng lhendaches. But, assulres Mr. Hethering- ý(ïoa, that is the nature of the ,gaine- plans have to be flex- rIble and are ia fact a contia- ,tlous state Of flux. Take the current plan, Since Stasenacted la 1956 it has eaamended 24 times. There wrealso two maj or amfend- xneants chaaging the general framework of land Use and ,rjreveopment policy-. The new Officiai 'Plan wi iiavolve more deaidplan- ýiiîg, desigaating ýspecific arecasl i)t the town for s;,pecJfletye If housiag aad( use.,ore CRIME and MONEY (idity Bonds) Valuable Pajpars SCredt Card las. 'For llFnter li-Jormatian Cali Jam es Insuranceý 14 îaî-g St. E, rBox 100 Pffice (123"-5681 Residesice 623-5023 623-5493 ample, the new p lan wîll d me' era.Aliltaeag clare an area suitable for euïh- gsto the planichwc an high, rmediurfior lwrcmedd and dee deasity residenitial develop) ment. The existîng plan mnakes esbe ybctonhad no' such fine distinction aabe aeraadd epartment blocks can ha hulît Thay havc' otehenicr beside single family dwallime ortc b plan a yai just as long as there le a àui] he he temoi r cient area for euch davelop- pn ill ratuî ra hocouncîl for ment,apoal The pcohlam, of coursr. leiJoi hcan eltr gtting the aaw plan lanch Otaro Mniipa Bordgiveaý ad. Mn, Hetherington sid t hat itsapovlt ta wpa,I the planning board bas rm h oid oaa wll rmairi la pleted, its discussions on the fo!Urce, gu iin h eeomn brief s and àbmsio i rociofland 1 use andid Ingi, eived as- a recuit of ladý Dec- the on _______ Eliabeheill W The Elizabthviie Braach gust t indviuetblsati' of the Women's hasttute clo- tra'1tIlvelY centced wîth bin e brated their 601h Annîvcrsary and yci1low floral arrange- mont's. Special guets ad ahI on Tuasdayý, May 18, 1971. membens, peet and preseat,I with an' Afiernoon Tee, held werc prseni.ed with a cor- in the Elizebetbvillo Suaday cage of bbe sae colons ad Scehool Room. Approximately mae by Mrs. Russell White. 90 ladies wara welcomced by AmonLg the hoaored guests Immadiate Past Prasident preseat wero Mca. Tom Sow- Mrs. Howard Quantniliad den, Port Hope, Charter Met- President Mcc. Rose Beatty aad ber' and elso a Lite Membar signed the speciai guet book of E]iizebethvîie;, Mrs. Ethel wbich wac designad and la ýGilmour, B3owmanville, e the charge of Mrs. M.- White. former. memben whon joined The baautifully arrangorjinl 1911; District1 Prosideat tee table was cetred wîth a'M ,Godo uRti, CaveFn end "60th Anniversery Cake", an ca K ren îtsimo tîsticaily decoratcd :in'W.1.Home Ernmieit,Bomn colons hy Mrs. D. Horner, con ville. Othens a ýitctenddrom plementcd wth yeîîow cadls GardonfihMîlbooCev- and spning fiowcc arrange- an, Badehorýo, Monnîsh, (isba-1 ,mente of blue and yellow, wa, Newtonville, Bowmaa- Presiding a b e al ville, Trenton, Tnorab aa durîng thea atternoon were Brampton.. Special msae jMrs. Carence Beatty, a mcm- were, raceîverd fcom Mss. A ber for the a pee 57 yeaes and ýZoller, Po.FWlO;Mc .Mis. Ruli iùt a mcmn- Russell Morr -3ii.n, Dîecto ber for the past 54 yearc - No. 7, and Mca. Genoivan boh ative l h lz-Acea Pres., wh wceunbl baîbvill' W..; Chartc-ernet 1attend bc O ia0 te ber Mlrs. Mca. ýGreta- \cMl-Wl.commIýtma abis. anP, Port Bope, and cc.Bta As"w'Plas!ihlh, eoel ;Prousre, Ponrt Hope; frcormrbaîg n1aln)tba 1v niierce Whieeer, a'1 eiercuinniut oks, photosný,i and~~~ EdcPin rIsiP, àcot n, -B Pr aTT'TrViridbra eo tacomn- OD±.LUIjl hdaMd raîyt yeatoc theCdBCPreaaress 4.30 4:ý45 4-48 5:00 A.M. 11:25 11:30 Ml 33 11:45 PoM 1:00 6: 30 620 6:10 6A,00 Ladies of ElizabeibvilleW. I.Celebrt O+ The Statesman phobographer used the attractive Mcc. Icone Bat.Prsdn;IM tee table for a setting as members of Elizabethville and Charter M r c. Gi Wome's nctiutaposed foc pictuces during their rer- Member; MsMr akr ent 6th Anivýersary celebration. In the top photo, IVercer,Teare;M.Shc fro a ft b nîrght, Mrs. Anna Hughes,' Area ,Second dent; Mcc. Bnic ldr Vice Peidn;Mcs. Karen Fitzsimmons, 1Home- Econ- zensbip & dcain omist; Mcs. Vivian Quantrill, Past District President; righ, Mc, Bety ohbiasýor Leta MeA~llistrs c. tottie old Hockeag1ed7 82yer,- Port Perry, occuirred ait Port ______ Per ormjiy Oi v ifiosot rhni Tuesday, May 18, 1971. Daughtar ûof tha 1a te rnpTe B i îeaîa and Margaret Fraalî10n, te111 bo( eaur ilm on Mo former Mabel Frankln \waste married Mr' Harold _Hockcn1 ed a-nd rad ori, wgSO IBRTWI 1sometsurevryethisfeail. TO) rDA% For 14 years Mr. and . eucefrntewhe Dear Padi, Hockcn residcd la Wesýt ýivergamutof evnts hid ea 1 Anoher dy in chnooL where Mr. Hocken praci lumber miii. They thenýiu'!,ý ,,ýn m1rtte aetak ioh it ifrnce. A guy(, ed to Shirley whrthei rr uebgy çorO akt saotjb.I farmed untîl 1948, whea thIl, il, gocriln ooryi esod nohvet trt retîred to Port Pcrry-. ra.ligigtoftetnkgabuwrkath The deceased was Pa nm m antm adForul Fod nd fteshoqer ber of Port Pcrry 1U-Jted Grand Piv l f oure o Matof us havenur- e:es Cburgh. Ber interce;ý ts ete nl0d Anwfauo e o oesboig arouad ber fâmily, home aaanc lirpLln cs, lanned fr or rk isa ongwyoff, community. lii ummr wl is h' wytl' u bd Surviving, besides ber- u-be-oeedbyte-il--es b~adHrold, are aduhe hr wl eItriwàBsns ietr Magst(Mrs. Ivan Mo -thtakdcorh ow __________ lioy) of Blackstock and t ,re l tntoprtrsadsoeo grandcbildrcn, Brian, J udy tediesad i rwcco iu na in c a aad Linda. gîl e the vîeer p..o...- The -funara] service was peek mb the il,(- orld oif wiw.i. J. LCOG(OINS beld from the c'bapel of Mc- racing,.I ChartradrAîccouaýient Decmott-Panabaker on Fn D Uieto,1a1Ad5hu, s Liberty S.S, Bowmianvllie day, May 21, and was conduct- hopinthiev natstc___Pie6331 ed by Rev, Reeves. Inter-dcuaaryct oa whicb ILAh.HL ment waa in Pine Grove iAifra W1LMC.HL eCametery. Palîbearers were i netiigadifra B.Comm.1 Messrs. Brian Mountjoy, Cari tîva s el.Cbartered Accounant Giihank, Murray Franklai Nt urriin Mr.Adolpb- 36½2 King St. E, Osbawa Grant Frankliin, Murray B2:,us til aToron)to) artisi. and Telephone 725-659 c1rs and Hacb Swain. s1cu1pitrist 0f orne repute.-- G. EDWIN MANN, D.C. Ciropractor Office: 15 Elgin St(, cor, af Hanscy St,. Phono 62ï3-5509 Office Iloins. By appointmneai JOHN M. TAYLOR, D.C.1 Chiropractor Office: 14 Frank St., Bawmanviile Telephono 623-5140 Office Hours: By eppoltmant pIRDR. W.'A.L UDELL, .D$ 75ý En St, E". Bwm vhî Office Houïrs: 5 .n.hi6pt. ;daily Ciosd Sturay and Sundiay Office Phone - 623-5790 iIJL. WILLIAM KENT. D.D.S. Bowmaavilla Pcofassional Bldg. 222 King St. E. Suite 106 Office Boucs: Weekdays -9-.6 excapt Wedaesdey aflernoon Telephona 623-7349 Insura nc e DONALD A. MacGREGOR Life, Auto, Home Insurance * 67 King E., Suite 2A Bowmaavillla -;Phone -623-5962 Opto met ry. KEITH A. BILLETT, O.D. Optometrist 143 Kllng St, E, - Bowmanviile Office I-ours: By eppointment Telephone 623-3252 Mon. - Tules.- Thurs. - Fr] P arn 05 Pro Wc. nd St - 9 - 12 Éowmanville Hampton (at Taunton Road) -Mtchell!'s Corner35 Tauntor Oshawa Buss epr hemOId Bus, Terminl l iBonWManille VaNew Suo Road', Wrest nn Taunton Road t iw Sre Seut on imco toirey, Coach Terminal, Prince ûStreti Anniersry ELV!RT,' (Intpnrh'd fnr lest w"el<) 'h), ght the Wal nei A spedyrervertoMs the United Counties of Nortih- Milton. Gray who e ee umhcrad and Durham t Petcrbonough Cîvir Hospital Manvers Townsbip and b fi n Monday, May 17 wîth a strage coincd eoce this yeecý heart condition, wben the Wardenship retura- IMiise Linde re whoied to Manvers Township. ta hilaBoýwmanville, pro-J An aucetioneer 1y, pote vidd treat for bier town ý si on, a Veteran of World iWair Grade 11I pupils when she, II, active lu tbe Mýilibroo bu epd th Pm ont to bier parentLs' [Legion, the Orange Lode nd. fenrai (Mr. and Mca. Jlm the Conservative Asoiafa Gray) whcre tbey were gent- of Township and Cout,. jc ly iaitiated into the intricitus accumulated a host oýffnnd of fart living. The children and arquaintances woshaire appareatly got quite a, kick the loss sufferedby is if oui, of their rural excursion. and sisters. Blismcoy il Deepoat sympathy la extend- long ho bonored 1 Miiavpre ed to Mrs. Jack Payne of Township, Pontypool and Mr. Payne's Cnrtltost r.î three sistors and their familles Klipher. Pridet fBM h i the passing of Manvais any Atbletîric caio n -aTownship's Deputy Iloeev e ail ils active mcmeshpo afier several weeks la Peter-la aurreseful May 21 ek 'bo baough Civic Hospital which iend despite a slight !iack ofý be cntered laie ta March. cooperation, on Moodayfrn S Jack was woll, knownlthbc weathermian, The para,,de tbrougbout the area havîng was as usual very cres r'. been particulaiy active in fui and the addition of fh veveal acets of community Kinemren Band from Petr- activily. Jark first eatered boroiugh would bc an as I n municipal politics la 1936 as any parade. Mr. Terry Stapîrsi couaicllor and had been la- with hic "git for gah' prov- voited la this field off and cd an excellent MC. and kept1 on ever since bat iag servedi.activities on the move. This many years as Councîllor and ethletir day ai. Bethany bas5ý tbrýee separate terros as flop-ibecome a tradition over the, urty Reeve. (Be was Deputy year ad te an excellentex ý eeve la 1955 when Reevelam ple f whai. a commuaýityý Allen Beer of M anv e r scan) achieve through fores.ht caro fuI planning and a lot of and ha neyer rcached thati hard work. Congratulations Irs. E. Sowden, 9 1, Lif e point when ha thought he to our Yelverton bail girls, on reta McMillaii, Chari.er knew i l al. winning tiret prize on their Seccotary; Mrs., Bettyl But despite evervthing ecrte1lot Distriîct Convenor Cîii- o, MrsTj. Edna Morris, Mcc. Savory, Mrs. El-vaMirw c.Eva EP-lilott and Mc -Wh ite, Mcc, Leona Beatty,Me Muldrew. Ragrel-tabFý!ly, we have fi namnes and Oanly à_Paacock, Mcc. E. Sawden, 13 in his photo. Scy though, work mnay he a lot longer off than most of ns realiza, la tact, it could bis almost non-exîsîteni whan we get thraugh our train- ing. Unlees we foilow hie a oid snoea v Hdie.'odu ott vr react to the job scancîty. Bis counsol -keop the op inas opan, baby, and do.'i ge tuc lna anarrow voca- tionel groove. Be imagina- tive. Divýersîfy anc perspec- tive. Gel b know the it- pIIcatlons of eny study pro- gram we mîght ha coasîd- ecîng which would lead to a carear, Lite, if a guy wanbs to ha a geologist he'd-i betier enjay bbcé great out- donne or small bush cot muaities, heaese that wil ha bis lite styla for hie firet aumbar of years la the profession. Oaaeaoflte reanibig pcob- loms,, Ibis guy tld us, ie, the greduete wbo experte be fiad wonk in or close t-o the large cibles. Fat chance, The way he cees lb, If e pac-i son does not have geograph- Ical flexibility, ho really le locîag a lob cffreedom la hie job saarch, Poof! thae go my ideas about jumping ainto the Toronto lite, good job, swank apertment, nightte out on the town. The guy ampbasi7od the aaad for us ta, bry toi dis- rover whiab lb ls e wmightt like 10 do. Be told us we probably knew whab we don't want ta ha . . . and ha cold'i ba more right. I know I doi't waat ta ha a heirdr-er or a dentiet or a bainkar. Sn wbatle lef >ý i? M, hat la bitaprob- lem, h juet fdon't kaow w inreta bgin. Keep tasing bitaweil ta' fiad nti which way hi go, he aqdviaed us. And don't haýe afrldtmake changes. Gidasfroro those in- volved la work we mey eajay. Sound. But where ta hegin? Foc those of us latent upon golng to university to encollinl a B.A. progratn, ha issned ibtis waralng, 'You baller ha good la yonr field'. 1. was bcginniag 10 won- der if goiag ta uaiversity was a worthwhiia plan, but ha seemed ta bthiak Il was. A degrea le a key which wili open up a number of doors ha tld us. 1 coulda't belp thiakiag of the guy wbo was forcad by ltae kiag ta choose hbwea two doors; oaa bld the king'- daugitter, and if ha opeaed that ana ha could mnry tae damsei; the other bld a huagry lion. About lthe most eacourag-Ï9 iag note ha leftI us wlithi was Ibis - amplayanstana starling to look beyomt'd Ih diploma and ane l srearcbing for ibýe rgtan ployee. Tbcyarhenig ta, appreisoerîlcnsa huanbangs, ado o ecaterci humanhalagesa8 wedcat o1jonbiposbli tie wi' pen us thb e guyili 'And that doee lot cces sail een we hav nt go to collage. I1c 1t hi p thmking about Ur, c Cha,,r- li.He musC be one o h smrctmen I kniô,yt hebsonly a grade 10 cdu- catlon. J s s ou have ;saI id tîmeand te egain, hýe !eersippcd iariing will just try t bec'oea aducatod human bcg.I seemeS the hast bat in ta- day's merket. ThetVs al for aow, Your lovlag son, Filbent.1 P.-Iam glad you fia- elly mianaged ta, find a job. As you say Moase Factary may not ho bbc ideal place ta, work, but a guy cent ho too fuesy these days. lIli probehly see yuu up there as soan as I finish my train- ing. HEATIGSPECITAIST 17LbrySt. N. 24 HOURSEVC Oit, Gas & Elpéeoi un I& Air Conditiin ntla itions - Central & WIh-dow Units - Ciare c fla & Fiîidley Equnipment Free Estimates Budget Terms Available sur w fo0) yousYu r conivenienc ;77 7E Q J AFFA SWEET&JWGl' ORANGES LLIIU L 24sWHITE LEE owTHrOIGïTOUITcUÀMi1p noz. $ w BURLE BUS LI, ",Rq ANNO UNCIS BUS SERVICE TUEDA ad IAY ONLY EFFECTIVE JUNE lst, 17 * SCHEDULE 1 ys to , the &ditor

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