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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 9 Jun 1971, p. 11

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%Ars. Bruce Tilisori, Editorp : -Cavan vs. Bai'iertoro I Mllbrook vs. Bethany Omemaee vs. Pontypool Feiday. June 18-I Jlew ca st/e Bailieboro vs. Janetville If Befhany vs. Omeuru c Pontypool vs. Mîlbeok OC 1 afid 9 )Tuesday, June 22- oI ISocial n1 ÇerSorial Mllbrook vs.,Blceboro Janetville vs. Bethiany ,eoi Cavan vs, Pontypùool BO t i Necatie-lakC Orien- that they will retiien by. 10 Frday, June 25--tiihe i i teeriug is tîll in tnie neres, p.m. If cars are not at the' Bailueirro vs. Omenue n-j-l holding , Rn ý--Tbnn' last hall ulben the bus retuens, Betbany vs. Cavan i.~tcic waak ýon he qarer mle leaders wrelUhe respousible for Pontypool vs. Janetvcla M, nî h tracki et Clai 1 gbScho ii lretuenhome. Tuesday, June 29 i Di c For iman, iesabeee laeremember tri tele- Bethany vs. Ba1ihîchOro iue î for othris vr)ree og ont phone your neres lu, 987-4213, Omemee vs, aauîîiî of shaýpe itraci challenige, The Nerecastie Masons and Jauetville v.MýîirOoni al On:î but to aj-ý1irontrd it was theire vives enioye(d t !-!abs Frhday, July 2- -. worfbhý 1il.1 Appe oxiniateli ltrip and v islit t Otarîrt Bailieboro vs. Pontypooil Iu-,uo 15 pcos to te etraci Place reen iev \ iited there Cavan vs, Jauctvillc eu 'C at cdîfferan t imes, eacb hav- on Stca vnn.MlbokvOee isur to jIý iug en houeto do bis or ber We ,aire sore fieport that Tuesdayi, ,juLy 1h!î< Cnu hasýt, chee-red on by their Meis. elnaA'Jdread and Mesr opo sBthny bi ctiuoM e spns rs saning ou the side- Ruthb Beruaritd are patients in Gai-au vS.Mhluokacui lines. ,Tai1lk ing rith Mes. Memorial Hospital, Boreman- Omremee vs7ý.Jaevlal.urc iM Joan Loweyv some time later, ville. es S. Wannsmakec Friday, Jl ---. ,i she eepoetd thlat tfie spo- has re cu--fuened home froni hoq- Baîlleoo s-C n , u: cvxî î Bors vnea gîcat, proving fiat pital flown her accident Beitay s.Milboo xibc p- averycue reas interestcd in ast wee. Watrust al tiese Poypo vsl. Omemý-ee crauiic thar OceneerugClub, reti peoplle reil 5001 ha e eli on TesayTuly 13 ascpelfi i nexact figure, 1but realizing the rmend riagain. Jnthl s aihebero R-g -uf that monst wer.e sponsored for Postmaïster Jack Wade bas Ommes. Be1theny ilu " y-ici a cdimar or btter per lap, sic raturned to the village aff e Millbrook vs. Ponti pool nuli:rcpu asimte hat $15000 bad a hoüliday lun Englan-d. Feiday,, July 16- u3 ,- 1 beauraied.Mc. nd es aciCrago Bailieboro vs. Millbuoi - baveaj, teboreituened to fie village BetLhany vs. Janetvmle ii tSpn - [lie, achool doors ýto open ride foll'iwiiig a 1,tirea weck holi- Pontypool vs. Cavan î- rnec adset the stiudents free for day. Enjoyîug a coach tour Tuesday, July 20- , 2long bont ume.Man f through TEngîand and Sent- Omemea vs. Baîliebo n"tii o ~ heoldrnes are noreon land tbey leter flere f0 Dub- Càaeuvs, Bcthany luth tice rorl fr jobs and the lin wbeee tiey rented a car Janetilîle vs, Pontypool -jgr youngae set auxious f0 get f0 viere fiparaea,- enjoyiug Frhday, Juiy 23._ into thp pool or the park and theur irenewed acquaintauce Bailieboro vs. Bthany ta te until fait. Waltona with Mel . and Mes. Albert Cayeu vs. Omcmee Pool copeued last Suuday and Namiltn and famîly. Tic Mllbrooi vs. Jaretville i PP wiie ie appeaeed f0 be Namltons are ahl quite reeli, Tuesday, July 27- sý good n mrber ieadîng fiat soma of themr quite anxious to Pontypool vs. Bailiboco Th way , on f00 many stayed bn retuen i to-Caniada, othees quif e Jenetville vs. Caye Tc ll tort long, fiudfing fiat f he etc set sud 1happy lun their nere Omenice vs. Mîllbrook cof mci , ~ wsquilte ifferaut fo rebat home, and some very muci Friday, July 30 - OiC 7-:oi tbeyd bhoped for. uudecidcdl, happy rith their Bethany vs. Ponfypool tice (j, i ~ Brin ora epotsfit iehome and neigibors both Mlbrorti vs, Cayeu N7c v. - Pra 1w eot ht tiathre and lu Canada. Janetville vs. Omemee M' ic e. Naecaistie Juveniles h a v a Boremanville Legion donat - v h daý)te(, winniug thece rftf fi Guides for the camping trip Te nt[ý:rfrtgame to HAYDDN tiilix Tiey îot thei firatto Haliburtotu. cccn Kendal Jumnis riti a score Mes. Gladys Harvey, ber son- lu Keudal's Ëfavo-r, 8-2, losingMevnad to dugtr Club 21 icld ficir mei',cn.x x"î by defanîlit fo LttIe Britain Cobourg, wecre Sunday- guests et the Centre, V cnia'u-~ci i . 12-6, Tiey played to rin rtf Me. antd Mrs, Fred Harvey evenîng, Juine 2nd. Peesidei î'utcu wien tiey maýt Witby ad Mi and Me.GrldBueMes.-: Norrisi openeci 'Hi!ecd xii iCs wo 5i udhet or Npeand son Jo, Belleville, reere metngii i ocu1c1, iiu 9-7, wmiing a ;gain Suudyndv vîsitors of Geeald's rPrayer. Reports isere ruad con' t 1 rc c7 wien they ment and beat Keene Su1a adrollcal rs arswercd[ T î- g iu uncle, Mr. Parc. Hare. ln 2-0. Thile next homne game M' and Mes. Baymond riti your eaely chilîdhond vsuîh b"- will be tuis coming Sturday enrateddfi ov-mcmoey. A discussion w'as pn-ic at the Newecastle Memorialcaonas Study Ma held of July lit cinnciel sein- ric iu Bell Park; hegiuning at 2:00 29th rere thcy sare ticir per, riti most et thc coru- ci i.wn c' p m. snDvcrcev il BA mittees fie sanie as lest yee ,break tuc u To heaf fia heat, sec the Also attending wrerM. and Secretary reas aied ici put-,ce' loi- i-' Coming E-vent on this Page, Mes. Jack Pruner and girls, ucticeof supper inSta<cvri'in. ut cc, i ' .- and bave the Toreer do tie Newcstle; Me. and Mes. Keel As it rees gettiîîg latc, th-I i-a ,r-u kitchen duy or you. ,Weyrich and family, Osharea, program reas sioeried: itnh nm lst Necv-astieý Cuis and Lae, Lna n hc eading by Mes. Rena Poil, t m c îý n :Scouts bave finalizaci fice Pruner and Miss Wendy Kon- "On June'"; Mes. Joncs gaie niDLcniii plans for fihertrip f0 Otta- apache rtf Boremanville. Whi.le ando short çmrnm, ReO etic o-nr '- wa, planneci for fils Sturday. tiare fbey har thfe pleasurean mah a Gncnsci 'liC-î1 Tiey are f0 mneet et the Towenrf secing LraGrepene of contest reas conducteci by vv --- Hallsiorly efora six a.m. Bonanza rece-ive an N'onorary Mes. Jones, "A Sec,ix îciun Tie bus %,-l Pull o ut et six Degece of Doctor of Lares. On Soap". Meeting acjocien d.artcv on libaiLrp. Tey ara f0 carry al Sundey ticy ail at,(tuded flie Watch Comî,ng Evlcinusfor u î box lnhaiii buy SUP- Lions Convention Parade andiJluly 1sfL annuel suoper:. ca "Par i n Ottawea, Ijoiforis reere quit e impressed i ei th fe 1Mr. ;and Mes. Wayne l'i' iii ,rîust ha re, If is 'hoped Newecastle float. Just hefoce hub Orono, visitcd M.ac ni the parade a parachutist land- Mes. W. Blackburn and tm n n - art~~e about 310 feet from tiam. ly ou Sunday. cCf.ai . éy M eet!,ng __ __ Me, andi Mes. Arnolci toan Cw hagiehr, Pickering Bc, ece ic ]i u Siundey dinner guiesti etiVcr.,c-[ildo cr-r 0,fBt tcn (Club ON YPô aund Mes. BoyPersnac -i>'.i- Treancy-fu niDemies of Ou Suuuday, Juna 6th,, 62 aly- tlic PinerBttoru Cllub e1nd members of tlie Nîmigon feni- Me. andi Mes.BeccOeuP iChUi fre-vsitorjs met et he home ly gtieeced t tic Nimhgon recul enci Timn,KîwcM. ' of Ms W.Baîdwr ir, ok- Chistmas Tree Farm for aMe ncMs.Cior edtcorIv i lin, en May tilst for fie Mey reunion. Togctheerewtti their ima n Mari'-', fBoeiivîlta -nc 1971 meeting. parents Me-.'and Mes. Fred aex-cmeofxîlnxxxcit ffat n. Tic special study of cellu- Nimigon recre famiiy mcm- reere Wednaesday viitors a fo e i cic f. loid buttons took fie form oft becs feom Naliburton, North Me anci Mes. Chas. Gari'rà en so a long fable confcrence riti Bay, Toronto, Whiify, Bowre ad Ms.Ceilici an s-i x ail menibees seafed aeound a manville, Milibrook, Lindsay Oshawea, spent Sacucrdy - A - 1 logtal ad hi asco-andi Camp Borden. cuing riti Me. and Mes. C.Is'in lon tale ndthl res cu-Gareard tii-i ducf cd by Mes. A. Miloy of Tic home of fie late Mes. Ms ide nesn r a ie Toronto. Sic hart an oral Eva Nalaren bas heen sold Ms ide nccsn a-()m ccx - ci questionnaire so fief mcm- ancd its nere occupants, e cadis, Calif., is holiday. iiitt 'i O i bers cculd deteemine bore and ,Mes. Boss Gay, relîl be reti ber daugituir anci s0nicietHi - mnuci on bore littie ficy kewmoi u n sîortiy. Mes. Gay' b lare, Me.and Mes. Artubuicci c- x about cliuioid buttons atri h former Edti Ccix, rebo Trereun and family. - heving a moti f0 get lu- foemeeiy liveci in Pontypool. Me. andi iVrs. Russeli Acusiul' formation on tbcm andl bing Tic DeGee famiy relil derson and Bille, PortHoePicici'- u. their disnfley cerds. siortly be vacatiug tfir Mr(c)d lgn'0'l Mes. Milloy's tali reas vey home. Mr. and Mes. Bert son Cobourg, Me. Jim Littil eot îc.îii Interesting aund instructive andi Grant andi faniiiy, nore drecl- tord aund Miss Barbara An1' meany cards of' beautiful cci]- ing On fie 5th Lina, rili ha deeson, Oshawea, visit-ec i xviiVictorinCi uloid buttons of varions col- moving lu.fiA.Treuaml c'dy ors, siapes and sizes illustraf- Me. Geeaid Nofstettertof M.1. .-bopx -isuF(I) utc « bher feuk. Janetville reas guest speaker Cynthia aud girl frienul, Mc i erks , i Vegeabl ivry uttnset Poutypool Auuiversary on D. Tbompson, Bowmsiýi e eosdreyo will ha sfudîed etthfe mue Sunday morumug. This young e Tusa evir ('l inceeing t Mes. Wm. Dort- man is a vey capable speei- ers at Mes. A. Tiomg uc'.inteia wali's, Osarea. e andc, riti ils musical fat- Mr. Bert Ashton, Tmnon cnmo _________________ - ent, siouid have a vcry goond calleni on Mr. andi.Mes el pia -future lu fie ministey. Graham On Sunday. n v Coming EventsCogauain M.: Becent visitors relu Mer og.uain r M.ai ue i" Torear, N ew c astIe. Fi and Mes, Gordon Kirk reere Mes. Water Rabi, Trie Sl îI aund Chips, Shimrps andl Onion Mn, andi Mes. VauDyi of on ceiebcating ud ifiiai t.4aa -- Rings. Coma luý if ouiy foui Borehanville and relatives reerlcing annhvee.sacy .A anlîrn ci- thc Halîbuf. 987-4816. 23-1 from Noiland. Me. anci Mrs ily gtiering ra ill nSiiic n Vann Dyi t oua. fimat-ivec in H~ aydon Commuuity Centr.c i" fy Pontypool et Omiemee Sheli cecent Sunday suuupec ruefdiildrgi Supectesf et Fraservilla rot Me. andi.Mme. Matticwlin f-1 Lou's Ges et Betiany Marchant. b 'bc î'< Jue2-Mn. and l/ls. StpuAsncicfC u~ I x_ýp Supetest et Mlliecink anci Mr. Davidci lfe, Torcint, cli eV ie i Betheny et Fraseevilie reere recent Setuedsy gct O mti Lou's Gas et OmernieShah of McrtndMes., y, BIacl bu i nfnî u a10 Baîliebero et Pontypool Mr. aund Mca .E. Twist rnew- cialei, >Jn27Sîînday suppee giiests of Mc.aioc iiuu STERLING TRUSTS Mt. Pleasant et Omenca Shahl Wm. Laird andt attendeci Male eocivIu Poutypool et Lou's Ges Grove Anuîvccsary Sereicca, oue lc -c e".Mllirook et Bethany Mes. Don Wclsbi ortTa'l "iC -'ht1 FraservillcetiBaïicboro netmerneci bo-mr no P~I Ci- Msigt Sibadule afte spcdilu ý,tl-'ec ~c u cc luaday, Junç là, __ behuaomo luinBermuda. P ts inmualu Seoi The Canadien Statesman, Bomartville, June 9, 1971 BETHÂNY Ae viurchased mini bîkes to Vive ti t'îîchildren added recrea- ~i Complaints have been c e 'civeci by OPP Newcastle regardîng cbldren operating 1h ien the road, riîng with- ori aheliet unnecessary Ms .Hyad0 oe lirhe în;M.Calsý 2 nl and damage to propertyrianville spent Tuescd y with Gray, c r eeon tlin g -t dUini bikes are classified theM.n .Rye t ciAGuia-sN i e, ~cld' ame as motorcycles. To ha family. delegates at thecîr'ioccsani '-opeateri on'a public road, a Mrs, Bruce W. Mercer and Sî,iod in Tor onto i' a e k motorcycle permit is requircd, Miss Susan Bail of Oshawa ReV. H. Robert Hayne, B A, unihy law, wearcng of a regu- visited their parents Mr. and . Tii., of Ne wcastle also at- I lin elmet is compuIsory. Mes. Ken Bail of Kirby on tendcd. P~ ire s allowed to operate. Monday. 1 hs. Robt. McF'l4olm i of, Oi-iiibike on a -public road Mr. and Mes. John Nesbitt Port 1-tore is sting xsî tlî or ighway unless hie or sbe and Betty Anii of NestietoiiMe. and Mis. cciijolies and' !'lte holder of an o perator's visited Mr. and Mrs. Elmier son Paul who bave .,old tflir s lcecex lid to operate a Hogg and Kevin on Sunclay. bouise and aie now resîdîng w xcrmooevlPersons whoop-Mrand Ms.Mel Downs i~n r.Ovlle Chiatterton's ~~~~(ý o'ci. eo thers without son Paul Downsg to Miss Congratulations to Mr. and ,c ixs , are trespassîng by Euni'-e Brown o Sairdav, Mis. 1H, -drardMilo ~ tai' ac eti nci hîleenJune thtiin tic Evangel Pen' hi oh Wdîg An resubject f0 ha charg- hO i i<, an chrgs wllbe adtecostal Churci of Montýreal. versary. îiceîrv n ail asesMes. R. M. Gilbart laIt the 'Mrd Mc 8. E nes-MGib- x BVNG TIP Toronto International Aýirport bon of T'oronto w ee hunday i C c iuidon Saturday to vîsît ber SuPP-r guects of Mer.n csn îcc Tur"ar if ct's a f airly ne' daugiter Diane and soni-mr- Mi-. Reî butto an saftv fe urfs ut helaw Mr. and Mes, Anton "Toni" Recec'i vistors of1lMr. and! fetues ut trForster and family in -Van- Mrsý rJan,,iesL ousiBl 2 tii mostiîl, ýýtanit safety feb'tur oveBC cetLne s-e e o c uh- acyatomobile is an ama, eicueB.crsLai:b rf 141 out'u andi competent driv- Me. Cal Myles bas retuen'Hiteifnua ofV th M.and,- lie uiagn wokosflcclso te d home frein the Memoriai MIs.Leonaid jobInso o bord md bseres hemailHospital, Boremanville. PrvSud eadMs M.John West of Tîmmins J1n oeo n one r - u hlas returned home after at- In-ýhsî, tending the funeral of bis Ane1an his of Peter- s cler Reitsma brotherfthe'late Albert Ebrog. Me uiele Mr. and Mes. Brian Ishi an-d pec& Church Str-eet South cio Fridaughter Nancy Lee have bae 'od their nonutie to Mr 1 Pl ~ ~ ~ is returned to reside lu Osha- and Mes. E. R_; lu suwa. wiil be rfom irug ibIckto tI ril j'teS Mrs. W. R. Spry, represent- Simcoe-Delhî distrLict thîsý o i di , ~ G radu' e ing St. Saviour's Anglican cnth, ,,-wcastle-Peter Reitsma, Vi_ se. P. Usayim-ard of Bore- n. tr tc' Nxîrstle, was a memr of social sciences. Dr, Joel Ncd- nuanvîlie, Mis, Raye West, ~tc 'C~ ti' ii t geaduating class of erbood, radio niinister otf the, Darlene andi Barry caleci on ; Ti ity Christian College, Chicago-based Back to God Mi. sond Mrs. WV. rifn at 0-o mi ~o JePikhf s Illinois, gradu-,Hour, delivered the com- Ei ktin n unay aic~ xit a ajo i Enlih. mencement address. Heeu- Mes. oriiianSM alvf lb unmencMent exercises ed attention to fhe fact faCoone visited i latives V 10heid ion May 15th in the, it takes a matureChstaan find in Boremanvitie nb Hegh.sChristian Be,,- communîty to qupport an nd rno and spent the ~ j fo-1 Church. institution of Christian high- weed iihMr. and Mrs, Tho'geaduating cla.ss of er education. The iiturgyinCHto and sons at their 1 i. stcidents receiveci bachelor cluded in the graduation cere- cottage lot i arts degeces in a variefy of mony also linked Trinity's Mean is thnJoc -ndc xc r s, inrludung the bumani- igrowth with its loyal Christ r1,it ot oevLtdMr,ad bri k1105 ,natural sciences and ian supporters. j__ es'ejl on uSu, îdaj. c 2Pu0] - )ïni on I OOR and OUTDOOR Sim WMING POOLS ENJOY A REFRESHING SWIM $1.00O per person at the un Mon effeotive through Saturday, -Jime !2, 197t. res h RHUBRB-APLEPIE iuerRght Q îaltty, Fresh Minced (lb 79e) Swaeet Pti d, VazvumPeacd a.t Par-ker SundiSpaish Bar Cake l9,-<639t LB ~Jane Paka C hu 3LS&OER OIIS 2/iIci'I ~ __ ranMufins 3 pkgs of 61.00o '.ne'pi 'nu ltv.Exclletfe______________Laf ran 16siksi zc k Heait'", Beafý, Chick"i, Ltver 'ad 2fb vacuumi pkg *VKa , 75(uiadPoaa .jsLie Centre Sliras Only Whit,Pink, Yellow, Facîal Tisaua, flat Fild Kleenex 4 bxes f 180 ?-Pl y 1 Art, OiiPa Wte Ketchp 5 f--z bds 1.0C) Orage Srawery,15 . .,Canada Gec~Halves GRAD, N O Aricts4 îme',-ozns1.ý00 .J Lyinn Valay, et 3 ren eas oi-f-otinsn9 8-Wot~n AP peas 410f.zrs9 CHOCOLATE, /40 VA NILLA, ORANGE PK srice inSt. Paul's Anglicani C'licîch, Rev, Keith Adanjàs offîc atcd for fie baptîsrn of two cbltdren- Shawn Horslin, son of Mr, and Mes. Jôhn Hoyslin, and Cornue Lynn Soucit, daughtar of Mr. and Mcs Melvin Smalt. Thomas Staples, who bas spcuit thc past two montis -%vth bis 'niece and nephew, Mr. andi Mes. Howard Fair, Millirook, bas returned to bis eren home. Tie United Churci Womeii held a successful Suiorgas- bord Suipper In the Sundav Scbool hall on Wednesday evenbnig, wihb mauy presant Galt, were weekend guests wîth bis nmother, Mes. Belle Smîtxh. Mr. Laura Spiers, TÔtàôntô, Me. and Mes. Lyle Lowery, Orono, have been guests wîth Mr. and Mrs. Walter Neâls. A community shower wAs hald for Miss Phyllis Young- man in the Unîted Chuireh Sunday school hall on Môn- day evening, when she î'ei cêived many lovaly gifts prsÔr, to, ber marriage which wfli taie place later this niointhé GET CASH TODAY TUROUGH SIrAt£SMAN <CLA SSI FIED S phone 623-3303 MOTOR n iNN Libeity SI, S. ait Hwy. 401 Phoee 623-3373 .iý B3owmanvifl 0 e e0 Open CATELU

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