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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 9 Jun 1971, p. 13

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NESTLETON .Tmnproved henIth la wîshecl colm, Mrs. Aylwin Haines, for Mr. Howard Graham who Annette and Anthony, enjoy- is ai pat ient in Port Perry ed a barbecue supper on Sun- hospital. day with Mr. and Mrs. Wayne rr Glenn ,Gibson, Hamil- Malcolm and family. tonM, xiie ecently with Mr. Mr. and Mrs. Malcolm Em- Mlarvin Npsbitt and Mr. Ted erson accompanîed Mr. and nnard. Mrs. Cccil Bradburn of Jan- Mrs. -Alice Pearce, Mr. and etville to their cousin's wcd- Trs, LeonIard Clark, Oshawa, ding at Aurora on Saturday. were Saturday evening visi- Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Emer- tors with Mr. and Mrs. Clarke son entertained the Putters' Wilî1s Guild ýat their cottage uni Mlr, _,nd M rs. Peter Hooge- Sunday. veeni from Hloiiand are spend- Mr. and Mrs. -Ralph Sadier, ing severai weeks with their who showed a team of Hack- niece and husband, Mr. and ney horses at Brookiin Fair Mrs. Joe Wygerde and fam- on Satur'day, report the Fair 1Jly and otber relatives. had a splendid showing in al MIr. and Mrs. Neil Lee, classes., Debbic and David were -Sun- Saturday supper g ue st s day guests with Mr. and Mrs. with Mr. and Mrs. Sadier Bob- Bryans at their -cottage were Mr. and Mrs. Tan Scott at Sturgeon Lake. and Charles fromn Corbyville. Cartwrïght Township was On Saturday evening Mr. well represented at the Man- and, Mrs. Richard MacKenzie vers, banquet in bonor of Har- attended the nurses' annual vey. F. Malcolm, Warden Graduation Dance at Oshawa. thýe United Counties, heid at NESTLETON W. 1. Ylverton on Friday night. The June meeting of Nesti'e- sumptuous dinner and anlton Womien's Institute was tstanding program made I tiheld Wednesday aftcrnoon at a mneorable occasion. i he home of Mrs. George Reerad' Mrs. LawrencelBowers. Maýijco1im wrc uests at theý Following the.opening Ode Cenitenial seýrvice and socIal and Mary Stewart Collect Mrs, j1 Poirt PerryUnited Chut ch Walter Wclts, presideot, ex- On Sun-day mnorintg. tended the welcome, and the Suniday guests with the "'thank you" to the hostess Lawqrence Malcolm family and cxpreseed ber apprecia.. we1fre Mi-, and Mrs. Ross tion to the members of the Smaplley anid family of Sand- Women's Institute for their ford, kindness to ber during her A mreeting betwcen the convalescence. iedr f the Pine Ridge Mi:s. Joe Wygcrde, secretary, Scoter' Cuband the Group read the minutes and corres- Comite as held in Can- pondence, and treasurer Mrs, :ilrgtori on Sunday. Those Davison reported on fin- atfteniic1gt from Cartwright ances. Mrs. Wcits rcad a were Chairman Bill Francis, congratulatory card from Rus- Secretary Mrs. Carl Adams, seil C. Honey, M.P. Plans Treasurer Vernon Asseistine, were made to purchase the prid Doug Sleep, Presidlent of. annual prizes for the winncrs ade'Auxiliary, Mrs. Douglin Grades VIT and VIII. It was S i0 e, p, Scoutmaster' Jim decided to charter -a bus for .SILaner, Cubmnaster W a;li t e r a day to Ontario Place in WetLea.-drs Barbara Weits, August with Mrs. George Don- .Perry G;randel and David neral t0 convene the ticket 'AC a m , sales. Plans wcrc finalized Mrs. rankSymons, Bow- for the display "Let's Brighteni inanville, spent, Frlday-ý with Up thc Living-room", at Biack- liermoUeMrsNeisn Mar stock Fair in August with Mrs. îow.Gpt on Sunclay even- Lawrence Malcolm, convener 'ng wcre Mr. and Mrs. ýAn- of the committee. drwHeaslîp of Janetville. Mrs. Cecil Wilson gave, a On Sunday Mr. and Mrs, splendid report or the District Gordon Gilîson çalled at th~e Annual at Solina, May 20. Mackey Funeral Home, Lind- Mrs, Bradley, District Presi- say, In respect of the late Mr. dent, ia thc delegate to the Gordon Rodman. S 1 n c e r e Area Convention in Novem- sympathy of the commuity is ber. The 75th Annivcrsary extendcd to hîs wife, Mrs. Fund for MacDonald Insti- Rodmian and 'family. tute bas been met but $20,000 Recerit guests with Mr. and la required for the "Erland Mrs. Gordon Gilison wcre Mr. Lee Homestead Fund". The ,end Mrs. Gordon Gilson, Lit- bake sale at the District waý tic Britain, and Mrs, Ron $34. Mra. Arscott was the Thompson of Lindsay. gucat speaker. Mrs. Fitzsim- Mr, and Mfrs. Victor Mal-Imons rep ortcd 17 7 irls com- NOTICE CREAM 0Ff BARLEY ;:SWIMr?:: POOL I regulations and 'will be OPNSAT,JUNE 12TH TO LABOUR DAY Thr will be twoýqaiidlfeursfryu prot ection. and the pool will be operated with, stitdiscipline. Our pool waq buit in 1954 as an attraction for picnics, which forthe pasf two years we no longer cater to but haveý kept it open just so Bowmanville children have a place to swim. It is o ur opinion that pools should be munici- 1 pally operated as fhey are certainly non profit for fax payîng operators and we would strongly sug- gest the town or a service club consider a pool soon as we will definitely not operate in 1973 and would like to get ouf next year if possible. Because of the large expenditures this year daily 'admissions will be $1,00 per person- seasons tickets will be $15.00 per persan for the first two people in a family and $5.00 per persan for each additional member. (This applies to father - mother and dependent children living at home). POOL HOURS WILL BE NOON TO 5:00 P.M. and 6:00 P.M. TO 8:00 P.M. (After 8:00 p.m. the piool will be open for aduits ABERNETHY'S 55,IiING ST. W. PAINTS and WALLPAPERS PHONE 623-5431 The Canadian State~inan, ~owmawiUe, 3une ~, i~7~ 13~ menccd the 4-H Homemakinrg' Project and 149 complcted thle work. Mrs. Downcy, Curaf or of the District, gave a report and stafed a curator may hold office for six years. The 1972 1District Annuai will be at Netîcton. The July meeting will bc a garden meeting at Mrs.! Donnerai'a home with Maple Grove as guests when theyj will iprovide the programme and District President Mrs. H. Bradley will be the speak- er. For the program, the motto "Mighty Oaks from Tiny Acorna Grow" waa ably pre- sented by Mrs. Malcolm Em- erson. The roll cail "Name a trce you will plant thîs year" was well answered and showcd, by their positive re- sponse, that the members are infercated in "Home Beauti- ficafion". Mra. Welf a intro- duccd Mr. Wayne Helson of the Departmeint of Lands and Poresta. Excellent colourcd slidcs wcre shown f0 illustrate the work being donc in the Ganaraska reforestafion arca When Mr. Helson gave a splendid commentiry. Po this region, the GetPn Ridge, the' British Nvyoh- tained pinea and coaka for ship-building. Settlirs cm but many farms a bavebeen, abandoned' on account oS erosion. A picture of ai bt pine stump ýhowed thrice feet1 of carth had been batF by erosion. In one area of gui- icys and his if la sfistmatPd 25 acres are nceded f0 pasture, one eow. This year one- quarter million frees have been plapfed. To obtaîn seeda Norwa - Spruce cones are collecfcd, sent f0 the drying sbedsata Angua. Whcn dryv fhey are placcd in elongated rotafîng perforated barrels,,ý from whicb. the seedsa are shaken. These seeds are theni refurned to fhe areas fromo which fhey came. During one year the Orono station handica_ ! from 8,000,000 f0 10,000,V.,0 treca which are packcdl ini bales oS 500-1,000, From tbe fire fowersatafBcwdlcy ýýthe, enfire area can besen In case of ire wher e water la acarce 2,000 gallon tanks I are buried in the ground andi keptfîfllcd witb watcr. Pc turcs were-shown of plantin, of cufting trees by machine wben fhcy are too large for the Christmap frade and fthe proper met hod oS burning fbem. The fire must always he set againaf the wind. Treca thaf have been trimmcd are of no value for pulpwood as there are too many knota. The deparfmenf will provide frees af a minimum cost f0 landowners wifh a minimum of two acres and wilî plant them for $10 per acre, Enemies 0f the forcat- are diseasca9, worms, porcupincas, rabbîfsir, Mir- ;and deer. Maltchion l reccmcndedas a spray to:ý conirol wýormsr. At flle conclusion o(f fthîs' educational talk a neet ing question peîod fc1ooed. Mrs. Malcolm- Erison cx prcssed ftle aippreciation f0A Mr. Helson for bis e njoyable,1 and educafionai picturea and! comment ary. O Canada was sung and Mrs. Fred Dayes' group a- sisfed fthe bosteas with a del- lîcious lunch. Mrsý, Lawrence Malcolm extended fthc ap- preciation f0 the hostess Mrs. Bowers, flic lunch commitfcc and f0 ail wbo confribuf cd fo the affernoon's enjoyment. SOLINA. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Baker visited with Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Baker at Uxbrîdge recently. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Bray attended the wedding of Mr. and Mrs. William Burraîl at Hudson,,Ohio on Safurday. Mr,- Andy Suwala, Oshawa, visited with Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Praser on Saturday even- ing. Mr. and Mrs. E. R. Taylor, Enniskilien, were Saturday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Donald Taylor and family. Miss Kafby McGuirk, Maple Grove was a Safurday gucat wif h Miss Karen Yellowlees. Hampton, visif cd with Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Vice. Mr. and Mrs. Prancis Johnstnn ac- companied by Mr. and Mrs. C Vice visited with Mr. Art hur Hepburn, Colum-bus, who ia convalescing, from a recent accident. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Hocka-, dlay visited on Sundav with Mr. and Mrs. Keith Hobden of Lindsay. GET CASR TODAY TPRR flUf' 5TATr,"MAN CLAS SIFIeD S Phone 62.3-3303 ' THE 0F )TOR CITY KING ST. WEST THORNION ROAD 576,1800i Factory Policy changes have enabled us to advertise these veOry Special Retil Prices .* Over 200 new Ford Carsý and Trucks ini stock at the area's Iargest' Ford Dealer. PRICES INCLUDE ALL STANDARD FACTORY EQUIPMENT SPECIAL INTEREST EXAMPLE Sélling Price ....... ... $2,188. RATES Down Payment .,,... - 189. SBalance to Finance .... $1,999. Through Ford Motor Credfif Charges ............ ....,.. 479.60 Corp. During this sale (i.e. Life Insurance .... 31.16 $68.40 Jn.ýterest per annum on 42 Monthly balace f $,00.)'Payments at . .... 59J78 baaceo $,00)Simple Interest .......1233% Brand New '71 PINTO Brand New '71 TORIINO SEDAN $3048 Brand New '71 GALAXIE 500 H. T, $3768 Brand, New '71 L.T.D, HARDTOP $4138 Brand New '71 Ford ½ 'Ton Pickup $3248 Brand New '71 MAVERI(K $2488 Brand New '71 MUSTANG $3018 Brand New '71 LOT.DS Squire Wagon $4668 Brand New '71,Torino Station wagon $3438 Brand New '71 PINTO RUNABOUT $2338

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