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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 9 Jun 1971, p. 3

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Recenty M arrMdss rÎdV iSettinoas T inity ni[ed hu0chThe Canadian Statesirar, Bowmanville, June1ll Jackman ,ail of Bowmanvi11tý The matron of honor and two i f the bridesmaidi were irn formai iength gowns , f maudxoeir% crimplene with empire waist- Uine and short, puffed sleeve5. The other týwo bridesmaidsu ic T an nCrs were in identicaliy stYled 4 gowns of yellow crimplene. _M ..... Ail the gowns were accented et te emirewais andmanBrilhton:- The Northumi-1 and y) open concept 5chool gý erted thebar nredl darincolir by hiteruffid beiaod- Durham Board o11~4) S5pecific approaches- (Ko- staff a coisefrg ep lace entre withyeiio andEducation Thursday approvedý daly, Orff, etc) 5) Rudiments The courseistbepem- mauve flowers. They wore~ and wiil sponsor a proposed cof music. 6) Choral tech- naty safe wth pol short wite gioes, andnest- -music vocal eiementary Type niques choir. 7) Creativity in fromn the eeetr eol iing in teir coiffurs wereB winter course for dcpar+- the deassroom. who havemsicetiato yetow nd auv roetts.ment of education credirte b I addition, 20 heurs must and experiene SThey carried nosegay hou-~-\' be implemented in October I be given te projects, assige- Walter Morww3iata ~'quets cf yeliow and mauve The geai of the course is to ments and workshops direct- Principal cf hsore n shasta daisies. Four of the aid feachers in bringingi ly relevant te the casroom the staff asfi os:M.D dresses were aise made by~meaànlngful learning experîi ituation. Dent, Mrs R agtsn r tUle bride's mother. and Miss ences inte their di ui Cobourg's C. G. Gummow! R. HeydensM.R Mtaf jackman's was made by Uier ' poiarsad easitec Public ScUnol was recore- Getsekes ad î mother. ers ie feeling more comfort- mended as tUe most suitabiel source personlwllb sd Mn. Wayne Barrett cf New- able when involved withi centre to eperate fUis course. castle was best man and ush- thei ui por .TUeý course will run from O _-e ering were Mr. Dan Cew'e, o ume f items preiim- tober 18 to December 18, 19711 brother of the bride, Mr. Rîck iar t istgain ad no Jnury 10to Forsey and Mr, Bob Harness, .mary to, _nstigtn uha n rr auay 1 o elgSbtne ailofBoreaviie ~- %., course wcre ntda fo1 MarcU 13, 1972. It will op-Pie lcws: SucU e course meust be erate eveny Monday evenn A rcepie en dncewee i< liIl apnsred by the Boerd cf fer :19 weeks, three heurs per held et Memorial Park Club '-" l12 Educetion. Ail mortes, en-1 night, fer e total cf 57 hou"d, House. Guests were received -agmns s.fn ,rr- n eeyscndStra b tUe bride's mothen whc neets tfin co>-adeer eod satra m~ccssdrpf aae is by , modefion, etc. are tUe e mga~rornîng for 10 weeks, four, wore a street-iength, A-lin e oe spnnigbadhus ermonning wthceArenersachitttehm drP~~s cf white lace aven pînk - ~~(tbrough the appeinted Pi-Iseiworkshop of an edd' in, llu eln usa silk with me tching pick ac- cpl.TeDpnretc inltrehuifr totalý with the aliytshnkem- cessenies. Pink rosebuds were Education is ievoived only te cf 43 houri, Ie ail thr will! rhoids painlely teivîthn sprinkled In ber coiffeur, and tUe extent that it approlve.s be 100 heurs. and discomfr i iue n Uier corsage was cf pian d tUe operation cf tUe coursc, BEacU instrucn M ak e inflaed sue. white carnations. The groo'itU saf edcorss f ped tphalnif h njrd thestaf nd ousesofstudy,ý avallable bis own resounce eohrasse orcie1 nd ewerds officiai necogni- mretenials, No textbceks n IT ae fercs, el gnl eNfead chose a. long-sevd tien te ceach -candidate suc- obligatory. The final decisin9eivigpanacaledtii see-length dress of blue "n srrae stetcessfuily c om plet i ng tle as te texts wiii' be lef t with srnkg)tckpae crepe wlth matchlng sleeve-z s.Rn leas lce coa ced hite a- e~ . cours Subressien or apthe staff niembens. Costs are Mo timpratonilrs.t cessenies. SUe wcre blue1 preval must be reade by June te hé borne by tUe candi- wrstoogtatsxpoe flsoes lebe coer u an.a1, 1971. dates. Initial: contacts sug- ment was 11 tindoe apro flwr nhrcifu n TUe ceunie must consist cf . f meny moni a corsage cf white andiblue carnations complemented Uer 010 hui cf instrucin c-Ti asacmlshdwt pnpmle, Duning the recp emaing the folwngQjCsh Today new h-engsbtce(iDye ein a elerm a rcîvprograre: 1) Programm.ing 1 um which ouickl ep elijrd and read, from an uncle and ~(enhy erec ol For Old Appliances ti sudtits rwhc aunt f tU grom InSwîtj Mrand rs. hownin te abve 'ose aend aires, 2) Materials orr tsse land. LryRgnald BOwel, phtomedia. 3) Presentation of ma irui NwBcDn sofee non, Mi-, nd M . Wane Dugla Paeen, hown rlaheUppnculehoe urday afternoon, May 15, 1971 et 4:00 o'c1ock flor t h eir mýarriage in Trnity JUnited1 tenais, ) et prearyjunor, TATESMAN ment ad snoîtrEom alc Mh andeph, excaneDoumas iae owshn iiT h eoee Ngaapp Fopeus nd Church, Bowmanville. The bride is the f oirmer Miss Marlene Jean Macklin interreediate levels, il)ST iTEfSM NPreperation .sfoxaafdu th ao(ýpotexhngdmarag ow n rn'yNew York Stet. ancd for tra- daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Macklin, and the.bridegroom is the :-on ofiVMr: thetati apprah, -ni)l Ph SI soe îacinrorone 6330 Un.itedChu rch, Bowmanville, on Saturday afternoon, velîng the bride wore a ht~adMsRgnî oe i fBwmnîî îbihototo ronp ctte sop ech, vPhne62-303renned M.Vay 22, 1971 et 4:00 o'clock. Formerly Miss Jane Ann pant-dress le a red, bite andl .gupavtlsec.i gdd Cowle, the bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. F. white floral pint navy coat an orange-ire ceat And dres Cowe, nd he eiegrom s te sn f Ms. , Ped n cd white eccessonies. For cf, shantung with bead tnire Cowp, nd he ridgrom i th so ofMrs DPaeenjewellery sUe were an opal ced corgage of white canna-[ anth[le late Me, Carl Paeden, ail of Bowmanville. necklace, an engagement giit tions and yellow roses. from bher parents. Mr. cnd As the couple left on thciný Mns. Paeden willi reside et wedding trip to Niagara Fellsi 1 St. George Street, Bowman- eand points west,, the bride viie~ rid ha bindessrwas wearing a rtint green Thebrie t a airresercrepe pent suit, black acces-ý e grduae c tU Cacersories and corsage cf orangel ScUci f airresin, OU-Abbey roses. Mn, and Mns. w ucwa. SUe atne icn Bowen are residing et 61 Seu- Msey Public ScUcol and BoMavlg ehc. ngag St., Bowmanville. eomoyee of CuntyChrysîer, The bride, who is employ Bmomanville, te grom et-ed as a bairdresser at Ginis Bowmnvilethe roo ai Hein Fashices, Bowmanviile,1 A tended Vinrent Massey Pub-ateddBwavlePbi lic ScUcol and is a Grade XII ccd HigU Schools and ,htge graduete cf Courtice Seren- graduate cf tUe Caneer ScUnol dary Sehoci. of Halrdressing, Oshawa, The, out-ef-town guests weregrowoi PAEDEN- COWLE Bragg cnd D. Luxton. present frore California aed with Ai Auto an up Ohîtew A obl în enron n îenl mnieebybrMichigan States. attended Port Credît Publieî I;aitrl;, aterco, My 2, athr, hebrie wrea fr- Sevecal shewens honored ScUcol and Bowmanvilie HigU ~eturdcy eltre bridMe 22, fathenlteerbridewore e for '17 t4 o'clock ie Trinity mal length gewn cf crystl h rd re ebrmr ccl Ufnited Church, l3owreenvil.e satin in empire style, high-'ng.M.LCoprsstr H oed uetetUe edI. untd nreriaeMisJaelighted by chiffon ileevesof the groom, was Uctess fer ding were the bride's grand- - AncColedagber f n.puffed aed tapered te deepl a misceleanecus shcwer. A~ mother, Mn., Pery Marcklinl aed Mri, F. Cowle, and Mr. cuff s. Rows cf fineiy shirned miscelleneous s a fFeniella, Ont., and 0the WneDouýgla Peaeden, son Raschel lace accented the held by Mns. Bob Cuthbert groom's gr et - grand àre. ef' Mn. D. Pede-n and the' ikint. herelîne, tUe bcdirelsec, Miss Karen 'Davis,, Missi Mn. E, Syens ofHmltn laiet Mn.r C aPerden, ail cf cuffs and high neckliiîîe. iCAna JcmaMn 'aneGests attended frore Guelpoa, - j i~~ flemanill. Lvcl arane- eadiec, eadd wth eensBarett and Miss JaclkieDe- Collingwood, B o ni i gtn,ý ment i c euve, yellow aed caught Uer four-tien, shoul- vis. Mrs. Lloyd Hamilton, Hamilton, Oshawa, Oronxo, 4Q whvlle ch-laste daisirs enhanced der-lecgth veil cf net Illusioný Mrs. Archie Crossey and Mn. Port Hope, Cobourg, Brigh-ý th curh ortU creon.and sUe carried a colonial Mneisnaoga ton, Flesherton and Bowmani TUe ofýîficiating clergyman, ccsegay cf mixed pipnsageiclancs h ee at M. vile hnrgtebride' wa,- Rev .K adadte loec U nd' onHMr.ltan'hoe. ret dawece given by Mns. E. Archer wedicgmusr ws paye buwas made by ber mother. M.WyeBretbi wpýcingusi wzi plyed y, tag panty for the groom and Mrs, Clarncre Bradley ait Ms . Umpsor, tUe crhurch Mn. Robert Cutbbertson c when be was presented witb thefrmrs oe;MeE- PLAY BALL WITH FERGIEJNIS orgnît.Dring tUeseric Toronte was mateen cf hocer an electrie rozor. erett Wood, Ms. Hareld Hemi-GLFWT4RNLPLMLSN two, duet, "L Me Tcnj"l ccd tUe bridesmaids wene mn n H U iccd"Lv Stony" wr ll-Mns Wayne Barrett, New- THi y a 1E KIOS TO SESAME STIT5RV c ced sung] by Mesrs A, castie, Miss Nancy Ccwle,i BWE M(KLIN Mns. Don Jensen at Mn . DINNER FOR TWO WITI4 NEBR _______________________________________ iWhyte's home; ccd by Mns Standards cf white giadioli, Art Ramsay ced Mci. Gerry yeIllw ccd mauve 'muni Brasseur, Bulîngton, Ont, HMEDNK PN NE~IG ______________WITI4 BARBRA STREISAND. fermed an attractive setting flJ id Trinity United Church, Ar ~Bownifor tUe weddingi ZION Wl »sWoyuiWt 11 a mi-(- - conSatund.ay afternc on.Whotknows we ykn oui et re' oeo J 4'~'~#~f L ~ ".M~,/ê'L *& 15, 1971, et- 4 o'cleck cf IMIis (Intended fer lait week) Maniene Jean Marklln acd Mn. Jerk Bilecg, Vancouver,, Mn. Larry Reglnald Bcwen. B.C., spent a few weeks on1 WOULI LIK TO TKE T S OPPRUN T h Te bride is tUe daughter cf hliday et Hans Geissberger'c1 .1 'OUM)L11ýi, T TA E THS OPORTU ITYMn. ccd Mci., Clifford Mark- Sr. TO 7TJANK THE RESIDENT N UIES E icd U ndgomhte I. endMcc. Hans Geisi- NTSANDBUSNESMENson cf Mn. ccd Mcc. Reginald berger Sr. visited et Mci, Fred 0F BOWMANVILLE AND AREA FOR SUPORTING Bewen, ail of Bowmaeville. Hobbies', Oshawa. Rev. G. K. Wand was the Mcc. Wesley Cameroit Wec OUR RECENT RED SHIELD APPEAL. officiating clergyman, and tUe hostes fcn c demonstratieno wedding music was playedby Monday cf'lest week. no Captain L. Frost ýtUe churrh organhît, Miss Gail Mr. and Mcc. Dave Shaw Thorepson. Il ad sens, Oshawa, wece ccli- _________________Given in meniage hy h er ers et Jire Stainton's, on Sun-ý father, tUe lbride wone c 1cr- day. THISMESAGE PONORED-BYmai gcwn cf white peau de Mr. and Mcc. Wes CRmerook TRIS MESSAGE SPONSORED BY soie taffete le prinress style wer upnget tPry wth Chantilly lare bodîre Flintoff's/on Sundcy. a designed with scalioped lace Mn. cnd Mrs. Roy Thomail LEnecklîne cnd long liiy-pointed ccd daughters, Scarbonough,j Rt"'1AIA A t llElare ileeves. A band cf Sci'l- visited et Hussell Stainton's on BCW gaWEWU N V 1LL loped matching lace edged],Seturday. the hereline ccd the long-_ _ 84 IN C lmEA N ERSgnacefui train wes aisec) f j Mc. Clarke More, Oshawe, wu GT C L EaAIN 1":R 5Chanill lac. Acluster head- was a Sunday visiter'et Keith CO ' 4KIGST. W. 623-5520 piece of orgeeza flewens,lStainton's. C LENER "We pecaliz InShir Landerng" tremed with seed peanis cnd' TUe ZiÔn "Hilîcreit" Scoutsý CLEA ER We Secilhe'In hir Lauderng" crystals, beld U /er fcur-tie'r, and Voyagers bcd e fine week-~ scciioped veil cf silkihliiend camping et, Enniskillee' ______________________________________________acd, ber bridai beuquet WC Conservation Area. cf white 'mures ced ced Es- Mrs. Hans Geissberger Sr. cet roses. bcd come ladies ini et c going1 The brîde's attendants were cwcy party fer Mmx. Herman MEM Tmraid cf honor Miss Lorraine Heess on Tuesday evening, MEM TOBowen cof Bowmanville, sister May 25th., Mn. ccd Mrs. Heasi cf tUe groome. le a full length left by plane on Wednesdcy gown cf yellow chiffon, over for a visit to relatives in f/uneteffeta witb bigh neeklce, Europe. long, full chiffon ileeves, acd Mr, ccd Mrc. David Shaw empiewitic dnedand cons, Oshawa, were Sun- kiS ~~ with daisies in variegated day callens et Jiretintn O r&Jifdes shades cf yellow, aed brides- Mn. ced Mcc, Wes Camernn reaidi Miss Judy Sellers, Col- were Sundcy cupper guests et lingwcod, Mci. Sam Ciements, Stanley Coverly's, Ebenezer. Trentcn aed Mcc. Don Jen- Mcc. Alex MrMasten, Mr. sec, Bowmcevilie, in gcwns Rcss McMaster, Miss Cheryl cf mauve chiffon over taffeta Metcaîf, Mr. ccd Mcc. Harold To make thaï, in the came styling with'dehsy Hoîkin'ettended the weddicg special moment trire in mauve shades et the on Saturday et Millbrock cf empire waistline. Daisies to William McMcsten ccd Miss perfectmatch tUe trim oe their Marie Larmen. The rereptice Let u makegcwes cestled in their cir- was et the Rock Haven Motel, your dreams -feurs. Ail crnied puff ball Peterborough. bouquets,, the mcid cf boecr's Mn. ccd Mci. Elwood Sback- cometruebouquet was cf mauve 'mures elton, Bowmanviile, visited et ccd tUe bidesmaids' bouquets Ray Cameron's Satundey even- With hairwene cf yellcw 'mures. ing. StylefromMn. Wolfe Kerekes, R.C. Mr. ccd Mcc. AI Fletcher, A.F., Trenton, was' beit man Bewmanville, visited et Ray Rut 'R JIcad the ushens were Mr. Saren Carneron's Suoday -evenieg. Clements, Mn. Don Jensen, Master Donnie Prout spentI brothers-in-law cf the grccm, the weekend with bis grand- l ind Mr. Edwerd Wood, cousin parents Mn. ccd Mns, Ray of the bride. Camenon. #1% ÀoThe reception wcs Ueid et Mn. Beverly Camercn, Ton- Nightingale Cen tenniai Hall, ontc, was a Sundcy visiter et FkI Queen St., where the belde's Ray Cameren's. X LIT FN % U RL mother ceceived wearng c Mn. and Mrs. Don Prout, two-pîece drescnd coat en- Randy ccd Kime. Bowmcnviîle, semble in lemon chiffon were Sunday. visitons et Ray BEAUTY H%,OJPtrimmed with' pearis acd se- Camnerons and Donnie retunn- Ccli s Wewillbe gcd t hel ~ q<in.d. crsage cf white ýd bho- witb there. CallUs - 14eivil begladto elp eu mures and orange roses.Si-e j Mr- Mrrav Prentire and k 71 Kinz St. E. 623-5019 i wc5 assIsted len eceivilîg bylIRichardH. Uxhridge, visited atý 1-the groomn'&, sother who worelJihrryFih'a MORE MOVIES ji eendcdjs mode, ARC end NBC ivî1l 6e prasertn,, lI SP 1END T'HE SUMMER 0F A LIFETIME,.. new movies, mode for teév;soin. Thei-t1on mon>' of the biggest'stars io the buùî.nicis tc GIVE THE WHOLE FAMILY A TREAT "Iwel as ail the ex6imgnewoarners rvecot'y - rived on the scene, Grea ct-ray em-y word BRING THEM ALL ON OVER TO ... winnig reovies wfll aiso 6e making thl-eir rT debut. Among these will 6e the mudi oc- rlairned Elia Kazan classic "A Streetcar --"qt ý ;ý7Namýed Desire" starring Marlon Brando. Catch a aflE ~ fis streetcar in Cobleville! MORE CHILDREN'S SHOWS offering more thon s.np! aniuseiient. CaS leads off here evr'y SotUrýýcy vi 2 hours of înormational cedct4hural oroý!a.nr. for cliii-- dren. A specicil co!!ecton ..of ou',s;ti.lnmg inter- national mo,;es f,ýrm3 prt c t sPQckoqe. "~in the Newý' wil bu prce-rt-c 18flues evcr>y Soturdo>' providi.np a chi&ea's eye- cof whaf's ccng on n lat4 e wd"You cire Ifie, ml l e-emcrt 1-ýrtorîc uvensta 0edocate tem os ï+ eretolud'ei CrbleA ncy me>t ea rtot 6e e ýsbest flked ichool in townl MORE EVERYTH--ING 'IN CABLE- VI LLE. Bring tUe wheie fcmily oni over. Right now the move costs netbing, there's ce cent until Sep- tember aed youn "guide" is provided fiee! CABLEVILLE juct the kînd cf place yeu've clways wcnted fer yourself and yeur fcmily. If you'cc getticg tired cf tUe came old places ccd the same old faces, come on over te CABLEVILLE. If, yeu do it inowiz ycu'Il be mccey abead! And weII aven supply your "guie" free. Wkan you instali TV Cable, you'Il bécome a resident of t he iveliest, star-studded town in the world ... Beautiful Downtown Cableville. And because you'II need a guide tu help you decide what tu watch for.. . und when .. . und where-- We wiII supply you with TV GUIDE free for 12 weeks. There's more of.everything in CCableville. n Ail new subscribers, joining before June l2th are eigible. Offers also extend to existing subscribers adding 2ncI TV sets or FM outiets during this perîod. Tô qualify you must live on streets presently served by cable. Former sulîscribers will also be extendeci a FREE Cable TV Jinstallation 'ON LY D A yS offer ends Sat, June l2th xidnîght LE FT THURS. & FRI. PHONE- 623-2506 SAT. ONLY PHONE- 579-2232 26 KING ST. W. BOWMANVILLE VIE WING 'IL SEPTU. CABLE INSTALLATIONJ

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