s i I S PORT P1 c W,17E THEGETET fith nulavn -r.edlstMna at the Cîvie AUdi, torian, itl guet c h~nr GrdieI'lWe and bis tamil> atte d t a d n n e b u to tal e p rt n Je e rt ie s G cisîw1 -j Cv ide t bi uioimfos i ore ar Ga~ nd Dtrot lId Wige'Jim ieho me us nde kindy i -lucd115wie bO bieste fnd tbier js niobor eîty, assur3rise guest5 ave gtndraIaa te euio tokpace immîtely Bý-;riuMeane undl enfcn o smse cf c mone~, t th dine hibon Reth93re wsi clso Gei irýet of sev-e cosecutlver, into Cumppwle'sln with Howell.n oc how bad we arem" Ron loi, Caadin bR i pitchr, formrly ithMilt won376majr eage gmas- arry S cohl. amn Èwý, I ohv w eod howrsxidpiceii foot nthome run,"e an MeFarane u Mik1y Rdmon' le was lu echls wogta ithther kde se tobrlg lm ppes ben ey thlouîglit hawas bIa teecir, He'donîellnihoe x thcaougfoi th" 1' E_ à sedtconsralrbu epl adsu man tyou wers rnneï - ode thowea» e Otre. unGaels we i Gaern Moos prsint Ioa t ere pont d oui the Cl Sn"eN.HLaugl1, h hwalethramars 001 pnitda t etemberagin, hrd ay tîthe Co "Sam MecFarlene, kidîn9goiemwn xydu "e aî ,(hhepegreatentthentel. r,'goow nit tha otreel V2- oagurs, lpe ies wher araokngdfwacl a1-Jlan aganet Goie oe m nexbtio aafr the ir tretioftheOtaw lU_,ahRpdert with oen ondc os1 aethled hat ýharper: t'e srpxin ow-re'ecne a tmibo ta hees, l e nce 0 vsi e oregupic Ét'ebeen s long sinceI masenh Qen' ictr a Quebec weh toat Murce icard "ooBom" eoRio etc.ROneya Lokic(ryde:ý n) couid say ha wsnts to play aga-ine o I've een n lieN.H., cigt yers an I hve te marks prov tha I paye aganet orde. Wen Ientred t hNiL. I fgued heoul wy bnike ietea ws 1 ht ayoee hocky inCanaa an lieUuitd Sttes, erH_ý ametl ýh9 peîcet empr ad 1 pr cnt entl Toront and alch Y footall ga nl n te iudctofn Prstroturf,"ù2 Larr Lalndopuble'rations dîcor fte --ousawn ,og Edrs auistýol ieso whren he slret cd hi thre intesepakntim uerl 5n t eA ery funn man Laone pae îoeeCndiabn Ihamionsh ,ùye uider te clgl ad Rugi klpnd of blendeinwth DEPRTEN o RCRATONM for .d, Juane I6th, 1971 T A. Faii:mcoiDl-rc r icRecrelion" Knapp's Again sponsor Girls S5oftball Teamr Elecron eat a CoseFinish at plate la ennaunce at1 MFrwn - ega' cr lie furti sen i 9-ie n league ior any porsud4pu b osa bemCobparecm bourg sousKap' ow el2.The *weabc wasco end vincy"n'Fyg i li Claie i otuneiapmae b tersbe ,, tylorg oo iid -é he fiel n wtAviw 'sj utna ugeug ct' ane n' Sbp n vCorg, not t h tAmftc dlgo vaiead ers lu e îf o i ' arAil phrrs pedw't Oher jaket oadt aiopay- ose are md cohd finero e Aîe ic gait sonayI bYnp t~ok lie gils pliieorctaur- Y n nul for îam' ou.pilpla îüg necufrt e mec! _v .h-) 4v % Beat NeweaîË1btla 14-unApi Sng were readr be os bpiay biahip nnd came ouI hungry ole n ...a.a.enon..ck'sT.Eeero..ia...o...Knstn n opne runI o oarir 05 u hr ee~Menxo lom et ull h eg ilZnîg.,.lis end1 chi smeduneNea fr5m otf dcth ins cthr91 ntialytyngl e0te albYhi moe ntic fi 1h kejj rti sûe- nsplrgGve Ine ru lient c but Knaphl 's xuceaxe aci wmotduhy tirenore atcdl a fiKare la tiWo s evenli ses.wu e10 eu nd tre ep& orin heqîgt OmhA id New-hýUa " heL tanexfrBIs n eatle Topbal-il; sousClu-rke Tic Ehuectrasoon ui-ý t cnd lag'71, Bwmavll ters ~ ~ ~ ~ iboe foWomnîîe wr he Lce T relecîrons lcopRypomti 1 ,rce lraee amaeKnso Kare Whtc sîîa hme amelirugiwthae run merh;aver tiafr BWc trg hrerTrea hoiet Anaei tehn oul nS turv A1tenoo, inIeregt Blc"Bgel shc z"~ ao l o Kaapp'se Tow irgtuw cq reOoneseigrlfduyiîeRyCobe acriieeîiinfrBwavie Te nÇ Witewîo wiîî h i*;elp lcîdîe x lvcoyhle vlcrean wisn ti elyadAkrîit glpo Tc Burgs çoac i he eSGay Hak"Ake ;fl 5 e,"wio book ovj, inlw saflîeeap e, ker lui~~~~ lrer en Inp ti moa fo feEecca r satrPi Trac, s-saw a a gi iciasaiw-11 licgI cae a ale ùlos g cu n ilbal iedli T gng0 iulngcàd il aw mpa sses, i 1 Io âdend Itr122 ced or a bc muahay iUfiverudth as nqOusdrlgslr'sWencondebae wazn, d Knnpp's Todwng p i a r ec en m joeveahi on u pie g en-lanigsîy Og lcran tatc iî has b Wfi tbyra ' Juvalceonanîn red ovsueinaad a fil n terEere c aoderlatice cigls, wile ledo hom teni roucin Whliy Kin iton wiallr anhd e oîd at pir of and wa alonid ar. Ts Og la ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ fn thifn iang on n sldu a ifed r'sÈ oL, muni nu sor par. lîpressfuermniber. espeel 10 ' ecoe to oreru s bo e li e oa top aIbictcgehixho li fourhiand ienrcalyop h E ea- pybaAs th safetr la Crmbix, twinthusloien epn m ob hr gam e nap's cnded out lic aiend ua on hird bse. Tic homemup a ws rei'"ans an rriig oibeze o ore _ c'uno tripleand asl, anNaner BettyTsaleon, gcig liseydi-1< tance,eloeforhl,1 anlcrn7 3 D u b g strikeausv adlh'c ak Bea Naaaaie -4 x' îimClarke arî lotI liel tc, ec-z ochdorlIbi ok5a aappe Toiagdef er a ed For five 'laniags on Sua- alrliemd alfaies,six and wathed yicefrm Neowcaslle Bo âlts8-4. day, Gur Parkse and hisc W vsidd picmmsx n We -re Kaapp's Towi,ý,ng bai hie ieadicks apae eîo irTic Eleeoa, cuwinamsbýr For Part Hope, Paul Wak- la lic lirsaI înniag on a waîî way ho mciering n stuanîag a 'Q3 coa mnhicr easan l and Wayne Hogg eccide-, tm patcalmer, singles hoivîctor oaver tic Part Hope oemmeting wlti PrI livered hhree hile, wilhaye Mener Goondwîa, AnnahdlAle Fidelty Flyers, nt Agricul- Hope, we on aplebey oe-Symone, Rici Austin nndý Stephenead Breada Li-nl(oa, lumn jPari. While Parie ud wimd y ialtic Firers Hoddson added lwo cdiTic wili Karen Wiîte oliectig conîained lic usuahir robuet unleed overlie Slait traeica-fesive gea iin a game atIipe tu maie lie score 4-O Fr'lycrs' attac'k ho a headofi'fnigs Cai oh awe igihiihted by ferociaus li TTow r inen tuonho nddsingle, us mates h ailieh ei icehnesin anuntgcmlaicxi n anc more rua lu eaci h le uosufatapîh o uligCaeniler111Sailli nexî îwo inniagq la maie 1me-raqedhearles, whc ShLOwed wy i h l casdeed tic scora rend 6-o, Mewcast douat1 rusaad 15 ril7lA,1si iue dw Bioietes enlan ie cor mo'S g l a1-3vicbony, long bomi by lieElectrons' sheel lu the top ai tic fourbi wîîî a un onai"asingle htTcwinrscaîdPaiu"uli Bgeuasuaîa Jaule Owles ui a double tha lu liengiams xim alelaIipe rU WaNlong, iciAus02edelcal eavas ter sr'pi casd ei ruJN Tand Pela Harin as liera tlýwo wlswa loues mark dor'bglae hi,--xhion aed lhc gaine ah ," CaieCM2-ewhhi Lirea hl dababAnacl lphene, i ATIIF someho oe anda'-eyBai lito BOYs%' Soùf1îli Lague 18 reas ai ce asa iJn lit~~~ a--ieurenaryr bay wi ar inereledon 6:30 pmn. t hie eoni Pari, TcRegisîratian Fe ,seicng Raview Jane «x Baa& Tap andBle SpniugRevmcwwillhoed Hall Audîoriu wilo Wcdnes da vanJune 5ti aIv, wcck oursef'inîshing o $7,0. Fr le third and sc cceîngciid $,50per %ciild andnonresdene $,00per chihd, ~ ~ wU. Rgsmto wiibe ReratonOfeTwHal lrola 7:00 a 9:0 pai ca DEALERSHI1 1)70 MAVERICK 2-P fi cyl., standard transmisý Lic 9944A. ON ONE OWNER LATE MFO»EL ,CARCS !069 CHEV. IMPALA 4-DR. SEDAN: V 8, automatic transmission, owr tee-ring, iaiw-t a î~,d5s Royal blue with spotlesmtin interior. Lic.238A 1968 CAMARO 2-DR. HARDTOP 327 V-8, atutomnatic transmission, radio, white wall tires. Fixilshed in burgundy with rich black interior. Lie. 46464Ký 1968 BEAUMONT 2..DR. HARDTOP V-8, automaltic transmission, power steering--,poe brakes, radio, white wall tires, dss Sharp \7erdoro Green,, Le 48999A, 1967 PONTIAC GRANDE PARISIENNE 4-DR. HARDTOP V-8, automatîc tran-sriýssion, power steering,, power brakes, radio, white wall tires, dises. Trop)ical Turquoise with deux nterior. Lic. 47567A. ,,966 BEAUMONT SEDAN 6 cylinder, automatic transmission, radio, dises, Gleaming black, showroom condition, local, one owner car. Lic. 285444. 1966 IMPALA 2-DR. HARDTOP 6 cylinder, automatic transmission, radio, white wall ti'res, disesî. Canary Yellow with black top and trim. Do ' ms I nso_,Li 46"'A, 1965 METEOR 4-DR. SEDAN V-8, automate transmnission, real good farml a.Fnse nRylbu with matchng nteror. Lic. 50591A.cr Ka bu TRUCKS- 6 cyl., radio, lon g b-ox, Lic, 76E 1966 CHEV. 1'/dON 6 cyl., standard tasiso.Lic. 76813B8. '1967 GIMC STEPSIDE LONG BOX Lic. 76 90B8. 1968 CHEV. 1VTONS BODY Lic. 6174,,]- 1969 INTERNATIONAL MODEL 20 10 TRACTOR 47~ ngin, ai raes, f ïi t h eel. ic. 61844B8, 1967 INTERNATIONAL MODEL 1600- wiÎth 16 ft. rac-K. 345,ng1e12sp.ayie, 5-spod.trsison 900 tires. Lic. 47439t. THE LARGEST P IN DURHAM COUNTY RM COACK sinReal Good economy- unit. See, thîs one. Mi! MeQuen 'e 166 King St, E. 623-3394 Darlington S-occer Senpio fogh May 29-aline eleele IFugginssuBEart Wcry Haîone 5a1d Tyroe oBI pie ap 2- ha, rin coring tinlo whlgoinHanîtJohn Waad anLocMNarmphc o goalin 2-i"YBath-o aswr by~~bý Rra ugesadP Pisetdii t up ilue pend up hie cI tc aud nd ohnH is.Trn leau aqucze i wblie - 0Z weatb Jo ik Renport ýn 166 Kîvg St R Jee Tafnrextling ual"This le lhe grea-Ltst baur, nu Nocrti America- certaiflli-ýte besl I'va axer attended, aad Ibïsis- te i hîrd lime I1 have heen here" LAWMN BOWLING Tl.,e Bwna1i3aLanColubmiwill lie holding an "penwee" sarlig Miidy (une141h,), Anyone '-inter'. aste la ryig li spot wll b ecome oen y vun Bows wll ~ sppledand menihers will be on iand 10aupl Wiydnhy ougive lawn bowling a try !~ t'a a Lot of tun - you mfig1it be surprised et iow eanjoyahia the otis tf t t t1 t ELECTRONS SPLTN ON WEEKEND Afe owring KînetnJuioslir ouneudyalr noon u Bom-raniviile gt1rcons ranto au nhelealelu bin onlauhtby Port Hope on Sunday. Gu lPrkad a one-hitter going for hlm heading mb tie bottoni of the sixti, witi lie KElectrons lm fiant 2 -0. Portî HRope scored 10 limes la in tinuag adaded five more in lie seventi on a totalof 13chielautictwo innngs. Ticectospla-yed iaw uniosat nigit (Tues,) slated foFvet week o'coc, n unayaIlw pm.Oshawa Snospro)vidali ho lwý,o fine bas(ýEéehenote, t t t i MINOR HOC.KELlY NFED S L The Bwanii MnrHoky soiainwilU 7o:)ngîà of seven tennis during e 17-17teahe ens llbe enitered in TykeNoic Major, Nvc roPeWeMjr Pee Wee Minocr, atnMaoaninMo.ThMîr lie O..II.Arules teis nPaWe ao adMn Batau ajor and Mino-rmyadacbAiOnaoFnle ciation would apeil ern rn neeldnol Please conta&ct lie-followlng p urons n wrtingbereun 30, 1971: JmsFarrow - 229 LbrySN omnil Fred Fik -p86Higi ,St., o7 nlî H RrHubton PO Bx32 sw, Ont, tt t t t T ESIN ACTION Memria Pak Tkeswihl taie on Oshawa Tykes oum Tiursda, JuneLOt I,: .i , ýýaIMemoriliPark. These, OnIy SOCAmiso PETERB0OUGH MEMORIkAL CENTRE 1 PRIDAYJUNE 'Il $8;~300 INPRIZES Ineluding - iL"Gm o 1000 SPVE CIAL ý4 Jackpot GAME 0OF 1f wn » GyUerat1ee e 20 ;ig Rgite,,-tar Gamaset $ý, 50J.0e,ch HOLIDAY FORD MUSTANG or $2,000,00 Cash EARL BID GMESSTART AT7:0PlL ,ey FrlenO ýj Veluable Doue 'rises BUSE ATTEEDOOR AFTER ING