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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 16 Jun 1971, p. 1

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Earl TusdayMorïngDrive Ends in Tragedty Three people ý,',did n traffic accientsin DrhamCounty Stale Aexndr cCbe age17 ofR.R. , onypool and James alterrichrdson age they were dri>Àving were in lvolv- ed În the,-carcollisio n o n Sunay cd about6:5 p.mu, The third drWive, John Wen- berg, Otriecae njury, though three po-snges nhi car were taken to hospitalI n Port Perry, ratdnd then VOLUMàýE 117 16 Pages BO MNILU'NAI, ENSA , Nz 16, 1971 lçFrC)pY' NUM13ER 24 was also a passenger in the car, The other ve'hîcle in- volved was driven by Frederick Charles Braybrook of 63 Lam~bs Lane, Bowmanvilie. Mrs, Flynn was pi o- nounced dead shortly after being admîtted to Bowrnn ville Memorial Hospital. Mr., and Mrs. McAIprne received treatment for minor injuries and' were released. O\-shawa Driver A. LI John Lennart of Oshaw 10 mîght well have thought te S'0il pirit that protects moto 'ists passirig through ZDon on Taain Ps Mek i Bwmavîle aw1405 passed by, the town assurdcunilr ta l ton Road was out. to ge('hnim ~eri c~ u îh-0w'co]cicucll 1944, would te- machines were based on ikîll last Suday- yearid y lw wîch ie uir hl ta ay 100teeand not oni chance and that At 9:25 a. Mrn a fel x roîitn hri rhnpr er o ec mcin rthey were in no way offen-.was involvedin a collision wîth strlgasr Usiness amusement device on the sive or immrl. a car drîven by Larry. Ernest 5frMees, i'i wa r pe m îises. As he plans -ta have The .etiton a ,irreuested Raybould of Oshawa. Dan'ag- îentd b lawer oue ar~ten suci machines the yearlyîdeletion of two panagrýaphsinl ee rltiey o lie aItheBewarxîll îîm ee would be $1000. He con-' the by-law Oaa requir, esle uiM Rabldreîd .sidered it -excessive and saîd TURN T_,AO inuries whîch eequie - m- uf Brbe aa Kely oldtba he would nol, be able ta rgenýcy treatment lante Os coucilh' ope taesablsh st hlîsthe business if the DEEP'A EDEDY aa eaa was ppTwelverughhoura latexarii 7nauma alro îgshdl aple hog A deerea ,ededyt the minute, Mr Laat StretJui as a te oig îslayer, Mr. Barber, ha espeeiaîl we yu i i TuRN -ro Fe,-, iaudrynea th IG stre sugese~ n am en dm ea tbroadsidewhsttaein Eut ~ ~ ~ ~ v;ýz ntieche, ne ~ îc ol hn e ie -1 along the hgwy nirn- NEW CRWDE I ee fato $50l a yeàr fo advertently bagged by Robs g Sory bt uc aai oe r more machines. 7A near Nestieton en a T ocA ha re'ra Overerowded with Mr. Barber poînted ouit day at about 9:59 pin. eostT siew, wih-e resailt thatththebaw cna be him roughly $600. That's the qut w itrsand prohibitive if It îs meant to estimated damage doue te radle r H e re be regulatory, NHe suggesta lai car, Tihe, deer? He paid A Toc Alpha tru le ,o ta o atons hve eauheld éver that certain sectons of tie a dearer price yet. Venisoït vide informatiaon th dg Unct lnet weby-law rnuy be out-dated, He anyone? on the drug.,+ Hear Masag Saves Life A15 -year -id ma who was irjuad ire stuckby lîgit- nîn atMosortanSalUrday eveaîg is n fui cordîtion in Jaci Hasen aIStoney Creaiivas oe aî ix people ngabya helens;f amptera BENSO 0nis BUDGETB Saverimebarsapetis corn Mhy wOIlhave un op-. Dortunity i ieunïn Fin- son preat bis budget. Luer su MiseuotsMie acuive wîl hveas bea ianlUme whuhi 5e amin vear audia llat a plan, mare eertaBnty- Ifyu r d $20ngtahe u accident you mîgly wi- er, t G n 'heCtamp- tira Oaura reamt an Staion nivnShi l MuA 7Marietin Ua xie, ige 55 Ni lierwas apprnfiern tan et the nisudChncis Taraul. Ha u [le9 awaitiiig lhe Can-Am. Anotirer ma, Ronald White- hiead, age 21, was taken ta Ton- auto Ganerai Hospital wl' re he is undengoiug trealmart for cirasl butas, Mr. Hunsen's wuf a, Vîrginua, Aune-Matie Thorne of Strut- fard and lwo atnan unidenti- Rled people wene lrealed ut tire scene by Saint John Ambu- lance personnel. A voluntear aIflireCanadian Race Communications Associa- tnDon Hylard, appliad ex- tann ý ai cacaamassage la Mr. Hana iue aller ha wus struk su wascradîlad-by track officiais wti saving is Tire stonm, wiîah was unax= pealediy close, struck tire area ut about 17 minutes ta nine. Evetybody la lie anen wus tampoarnly blîaded by tira concussion ai lie iigitning, un eye-wilness sapas ted. SUMMER LIBRARY HOURS Bowmanvîlle .Publie LiS- rary will close ut 'ight &eloek instead of tise nar- mal nine duriug the aam- mer months ai Jaly and Auguatý amil; friendsp paý A îshioi ers, former pr iShione and f ellow clergymen e r o w d ed the spacious audîitor ium at St. Joseph 's to honor the Rev. F. K Malane at a f arewell reception held Sunday evenÎng, June l3th. He will be leaving, soon, for Duro parish. Father Malane was the recipîent of man-y tributes as everyone talked about the ýmany changes that had -c- currec over the last 20i dersc u r i n g which W t the Pa]rîsh popu- latýion had quadrupled iac both a new church ~UURNTC PAGETWO) Bowmuvlie alidaehave type I.-ua-eanroulette that avn anLd-augit-yaar- olds -have beenau pnsuanl the vic-ity of Lard Elgin Public Sehool. Samehaýw, thay obtainedaI quau7tity af .22 calibre sas '0cd u osarocýkad thrchurge a iliou ban or kili sauiebody standing in ils pulls. Parents woaid do wl te diacauraga this gama quiekly, willý operute iu Bowmanvîlle J trom June 14 ta 19. The trailer, whîch willvIit number af amaleasterrs Ontario con'munîties thîs sum mer, is taffed by two univar- sîty students, Jute Roy and Phil Hobis, who have taken spe- C cial training wîth the Addîc lion Research Foundatior. Mn. Hobbs told The States- man taday the purpose oaf the trailer pragramn is ta "rap wîth UTh, Goodyeaî Tire & ub- kîds" in communîtîes where ber Cornpany of Canada, there are na faundation work- Limited l'as cbtai'ieclar or- era. der t rn The I'an Ore Com- Re addedi the trailer staff pany ot Canada LI nited for ioped ta iniiata local drug more than 12 miles of steel- problem groupa withrn ea.ci cable cenvayor belting ta be cammunîly. înstallad, ai tira cempany's A meeting between aduits Labrador City, Newfoundland and youth an drug and aicohol aud Sept-Iles, Quebec sites. problems ,was held la St. 'The ardar la worth upprox- John's AnglicanChurai, Bow- îmately $2 million, Il la the mauvîlle, dune 15, argeai erdar ton steel-euh e Tire trailer program ïs spen- ceavayer baltiig evar receiv- saned by Tac Alpha, the yeuth ad by Gaaodyear anywhere la section of Alcoiel arid Drng the srorld, Esrimatad preduc- Concerna lac, and by thel tuer urne la 61/2roatis, in- Addiction Research Founuda-[ velvîng 32,858 ma-hauts, tien.1 Th'e beliing wîll be used býy 4 On Sundny evLening at St. Joseph's Churcli Great wixîsh lm eiii e hrea orH ssoi Hall, hundreds o omnCathalics and Protest-antshee tlefI it om o he4'fs ec'ed fo pr ircldîr mîistis romother Bowmanvîlle churýchesihoesadohe ebr ftecc'rînt.Mse as wei ascivr proincil and federal ei;ected officas ICrmoisSejLpayî aîttg gahered ta ac rwLo athe Rev. , F.K Mlane r ___ _______ giveunsa wea the ow-o tb MISa. Why wait another year? Rtura the books nlow. IOC ia tiraexpansin aItth storage and reclauni laci111v suad hanefu ustior plant et =Sept-îles andlire ,acncntra- rton ut Labrador Cîty. More thar 1,000,ruiles et " teel cubi wull ha uncorpar- 1ate Ld n tir baliig,ý whîch 'viii 'ouegi 1,304 tans. Tir beling will eontaîn 917 tans of rubban, Tire balli will b manu- factured in 63 sections' at iGoodyear' s BowunaIviile plant -and will h- spiîceýdtgaie -on site. Deiîvary wii. hgin ti autumu and ceo'tinue un- 7 il tic fl aI 1972. Four Injured în First Accidefnt of Busy ekn Fout people nwe-re înîured ' t' îsapwhchoccurred on a hospîtl --i Whîtbhe u u-d boy wsa'e a vkChir Hîghiway 115-35 nearKrb n-rda t but525pm.Te injured in Toronto rdMcalCasnamte aOh aGnriHs inclde ath rivrs, iclel Caisn aIScaborogh nd Fred -pitl NewcatleOtraPrvnilPoieîies'a heacdn -hiL Df iWîby n asogrfJh ocoaae i West' and assessed damaýge I 100oeuch car icuîetebt) HîU ~ ~ Le an infe hedlfand rc Siliw.etaserdk DEMA Àfe--plana ta irold aneti' rn u; a bus from ere to Oalea ver tunton dey, Buile Bus Unes în&ugItta ca 'io-aa. sevicetharlRat Jin for thateariy.irpJunaltstwark, onethahplans nerxthta four customers. Somehow, that daesn't seem îaa ban t 1rTurdy Fi and S-urdI aI,.ly122d t, proftable a -venture.'24h ILP Bowmanville KnmnsCarnîval wifl altertu acat be hahld on June 25-26un the eall is out foir arn'IiddNTace enre nthe beaut y contait and the horseshea a ppîaka ,tt hu pilching competiion. Contact uny Kinsman îf Ca'î iCme~ i you wauld lika to enitaiReiulrt.3dOle r t t t t t a i alwrc asr CAR W ASH - Now th ar botie drive ia ver, the i ýewl e Laemt energetie mambers af the Draop-in C entre are tryin e aay Jc oully ta raise more fundls wîth a ca-r vash thîs Saturday aITauue .lam M Russehi's Sunoco se ,rvice stain.ooitie thaIA -N ciro T.he prîce îs reasanaJrbleony 9 NEW BOOK Thiera'S ne etrenntsf i h for Minula E. MdHoIm togiaa 5yas old. She ha jua.t cmlt pbiaina uanotherbook af hamýey pee:)thamuake for great readiug. The naw bookiet has ani unusuia) title "The Lady Was Net ariculur", WORKOUT Ilwsaîosadbuyeknd between the ai an ndcmn aadta Mospont, the boomn hudrom ud 4erud af police an'd am'icesrnWu'derslandtr augmented arnbuance snvicadid-aroui ng bilusines. wîth over'40 cali n haplcbahlcl n x incu 7, we-re aIa et apigTIoemembers af tire Durhavn'i Couty k iToot who visiteé.th area o Satuday f reiarnimal bus taurmustI ave fou~ d-hic i home grounds mu h mare excit; t-nan. trey ammor ;ne n earlierdc + JaY& Tu-tii ivisia-: Ait etîekui iii, ChuteS SI,, lissa is ha iras tise an'~- war te Ion nuileuua proS leas,, tan cars Afiar meuh e~pei lui ~ntat1ou aîîd use bis me 'huuua's skîil, ha h r~ canie up witi a pranesi' luit lue damia eau doub'e and truale fie nuiiaa'ie i Owners can gai au a galle"', e , w'i~hoat lasiag xx r larunance, llead tha starx Ou page six, NDP Expects Ont. Election This Oc aber Ilrè Purs...', NDP Wr'- î'rre'e O' ni atueir i~ld ita -'gîi~r r. î~ il lia h j, uit aI M"~ C~çni" Y lii, 'li rn.rnrul . or J i'cla i'Qi'aui' J ir 141h Tire Revu' un r tipi-c il n Oclabai 1971 was disîr. -1 .u.r i. ras decîded tiret I Sepreîri.~r 14fr n * i hi dat etad o camp aigri r - tarin liai' u" uni -un. 4'xîclîeîx h pet 1' ck urge, iii) j~ ir'ld ~r ~nnr citron ~'. ,i lre Deug Mirlati repei~ix s O tabac. A bar hu. i a plenneri ICi lia Pc . 1-Sean 'i. et lie 'Veruig ui - tetebar 1111" ai. Il' ho n nI [Ms' sud Ivirs Willi., r )VIa"ke'l ai 1Kî lcsir".e A 'lx poil ufu îî 'haire f jr an Ira,,' e Ortarin F di' '.uIier' aI bain wer haurdcd eet 'ird uni' r"r lue s 'a e.. dustxïîbu aî~ au 1h Ma j siai l4,si.P go are- 'rrcrti ne~,,ull uer lrs~,rance piaî~ An erly _morn-ng drive ended in tragedy whe'n rsM' AneFlynn,, age 80, of R. R 1, Hampton, die folowng his two-car accident on Taunton Road andSoiraonTuesday at 6:55 arn. Mrs. Flynn was a iaseger in the car flipped over on the right which wasdrienby her son m-law James McAlpine of the nm address. Her daughter Mary Margaret MeA,'lpîne titi ns uncil to Change BEQUES Bawmnvill ',>PubicLàibrary fonhcmig, faow s4ygMtise eaiNof M Inela trc ar-îraie.h-Diy oaded with brics,- -samehoiw - got stuck in tha south dîtch at tirecneiCn ession arnd Murus.T%97et(aidui 0eos-Ar luii PULCtIuN The1971editian C WBaman- vileHiliSAal's creh Owl magazine lia juitL ban recaived and ilss tuite a publictio, fiild wthans aetucui i'ue isuat q 41 cil irons sfetl;l" J î 1. v à 'n n uf a :1>1l1ge%%îcll et rn

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