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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 16 Jun 1971, p. 8

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Jugig y ie maypeph who aq ire i we were heaîugfor Mspon o th.wekend, rand te be f cn parleer-'ouuad thWtAckM un day, tais Cen-An re pro Howevsn, wendîd acf teke ln the big attration-,,Lsta settiagfora fw rund cfgolf and severelstsc tni Lest sek as a usyons, as the aponta edfitonfr ae the- sportse directorf'e dtist CKLB - on a tempcùrarýy bsa KaL Ednands wes in Mý-"ýonfreal ettending the NEL raf meetigs. Knd, waffen t'wc years, et'CKLB, bad nesigaed f0o accpt ~psiton îththeCalifôrnia Golden Seels ongeniza- thon He w L asitent g,,enenal manager with Columbus - so eW Sel sefnsi teAiaso3 hocking effer the team's publiityI The ew sorts4inctor, wba began bfis duies on Mouday, laý BbBrh asdonshe Green Gel'pe --play a several yent, prior to Jun Bso' eaigf on h er Red Wngs.uor te pas twoyears, Bob bas enth oo commen btor fr the e .,jiad Oshawa GnraH gi e e salooed ffe wekea sprts caverage. Thespots difr wilcontinus cuir nigly 11:10sportsi. ceas o CKB, s whh s fhhîg la for Bob fa uet fme. We isbbat Kai ed Bb eveny aîuccesa la th-ýeir naw i~ ~ t t t ELECT-RONS DOW'N KENDAL 6-1 A. paincfLhoe measb? Grant Wigbt eWd aoterby ïRayý Cr0 is ld BonanvhleElectrons to a61vçoyae Keda Eges Cla au Inteî.nediate basebahl gains eL Sope Cneek Park Saturday, WnbighteaC rombis slggadback fn buck cireni cot la tbe s Vatea put the game ont cf reach. Left-bander Glary Akey tosea iue five biterand fanned eight battenste r ý,eg- The Eewcons wee shedled t etOswaSno Legcuains n Sndy, utthe thunden-tarn la f ha saly hour cffIe noniu eued ny chance cf aý gaine taking plae. s wnt ownfa he arkabout noon and thre lnfield, excpt or hepithera muudhad basa ainoat con,-plefely Kendel wilbeuer aai onigiet (1desea ns Belle- Wc1 swuc vAit the Eletoso ude feno ttwo the Eeges.The EBerons dom'thave notmeneme a uti SuaayJny 4b Te ocais' record f aei be wîa nd& As Moaday happens f0 ha Oshawa Green Geels' regulur, home nmg<fsud aWoor veniug for tennis, this canner1 MWen'tge t tesfcmu lacrosse gaines durng fiee Sun vnerLest ek bwvewe iead fiespleasune of bengla ontadved ubadata a coupla of Geels' home ganes, Oaieae ppeered fa ha on their way fo victoriaslabotfh,i which wouldhaveL put then, three gaines la front f etr- brougie in fiee wîu columaý, - iusteed fhey bat wice WbeatasGren Gelaswept te those avi osetv linte Cupq, tensuairconditîouing naelypewys gave W=a a e amnd u thrdperhod adrantaga, If the escremae close eferW3iapnd, fSAeGeels would invaiably ra ewy Wih f egane overfiefial weuty mnteIf fabey Arada four or ive goallead eeny in fie gensý,yuke hywud conumand duspuria M7 qaaly ggTb<eysW ouéoa cad! go dam file drou ainasperbocrough, shuf-ouf et casustge fr If wesnt fiee e ws ad baons accustoed fa match- mug tue Geais puy, Coh athat the other clubs hv ehe tw coy Oshac wa'aformula f-ouc-essa-andthayarheig 10eGDeites aittek r crin gaesh Thenoter citycrsw ha curreutly fîed foritp jpotiih Pefrnob ut f haPates have trio gam nsa ancaud rma-. lea nînar off hirlest five are cnly onaigesback., ands t t' è muupate ot W tIe a No&ur ifwil7haW ,ler rank B --ea -eaavrep Jurit re ud ran'aVenef plyin Saphea F uesOu TiequraeyeUicsryr mefak îs tn Wies oinerit li ha hyu rmpel h lcp Krap'ala ie ealy ncontanmeua4ner the lbs, eý dtoth ëf fý iesbt s fr an53sd a 106 total, Heading fa fies iB tie, we hadviion c brakng50 on fies second ane Fna up on tas te, ie adscib bokdUP and sari fe rw watcbiag tram aboyae E gron. That mes if - ntfespar tieres bols mfokansgit layovived, bt uadesfead hatr huBerylâerthefMoi Mteraplerd, la fiee ourth e Mput thaiàr'c teepoab ats it DIJRRAM LDISACTION ONDA rmenats li h es e cplay omvilKup'Tang Aoil Bwunarn hhl on ane r eeuldfnM aiies t ie M~o-ilPar ,Wî 3 tatiigthné7:30 Newome toArea Learns About Excitement at Mosport sndeJ Denn- 'u__ne 'are the Front 1un Ler - be Ind , theni are P te itspoe ms aaîn etea ett me was Eaur. ïiý cb ap Se wrt'l ea eg ,àe ben-ai f opotof1g Jci e. "We boý1th ne r B Onte.egtnbi :huhaya aoteews oefo besievlag nws so e o cs ytenn krt, l e ne persone s- he -ad co-a------k-be-en :o who henane en h ad I ba e'ltk te Tegetea a om :ouel otsg e.Bt aeart Jae's bttrGranedteats ahd E, 1 rere ivl, wes cf7 tha thn heeba benParkd r #Grand Kî z ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ hr lydi dscvr ha tw bu es ta te asaMot in e Korinï port too.sOE Sure, I dumbly thoughtotble lays th the ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~h edtrsvrre ocr Agadsai oernb nirgsuotbi ob Splin Sayt myseln, a uc mato,ý Stv Preri he boctal m hr, teng aoer fo helSti point~~~~~~~~~~~~ ouor-.r wsoiyo he sxh nbe d the four tnnseicedsed eue ~ sivl 's-lMsotFr oo îse ipr o dw u g a p sevenbithae how umat Abo te as oe taaFlsPubna 914 7 unin the lPstltwo mn1 towuin MainetOnf1 StetretSnay TryB~aced ste ieo' dfe For muth u, yasbl inýkr Byo oie, Ho î h ao ubl e las th moes ave atTw e tmur_-Ye p iges h lclfr hîtchBa ke .o pi eriang ,,hing ock fsiaf os oî îtn are h hrt tltn bi h Loh e werigh sun ht e htu- hrebtxgusnadJhuiSano mob-ilsgv' a oteca TryBkr'treht tve haVV rgithalls niantwhir of mtorccles Someime n Ma th0- xC Su day e Gam UPoTone the~~~~~ eerl rubiius os__i__à_of ___the_____________ aorair»ilu JulewwithaLabatt's Be b:' t;,e deiveh ssorseatwmCvin An. al'.' g7hat? It soundedng wït an' appaopriatehnasneofor aprace, "It's ei (' gnlfBair," ano mofficiai stl - ewt bus av-znefewdGereSanbr hea theror oOto, me hin fte wnnr'rn.Yo olnthl h-_Îlýî Gaoday arele donloudpp.J"nsHettspokepj ehùf Anhe e oficai dvse Tweere footheit2 forietdhe race. "If- yo u a-toralyse hed iv= ns a rmîp ,v. h amPprve ens ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ a aurasguo osCi y isim thare op-i- nranoufieslad scnwt er." ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~t Idal adybhv m h ok VEts e (7 j o16ly neeeyk.ryBlc ea"s. ~ ~ ~ es TleePa onuen bound rcin a Bevavg)m sled ofThe E lectrorsopmn pin orne on he Cfront ofHopeta regîstrer o ellde uet, caesfi, bu a ied n theï cicut er ved 6- deIcisor on ver theîrcore , bwmavîhe oene th cr fa ot the eta at urday atternoon, runs gh's sc- inotho ýe cnse p strîgt. Nw hee as an- hes exet cner BedGorge ansbur wassa was as _ fai ier us e Ca frs ee of ý, athewinrs' ugh ntYe' ouldt h ol i ni ansTPre Gnar Ake n ail dwn ls po. oe s' ttepte pîkof "If youai t y ta rail e hepsecnd triuhl Jo'71, fThg-et o ofir wo atry begiuiu of he traiht ou' ~g strng ive ht he cthr hLayPpr îpe e cen ~ ~ k so'eie eaptre oforlwbsi ifnggtrnrodnclsng inge nib the cas plaing e a offk-trunThe iu for ta Locke f eld Afe au înfî u n tra," a .CRC camfi eam an ort wd asix e Iin- "ire o at- ey s r. ks o to afeie wbisereOvîoslya m rs'utlngs Rufrmiwor, e ainte, Pier am hm wbo~~~~ lieswih ane ba senusing f thfei-opses i le an inped gone Onepesonasurd m Cn id hurles o datiely(7afor 1 e tel uer ias as te bet s ot, a i drnda 38B v g), usld The Electronsbd w Two~~~~~~ý-n wi os Te sweeya intarecans' eor terthir d btaJnsgo teruded.Wb coldreistan ofta gne pr'n.h wnightwo-urshon upe sucb ~ ~ PO aA doubletiu' prame k-awmavles edta4O becked up, almosf ta Trans, rep :-, ng Paul ous, The _etehof, tbteviios ing ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ U fbadr~oesbdpc-rn r ee its ddning as. tac ets ra ifed ed henoonoulyfie ilopot issi inigpls waba- rrr.Ake efe wy e san. Te ustwold e epttes' ta Jo e faue fortirng theuettC A tS downTo cmper it es as wiiîs ssuh fiv fre pases wile ipreied Says comenatin or wt ed eîd tased efectvey, h-tryr tastcl unomorabs igt awng nobis uin bs beElcton, ttn uid Th akhbe om atetwoi nfea'snionngtirea f06,foo- city. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ý FoUh a,1.netw tslsr~ iud n IW b'KudComl' ship~~~~~~~~4ý waoectemotpp-AowavleduepLaybekt ac bmhs - h Pricing Sse SFor Local IGîA pcapermiguonpase amelas pîepnie a Z î iunoduced le-st meek on 2500 itens luýi 138 IGA Stores iu- chuding Miligan's IGA, Bori FohÉ.n Cordtsrseciey Cordts, who placed fifth în the mauville. toýp Canainleled Cieeck-A-Unt ndig fies systen enebilea shoppers fa compare pnice mfect e frota feuce f0 their cana - espscîally reu venyoue sortîng ta a side nulsfie fe on- tenta. Thes excîtemrent gen-1kueri the nesult. If mes ike mine hest value, aeccardî, u, enated over f h previons tbr-e.riatchîng a sumnen re-nun, Ven Barber, Vîce-Preýsîdeutý days bad heen suddenhy . ý beîng shoma for flue sîxtie year'adGnrlMngro se au Tsd .-eere as no àdanbf lu a nom I aWbolesale Liîfîed's Ot nom iho ouhdmin flue race. But despîte svsnything, ~ Fo iilnwibsp The cars screaimed, banged feel I've gaîued. Af heasf I now plies IQA, sud3 poped srouud fiestrack. kuori muet Mospont is ai Th hniity hbècame stifliug, about. And tieat's more than s IGA is fiee second food chaîn, Eighty aris a long riay ta lot cf mestennens cen say. ft ff erifs customens unit prie- i fryiel long fins fa match nug. Oshama first iîutradncedi fiesvsstem several meekesega scored iey Lemry Neinisk sudinu ifs 31 Food City akes M ~~Terrance Flbntoff. Jas Hlm-1 "Customfer nespousý_e mas r ' 'ii et cock picked np flue abutent. favorable s if rives deci-ded to n e r Jure 9 - Courtîce fnounced 'sx-?tend- fieprogran fa GA, Tyrans 3-0. Rlck Ellis sconed!suîd :iMn, Barber, tri nsd Mike Sherluko onsf hckAUi gefy sit BriaBurge-s pîked uiiý he cnue.Wtoffes 1 ~~~Slins and Hamirpf ou foughief' e5 j»v 4114 îng for Hampton and Ewrt package is the least expCeasive, %" IILshV Werry, for Saline, Iparicuharlywreu fie sans lwow 1Juins 12- Tyran- efeated product cames su e variefy af Pýy Bans: Salemin'i-0, mith JuinRie'.îkard sîzes and packages. T.'he attendane f seea] sconi iýïes ieons galnd Nick "Thiîs lanaf desîgnsd fa ieelp fans ~ ~ ~ p. efuegnasep- VanSegnpcka up the defermine a consumnen's eoice cSfd iago uaiybi tn, of br-,and. Tieat's ber decision, 4tomath Te bys re ari- Jnio Weareprviding ber mî s Sunday et 7:00, and the negu- outevcayCnuer or,ýiganizatioiàà and ian practîce t audy Jis -ausegdT- gov -enategencs bave long momniug af 9:00 a.u'. Buck nu -;Pi Broome, Pf advoc,-a-ted unuit prîciug but Janeck, Mn, John Stainfon, q-_houanderheek and WalfT 'ay- food chaîna bave ehaîrned if Harvey Webster aud Bob Ab- Ion for Sa Slins would add f0 flue coaf of opera- bott~~~~~~ arùlaedrlhte u ue1,-0 - Hampton defeuf- fions and flue coaf of foodTis hu rasn sd eas re cf lue sd Courtice1i0oin Courtîce. la nat n uy M . Brber, boy nsd are safîsfîed ta "Computer pnognammîng et i for f aespluyona.TD OshawaGH of sope acîon that iraegru- fleyhae pa sro o afndr GEsAS ODT osohi asaincbsveda degre- I STAESMANtraduction of ftbe prograin I LAS S r F 1 E 0 S rehatîvely simple sud mtitbouf I Phnoâ23-3303 appreciable coaf." Crombies rbn Terry Cretn wba o'psed e tas lnnÈig ifuian! lnfbid lu it, avent îally s'cored' ouYeo's infield grounderý. Artoundthe Bases: Akey, la splendid tarin ths sanyly n fie season, brouguf bsstnîkeout fally fa 22 ïla 24, iAnlngs pif cbed., Hls confrol (fu waîka) lues basa par-I tularly uotemonthy Th "MHark' a maiastay an flue b-Ill ainefie club bgIrl 1968, appear's on .usmyo b-is fîneaf season.Wîb' flures RBI's g1rýs lým four, second ta tas rampagig1 CrombIe mite seven. Len K-elly, fiee cluh's leadiag neg ular sason bifer lu ï170, (300O erg.), la finding au picýkbnga at, fieplatese fer-, but lsfinaf hase mark con- tînues fa he a freet to match. Ysa ilsd Kendal mîfh ti b , its, mii on Wesf, Crea su_,d Wallace ccilectlug fies ne-' maeiJnder, Shontsfop Ws u for kP fiesLawgles Lest Suuïýday's scheduiedi meeting -riýîfh ,fieOsha1:wa Legbanaire Seniors mas ce-n-1 ýeed, following beavy ris This Suuday, Juins 20ta, thel Eleýý#ctrons miii hast fie Belle-1 vIllie Kinsmen Jurinla theli fîrA meeting, et 2p,. nI edesday, fie 3d o- me rilesudKenal me o Soccer lsdý by JaienPaamiato e'nd ëWafly Set oasomfi r goalssund PtrShodr bek ith oua. haSollua te oreta edged Salen2-1, ahSla goalsmersacor V',yE ïar Their 25th ;tnrnîversarq June -24Ce 'ýlSeats ftor Bar Privileges Tickets On Sels Auditorium Bo,~ Office THE LARGES'T DEALERSHUP IN DURHAM COUNTY 1970 MAVERICK FORD 2-DR. COACH 6 cyl., standard transmnissionr. reul ood eenomyses this oneý 'Lic. 9944.> BALANCE 0FGMFCOYWRAT 1969 BUIICK LE SABRE 4-DR, kHARD'TOP F'inîished m lime gneen with rich dr re iy oV-8, autaierns mr.ission, power steering, poweýr buks radi, bîewall ies polsa m1atebing interior. Lic. 4343A, 1968 CHEV. CU)STOM 2-DR.HADO V-8, automàafý,ýic trnmssionowreig, power brakea, radio, white wall tires, inshd n Sherwood Gren1-1begeviy top, with Aspotiess rnutcing iterio,1ci. 48774Aý 1967 PONTIAC C, GRANDEPRSINE4-DR. H-ARDTOPr misso tbsoe'LeÏ11 1966 FORD COUNTRY SUR l-ASNE SATION WAGý-ON V-8, automatic trnsisio, owr tenîgpoe brakes, radio, white wall tires, dises.Finshadin splou lue wi ,,m!tiing blue vînyl trim, Take the entirs faily -onia real good hoiday Lic X412. 1966 CADILLAC COUPE DE VILLE 2-DR,. HAýRDOTOP Fuilpowr euppd. Executîve dnîven, Lie 4c779Aý, 1965 CHEV. BEL AIR SEDAN 6 cyl., automatie rasmsson ao, whîte WalltiedssGo economîcal fumîly one onrcr Lie. 1117A. 1964 BUICK LE SABRE '2-DR, HARDTOP V-8, automiatie tansmssio , oen st eerîng, powerbrues radio, white wall tires, dse.Gleamingblekwihspotîsa red iteror Lie, 519,07È, 1968 CHEV. 1-O W0 BODY 6cyl., i4 speed tanmssonLe,6749B. 1j967 GMC 12TON STEPSIDE LONG BOX L.76790t., 1967 INTERNATINAL 16' STAKE MODEL 1600 345 engns, 24I00'GV, low MIlsag. Lc. 84 mllDown ayea al meQueeur 16King St. EL ernoialPark Ty-kes IPay Here Next Sunday Memorial Park Tye Lwt an and Barry ïHeinmg hn three wmns and four osses, go dle the pstching chorées,wtl against Lindsay Tykes here D onmie Farrow and- Jr. Mýur- on Sunday afternoon ati> p.m. ' phy behind the'plate.,At is Aiter Frîday night in Port1 base, Brad Godfrey Is show Hope and Saturday afternoon i ng good form .New addfitio, at- Lindsay, the: Bowmanville Tommy Fowler a.hould lie team should be In top form. ready for a good game, The leading hitter for Bow- So, don't forget Sunday afý manvîlle îs Gerrard Morrison ternoor at1p.m., eora at .571. Morr ýsor, Joey Nw Park Tykes vs LndsayTykea fi ftj~ had a pînch runnêrfon LODOU9 ueeaishome plate, IC oug D fens Cobourg wen on t scor t*hree more ' te opofth M ont ïti o Kap' on. Night 5 ilowed six fv tie On Monday, ,Ju-ne l,h a-o-own cause b itn w bojuÊg Coverdale Ar gels ,2_1 singles. Anble Sehn feated Knapp's Towing 5-o.1 with a double. SeCliaytoýn The game was scoreless tiUi goîng the tne for Co. the top of the fifth innirg! bourg allowed six its, f bye when Cobourg took the leadj strîkeouts, towls 2-0 on errors committed, by Bowmanville Knapp'g Tow- Knapp's Towing, ing Play their next home, Karen 'White, playîlng wwli game on Monday, June st a spraïned ankle frorn am against the Cobourg Inteir. last week, re-injured be mediates at 7:3o, Memo,(rj;al ankie in the bottom of he ar secodi! inning while runniný g S p o nso r erpa th àbses, steppirg onto fist brougbt a case o4pp orth base the wrong way, For thel girls for after tbe laef duration of the gam, Ka anvone wouild ket play bail on thie teamntactMel ~~p~LLÂ;~ I,î, Burgesset6358 orHb Cneck-A-un1 Kapp et,

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