TI-'e C nad~n Statesp n ~i v1le ime 23, 171 Lurh c-m Agric -News by Rod Stork AssstntAgrîcultural Represýentative M. lJ1 Hobbs Students Relive 'Pioneer Days tic ~bo: ed th~ tii mi I lai Allla ni'>ewfr On June 10 and Il twrnrn,-, cn ftelae nteu-s1ce olwnasre fI.. - "m ing meetings were hl tper ttird îOf týýIrstin sowinterviewa heldC at lie Agicl Cel'm different locations in tire Cou-Idmg i aco anttri fie hs r:lai ty, The purposp of ihe àmeet he icqt _md'~l.Ilb~ane.M ar ±py Pu inavs1 cuitfatrmera;sbpen found iliai insecticideýs toVaney, nA DoaB ,Wle u~ ~-,r siUimî at o ioirfor wheon)trol weevil are Onilyecoo- T'Ialior*. Vci rw. n cckîg ordmge aU i a ,,micai if ahlest50per cïit 'of WodP, DaeBatBoarrYi 'ad l cntoimnsuesh trefoiae a ifalaB),'a ggNancy ýKnoixianilNanicy ~'uCa and Copa Seciaisit i ~e -ic h eiraus. Tinyn li te mission basetaisea h~-e ie l iny'), shol vih ave1 connolled 1the aran gementlifo r rea 1i til bechtn yu alaf"eI eweevilîin Quebec. A coîony o0idairy subaidy quotas bhw,een damae i doe. a, ng oera these waaps 'bas been put ini producers n provinles ndr, 5 ..' lio hae t~ate ixhi sothDurham County and wthin a market ahariog quotapog m '4 helfof he Cuntyand erytwo years, it la ho ped thaea.A rsn u fpish fes loom ar ix vidnce a1ppulahion wiit ha but uo t ueeo dOtrl.- ,yeh. hîme point wbere tire weevil Undar lie naw arrangemet iu,~ ~ ti e ldugebtatYUWAll le controlled. This canb Fa~mre ut aes fat. hekyurafPf ilc dorla nnly if insecticidesqare ioducer releasea ai l or pa h ort'ePr nes a eekor usdaeul bcss hy qpaifbis markeh quotd anoteri damae. Tc danag la ause veY toxric Io theewasps. pdrcrtesbid ut Iltic g-prenlarvae iich he hast cvtro1ahth1pus- iIlbeahtached ho the unake vatyix s~ foin /16 ho a--nt time iîs erly uttiin !~quoaadwllletatere <i. Ti~ wevil îll et ailtire emova fromie5fe d as soon 't 1 fbsmra ut , - . e*. leaea-;cp h i ains f lie p osil.and aubsidy quota are the à iît ,~~ ~. -iL'4..-'~diiii pouaio ahiheouhtey 4HReînl ofi'ne same amot nd the piodtIcer1 h suenspause for huneh -spl-pe 'pGoraColes, anid standing at fhe ený, EIizabeth ih- ;ii lsoca hestni. ai omerasete n releases part oni his market oka ioerstyle. -They are, from the lef t, aidos eaaBoos i fthe teaicherwhorazd Soe ainr hvasraa Cnerchsmesor1a er quta ie ni ust release fiLa' 1hai afa10cotolwex l.4-oneei' ae, rh1 edaciols anutnisbsd qoa mberui avdLuke, Fat Chambers, Brian ektt h uhni srigon the far iýrightl, hm woan- o~th thaoi aubsidy quota ihatn L-ndaBrowr, Debbe Baker, LouiseHass The corfnfeece for bil atea maylaVIPf3se tiediffeueriucl,.et mr w miih sity i 'Pternln.igb on neaktquawioorla- in osd qoa fll1e pro- Septa-nrir lhh. Please cl'f 28, 0 an 3Ot. dcer in Itus suiation decidlea Ti prpsead obective, or aeame2buyqoapopl h5 . audv of t1-ins confrerm-ce Are 10: lbt, mi]st equail thie roky.l t Sptn ba lt0I, aS the ir 1) rovde eadrsip hlo-quota Frlesad. In transfars of,ý ing for yooing 4-H'ers. 'R1 Bord winS. be resoIb:le! )poidanopioiyf tpar1,t quotaP. te minimum! for wo-rk irlf ater il m I Gradesaun schnoi shah ne Generalinsracetri pope îve ex WàUTll-- aon rnserdxiii bel veraîy camus ad diausa 2,000lraniilk. A producerl IN UR NC vraty personl. nf T , >,' - .,1ý ý. ý i"o ie11, 1 971 No xhbîI quotain 70ibi0000 l!e lzi 1, t ERY N c E N fiaD, iSn1 , Miml.Tane ragm 623 311 or G5~ 39~ 4)iroadentic 4 His axsiýrp te briaffect 1-Ariliad Alexiîs uili e Dumi nnoink, Theni sg nyu a e ýan i, Vqu Ilestuona ý - iu * iii oa n hae yri n', on Of Ue 1ý orkquai! )fied. Di- 0 0,or.Secreary. MM. Ifduets Limihed;. Hamilton oaccoaSecialut Tie pecîsi Sehol fisplN Monda PTuedat oGWedns- x ontion f 250or E 19 Amugst»6 ï10A meaingJ-atts1- * Al Pod~er maS a eg îeed îtr tra oad l h Seheber13cbî i piytrd Ai onataen I enîldtarc aa î BaltRusfriam al nacnurin oice. invnlIlne as cultural Ofice, Bowanviiieo asevr Coty à- StuapRpasoatva fic i;ýIoiona' ihi ro heppi aThem cio y m ildurYg wîthll - antf attract(ho1 ive psia tramJua 28h t Jul 2n, I eekni he vsit.Defnor Ar~Paucrwoe aa~~ î,ba a baî aeswhbFItdi le~hî FowI rodocrs Mrketig Bord. n Willam Frrowhe Bo2,ard;:Io., Sptemie 8h befoa13. FINL Nwcable '~ - irml4 O~n n a. blic Sohof ha rei ned Ciii IVOetr tfefi iFie:8e 0,4c Ma ka mg Rsuiaiona ahng Sec aiey Manage ti' 7n , Wedrîesdnn(ay .f -f4HiiDnaHrai hle ct W owda e 441 Agieltra rSOffibceAgicu irai Ofice. sonsPao]ond Jon ah irîmI !ruile. aan rtut I th Otarokgg ndç localIhO nh efrei. ,m,. i ena nd ArtDoyie.wai hcd Satodai, dne971 Cl pi I\i -et -Rig e i n al 4- .t.mi s , Tofrrni Br e dr 2.an' Ar- SM, SAM o .. - F RIDA y AM, t 14 ,M Coniferenice, Tient lfniveriti, notlAwn Cpmeter-.B Peterborough.l.A.otnCorîcoi Jlune 29-,30 (.Coa n IRtd ilivestock Days At Ne Ridg- - tonCliega ai Agicut al Technoingy Campu. lESLTOn July 4-8Agriul aImaiv NETAX Convention ho lie helsi3i Tlrhe mmeni MsGro Letbbrdge, Aht. IGilsou n wa ie smng f k-kW illon. -Moure dehals ho "con. ibai' metWedruesdav afhe Juy l'1,14, i5agiicubui noru for ti Jne Meet Pamci! rai i Fîldli Dys ah tha IPUni- i Peidn Ms I.c vasiy i uepb, sosrs ecmdtic spleir)1d A _m OA.C. and Otuolipî-tednen-ieis ndon ,s Par mor e information O iasa for oifein. ici..m ', iscnatouiV office. The Meoinleecue' '. Jl'2-26---NabirnOn. - we C hketi im hese .. e _ 1 taiïn 4-MF Exciange dANIegtDA-~, SrpurPca 7x-...... willein Dra Cuey paa ndsiprayer -Cad bv I' f-im Coointy 1FaIner Bus Tilp Ti, secretiy-m, cc ea Waf sln.ing and repomrd n tbe fin- M. Jîui 21.Wcdnsdav--Du- anea. iss ohipriiuttlie:ii,, ban4-H StvinwCluf ii or-hnenewss readmn vosl lie Animai Sineidigivrl hhnk 100s'- Buildingsand hieArkellRa-cadam .".v "Warcir tion PahcliUigninu donatin hwa, "5 Y i- r- vaîsiti' ai GuaLf-Phb for ie floorc o fer Ilg iibcau hyly' 22, Iursdai-Duiiai baeet abig aeb andNothmbriasiDam'twomeie, ,The boys bulit encs, mad s a logeabin PrinceaComnpeiton ahsie FSome articles oni baudwokla .anîd R a ot bridge. Yhe piclume aboya, David Jnesý Newmastl Aren abaîing MAcwre suld. vwihbprocced ho AndBb Shankneonstandin ihrecool waters of the !7:00 p.m.EsciCunty'ill go in the fonda.cÉeek io supporti ihe sdai.ole -,\luile Joe Geïf~vs ava eparate(-cos.aansd Plans wcrenmde for treA Glina a rices illlne cosnfoi' jne metel hobe hld ý' a oii bang with ran !xe ho mke su"re lit f imlv iii eaicut.Foruthein- jh l m-inesof Il (WG. Honrpi T jý1im e r Mcrplanes thp cdge OC fomationan Pd appuplictin Two excellent radna the iog ilhitrisnie contact Carlos ambln, ra- oaaYnîCiiîh PBeen no, Phone 93514Rohbed'hyia«.échas Smith OBITUÂRY ày ÉL 4_ooe crings ni reiliox snga Junior p rm en ' OFUCUAiMEs DAVIS Mis. Goidon Glownan Nhas.H. Vispser mdai JO poon hastdmnc ashppîlecabMion si pupas es or his Yea SephemaiHerbait Jmes hlvNMia. C. Smitiri DaviF oai PreAatovaaRdpreshyterian iîrlmCuta giolnhhî otbt~okn Daiiinghon thesip ie bcPresbyteriam Chn%., mluiAi ot vannncum stiih Opxrirîtor aphnd umh' hava Jonc16,19w71.eahthie fammii'Sonîda, mncing, 5M iMniey ill n uiorDepi, clsta ire euifcae n isck n-i rasidence. Mitchell ebose 'Tic Wl"ido slai irv Aitr ah Oronon sp- tire ntir îrdmied whi ir Bain July 19, 1921.,in Tom- Mite" as Cthe hemetn o n stmbmera. 1) 1197,1, ealîiorpaen 1bosue onh, tire son oi Mia a- esge i ascmen- nor -t viscl tre wor Iude Davis %dbidlisecdaigave berp rvahiuTapi 1n Herbait Dvis, le was mriimongveadnainWe CommîtAlAc Vlîs . GMo tiirsivtrS"med ried in Osiawa S ýept. 24,1 w5ysaoid a9h1 iparsi1, olai. ron uepiroon98552nir.unbrmahedc and wa s.5rsidant i o baaiveGo Hu;dcs.Th chirMi. B Buhefod Ooo;4)croh "anaAVforSeapaSI.Li0 yeara. sang 'MoieI.overuirc'. Mi.'.nRlCOooM. Idipa adxhh Haeasan ampinyce niA ied Cimiwh Chire E AlunP-%wmnv'i;,ris h civid otrePi GeanerahMortois faxnies n i n ith ed MCIorci tirelVrs, Wav'e , t , ro ,Bîîdigad cti t ire m yeaîs,2amembar ni Cortice Sacrmu oen f 1 ll),i' ConuRlsli eto efr )n. U1nitesi Chircir, Pa meýber ni munion ewas comenracd,-\iI bto ilwm sr-Wdedîngb etme the IUAALocal 222. and a Ben. Victor Farisn oké n ietolDrrm on Pan tr formmeriber n-ofibtheRoyaýl "hihsPueec'as 'It ir'wolubPbi omi' Cookery ,inut e n ir Canadan Lgian.l taie foi' ris cYnoî. (issexîiiln ah tie lmes re ar Budng 5cfi 1.0 ni, deceasad lu srviMed ns? Gail m m sn G d W o î ts ( 0 ci N narwnu hune. ri OuSeptirer q l le tride fram c-ar dbo rd 1uzp. dcorate: 2 1,nive tereirui o on eele quart2PaSket; 22Tm-11e8 ith sarnr Ta; 2.Some-ý igle lmd Fom sol r oies:~ 25 ur cumure Prizs: 0e h60co40, h2(-" rent; 27. Stu3:2.d Toy; 28, ron te fït 1-x,,k;or12;3. An? rooken 34~~~ 1 do 1rs utm (boys rix');35 l'riî ce 4h6i, eFug Cnm BOwMNVJN;ýLTIlR CISTOMEvRS,ý A s;k Operator for 66C-33-41 or Digl 1-668-3341 CALL US TO-D)AY r-OR PRQMT,,rCOURTEOUSSEVC New Building ? Building Addition?7 Coverrng an Old Building? RELAX! an 'Ammcn BilingII- S y s t e -M Dcalershi1P" organmzed ta off er z rompiate bulMnisr vice ta, clients, encomr- pasingailphases of'l connstruction fmI'n h ba)nliy onp surc o!r-espoansiblmty for his entm'8 construction prjojeet. Authorýizrd ;Deraler ARMCO U»LOING SYSTEMS GealCobl-4raerand ,d a dui -ion cf Tripp CoLnstructio-n, 4M5 Biner St Wasit Oaawa -+' OS RAWA E ,. THOIN'PSON,576-6060 AINTPS Put Back the -Colotr inter Took Away OUTSIDE HOUSE PAINTS QtJAFT GL Kem - 1Coct 3.50 (Oit or Laetex Rase), super - One - Coat 3.29 A 100 Latex> 3.13 Beauti Toneoit Pjs,.2.78 Beauti TonlLatex Base278 Mobil Berry Tone 1.8 5 (Olit 40r Latex) W ise Owl "Econorniy INSIDE FINISHES Kem -Gb35 Super Kem Tonec 2.7,9 Beeuti Toneossemî-Gîossý' 2,7 8 Beouti Tone int. Fiat 2.58a Berry Tone 18 Wise Owl Econo<>my SemiGlosmorFlat REZ STAINS ideai for Cadar;Eteir idng,2.69 Focs- Etc. 11*75 10.88 9.38 J.9 M 9.78 7.98 4.19 8.95 I I i. i ONE.STOP PAINT anvd WALLPAPER SUPýPLY, EIVERYPAY LOW PICS SE Or CIR McGreýWZV Hardware 95 KING ST. W- "PHONE 6324 BOWMAN VILLE faic ice t e chre* bmôntis Ye po al frtime ued. F L E T XC1Ab T ST R ;.A PETERBOROUCH A. MOnRISOIýl;, 743-3697