2 hCaaanta'tia, Bowmanvýille, June 23, 1971 PNT' O)n Saturday, June lQtiiý 7'59 p.M., Rev. Northey offic, atdat the marriage of ML dozan Gray of Oshawa to Ricl aýzrd Rusk, Pontypool. Th wedIrng took place in Pont3 Koo1 United Church with Mr Orvill7e Anderson, soloist. Prie in their marriage the coup] we7reý preoented with a recir ngChair and a lawn chai frmthe cornmunîty; a chais leunge cfiormRîchard's fello 1v(irkers and a 2bedspread an, bedroom mrrat from the choîj *The annual Hamnilton RL 1nýon wsheld con S'unda3 Jutne 2 t h tthhome o MJr1 EBrbara Hmlo. Ther ivere 50 people In attendaînc( Mr. and MJrs. Frceean an family a ~nd Ms. agr Tebble ot Aibertlawere pr:eç enVt for 'lheoccasion. Sunday Sehool has nu' losed and wîi -ll re,-o-pen ii S;eptember. _Don1t forget tI Church Supper thîs ,Fni., 2,51 (Further detaili munder Coni ing EvTentsý). We12arc glad to reorit ha twýo of the oys înjuredinm las S-unday,'s fatal accident ard IAppointment We are pleased to an,- pounce the aMonreto Earl McQuieen to our sales. staff as Saler, Mgr. Eari bas aIchieved tbre aadof Gyrand Masters Salesmn for the past five ,ea-rs, 1bas been asseciated w11ilth te auitomotive busi- ness and bas been seling automobiles in the United Counties for 16 years and Iswell known in the Port Hogpe and Bowmnville -BRIAN KANE MOTORS. Auitho-rizerd Dateun Denier Petr St. - port HoDpe I aàt, progressing favorably. Kienî s- Stinson is, now recuperatîng iss at home and David Jenkin's h- condition is improving. He is he a patient in Oshawa General y- Hospital. rs. Mr'. and Mrs. John van or' Wierîngen wll be movîng inito le theïr renovated home thin n- weekend, Tue new homes of 'r Larry Bradley and David 3e Sutch are both under con-, 'w LtULU "à eruseon ir tenofeIBrown, tiny daug- te fMr. and 'Mrs. Ra eBrown was taken to Meorial_ Y' Hospital, Bowmanvî1le on Fril ' day. We ail wish Denise a espeedy recovery. ,dMiss Arlene Brown a d efriend of Sudbu ry are holiday- ing at Mn. and Mrs. Lloyd Brown's. Several bail ganies were in played this past week. Our men's eam defeated Omemee SShell on Sunday, 15-8. Ralph11 Hyland got a home run for our local team. The Ponty- Lt ool Ladies won their finst Agame over Nestieton by de- ýtýfauît; on Thursday they were 'eýdefeated by Millbrook. The Junior Girls lost to Yelverton and Vo Millbrook; the Pee- Wees defeated Janetville and Millbrook. Our Midget teamn disbanded, unfortunately, due- to lack of players. Mr. and Mrs. Dave Ferrier, 1and family of Bolton werei weekend .guests with Mr. sudi, Mrs. Orvîlle Challice and family. 1 Pontypool Hi-C sponsored a bus trip Vo Ontario Place on Saturday. Arlene Bowins,- daughter cif Mr. and Mrs. Allan BowÎTiF had the misfortune Vto break' her foot last week. Golf Tournaments A highly successful golf, tournament wai hQsted at Manvers Hill,; Golf Club on Thursday, June 17th by Club; President, D'Arcy Proctor. CapVain Brîan Proctor in - vited a low handicap groupD of boys and Masters from Upper Canada College ini To- ronto. EnormiouÀs enjoymnent was had by al. A skillfully played 79 by Michael Gouiinlock was suf- ficient tVo tAký e, 5ebeautiful Junior Trophyý, just1 beating out Mark Waxen and Johin Carmichael, ln the Seniir vsofi Proctor famuly reignied su-ý preme as D'Arcy, with an 84, managed Vo push bis so Bian back into second place Following this gold tourna- nient was another keen corn- petîion on Friday, June 18tli. The playens were the Rev. Keith Adams and f ro n' Grandvîew School, Vice-Prin- cipal Wil Capeling, teacher ý'ob Trennum and froni Peter- borough George Atkiusou wbo A41l join-the staff in Septem- ber. Ail paid tribute to their host aud hostess,, Mn. and ,Mrs, D'Arcy Proctor who had donc so mnucliVo make the tournaments a success. Pl PICK YO01U ROUWN AND SAVE $$ TOP QUALITY OPENING SATURDAY -JUNE 26th MONDAYS THRU FRIDAYS 7:30 p i te 12 pnoon - '5 p.m. b 8 p.ni SATURDAYS SUNDAYS 7:30 .m. o 5 .ni.12:30 to 8 p.ni, Get There: O No, 2 FIGHWAY STlRAWBERRY 1, ~ *~PATCH1 INTERCIIANGE 7M R. R 6,Bow anvlle Phone 623-7252 or f23-589,3 WEEKEND SPECIALS- THURS. FRI Drasti-c Savingls RAID HOUSE and GARDEN SPRAY L ARFGE SI1ZJE AEROSOL CAN SPECIAL GAI H SPECIAL 9,5 KING -ST. W. PHONE 623-2542 J Mnlr. A. Thompson was sp per guet of F. A. OsnidC and called on Mn, and Mrs.' Walter Bridgett, Bowman- ville. Mr, Roy Grahami returnedi honme on Friday from a two we-eks' business trip Vo Win- nIipeg. MrIjs, Lloyd, Ashton attended the funenal service ef Mrs. S. R. Caldwell at Orono Ujnited Ciurch on Monday. Mn. and Mrs. vn hr sud girls,, Enniskillen, Mn,. and Mrs. Ross Ashtou, Bt DonInie cKnîg\ l i !SmsnAenute, right, drew manyv isîtrwt h bthjs sud Grant called at Lloyd of hisý skIii0 axdry lew assisted b- Tom Conneli, Ashton's on Father's Day. dislayMn, Ronald and Ray Ashilon' called at the Rs uea Home, PortHope, Vo psy ther lasI rrespects Voehir aunt, Mrs. R. S. Caldwefll, Mrs. Ivan Sharp, Mn. Russe!l Ormis on, Enniskillen, Mn. sud Mrs. Ross Ashton sud' Beth attended the funeral ser- vice for Mrs. R. S. Caldwell at the Onono Chuncli. ,e, Mn. and Mrs. Ross Ashton and Mns. Lloyd Ashton at-ý tended 'the 25th wedding an-i niversary !or Mr. and Mrs,1 Ed. Milison, Orono. NO SUMMER MEETINGS Meetings of the Dîrectors. of ihe Bowmanvîlle Chamber 01 Commerce will be disco)n- inued for the sume -mnhs ..- ) o July arsd-Auguat.I Theyl will resume-in Septemnber. L~ .'L.,i45NEW C. 0F C. VICE-PRES ~ 'v.~Gor don Carnegie bas been kkk appoiuted vice-presîdeut Of1 "the Bowmanville Chamber of t . Comerce. He fis the pos- ~ ~ 'i' ~' iton made vacant by Bill Luke whio advanced into the g pressdency afler Bob Lawton lef.ko.Kigston last Apnil.I Recently Mys, -Cara ols bld arecital p anud voice pupil the busy modern life ~ren as well as adui Sthemacîlvea with tao engagements, sa ithat P11%l wene unable Vo sent, But of those wh thene were piano s( ............................those froni beginno grade six including -5w Tisnoskî, Lance sud i P5 sne, Patricia Hamne a: ice sud Edward Hei Janet TalIman, Suse R David Scuithorpe, WFalker, Aileen 'Wilsol rie sud Vicki Nichol i ,-,~Xi~' ~ganet Haruess, Linda ad Nancy Clarke. duets bv Lance sud Payne, Janice aud cda eal,) ecletdsst lnsd is[yo i.R esro s~ Henderson, Laurie an( Af' iolts h M A Nichols, ;Margaret pîsys sdaseaycodof Parbie dol clothes sue b,7,as nîcan voet y ns. n1asd Janice Hendersc vistos elpd o Iake the ade, There was-- orafeneBylmaBowm-avlle;In:paint- lwand Heridenson sud Hob iin Cb ,11g on velvetbyMs ssyNco. HobyShw n helau i rapig y ob Rrsn I Rssel nif Port 'Pennyv.AntrX Ncos Gloria Nich4 Horsepy St., "Do u a ad Variety St.ore, a isr- ork by Mirs Catheîn Man-i companied Aileen WA l2th, sdife onlad itra- bv Earl Hamm utof 1hiý et'n of Prince A1e1,12a Inser-sgiug sangs with U ing evet-i. The threife pots n swa & Dss Hst orca alo dsla y .s1ie'tar, Lance sud Shelley thîsy paeso nyasaîSceîleathenw-,onk by Walt - Coombes -,of Býow,,niville iiud sang two sangs, porionnithevaieddhplas.ci ewela fnesho o r'ra a cal mdelofthene Boi- Arnold Austin who Above, ns. N. ul, R.R, S mia made y Miss Liîîn mauville High Schnool ,iid yda Hp osî a Haubor u Phîladephia audstudents aIthe r, eset BHS9W. , Ju 4h o bîoghtinby is Eda hil~ efîshent wre eîed y etunned home ou S; piesby is.Jea Abîms f mmbes nitheAREStu v where he wi]l compli Tynneroghooîogsudhan gîupMn, L uca, cuve~-~convaiýleseuce. dîratab MsA.Blcncuko, Mrs. W. BiMa RFr rRoth Haymai in n.V îtefedden d IilMIsB.VaBr el. formner Ruthi Fanuiuig, with Mns, C. Dickjins Clarke on Sunidsy afte. J, .SATONLYRoduey Payne la bus; HA A LY D O N m-ig for Idesa for displi tenemr Clarke musi M Rî ichard ndnso, n snd Mis, ihouas PuIts1ýi eisntrtd Mini, Flonîda, i îîîgM, attend9ed the Cidwell-Miln whch la interestedo and Mis, W. Backbur-n snd'weddîng lur Tomonto aI Wooa- ny- ' tcete o cý tiglass botties sud ha, tamily, snd sttended the bine Utiited, Church ou Sat- sm o idal h Bàq"lackbuonn-Hover wrdd1ý in lu rday. *whene collectons dig fo0 R u E mith Falls on Sa.tuîday., Mis, Leslie Grahami had tOe items, RIMn, and Mis, Wayne Bla krtuutoMninalHsp1l Mrs. A. Austin spe hur, Orono, were aupperiBowmnanvilleon nîdy.Hoe a% eewthbrd guesiof the Bskuu nbrhst onipoe. Mns. J. Fraser sud 1i O SEMis. L. Griffin. Blackstock, Maria ecket M. Ian Gia- Mn. W. Sanguin spcni Mn sud Mis. Alfred Garrard, ham, Miss Cheryl Howard,i er'a Day with daughte - REEN PILASTIC Baniy auqd Lori Anu, were[Mr. a-rd Mis. Roy Grahani, Gen. Tufford and famni Z', i ii spper guests of Mr. Mrs. Hilda CosaMa The visitiug speal ~.RNTED ad nC. Gariaîdireue ,Tabb atedd the ehfurrh service et Welec Mi sdMi.D. Thompso n Blackburn -Hove r wediu ,ahSund--ay was MVr, RapIp sdSiusan, Leakard, Mis, L, $mith -Faloi uSatunday buiry.i epnesenting the Thmpon sd Angelà. Eu-'!Watch Coming Eventa fonir)ofIthe 'Alcobol sud ulîkien. Minsd Mis. E. Rfthe -annuel Supper stHayunConcerna, Tue. Th e Thmsn i.Frnk Oî-1nou July lit. bcbng seîved ah cane _;which provide. mo ,Bowu-illi1e, visited Hyo Community Centre, flowers for the wonshi Mn AT i)pnuscoo,,vce wos agaîn appan( Ms udMis Jni eb Do'tfoîget the work vit fthe beafiful annangeum au fmuî,PotHope, wpzpie i, he Commuuîty Centre on irisd peonies asw Suds 'isiu [ tMn, and iJife 2th ai 7:30, lu get thlose inthiVe sitar vase Mi DJ.Caein'. imes ,in readînesfor the Sunday aý, chool childnei Mn adMi. .Pott- sud, suppen on July 1st. leadicers wene busy pic nCul. os lrka- Cougiatulatiofi n iho M n d or the specîal closiug a r~ ~ fopaei Mî MryPut Mis. Athur Read on nde- nxtSunday. foMato aipî- o wSndav, 1qîatnethleir 401h11 I nig Mn. eud Mis, H'iroic BOOMANVJ /ýîL LE [oun.Mr oktepae'uiesr nSnaJn iin werr in Toonta las h< Euiotonto itutlie ai 2Oh. Afamly athningusadayeveiug ho end a Iciard îoiii.n-aw andh~d I liirsosMn sudpdr ingnimebs fa iil MnU sud MisRalph M .'1Ciyton Re!ad, Fowmen- ing pa)rty the are 1 vl, 11W - for a trip ta Enï1and in LE J Your home will stay tresh and cool alirsummer long when the iridoor climate is controlled by an electric air conditioner. YoOlI work better, feel better, above ail you'iI sieep better. Cool at this summer -electrically, yo Ur Ihyd ro IEdward id VJ-ckîi Donal Pu uuuw,3i.t ~rEm ol.s- liA mou rei Paycneiite tmmsso- Pntrredl st m rn-H a r d w a r e . let, 'isPHONE 623-5408 36,KING ST. EAST BOWMANVILLE lmon Collss EIec fric placesEECRCOM HEATING - AIR COND1TIONING tee 44 KING ST. W. 623-5901 BOWMANVILLE ~heJLANDER H ARDWARE Fath- ~ AND ELECTRIC LTD. Mns. J "YOUR HOME HARDWARE STORE" L 51 KING ST. E. 623-5774 BOWMANVILLE rug K EFRIGEKMIIN CERTIFIED MAINILNANLL it i - 1COMPANY ýliasll 120 PRODUCTION DRIVE 291-73*17 AGJNCOURT Thecl and ~iruuaiHEATING AND VVY ESAIR CNIINN Fr1-COMPETEHOME COMTFORT SERVICE or 17 LIBERTY ST T. 623-7591 BOWMANVILLE. I nie resting Disp!ays Portray Wid Ari lf obes U001 and comfortable ail summer long,. 'Mrs. Robert Cohlacott, R, R,4, showedl some> of the- animals she has stuffed ansd doîl clothesç she bas m Dad,