14 Th anaaian Statesman, Bowi-nar\ille, June 23, 1971 gnuilds are imited to aaciM rct la -ïb u r.a~ ' em ical tr n2tm e Yn eab e t e e d r m n C a i r a e L m ri $ r7k, ~ a nta ClseUp cfL pry ead and ThOsIaSanprey is an ani-D, hý_ Mr mal whîch has adar'ted itsel vi." .r i adM'.R s>,Vînhe i ,rdirf~ a - parhaps tro successtully te a i s".in l'Gin' edfeiy ocia iiew envirreien IlM n-iN' alc a' altive te the Atlantic, How <;r '*iln ra Br'l got iirote Q St. La'v cc* i Il acoeeh n ricl iclt d. i a system h is tii a satter cfon . rs SdainPpi. af. 'ii cnctr, Mr. Dustin aI i'rYunme- t~'i ry, i lar~ G i haie-ctha lampray hitchlhîkad,,1 lantdeîerki icnh ee i îc McAr ~ ais ryup the river attachdI "M'itrTrHse cfc na i th nbttrm of pasici1rf'di dtsliwek.iicM liAleÇotc, 'Prassoîne e ia amprey a<" " ' is t îhdBohraidBiis. t.<v '1n fri reshedthrOttawa River sud h riBra"r s Mil a' h a uet un there tei spawe," 1 -h'Iil~ $Y ~ <i hiad melireci th'y çlScendodsdVdi~Pi rsnîL rr andt rnicead of fui niug let' r- aud eut te the ses lthey turi-KIFN 'ria r-t eMr cdriîght aud jute Lake On- IN _iM M"' t ae " I 'i Si la, Wrhriu iand )isl iie 'f 'a ii n e Se anpe wre uikirow rsiii viicrheld t"u1 ,r i adN .Cî 7777 i:" l)182 su!d epeîîed al bv-pajsýT V1 rote ocund the talis, (Ses a ~r 'r.'<e c ydnc'a ric ur' iI'ci ( a' ianipr ey canet eormaily sur a J-r ~ vrrîrib ' b" «firils iii7: meunt a watestaill barrice "' ' ~r"i'r %i lip tc'fe ad ~~' 5i<ri ,Mr'~~~~~~rrrir r' ~~~~whirh îî bigh'r titan feui'""'i<r "ri5i"r,,'h V s.H tede M. i dw rri r feet.) Howevec, tbey wereW's r' i5' r ~ a4py ,rr"ydi.Bmeîl ecdN usaA "' "not ebserved u Lae re '".I$ , r il"'.r' .Mrr r MrDuslr'iheri lakes n'as a direct effect of Len Le ,ýwis,aasistat federman with the federai Dep'±'. î 'ri lirdrîgusi cof Mr. sdtanalttcird Iampton ,hc de"' O. '..of Aeb riu.amSuîîday er"mhririlliae'psi h'rflo o- 'y circular,,tooth-stu-:ddud mentit, nd ci' the rigit, its row of seven gîli openîngs aesicd notecc_ yVntie-îl b arrcd sdýi S,ýiàr n which are' located on each sida cf tihe hrad. The lamprey attaches itself te a fîsh Tit lanpiey are pror lamprey hi te b ek ithýoit harming te oher fîsh piefegltrab"'uvGeIrr1rsvi'lda,.rmcPoter uTu- ,ywheimmeradski wisudsshrptoguwen titey so that i tipirherf ish h a ick business requi 'igc r"ri"is.',MLubI~t " andstiks waythevscîm' bond itappau e b a athr apricieus feeder - attaching tiienielvrs te mic-ancs ib n fr-htpora.;si-tart b-igsl reiodcrî iS" r< r' i.Dî usii daoiciS"s'ar disdaining sorne fuIsand altarincietsuntil dealh, Nearly 90 per cent cf the sng objectîs," he said. oodTscrwlia be cm1-fo is aît morI scii r ,ieî'-s t c 1 o.ti u fish in Lake Ontario carry ca, cvidence cf lamprey parasitism. The lanmpley, It isifittîng that ncanl vincîiark lîei a entesîgrteldcek n r' s'l-7 'rer' ,i i 1dives 12-18 months as an aduit, thnn returns le a shailow sandy creek te spaîvn sclod lbe dciog soinpetbing .à"r"'iv-nig an i.T elf yl ae5btensxt ee e .ahout erîriîatîing the prob- i "P T4nh c and de, Th lîf cycl talc b'-irv m "5 l se\Cil yar1.lae.Both US, and Canada 91 Pg by De4rek Sîden1Hua inia r)us urc-s-, the lamnicy direction cof bieloglît,,Stanlhave fi sh e ry commissions! 'sî r 1riy Atud ent &of e lee lais, 1 se 'pblliahing ilsaîf Dustin, treated tbe two Bew- dediriaiad te the lampr-yitiri . r ai i'nî' knos tat helamrpeY îs 0î t tIhaGes Tkes bcirews te manville ceceks, tite Bewuran- ceutrel psogs'am and iwrkiri eieric h lc' rs rdytiScc te'Bc'.' - rhan . "" a' an ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ i eiThyaylksmla rotpOiTastalistics read ville, as far as ltae,'Vanilone legethes suit armony te the' Thte "ri'ri M1ii i. 7e e~ii cu ia s d cal kad ica Te ')racre Day oh- Miil damn, and the Soeaiasfnal Solution. [n Canada 5heistock arcer'eix,ed letba sgav tier ' i A"il"',an MiAi cheese, servarc L.ka Michgan - far as lte Pine Ridga Scitool main rientrol centre isaleeatedsitrck with teseysridden -Cubs a geood start omcmignadî's ns "iî'ieeSn The dfferncaî ar~ asri ey,; irst acicear 1936, dam. su Sacît Ste Marie. passîcg cf Mi' tnedVa-it-ihecausa ii stof titese boysh -'itad li;u id .n'i sIs'tB es' For oe11-th11n7,lita ce] l i-afIl fshig idi l ryclass15. Tsyw retetehget Mr ar5 ;ag"', It tryCamp on idedyren gie ena ap tfc.lo" i s r i ' ticd"sW r, nMis Las-eheHurriplcyismpreys firîtpeints iu the creeks where geai, King john o-eceIotedtiMsVaCm,1Misu lpIeladerser iteThe.!iiT'Mr,' adMcrs,ýb T e îohocfCa nret csntst cnsîerît~ ppar1937? fishing îndustry lamprey larvae had iteen bndia hrse1cra sigl lae n C V' "r" f rhcaledet hetuiteCleacdeersa- loi ocT!,c bc flot a tuh it at ail. b' cîaLs 97 iaike Sîperiori uvy netkndrsgTadî îemd 'Ms,Richard 'VanCautp auad[cam-p. Boit Camper Ai.a, iretc'i'ir" î atra viinla-r lh'lî sI'r re h arpaauncar 1946,ithe P rr«< wyears. dlcc yieii d a 'v thcir'rris- muîticî.ity ss "i"i'a 'pontic înc'1 il gea dec' y y ue ios f ldren and te Dorecu Van-decîded by the beys titemnsel-h, wicfc pein te ita amprey'ssrîher- "s n f lk ru nap elcdntdaît . grlad tekole io u ýCaip as Wcil f0the m l aliyIaS.Wentte Sixer AsigusFr-petc.'H 4I'laeM.TmW- oics aniti'i" si like carilagînos bcck n d . i i f ae tru e a eîcoriaîd cde îîgop d, tt eiiscfR other irelative"s in tirr lgrcatir's. Rcst Tet Award "vas tvr i a'e rr 'rdne s ce -isR, ircni arnetsr c'r"ic o note the benc e ie ap ii'O 'n,,s 961. lamiprîcide citamîcal was add- a smnali boy was norntally o rdyin heMDc eTmCochrane, Tim Law-by iv 'i asi ia ods1uetr-ults In'i 1~h tdattieew haisatos eogaged s intee mrttabion romr the mCit- rrincced WayneWilson,. Don rcl" 'sii i nsLeclelwei)~rssi igtîri rey of scalesa swin's lladdar ti Ifi;rselrtlgrrtg, andýand a nrmiter cf sacoudarv taîk ef bitiug off'thse headsi f a"emtal. Fc's tnt wa cuîroua ointte God 'XRossi iLe" 'it c 'd pie fisad awadsya.,p e cn- feeder points titreughout tlite cf lamney tea inake ttm Te Jn etn i iehbn'TeCF i 'd '01roîtWccry's-- hIrt enat-u1sitrr oa truê fisit possas surit charar io P"Z ii C"01latdwalershed. The aire - teicasier tri lacidlianlu ussnglCsndsr'e Unit of thc UC "es Siurday morr'nicg the ostrl"sni " r 'i X rcetLil- '-ePchtiarCucru teristîcs". lirk e1"' y inig mach- ressetain a constant flowv cf!tem ai hait te catch ccd a1dhl ttehm fNrenwn oSJh, l1 M .Fe neititer ccl, non by coi ry1ý , r ld i atrtta cemi tien sufficient te kîlilte lare" Toa- ea atrn m Valcolmiitb 15 imemiteu 5, - r Inn ol igad 'r 0,2 t it wrc Toa, mle gsrnonsthcec visitrirs Peuh 10 ,citI.dre' c y gîîs c c n udiar r 4 rl i cr a true fisit. Titan, wtt sv 1'i O rts lc'T1I' mal' prey sunte creeki wîtbeut de- consider the lattpry a gor-ipresant, Afteî coffce aisd a Seol î's < 'rt. 'terfcy, nd rî r uu Prd Curlsa Te scienîît it is a pimiie1 O iui ii, g eIpcla'prey ng any itars le lite other W ry mebe c tcfut aus,' ,anugeIl ffrt ava paiemets deiîghf ;ýBut the pepu- sal lima, Lest leade-r Pcgg ývet sort of prote-fiai îob Aoidîg uri, Son ipe Nto orlar't',' h wansrîg -especuaîîy Larreer epered te meig Bmeia otb c a bs 'i'i 'r s- r . ,u'î adJantes, Mr. anSde' ny epîrr flt disse ted nd î udra .a c r n'i " ni i 5 r - 55 ed'ii' f rton course on srtebrae whitsr i- rbe'Fsnvovadaerdeermîof a"Clu b Wa dîsc ssed h vn a pa and u da ctol d u e rolrî - sr i <'rt' r h M s o e ke e i e n e'c « C salon tc amre, ae os -l 1"' ; treau s Iafct A"he-i-Pian A uc u ced Juit Jen Kyp4le nayiriol chelunuty iec rhci " nss ,-ui1gB'irnclwaeFt-Ttlariutc ieIe lér f hi surv tivai Fo u s- icc c nf i s i se bas he hac rrc i d ut, Thn amfcolre Rbl",r f ,0 pm. Reiyoeai'n'd b A Tai'csic Wigtcf MiuJas Michl Fuio escha tc dDefnirtig7 emnandeMsfor iii Wigi'rt w icoea. h ernfod M iSfffTfi, oireri, we"ah okc o'rri t salml o r, he spea a pryIai H'r " eSen a t r epamn di o n ltA «sîr an -r iei f d sh cley, Cid rns Sdt ~ ' k ' îneî <f M n ils, c anie 'i rwc tl'tat maa ne t ha cr, ari t ka- c <faions in soltin, atheritvolumid mte l) ' --wlýn oseratotPr ntane fsitrmeu ws oia, iii "sil. 3 streaca n las turc bec.lia rrectamuoueetd.dne2-7,aThcd rs .Blhy a su:g0fprises w e wo i Oe ' t ei ilo wreigenc<-s rrr h anim.I t u omt se de c 9 ar CiidJ n ;- iea îleprey dRado Cub et pontmthei- aMr.uga bot 15 finsnndn ale Lu n r, w ed tt xa 'r ,ri c n alne Wth h'k e e"" i lJ icent of titeirca as ite arc i'als'c 1-Fs Ic", hecamliatuly 3tri ' rt buiiiar'gar ntn as uelrixrî tr'Sd n ajr'yd r use, c 1 ed Prî ço ca e su ka ra s let fen L~ v're lr f deaaD ierm thy ai - - iîtph e no etlo s su ens fo lh vI m cinia l us euLas Vr Wstr u ph , Mc , ýfrm sIv r 1if orif eMMs Ru ri , s't'i rid s peir« n urr, iesc .Tn'îpre y adlonserirbclifF ba-ri s amî en ded w iltioasuper-aolumvAt an u fiad ay Tivtisij ee, ticit M c a, Iva Mueoy Wodly Th 5-5 rc , cast1 -"'1' bc's trr suppersîssry 'îih i . u r, f $ 0 0 le $ 7 1 0 c, D 'A d eihe w ul it t ceîtol dia'-îr un ai tia~e a diiv clid ae r 73 otb lc r ae Ic DS rluri hiîid aI hr b nes Iou c; oe y MJ.C okmake isîr i ii "'i'l"4I r I 'lriO atfrrehth tck nceae cf 00,9 e Ç Scitool, Bos-'maîvrile, is lite i a nd ibis c mîg aor ay E ght isîay ai e idreteni'v'r, 'ît is Ir r Dro e ris MH loe, Br'sd- e c te 3,3î O prcst illauseatijizl from ~t k the clampqrey's respir- orbsofte devcloped gui structre, ut11,i - ehpecfe annalD - l ot ectvel y w d4ofathd-r bellite sor the tac M-is Ate1r e aktccfafi'Waltruggrec rrcddvs R stIi-ph,'M .Vs WIre yR u" sell aîr' Betle oe i'o ftr And i1ýng TiIle un eîîlheta.eisntgitirer, r' iosuo irer'44 kîh di tiveer fuît specues but on tedivili'ttn optene Bs1>(, kistoekf ict eeerirg , %vanps' alc n dia aiie t n' M i rr liii aid. Ms n F Reike t hc esa ' f ta c outh lre r espcf rf-fTonushipscîî priaely 1 daý 1-rWîu e r aI l it rgnuan'mccshe, girs osud e pophe They sprfr hatiod are theab ýleAmercanof teduie Riavgebcere lades ugb is, aGl-ruaidernthlnay. toy t arrla. csuîegLstuesaIt vos'd' lngei r sa-'ruc "cc pese sdîenu 1 fscGraftstc f Bwa ruonicome ci h a , h cni '-'- Ms hefaîlscflie apoa my,'r~r alis im itivacha ita ne' rl a' prnrrd h aî'n edîsa on Fn ban oor1r'il" a l oe, W ri i tij Lae s înî illsa r uctusîre, a emergecri ce re i'n uni ra uini as tCa ri; low - Mc: Mr- ileed ter a n elwde " r - witt tem prdaisos r'tilit is îc euît t e ' worid - MrKee Mec - -rgik ci btr ack si atie Wod lf b u', "ý kiliad off sdi Sise ars'Seond (cogGae of iocl'cerar aigrtS atebsîV1, Kna"prAr ,'~s, b, Tte sm rey ycnug tie s 1f ,combiel it oe raacru ri tluit teainethfoaSudCtPc trear mmereiingeescudofte ifn acsarticuferabrgcepnc are witMs Alsel latMt, 'Ialriribut cfocunly s te-s nthe" « itr entr ourheacr nad -We lite fric sud xcotîti:eent ec , lia mS o saS cilia !cacn irii udth oe sasue li ,'s Faa, sp n thir- di vttgrsge irrlt o s P bl te, fiseehîg of ritnggec beaatusutacls- Whns srsiafài IIr ed s',eaae or tseandlo, e r, ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ wel dastssdvgtlcWe elsttaueopen n a eMnsudCMisse IdexenhIet dogs, danMi S. tchemiai mxees tem îeyep FeidiDîgsss re ieSf ,Gihr aîshmeliowi, fa iealu tdnu rr'i ae jarrS ont f Item isolasrondi îc, Rad'io type autc Gy Pcion.o Atonf!,,- e ii a t Ise c renl andeîi'd veau',ecfcir a rmlepss aper y ss- . I o i Is-th curlas augot cv'Lawrnc e,'Mca V. ivI. P s 'sensfamillah of a h e fume jrcr r~'l5i- ..a- ~ tasnd coucetratîo, 'r h lare-whcu a raak aoi re ut tit prc, yungudoffl iiî'dnraiýscly oisuy yLiv'ycrac ' adlite JaiatMe Ha s Ldc.G'eogi s o f tri erMndN' sr succumnit l us ewhous. diteursf Cnaaîc sl ad US ns usac V ,aî rtttsba ain uB ~r ouf li ~ ~ nllan;o Magltoin and macrevilc McrTenispîa sudhe atirTe-ciamicle iow aes aid-lest mteepiu r ae o omM, u ci lac loii Adecîi sn avm ee a ct ke cc - titer prtf uane 'Drei oeinîl, M'dn iem sol n th e re suieb 'bu treedorleourakes u-ditçfurIPesns and s'crd int "ba"aMes, KaRt VanCew amp ced 1-grîudpacteus,thc boycd Mi danger horasiofinltehîae red<e t-stae suvtesate isîie pc,hi CosituntneM1Ganre, C. Doedduitelt.O 6 peaur r nunxetcisc - '-h maeus cacesud riciainowr.andVobo, Barlt, Pau odîst Lake f ds tareesaunave fau'iiosrr-hcn o esheic es c r M, Biande' Fiymn s,'titer gand ' r artspecnptiyced eott ofet tieewel ee eIh Mn.cuhnMitWiPaîre oThis typer" orf "< trcas c rîyegr~ pit a Vacae I hec otageonetofell s Ba,itenrrhsy adnjoed',i aumatn u illytbhtr f-,onia sgregueut: isa fus, vofsîrGli on brett r M.1<,n~ lit" ' ~~~~~'rf r sl~imulal igcalngtee He-i muiairgP 'r onsg Bbi-intricy MxaciLceMcnece onPla r"r'itoes orsInyat'ughl. Titean'r eek atheuong asit Aste,CuIteyMus'. d V.m MiM.siSMrsyanlcCoi t lin titanaio, tedain 1hen raelack euh pn'crbitteýa rlr,StoaybigghmeIe lite bottouganofl a rmole foudraI S ictly Ilaao tia e' 'rned, barbeand teare est Suurtd e rnni rc wNcceJnR succrb ~ ie ar'eys hill tf sd sttamersncszet on Mon eseubly u'seelo gr.nd iauttersascf Oba pati chlenuh - br« Tream av'sm su fas t a Georg Ca ncelonksw i us.4 'rghl'(Mercir)lbey iýas ciii g erua paker'. iTaioe -' 'rs- -noyeh by ltae irrulstuug suit lte Peterborosg erae-M r iRck Titomp- tîr' c teucoci n ' .' cir' ~~~~stance, butnet iitrtelii affect- have h"en 'n contact itît ttc Sspent Setrra s h im.Ma Tru ifnvsteS Med. Duniae s7.Citr gcuu1 eccyNrttmeIi - Doritasu han'parents le Mouireal over MatandJuia aa tte -rthlie possibîlify cf holding ýYouug Prcissse - Conserva tte veekend. prime mornits for Irea3trent i eair a c tahei'ono track rlives 1brus Ir p leOntaruo PlacMcea Ma,-oid Al spawiog es'îd. a'ianee.ctsMs'.ddssgMi, anGLnorget r" e aouta lmpr'yle i "r"iri -'ce beçause il lu l he lanpreyiouiSalu'c icnaMs~ySuili s bes m'an aI dncad sperstfitvhekditb a fier spendiug 12-18 i'uotbt iteenm ade nier ta- any officiai ced E ifiriacis' "'bosup Inori luhr cottage ai Bapîville. Plerlet' îwvoraeiousiy prayiug on itoe reqocat bean madeaet lime of iWîilby on Fîda e'iig Tia. Ms', andh Mci, S. Parker', of - . gotth fou gl he sat li ,'a<cea udeveyoeJisi s lte aks etor o igcing tb pness, wedding p,,,:leds iuerýNe%î"rialle î'îsitad Mi. and Mî'i.' stracrets pawit. Tite le- M!asnsîdt ndrparytrvcdat tire Geor'-k V 't.ii'ue, goKin Jhn hogbltie lrnr"y'r s gea dih5j, mae laya or' te 100,000 ces,1Mr and se dicd KingH11. e nn1ý-:1,-'-ýile" S [, cepres sý)le scl60000 tcleng average. I'i sooi helw etaronrorgitiss MoonnalIc tri o J Mu is. Esa My afrts Sn ha is said te hava e c enu, a - ni f1 r u e ils elhz ia 0lep einalmet nc m re'Mis s Occua Pgeale c Prtts ne cri Sundas ita hr Scd can'l ,conrjvnce Gi Wn, nsru ct ]rector pitb lpsents hie. Juast hîka amne1'iap a gem nsdPe'ysspuîg e-dasngfmwesivltbrso, Bolunik sîron împey Iatpcsîihly eotiig w ith bher grnripar'ehr nt , Mc, cî\rd Mca, lloîd McCoy ausd1 Bubclk alo,]mdo. 1wud ad Mrs ItAGrabam., Il ch e îrîg hteî' Mi', sd Mca, Bih the CaaaSaLupry(oh rimnîtsarat-1 ent ecs-)nrlui 0 re e tevcars teOsio litI ir tn " ' cici niake a the smakiec t sapn e isi titis A good crrîwh att"uded ar 'air paltale lae.Abiltt~tr idlicnustck clich-Tieyichl ntir uyna--rteta ~ i eld os atteausgaaiicnîyed[lire reCtalof lise Mr, :!Id Mcaraisare' khtid. - TirsTb"', piano pupili of 'Mca ,PolirWil" Blac, Isk,tien e Sundat' eî' lusgth amooaes o ynir" Iniup«r(Iinea rail onltIefaascrai e fson in lte Te',vnsirsn Hall oir ;lutggun,ý,ssf Mc, and Ms lus i nt, ni haocairîu da< drl -bt nconditions,. tntlt lfSatuî'day cveînsrg iLorielbaca "ii Y- bu n105 fcf tc enaIs 00 E AHSeveal freus lme'ernded l'M', ýcd Mr&,John Roni;n 'y te fuie IryGE CSHTOAY te 'ectanniel 'tcfShtos- ai cnd Ccii, Ms' anh'M-Vrs., GîIie I t<r"rc <i5erla enIt nrirlecrs:or-tfr"t desin. Gl, ho bsic îomScui 0te'laa suoua rea Laks baa tesa i THOI'TT Prt Pî'r on atosdmyaniSrs "Peiud eytsonelSadti ttrdaycciand ' noîidc" îafn-rM'abut1pitaenilylhriccv',gitbrin onacr ic 16 mcenaai uIs'ii'iry oîelyt skceust fearerSTATES1M'AN Sudae.lmaRunh i neai, Eniak-I cr-r -' trissci eqosil Ionsec CiL A S S 1IF I E D S TaCuh a-r ears<c hse ian Conservalionu Pak o ot ' ' -1)i'fnn.,~ <airsemeeersgrcet1ct ue pr gr m ocll. els So ar ani c~ sa v hi C cer irpu"v pod cton I s/b -f 'hon b~-33 3Fi'a Crf- îgti A pe k tafd y, r c d e' ici î'I oc1i'- siuici c st me an d mo ssnîci ie cn dri wecre 1found t e aipe'pa<ni glu'licgneie apri sa-anilabs, 6p2,rn-5cai3M03ari ionoTroljalicpmr'«<' ' , ,,