is o cheld later this mOnth iThe CRnidiRA, Statearnan, omave,3e2171 5 î at York University. H2espp C-Y a- i CIyOn lune 28, the Bowman- ato , _____ville Club is to visit OntarjoC-p M Place. Members are urged to at n I * ~ cotact their group leades. ~-~* ~~~should they wîsh to attendthre en want o fir wit a roe ofdsda ta t ornganythng tey ha Mr. . wa condcted The Dept, of Recreation s Hamilton Pacc tu n ho teealyponeS to ihf wasn't that the fc a to plan out each step first A rCoW, Woolley, with Mrs Ana pigRvewsMltr ac yWded ,Ii tn - k i Fr xaple th fotionhcpeaorMcpresented WdesaJune Twi rlers TSttadSQ thia aea ved, then pay heo asy hvwere Fr**apl te oo- . Cole asoacohenianoed rs lt nteTw al ui ai hl to, w ha 3students from M. 1add ...ratfler the o dd not 1oi dgover tecreek runnngI trinm wheTn Halers 0f he aray ao lse J' Hobshv Liax elte~wr etng enougi thro igh the Lambert prop- 11K. Hl ntresln ite St ledHuil in tuhreeeat-rsplendidltoy Ibaton, tap and ballet classes Beginnr'Tr1Cit-e The ~oupled y thiy e to at. ety I ha~to b drated ad - n~~~<-->--~ire ecedvocalsolo. Ipesened anantcestîg pr- TbmpproShrry eter viomnaocience teacher, "The, girls dont realize w rw osâebfr h y nteesigadvr WaneBoos set or ed oe od hn hy ocould start building it., Sa raMisIrn .are.Ss spn ou'ousoefodta te o io eridoduced the numbers. go, SaraLnLseiar dasîs we ogin to a epgig," It was the had the lean-to's. And thel e1iecrns ino bbie. he fence, theinroad ocandga ninepries cansisted màinly af JnStructors of fthe several obe 25ý eedarwoded acces awned log-splitter agara.fncterodad ie ü n id soups anid packages of groups included Directar Miss TwirllaTmAnlaP v(y Mc, andIrs.. Robert Lam- Three boys climbed out of! footth eengilfooto ai.j ' el n udigwes arvyMcs. J.Fowler, with Icard,Ph Knp, ari b rf .F1R 1, Bowmanville. a cedar bough lined lean-to Eve tewgrlehait mc o--in'--eat. e mmodities nlo Assistant Cindy Kowal an the Meeks. Tha pl1an-ta stimulate the, they had made the rious out th kitche ndara ithae . doubt, on the helves of ucky Saturday Tap Dance and Be- VreyTil cndtin ndlfesyerfe iptlMak-sifievl nnaidd s. .;-B4o -w~~manville Club 0ginners' Baton classes, Susan Novie SisSsnWry the settiers ta Darlington ia veli, though it got a bit raid tables. mmeswl ealti the 1850's and 1860's. lin the morning. The outing had a deeper . ."....of...ppy another iln1a Barbara Uenning for, the Gould;,De wcsDn¾ was the culmination of a "It was very caid," a grounp purpase. l~,i~ '~"- ~ ~ ~ eet.Wdedy Jvnl ao n hrnCo;Srtat yersstudy by the Grade 7 of four girls corrected. "The students have, been gru, n at-:lk hoSl aad 8studnts ota te bu Tix day bega eary, M, reaing boutthe ionee lif '~a'gg~t k tache tteWe dneday unio Swetuearowiner; oviç studentsinto thebu- Thedays begn eaBaton.. Thanks aboertheapiocerx-iSo7loato.mThCattrane ano SoKa- mnan and natural hîstory a1 Brooks, who camped in thelal l ear," Mc. Brooks said, Ce I h~~~1 pressed to the -Baton Mothers' thecisieWion teneae the, tonwnship. boys' section white bis wif e"but they could not eéalize ,-"L i sn n te aet o ooBraaHnig Tie rojert inivolved the Mereta tQo hig fth uthow diffeent the lif4 iesterhla ntroJno utCa-- stdnscntutn o il'quarters about 100 lofa hundred yeara 1ýago was - 'e"r The poraip.Oio97JaeLvenad cab, their own lean-to's, yards away, rose at 5 arn. ta fromn today's"los Kathy Bae crduroly and spîit-log roads start the fires. Reveille was Sa be decided ta take bois i~Il<'Sailor T~Dn and a bridge. But those wer' 5:30 ami. A subtie deterent, casscoom rigbt into the en- o - norse uvenleflOW- Litle Sli jus,,t tIreboys' chores. 10 those stude'its who were vironnient. KaidettearoJu rell, 'Cor eps -iodn' tmtd tobek the 10 rnm "A person cat under- -)sit f Ganaraska Rld- Ca-AnShr n rel in atrad Jc ohr Th,- girls? They conceca- ep ray Cu' Scn HreBrowne1ll, obbie ,AnFairey, Busties &Bw-eoa a ,di theniselves with churning cucfew. stand anytbing utiLil bte under- 1ng CýbsScn osPr ataDnaCosot, bii bkn bedad r-The Brooks had their four Stands 'bimself first," Mr, iSoiccnl eeas o~PmCtrn on ok hte abeadKn lb buerbai pignb r syead dpr-ildeae5 ,2ad 9 Boksraked. "Bythrt - ~hla vs Maureen Crago, Teresa Grif- ailS; ScothTpTb op paig aipiner-stl hs eae~4 n rns enc. y ' l P l fioert, Nancy Rietmnuller, Sus- r iaMseMnc ik cus!çfor thebugyonh with them as wel I mean untîl be, understandscL' cuisiflecrcw andh he fut nto hisenviron-an Serry, Kelly Gould, Kath- ard, LànaBr;WihaLti To1,ncs1hip resîdents, suris as "Montha af planning an ow b itsit i nio Job i DeWitt on Freddie, Jack eieWloSao ok i fBybnCaiyCn .JneWode, anyLa-preparation have gone into menit." Wewrdorenk'iBybneFailsey hawayoo , NyaleroAn bete Droh Cle, rs-this outing," Mc. Brooks said. And that sumrs up wisat tbe WLa dDbie get on Pnk'B a oviceSl yKtyAg FairLad - usa Benson etter, rs. Wa ef c the students could wbole pcoject is about.ANoieSl yKt ugr BenanLeter Ma. al"rSurie Il. Brooks, "T" Strut and Soio Stark. Rabn- and Mrs. A. Rosevear, hw , Jumping (Down and Out)-Iby Janet Lovekîn. WednesdyJno wre' wiso have not fogte the l ~~Bil Leggette on Toby, Lsi Ballet Dances - Country Team wn-Jllite" basic pioneer arts which gave J JJV I!I I d1 Bensn'n n Bonnie. Gardens-Gina Gatbrie, Phyflis Strut adSo-SarnFc the settier a healthy self- - Chidrens Bacreis iiJin Knapp, Andrea Anfossi, bunda raw, p;a wr-as reliance. cane te, the site to L*, ~ "~I1e ggette an Suzie 11, Johnny Lavis. Irish Jig -Frances Blake; ac wc ui teach the students new (o Lin sklsad aistut bm nIlunes on Sonya.- the art af quiltung and mal, The 'i cwîshi ieir a gft by ber suxers, Cheryl ~. ais arl--Di e ngsoap that was, believe itlaiinual Mtiser,Faie an Miiner, bisa Hooper, Abby u~tit ' '-o ui l eleBn r not, entirely phospbatce'Dugter Banquet at Meuorial. Blanchard, Carol Trolley, ao one id atr free and non-sudsing toc. Park Club House on Monday, Angle Luxton. onerde Tise exrse was noa---------------------------------------.--------------------ck--------------------- da.pot luck repast and tise mati-s ented Mrs. Mearbun and Mcs "'*" 1'"" ' gette on Suzie II, John De-M 'Ibvenxerxoke oers dud a wonderful job of McDonaid witb floral arrange- ~Wt nFediJh ies' isard," one lad saiti as be bringing a variety of delilciaus ments, aiso Mca. Jobaston and -hon Sonya, Split a log foc theroad. diabes. 'Mca. White with Begonuas. 1Vag Race- John bines on! "IfThee one t xvg e, ,swerson ree 't"i"k' ' a, John Taylor on Oscar,i ba v' learined," saîdagilthse Mothers' Caasmittee, wet- dcctdwt etepe' nDWt nFede fastîdously tîdyîng up berCaebth rwisTee comed ail the Bwnies, Lead- md h1e ntua Teh 'ildrcn's Special-Jolhnny lean-to, uit la how bard the ers, Mothers and Fathers, Iwece given away witb twa This you i-, hi n \iL >' ew teeth. the infeellou1s grin and sparkiing CyOS i ,,es n Whisky, vnTyo pioneers bad to work just ta îattklcy wnes rm e in by eacb day." Queen wbicisa toast ta tise 1rk ines rm ab Ryan Burdett, soi.- .T îkl's. David Buirdettai o Newcastle, who was onie- o- Dandy, Richard bines o A DPIE GTLPIE gci et c was. proposed foiiowed Brawie Six, Mrs. Ingram, Mcs MN ME O While the boys worked on by Grace w ils a said lin Hooper, Mca. Bird, Mca. Crago,yaridoJuth19,iL gaipresae Mr. iand Mrs. Len Joues, New- Whisky. proect, he irl pe- nisnMca. Lunn, Mca. Mimner, Mrs. caStie, Mrh. and Mv1r., hùl Burdetl, iBowmanville. Great gat rnsare iVrs. i lVie's Special - Trait Horsel MS191 al t, St. amelflen.lNetulsu thir pro1 lecs tgirs ae iul5f.Fairey, Mes. Gauiab, Mca. L. Mitchell, Mrs. J.C 'cîtî, Bowmanviile; Mrs, G. Rees, Newvcastle arnd Mr. lPoco Tol--an 5,Wobodegatteon ]t,..,.,,,lOO ' parceddhthe tabls.gIt Trolley-Photo by Astor Studio Gliarlue, John DeWitt on'~~2d faci as 'bath were cancerned.duebadtlegss:Ds Mrs. Ltunn read thse Secre- ....... 5,0 n.. of a upisig t bctricl Commissioner Mca. J, tary's repart and Mca. John- Fed Nofrc f nupisngtab Mearbin, International Repre- ton reaci tbe financial repart. h oeBnigDbLegte3d..... ... 2,0 rz Tiemn vas . viat sentative of Centrai Acea Mca. Johnston tben pcesenîedIo Suzie II, John Taylor on 10 prixes... . $,000 rack 24 prizes..,$O alt - cio poictstl.Park and Mcs .MDniBanOiMca. Ailoway and her staff Pokcy, John Taylor on Oscar. ____________ Mca C. Henniing, Tawny Owi aplit pea ~~ Mca. J. Hooper, Past Presi- isagftorilhereI detMs .Wie er-and thanked tise Memoial j lass--Gail Woodward on r-- -- ~ - 'bsmaning we had por-detM-.G WheSce Park Association for tise use Pr Tolan 5, Leslie Benson rridgI forbrafs, a boy îary-'±reasurer Moîbers' oi-of tbe Club House foc aur ye ry V B le-n Bonnie, Linda -Patterson Latn brîmîcanis ba sd, makîng mnittec Mca. J. Lunn.metnsonFdi, a epectig ac.Seated at tise centre table Mra. Heaning lisen gave a onTrdî.~ o8ono, t~Tario "An ycteray e ad iseOwlMis Saro Bln-brifin antie Bowne Cmp Pollution haIs u- l cpi-ogrars hise fa!t tis sformuflationl, 1-Io asic- Pll aeJinbnsa oo~,Otn tt," nte vlnecd riard and Tiny Owi Miss[in July. labout word mcd lher in i h h is sdoucisy -out> ovus laIe tant rowtis. muiId -îîo o oy i egteo oy SinrMeachin saîd a eLes ier faiyrn cndthe lion 1tisaui ardeunicCnr un- ,i kplus for thse youîisoa, good root system ll,"I ro- Mnsoyrtry-.Bll hcg, Cr i$2eas iunel sithetadh icktmke eeigbe vords of tisanka btoIse Toad Stool for tiseir opening proving tise envicoiiment ot:. Tiey aue cnendidr ood top gîowl-î. ett onb, Jhnbies on ' I / /1 ~ Bravuies and Leaders. tisen and received badges tisey bad wliicis we livc, Large -ý-'oon Le VTisis Saturday, JunelCiuainaoid~5tSu.a John DeWitt oui Fred- Nacre- toduced Mca. MeDonald eacned during tise year. iejaun aeceno p nc hui îey will have a P.OP. Ibis weekeîud will produceýdîC o iAde OA~4L', isho spoke a few words ob er badges were ,presenteà by jfactorie., ,and mca i il <rPpYout7is FestivaPl aItise w-orudecs, it l xii aio he'PnyExprass-Bull aad Bb position,. Tawny Owl, Brown Owl, Wise trees and uunncovigr--G 'cAditoriuim; tise cd- oxygen, ta enter tise suai- Leýggette and Toby adQen Af4WE~TA~?TXES,~g: Tawny OwliIm gave Owi and Tiny Owi. isur'oïundisig". ,Shrsopgnt q1, c- ini re;tesekrlawing t4ise roots b ow nt ioh eWitt and John 'Lunes ~TIpoe~.-.--..----------- 4 ~~~ tb,, nksi to a aui-pised Brown Golden Hand Ires aeuu n: r- --n I,,F< mnpsliwta u itanexcellent cooldm - u Fcedie and Sonya, Deb hopedleyleenidSepdimdtselcoe Ow Lcbe lm ad fai~ Abby Blanchsard, Carol Trol- I terual tO lixprovo'Ji'7' eG'1rdeHeseS1îcr; ie lmirIhae en res uehegcteani oh ayoro couice ing b rak witbp h îl ey, Cisecyl Mimner, Na-ncy and enjoymenl or h i - opir iil Iha PoIllution. Foc as Bcd Cimson Kisig MnenzeI udPky nai rv i.117RS7fi BlMrailes for tise past yea.r. Stephens. Tise Oshamwa C-eutrec ari e mirer inormatinrail Ken whicb were complelely stun- Nx )shw, August 22nd. Shie s+ten presentet i wtis Golden Latider hMdTv-Mi - tosC-Ltlii18.c rdcn nyoî v Brenda Gibson, Patti Patteýr, anipiesý Thte Pack 3)0o'<i 'This weckecnd rîran up lise incises of grawth a ycar, anCtiMig' Jlus Ke~er inents ai-e tartin euataxu sccngets ob aking away tise grýa s baur CiishniPaliPtter, mr rc y~~~ u :t checkixtise hcight of tise arou.nd tise tree or by ci- Brenda Gibson. aiiy lime iii is ory a- i'I i wLu, uxiirilkely la too 10w valing ta icetishe aur mbIl c Cook is necessary frlo hit, fi or,c ls summer- monlisa. Dur-I soi, giving as mucs as 24 10, Patti Patter, Brenda Gibs urvive, iîîg thew ne-rt Ivo montiss tise 30 icie of growtis the same 623-3303 son, baura Cissom, baucieihOeo u l- rJor-m -ms~sudb u aîwrya.Tis sbould be donc & Oeoth aetslebmaisuet n o a cc jut eloaiebdaIueL rerait~ o WýHooper, bisa Hooper. to gel starteti s hileP.OR s iIoinie, v udaiis meeud baura ChissonAgl e--(prarlise apposing polutue-'i If mches would e\'en bec hr pei o frs LaraCisom ngl pVr gam bythie GChristian1 hetl"r, This will aliade thse ilt tis ayear. Tis is la atu 1_3y A 'min aya s otsCnteliO'sw,~ oi undcr tise lmwn, and vili wich attacisa the rose bush PLUMBliNG HEATING. Abby Blanchsard. lo iii accrlcdu taini extent, giving your iawn cose leaf. Thsis disease r Writers aeau prga aImtti chance to- keep ils green oulce action rigist may ise /c5.-~Tyrone, Ontarlo Linda Bird, Nancy Stepheuis, crecîr areas froni Ajax y color. Yau isve pcbbly cane sisouid be pruned hb, PHTONE 263-2W50 Abby Blanchsard,. Cheryl Mil- Bovmcnviile. two mil 'cif ioedlthot tise puîîîog veli bnlow tise iufested a., 1 nec, Carol Trolley, Janice dni soutiIh i" -sy of igrerns onutise golf courses arc tiscu spray uitis a good tuingi- scisolsant slneut t , eil sahorptan l bi are ig sl Ibis Odis e. i leine Ga ulieauaWight sbor dents tram al ts ocll a deep green color. Tiey are or race andi garden tfungicide- N Frances Tigise, Linda Bird, urday until Anigust -L ,ithsre veeks anti ppîying at plants should ise stmked ta Bobbi-Ann Fairey, Maureen calc ohsat.nprciiiaItîvo lches of watec prevent lisrm biowiîug av"ec Craga. ~~~~selîisem ouîîy t cor, ipauul >, evcry 10 ta 15 timys.bylsstng utyvda Skier Use a baroboo stake ora IJanna Iuigram, Jue Wight, tisat cc-ci cie these materias IF you lack color in your redar stake, an-d tic aI two or Skaters bo prevent furîluer m-Olutlîi. i flouer beda or on your patio, tliree diftecent Spots aiOruîg04 Jonna Ingrani. Hututeda tn ofp-'. y(knt lntu a1 OStise stem. You rau use strinL s ii A aial- IBrown Ovi1 then presenteti are, involved l lic ce'twih pelunias or ageralum olDr or lise new Ivistie wiicisar tise follawing Bcawnies vils leauiup proguani, tise g 1 ce oter munuals visicisare Stil1 available. a gift for perfect altendance, la pieketi up, Ithe gra, i cultO\ ailabisî.ni a fair supply aI For~ a laIe rrop of gladiai-* IC antiinsecton:Jule Wihtand i vaiaise, n ,vlu r tse ardn cetre inIbi plmîtsometiss vekeitivio ChelyTral- nLira aupper ai the aitract '~UcyL,,i~ne, ~roively kçept Lions Centre n probems a usfor ey, Nancy, Stephenis, Abby 3rd LUne fflk) '~M e Wet of prbest sf Blanchsard, Shsaron Blanchsard tise exenîng, of Tuesdmy, Juus' (Wise Ovi). DX Ga t L io H 5îtu pr 4 Year -Tise Presideot, iVic. W Maian Hennîng (4ro,nl Wnooley prcsidedmuid -vas OOON welomed bari folioxvimmga- WE ELV R i omm~issioner Me'acinjoin- TRW RY- D pecicd of ii111 1~ a y R~E ed tise Fairy ring anti compli- lng tiese ciretmry's eot mentet tise Brovusies on tîiseuî PATC I- ITAT0N ts ou mseas f airei e1PA',TS andi arbievemenîs for tise year, ý -tisuiicius fokmlimd boa-NW WiLCTIN A E NET Y'S WALPAPERS ater isicis tbey gave lise I tîve sack esjus a~n ho " itw MI in t ý,Ohw 55 RIýFNG STW, PHONE 623-5431 Brown Ovîýtisen Ihatuketi i gt el ad adMdonMl igS all the parents, anti leaders 1 0 2vsttions. a ux iha o 2BtenOhw-omnil for their iseip andi asistance V ie local club wsRgwyN.2BtenOh durng iseyea, rawie~____ ffiated i wtistise "ntt .Phone 623-5757 Il~LrehJu-one1im,. anti Leaders tben foreti a' IY 0 ECS enior Cilizens oa0i Onmu " circle anti sang Brownie saongs - ---. ---. c. Arnîlateatisaid Gardynilsau anti repeatedt heir promise. *nrntcal strenglis ant u--G rdn B a'y i *Brovuies tisea presenteti i F-1, 13erIi outyvd c- - isu vtanzamtul bterabetast ~molisers is bhegon iasfrhtienei, rb1îsat urB sns visiîcis they bhad grawi n at î9746 apioin fts liul Ibis brougisi anenybe renunuSnir'ten _______________________________________ -evnig t aclsU M1-AiMle i