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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 23 Jun 1971, p. 4

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4The Car.adian Statdesman, rowmianvi11e, June 2,17 E EDIlTORI1AL COMRMENT SWha A Dfýf erence I-t yesof'DItpple Dýin canada btt en Frîlac nîh, eïl-ited roles a3nd ~ecme 'sînig kigh'.It, reminded ýmof T1 erry1 Harper's chanigeti position ý-n theMotralCanadie2ns when one inuehomncfown fans werre booing him ýnd1 thenex giving him a, standing ;vation, urn the NHL playoff s. SIt ail camne about, as most of you ý,now, becauise of the surprise budget ýjeý brougIht dawn, packed with goodies -for mot axpayý1ers. Certainly, it may tave been a political docuiment, design- 'Ctd to make the Liberal gov-erimenit look rod î i te eyes of thie electorate, but 4e fact remnains that itav the couin- ya 'lif"t' at a timeiic when it was sorely ,eetied. It alIsa remQveci the uncertainty 4hatbusmessinen have feit for the past Iwo eassince the White Paper on MIaxatïin w7,as introaduced. Now, instead eif feeling that they are the forgotten ZnJd àabuseti segment of the ecanomy; ~uiespeaple can plan aheati with somne assurance that the path isn't go- ,ïing to be strewn with obstacles placed Î Ihere by an unsymýi-ipathetic government. WeI agree with Conservative George 1HeTes that thePrime Minister will prob- o bl'y cail ain election th is faîl; certainly, the staýge ba.s been set for one by the ~g o whig react'îin in the news media ta, blhat budet a-nti members of the ~Ibrlparty vwill be pressing for an ,election before that favorable climate twears off. The budg-et, coulti also upset1 ,the Ontario government's program thati mayfelt also calleti for an election thsis Sall That one miighjt just be delayeti ýnow unrtil spring of next year, because1 ~teeis no way that we can see in ihici theyv cari possiblY compete; they1 ,ust don't have the bag of goodies avail-1 sablje to Iha-nd ouýt to îimpress electors.1 .-rhis, of course, is only conjecture, andj _vwe Coulti be w vrong, because we notef that alreati iare relaxing the liquior1 -rules ta mak-e life simpoler anti more uip-1 OdPoster Tells t The followving pos5ter-, stii reatiable, 'was discovereti on the door of a shedi in thei Saunia - Ensienarea. -R_ HUTCIISON ENNISKILLEN -A gooti selection anti as cheap, anti cani be bouglht on as gooti terms as at, any 'cther bouse in the iownship. aur dres g ootis and -pnints ehave 1-e a ut i u u- n es. ~nTecda celetchie ýi bri-aces anti hase, fev cia ba beat. ,In bats, bonnets, feathiers anti flowers inia hille e n of nov0"elties of the aycan ha had for $2" upwartis. Uatiiesý Prunell? boots for 8fc, Ssuppl-y aI work boots kept constantly !Iheexen î~ W ork Fc 'Ile ý,LcJtowhich workîng con- 'fiitions and, camnpaniy benafits enjayad "Lby plant epoes i manufacturing dintiustryý have continueti ta' improve ;ind. have bea funther extendeti aver "'theI pas[ tenr years, is wrell brought out în telateust survey matie by the fed- ~1D>epartme-nt,,i of Labour. Bae, .on information supplied by hoîr-e 9,100 manuiLfacturïig concarns, the sýurve *y cavers nearly a, ilion plant implo'yes across Caniada. Its main) findingvs can- be summiarîzed. as fol- Since 1959, the proportion af plant ý,rmphayees working a standard work week aI 40 hours or less bias risen from ý7O par cent ta 81 per cent. Only five Per cent naw work mare t-,han 45 bours A five-tiay work waak is naw en- joyeti by fully 94 per cent compareti Wvith 8'9 per cent tan years ago. Eighty- four per cent now work eight hours a dlay or-lss B3etween 1959 anti 1968, the propor- t'ion of plant eCmphoyees receiving eîgbti or q'e pait holitiays per year rase Jromn 69 per cent ta 87 per ecnt . Those gettig feer thanr seven tinys daclineti tram 26 peri Cent ta -12 per 'cent. Altboughinmosi caýses lengib of annal paiti acationi is dirctly nelateti tservice wîth the -onmpa3nyý, 83 per cent of plant emphoyees nowf recaive et least threa weaks comparedi witb 71 pDer cent in 1959. Soma 64 per cent pet bIns aftar ten years or less witb the 623-3303 A Day Can- Make, to- date r for thos hoibbeacooi On th federal budgetc, the comn- mrentsLý of Allen Lambert, Pï'esitcin of Toronto Dominion Bank. onii very closely withi our.own. He sayvs, -in part: "The (Governmnent's bdgtantitax proposais renmve maj or nerant in the Caînadian ceea(nmic ciaeand provide a realistic basis for Su1stained econoic growth throughaout the17's "The tax cuts in the bdgtare clearly appropriate ta thie neetic-s of the Canadian economy at, thîs tme"saiid IVIr. Lambert, "Tax cuts at tie lower incame levels anti the alreatiy announe- ed substantiai increase in 'unemploy- ment insurance benefits arc, not only socialy , desirable but shoti resulti a substantia] increpse in consumner ex- penditure. The proposeti reduction in the corporatetx rate will give busi- rtess a strong incentive ta invest, while the long-tielayed tax reform remnoves business uncertaintyv. Thus the budget -both encourages consumners ta spenti andi busineýss ta expand prodluctioni." Mr. Lambert, believes these incen- tives are especially welcomne' in view Of' the past year's poor corporate profit performance and current slugggish in- vestment spending. "Also, in vicw of Canada's seriaus unemploymnent rate," Mr. Lambert saiti, "I hope a resuit of the measures taken will bc the creation of many new jobs."' "I am particularly pleasedti a e the efforts ta encourage Caniadian owr- ership by the incentives ta srnalf busi- nesses and the elimninationi of th,, estate anti gift taxes. These taxes mnay have been an impediment taj the retention of 'Canadian businesses IoyvCanadians. As far as the capital gains tax is concernied, 1 believeý most Caniadians expeeteti thtis ta be enacteci. The proposais in the bud- get shioulti make aur- tax syý,stemmore equitable and reinforces the philosophY that incomne howeve(r acquired shJoultd be subject ta a. he Story of IA94 Our lina ofM goti grocenies je, nowI Ja millhnery, dres-, anti mentie, making garments unider the supenintantdance ai Miss Marshall ai Pont Hope. We uar anptea as usuel gooti satisfaction. Iiigbest pnice given for butter, egg anci la exchamge for gootis. Give uis a fl !, Robant -HutChïSOI# Enniakîhlea, Apnil 28", 1874 (Siatersmian Priai) - -su bmiî teti b1t Elgin R. Tayl'or, Enni.skilhen >rce Gains campan,a big jumrp fram the 13 par cent af 1959. In that year, the propor- tion of emiployeas receiving thre waeks in untier PIVE yeans was statis- tîcally insignificant; -the latasi sunvey shows 21 percent of plant emplayees in this c-aiegory. Ovar anti aboya the Canada Pen- sion Plan, wbich tiidn't exist tan yaars aga, 70 pen cent af plant employeas are now also covereti by a company pen- sion plan, up from 67 pan cent in 1959. The proportion of plant employees belonging ta NON-CONTRIBUTORY plans --i.e. plans financati eniirely by Ille campany - bas climbeti from 23 ,par cent to 28 par cent ln the same dc a de. W'eekly income insurance, paiti sick Jeava, lbeal'tibebncrits, industrial. mati- cal services, mierniiY leava anti aatingý facîlities area atitional banef ils on whîch the surveyv provides information for the yca 1968. We,kly income insuranca plans of vany ' ingý generosity caver 56 par cent af plant emlayees, up from 47 par centI in jusi two years. Suppiemnenting madicarebaltb baenefit plans af ana kintid or iiiother caver 89 per Cent, Tbirtv per cnt af thosa survayad banafiýt from a a Pit sick leava p lani. These, then, are part of the fruits o'f tha productivity gains in Canadian manufactuing industry ovar tbe past part by buge capital investmaent in ten yaars, gan atiepossible ln large pliint matiarnizatian. t .1 ~ [Cdi I 4 i Dvruhaim Caunty's Great FamIIy journalj Establishaed 117 years aqo in 1854 Also lncorporating The Bawmctnvîile News The Newcastle Independeni The Orono News Se-ondI claisa mail registration nuniber 1561 Prodluced every Wednesday by THE JAMES PUBLISHING COMPANY LIMITED 62 -66 King St. W., Bowmanville, Ontaria Phlon* 623-303 JOH M.JAMS ATRICK GOULD GEO. P. MORRIS ED !T(rPn-9BL JSH-E rADVTG-. MANAGER BJus1z'issMa repeorluce li whlt ii art dnd inany form. whajtsoevr,,rporticlarly hy phGtogjraphia oDr offset procese in ciprbIictfoný, niust l'e nlairecd trom the Publieher and the printer. Aay unauthorfséýd reroucion wU b.Subjeet 10 recours. fit l w SSOQaya r-6 enh a, S30 iYeur in th(, United Stao rtieh hi ae vance, Althocqh every prcq-uti on wiI. ck3cn lto vod ýrrny Thie (Ctrndictn 5er~nnacet t ei Xfl ihe hl in an IudOxStanndtrtgthct it wilI fnot 'cIahI.e fmt nny orrai, in any rrdveri2coecn pulitèdleundeý iunisse a pr~oi of suce 'Idert1nment j.s ,quïe.tecii n vwritino b,, the advestier aad Cjretuynedl ta The Cciïndtcri StI1tftzflaCbujif ýýi ofice duIv sined by t~he e docrie r ùord ' % ut- Bro!orcoreinsplainly ntedini wrting iereor, and in that case if aný' eryrsr- oted mi nct -,orCted l'y The Canadcian Stateenian .,its iIi tiaihy shh etexcdsu' a portion ol th& entre COs! ni scliarivrtiemea asthe spacE acrcupiýd l'y the nated error bers to, me'. wh i ce accupited by uhadvertisemnt,ý ~EA6~a4 AvPYin 2Y A, MacDuff Ottawa Report T he Ostrich alnd the Cigarette S 'moking lbas been a ý'habit amfong Europeans fer 400 years. On first glance it ap- pears ta hc an unpleasart habit. But millions, parhaps hundretis of mniliJon-s of peo- pie smake, leading ta the conclusion that there m'ust he Sotomethinig about the habit that la attractive. The Faderal Governntent doesn't w antL people to Smoke, tepecj2]Iy cigaretteg wýhich are by fair the m-ost popular form aof smoking, 'But the Federalý Governm-ent, knows it calnnot barý people from smoking. So instead'ifit has chosan toehtie itsbat in the sa nd îan id petend 1,th a the ha i oes not eit However, iiin hs Ratenipt ta bideý the habitXoj ie y ou'itawing cigarette promno- tion and adivertisi, th fie g-o- ernmilfiiendangeningithe rurvivel 0f a ustnIl St'g- ment cof the Communication industry. The lwpraopûoetôi h e governmnt ha mch ,straonger than the mieasuiresadctd soime 18 mtonths ago hy a, Commons qComnmittee which aStudied cigarette aýdvertisin g. The Government's measunres reflact the parsonai attitude of Prime Minister Pierre Trudeau Who in the pat lias stated his dislike of the habit and his inability ta understand why anyone would engage in it. The Canladien Government, 25 Years Ago like many gvrmetar- gues that the smýokirg habit must ha fouglit. Tt complains that diseases traceable dir- ectly ta cigarettes aach y-ear kIi off thousands of Cana- dians and put mnany thou- sands more into liospitals - which are financed by tax dollars The Govennment says aniti-smo-king publicity bas bceautried, but lias not worked. The man who in- troduced t he legisletion is an example of the faihure, of ant-smoking publicity. Healtb and Welfare Min- ister John Màunro lias been Subjected ta every for-tu o siuch )publîcity possible, Bt bis oniy ;success bas been in cut, down f romi thrce pack- ages aofcigarettes a day Ao onie an a haif peu Q~y, Wisethe IU'earl Govr- ment shoufld find ýonsider- able support ftor its degire ta redjuce the number ar cigarettlle smakens la Canada, its, metliod of attempting ta dIo s0 s5 al'mast certainly domed intafaihura The FadleraiGvruat in ýýti,trdcjing the legiria- lion, coulti suliit no proof that people smoka hacause of advertising. Mir. Munro saiti lie feels lie amokes more than ha woulti othen- wise hecause hli ksubiected ta, advartisinqg. But aven ha, cauld nntot hiectively,, prove that the e-xtanit f fcigarette smioking in Canapda is direct- 49, Years Ago <June 27, 1946) (June 29, 1922) Mn, anti Mrs. R.LJ. Morris, Mayor Chas. Lamb, Mn. C. M. Murdoif, Lindsay, andi Mr. and Mrs. Daîbert Chamence, Oshawa, attandeti the Mem- an!alý and Dacoration service iane Sunidey. Tire specialist Frank Jam- leSon lias a branti new, reti Clievrolet truck for quick delivery anti pickup. Tim Garton also 1had bis new, green, light deliveny Stude- baker truck anappati up hy Noýrtbcutt & Smith., Miss Mahal Colweil, Win- nipag, Man.; Miss D, Smith$ Mns. J. Choie, Toronto; Mns. Aý. J. Lymar, Oshiawa, visit- ed the formar's sister-in-law, Mrs. Mina Calwell, and Mn, anti Mra. Alhert Colwall. Misa Edula Hewson af the Depaniment , o! Na3tional Welfara', Poic oniranlo, matie the annual inspection af the obstetrical. anti nurs- ing service of Bowmanville Hospital on Pitiay, Juna 2lst, Mn. Raîpli Carruihers, New York City, attendadth ie Amn- enican Library Association convention in Buiffaho ani la naw visiling bis prns Mn. anti Mrs. W. H-. Carnuili- Mayar- C. G. Morris anti Mýrs. Morris, flew ta Van- couver aven the waakenti wliare the Mayor will attend the annuel convention af .Miss Majorie Runtile was waekenti guesi af Miss Gwen Cavenly aiithe Shenhourne H-ouse Club, Ta)ronto. Miss Eliata Ste, Tan- onto, spent 0he waekei wlihliber uincla, Mn, Wmi. Painion.. Waaimnount. Mrs. P. A. laviae, un- towli, Alla., is -visiiing han brothler, Mn. F. S. Coaltar. Mns. May Péarce, Orang, tNc-w vJérs, ,visîtti (i_ïss Florencer- y Dr. H. WI. Riggs, a prom- inent surgeon of Vancouiven, wý. tas a recenit visiton af his sisten, Mns. W, H. Car- ruiliers. He attandeti the iaisConferenca in Ton- anto, and was appointed a Vi(ce Presideni., Mn. ýW. N. Tilley' .,o Tarontlo, brother oaI Dr. A. S.TilBo avlll onaf aaas ersna tives whoç will mnake tlie appeal for the Grandl Trunt shareboldars againsi the board i ofAnhutration hafore tle Privy Counicil ai Laui- don, Englanld, about July 10. Mr. Herbant Flatchaer la r e i v in)g0cangratlaLion-s these tiays on bis succesa ait the Rose S ofaIOntario hald inluToronto lpst week. This la the first lime ha lias aexhibiltd amd lie won iliree pnizes oui )f four enties. "The Riosen-y" la looking very beautiful ai present, Miss Miltireti Souciaf Hampton, is rcivn'the congratulations af lien many friandcs on passing hli Prim- ary Vacal _Exama ltl firsi class oos taking 85 par cýent, the highest mark ai- f aati ai Bishop Bethune Collage. Mn. Cynil Sauch of Parts- moutb-wbo lias beau spanti- ing a wveek wiili bis parents, Mn. anti Mrs. W. O. Souci, bhas gone ta Fort Qu'Appelle, Sask. Miss Mamnie Gillient, Luma- den, Sask., is visiting han cousins. Misses Lola anti Eniti Sauch, and tiiler rela- tives liera. Mrs. Harry Canu lias gone ta Vancouver, B.C., wbara sheI wilileraide i l lie future. aorR. J. Guitandeti îlep wetiding af Mn. Johin Diblea anti MsIrma 8m i St. Patil's Chuircli, Tor- oato, On Wdedy ly related ta thé -amçunt of advertising. It appears, in fect, that tha, -reverse is true. Other coa- tries whicli have banucti cigarette advertisig have sýean a growth in the smok- inig habit within thein bord- ans. Mr. Munno iwas ask1edi about this anti arguedtn tha the grawth wouid have baen Cven greaLer -if thara hati been cigarette advertising. While 1naither Mn. Munira non the iraprasantatives af the cigarette caM-panies is citssed it publicly, Northi Amnerica in the past five years lias seen an astiundtiig e-xemple af the feet etivan- tising is ilot naeedad ta pro- mate a habit whîcli peoplaý beliava is pleasuîrable. Tlha ha-bit of smiokingmaian on liaýshiali bas epne tremendausl.Y. Yet got only is advartisinig of the proti- u.rt benneti, possession 01 the product iself carnies a stiff lagal penal!ty. The Govarnmient's legisia- tien will not Iikeiy rnake a substatieil dent in the numn- ber of smokars. Thus it will niot likely hurt the cigarette manufacturers who spenti $24 million (their figure) or $14 million (the Gova,,rn- ment's figure) a -year on cigarette advertising. Those 'wliawilh ha hurt are, the nation's adver-,tisïïng ,agancies anti thé> mass media. Many magazines, radio sta- tions, television stations and newspapers fin i the revenue from cigarette atis very im- portant in haîancing their bjudgets. Sone af tlem could fold hecausa af the legisla- tian, But the goveninmaut doas not like ta sep people Samokie. Sa like an)ostrich it's going ta bide its a-yas, and thosa or tha Canadien public, in hope that the habit wilI dis appear -whule its ieRd is in thea sand. In the Editors'sMail fleiliehoro, Ont., Junre 14, 1971 Dean Mr. James,: Wý'e neat your paper wii k interest every wecek, for M Pl IlY of yourC reports (especially af the Board af Education mieetiîngs) are of interest ta the peopie lthie other hall af the United Counties toa. My tighters enjoy th e cartoansý and have used tliemr for ideas for different 3r1bje1ctq at school. Senhoul Iy, Vwa V1ereL especially intarestati in the pictura and report in the ,Tuna 2 îssuie of the lad who won. the m-ap-makinig con- 1-est i Trent University. Our daugliter featheor toak second pnize in tha same class with bier map ai the UJnited Counties, but the whoie thing seerfs pretty remiote -when they just get- a list of names of the win- nana. Seeiag this pictuna of the pupîl wlio -won firi P 7r, br-ouglf it tuacampe- tithon into better locus foi. We will habe iappy ta con- tinueta rcîve yaur paper ani hope you k.eep up the excellent repor'ts a;nticov- engaaIhappen.islanh Dawvn Finnie. (Mýrs. Keithi) Editor's Ncatae-Now t'hat's theý kinti of letter that maltas it al warthwhiie. Sfincere appreciation fromn il] of!us at The Statasman, yau've bnightaned aur day. Dear MNi. Janes: Having rcieialatter froi Mn.r. E . Mcaling, Adn)inistrat,,ve Officen,Ma ?1, -1971, i anwerta mny latter aI lltày 3, 1971 ta thle, Sugar A- GEeVNGWHAT O IVN Whcoin doas Jesus, thr. graatest ai teachers.ý label fortunate peophle?"Bs- eti are tho.se who bu.ngar -.ind thinsil for righteouieness, for tbey shail be satis- fieti." Tbe New Testamnent repeâ.tedýiyý statale b tis philosopby, which so)undsý strange fin modern ears. Il is connected with. th(ý vîaw t hat a persan -achievP,- his amabiion whereby bis hunger is sat- isfied.< Manly people challenge th-is philo- sophyXflh:Iey argue that the opposite is true. Lifle is a canlinueti striving ta get what one fails ta gat -,a bunger -which is tioomtedti t remnain unsatisfiati. But, in the Beatitudes,, Jesus confitiently as- saris,' "Ask, andi it wilh be given you; seek, anti you will finti; knock, and ht wilh be openedi la you." Even of hyrpo- cnites bie says, "They alsao receive their Coiduct, that ista Say, fulfilîs its destinyi. Whai you sow, you reap. The sufficîasntly tiesireti objective is reacb- eti. Whtat is really wanted, you obtain. Why tioes this nat appear ta be the, case? We ma'y nol realize what wve are actujai- ly askteMg for ant iwhalthe answer must inevýitàbly be. VVýe ask, for instanice, fan money, antIi wae anticipate a repyaI, ýï happinesa. But jqýy eluties us. We only getmny which-, is an entirely dffîereni thing, as many a sweepstakie winnar fintis out. Tib e Fderýai 'Provincial Canfarenca in Victoria ibis wee.k bas kapt the qujes- tion of iamending Canatia,'s constitution bafore a'] of! us. Afiar 104 y ears why do w'e st:ill biave no w,\ay ta amenti aur con- sýtitutiin? Canatia's wnitaen constitution is -the Ehitish Nonth Amnenica Act wbich is a Statute of the Ulnitedi Kingtiom Fanhitament laiLofidon. Obviously, the only aihority thai can amend that staii.ute ila the 'UniitetiKingydorri self. This is wby we xf,.talk about "repa-triai- ing"o)r brînging aur constitution ta, CanPda -s(- that thle Canadia.n Parlia- ment ,and the Provincial Legislatures van deai wiih it in Canada. The feet thalta this date the feti- enal gcovenament anti the provincial legisilaturýes have not agreati on a way ta amenrd aur constitution reflecis no red',!It on Canadian legislaions aven the yearas. We are the oniy country lai the Wand which tioas not have an accapteti -way afI a-menting its constitution. Wben agPreemant an the terms of a Hfanottrable A. B. R. Law- ta iliae ppropni),ale officials t- fteir comrmenta. Theý Hon%îurabla A. B. R. Lawý- rende was ihen in taucb, wuitlz. me Jane 8, 1971, also on Jane 8, 1971, the- Coliega aIf Nurses aof Ontario gai in, laucli wiibnme siaiing: ai the May 21 meeting thie Coutaicil af lie Collage4a- Nrsso!Oniairïrevw -d whr erruittetigau'e pl uinapprovert -choolz ai 'e and Spiîce Bill siIey LOOKIN fACK ON A 10-YEAIR TERM At this time of year, the A veraga ,sc.hooJ-teache;r takas a teepi breath, lais, ont an aven deeper sigh, anti wandars where la thé name ai aIl that's ridicu- bous tbe hast teaching yanlbas gane. LaokLing, forward tao it in Saptemn- bar, it seni; andless. But that doesn't bother you. You ara refre-shet, full ai beana, fuil of plans, anti fulof that; on-ce-mare-iiiita,-ihe-hreachl-te;ar -f nien.tis, Looking lan aither direction about ,February i a dapressing experience. Behinti lie thé, nuins ai your buoyant September 'self. Ahleati lies,;a1trackhless daseni, wit*h the anti ai June fan beyonti the horizon. But looking -back, it seemns ta hava flow,ýn by ail the speetiofai, maliard. You ara exhausteti, you quary whether! you have acconiplisbad anytbing, anti you are reati*y ta stap oui ai the breach and Ii'*s a goat time :for a quiet asSsas- mient of fatite iwhole ediucational business i-ý about, anti alsa of whetben yau bava contributed anything more than a fairly capable job ai baby-sit- ting. The y- ungteacher especially, Just finishiaig lhe firsi year, blas bat a gen- uine aya-olpener-. Firsi ai ahi, ha or she bas disýcoveret that the "laarning pro- cess", as tlîe janganeens cahlit, is vastly d-hfferent fkrom wbat ha, or sha bat in- aginiet il to ha. Tl'le bîighiter aonas realiza, that tbey bava leanniet mare then tbay bava been taugbit. Ttay'va learnat thiat kits ara -peopla, tiuat problems are neyer as large as tlhey laok, anti that m-remas ana for thea-waste-basket. For soma ai thamn, i bas been the mnosi axcitirig yaar of thair live,, because it has been tlia first year in which thgy bave been totally involvet Or. we ask for populaity. That fis l1ike asking for a soa-p blible ati xpein ta get a bihiard bal-l ecannot < fan t'he temparary ai obainth 'ýet manrent. if than, it is liue that we aree taget, wbat Ae .w,;nt, tire secret ofhapns is ta0 want the besti tings, anti ta, want the'm very mnuch. If we hunmger anti thirst for base l_ thIsI, we shah g etlhn.O yes, we shal gati em nt irget the un- bappiness wbicb comes oaI thiS awfuh1 discoveny,' th-at als wehave hungered 50 we ar*e f illeti. Neither a i ie, 'non a churcb, non a civjilzation can survive- intiefinriiehy, let alne tnvon lieýs, infiieiity, vintiictivanress, on neutrality. One's privata character musi soaner or later work in hanmony with bis public performance. The alternative ta bar- inony la disintegralion on chaos, But if we are really hungry for righteouisness, if we want taý begot (as distinct fram.,pîous), as som-ebotiy thirsty wants waten, if, as Jesu%,sas, our meat and dr-ink is ta do Gati's wl as, neveaietinlathe Gospels, thlen Ithat neeti wi]l be supl-p(It. "Ile sti'es h-imn who is tist, says the Psalmist, ",'and the hungry ha filîs with g-ooditig. INot with power or fame, but it righleousness. The Iongcing ysoul seeksý the besi blessing anti receives thie best blassed-ness. If nabotiy ease can iconvicýe yau, look at Jesus! -new constitutio n ant th meas a amendinig il is reachati the pracasa ýwfll ha relatively simple. The CanadinPar- liamani anti the legislatures of tha tafn provines ;wJil enaci the naw statute, anti will, ai, the samnie tima, ask the- IJaitet Kingioni Prhiament to rascinti the 104 year aid 1iitisli North Amrenica Act. A new cntiu ienactet inlaCan- ada will spaîl out splecifically the -ways in which il can ha ame'ndati. It l ha. «aentrencheti»-* in thle ene tatit ill ha a constiJtut i on iant iinot ia maýrr staute. Ia oth-er words -,il, wihqFesujc t r entimant untir ertipeitrmni çonditions of agreement ateenth federai parliamnern nt teprovincial lagisiatune. The ns ot i fthe Victoria Confer- ence are ecuaigand il 11Canadians wil agnee, Iarn Sure, that Canada iîs aUid anough qanti matîure enough ta ealwith aur own contitution witbout raie ce ta an auihon ity -ul-sile the caun',- nursing ta ýwrite the exam- inatian for registration as a -nurse as spacified inl regu- latin 14A. <1) of the Nurs- esý Act 1961 -62.' Following idellbaratian, the Couincil pa3sseti the follow- ing motion: (1) tbai by January v31, 1973 ail graduatas oai île listeti unappraveti a;chùools a!f nursing -i'Ill have a total ar HIbrea p ponitunitiis ta cotuplat.1e ýUcressfally al[ four tes3ts of the exaina- tinsfor registratipn .1u, 2)that th emý-ploy-meit requireti will no longer'be imposeti. Graduate nurses wishing ta wirite the axamiînations pleas'. write ta the Collage af Nurses af Ounlo, 600P Egllntan AvenueEasst Toronto 12, Ontlanlo Tt woulti ha gneatly ap- preciateti if you pninteti this latt1 er in youn paper Mn, .Th-en, Re--ligiuon for Today by Rev. Gordon Smyth> it, the Dim anld ~Distant Past Froin the Statesmnan Files Report from Ottawa By Russel, C. Honey, M.P. in a. real *job, wlith reoai peapIrle, tdnt5. For many of themi,thyerps has bein ia blur, or P, dazze nls hours of preparatian and marking :,pap- 9ers; and. a combination of greatIep aheati anti agonizing prat-fails. They're looking forward despeae. !y to vacation, because they,'v7e reailly been thirough the wvringer. Thy'a scarcely believe that t1hey have came through a yer a f teaching withlout any- thing wpý' rse than a slighit tic or a vocice several decibels higher ithan iit was m September. Quite a few areceven more "diedicatedi" than whad-in thp y beg-çan, Some of them, fartuti-lely nJ-ýot many, aesou1retimail the woesham- bles aidhave decided ithey don'tl ike kids, detest their felwtacesJn loathe the administration. They sol dlear out without a backward look, if the y want toa vaitunapylives for themselves anti ail those about them. Teaching is ;a reasanab-,ly elpi joli, with a long holiday thrawn in. iBuit I've -neyer met a weý,alt tacerand neyer will, Anti ane can ave,ýn gta 017lful o oida ys. Espciall 1whe mne bas ta get u p at six o'clock t d r iv bhis daughter ta work. But ta those who consitier it a vcaý- tion, let me just say it's a heIlLuva toug ýh job. It's fot for the wefak a wh or thie faint of heant'. There are certain peeusts You -must like-, if not ncsaiyudr ýstand, youing people, Who tioeps? o 'must be able ta get along withi, ifno necessarily like, yaur fellnw teacliers. It is p'erfectly O.K. taO loathe adm in istraý- tors. Everyone else tioes. After ten years of it, I have iearn- eti ta ral with the punches. Ifyu e.on't, you'Il get a broken neck, figura- tively sptaking. I have learneti that the- mnob of hQadiums I faceti in Septembhec is just a group of high-spirited (iyaunge,,,- sters. But ralil on, the First ofe July.

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