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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 23 Jun 1971, p. 5

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Win, Pen-manship Awards Two eidren who are handy with a pen are Fran Stedman and KevinWol ley, Gradle Five and Four respectively at Vincent Massey Public Sehool. They bothwo honorable mention awards in tbe recent CanadinNatoa Exhibition Pcnmanshi-ý Contest open to ail students in the province. ______ Junior Tennis Players Duo W ell1MnK(a wa7rth a Mef' In spite ofadsaoitgy win. Scores of the mratch Ch'Iris Terbun)e and Don Ba- loyï number of entrieýs. ihe were 6-o -ad10-8. iey met onceagaîný. Mri Ter- Kawvartba Junior Boys Toui-ý The other two Port. Hope nhune won a match o f' long namnent was suiccessfuIy com-1 players found the competîtionraîhlles b3 scores of 6-4 and, pleted Saturday on the Caro-!È,o stoslg in the first round 6-,3. Une Street courts. iof the under 18 event. The final Ofrthe Lunder 14, Twenty entries were sub-' Kurst Wiesbaum bast a ra- aventws wonbya eer mitted for the dayý-long eventi ther disappointing match toi ,nine(3 P3obby trik who lncudig furfrom tihe host' Chris Terhune of the Bow- oeat Tom -Ricsyugbo Port Hope Tennis Cluib, eight mjanvýille club 6-0 and 6-l, ther Andy 6-4 and 6-3. from Oshawa, ix from Bow-l'wiie Klim Davies picked the First round losers a;il wvent! mnville, and two from Llnd-ý event's e-ventual winner for into a osoation evnt say Ibs igue fu hort ofl his first roulnd. Oshawas Tom wbich thlis yea wa ru as> latyear, ntryOf 34 play- Bryce got bis day ýoff on the handicap event wlt payr ers îcluiding eealfo rgtfoot with 6-0 and 6-0 being handicapped) on tbei'j ,Peerorug ins over Mr. Davies. ability iynd ;age.1 In age ruath ora With onîy three playerS h euî a om ev mnent drew seven ite1U etIered b tr he under 14 evenj close mnatches" with twto Port! and under hrck t a in 1heý one becaýme an instant wn H ope players7, îim nDaviesl 16 and uinder, and A final Iner wbile the other two warel playing from scratch an three in tha 14 aýn(lunder automatically relegated to Kulrt Wiesbaum playing from! elass, semnifinalists. The Bowmüan- minus 15. Both local paes Play startecrI ea1rl in the1 il eni lhsBo tiewent througli to thie finals ornng 1 t 0 tOof '1hE firstlbaci a tough, long fight witbwth W1sam unn matches irnvln Port HopeAnvM eroLnda h- the wiinnar by scores of 8-6, players. Dea)n Mone"Y met fore getting to the final by andi 6-1. some very, tiff competition soe f26 - n 4 The tourinment ran veryl from Tomi O'Do)nnell o! the Thcotr rerl aces of2-,64ad-ý smothly wýith ai gre-at deal ofi Osbawa; Tennis ClubI in thea the day were generally one-j effort PUt forthi by club pre- firat rounid ý ()f the under 18ije sident John Fryanit and PH1 event. ir. TC mamnbers Cbucrk Rundiel Mi'. Monex cam out ~ However, things began tio pd mthAmcBstn tOp o te ath it sors ar u in the semi-fina1fs ýTassa B rNrat. Ain nRgr efP'. 2-.6 and 6-4. o! thie under 18 competitionsz Greta Holmes sud L] Jorrainei Another bapil a1nLî ra qujas Chris Terhune met lasti Van, am expext fro the ort iear s champion Paul Slernoni bi i h teto a clb adyRcn, a noalso from Bowm-lanville. ceniterbing ulpon theloalOA secod st sproheni aginb Giving away a two year, courts th-e irls turaien Tim Davis o! the Oswaage difference Mr. Terbuna ae aigpaei omn club beorepullng ut o6- a close gamne by scores of ville. ______________ out_______ and 6-4. In the other The Port Hope cubslonep I -emi-finals Deanr, Mooney, of entrant o n S aturday(idas -the home club .epve Tom Nicky D)ennys whbr, 1eterin No enl Bryca a good run before Ios- both, the undier 18 andi under ro ing 6-4 and 6-2. 16 avents, b-as ecedth In the second round of th" finals of bothi. P)'e las iond INDOOR î4nc under 16 class, Chris Terbuna wiîî be pilayad inb Bv'owa-~ continued bis winning ways ville this even-ing. OUf DOOR by nipping past Phil DilongPort Hope Guiide, ef Oshawa by scoreýs of64 SW IMMeING rsemni-final rourdi ET E O SW IM M ING -~sw Mr. Terhune.s doublesi S L T N 5% partner Don Bradley take a' fpUUL> ha;rd-fought-for decision over' Mr >q S P, Kelly, Toronto. another memnber of thA SIe- w'As a recent guest wîtb Mi' ENJOY Al r~mn -Lcrew from Fowmrranville, and Mrsý. Gordon Gîison. EJYAMai-k bY scores o! 6-4 anýd FiendF are hoping Mr'. REFRESHENG F-6. Mairvin Neshilt will soon ha The finalron of the uni- able to return home from SWMder 18 Pavent produced the1 Port Paýrry Hosptal, day's be't examnple of tennis Mr. George Prosser bas-re- $1.00 PER PERSON as Tom Brice toppled last1turned from Sunnybrook Hs vear's winner, Paul Slemoni pifai where he was bospital- at the 6-2 and 6-3,i izeci for testa. 1Siemon hadl trouble con-, Mr, and Mrs. Normâ1n Sam-p trolling his powerful first ails anjoyed an eight dahFbua service and tn- proved to bel touir of Cape Cod ilid thel' the decidinig factor. Bot'hi New England States recently. MOTOSr01 INN playars showed c an excellent Airs. Walter Welts and Mrs..i Libertiy St . Sait'401 range of lascstrokes witb Jos. Wylgerde praserted the 1 saveral ralliesD drawing ap- NestIeton WoýTmeni'8 Institute Bomnvleplaujse f)rom i ha amail buit prizesý to Catbhv Walkeran enitbuiaatdic g oupof pet-Randy Prosser at thle Car1t- 623-3373 tr wrightl Public Sehool on 1 TheundrP 16f finial wsMondayý- _________________ om hto! aýn atcia s Mr. Harry F Ofl o!hiel the Rird Farm o! Mr. and S f IrMrs. Wlter W asist win- ter' when b e obtained many pictur"es Pnd authen tic infor- a -, ented Mr. and Mrs. Welts * B Owitha copy of the Spectatorý wbich cOntained a feature atcepertaining to the birds and aiso aL picture of Mr. Wlts witb bhis Casaowaries.ý wilI gi',. > tàli an New Giiinaa, are and weighi abouit oue hulndreci AU THME and ;ixty ouonda. Mr, anci o! the Oiramntai Phteasants and aýma Buids, ihaveabu fouir huindred irso te YOU AN TfarM - (two paÏl ir ofcas Mq issMa- PaimntlCb master 0fr Cannington Cub For A% un Pack, tbce'ie leaders sud 18 2 5 boys visýitcd the WeLs' Birdj iii CFarm oni Satiurday from Hi J ~.M. tri 3 p.m. -whien Mr. Walts (IF YU PASEDI showed them thleir many spa- (IF YU PASEDJ es of birds. Following thlsý YorFavorite Flavoiurq: Raspbe-,r- Ripple, ýa" tour, Barbara snd Rayner illa Butersotch Choolae, Srawbrry Orage elts antartaineci their guests Îlla chcolte.by playiug games, after whicb Pineappile« Fresh BaRnania, Brandied Pearh, tie Welts family served theml Mapl Walut.doughnuts and cold bavaraga. On Sunday, also, the Cub- ...... ...... ...... I o il 'H ILo NiMss OUT ON -THE TREMEND .US> SAVINGS- SALE END)S S AT«. AT 5:30 p.m. AAÂNYITEMSF ONE-OF KIND! niv FULLS WINu --..j,,..,mrnpDOFOUR16 PAGE I-Tf NO EINGISTrRIBUTED IN YOUR -AREA 5H P I., THUS., FR1., T L 9: 0O pm AN SATe'TiL 5:3 pemL Mr ndr, . Ralph Ëowers 19 A 1E Canadian Roomn of the!....__ aýnd familv were evening visi- R Royal Yok, WVednesday ev-1 TI, Buard wvouid like to of Toronto mners vssite tonrs a nd,,Constale Jerry Mis Sw rI.Kndal, and lowOL Newcate, wereSu- nig.tank api those %Who belp-d the Clarke Library on Sritur- Boesof Drydenarvdu i ssManri cevy ib.dydne uet ihM. M.adMs .Hit, T-addonated articles to the daâyand were quite îM!), Cie Sunday for a weeh's vaatonereu, Sunau estvWs ith and tMre lpe HaliweL. rionto. -wýere Sunday visîtorilpauction. wi/Jtb the building ow Lîr Su1 nnal gu-esta s Vth MrMrs .Doso.Sundtay aftnoon r ài. _N. \wîth h evr mther, Mrs. F.' A bus load of Durhaiý_m Cubroundings. -ie and Mrs. WilfrdVieneweem rs. Adai r, elasi, re-Mithelstd n injýqistr M tû Mr. and Mrs. Reg, MiddkLton land, and her daughterMiss/!Mîllbrook P rpes h y ter ia n Lastweek Jeffery and Be-- and family of Msisua A. AdairToono, -ere0at Church as gues akrtery Caswell were guest- àrs. Charles Vine.ý John and rday dinner geSts with Mr. Shilh AnniveSar Seurvic wih MW& LleviHallowl do Anita, o)f Whitby. and Mérs. bd Hallowell also nith a fine timey nmessage w-hql thi parents were inaM son 3pent Tlesday and Wed-tOnneSunday sUrsits ing of Shpio".Special muA r, . nd Mrs. Clîfford Meîd PR nescay itb Mr. and 1r,-A.thee.ic by thie Mlhok Coral anl, Iomns W. Srwan in Oshawa.M. n Ms B R iundýr theleadep'ýïfrship ot Mi, 1s. 'visit -Uat MrHerb Reidls on B eouîno M, Eertt Clre'a-Ooo adMs om a-J'In Thlompson -as greatlylSunday. 0 vilsetthi5 as we appreciated. Mrs. Jim S3tarR 'as-ni n the To vnship of Clarke Council with! Mr, and Mrs.Clarke gues trh the Bruc Hea-s- ypatv h xtede 13Castlion, Sunrdayv. Whlia s ins Ela Orchar. lps. Mrs. ntn Warow n h- rE. C. Wstese nd iqhrehy procIpim the week of Enn)iskýilleni l,, Mrs ima Peýri- Lake scuzoz passingo'f lber maother Mrs. bis daugbter linda returrd goe, Caesareaand Mr, and SoftAI shule E. H.Wilkin, ,Port Hoeia(, e fomtei oliayj&. L Mrs. Milton Stephensýonr s Home verssAway Frienda attended the service. i England. ne à% n Friday vstr ih r n ueSaturday atternon. Flowers -Jtir - Mrs. Wiiliams. 27.Secog -0 Port Perry i he memory e Tplaced Oni Sunday, Mr and lors, Nestieton -Burkto in Shiloh Church fmorunay' Raise $450.00 D=u FaMhs and famlly. Bow-.Jtly svcce. j flý manville, M.Everett ,Clarke '-Poty- Burkton Qite afewfom tis i a( in rougn #-'uction andi Aie and NMrs. Clarke Scu - Nesteton attendedtMe SilverWedding > iiiý Willîamis enjoed a barbeque I1-Port Perry -Nestiet orception for Mr. and Mron The Clarke Public Librarv IfWrci iz supper with the Arnoid ïWil- Burketo - Scugog Melville Jone sat Newtonvïi. ealized a sum of .$450 Satur-1 Ims; faml. 18- Scugog - Port Pery Mr. and Mrs. E. Shier, day afternoon, June 12Uh4 Irn and Mrs WBrce Heaslp pNesteon -Bueon Tornto, spent the wveekend whben they sponsored an auc- attende'd a famlly Pinkcat 25-Port Perry - Buriceton at Mr. Lloyd Hallowelsnd Ion sale of donated articles W ee kc the home of Mr, and 1m,. Scucog - Nestion a tten d e d he anniversary ranging from elecric stoves to Alvin Bue Port Perry, i u.servie. clotbing, disbes, etc. The sale i recognîtioriniof he contribuition of honor of thieir cousiofn M1. INestito Port Perry Nd, and Mcaý A. VanDrn was held on the lawn of the' EthelEneoh of Illinois,~ Scugog Burketn en and tMe, Newcae library. senlor cîtîz-ens to the township. U.S.A. Guess-ere present 8-Port Peiry -Scugog were Sunrday guiest wýit h hb---r Stirling ivather was the vol- from Toronto,. Lindsay, Black- Burketo n - sietoni parents, Mr. andMr.Hod'ute auctioneer for the oc-! .Soe stock, TJAnetvlp, Orilia, Port 15-Buirkton Port Perry Souý-ch, casion and found bidding brisk .WýSoe Perry, Ililos and Nesti.eton. Nesieton Sculgog Mr. Brin Caswell spent a on the simaller items of dishea, M4r, anrd Mrs, Ross Curtis, ý2Possible Ralinout Reýschep- few days last week in Toron- vases, doilies and some childf- Ree Orîllia, were Sunday supper dule. ito. Also, lie and Mrs. Cas- ress's piaýy toys. 1

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